Agenda for AGM 2013 Plus Minutes

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Agenda and Minutes of Meetings plus notice of annual skip


AGENDA You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch.12s.10 to attend a

meeting of Ideford Parish Council for the purpose of transacting the following business

IDEFORD PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday 8th May at the Village Hall 6.30pm

Followed by the AGM


50/13 Welcome and Apologies for absence

51 /13 Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting - 2 n d May 2012 to be agreed and signed as an accurate record

52/13 Chairman's Report

53/13 Reports Devon County Councillor - Mike Walters District Councillor - Mike Walters/Beryl Austen Devon & Cornwall Police - PCSO Colin Ryder Ideford Charities Ideford Parish Lands and Charity of Humphrey Borrington Ideford Village Hall Ideford Social Group Ideford Bowling Club Ideford Bellringers Ideford Art Group Parish Paths Millennium Green Parochial Church Council

54/13 Annual Report Clerk

55/13 Any Other Business

56/13 Date of next Annual Meeting - 7th May 2014


57/13 Apologies for Absence

58/13 Election of Chairman

59/13 Election of Vice Chairman

60/13 Minutes of last meeting - April 4th and March to be signed as a true record

61/13 Declaration of Interests

62/13 Reports - County District Police

63/13 Matters Arising Devon Highways update - Simon Pearson email re:Tower Hill Lane, Blocked Drain and Potholes

64/13 Matters Raised by Chairman - Open Day date for Neighbourhood Plan and Affordable Housing information and parishioners comments

65/13 Parish Matters-Quote - Behind Bus Shelter Road Closure notice Rural Skip 29 t h June Walk - Bank Holiday Monday Larcombe Bridge

66/13 Public Participation

67/13 Correspondence Received CPRE - Be Inspired - improve travel choices where you live Devon Community Recycling - Junkmail Devon Wildlife Trusts - Glomworm Survey South West Water newsletter - email Communites In Control Neighbourhood Plan News - Information sheet Western Power Distribution letter

68/13 Planning - Ref 13/00589A/AR Garth, Ideford Coombe - Variation of planning Grant of conditional planning permission 13/00249/FUL Larcombe Farm - Temp site for mobile home Grant of conditional planning permission

69/13 Clerks report and Finance

Balance of accounts Parish Paths £671.17 Business A/c £2518.81 Snow Warden ring fenced £400.00 Current A/c £232.63

Cheques for payment

D A L C - Training for Cllr White Chq 350 £30.00 Proposed:

Seconded: „

Agreement and signature Annual Audit Forms 2012/13 70/13 Date of next meeting - Wednesday June 5 t h

This notice must be left at or sent to the usual place of residence of every member of the council, three clear days at least before the meeting.

Signed: \C *- ^ Date: | <, Karen Gardin ' ~ Clerk to Ideford Parish Council 07855561030



ANNUAL MEETING 2nd MAY 2012 PRESENT: Cllrs: Angie Carter-Woodward(Chairman), Geraldine Gaskell, Barry Smith, Tom Hill, Mark Oswald IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Gardin(Clerk), District and County Council Cllr Mike Walters, 9 members of the public 44/12 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES: Cllrs: Beryl Austen, Anthony French, PCSO Colin Ryder, Tony Sharland The Chairman welcomed all present to the annual meeting of Ideford Parish Council. This meeting allows all the Ideford organisations to report their activities for the past year. 45/12 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 18th May 2011 The minutes of the last parish meeting (18th May 2011) were agreed and signed as an accurate record. 46/12 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT This has been an eventful and busy year for Ideford Parish. I would like to begin by welcoming new faces to our community and wishing some familiar faces all the best as they leave us for pastures new. The Parish Council has considered a number of planning applications during this year. A granting of conditional planning for a change to the garage of the Retreat was supported, permission was granted for the retention of a timber shed in Church Lane, Ideford; new roof covering for animal testing at Larcombe Farm, Ideford, a second gipsy pitch for Limestone Grange Ideford, removal of a car port at Haldon Cottages Ideford, conversion of a barn to a dwelling at Town Farm and a car port extension with solar panels to Glendon at Ideford Coombe. The last application, the Council vigorously objected to was retention of a fence and gate at Garth-Ideford Coombe. Original planning was turned down by Teignbridge because of these structures and new plans where submitted for soft landscaping and permission granted, however, the fence and gate were built. The enforcement officer visited and subsequently retrospective planning was applied for. With the support of Councillor Mike Walters and Beryl Austen the application was pushed to Category B and the planning committee as a whole. I spoke in the Council chamber voicing our concerns and objections. A site meeting was called for and I attended this on April 25th, this will go back to committee where I hope to speak again. The Parish Council feels that retrospective planning is gained far too easily and cheaply, even when the planners had turned down the original applications. Councillors have attended interesting and informative courses in anticipation of the impending localism bill. We hope to embark on a Parish Plan this year involving participation from our Parishioners. We hope this will enable us to have a much greater input and influence on local issues i.e. planning. A housing survey was undertaken to establish a need for small scale affordable housing in our community. The report was produced by the Community Council of Devon and concluded that


