Agenda of June 2020 Regular Meeting · Agenda of June 2020 Regular Meeting The Board of Trustees...

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Agenda of June 2020 Regular Meeting

The Board of TrusteesHenderson ISD

A June 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Henderson ISD will be held Tuesday, June 9, 2020, beginning at 5:30 PM in the Henderson ISD Administration Boardroom, 300 Crosby Drive, Henderson, TX 75652.

The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice.

Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.

1. Call to Order at 5:30 PMA. INVOCATIONB. Pledge to the US Flag and Texas Flag

2. Recognition of Guests3. Open Forum4. Communication from Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Items Before the Board5. Superintendent Report

A. Enrollment/Attendance ReportB. Timelines for Summer WorkC. Summer SchoolD. COVID-19 Update

6. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda ItemsA. Approve Minutes of May 12, 2020 Regular MeetingB. Approve Minutes of the May 26, 2020, Special Called MeetingC. Approve Financial Report for April 2020

7. Consider Approval of Action Agenda ItemsA. Consider Approval of Attendance Incentive for Spring Semester 2020B. Consider Approval of Textbook Inventory Waiver with TEA for 2020 Henderson ISDC. Consider Approval of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Invoice for the Approved High School

English Textbook AdoptionD. Consider Approval of Allotment and TEKS Certification, 2020-21E. Consider Approval of the Purchase of Microsoft's Enrollment for Education Solution for the

District.F. Consider Approval of Student Device Purchase for Henderson Middle School.G. Consider Approval of ABM Contract for the 2020-2021 School YearH. Consider Approval of Attestation Statement, Closed, but Committed to Providing Instruction I. Hear Report on HISD School Health Advisory Committee and Consider Nominations J. Consider Adoption of Policy Revision for DEA (Local) - Premium Pay During Disasters

K. Consider Approval of Providing an Employer Sponsored Virtual Healthcare ServiceL. Consider Approval of Student Activity Insurance for 2020-2021

M. Consider Approval of Budget AmendmentsN. Consider Approval of Purchase of Music Instrucments

8. Information/Discussion Agenda ItemsA. Budget Planning ProcessB. Consideration of Policy Revision for DCE (Local) - Non-Chapter 21 Contracts - 1st ReadingC. Dress Code

9. Set Date, Time and Location of next Regular Board MeetingA. Tentative Date and Time of Regular Board Meeting: July 14, 2020 at 5:30 PM

10. Closed Meeting: A Closed Meeting may be held for discussion under the provisions of Texas Government Code Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, & 551.089 pursuant to HISD Policy BEC. Items to be discussed include, but are not limited to:

A. Discuss PersonnelB. Hire PersonnelC. Consider Resignations

11. Consideration and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session12. Adjournment

Henderson ISD

Board Background

Subject: Superintendent’s Report

Presented for: Action______ Report Only __X__

Background Information

A. Enrollment/Attendance: Enrollment ended at 3395. The attendance rate ended at

95.83% March 6, 2020.

B. Timelines for Summer Work

• Instructional Continuity

• Administrative Training

• Convocation

C. Summer School

• Bilingual/ESL (Pre-K & Kinder): June 8 - June 27: 8:00 - 3:30 Monday –


• EY: June 8 - June 27: 8:00 – 12:00 Monday – Thursday

D. COVID 19 Update



Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Board of Trustees of Henderson ISD met Tuesday, May 12, 2020, beginning at 5:30 PM

dually in the Boardroom at the HISD Administration and by Video Conference and/or Telephone

Call-In, Henderson, Texas, Henderson, Texas 75652 with the following members present:

Drew Butler

Adam Duey

James Holmes

Jon Johnston

Harold Sentmore

Jean Williams

Mary Sue Wolfe

1. Call to Order at 5:30 PM – The meeting was called to order by Drew Butler at 5:31 PM.

A. INVOCATION – The invocation was led by Mrs. Jean Williams.

B. Pledge to the US Flag and Texas Flag – The pledges were led by Mr. Jon Johnston.

2. Recognition of Guests – Chairman Butler recognized the guests attending online by Zoom.

3. Open Forum – No one emailed requesting to speak in Open Forum.

4. Communication from Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Items Before the Board – No

one emailed requesting to discuss a pending agenda item.

5. Superintendent Report

A. Enrollment/Attendance Report – Superintendent Lamb reported that enrollment is 3,397.

TEA is averaging attendance over the last three years, so it is at 96%.

B. Graduation Report – Graduation plans are not finalized. Mr. Everitt met with James Pike

of the Rusk County Office of Emergency Management for recommendations. As of this

time, graduation may be held outside with social distancing practices put in place.

6. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda Items – A motion was made to approve the

Consent Agenda items by Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe with a second by Mr. Jon Johnston. The

motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

A. Approve Minutes of April 14, 2020 Regular Meeting

B. Approve Minutes of April 20, 2020 Emergency Meeting

C. Approve Financial Reports and Check Register for March 2020

7. Consider Approval of Action Agenda Items

A. Consider Approval of District of Innovation Plan Updates – Dr. Stephanie Bonneau

presented the changes to two areas of our approved District of Innovation plan. The

changes were reviewed and approved by the District Educational Improvement

Committee on April 23, 2020. Amanda Wallace discussed the changes made to the

Teacher Certification Requirements. The changes consist of the removal of redundant

and unnecessary wording, greater flexibility in hiring teachers under the DOI local

certification, and the addition of statement that a DOI position may be reposted each



school year. Dr. Stephanie Bonneau discussed additions made to the Teacher Appraisal

System. These new additions consist of the flexibility to evaluate teachers on the

schedule set by board policy (not every year for all teachers), and the removal of the

Student Growth Measure from the appraisal process. A motion to approve the changes to

Henderson ISD’s District of Innovation plan was made by Mr. Adam Duey with a second

by Mr. Jon Johnston. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

B. Consider Approval of 3rd Party Benefits Administrator – Amanda Wallace presented

information on the Third Party Administrator. A committee consisting of Dr. Thurston

Lamb, Amanda Wallace, Shannon Bennett, Dr. Stephanie Bonneau, Kristin Byrd, Craig

Hurt, Tanya Davis, Dea Henry, Deidra Sutton, Jean Williams, and Adam Duey reviewed

and evaluated the seven proposals received through the Request for Proposal process.

Through the evaluation process, the committee narrowed the choices down to three TPA

providers. Based on criteria established by the district, the committee made a unanimous

decision to choose Gentry Financial Group as the Third Party Administrator for benefits

administration beginning September 1, 2020. A motion was made to approve the

recommendation by Henderson ISD Administration of Gentry Financial Group by Mr.

James Holmes with a second by Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe. The motion carried unanimously,


C. Consider Allowing Superintendent to Authorize Teacher Contracts from May 13 -

August 10, 2020 – Amanda Wallace requested that the board consider suspending Board

Policy DC Local which requires board approval to hire contract employees. In order to

employ the best teachers possible in a timely manner, we are requesting that the board

suspend the requirement and authorize the superintendent to issue teacher contracts. A

motion was made by Mr. Jon Johnston with a second by Mrs. Jean Williams to authorize

the superintendent to issue personnel contracts from May 13, 2020 to August 10, 2020 in

lieu of DC Local requirements. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

D. Consider Approval of MAP Assessment and Evaluation Instrument – Dr. Stephanie

Bonneau presented for approval the purchase of NWEA MAP testing for the 2020 – 2021

school year. As presented in the April board meeting, NWEA is an assessment program

designed to screen student achievement and growth in Reading and Math beginning in

Kindergarten and continuing through 11th grade. This is done through MAP testing

students at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year. NWEA testing will

replace station, which is used at Wylie Primary and Wylie Elementary Schools. The total

cost to the district will be $58,423.75. A motion was made by Mr. Adam Duey with a

second by Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe to approve the purchase of the NWEA MAP assessment

program for Henderson ISD for the 2020-2021 school year. The motion carried

unanimously, 7-0.

E. Consider Approval of Technology Hardware Replacements – Kevin Bryan presented for

approval the purchase of replacement laptops and desktops for the district. HISD

solicited proposals for the replacement of 26 laptops and 89 desktop computers that have

been in service for seven years. The district received three proposals for these needs.

Those received were Cynergy Technology for $85,197.52, Dell for $120,714.74, and SHI

for $86,120.00. A motion was made by Mrs. Jean Williams with a second by Mrs. Mary



Sue Wolfe to approve the proposal from Cynergy Technology for $85,197.52. The

motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

F. Consider Approval of Waiver for CPR for HHS – Dr. Stephanie Bonneau presented for

approval a CPR waiver with TEA for the 2020 seniors. The Texas Education Code

requires each senior to complete a CPR course. Completion of the course is noted on

student transcripts. TEA is allowing a CPR waiver for the 2020 graduates due to Covid-

19. Most seniors complete the training at the end of their senior year, so most of the

senior class has not completed the course. A motion was made by Mr. Jon Johnston with

a second by Mr. Adam Duey to allow Henderson ISD to file a waiver with TEA for the

CPR requirement for the 2020 senior class. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

G. Consider Approval of Ending Premium Pay – Amanda Wallace presented for approval

the termination of premium pay. At the March 24th Special Board Meeting, the Board of

Trustees adopted a resolution authorizing the district to continue paying employees

through the COVID-19 pandemic closure as well as to pay nonexempt employees a

premium pay for all hours worked at time and one-half up to a 40 hour work week. The

scheduled end date for the 2019-2020 calendar is May 21, 2020. Operations will

continue, however, premium pay will no longer be required. A motion was made by Mrs.

