Adv.mop open house 2011 2012

Post on 24-May-2015

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AdvancedMicrosoft Office


Mrs. Morelli

Half year courseRequired for GraduationComputer Skills for:

Personal Use Educational Use Employment Use

Office 2007 used

Fast ForWord Software

Exercises the Brain Memory Attention Processing Sequencing

Fast ForWord Literacy Level

Moves high school students toward grade level reading skills, with a focus on listening accuracy, phonological awareness, and language structures.

Fast ForWord Literacy Continued Development of critical brain processing efficiency

in four key areas:• Improves memory by requiring holding a word or

statement in short-term memory while retrieving picture-concept associations from long-term memory.

• Improves attention by making students focus on the tasks at hand.

• Strengthens processing ability through auditory, visual, and linguistic processing of orally and visually presented stories for meaning and comprehension.

• Develops sequencing through exercises that require using word order to comprehend simple and complex statements and instructions and organizing a response that follows the specified sequence of actions.

Fast Forward Reading Level 4

Fast ForWord Reading Level 4 exercises expand reading skills by applying knowledge of word origins, word forms, sentence structures, and punctuation rules to improve comprehension.

Reading Level 4 Continued To accelerate reading progress, Fast ForWord Reading

Level 4 software develops critical brain processing efficiency in four key areas:

Builds memory by having students use working memory to compare paragraphs with single sentence paraphrases.

Improves attention by enhancing the ability to focus on different aspects of presented vocabulary and ignore distractions.

Develops processing of images and sounds quickly enough to discriminate between their differences.

Develops sequencing by using logical relationships, word order and syntax to identify precise meanings.

Microsoft Word (Word Processing)

Create a document, Edit a document Flyers

Research Papers with citations/bibliography

Tabbed Text & Tables Cover Letter & Resume with Template

Desktop Publishing – Advertisements, Newsletters

Mail Merge (Mass Mailings)

Microsoft Excel(Spreadsheets/Worksheets)

Create and edit data in a worksheet

Format Text and Numbers for a professional appearance

Math Calculations (formulas/functions)

Create charts/graphs

Microsoft PowerPoint(Presentations)

Create and Run a presentation Change Slide layouts/backgrounds Format Text, Insert/Format Graphics Enhance presentations (sound/motion) Hyperlinks & Action Buttons

- Interactive Presentation Project Presentation using projector

Microsoft Access Database Management Create a table and add records Create custom reports Sort and Filter Data

Microsoft Publisher Flyer with Tear-offs Tri-fold brochure


Fast ForWord Weekly Progress Grade Completion of weekly goal, participation

Creation of a chapter project together as a class to introduce new material.

2 to 3 individual exercises All assignments graded using a rubric

Chapter Review Questions

Chapter Tests

Class Participation

Morelli Money Students work towards accumulating

$20.00 by end of the nine weeks. Quarters earned for daily participation,

answering questions, exemplary work, helping others, bonus work, etc.

Money paid for poor behavior and/or lack of respect in the classroom

Money paid to rent materials student should have for class

Extra Time for Work Students can obtain passes to come up

and work during Homeroom/Activity Period.

Students can obtain passes for study hall time

Students can see me to schedule time after school

Students can see me to schedule a time mutually convenient for both parties

Check homework hotline

Business, Information, Technology Courses PowerPoint & Web Design Video Game Development / Programming Desktop Publishing Accounting & Advanced Accounting Typing / Word Processing Exploratory Business Finance Marketing Sports and Entertainment Marketing Small Business Management Principles of Management International Business Business Law And Others, check the course offerings when your child

registers or the Business Department brochure

Microsoft OfficeProfessional

Mrs. Morelli