there could be a need for 9 affordable homes. We will be discussing the results during the coming month. I would like to thank the parishioners who took the time to complete the form. Our parish paths are regularly walked and inspected by our ‘expert’ David Alymore. He together with Cllr Barry Smith will be compiling a walks leaflet this year. Thank you David for giving up your time and working so hard for us. With our myriad of underground pipes and ancient sewers Cllrs Anthony French and Barry Smith are developing a map of drainage and areas of potential problems. It will come as no surprise that potholes are an increasing problem. These are reported regularly and filled in, but the council feel that the standard of repair is poor with holes opening up soon after a 10 minute visit from the contractor. We have voiced our opinions strongly to Highways at Devon County. We are a Council of seven members, but now have a vacancy owing to the departure of Laurie Sutherland to Yorkshire for family reasons. We have two candidates, Mr Chris Holt and Mr Dominic Morby. The offer of being Councillor will take place after interviews on May 30th at 6.30pm. The successful candidate will be co-opted at the June meeting. As always finance is forever in our thoughts and we held a public meeting to discuss the precept. After a frank exchange of view from council and the floor, it was decided to increase the precept before it was capped by the local authorities minister Mr Eric Pickles. The vote was unanimous, although no one wished to place a burden on the Parish it was felt that contingencies should be in place. With the forthcoming Diamond Jubilee the council felt that the youngsters of the Parish should be presented with a commemorative medal. The medal has been designed with the image of Larcombe Bridge. To offset some of the cost, medals have also been made available for Parishioners to buy. We have been very pleased with the response. The Council hope to present these at a special Jubilee Lunch on the Millennium Green in June. Thanks must go to our Councillors Beryl Austen and Mike Walters, they attend every meeting and we are grateful for their support. I would also like to thank my fellow councillors for their input and support and I know I speak for all of us when I say thank you to Karen, our parish clerk for all her hard work, advice and research. She is also our financial officer and prepares our audits, internal and external with calmness and efficiency. Finally thank you, the Parishioners of Ideford, for your regular attendance and involvement in our discussions. It makes our work worthwhile. Thank you. 47/12 REPORTS Devon County Councillor/District Councillor – Mike Walters

Ideford AGM County Councillor’s Report – May 2012 The bid for the B3193 diversion has been subject to a further meeting and slow progress is being made, due to the absence of Natural England at the meeting on Monday last. I understand that the Parish Clerk has been contacted by DCC and the bid for the roofing work on the Parish Hall is in hand and the funding will be granted via Capital Funding.


The turf cutting for the start of the work for the bridge over the Teign from the cycle way circumnavigating the race course to the town quay in Newton Abbot took place last week. So the final link between Kingsteignton and Newton Abbot should be operational by the end of the year. We, the councillors of DCC, have welcomed confirmation that the vacancy management strategy, which effectively placed a freeze on recruitment of all but front line services, has saved the Council approximately £30 million since the strategy was introduced in 2009. Councillors have voted to end the freeze and have passed the vacancy management responsibility back to the Council’s Heads of Service. Each vacancy will still be scrutinised before it is advertised to ensure it is absolutely necessary. I have had further communications from Marcus Ward, the Field Service Delivery Technician from SWWater. He states that he had visited River Close on the 25 and 26th April and had witnessed the impact this issue was having on residents, His visit was confirmed by Rose Howes. He arranged for the necessary cleaning of the affected properties and also arranged for tankers to attend and pump out the wet well to try to reduce further flooding. He has spoken to the Project Manager for the River Close scheme and it has been confirmed that work will commence at the end of May. This is to allow for the Road Closure Order and also for the delivery of the materials required (which should arrive mid-May.

