Advertising Mkt. Mgt 1 Ass

Post on 10-Nov-2014

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it is a side about advertisement in market..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Marketing Mgt. (First Assignment)


Project Deliverers/Presenters




HITEN RANA (Advertising Advantages)

PARTH TRIVEDI (Creative Implementation)

Theme• Advertising with a marketing theme is so much easier than just

marketing your company logo only. Theme is just a makeover a mask that keeps encircling over the face of Marketing Function. For example doing the advertisement of an expectorant product with a theme of a patient and especially a feminine patient getting relieved from cough.

• A popular theme to promote right now is eco-friendly themes, or an environmentally friendly promotional products. Recycled promotional products are perfect for marketing an eco-friendly theme. When you are going green with recycled or biodegradable promotional items make sure that you print the recycled logo on your promotional product to help promote eco-friendly awareness. Your clients will be thankful that you took the time and expense to go eco-friendly on your marketing.


Concept… continuation


Advertisement has become an integral part in today’s marketing scenario. In earlier times, advertisement was not given as much emphasis as it is being given today.

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising defines the term as: “advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost”. Here we have a combination of creativity, marketing research & economic media buying. Advertising may cost a lot of money but that cost is justified if it works effectively and economically.

The most popular Pharma theme 1995Bayer Crop Sciences INC, Germany

Advantages of Advertising

Informing consumers

Advertising provides the information to consumers about the choice, prices quality and other description of product at their home, which guides them for quick decision.

Sufficient profit

It promoters the selling process to the great extent which gives producers sufficient profit.

.. Continuation

Developing goods

It informs the manufacturers about the changes in taste, fashion and habits of customers. So producer will be in a position to develop his product according to the changed circumstances in the market.

Reduction cost

It assets to reduce cost of production and distribution which are passed on to consumers in the form of reduced prices. .

To name a few

Appeals and Execution

Once the major selling idea has been agreed upon, the creative team will then turns its attention to determining the specific type of appeal and execution style that will be used to carry out the creative concept.


Feature appealsCompetitive advantage appealsFavorable pricing appealsNews appealsProduct popularity appeals


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