Mary Sue Wolfe with a second by Mr. Jon Johnston to end the premium pay and return to

normal pay policies after the last day of school scheduled May 21, 2020. The motion

carried unanimously, 7-0.

8. Information/Discussion Agenda Items

A. Hear an Update on Grading Guidelines for HHS – Dr. Stephanie Bonneau reported on

changes to the grading timelines for Henderson High School for the Spring 2020

semester. Because of the transition to distance learning due to COVID-19, we adjusted

the Henderson High School grading timelines and weights for Spring 2020. This was

done in an effort to maintain equity for all students when calculating GPA for the next

four years. The 4th six weeks grading period was completed and finalized before we

began distance learning. This grade will stand as 34% of the student’s Spring 2020

semester grade. The transition to distance learning occurred in the middle of the 5th six

week grading period. These grades were not finalized and we did not begin taking grades

for work completed through distance learning until the 5th six week grading period would

have been completed. We are not going to count the 5th six weeks in the student’s Spring

2020 semester grade. The 6th six week grading period will account for 66% of the

student’s Spring 2020 semester grade.

B. Hear an Update on Summer Programming – Superintendent Lamb reported that the Texas

Education Agency Commissioner is not allowing students to assemble inside of

buildings, so it appears that we will not have summer programming.

C. Discussion on Attendance Incentive – Superintendent Lamb presented five proposals for

the board to consider regarding the attendance incentive for the second semester. A total

of 289 employees had perfect attendance by March 6, 2020. Superintendent Lamb would

like to make a decision during the regular meeting in June as the incentive was to be paid

at the end of June.



9. Set Date, Time and Location of next Regular Board Meeting – The following date and

time were agreed upon.

A. Tentative Date and Time of Regular Board Meeting: June 9, 2020 at 5:30 PM

The Board of Trustees convened in Closed Session at 6:40 PM.

10. Closed Meeting: A Closed Meeting may be held for discussion under the provisions of

Texas Government Code Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082,

& 551.089 pursuant to HISD Policy BEC. Items to be discussed include, but are not

limited to:

A. Discuss Personnel

1. Curriculum & Instruction

B. Hire Personnel

1. Teachers

2. Administrators

C. Consider Resignations

1. Teachers

2. Coaches

The Board of Trustees ended Closed Session at 7:46 PM.

11. Consideration and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session – Upon return

from Closed Session, the following actions were taken:

A motion was made by Mrs. Jean Williams with a second by Mr. Jon Johnston to approve the

hiring of the following new hires and reassignments:

On probationary contract – Cindy Hathorn, Teacher at Wylie Elementary; Rebecca Garner,

Teacher at Wylie Elementary; Kylie Carroll, Teacher at Wylie Elementary; Ali Smith,

Teacher at Henderson Middle School; Jessica Revels, Speech Language Pathology

Assistant; Shannon Renee Perry, Educational Diagnostician.

On an 11 month probationary contract – Heather Burris – Certified Professional.

Reassignments as follows: Terry Everitt, Director of Curriculum and Instruction; Dea Henry,

Principal of Henderson High School; Cindy Vestal, Principal of Northside Intermediate

School; Teacher Specialists – Layce Russell, Taylor Spoon, Regina Sugg, Jodie Morse, Nikki

Driver, Teris Butler, Liana Kirk, Sherri McCaw, and Lisa Lybrand. The motion carried

unanimously, 7-0.

A motion was made by Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe with a second by Mr. Adam Duey to accept the

following resignations as presented: Suzanne Dotson (Retiring) from Henderson Middle

School; Jamie Fowler, Wylie Elementary; Courtney Mosley, Wylie Elementary; Kaleb

Isenhour, Henderson High School; Kristi Lenard, Wylie Elementary; Emily Foster,

Henderson Middle School; Cathy Luckert, Henderson Middle School; Leandria Colley,

Henderson High School; Lori Dugger, Henderson Middle School; Lauren Clinton, Wylie

Elementary; Cruz Orta, Wylie Elementary; Camille Knight (Retiring), Wylie Elementary.

The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

12. Adjournment – A motion was made by Mr. Jon Johnston with a second by Mr. Harold

Sentmore to adjorn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.










Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Board of Trustees of Henderson ISD met Tuesday, May 26, 2020, beginning at 12:00 PM in

the Henderson ISD Administration Boardroom, 300 Crosby Drive, Henderson, TX 75652 with

the following members present:

Drew Butler

Adam Duey

James Holmes

Jon Johnston

Harold Sentmore

Jean Williams

Mary Sue Wolfe

1. Call to Order at 12:03 PM by Chairman Drew Butler.

2. Open Forum – No emails requesting to speak in Open Forum were received.

3. Communication from Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Items Before the Board – No

emails requesting to discuss a pending agenda item were received.

4. Consider Approval of Changing the School Calendar for 2020-2021. Dr. Stephanie Bonneau

presented the proposed 2020-2021 calendar changes as follows:

• Move the beginning of school up two weeks from the current board approved calendar,

including new teacher orientation, teacher’s first day back, and first day of school.

• Added the additional day of Friday off for the Labor Day weekend.

• Added a fall break the week of October 12 – 16.

• An additional week off during Christmas break, December 21 – January 8.

These changes all occur in the first semester and will allow students to return to the learning

environment sooner, allow flexibility, if needed, for another COVID-19 outbreak, follows

TEA recommendations, and will maintain the same number of instructional days for students

and work days for teachers. Surveys were completed by faculty and parents/community.

Out of the 262 faculty responses, 79.4% agreed with changing the calendar. Of the 660

responses from parents/community, 78.6% agreed with changing the calendar. A motion was

made by Mr. Harold Sentmore with a second by Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe to approve the revised

2020-2021 calendar as presented. The motion carried, unanimously, 7-0.

5. Consider Approval of Right-of-Way Easement with Sabine Oil and Gas – presented by

Amanda Wallace. The Henderson ISD, with the counsel of the district’s attorney, John

Hardy, at Hardy Cook & Hardy, have negotiated an agreement and terms for a proposal of a

Right-of-Way Easement with Sabine Oil & Gas. The location of the easement is described as

Abstract 454, W.F. Johnson Survey, Abstract 847, J.S. Whiteman Survey, Abstract 736, J.

Sory Survey, Block 581, High School Property – 73.37 acres. Sabine Oil & Gas have agreed

to pay the district $200 per rod. Work on the pipeline will begin immediately and is

anticipated to be completed before school begins. A motion was made by Mr. Adam Duey



with a second by Mr. Jon Johnston to approve the Right-of-Way Easement with Sabine Oil &

Gas. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

6. Consider Approval of Replacing the Floor in Weight Room – Coach Phil Castles presented

information regarding the request to replace the flooring in the weight room at HHS.

Following are the three estimates received to remove and replace the flooring: Promaxima,

$90,702.00; RFS Sports, $87,983.18; BSN Sports, $122,020.59. After receiving positive

reviews on the work and material used by RFS Sports, it was recommended that the district

accept their bid of $87,983.18. A motion was made by Mr. Jon Johnston with a second by

Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe to purchase new flooring for the HHS weight room. The motion

carried unanimously, 7-0.

7. Consider Approval of Budget Transfer – Kristin Byrd presented for approval a budget

amendment from function 36 to function 51 to cover the cost of the new weight room

flooring for HHS. A motion was made by Mrs. Jean Williams with a second by Mr. Harold

Sentmore to approve the budget amendment as presented. The motion carried unanimously,


The Board of Trustees convened in Closed Session at 12:51 PM.

8. Closed Meeting: A Closed Meeting may be held for discussion under the provisions of

Texas Government Code Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082,

& 551.089 pursuant to HISD Policy BEC. Items to be discussed include, but are not

limited to:

A. Discuss Personnel

B. Hire Personnel

C. Consider Resignations

The Board of Trustees ended Closed Session at 1:26 PM.

9. Consideration and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session – Upon return from

Closed Session, the following actions were taken:

A motion was made by Mrs. Mary Sue Wolfe with a second by Mrs. Jean Williams to hire

Wakita Lamb, Central Office; Jordan Toon, teacher at Henderson High School; Sarah Dean,

teacher at Wylie Primary; and Shelby McCauley, teacher at Wylie Primary. The motion

carried unanimously, 7-0.

A motion was made by Mr. Harold Sentmore with a second by Mr. James Holmes to accept

the resignations of Lori Baker, teacher at Northside Intermediate; Sharon Florey, teacher at

Henderson High School; and Caroline Taylor, teacher at Northside Intermediate. The motion

carried unanimously, 7-0.

10. Adjournment – A motion was made by Mr. Adam Duey with a second by Mr. Jon Johnston

to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0.

