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Active Engagement

November 18, 2009

Carolyn Woods 3-009Objective: Students will write a quick-short 30-second “speech” about the story “______” and share with the class. I do this every week usually on Friday afternoon right after lunch.

Methodology: Working with a partner the children will write a short blurb about what they learned in the story or write 2 facts/opinions about the story. (Quick practice of choral reading in order to read to the class) The children work at their tables with their pair/share partner. This activity is quick and encourages them to share what he/she liked about the story as well as communicate with a partner and work together.

Assessment: Student participation, teacher observation

Christine Ferry 3-205Objective: To review rich vocabulary, to demonstrate knowledge of word meaning.

Methodology: During Day 3 of Vocabulary Instruction during Block 1, teacher is instructed to review word meanings and ask questions about each word. I do a whole class review of word meanings and keep up the definitions. Then the students stand with their 3 o’clock partner (Reading partner based on data from Harcourt Theme 1 test). I ask each question and the class Thinks-Pairs-Shares. I use name sticks to choose someone to answer each question and they have to tell me what their partner said.

Assessment: Observation, Student involvement and participation

* This works well with my class because of the many ELL students that I have. It gives them an opportunity to think and get ideas from their partner before answering to the entire class. This seems to boost overall confidence and understanding.

Erinn Smith-Delss 3-206Objective: To improve quality and quantity of writing, to practice editing and revising

Methodology: During Block 3, the students are using laptop computers to complete their writing pieces. They prepare their prewriting in class and at home, and then type out their rough drafts. When finished, students sign up to have a peer editor come and sit with them to edit their work.

Assessment: Observation, Student involvement and participation, PA Domain Scoring Rubric, Scores on Foresight and PSSAs.

* This works well with my class because, for many of my low readers, the mere act of putting pencil to paper is intimidating and overwhelming. Students are conducting themselves professionally, building confidence and keeping their work organized. This also meets the needs of my student receiving OT services and aids many of my ELL students. I also like the real world application of the skills needed to type and produce work on a computer.

Kim Wisneski 3-207Objective: Three-Ring Circus: students work independently, with a partner or in a small group setting to read a piece of text.

Methodology: On chart paper, draw 3 circles labeled independent, partner, or small group. Divide class among the three circles, placing students appropriately according to ability to read the given text. Students then read the assigned text either independently, with a (carefully chosen) partner, or in a small group with the teacher. When time is up, students debrief as a class to discuss what they’ve learned from the text.

*This activity works great on Tuesday when reading the anthology story.

*This activity works great on Tuesday when reading the anthology story.

Andrea Romaniello 3-208

Objective: To associate, identify and read letter patterns (diphthongs) oi, oy, ow, ou.

Methodology: This is a good activity to practice and/or review spelling/phonics pattern of the week. Students use Magic boards to write oi, oy, ow, ou, or the correct word with diphthong after hearing words that have the pattern. Then they hold up their boards when they hear the signal. For ex.- I say the word coil, sts write oi, or I say: “write a sp. word that has the diphthong oy” (toy). I have done this where ea st has a board, or as a grp., using 1 board per grp. It also can be done with index cards w/words, pattern already written on ea side

Assessment: St. participation-St’s answers on Magicboard, Spelling Test.

Alec McKnight 3-209Objective: To improve students’ ability to demonstrate their reading comprehension skills and answer PSSA type questions with a quality, better-answer-formula response.

Methodology: Monday and Tuesday block 2 groups (groups will be varied) will analyze the fifth “think critically” question from the previous weeks’ story and utilize the better-answer-formula to answer the question. The other students will be reinforcing their reading, vocabulary, and grammar skills depending on needs.

Assessment: Student effort, teacher observation, theme tests, 4 sight test and PSSA results!

Engagement strategies: Effective 21 day plan implementation, strong independent work habit, quality small group instruction and an overall student belief in effort equaling progress and results.

Meghan Tomescu ELL

Objective: Students will be given the first 8 spelling words to write on a white board. Students will be instructed to circle the consonant blend in each word.

Methodology; Working in a small group, I will remind the students that many words begin with a consonant blend such as -spr, -str, -scr, etc. Students will be given a white board and a marker. I will state 8 of the 15 new spelling words for the week. (They are listed on the theme wall for extra assistance.) Spray, street, sprint, stripe, screen, strong, spring, and stray. Students will then be instructed to locate and circle the consonant blend in each word.

