AEARU 18th Annual General Meeting (PDF:841KB)

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AEARU 18th

Annual General Meeting

November 2, 2012

Seoul National University, Korea


Lih J. CHEN Chairperson; President, Tsing Hua University -


CHEN Jun Vice Chairperson; President, Nanjing University

Yeon-Cheon OH President; Seoul National University

Si-Chen LEE President, Taiwan University

Susumu SATOMI President, Tohoku University

HOU Jiangguo President, University of Science and Technology of


Michiaki MISHIMA Executive Vice-President for International Affairs

and Hospital administration, Kyoto University

Toshio MARUYAMA Executive Vice President for Education and

International Affairs, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Masashi HANEDA Vice President, The University of Tokyo

Yutaka TSUJINAKA Vice President for International Affairs, University

of Tsukuba

Chang D. YOO Associate Vice President of Special Projects and

Institutional Relations, Korea Advanced Institute of

Science and Technology

Kenzo ABE Trustee, Osaka University

Kar Yan TAM Associate Provost and Dean of Students, Hong Kong

University of Science and Technology

Moo Hwan KIM Dean of Planning & International Relations, Pohang

University of Science and Technology

XIA Guangzhi Deputy Director of International Office, Tsing Hua



Sabrina LI AEARU Secretariat, Tsing Hua University - Hsinchu


Tsing Hua University - Hsinchu

Wei-Chung WANG Vice President of Global Affairs

Chen-Fu Chien Chief of Staff

Chung-min CHEN Counselor, Office of the President


Nanjing University

PU Lijie Associate Vice-President

WU Heng Deputy Director of the President’s Office

SUN Wen Deputy Director of the Office of International

Exchanges and Cooperation

Seoul National University

Seong-ho SHEEN Associate Dean, Office of International Affairs

Yu Ri BAE International Conference Coordinator, Office of

International Affairs

Tohoku University

Toshiya UEKI Executive Vice President

Sanae AOKI Managing Professor for International Affairs

Sayaka YAMAGUCHI Staff Member, International Exchange Division

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Jung-Hee YANG Director of International Relations

Yeseul CHOI Program Coordinator of International Relations

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Hynsook MIN Team leader of International Relations Team

Yurina SONG Coordinator of International Relations Team

Seoul National University

IM Junggi Executive Vice President

KIM Junki Vice President of international Affairs

SHEEN Seongho Associate Dean of International Affairs

HWANG Jeongnam Director of Planning and Protocol Division

SUNG Jung-hyun Manager of Administration and Finance

BAE Yu Ri International Conference Coordinator

KIM Eunjeong International Exchange Coordinator

Tsing Hua University-Beijing

ZHANG Yu Program Manager of International Office

University of Science and Technology of China


PAN Jianwei Associate President

ZHOU Zhengkai Deputy Director of International Office

Taiwan University

Hsiao-Wei YUAN Dean for International Affairs

The University of Tokyo

Junichi HIRATA Manager of International Planning Group

Kyoto University

Yoshiaki SATO Director of Research and International Affairs


Ayako ITO Administrator of International Affairs Division

Osaka University

Hiroshi MUKAI Head of international Affairs Division

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Masahiko HARA Professor, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of

Science and Engineering

Yuka TSUKADA Head of International Corporation Division

Naoki OZAWA Staff of International Cooperation Division

University of Tsukuba

Kazuo AKIYAMA Director of the Department of Global Activities

Akemi TAKASU Chief, Division of International Affairs

Yukiko KUSAKA Official, Division of International Affairs




The Chairperson began the meeting by greeting the assembled member presidents and

representatives. He thanked President Yeon-Cheon Oh and Seoul National University

for hosting the meeting. The Chairperson also introduced the two Guest Speakers who

will take part in the Presentation Session scheduled in the afternoon; Mr. Phil Baty of

Times Higher Education Ranking, to talk about how the ranking system works in

Times Higher Education, and Prof. Kurt Deketelaere of League of European Research

Universities (LERU), to introduce LERU and sidcuss possible cooperation between


President Yeon-Cheon Oh thanked all members for participating in the meeting and

stated that this year is the 18th

year for AEARU which is quite significant. He further

stated four concepts of AEARU. President Yeon-Cheon Oh explained that AEARU

was organized to promote culture, economic, and academic cooperations, and our

visibility has becoming more remarkable; as scholars and academician, we peruse

wisdom, and we are responsible to bring the wisdom to the society; as a group we

should cooperate together not only by our intelligent but also by heart.