________________________________________ Chair



ATTEST: ______________________________________ Secretary

Local Revenue

State Revenue

Federal Revenue

Total Revenue









Henderson ISD Revenue Summary by Source General Fund 199 As of 04/30/2020

Budget Received to-date

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:01 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET / ACTUAL REVENUE COMPARISON REPORT (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 1

2019-20 RECEIVED Unexpended PERCENT



199 R 00 5711 00 000 0 00 000 TAXES, CURRENT YEAR 14,837,786.00 14,225,515.62 612,270.38 95.87

199 R 00 5712 00 000 0 00 000 TAXES, PRIOR YEAR 160,000.00 103,189.55 56,810.45 64.49

199 R 00 5712 01 000 0 00 000 TAXES, PRIOR YEAR 0.00 5,515.34 -5,515.34 0.00

199 R 00 5717 00 000 0 00 000 PENALTIES, INTEREST AND OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5717 01 000 0 00 000 PENALTIES, INTEREST AND OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5719 00 000 0 00 000 OTHER TAX REVENUE 140,000.00 115,419.48 24,580.52 82.44

199 R 00 5723 00 000 0 00 000 SSA - REV.FROM FISCAL AGENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5737 00 000 0 00 000 TUITION AND FEES - LOCALLY DE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5739 01 000 0 00 000 TUITION AND FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5742 00 000 0 00 000 EARNINGS FROM TEMP.INVESTMENTS 135,000.00 147,880.69 -12,880.69 109.54

199 R 00 5743 00 000 0 00 000 FACILITY RENTAL 15,000.00 12,970.25 2,029.75 86.47

199 R 00 5743 99 000 0 00 000 FACILITY RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5744 00 000 0 00 000 GIFTS & BEQUESTS 0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00 0.00

199 R 00 5745 00 000 0 00 000 INSURANCE RECOVERY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 15,000.00 27,234.67 -12,234.67 181.56

199 R 00 5749 01 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 0.00 176.03 -176.03 0.00

199 R 00 5749 05 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 7,500.00 15,691.46 -8,191.46 209.22

199 R 00 5749 22 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5749 95 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5752 00 000 0 00 000 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5752 10 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 125,000.00 32,003.25 92,996.75 25.60

199 R 00 5752 11 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 3,000.00 5,085.25 -2,085.25 169.51

199 R 00 5752 12 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 13,000.00 6,897.00 6,103.00 53.05

199 R 00 5752 15 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 2,000.00 303.50 1,696.50 15.18

199 R 00 5752 16 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 1,000.00 612.50 387.50 61.25

199 R 00 5752 20 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 1,500.00 2,480.91 -980.91 165.39

199 R 00 5752 21 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 500.00 2,263.00 -1,763.00 452.60

199 R 00 5752 30 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5752 40 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5752 50 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 2,500.00 4,474.59 -1,974.59 178.98

199 R 00 5752 51 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 1,250.00 1,508.75 -258.75 120.70

199 R 00 5752 60 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 2,000.00 3,411.00 -1,411.00 170.55

199 R 00 5752 61 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 1,250.00 1,985.00 -735.00 158.80

199 R 00 5752 70 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 1,500.00 2,086.00 -586.00 139.07

199 R 00 5752 80 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 2,000.00 2,326.00 -326.00 116.30

199 R 00 5752 91 000 0 00 100 ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5766 00 000 0 00 000 REVENUES FRO INTERMEDIATE SOUR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5767 00 000 0 00 000 REVENUES FRO INTERMEDIATE SOUR 280,000.00 0.00 280,000.00 0.00

199 R 00 5769 00 000 0 00 000 MISC.REVENUE FROM INTER.SOURCE 0.00 843.09 -843.09 0.00

199 R 00 5769 00 000 0 00 HDJ MISC.REVENUE FROM INTER.SOURCE 210,092.00 124,637.12 85,454.88 59.33

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

199 R 00 57-- -- --- - -- --- *REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 15,956,878.00 14,846,510.05 1,110,367.95 93.04


199 R 00 5811 00 000 0 00 000 PER CAPITA APPORTIONMENT 792,962.00 440,804.00 352,158.00 55.59

199 R 00 5812 00 000 0 00 000 FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM 14,017,169.00 6,599,276.77 7,417,892.23 47.08

199 R 00 5819 00 000 0 00 000 OTHER FSP REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5828 00 000 0 00 000 REVENUES FROM OTHER STATE PROG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5829 00 000 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 TRS ON-BEHALF PAYMENTS 1,433,444.08 956,105.97 477,338.11 66.70

199 R 00 5839 00 000 0 00 000 STATE REV.FROM OTHER AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

199 R 00 58-- -- --- - -- --- *STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 16,243,575.08 7,996,186.74 8,247,388.34 49.23

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:01 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET / ACTUAL REVENUE COMPARISON REPORT (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 2

2019-20 RECEIVED Unexpended PERCENT



199 R 00 5929 IC 000 0 00 000 FED.REVENUE FROM TEA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5931 00 000 0 00 000 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES - SHARS 475,000.00 774,802.76 -299,802.76 163.12

199 R 00 5932 00 000 0 00 000 MEDICAID ADM. CLAIMING PGM. 12,000.00 10,065.37 1,934.63 83.88

199 R 00 5939 00 000 0 00 000 FED.REV.FROM OTHER ST.AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 R 00 5949 00 000 0 00 000 FED.REV.DIST.FROM FED.AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

199 R 00 59-- -- --- - -- --- *FEDERAL PROGRAM REVENUES 487,000.00 784,868.13 -297,868.13 161.16


199 R 00 6144 00 000 0 00 000 TRS ON-BEHALF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

199 R 00 61-- -- --- - -- --- *PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

199 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *GENERAL FUND 32,687,453.08 23,627,564.92 9,059,888.16 72.28

================= ================= ================= =========

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:01 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET / ACTUAL REVENUE COMPARISON REPORT (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 3

2019-20 RECEIVED Unexpended PERCENT



240 R 00 5742 00 000 0 00 000 EARNINGS FROM TEMP.INVESTMENTS 10,000.00 9,973.14 26.86 99.73

240 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 R 00 5751 00 000 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 0.00 1,527.59 -1,527.59 0.00

240 R 00 5751 00 001 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 140,000.00 91,845.46 48,154.54 65.60

240 R 00 5751 00 041 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 130,000.00 95,757.17 34,242.83 73.66

240 R 00 5751 00 107 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 12,000.00 19,552.55 -7,552.55 162.94

240 R 00 5751 00 108 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 30,000.00 25,681.92 4,318.08 85.61

240 R 00 5751 00 109 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 30,000.00 24,545.44 5,454.56 81.82

240 R 00 5751 01 000 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 R 00 5751 11 000 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

240 R 00 57-- -- --- - -- --- *REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 352,000.00 268,883.27 83,116.73 76.39


240 R 00 5829 00 001 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 2,700.00 10,370.02 -7,670.02 384.07

240 R 00 5829 00 041 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 2,700.00 0.00 2,700.00 0.00

240 R 00 5829 00 107 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 0.00

240 R 00 5829 00 108 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 1,800.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00

240 R 00 5829 00 109 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 2,700.00 0.00 2,700.00 0.00

240 R 00 5831 00 000 0 00 000 TRS ON-BEHALF PAYMENTS 16,000.00 18,020.24 -2,020.24 112.63

240 R 00 5839 00 000 0 00 000 STATE REV.FROM OTHER AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

240 R 00 58-- -- --- - -- --- *STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 27,300.00 28,390.26 -1,090.26 103.99


240 R 00 5921 00 001 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL BREAKFAST 72,000.00 83,599.10 -11,599.10 116.11

240 R 00 5921 00 041 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL BREAKFAST 110,000.00 50,620.52 59,379.48 46.02

240 R 00 5921 00 107 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL BREAKFAST 90,000.00 48,759.82 41,240.18 54.18

240 R 00 5921 00 108 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL BREAKFAST 75,000.00 45,550.04 29,449.96 60.73

240 R 00 5921 00 109 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL BREAKFAST 115,000.00 55,653.90 59,346.10 48.39

240 R 00 5921 97 000 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL BREAKFAST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 R 00 5922 00 001 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL LUNCH 220,000.00 268,705.19 -48,705.19 122.14

240 R 00 5922 00 041 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL LUNCH 290,000.00 149,313.15 140,686.85 51.49

240 R 00 5922 00 107 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL LUNCH 180,000.00 90,333.39 89,666.61 50.19

240 R 00 5922 00 108 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL LUNCH 230,000.00 130,128.35 99,871.65 56.58

240 R 00 5922 00 109 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL LUNCH 350,000.00 181,168.03 168,831.97 51.76

240 R 00 5922 97 000 0 00 000 NSLP - SCHOOL LUNCH 22,000.00 0.00 22,000.00 0.00

240 R 00 5923 00 000 0 00 000 USDA DONATED COMMODITIES 128,000.00 0.00 128,000.00 0.00

240 R 00 5929 00 000 0 00 000 FED.REVENUE FROM TEA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 R 00 5939 00 000 0 00 000 FED.REV.FROM OTHER ST.AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 R 00 5939 00 001 0 00 000 FED.REV.FROM OTHER ST.AGENCIES 0.00 937.41 -937.41 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

240 R 00 59-- -- --- - -- --- *FEDERAL PROGRAM REVENUES 1,882,000.00 1,104,768.90 777,231.10 58.70

240 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *HISD CHILD NUTRITION 2,261,300.00 1,402,042.43 859,257.57 62.00

================= ================= ================= =========

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:01 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET / ACTUAL REVENUE COMPARISON REPORT (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 4

2019-20 RECEIVED Unexpended PERCENT



599 R 00 5711 00 000 0 00 000 TAXES, CURRENT YEAR 3,385,679.00 3,463,536.89 -77,857.89 102.30

599 R 00 5712 00 000 0 00 000 TAXES, PRIOR YEAR 40,000.00 23,672.18 16,327.82 59.18

599 R 00 5717 00 000 0 00 000 PENALTIES, INTEREST AND OTHER 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00

599 R 00 5719 00 000 0 00 000 OTHER TAX REVENUE 65,000.00 25,893.91 39,106.09 39.84

599 R 00 5742 00 000 0 00 000 EARNINGS FROM TEMP.INVESTMENTS 0.00 43,164.03 -43,164.03 0.00

599 R 00 5743 00 000 0 00 000 FACILITY RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

599 R 00 5749 00 000 0 00 000 OTHER REV.FROM LOCAL SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

599 R 00 57-- -- --- - -- --- *REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 3,530,679.00 3,556,267.01 -25,588.01 100.72


