Adventist Youth Service Day 2015

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A presentation on the role and purpose of Adventist youth.


Adventist Youth Service Day

February 28, 2015

There are a thousand ways and plans that Satan has of creeping in to unsettle the minds of youth; and unless the soul is firmly and fully stayed upon God, . . .in searching the Scriptures and becoming grounded in our faith, they will surely be ensnared. . .

. . .We cannot be off guard for a moment. We cannot allow ourselves to move from impulse. We must set a guard about our minds and the minds of our children, that they may not be allured by Satan's temptations.

Testimonies vol.5 p.519

The Lord says to the young,

"My son, give Me your heart.”

Adventist Home. 297

The plant is not in continual worry about its growth. It does not grow through any conscious effort. . .

It just grows under the supervision of God. Cease to worry as to whether or not you are growing. Be kind, be courteous, be pitiful; speak in humility of the blessed hope; talk of the love of Jesus; tell of His goodness, His mercy, and His righteousness.

God's Amazing Grace. P. 300

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word


No man, woman, or youth can attain to Christian perfection and neglect the study of the Word of God. By carefully and closely searching His Word we shall obey the injunction of Christ.

The Faith I Live By p. 223

• Do not stand outside of Christ, as many professed Christians of today. To "abide in me, and I in you" is a possible thing to do, and the invitation would not be given if you could not do this. Jesus our Savior is constantly drawing you by His Holy Spirit, working with your mind that you will abide with Christ. . .

In Heavenly Places. P. 49

Christ bids us: "Abide in Me"

The disposition and habits of youth will be very likely to be manifested in the matured man.

You may bend a young tree to almost any form that you may choose, and if you let it remain and grow as you have bent it, it will be a deformed tree, and will ever tell of the injury. .

. . .and abuse received at your hand. You may, after years of growth, try to straighten the tree, but all your efforts will prove unavailing. It will ever be a crooked tree.

Christian Education. P. 14

They should be carefully and tenderly trained in childhood. They may be trained in the right direction or the wrong, and they will in their future life pursue the course in which they were directed in youth. .

Christian Education. P. 14.

God has given the youth a ladder to climb, a ladder that reaches from earth to heaven. Above this ladder is God, and on every round fall the bright beams of his glory.

My Life Today. P. 157

He is watching those who are climbing, ready, when the grasp relaxes and the steps falter, to send help.

My Life Today. P. 157