1. Minute of the 17th

AGM; December 14th

, 2011; Kyoto University, Japan

The Chairperson stated that the minute of the above meeting were compiled by the

AEARU Secretary and distributed to all members. With no amendment, the minute

was confirmed.


1. The 4th

Energy and Environmental Workshop; March 29-30, 2012,

Taiwan University

2. The 1st AEARU Distinguished Lecture Series; May 21, 2012, Nanjing


3. The 2nd

Workshop on Collaboration among Universities in the

Ubiquitous World; May 24-25. 2012, Seoul National University

- Cancelled

4. 2012 Student Summer Camp -Asian Research Network (ARN); August

24-27, 2012, Tokyo Institute of Technology


The Chairperson explained that items 1 and 2were reported at last BOD meeting but

he invited the host universities to briefly report their events to the rest members.

President Si-Chen Lee stated that he will report this activity in the afternoon during

the Presentation Session.

President Chen Jun reported that the 1st AEARU Distinguished Lecture Series was

recommended by the Chairperson and was hosted by Nanjing University on May 21st,

2012, in conjunction of her 110th

anniversary celebration. There were three speakers

presented in the forum; Prof. Ann-shyn Chiang from Tsing Hua University-Hsinchu,

Prof. Jong-Dao Jou of Taiwan University and Prof. Zhang Chenyu of Nanjing

University. President Chen Jun thanked these scholars for their input in AEARU’s

event and stated that this forum attracted a large audience and it was successfully


The Chairperson stated that the original intention of Distinguished Lecture Series is to

increase the visibility of AEARU, the success of the first lecture series is rather

encouraging and urged all member-universities to contribute to this important annual


Prof. Masahiko Hara reported that the Asian Research Network (ARN) Summer

Camp 2012 was successfully held on August 24 to 27th

, 2012. The student summer

camp was jointly organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology and RIKEN Advanced

Science Institute. Fifteen students from AEARU member universities participated in

the summer camp and activities.


1. Symposium on Biomedical Research in East Asia (AEARU 2012

Flagship Symposium); November 3, 2012, Seoul National University

2. The 2nd

Microelectronics Workshop; November 15-17, 2012, University

of Science and Technology of China

3. 2013 Student Summer Camp; July 01-27, 2013, Peking University

4. The 4th

Science and Technology Park Workshop; Nanjing University

- Will be held in 2013 in conjunction with the opening of new science


5. The 5th

Advanced Material Science Workshop; Hong Kong University of

Science and Technology


- Will be held in early 2013 in conjunction with anniversary

6. The 2nd

Symposium on the Culture of Chinese Characters; Tsing Hua-


- Will be held in November 2013 in conjunction with 33rd

BOD & 19th

AMG meetings

Prof. Seongho Sheen reported that Symposium on Biomedical Research in East Asia

will be held on tomorrow, November 3rd

2012 from 14:00 to 18:00pm. This flagship

symposium covers the topic relates to biomedical research in East Asia region and

will establish relationships and networks related to the theme, as well as maintain

sustainable partnership with attended participants.

President Hou Jianguo reported that The 2nd

Microelectronics Workshop will be held

on November 15th

2012 at University of Science Technology of China. The workshop

focuses on the field of analog and mixed-signal IC design, and the main target is not

limited to students but also engineers in the industry. He further stated that he hopes

this workshop will bring interaction and exchanges between academic and industry.

The 2013 Student Summer Camp will be held on the campus of Peking University in

the summer of 2013. The purpose of this summer camp is to provide AEARU students

who are interested in learning Chinese an opportunity to enhance their understandings

in China Studies. (Reported by AEARU Secretary on behalf of Peking University)

President Chen Jun reported that the 4th

Science and Technology Park Workshop will

be held in Sept-Oct of 2013 in Nanjing University. The expected participants are the

administrators of universities, faculty and staff of AEARU member universities who

are responsible for university development, professors of related field of

research/expertise, and Ph.D. Students of AEARU member universities. The

workshop will be a one-day seminar, and half-day visit of Nanjing University Science


Prof. Kar Yan Tam reported that Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

intended to host the 5th

Advanced Material Science workshop in Spring 2013, but due

to the delay of construction, the schedule will be postponed to Fall 2013.