599 R 00 5829 00 000 0 00 000 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES - TEA 100,000.00 1,887.00 98,113.00 1.89

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

599 R 00 58-- -- --- - -- --- *STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 100,000.00 1,887.00 98,113.00 1.89


599 R 00 5949 00 000 0 00 000 FED.REV.DIST.FROM FED.AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

599 R 00 59-- -- --- - -- --- *FEDERAL PROGRAM REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

599 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *DEBT SERVICE 3,630,679.00 3,558,154.01 72,524.99 98.00

================= ================= ================= =========

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2019-20 RECEIVED Unexpended PERCENT



699 R 00 5742 00 000 0 00 000 EARNINGS FROM TEMP.INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________

699 R 00 57-- -- --- - -- --- *REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

699 - -- ---- -- --- - -- --- *CONSTRUCT TRADITIONAL NEW MS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

================= ================= ================= =========

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:01 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET / ACTUAL REVENUE COMPARISON REPORT (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 6

2019-20 RECEIVED Unexpended PERCENT



Grand Revenue Totals 38,579,432.08 28,587,761.36 9,991,670.72 74.10

Number of Accounts: 96

************************ End of report ************************


Instructional Resources

Curriculum Development

Instructional Leadership

School Leadership

Guidance & Counseling

Social Work Services

Health Services

Pupil Transportation

Cocurricular & Extracurricular

General Administration

Plant Maintenance

Security & Monitoring

Data Processing

Community Services

Payments to Fiscal Agents

Other Intergovernmental

Total Expenditures



















62.03%, $11,468,845

61.78%, $214,980

54.65%, $161,045

45.59%, $299,859

63.35%, $1,230,588

57.70%, $649,483

59.17%, $52,047

64.83%, $250,546

62.12%, $1,095,771

52.04%, $756,703

59.84%, $853,291

59.36%, $1,975,246

17.69%, $98,184

51.58%, $200,824

67.01%, $14,338

100.00%, $32,946

69.75%, $268,524

60.03%, $19,623,220

Henderson ISD Summary of Expenditures by Function 04/30/2020

Budget Expended to-date

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:05 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET EXPENDITURE COMPARISON 199,240,599 (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 1

2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %



61-- PAYROLL COSTS 16,389,691.44 10,672,722.56 0.00 5,716,968.88 74.10 74.10

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 483,210.00 150,029.18 48,426.46 284,754.36 44.67 33.44

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 961,761.00 322,374.25 55,410.67 583,976.08 52.72 36.49

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 174,142.00 55,726.73 13,666.70 104,748.57 39.82 32.69

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 480,686.00 267,992.06 0.00 212,693.94 58.24 55.75

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- INSTRUCTION 18,489,490.44 11,468,844.78 117,503.83 6,903,141.83 71.48 70.21


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 299,060.95 186,839.35 0.00 112,221.60 69.17 69.17

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 600.00 354.88 0.00 245.12 59.15 59.15

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 48,292.00 27,786.18 6,633.99 13,871.83 71.28 62.71

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 30.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- INST. RESOURCES & MEDIA SVCS 347,982.95 214,980.41 6,633.99 126,368.55 69.44 68.25


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 140,333.95 93,176.46 0.00 47,157.49 73.71 73.71

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 47,949.00 35,213.49 7,655.01 5,080.50 89.40 73.44

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 22,894.00 4,494.76 1,120.35 17,278.89 26.68 20.93

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 83,506.00 28,159.83 6,368.13 48,978.04 44.47 34.53

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- CURRICULUM DEV.& INST.STF DEV 294,682.95 161,044.54 15,143.49 118,494.92 64.32 58.46


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 613,520.58 282,445.17 0.00 331,075.41 51.52 51.52

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 8,141.00 857.85 758.50 6,524.65 19.85 10.54

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 18,500.00 9,816.20 284.63 8,399.17 53.06 53.06

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 17,600.00 6,739.59 1,543.27 9,317.14 51.61 38.29

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 657,761.58 299,858.81 2,586.40 355,316.37 51.17 50.70


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 1,891,281.44 1,204,404.25 0.00 686,877.19 70.55 70.55

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 9,062.00 6,721.12 2,040.38 300.50 96.68 74.17

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 17,718.00 9,557.64 100.00 8,060.36 57.22 56.65

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 22,409.00 9,210.09 2,643.30 10,555.61 54.46 42.97

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 1,944.00 695.21 1,244.00 4.79 97.18 97.18

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 1,942,414.44 1,230,588.31 6,027.68 705,798.45 70.39 70.15

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:05 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET EXPENDITURE COMPARISON 199,240,599 (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 2

2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %



61-- PAYROLL COSTS 1,067,772.83 611,329.66 0.00 456,443.17 63.15 63.15

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 6,150.00 2,652.24 450.00 3,047.76 50.44 43.13

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 35,648.00 31,969.71 2,222.83 1,455.46 97.51 89.68

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 15,982.00 3,531.50 4,986.92 7,463.58 53.19 23.23

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- GUIDANCE & COUNSELING 1,125,552.83 649,483.11 7,659.75 468,409.97 64.02 63.31


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 86,968.81 51,845.49 0.00 35,123.32 66.25 66.25

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 1,000.00 201.26 98.74 700.00 30.00 20.13

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- SOCIAL WORK SERVICES 87,968.81 52,046.75 98.74 35,823.32 65.84 65.73


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 371,454.32 240,957.76 0.00 130,496.56 71.92 71.92

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 3,253.00 1,410.00 375.00 1,468.00 57.76 43.34

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 10,142.00 7,406.25 825.94 1,909.81 77.96 73.03

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 1,640.00 771.79 26.35 841.86 48.67 47.06

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- HEALTH SERVICES 386,489.32 250,545.80 1,227.29 134,716.23 71.86 71.61


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 1,337,686.76 820,381.64 0.00 517,305.12 67.08 67.08

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 56,688.88 39,206.34 4,959.98 12,522.56 80.84 69.71

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 120,070.12 63,109.61 46,168.18 10,792.33 106.04 53.25

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 49,618.00 44,027.90 960.00 4,630.10 91.07 88.73

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 200,000.00 129,046.00 0.00 70,954.00 64.52 64.52

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- PUPIL TRANSPORTATION 1,764,063.76 1,095,771.49 52,088.16 616,204.11 70.56 66.55


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

89-- OTHER USES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- FOOD SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 657,585.62 429,282.53 0.00 228,303.09 71.92 71.92

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 116,365.00 97,549.58 11,930.65 6,884.77 98.80 84.41

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 136,066.05 61,107.31 34,080.38 40,878.36 78.24 45.57

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 539,137.95 167,753.92 19,149.74 352,234.29 34.91 30.99

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 4,850.00 1,009.89 0.00 3,840.11 20.82 20.82

89-- OTHER USES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:05 PM 06/01/20 BUDGET EXPENDITURE COMPARISON 199,240,599 (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 3

2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %



---- COCURR./EXTRACURR.ACTIVITIES 1,454,004.62 756,703.23 65,160.77 632,140.62 60.77 55.11


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 966,577.42 572,657.54 0.00 393,919.88 66.64 66.64

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 214,058.00 130,710.62 13,808.05 69,539.33 67.75 61.70

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 72,668.00 35,653.29 14,622.34 22,392.37 69.81 62.24

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 140,872.00 99,330.76 8,496.21 33,045.03 77.82 72.97

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 31,797.00 14,938.74 16,632.04 226.22 99.29 98.92

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 1,425,972.42 853,290.95 53,558.64 519,122.83 68.80 67.02


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 904,792.92 558,305.25 0.00 346,487.67 68.59 68.59

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 2,058,243.00 1,144,667.83 686,707.16 226,868.01 94.44 58.46

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 180,496.00 112,335.50 36,355.81 31,804.69 92.94 66.64

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 168,842.00 159,936.98 610.00 8,295.02 95.04 94.73

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- PLANT MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 3,327,373.92 1,975,245.56 723,672.97 628,455.39 86.94 63.24


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 34,557.00 17,442.56 0.00 17,114.44 55.54 55.54

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 368,300.00 74,135.87 21,480.51 272,683.62 47.36 46.76

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 24,157.00 6,605.42 3,640.31 13,911.27 42.41 27.34

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- SECURITY & MONITORING SERVICES 555,014.00 98,183.85 25,120.82 431,709.33 36.73 35.68


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 133,357.35 56,553.71 0.00 76,803.64 47.25 47.25

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 90,285.00 66,448.00 115.00 23,722.00 73.73 73.73

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 63,172.00 49,985.91 162.72 13,023.37 82.81 79.13

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 4,554.00 622.19 0.00 3,931.81 13.66 13.66

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 97,968.00 27,214.64 9,909.96 60,843.40 37.89 27.78

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 389,336.35 200,824.45 10,187.68 178,324.22 56.41 53.27


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 18,648.23 14,281.76 0.00 4,366.47 86.16 86.16