District Councillor’s Report. The independent consultant has conducted several interviews in the work to consider the management structure in TDC. It is with a view to rationalize and save money in the current economic climate. It also links with the return of the Chief Executive to full employment in Teignbridge, as the sharing of her post with Torridge has been terminated. The workshop on the considerations on the refreshed Kingsteignton Community Plan and the consideration of a better defined town centre has taken place on Monday of this week. I await the report, however those councillors who did attend will be able to feed back some information. I intend to have a discussion with Darren Summerfield in the next few days, particularly where it concerns DCC infrastructure suggestions. The exhibition by Blue Cedar Homes on the possibility of developing Penn’s Mount was attended by about 100 people. It is clear that this has been created by the initial development on Vicarage Hill site of Penn’s Mount, which had been granted planning permission. Also the suggestion of the, now considered not acceptable, move of St Michaels School onto Penn’s Mount in the Core strategy is a resultant. If this concept is considered viable and sustainable, many feel it is destroying a prominent green space, then serious consideration has to be given to traffic flows on Vicarage Hill, Hackney Lane and Greenhill Way. The route for the Olympic Torch has been finalized and it will be passing Kingsteignton at the Ware Cross Roundabout, joining the A308 on the 20th May, on its way to Exeter. Details are to follow, closer to the date. The swimming pool committee is to be congratulated on their enthusiasm in fund-raising and the projected opening of the pool for this season. The hard work is showing results and the next real task is to produce a viable business plan to secure the future of the pool in the years to come. I am happy to be involved in possible negotiations with County on ownership and future plans where necessary.


I await plans for the creation of a store for the Community Hall. It is likely that the funding will come from the Capital Funding for Councillors in DCC, that is subject to committee approval. Report of County and District Cllr for Ideford Parish Council AGM May 2012 One never ceases to be amazed at how rapidly time goes by, to find another AGM is here. This year has been following a similar pattern to that of last year where I have worked with and alongside Ideford Parish successfully and in harmony. It is indeed a pleasure to represent the village as best I can. This year the community fund for Councillors has been called upon to produce, in particular, a salt gritter for use in bad winter conditions, as well as further grit bins in the village. Assisting the Parish in the repairs of the Parish Hall bell tower is also in hand. Where roads at County and planning applications have needed attention we as District Councillors have done our best to resolve the problems. I would like to congratulate the Parish Council on its diligence and work for the benefit of the parishioners and wish you well for the coming year. No report from Cllr Beryl Austen


IDEFORD POLICE LOGS FOR THE PERIOD 03/04/12 to 30/04/12 Report of a recycling box in the middle of the carriageway on the A380. Fatal road traffic collision on the A380 at Olchard Sandygate. IDEFORD CRIMES FOR THE PERIOD 03/04/12 to 30/04/12 Drugs raid at property in Ideford Coombe where charges of producing and possessing cannabis were made. John Deere mower and Husqvarna strimmer stolen from the secure container at the Millennium Green. Ongoing enquiries and information required. Crime reference JG/12/655. If you have any information on the theft which occurred between the 23rd and 30th April please call 101 or myself on 0845 6566935. IDEFORD PARISH LANDS AND CHARITY OF HUMPHREY BORRINGTON (FEOFFEES) – Anne Rigby-Jones Registered Number: 203379 Following Mrs Sue King’s death, Mr Peter Rice agreed to take her place as a Trustee. Statement of Accounts for year ending 31st March 2011 Balance at Lloyds Bank a/c at 31st March 20010 £401.56 Interest £42.00