Assessment: Student participation/discussion, teacher observation

Ruth King 3-007

Objective:To associate, discriminate, and read consonant blend patterns scr-, spr-, and str-.

Methodology:The students will each have a white board at their desk. Each board will have 3 columns with scr-, spr-, and str- at the top of each column. I will say a consonant blend word and the student will put an X in the column. They will hold their board up for the teacher or their partner to check.

Assessment: Teacher observation of students white erase board and results of spelling test.

Tim Fanning 5-001Objective: Student will demonstrate an understanding of what a complete sentence is compared to a fragment.

Methodology: This is the simple active engagement strategy known around the world as “Show Me.” This AE can be used across the curriculum, and there are many ways to utilize this strategy. Thumbs up or down can be used any time to see if students agree or disagree. During PSSA Prep students show 1,2,3, or 4 fingers depending on the answer they feel is correct (a, b, c, or d). The example I wanted to focus on was how this was used during Block 3 when we were reviewing complete sentences and fragments. After an example was given students signed either a “C” or “F” if they thought the sentence was or was not complete. (Or “I” or “E” for exclamatory or interrogative sentences) This was a fun and beneficial way for the students to demonstrate their learning.

Assessment: This is a quick and easy way for teachers to informally assess the class. It gives you the opportunity to glance around the room to see who is and who isn’t grasping a certain concept or skill. If you notice patterns or trends you may need to review or revamp your approach to helping them acquire the knowledge. It also makes sure that ALL students know they are being held accountable for their learning. I was able to determine that the majority had a good understanding of complete sentences and fragments.

Jon Wisneski 5-002

Objective: To assess student’s understanding of the lesson

Methodology: Students decode longer syllable words. Teacher practices the pattern or method. Students practice with one word at a time at their seats.

Assessment: Teacher ask one student for an broken up word. (syllables) Teacher writes the word on the board and asks the class to agree or disagree using a thumbs up or thumbs down.

Julie McCunney 5-003Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of character motive, qualities, and action in text.

Methodology: Use active engagement strategy “Smart Charts” with story When Washington Crossed the Delaware.

∀ � Gave students 3 minutes to write down actions, qualities, and motives of George Washington in the story.

∀ � Separated the class into 3 heterogeneous groups.

∀ � Each group then had 3 minutes at each chart to write.

∀ � When timer went off, the groups switched to the next chart.

∀ � Shared charts as a whole group at conclusion of activity.

Assessment: Student responses, observations of student engagement and participation during activity, and completed charts.

Erin Carrington 5-004

Objective: Students will show understanding of vocabulary definitions.

Methodology: After being asked a vocabulary question with two choices, students will either give a thumbs up or a thumbs down in response to the question.

Assessment: Teacher observation of student responses

Jennifer Schneider 5-005Objective: Students will understand that sequence is one text structure authors use to organize text. Students will identify the sequence of events in a selection. Students will identify the distinguishing features of narrative non-fiction.

Methodology: Students work with their o’clock partner. They will have their anthology and practice book. Read “When Washington Crossed the Delaware” to the students up to page 209 (during that time, stop to ask the comprehension questions by doing TPS). Stop and model how to fill out the graphic organizer in the practice book (sequence) on page 43. Repeat the process up to page 213 of the selection. Once they have finished this section of the practice book, they continue reading the passage with their partner. They alternate reading paragraphs and together discuss and fill out the rest of the practice book page. Teacher walks around the room and monitors. To conclude the lesson, review their answers and then TPS using the comprehension questions for the section of the text they read with a partner.

Assessment: Student participation with partner, answers to comprehension question prompts, and completed practice pages.

Cheryl Pauly 5-010

Objective: To get the students actively involved and access their vocabulary knowledge.

Methodology: Think/Pair/Share – Students will hear a question that uses several robust vocabulary words and demonstrate their knowledge of the word by answering the question to a partner. The partner will listen and share with the class what their partner shared.

Assessment: Answers given by the students will access their comprehension.