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 2,250.00 56.00 800.00 1,394.00 2.49 2.49

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

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2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %



---- COMMUNITY SERVICES 21,398.23 14,337.76 800.00 6,260.47 75.35 75.35


65-- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- DEBT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- FACILITIES ACQ. & CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- CONT.INST.SVCS.\RECAPTURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 32,946.00 32,945.82 0.00 0.18 100.00 100.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- PAYMENTS TO FISCAL AGENTS\MBRS 32,946.00 32,945.82 0.00 0.18 100.00 100.00


62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 385,000.00 268,523.50 0.00 116,476.50 69.75 69.75

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGE 385,000.00 268,523.50 0.00 116,476.50 69.75 69.75

---- GENERAL FUND 32,687,452.62 19,623,219.12 1,087,470.21 11,976,763.29 70.83 66.98

================= ================= ================= ================= ========= =========

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2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %



61-- PAYROLL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- INSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


61-- PAYROLL COSTS 1,165,586.50 853,654.23 0.00 311,932.27 80.85 80.85

62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 26,000.00 16,166.13 1,564.00 8,269.87 68.19 63.22

63-- SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 1,038,613.00 610,223.15 65,258.34 363,131.51 70.19 58.77

64-- OTHER OPERATING COSTS 13,100.00 2,084.30 1,974.09 9,041.61 30.98 15.91

66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 18,000.00 15,710.00 0.00 2,290.00 87.28 87.28

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- FOOD SERVICES 2,261,299.50 1,497,837.81 68,796.43 694,665.26 75.57 70.18


66-- CAPITAL OUTLAY - LAND, BUILD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- FACILITIES ACQ. & CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

---- HISD CHILD NUTRITION 2,261,299.50 1,497,837.81 68,796.43 694,665.26 75.57 70.18

================= ================= ================= ================= ========= =========

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2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %



62-- PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTED SERV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

65-- 3,466,576.00 649,950.88 0.00 2,816,625.12 18.75 18.75

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________ _________

---- DEBT SERVICES 3,466,576.00 649,950.88 0.00 2,816,625.12 18.75 18.75

---- DEBT SERVICE 3,466,576.00 649,950.88 0.00 2,816,625.12 18.75 18.75

================= ================= ================= ================= ========= =========

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2019-20 2019-20 Encumbered Unencumbered Activity Activity

OBJ OBJ Revised Budget FYTD Activity Amount Balance FY+Enc % FY %


Grand Expense Totals 38,415,328.12 21,771,007.81 1,156,266.64 15,488,053.67 66.41 62.81

Number of Accounts: 7652

************************ End of report ************************

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:15 PM 06/01/20 CASH & INVESTMENTS SUMMARY (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 1

April 2019-20 April 2019-20 April 2019-20 Ending

OBJ OBJ Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance

1102 TX BNK-CK-TAX CLEARING 14,248,041.10 14,668.91 1,696,361.80 12,566,348.21

1103 TX BNK-CK-WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,484.19 1.63 855.35 3,630.47

1106 TX BNK-CK-CREDIT CARD CLEARING 1,487.68 0.00 1,487.68 0.00

1111 TX BNK-CK-OPERATING 1,002,242.93 3,545,448.90 2,741,140.24 1,806,551.59

1113 TX BNK-CK-CHILD NUTRITION 65.81 0.04 0.00 65.85

1114 TX BNK-CK-INTEREST & SINKING 7,510.30 2.78 0.00 7,513.08

1115 TX BNK-MM-CHILD NUTRITION 1,018,777.14 1,088.56 0.00 1,019,865.70

1116 TX BNK-CK-PAYROLL CLEARING 113,545.26 2,536,390.83 2,590,903.55 59,032.54

1117 TX BNK-MM-OPERATING 9,607,108.86 10,265.13 0.00 9,617,373.99

1118 TX BNK-MM-INTEREST & SINKING 3,292,325.32 3,517.83 0.00 3,295,843.15


Grand Asset Totals 29,295,588.59 6,111,384.61 7,030,748.62 28,376,224.58

Number of Accounts: 42

************************ End of report ************************

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:15 PM 06/01/20 CASH & INVESTMENTS (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 1

Account Level April 2019-20 April 2019-20 April 2019-20 Ending

FND T FC OBJ SO ORG F PI LOC Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance


199 A 00 1102 00 000 0 00 000 TAX CLEARING 11,085,558.36 10,972.98 1,696,361.80 9,400,169.54

599 A 00 1102 00 000 0 00 000 TAX CLEARING 3,162,482.74 3,695.93 0.00 3,166,178.67

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1102 -- --- - -- --- 14,248,041.10 14,668.91 1,696,361.80 12,566,348.21

================= ================= ================= =================


199 A 00 1103 00 000 0 00 000 CASH-WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,485.81 1.63 0.00 2,487.44

753 A 00 1103 00 000 0 00 000 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,998.38 0.00 855.35 1,143.03

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1103 -- --- - -- --- 4,484.19 1.63 855.35 3,630.47

================= ================= ================= =================


199 A 00 1106 00 000 0 00 000 CASH IN BANK-CREDIT CARD CLEAR 1,487.68 0.00 1,487.68 0.00

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1106 -- --- - -- --- 1,487.68 0.00 1,487.68 0.00

================= ================= ================= =================


199 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - GENERAL FUND 441,975.15 2,942,856.21 2,353,318.98 1,031,512.38

211 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - ESEA TITLE 1 -152,091.30 157,429.18 58,865.00 -53,527.12

224 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 IDEA B FORMULA -129,868.17 134,481.39 66,018.04 -61,404.82

225 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 IDEA B PRESCHOOL, FORMULA -5,335.93 4,676.42 2,012.25 -2,671.76

226 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 35,000.00

240 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 FOOD SERVICE 235,878.65 205,327.32 220,953.48 220,252.49

244 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 PERKINS BASIC GRANT-CASH -25,533.31 15,937.94 7,135.76 -16,731.13

255 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 TEACHER/PRINC TRAIN & RECRUIT -19,636.31 20,392.38 8,945.99 -8,189.92

263 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 TITLE III, PART A, L.E.P. -5,100.20 5,251.60 1,650.44 -1,499.04

288 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH -3,144.64 3,345.58 1,638.16 -1,437.22

289 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 SUMMER SCHOOL LEP 4,007.00 0.00 0.00 4,007.00

385 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 VISUALLY IMPAIRED GRANT 0.00 2,360.00 0.00 2,360.00

410 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - IMA 671.69 0.00 0.00 671.69

429 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH -206.92 0.00 0.00 -206.92

461 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 DIS, ACTIVITY FUNDS 19,644.51 27.21 0.00 19,671.72

481 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 112,536.27 71.56 1,536.50 111,071.33

482 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 115,799.57 92.37 0.00 115,891.94

483 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 79,043.66 44.29 0.00 79,087.95

486 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 62,285.73 59.13 0.00 62,344.86

487 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 14,135.65 2.79 2,479.13 11,659.31

488 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 GENERAL OPERATING CASH 39,577.96 19.80 3,278.63 36,319.13

492 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - HEAD START 14,784.05 17,881.87 12,132.75 20,533.17

690 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 CASH 52,943.52 12.56 0.00 52,956.08

753 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 OPERATING CASH 131,298.83 175.17 0.00 131,474.00

865 A 00 1111 00 000 0 00 000 GENERAL OPERATING CASH 18,577.47 4.13 1,175.13 17,406.47

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1111 -- --- - -- --- 1,002,242.93 3,545,448.90 2,741,140.24 1,806,551.59

================= ================= ================= =================

3frbud12.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:15 PM 06/01/20 CASH & INVESTMENTS (Date: 4/2020) PAGE: 2

Account Level April 2019-20 April 2019-20 April 2019-20 Ending

FND T FC OBJ SO ORG F PI LOC Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance


240 A 00 1113 00 000 0 00 000 CASH 65.81 0.04 0.00 65.85

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1113 -- --- - -- --- 65.81 0.04 0.00 65.85

================= ================= ================= =================


599 A 00 1114 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - I & S CHECKING 7,510.30 2.78 0.00 7,513.08

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1114 -- --- - -- --- 7,510.30 2.78 0.00 7,513.08

================= ================= ================= =================


240 A 00 1115 00 000 0 00 000 CASH-CHILD NUTRITION MM 1,018,777.14 1,088.56 0.00 1,019,865.70

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1115 -- --- - -- --- 1,018,777.14 1,088.56 0.00 1,019,865.70

================= ================= ================= =================


898 A 00 1116 00 000 0 00 000 CASH 113,545.26 2,536,390.83 2,590,903.55 59,032.54

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1116 -- --- - -- --- 113,545.26 2,536,390.83 2,590,903.55 59,032.54

================= ================= ================= =================


199 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - GENERAL FUND MM 9,479,687.45 10,128.97 0.00 9,489,816.42

807 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 MM - INA ROWELL SCHOLARSHIP 650.21 0.69 0.00 650.90

811 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 MM - PETERSON SCHOLARSHIP 6.79 0.01 0.00 6.80

812 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 MM - TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE 27.00 0.03 0.00 27.03

817 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 SCHOLARSHIP - HAND MONEY MARKE 19,630.47 20.98 0.00 19,651.45

836 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 SCHOLARSHIP - PLUNKETT MONEY M 100,671.11 107.57 0.00 100,778.68

837 A 00 1117 00 000 0 00 000 SCHOLARSHIP WALLACE - MONEY MA 6,435.83 6.88 0.00 6,442.71

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1117 -- --- - -- --- 9,607,108.86 10,265.13 0.00 9,617,373.99