Closing balance at 31st Marsh 2011 £443.56 _______ At the Annual Meeting of the Trustees on 17th November 2011 it was reported that no cases of particular need had been noted in Ideford during the last twelve months. The Trustees ask that they be made aware of any such cases by the Parish Council and villagers, and notices to this effect are put in the newsletter from time to time. IDEFORD VILLAGE HALL – Tony Sharland The primary goal of the Village Hall Trustees activities during 2011/12 has been to raise the necessary funding in order to address the disrepair to the former bell tower situated on the main roof of the building. A number of regular fundraising events where held individually or in partnership with the Millennium Green Trustees; The Royal Wedding – April 2011 (joint event with Millennium Green Trustees) Villages in Action, The Angel Heart Theatre Company – April 2011 The Ideford Derby, facilitated by the Lions Club – October 2011 The Christmas Supper - December 2011 The Village Quiz Night - March 2012 Funds raised during these activities, along with applications for grant assistance from Ugbrooke Environmental ‘Landfill Communities Fund’ and Devon County Council ‘Invest in Devon Local Project Fund’, has meant that we have secured the necessary funding required and I am pleased to report that works to refurbish the tower are now underway. The Trustees of Ideford Village Hall would like to express their thanks to all those who have attended our events during the year, and in particular, our thanks to the Parish Council for their support, Councillor Mike Walters and Lee Martin at Ugbrooke Environmental for their support and assistance with our applications for grant, and to Anthony French and the Trustees of the Millennium Green for their support and financial contributions. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all those in the Parish to come along with their families and friends to join us for the Community ‘Diamond Jubilee Big Lunch’ being held on the Millennium Green on Sunday 3rd June 2012 to celebrate 60 years of our Queens reign. A community open meeting will be taking place in the Village Hall at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 15th May to discuss the arrangements, and we would welcome anyone who would like to come along to offer their assistance in making the event a big success. IDEFORD SOCIAL CLUB No report Shelia Manley, present at the meeting, however gave a short report. Although not a member of the group I can say that the group has had an enjoyable year with speakers, the luncheon club and outing. New members are always welcome. IDEFORD BOWLING GROUP – Terry Dore No report received


IDEFORD BELL RINGERS – Anne Rigby-Jones The bells have not been rung for Sunday services during the past year but we have rung for several wedding services. Practices on Thursday evenings take place when we can gather more than four of us and we do desperately need some more people to join us, please! IDEFORD ART GROUP – Angie Carter-Woodwark Ideford Art Group has reached its 20th year! We now meet every Thursday from 6.30pm – 8pm; the quality of work produced is impressive and everyone is welcome from 8yrs plus. A mixture of youngsters and adults produces a unique and inspiring atmosphere. We welcome new recruits, we learn, create and have fun together. The group is building as numbers are up again, so why not come along and try it. You can be assured of a warm welcome and we look forward to going out and sketching, drawing inspiration from the environment and buildings in our community – weather permitting. This year we hope to use a variety of media and hopefully put our work on display when the hall bell tower is fully renovated. Visitors to the hall clearly appreciate the works, not many village halls have an Art Gallery. PARISH PATHS – David Aylmore During the year I have attended the Devon CC parish paths workshop and have walked the paths as often a possible, clearing undergrowth and fallen trees and replacing path markers as and when required. A full survey was carried out in Jan/Feb with the findings reported to the Rights of Way Officer. No major issues were identified at the time but a couple of matters were brought to the attention of DCC One sign was found to be missing. This, at the lower end of Postman’s Path near Larcombe Bridge and it has been removed on at least 2 occasions in the last few years. Suggested to DCC that a more permanent metal post be used with a concrete ground fixing. I have to say that it is a rather sad reflection that such measures have to be used in order that a simple countryside sign can stay in place for the benefit of our walkers. The second matter was the deterioration of the sleepers on the boardwalk at the top end of Watery Lane, bridleway leading to Olchard. I am waiting to hear about arrangement for remedial work, but it may be that a small working party will be needed in order to maintain this well used and attractive path. Since the survey, there has been some erosion of the same path at its lower end where it crosses the stream from Well Covert. Walkers have the use of the steps and bridge, but horse riders have reported some difficulties negotiating the alternative route to cross the stream. I have asked to be included on a DCC ‘Strimmer course’ later in the year which will enable simple ground clearance to be carried out more quickly – use of a strimmer please. I regret to report that the Parish paths map and leaflet has not progressed but I still have it in mind and hopefully with the assistance of Barry Smith I will have something to show councillors later in the year. I am always interested to hear from anyone in the Parish with suggestions or comments about the path and my contact details are included in the parish newsletter. MILLENNIUM GREEN Over the year three successful events held for the Millennium Green Committee. Open Gardens Royal Wedding (proceeds going to the Green and Village Hall) and


