Advertising pack information

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Advertising Pack Information


Analysis• NME’s readers are mostly males in their twenties, with interest in many

things within the entertainment business for example; watching films, listening to music and using social media like Facebook/Twitter. A large number of the readers are students, and most of them are also in middle class or higher. This means that they can afford to pay for monthly subscriptions of the magazine. The media pack does not really say anything about their readers’ ethnicity or location, which may suggest that the magazine is read by more than one type of ethnic group (multicultural). With this media pack, NME clearly considers themselves to be an influential magazine, because of their honest reputation also with quotations used e.g. “The Worlds Most Famous Music Magazine "it appeals to us more with such a powerful quote talking about the popularity of the magazine compared to the rest which gives us the impression that this is the best magazine.



• Kerrang!’s media pack states that they have a higher number of male readers (54.7%) than female (45.3%). The average age group of the magazine is 15-24 years. The mean age for the reader is 20 years old, which means they have quite a young audience even though they usually write about older artists. Their average reader is very loyal to Kerrang!, with as many as 74% of their readers buying the magazine’s every issue. This emphasizes what the ‘reader’s profile’ says about the reader being dedicated to his music, and music being the most important thing in his life. This is also reflected in his appearance. Ethnicity is also not mentioned in this advertising pack which may show that the brand is open for all ethnicities.