================= ================= ================= =================


599 A 00 1118 00 000 0 00 000 CASH - I & S MONEY MARKET 3,292,325.32 3,517.83 0.00 3,295,843.15

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

XXX A 00 1118 -- --- - -- --- 3,292,325.32 3,517.83 0.00 3,295,843.15

================= ================= ================= =================


Grand Asset Totals 29,295,588.59 6,111,384.61 7,030,748.62 28,376,224.58

Number of Accounts: 42

************************ End of report ************************

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188951 04/06/2020 R 44,221.79 SWEPCO (R)

188977 04/09/2020 R 110,142.94 MASTER AUDIO VISUALS

188984 04/09/2020 R 71,235.74 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF EAST TEXAS

188991 04/16/2020 R 68,284.85 ABM INDUSTRIES INC. (REMIT)

189050 04/24/2020 R 29,704.64 PLILER INTERNATIONAL

189071 04/30/2020 R 72,450.00 RENEAU ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC

189075 04/30/2020 R 38,390.99 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF EAST TEXAS

201900093 04/24/2020 W 177,581.84 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE

201900094 04/24/2020 W 140,199.90 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS

201900097 04/24/2020 W 167,284.00 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS

201900101 04/14/2020 W 29,657.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA

201900106 04/30/2020 W 47,316.31 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS

996,470.19 Totals for checks



Credit CardPayroll


188951 04/06/2020 R 44,221.79 SWEPCO (R)
201900093 04/24/2020 W 177,581.84 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE
201900094 04/24/2020 W 140,199.90 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS
201900097 04/24/2020 W 167,284.00 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS
201900101 04/14/2020 W 29,657.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA
201900106 04/30/2020 W 47,316.31 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS

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199 GENERAL FUND 62,253.84 0.00 324,804.22 387,058.06

211 TITLE I PART A, BASIC PROGRAMS 5,077.40 0.00 0.00 5,077.40

224 IDEA PART B FORMULA 4,936.48 0.00 0.00 4,936.48

225 IDEA PART B PRESCHOOL 183.63 0.00 0.00 183.63

240 HISD CHILD NUTRITION 2,531.15 0.00 109,626.73 112,157.88

244 CARL D PERKINS BASIC FORM. GRT 638.89 0.00 0.00 638.89

255 TITLE II PART A-TEACH PRINC TR 754.37 0.00 0.00 754.37

263 TITLE III, PART A-LEP 150.44 0.00 0.00 150.44

288 SLDS LEA GRANT 140.94 0.00 0.00 140.94

481 HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUND 20.50 0.00 0.00 20.50

487 WYLIE PRIMARY ACTIVITY FUND 100.48 0.00 0.00 100.48

492 HEAD START 185.38 0.00 0.00 185.38

898 FUND 898 485,065.74 0.00 0.00 485,065.74

*** Fund Summary Totals *** 562,039.24 0.00 434,430.95 996,470.19

************************ End of report ************************

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188949 04/06/2020 R 121.06 7002000019 CENTERPOINT ENERGY

188949 04/06/2020 R 1,921.01 7002000019 CENTERPOINT ENERGY

188949 04/06/2020 R 32.87 7002000019 CENTERPOINT ENERGY

188949 04/06/2020 R 241.66 7002000019 CENTERPOINT ENERGY

188949 04/06/2020 R 303.69 7002000019 CENTERPOINT ENERGY

188949 04/06/2020 R 732.75 7002000019 CENTERPOINT ENERGY

188950 04/06/2020 R 855.00 7002000045 SUDDENLINK COMMUNICATIONS (FIBER)

188951 04/06/2020 R 44,221.79 7002000033 SWEPCO (R)

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 59.95 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188952 04/09/2020 R 70.00 7002000017 3D MAXIMUM SECURITY

188953 04/09/2020 R 84.44 0 ABM INDUSTRIES INC. (REMIT)

188954 04/09/2020 R 300.00 8012000102 ACRES, ARLENE

188954 04/09/2020 R 240.00 8012000102 ACRES, ARLENE

188955 04/09/2020 R 136.19 12000311 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188955 04/09/2020 R 102.07 1092000155 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188955 04/09/2020 R 29.98 7012000061 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188955 04/09/2020 R 11.31 5202000472 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188955 04/09/2020 R 32.76 1092000155 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188955 04/09/2020 R 98.90 1092000153 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188956 04/09/2020 R 178.00 8012000270 APPLE INC EDUCATION (R)

188957 04/09/2020 R 207.00 12000330 AUTOMATIC PROPANE GAS & SUPPLY, LLC

188958 04/09/2020 R 218.08 5202000493 BARSCO

188959 04/09/2020 R 11,556.94 372000077 BORDEN DAIRY CO OF TEXAS, LLC

188960 04/09/2020 R 2,659.02 1612000122 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188960 04/09/2020 R 679.78 1612000226 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188960 04/09/2020 R 1,197.39 1612000102 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188960 04/09/2020 R 742.00 1612000246 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188960 04/09/2020 R 566.49 1612000217 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188961 04/09/2020 R 241.15 1082000119 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC

188961 04/09/2020 R 67.82 7012000060 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC

188961 04/09/2020 R 844.10 7012000059 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC

188962 04/09/2020 R 1,108.50 1612000268 CITIBANK

188963 04/09/2020 R 486.00 372000078 COLORADO BOXED BEEF CO. (R)

188963 04/09/2020 R 388.80 372000089 COLORADO BOXED BEEF CO. (R)

188964 04/09/2020 R 1,815.59 372000079 EMPIRE PAPER COMPANY (R)

188965 04/09/2020 R 66.42 7002000026 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS

188966 04/09/2020 R 1,487.40 8012000208 GILLIAM PH D, BRENDA

188966 04/09/2020 R 1,531.10 8012000208 GILLIAM PH D, BRENDA

188967 04/09/2020 R 62.67 0 HAIRGROVE, CAROL

188968 04/09/2020 R 2,221.00 0 HARDY, COOK, & HARDY, PC

188969 04/09/2020 R 175.50 7002000081 HENDERSON NEWS

188970 04/09/2020 R 10.35 0 HERRINGTON, PAT

188970 04/09/2020 R 10.92 0 HERRINGTON, PAT

188971 04/09/2020 R 1,830.00 1612000187 IMAGE MAKER 4 U, INC (R)

188972 04/09/2020 R 28.98 5202000475 J & B SALES AND SERVICE

188973 04/09/2020 R 34.99 412000082 J. W. PEPPER & SON, INC (R)

188973 04/09/2020 R 219.80 412000082 J. W. PEPPER & SON, INC (R)

188974 04/09/2020 R 291.00 12000301 KC CUSTOM SALES

188974 04/09/2020 R 137.00 12000327 KC CUSTOM SALES

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188974 04/09/2020 R 237.00 1612000284 KC CUSTOM SALES

188975 04/09/2020 R 1,781.51 372000080 KURZ & CO

188976 04/09/2020 R 825.00 5202000248 MAPLES LAWN SERVICE

188976 04/09/2020 R 200.00 5202000248 MAPLES LAWN SERVICE

188977 04/09/2020 R 9,640.00 7012000053 MASTER AUDIO VISUALS

188977 04/09/2020 R 332.00 7012000055 MASTER AUDIO VISUALS

188977 04/09/2020 R 10,132.94 412000116 MASTER AUDIO VISUALS

188977 04/09/2020 R 90,038.00 7012000053 MASTER AUDIO VISUALS

188978 04/09/2020 R 911.79 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

188978 04/09/2020 R 92.91 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

188978 04/09/2020 R 972.30 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

188978 04/09/2020 R 805.23 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

188978 04/09/2020 R 790.39 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

188979 04/09/2020 R 76.92 712000057 PENDERS MUSIC CO (R)

188979 04/09/2020 R 30.23 712000057 PENDERS MUSIC CO (R)

188979 04/09/2020 R 109.51 712000057 PENDERS MUSIC CO (R)

188980 04/09/2020 R 330.00 372000082 PRYOR CATTLE COMPANY LLC.

188980 04/09/2020 R 330.00 372000082 PRYOR CATTLE COMPANY LLC.

188980 04/09/2020 R 440.00 372000082 PRYOR CATTLE COMPANY LLC.

188980 04/09/2020 R 440.00 372000082 PRYOR CATTLE COMPANY LLC.

188980 04/09/2020 R 330.00 372000082 PRYOR CATTLE COMPANY LLC.

188980 04/09/2020 R 440.00 372000082 PRYOR CATTLE COMPANY LLC.