Barn Dance (proceeds going to the Green and the Church) Hedges around the Green have been completed and the wetland area is to be completed. This will mean no other major work will be necessary for a while. Our thanks go to Barry Smith who keeps the area tidy and grass cutting. Also thanks to all who have supported us and we are always looking for new trustees. Regret to inform that after all this time the mower and strimmer has been stolen from the lockup. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL – Nicky Horseman Our Church has had tower and roof repairs. We have been building village services and a messy service has proved popular, ranging from music craft to mother’s day posies. Songs of Praise format has been introduced on the 5th Sunday in the month. We have been replenishing finances with a Christmas coffee event and Olchard Barn Dance, both has been well attended. Our thanks to all parishioners. We do need a new treasurer, so please contact one of the committee for details. Finally can I add that our next event, a concert – 13th May, 24th July and also sometime in August. 48/12 ANNUAL REPORT –Clerk My thanks go the Councillors and Parishioner’s for another 12 months of work ensuring that Ideford runs smoothly. The year has been eventful with changes in government issues, the Big Society and Localism bill, which are still going through parliament processes. The increase in the precept and housing survey has also been in the forefront of parish business and the changes in Councillors should be resolved with the impending interviews for the vacancy. I can report that this years Annual audit for the Parish Council was completed yesterday and no errors or recommendations where recorded. I look forward to the next 12 months 49/12 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None 50/12 DATE OF NEXT ANNUAL MEETING The date of the next Annual Parish Meeting will be 1st May 2013. The meeting concluded at 7.15 pm Signed Cllr:………………………………………. Date:………………………….



MEETING 3rd April 2013 PRESENT: Cllrs: Angie Carter-Woodwark (Chairman), Anthony French (Vice – Chair),

Geraldine Gaskell, Tom Hill, Dominic Morby IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Gardin (Clerk), Cllr’s Mike Walters, Beryl Austen 7 members of the public 38/13 APOLOGIES: Apologies Cllr’s Derrick White, Barry Smith, PCSO Colin Ryder 39/13 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting’s 6th March and 20th March to be signed next month. Minute book left behind. Councillors agreed minutes to be correct. 40/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: None 41/13 REPORTS

District Councillor - Councillor Beryl Austen REPORT TO IDEFORD PARISH COUNCIL APRIL 2013. Notification was given on the 28th March that the application for a temporary dwelling at Larcombe Farm has been refused. I had put it on Category B to go to the full Council if the officers had been minded to approve. However it would appear that representations from yourselves and myself have been noted. If my understanding is correct this was a retrospective application and there is a temporary home on the site and if not removed within a notice period enforcement action will be taken. The application for a Stable is to be heard on Monday and is recommended for approval. I assume a representative of the Parish Council will be there to assist in our opposition to that application. Dr. Greatorex, a member of the Kingsteignton Practice, is now the Chairman of the Clinical Commissioning Group, a body which has taken over the management of local health services He came to Teignbridge today to talk about the new organisation which controls 37 practices with a population of 280,000 and a budget of £M380. The area now covered includes two Unitary Authorities, Exeter and Torbay and two District Council areas, Teignbridge and South Hams. There is a strong medical presence on the governing body of 7 doctors and 1 nurse and it is hoped that this will have valuable input into the future operations of local health services. Their vision is stated as ‘Excellent joined up care for everyone’. The new regime came into operation of the 1st April, which I hope is not significant. Views expressed at the Council meeting were that this could be the first step in privatisation of the Health Service. The submission of Teignbridge’s Local Plan has again been delayed and will not be achieved until June 2013. This is causing concern to District Councillors who are finding it difficult to deal with developers who are submitting applications before the protected areas contained in the Local Plan are confirmed. The whole system has taken over six years because of numerous alterations and additional demands by Government and it is now asserted that 50% of all Councils have yet to have approved Local Plans, thus leaving areas considered for retention as countryside vulnerable to development.