Alice Wagman ELL

Objective: Identify similes in context—poetry and prose

Methodology: 1. Individual highlights simile and circles context phrase that is the clue to meaning. 2. Exchange papers with partner, compare answers, make a paired decision and share answer and thinking with group.

Assessment: Completed practice sheet, teacher observation

Danielle Donoghue 4-201Objective: (Fluency) to improve phrasing and intonation while reading

Methodology: Using ORF overhead, teacher reads aloud prompting students to listen for spots when the teacher pauses or when expression changes. Students circle on the overhead the spots where this happened/clues to know when to change intonation or phrasing (punctuation, etc.) Choral read together to practice. We continue noticing, marking, and using these clues as we read through the week

Assessment: Observation of correct identification of phrasing clues, and proper phrasing/intonation while reading. Debrief about what students noticed/heard while reading.

Ken Peifer 4-202

Objective: to demonstrate knowledge of word meanings

Methodology: Robust vocabulary words are written on cards with empty spaces for definition, sentence, and related words.Students sit in groups of three-each is assigned a part to complete. Students constantly rotate through the cards and complete the assignment as a team. Each team member reads several completed cards to other members of the team. If time, share and/or allow tome for groups to view cards of other groups.

Assessment: teacher observes interaction and completed assignments. Proof of success: 48% prof. or above on benchmrk vocab and 94% prof. or above on theme 1 vocab.

Patti Butler 4-203Objective: identify and discuss an author’s purpose for writing; Use txt clues to determine author’s perspective.

Methodology: Fold index card in half. Label one side author’s purpose and one side author’s perspective. As the students listen to the story, they should put the page number any time the feel the author is setting a purpose for writing or expressing his feelings. (perspective). To conclude, students will think-pair-share their results

Observation: Teacher observation of Think-pair-share discussions.

Janet Newby 4-204

Object ive: Using the “Show Me” strategy students and teacher will sort spelling words.

:Methodology 1. Students and teacher discuss “Show Me” response signals (thumb up, thumb down, stand up or stay seated. 2. Teacher asks where a word goes and waits a couple of seconds, then the teacher says “Show Me”. Students respond with signal and teacher puts the word in the correct category.

:Assessment Student participation and teacher observation.

Corinne Olintz 4-210Objective: give written response in “The Better Answer Formula” to number 2 of the “Connections-Comparing Texts” questions at the end of each story.

Methodology: Students work in small groups of 3 or 4. One student is the recorder, the other is the leader and the other is the “BAF” sharer. They discuss and write an answer to the question for #2 (compare/contrast section) as a group. After time, “the sharers” switch and share their groups’ answers with other groups.

Assessment: teacher observation and student participation. Whole group discussion at the end of class or day (depending on time) One group shares and others build on their answer .

Vicky Peters 4-008Objective: Students will identify rhyming words

Methodology: after the teacher presents two words students will give the thumbs up signal if the words rhyme and the thumbs down signal if the words do not rhyme.

Assessment: Teacher observation

Nicole Lewis 2-102

Objective: Listen for Purpose/Identify Skill (ie rhyming words) - Warm-up Routine Read aloud

Methodology: In groups based on number of stanzas, lines, etc. listen to then reread Poem. Locate rhyming words, words with same beginning sounds, action words, what something does, etc.

Assessment: Observation of student interaction/discussion, student responses

Stephanie Krouse 2-105Objective: To identify that nouns are people, places, things, and animals

Methodology: Each group given their own colored marker, a piece of chart paper, and an index card with a noun on it. Each group writes a sentence with the noun they are assigned. The paper gets passed to the next group who circled the noun in the sentence and states if it is a person, place, thing, or animal. Each group then gets a new index card and writes another sentence.

Assessment: Student engagement response, teacher observation, nouns circled correctly in sentences

Nicole Dougherty 2-106

Objective:To develop fluency and listening skills.

Methodology: 1. Students share answers to question of day with partner. Then the students need to share with class what their partner shared and why. 2. Partner read one or two pages of text. Give constructive feedback of partner.

Assessment: Students ability to recall what was shared. Teacher observation. Students share how their partners read and one or two things they can work on.

Lori Gibson 2-107:Object ive assess comprehension

:Methodology Assign groups of 4 students to answer 1 assigned questio. Assign recorder. After 5 min. each group takes 1 min. to present answer to class.