Prof. Chung-min Chen reported that Tsing Hua University-Hsinchu will be circulating

call for participation for the 2nd

Symposium on the Culture of Chinese Characters.

This symposium is continuous to the first one which was held in Kyoto University in


Fall 2011.


1. The 6th

Cultural Workshop

2. The 10th

Web Technology and Computer Science Workshop

3. The 6th

Network Education Workshop

4. The 3rd

Student Physical Competition

5. Additional activities (members are invited to propose any additional


The Chairperson stated that there were many activities held in the past years, and we

should continue this sprit in following year.

President Si-Chen Lee indicated that National Taiwan University is interested in

hosting the 5th

Environmental and Energy Workshop in the beginning of 2014.

With no further comments and suggestions, the Chairperson thanked President Si-

Chen Lee and welcomes all interested members for their volunteering in the near



1. Financial status

There is no earning since May 2012. Currently the Association has assets of USD

$44,359.92 in balance.

2. Status report of AEARU Activity Sponsorship Program

During the year of 2012, two AEARU activities had been funded with US $10,000

and $4,000 respectively. One was to the 5th

Network Education Workshop organized

by Nanjing University last November in assisting five students from member

universities with their travel, accommodation and registration fees, and the other was

to Peking University for hosting 2013 Student Summer Camp and assisting six

undergraduate with their tuition and accommodation fees.. Each sponsorship funding

was/will be used to support AEARU member students’ travel, accommodation and

registration fees.



1. AEARU’s possible cooperation with The League of European Research

Universities (LERU)

The Chairperson explained that the Secretary General of LERU, Prof. Kurt

Deketelaere, will discuss potential cooperation, and briefly report the background of

LERU. The Chairperson further stated that at the BOD meeting this morning, it is

agreed that AEARU should concentrate on increasing its visibility in East Asian

region, however, he believed that interactions with other universities especially the

ones outside of our region will be influential and heighten our visibility as well.

2. AEARU Constitution Amendment – membership criteria and nomination process

(Please see Appendix 3 for the amended Constitution)

The Chairperson reported that the proposed Constitution Amendment has been

discussed in previous meeting, and he thanked President Hiroshi Matsumoto for his

great effort in drafting the membership criteria and nomination process.

Prof. Chung-min Chen expended further that proposed Constitution Amendment

started last year in Kyoto University, upon the discussion we formed a working group

and drafted the amendment. This amendment basically centered on Article 3, the


President Yeon-Cheon Oh commented that expending member to twenty is an

encouraging idea, so AEARU should take in great considerations to the interested


The Chairperson added that there are three more spots for new members, and we

should accept only one new member per year from different regions.

With no further comments and suggestions, a vote is taken. The proposed amendment

is passed with 15 votes (two were absent).

2. AEARU Annual Thematic Flagship Event 2012

As reported earlier by Prof. Sheen, the Chairperson opened the floor for comments

and suggestions. With no further comments, the Symposium on Biomedical Research

in East Asia and the Symposium on the Cultural of Chinese Characters are decided to

be topics of AEARU Annual Flagship Event



The Chairperson reported that President Susumu Satomi kindly volunteered to host

the 32nd

BOD meeting on Sendai.

President Chen Jun suggested May 10th

, due to tight schedule of May 17th


With no problem from President Satomi, the 32nd

BOD is decided to be held on May



The Chairperson reminded the member universities that is it approved in the 30th

BOD meeting at Nanjing University last May that the 33rd

BOD meeting and 19th

AGM meeting will be held in Tsing Hua University – Hsinchu in Fall 2013. Prof.

Chung-min Chen added that 33rd

BOD and 19th

AGM Meetings will be held on first or

second weekend of December.





Appendix 2: Status Report of AEARU Activity

Workshop/University Intended Use of Funding Sponsorship




Workshop on Network

Education; Nov 2011,

Nanjing University

To assist five students from

AEARU member universities with

partial travel, accommodation and

registration fees.

USD $4,000 Workshop completed. $4,000

of $10,000 AEARU

Sponsorship Funding was


2013 AEARU Student

Summer Camp; July 2013,

Peking University

To provide assistance for six

selected undergraduate students to

attend the student summer camp,

covering tuition for the program,

and accommodation and meal


USD $10,000 The workshop will be held in

July 2013. AEARU funding

report will be provided upon

completion and presented to

the next AGM and BOD



Appendix 3


Working Group for the

AEARU Membership Criteria & Nomination Process


A discussion on the matter of bringing new members into AEARU and revocation of unobligated

members was held during the 29th

Board of Directors Meeting and the 17th

Annual General Meeting at

Kyoto University on December 14, 2011. At the meetings a proposal of Membership Criteria &

Nomination Process was presented by the Working Group and discussed among member universities.