County Councillor’s Report – Councillor Mike Walters The pedestrian crossing adjacent to the Newton Road roundabout has now been agreed. The matter was raised on the 15th March meeting of HATOC for clearance and was granted the go ahead, details of which I passed on to the clerk in the office. I attended the official opening of the Quay Bridge on 8th March by the Chairman of DCC. It was surprising to see so many people for the occasion although the bridge had been in use for the previous two weeks or so. It is a pity that graffiti had made its appearance on the structure and was masked by banners from DCC. Locally Sandygate is to benefit from a grant of £10,000 to alleviate future flooding by creating a swale (contour bund) which should divert flood flows away from the previously affected properties. I am to further the raising of a petition, to reverse the traffic light system at the Toll Gate to re-create the original roundabout. District Councillor’s Report. The future structure of the senior management and staffing in TDC was reported to the Executive on the 12th March. All councillors were given the opportunity to be briefed on the progress of the re-structure. It must be emphasized that there is no intention to cut front line services at this juncture. The key messages are to identify savings by reducing management costs with 19 posts reduced to 12; protect priority service delivery and frontline jobs; to create career development opportunities: devolve responsibility and accountability to the lowest appropriate level; minimize compulsory redundancy with a planned transition through to April of next year. Substantial savings will be made in the coming years as a result of this exercise. The negotiations for the UTC development have been completed and the project has now been given to go ahead. I have news on dates for the French Market on its return to Kingsteignton. It will be held on Sunday the 16th June. I am negotiating the far corner of Halfords car park as a possible site, with the landlords. If not possible I have secured the staff car park on the Newton Road entrance to St Michael’s School. The area is limited from the viewpoint of space for the stalls. I have negotiated and achieved agreement from the managers of Halfords, Brantano and Matalan TDC is to reschedule the submission of the emerging Local Plan. More detailed work has to be carried out to ensure the 20-year planning vision meets guidance and passes the test of soundness. The process has been complicated by changes to the original advice given relating to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and also the need to carry out further work on a Habitat regulations Assessment (HRA). All of this means the rescheduling of the Local Plan for submission in June with a public examination in October. If the plan is found to be sound then the Local Plan and CIL charging schedule should be adopted in early October 2014. IDEFORD POLICE LOGS for the PERIOD 05/03/13 to 02/04/13 Report from Higher Sandygate of males making off from a taxi without payment. Sorted out. Report of a suspicious vehicle at Hestow Barton. Still being looked into. A380 road problems: Vehicle left the carriageway by Sedgewell Coach House and hit their wall. No injuries. Vehicle hit the central reservation. No injuries.


3 reports of broken down vehicles causing problems. Report of a driver using a mobile phone when driving. Report of the road being flooded. IDEFORD CRIMES for the PERIOD 05/03/13 to 02/04/13 Investigation of a Child Protection matter. Suspended standing orders for questioning of County and District Councillors. The Chairman brought up concerns of the road on Butt Lane up to the Tower house. Deep ruts are apparent each side of the road, but when queried with highways to complain, they informed no funding available, as all monies used on rebuilding the road on the corner of Butt Lane. This road again is now danagerous to the persons/vehicles using it. Councillor Walters to investigate the situation with highways. Potholes – the road into the village is becoming worse every day. A repair had been done but very badly. It was felt that what they had done was a waste of time and money, as it had not achieved anything. Pictures given to Councillor Walters Drain in Church Lane by Long Barn is fully blocked with silt up to the top of the drain. Councillor Walter to request clearance Larcombe Bridge – in need of inspection as debris is building up once more. The handrail has gone again and it was felt that a wooden hand rail is not strong enough when we have flooding etc. Suggestion of a metal handrail. Councillor Walters requested quotes for a handrail which he may be able to fund from the locality budget. Need to check with all agencies that a metal handrail can be erected. Concern over a drain collapse. Details to be sent on to Councillor Walters who will investigate concerns. Cattle grid as stated in matters arising Standing orders reinstated. 42/13 MATTERS ARISING Cattle Grid – Councillor Walters had reported that highways had refused the suggestion of a cattle grid on the road out of the village to the A380. Councillor French quoted the cost of the closure of the main road when incidents happen. Fatalities had happened, human and also animal. Councillor Walters would refer back to highways again. 43/13 MATTERS RAISED BY CHAIRMAN None 44/13 PARISH MATTERS AGM and Annual Meeting had been arranged for the 8th May. This date is more convenient for Councillors. Larcombe Barn – Dogs review Further complaints had been received by the Chairman concerning the dogs at Larcombe Barn. The owner had been asked informally and also sent a letter. No response had been received back. Proposed by Cllr Morby that the Dog Warden be contacted.


