Advertising. Paid use by an identified sponsor to inform a target market about a product, service,...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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• Paid use by an identified sponsor to inform a target market about a product, service, idea, or organization.

• Goals– Inform– Persuade– Remind


• Raise consumer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits of your product/service


• Lead customers towards taking action and/pr purchasing


• Advertisements are the most effective if– They stay consistent with the brand– Effectively communicate the position of the

company– Are memorable for the audience• Don’t remember just the ad but the product/service as


Selecting the Type of Media

• Reach– The amount of people that will see or hear the ad

• Frequency– The # of times that people will see or hear in ad in a

given period of time– Radio – 1 time– Magazine – 3-4 times

• Selectivity– The ability of the media to focus on a target market– Example: Kids Cereal

Selecting the Type of Media

• Durability– The ability for the ad to last– Example: Newspaper ads only last 24 hours

• Cost– The more effective the media – the more

expensive the ads– Super Bowl Ads 2009: $2.6 million for 30 seconds

How many ways can a business advertise?


1) Television2) Radio3) Newspapers4) Magazines5) Event Marketing6) Product Placement7) Outdoor Advertising (billboards, cars, benches, etc)8) Internet – Banner Ads9) Social media (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter)

Advertising Carousal


Advantages Disadvantages

• Stimulating – sight, sounds, colour, motion

• Communicate to target based on choice of show

• High cost

• High production costs

• People can skip over commercials easily


Advantages Disadvantages

• Inexpensive

• Easy to target

• Have to repeat the message often

• Not a lot of focus, radio is often background noise


Advantages Disadvantages

• Timely delivery of ad

• Easy to select geographic areas

• Low cost

• Short ad life

• Low quality

• Hard to target

• Lots of clutter


Advantages Disadvantages

• High quality

• Easy to target

• Add more substance due to relaxed nature of reading magazines

• Time sensitive

• More expensive

Event marketing

Advantages Disadvantages

• Penetrates media noise

• Has the possibility to extend beyond the single event

• A single instance

• When the event is over, so is the effect

• Effectiveness of ad can depend of success of the event

Product Placement

Advantages Disadvantages

• Easy to target

• Identifies with a culture

• Easy to show the benefits of your product

• Product can become famous

• High cost

• High production costs

• Easy to miss

Direct Mail

Advantages Disadvantages

• Can go to target, mail customers flyers

• Give samples directly to users

• Cheap to produce

• Easily discarded – JUNK MAIL!

• Clutter – lots of competition

• Not environmentally responsible

Outdoor Advertising

Advantages Disadvantages

• Lots of people see the ad

• People see the ad over and over

• Hard to target

• Not the focus of people’s attention


Advantages Disadvantages

• Interactive – include a link to your site!

• Unique, every ad can be different

• Easy to target

• Banner ads easily ignored

• New – not 100% sure on what tactics work

• Clutter on webpages

Social Media


• You know you have the attention of your target

• Word of Mouth Benefits

• Unable to control feedback

• Measuring Impact

Advantages Disadvantages