:Assessment Check for understanding by listening to verbal response.

Tim McEntee 2-108Objective: To identify literary elements in stories describing characters, setting and plot.

Methodology: After reviewing and discussing the concepts for a few days, students form 4-5 groups to work together and outline the literary elements for any story read this school year. Students are asked to identify the characters, setting, and plot: beginning, middle and end on a large piece of chart paper. Students are all given jobs to write down their group’s ideas, to locate the ideas and to present the ideas to the class. Students can choose any suitable story from the school year. At times, each group may be asked to only identify certain parts of the plot as a jigsaw within the class.

Assessment: Students are assessed on their teamwork, accuracy of material presented and class presentation.

Kristy McBrearty 2-109

Objective: To read high frequency words

Methodology: On Day 2 the students take about 4 to 5 minutes and write down their new high frequency words on index cards. The index cards are then used during Storytown Instruction for Block 1, Block 2 and Block 3! They are also used at home for homework: Block 2 May Do Work, Block 1 High Frequency Word Drilling, Must Do Work, Homework

Patti Shertz Sp. Ed.

Objective: To recognize and generate the short sound of u

Methodology: Give each student a U letter card. When the teacher says a word the begins with u, have student hold up their card. If the word does not begin with u, have them put the card behind their back. Continue with words with u sound in the middle.

Assessment: Observe students to see who understands the concept by placing the card in front or behind appropriately.

Elizabeth Gali ELL

Objective: To Build Comprehension

Strategy used: Show Me with thumbs up

Methodology: Guided Reading: After reading a couple of pages of the text, I ask a question and give students wait time to think and organize their thoughts/ideas. Then I say “Show Me” and students respond with thumbs up if they agree, thumbs down if they disagree or point sideways if they are not sure of their answer. I then lead them into a discussion where, the students explain the thinking behind their answers (reason for their choice).

Tam Nguyen 1-101

Objective: To practice fluency on letter naming or phonemic awareness (best at the beginning of small group).

Methodology: 1. Hand out alphabet sheet. 2. Get your timer and time students for 1 min. (or students may time each other and teacher should listen to a different student each day). 3.After 1 minute, count the letters named. 4. Record.

Assessment: Check number of correct letters named (it should increase ).

Lauren Wilson 1-103Objective: student will be able to read & write words with a specific sound and/or spelling pattern

Methodology: small group/exit activity. Students have one minute to write as many words as they can with the specified sound and/or spelling pattern (i.e. words w/ short /e/ e sound). When one minute is up, the students take turns reading through their list of words. If other students have the same word, it must be crossed off. The student with the most words left at the end wins!

Assessment: accurately reading and writing words with the targeted spelling/sound pattern

Michelle Faison 1-110

Objective: To actively engage all students especially the students that scored below the target on the Dibels probes (Sept 2009); examine targeted skills for Harcourt; Increase fluency rates in preparation for January oral reading fluency probes and the student independent reading for the latter theme tests (test 4,5 & end of the year)

Methodology:Differentiated instruction block 2; small group instruction-Examples: distributive practice, word builders, decodable books, frequency words in text; homework (for continuity of learning via the Home and School Connection books)computerflash (powerpoint presentation of spelling, HF wds)

Assessment: Theme tests, timed tests, weekly test; Grammar practice books, practice books etc

Donna Freas 1-111

:Object ive give all students an opportunity to answer the question

:Methodology Think-Pair-Share engages students in meaningful conversation regarding a topic. It is successful because I can monitor who understands and who can answer a question accurately. It also clarifies information for children who do not understand.

:Assessment Teacher observation, verbal responses

Ed Marshaleck 1-112:Object ive Building/blending/spelling words

:Methodology Teach any phonics lesson in Storytown, before students raise hand and answer “what letters do we have to change to make..” have them share with a partner/group and then choral respond to the question then physically do it with their own letter cards.

:Assessment teacher observation/student participation/spelling tests

Lorie O’Connor 1-115

Objective: To develop phonemic awareness of /u/

Methodology: Create a class column chart with /u/ families such as -up -up -ut Create a model of the chart for students to write /u/words they know in the correct column. Have students share words and write them on the class chart.

Assessment: Check individual charts and correct /u/ words. Immediately correct the class chart and discuss the mistake.