Summary of Previous Meetings

The second draft of the AEARU Membership Criteria & Nomination Process proposal, which was sent

out on Nov. 17th

2011 by Kyoto University, was reviewed and discussed.

The proposed process is very similar to the criteria used by several other well-known academic

associations to nominate and accept new members.

The proposal endeavors to keep AEARU’s original concept and the quality of the membership, as

well as to limit the size of the association.


Number of members may be increased by a maximum of 1 member per year.

Total number of membership shall not exceed 20 at this stage; however, it could be raised

in the future if needed and decided at future AGM.

The key feature of the proposal is to inclusion of clauses for membership obligation, and the

revocation for these showing no interest in supporting AEARU activity:

Aim to encourage members to be more active and significantly boost the association’s

value and status.

Existing members should hold AEARU activity once every 3 years.

New members should hold at least one AEARU activity within 2 years of their admission.

All BOD members agreed with the proposal.

Further discussion about membership revocation will take place with the working group, and

revised proposal will be sent out via email to member universities before 18th

AGM. Amendment

will be finalized at the 18th

AGM in November 2012.



of the Association of East Asian

Research Universities

Amended on May 14, 2012



1. Name

[1.1] The name of the association shall be the Association of East Asian Research

Universities, AEARU.

2. Purposes

[2.1] Create a forum to bring together leading research-oriented universities in the

East Asian region.

[2.2] Explore and identify areas of mutual interest for collaboration - including

exchange of faculty and students; developing common curricula and transferable

credits; sharing of facilities, information, and materials; cooperating on joint R & D

projects; and joint sponsorship of topical conferences, contests, and international


3. Membership

[3.1] The Association shall begin with a core of Founding Members. (See Appendix)

[3.2] A small number of non-regional institutions may be admitted by invitation as


[3.3] The number of Members shall be kept small in order for collaborative

relationships to remain close and substantive. The number of members may be

increased by a maximum of one member per year provided the total number of

members does not exceed twenty

[3.4] Membership Criteria: candidate institutions for membership or affiliate

membership of AEARU must satisfy the following criteria:

Intention to Contribute Actively to AEARU: Prospective members must express

an intention to actively contribute to AEARU and advance the objectives of the


International Recognition: Prospective members must be internationally

recognized as leading education and research institutions in their country or



Research Excellence: Prospective members must have a substantial record of

research achievement, reflected by recognized international rankings, awards and

other indicators of merit.

Innovation and Contribution to International Society: Prospective members must

be institutions which take an innovative approach to their operations, and strive to

contribute to the welfare of the international community.

[3.5] Admission Process: Candidate institutions for membership or affiliate

membership must be nominated and endorsed by the chief executive officer of a

current member institution. The nominator must submit a letter of recommendation to

the AEARU Secretariat, to be presented for deliberation by the Board of Directors.

The Board should assess candidates in consideration of the membership criteria

specified in clause [3.4] above, the Association’s current regional balance and the

current number of members.

Following approval by a two-thirds majority of all voting active members at a Board

of Directors Meeting at which at least two-thirds of the current members of the Board

of Directors are in attendance, candidates will be submitted to AEARU’s entire

membership for consideration at an Annual General Meeting. Candidates shall be

admitted to membership of AEARU upon approval by a two-thirds majority of all

voting active members at an Annual General Meeting at which at least two-thirds of

the current members of the Association are in attendance.

[3.6] Each Member or Affiliate shall be represented by the Chief Executive of the


[3.7] Members may resign from the Association by giving six months’ notice in


[3.8] Membership Obligations: Newly admitted members must hold at least one of the

AEARU activities listed below within two years of the date of their admission to the

Association. All current members must hold at least one of the AEARU activities

listed below every three years.

Annual General Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

(Board of Directors members only)

Other AEARU activities


Member institutions which fail to fulfill the above membership obligations will be

assessed by the Board of Directors and may be recommended for revocation of


[3.9] Revocation of Membership: Member institutions which fail to fulfill the

membership obligations specified in clause [3.8] above must be identified by the

AEARU Secretariat and automatically presented for assessment by the Board of

Directors. Following appropriate deliberation, the members will vote on whether or

not the institution’s membership should be considered for revocation at the Annual

General Meeting.