188981 04/09/2020 R 23.92 8012000126 SMITH, JILL

188982 04/09/2020 R 84.28 7002000040 SONITROL/INTERFACE SECURITY SYSTEMS

188982 04/09/2020 R 291.03 7002000040 SONITROL/INTERFACE SECURITY SYSTEMS

188983 04/09/2020 R 827.42 8012000274 STAPLES INC

188983 04/09/2020 R 336.74 22000008 STAPLES INC

188983 04/09/2020 R 31.17 5202000471 STAPLES INC

188983 04/09/2020 R 612.23 1092000156 STAPLES INC

188983 04/09/2020 R 147.55 8012000277 STAPLES INC

188984 04/09/2020 R 71,235.74 372000083 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF EAST TEXAS

188985 04/09/2020 R 266.02 372000088 SYSTEMS DESIGN

188986 04/09/2020 R 13.80 0 THOMAS, CHARLOTTE

188987 04/09/2020 R 585.59 0 VELVIN OIL COMPANY

188987 04/09/2020 R 5,409.41 0 VELVIN OIL COMPANY

188988 04/09/2020 R 15.00 1612000185 WATTS, CAROLE ANN

188988 04/09/2020 R 30.00 1612000176 WATTS, CAROLE ANN

188988 04/09/2020 R 15.00 0 WATTS, CAROLE ANN

188988 04/09/2020 R 45.00 1612000177 WATTS, CAROLE ANN

188989 04/09/2020 R 7,200.00 7012000063 WAYNE TECH COMMUNICATIONS

188990 04/14/2020 R 1,175.13 12000291 NASSP/NHS/NJHS

188991 04/16/2020 R 68,284.85 7002000009 ABM INDUSTRIES INC. (REMIT)

188992 04/16/2020 R 130.00 0 ALLEN, MATTHEW

188993 04/16/2020 R 148.57 372000097 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188993 04/16/2020 R -14.99 0 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

188994 04/16/2020 R 35.95 8012000273 APPLE INC EDUCATION (R)

188995 04/16/2020 R 100.00 0 BRADLEY, CHAD E

188995 04/16/2020 R 40.00 0 BRADLEY, CHAD E

188996 04/16/2020 R 788.71 1612000224 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188996 04/16/2020 R 357.34 1612000229 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188996 04/16/2020 R 95.42 1612000239 BSN - SPORT SUPPLY GROUP

188997 04/16/2020 R 151.38 5202000404 BURLS COLLISION CENTER

188998 04/16/2020 R 2,348.12 8012000260 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC

188999 04/16/2020 R 1,225.00 12000226 COLLEGEBOARD AP

189000 04/16/2020 R 124.83 7002000018 DATAMAX INC

189001 04/16/2020 R 37.04 8012000131 FONTINEAU, STACY

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189002 04/16/2020 R 10,241.92 0 FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, LLC (R)

189003 04/16/2020 R 130.00 0 GEHMAN, COLTON

189003 04/16/2020 R 90.00 0 GEHMAN, COLTON

189004 04/16/2020 R 47.90 12000217 GRADUATE SALES

189005 04/16/2020 R 1,623.50 0 HARDY, COOK, & HARDY, PC

189006 04/16/2020 R 536.75 8012000104 HART, MABEL

189007 04/16/2020 R 58.97 8012000269 HENDERSON QUICK COPY PRINTING

189008 04/16/2020 R 30.00 9002000068 HENDERSON OPTIMIST CLUB

189009 04/16/2020 R 100.00 0 HENDERSON ROTARY CLUB

189010 04/16/2020 R 110.00 0 HERNANDEZ, BRISCEIDA

189011 04/16/2020 R 90.00 0 HINTON, ROBERT III

189011 04/16/2020 R 100.00 0 HINTON, ROBERT III

189011 04/16/2020 R 40.00 0 HINTON, ROBERT III

189012 04/16/2020 R 16.90 412000082 J. W. PEPPER & SON, INC (R)

189013 04/16/2020 R 1,429.90 5202000489 LOWE'S

189014 04/16/2020 R 70.00 0 LUNA, LUCERO

189015 04/16/2020 R 223.77 5202000476 MARC (MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL COR

189015 04/16/2020 R 103.00 5202000476 MARC (MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL COR

189015 04/16/2020 R 223.92 5202000476 MARC (MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL COR

189016 04/16/2020 R 154.22 0 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS

189017 04/16/2020 R 196.00 7012000062 MASTER AUDIO VISUALS

189018 04/16/2020 R 825.00 0 MATHIS, CYNTHIA

189019 04/16/2020 R 151.93 1072000081 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC (R)

189020 04/16/2020 R 325.00 0 PARSONS COMMERCIAL ROOFING

189021 04/16/2020 R 746.25 7002000083 REGION 7 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER

189021 04/16/2020 R 75.00 9002000074 REGION 7 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER

189021 04/16/2020 R 25.00 7012000056 REGION 7 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER

189021 04/16/2020 R 5,179.50 0 REGION 7 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER

189022 04/16/2020 R 459.00 1092000148 RESPONSIVE LEARNING, LP

189023 04/16/2020 R 140.00 1612000195 RUSHTON, PAT

189024 04/16/2020 R 3,045.59 1092000144 SCHOOL SPECIALTY (R)

189025 04/16/2020 R 63.48 8012000178 SMITH-VALLIER, BARBARA

189026 04/16/2020 R 518.47 5202000464 SPECTRUM CORPORATION

189027 04/16/2020 R 70.00 0 STANTON, SAMUEL

189028 04/16/2020 R 2,500.00 0 TASB RISK MANAGEMENT FUND

189029 04/16/2020 R 26.00 7502000034 TEXAS DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY

189030 04/16/2020 R 22,384.00 7012000051 CYNERGY TECHNOLOGY(COMPUTERLAND)

189031 04/16/2020 R 75.00 0 TYLER LONE STAR CHAPTER - TASO SOFTBALL

189032 04/24/2020 R 27.04 5202000487 ABC AUTO PARTS

189032 04/24/2020 R 95.10 5202000487 ABC AUTO PARTS

189032 04/24/2020 R 191.22 5202000487 ABC AUTO PARTS

189032 04/24/2020 R 719.92 5202000487 ABC AUTO PARTS

189032 04/24/2020 R 16.45 5202000487 ABC AUTO PARTS

189032 04/24/2020 R 68.77 5202000487 ABC AUTO PARTS

189033 04/24/2020 R 24.88 1092000162 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC. (R)

189034 04/24/2020 R 590.00 1092000161 APPLE INC EDUCATION (R)

189034 04/24/2020 R 99.99 8012000276 APPLE INC EDUCATION (R)

189034 04/24/2020 R 899.00 1092000161 APPLE INC EDUCATION (R)

189034 04/24/2020 R 899.00 1092000161 APPLE INC EDUCATION (R)

189035 04/24/2020 R 60.10 0 APPLE INC

189035 04/24/2020 R 623.00 12000338 APPLE INC

189035 04/24/2020 R 179.00 7002000090 APPLE INC

189035 04/24/2020 R 2,093.00 12000338 APPLE INC

189035 04/24/2020 R 1,049.00 7002000090 APPLE INC

189036 04/24/2020 R 600.00 9012000028 BENNA MCDONALD

189037 04/24/2020 R 2,638.01 7002000088 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC

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189038 04/24/2020 R 21.00 712000050 EAST TEXAS TROPHIES (R)

189039 04/24/2020 R 118.68 5202000491 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY (R)

189039 04/24/2020 R 13.68 5202000491 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY (R)

189039 04/24/2020 R 425.26 5202000491 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY (R)

189040 04/24/2020 R 290.10 5202000528 EMPIRE PAPER COMPANY (R)

189040 04/24/2020 R 53.01 5202000528 EMPIRE PAPER COMPANY (R)

189041 04/24/2020 R 72.50 8012000269 HENDERSON QUICK COPY PRINTING

189042 04/24/2020 R 56.80 5202000529 HERITAGE FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT(R)

189042 04/24/2020 R 63.86 5202000529 HERITAGE FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT(R)

189043 04/24/2020 R 575.00 5202000533 LANE PEST CONTROL

189044 04/24/2020 R 16.95 0 LONE STAR FARM & HOME

189045 04/24/2020 R 49.71 5202000511 LOWE TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT, INC.

189045 04/24/2020 R 372.36 5202000511 LOWE TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT, INC.

189046 04/24/2020 R 409.75 5202000536 MARC (MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL COR

189047 04/24/2020 R 546.36 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

189048 04/24/2020 R 9.54 5202000485 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS INC (R)

189048 04/24/2020 R 799.98 5202000485 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS INC (R)

189048 04/24/2020 R 35.98 5202000485 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS INC (R)

189048 04/24/2020 R 3.43 5202000485 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS INC (R)


189050 04/24/2020 R 898.08 5202000484 PLILER INTERNATIONAL

189050 04/24/2020 R 3,044.60 5202000484 PLILER INTERNATIONAL

189050 04/24/2020 R 439.50 5202000484 PLILER INTERNATIONAL

189050 04/24/2020 R 24,389.71 5202000402 PLILER INTERNATIONAL

189050 04/24/2020 R 932.75 5202000484 PLILER INTERNATIONAL

189051 04/24/2020 R 3,555.05 8012000244 RIVERSIDE ASSESSMENTS, LLC DBA RIVERSIDE

189052 04/24/2020 R 189.00 12000299 SPECIAL T'S

189053 04/24/2020 R 1,900.00 5202000501 STANLEY ASPHALT, INC

189054 04/24/2020 R 405.00 8002000045 TASA

189055 04/24/2020 R 625.00 9002000112 TASB, INC (R)

189056 04/24/2020 R 24.50 712000059 TATUM MUSIC COMPANY

189056 04/24/2020 R 49.50 712000059 TATUM MUSIC COMPANY

189056 04/24/2020 R 60.17 712000059 TATUM MUSIC COMPANY

189057 04/24/2020 R 79.18 5202000520 UNIFIRST

189058 04/24/2020 R 366.82 7002000046 VERIZON WIRELESS

189059 04/27/2020 R 2,986.94 7502000076 SUCCESSORIES, INC.