Seconded by Cllr French. Councillors unanimously agreed that the District Council Dog Warden be informed and ask for their advice. Risk Assessment The Annual risk assessment of Council property had been done as per the audit regulations. Cllr French highlighted the following:- Village Pound needs strimming and sweep Memorial Seat at the Green requires washing and Seats at the Oak Tree and Church need staining. Suggested a working party be formed to carry out these jobs, along with David Wright be asked to quote for the removal of the small tree and weed killer behind the Bus Shelter. Clerk to write to him. And quotes for the staining of the seats – consider asking District and County Councillors for a grant towards cost. Councillors agreed the 2013 Risk Assessment and therefore signed. Cllr French had attended the TALC Meeting and reported back that we need to write comments on the enforcement policy consultation, currently open. Steve Hobbs TDC had attended the meeting to answer questions. Some Council’s are working together to achieve better working practices and do not use some services of DCC. Example – Potholes Lustleigh/Mortonhampstead/Chagford/Manaton. Consideration for Ideford to work with neighbouring parishes and possible investigation. The Chairman also pointed out that this would need further consideration due to costs and any precept changes. 45/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Standing Orders suspended so questions from the public The Pound – Stonework needs filling, repointing roadside behind the telegraph pole. Also rubbish in area. Cllr French to investigate. Hedge at Glebefield needs trimming. Clerk to write to Exeter Cathedral and the Arch Deacon. Blocking Cars along Butts Lane are causing concern as emergency vehicles would not be able to get through. Include a reminder in the newsletter. Village Hall Car Park – Chairman to enquire the use of the Car Park for events. Slates at Haldon View – possible letter to be sent and review at next meeting Standing Orders reinstated 46/13 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Emergency Management Newsletter for March – posted on notice board Community Support Service Survey – clerk to reply 47/13 PLANNING Ref:13/00238/FUL – Larcombe Barn, residential use of caravan. The planning decision had been received from TDC. Planning Declined.


Ref: 12/03754/FUL – Field 7962 Erection of store/implement building to include stables The Chairman reminded Councillors that she would be attending the full planning meeting at Teignbridge next Monday 8th April regarding this application. 48/13 CLERKS REPORT AND FINANCE Clerk reported that the annual accounts for 2012/13 had been completed and the Internal Auditor had been arranged for 29th April. New PAYE rules start on 6th April for HMRC. End of year for 2012/13 where being finalised. Planning to start gaining quotes for the Council insurance. Letters had gone out to the local clubs and societies regarding the Annual and AGM meeting. Reminder to Councillors that the Planning consultation comments are required back by 3rd May 2013. Cheques to be paid Ideford Village Hall – Hire Sept to Mar Chq 348 £37.00 Proposed: Cllr Gaskell Seconded: Cllr Morby DALC Subscription 2013/14 Chq 349 £88.62 Proposed: Cllr Morby Seconded: Cllr Gaskell 49/12 DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Wednesday 8th May 2013 Annual and AGM Affordable Information Evening 17th April 2013 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 7.45 pm Signed…………………………………………….. Date………………………… Cllr A Carter-Woodwark


Please note that the Ideford Rural Skip Service will take place at The Pound area on Saturday 29th June 2013, from 10am to 4pm

The following materials CANNOT be accepted: Trade waste, plasterboard, asbestos, demolition & construction waste (in excess of 12 rubble sacks), tyres, soil, dead pets or animals, food waste, hazardous or toxic wastes, oils and other liquid wastes, tree branches in excess of 1.5 metres (5ft). Please note that TV’s and computer monitors are accepted by the Rural Skip Service.

This service is for bulky household waste only

Please do not deposit any waste at the site before the skip has arrived. For more information please contact your Parish Council or call the Free Recycling Helpline 0800 731 0323 or visit