Following approval by a two-thirds majority of all voting active members at a Board

of Directors Meeting at which at least two-thirds of the current members of the Board

of Directors are in attendance, the motion for revocation of membership will be

submitted to AEARU’s entire membership for consideration at an Annual General

Meeting. The membership in question shall be revoked upon approval by a two-thirds

majority of all voting active members at an Annual General Meeting at which at least

two-thirds of the current members of the Association are in attendance. The

revocation of membership shall take effect from January 1 of the subsequent year. No

membership fees paid to AEARU will be refunded to institutions which have their

membership revoked.

4. Organization

[4.1] Annual General Meeting

[4.2] The Annual General Meeting shall determine the general policies and programs

of the Association. The quorum shall be a simple majority.

[4.3] Each Member is entitled to be represented at the Annual General Meeting by its

Chief Executive, and/or by a personal deputy whom the Chief Executive may appoint.

Each Member shall have only one vote. Affiliates shall not have the right to vote.

[4.4] Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary

[4.5] Chairperson shall serve for a term of two years.


[4.6] Vice-Chairperson shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by a majority

of Members present and voting, and shall be appointed as the next term’s Chairperson.

Only Chief Executives representing Members of the Association shall be eligible for

election as Vice-Chairperson.

[4.7] A Secretary shall be appointed by the Chairperson and approved by Members at

the Annual General Meeting.

5. Board of Directors

[5.1] The Board shall be the governing body of the Association.

[5.2] The Board shall consist of the Chairperson, the Immediate Past Chairperson, the

Vice Chairperson, and two or three other Members for a total of five who shall be

Chief Executives elected at an Annual General Meeting to serve for a term of two


[5.3] The Board shall, within its own Membership, appoint a Treasurer of the


[5.4] The Secretary of the Association shall be Secretary to the Board, but shall not


[5.5] The Board shall meet at least once a year. Extraordinary sessions may be

convened by the Chairperson or on written request by three Members of the Board.

6. Finances

[6.1] Members and Affiliates shall each pay a non-refundable annual membership fee,

the amount of which shall be determined by the Board.

[6.2] General administrative costs (office, secretarial, and clerical) shall be borne by

the Chairperson's institution.

[6.3] The Association may obtain income from the sale of the Association's

publications; fees received under contract for services provided; grants from national


and international foundations, agencies, donors, etc. in order to support specific

programs and/or administrative work.

[6.4] A proposed annual budget of the Association and supplementary requests, if any,

shall be prepared jointly by the Chairperson and the Treasurer and submitted in

advance for approval by the Board.

7. Headquarters

[7.1] The headquarters of the Association shall be located on the campus of the

currently serving Chairperson.

8. Amendment of the Constitution

[8.1] Proposal for the amendment of this Constitution shall be submitted by Members

in writing to the Secretary not less than three months before the date of the Annual

General Meeting at which the amendment is to be considered. Copies of the proposal

shall be sent by the Secretariat to all Members not less than two months before the

date of the Meeting. Proposals shall come into immediate effect if adopted on a

written ballot by a two-third majority of the Members present and voting.

9. Dissolution

[9.1] The Association may be dissolved on a written ballot by a two-third majority of


10. Appendix

[10.1] The Founding Members of the Association of East Asian Research Universities

are these institutions:

Fudan University

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu

Tsinghua University, Beijing

University of Science and Technology of China


University of Tokyo

University of Tsukuba

Supplementary Provision

1. [4.5] and [4.6] were amended on January 31, 2007.

2. The amended constitutional clauses, [4.5] & [4.6] will become effective on

the current Vice-chairperson and he will be appointed as the 7th



3. Clause [5.2] was amended on December 26, 2009.

4. The amended clause [5.2] will become effective on January 1. 2010.

5. The original clause [3.2] was deleted, clause [3.3] was amended and clauses

[3.4], [3.5], [3.8] and [3.9] were added on ******, **, ****.

6. The amended and added clauses described in 5., above, will become effective

on ******, **, ****.

7. The numbers of AEARU activities held by members for the requirements of

clause [3.8] shall be calculated from the date on which the clause comes into

effect, as specified in 6., above. The number of AEARU activities held by

members prior to that date shall not be included, and shall have no influence

on the calculation.