189060 04/30/2020 R 1,105.79 5202000486 ALL PRO AUTOMOTIVE

189061 04/30/2020 R 6,924.27 372000096 BORDEN DAIRY CO OF TEXAS, LLC

189062 04/30/2020 R 69.10 9002000118 HENDERSON QUICK COPY PRINTING

189063 04/30/2020 R 2,226.72 0 HERFF JONES (R)

189064 04/30/2020 R 38.52 0 JACKSON, MARSHA

189065 04/30/2020 R 185.00 372000091 KURZ & CO

189065 04/30/2020 R 129.50 372000091 KURZ & CO

189065 04/30/2020 R 135.72 372000091 KURZ & CO

189065 04/30/2020 R 200.90 372000091 KURZ & CO

189065 04/30/2020 R 55.50 372000091 KURZ & CO

189065 04/30/2020 R 101.75 372000091 KURZ & CO

189066 04/30/2020 R 325.00 372000092 LANE PEST CONTROL

189067 04/30/2020 R 925.00 5202000248 MAPLES LAWN SERVICE

189068 04/30/2020 R 340.35 5202000539 MK PEACH ORCHARD & FARM SUPPLY

189069 04/30/2020 R 49.30 0 MSB CONSULTING GROUP, LLC

189070 04/30/2020 R 121.71 1082000120 NASCO - FORT ATKINSON*

189071 04/30/2020 R 41,950.00 5202000320 RENEAU ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC

189071 04/30/2020 R 1,100.00 5202000320 RENEAU ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC

189071 04/30/2020 R 29,400.00 5202000323 RENEAU ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC

189072 04/30/2020 R 16,600.00 0 RUSK CO TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR

3frdtl01.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:21 PM 06/01/20 Consolidated Check Register (Dates: 04/01/20 - 04/30/20) PAGE: 5



189073 04/30/2020 R 15.98 412000101 SNOWFLAKE DONUTS

189074 04/30/2020 R 291.03 7002000040 SONITROL/INTERFACE SECURITY SYSTEMS

189074 04/30/2020 R 84.28 7002000040 SONITROL/INTERFACE SECURITY SYSTEMS

189075 04/30/2020 R 38,390.99 372000095 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF EAST TEXAS

201900101 04/14/2020 W 29,657.19 0 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA

640,394.65 Totals for checks

3frdtl01.p Henderson ISD, TX 12:21 PM 06/01/20 Consolidated Check Register (Dates: 04/01/20 - 04/30/20) PAGE: 6



199 GENERAL FUND 29,536.21 4,168.28 451,404.79 485,109.28

224 IDEA PART B FORMULA 0.00 0.00 10,241.92 10,241.92

240 HISD CHILD NUTRITION 0.00 0.00 136,574.06 136,574.06

481 HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUND 20.50 0.00 1,516.00 1,536.50

487 WYLIE PRIMARY ACTIVITY FUND 100.48 0.00 2,378.65 2,479.13

488 ATHLETICS ACTIVITY FUND 0.00 0.00 3,278.63 3,278.63

865 AGENCY FUND 1,175.13 0.00 0.00 1,175.13

*** Fund Summary Totals *** 30,832.32 4,168.28 605,394.05 640,394.65

************************ End of report ************************

Proposals for Attendance Incentive Provide all staff who had perfect attendance prior to Spring Break:

o $650 each (Total: $187,850) o $695 each (Total: $200,855)o $750 each (Total: $216,750)

Board Background Information

Subject: Textbook Inventory waiver with TEA for 2020 Henderson ISD.

Presented for: Action _X__ Report Only_____

The Texas Education Code requires completion of a textbook inventory at the conclusion of each school year. TEA is allowing a waiver for for this activity for the 2019-2020 school year due to Covid-19.

We would like to take advantage of this waiver.

Recommendation: Allow Henderson ISD to file a waiver with TEA for the textbook inventory for the 2019-2020 school year.

Contact Person(s):

Dr. Stephanie Bonneau

Board Background Information

Subject: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt invoice for the approved high school English textbook adoption.

Presented for: Action _X__ Report Only_____

Attached is the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt invoice for out on-level 9th-12th grade English classes. The total amount is $156,010.16. This includes the electronic textbook and all resources for on-level students as well as training for teachers.

We will have two more invoices: one for the preAP College Board textbook for 9th and 10th grades and one for the AP textbook for 11th and 12th grades. These will be presented in the July Board meeting.

Attached: Invoice

Recommendation: Approve payment for the adopted textbook for on-level English in grades 9-12.

Contact Person(s):

Dr. Stephanie Bonneau

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Coupon Code: PRODPB10

C = Contract Price Attention:

Stephanie Bonneau

HMH Confidential and Proprietary

Customer Experience 9400 South Park Center Loop

Orlando, FL 32819 FAX: 800-269-5232

6/2/2020 007689409 Sold: 0000268778 Ship: 0000268778 Page 1 of 6 Please submit this form with your purchase order.


Prepared For

Henderson I.S.D.

200 N High St Henderson TX 75652

Attention: Stephanie Bonneau

For the Purchase of:

Into Literature 9-12 Texas 2021

Prepared By Karen White

Please submit this proposal with your purchase order.

Purchase orders or duly executed service agreements for Professional Services purchased, must be submitted at least 30 days before the service event date.

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal for Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Henderson I.S.D. Into Literature 9-12 Texas 2021

ISBN Title Price Quantity Value of all Materials

Value of Free Materials

Value of Charged Materials

Coupon Code: PRODPB10

C = Contract Price Attention:

Stephanie Bonneau

HMH Confidential and Proprietary

Customer Experience 9400 South Park Center Loop

Orlando, FL 32819 FAX: 800-269-5232

6/2/2020 007689409 Sold: 0000268778 Ship: 0000268778 Page 2 of 6 Please submit this form with your purchase order.

Writable Add-on and Services (6-8 and Non-Literature 9-12 Students) ……....Student Licenses and Additional Teacher PD Services

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 6

$44.80 275 $12,320.00 $1,232.00 $11,088.00

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 7

$44.80 288 $12,902.40 $1,290.24 $11,612.16

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 8

$44.80 290 $12,992.00 $1,299.20 $11,692.80

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 9

$44.80 90 $4,032.00 $403.20 $3,628.80

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 10

$44.80 65 $2,912.00 $291.20 $2,620.80

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 11

$44.80 70 $3,136.00 $313.60 $2,822.40

1770156 9780358266129 Writable 8 Year Digital Student Resources Grades 12

$44.80 20 $896.00 $89.60 $806.40

1787489 9780358385530 Writable Getting Started Full-Day Grades 6-12

$2,800.00 2 $5,600.00 $560.00 $5,040.00

……....Total for Student Licenses and Additional Teacher PD Services


Total for Writable Add-on and Services (6-8 and Non-Literature 9-12 Students)


Novel Points ……....Student

1796863 9780358457114 Texas Language Arts 3 Novel Points Multi-Program Incentive: With a Proclamation 2019 grade K-5 TX Into Reading or 6-8 TX Into Literature purchase get an additional 3 Novel Points on packages with Novels for TX Into Literature 9-12 for each Student Resource Package purchased.

$5.00 680 $3,400.00 $3,400.00

Total for Novel Points $0.00

Grade 9 ……....Student Resource Package

1789090 9780358397083 2021 Texas Into Literature Comprehensive Student Resource Package w/HC Student Edition Plus with 8 Year Digital Grade 9

Package Includes: Texas Student Edition Hardcover Grade 9 Texas Digital Student Edition plus Resources Online 8 Year Grade 9 Into Literature Plus Writable Online 8 Year Digital Grade 9 Also Includes 9 Novel points per Student Resource Package

c $142.00 160 $22,720.00 $22,720.00

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal for Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Henderson I.S.D. Into Literature 9-12 Texas 2021

ISBN Title Price Quantity Value of all Materials

Value of Free Materials

Value of Charged Materials

Coupon Code: PRODPB10

C = Contract Price Attention:

Stephanie Bonneau

HMH Confidential and Proprietary

Customer Experience 9400 South Park Center Loop

Orlando, FL 32819 FAX: 800-269-5232

6/2/2020 007689409 Sold: 0000268778 Ship: 0000268778 Page 3 of 6 Please submit this form with your purchase order.

Receive 1 Teacher Resource Package with the purchase of 50 Student Resource Packages

……....Total for Student Resource Package


……....Teacher Resource Package

1731552 9781328596475 2021 Texas Into Literature Teacher Resource Package with 8 Year Digital Grade 9

Package Includes: Texas Teacher Edition Grade 9 Texas Teacher Digital Management Center 8 Year Grade 9

c $482.55 3 $1,447.65 $1,447.65

……....Total for Teacher Resource Package

Total for Grade 9 $22,720.00

Grade 10 ……....Student Resource Package

1789091 9780358397090 2021 Texas Into Literature Comprehensive Student Resource Package w/HC Student Edition Plus with 8 Year Digital Grade 10

Package Includes: Texas Student Edition Hardcover Grade 10 Texas Digital Student Edition plus Resources Online 8 Year Grade 10 Into Literature Plus Writable Online 8 Year Digital Grade 10 Also Includes 9 Novel points per Student Resource Package Receive 1 Teacher Resource Package with the purchase of 50 Student Resource Packages

c $142.00 210 $29,820.00 $29,820.00

……....Total for Student Resource Package


……....Teacher Resource Package

1731553 9781328596482 2021 Texas Into Literature Teacher Resource Package with 8 Year Digital Grade 10

Package Includes: Texas Teacher Edition Grade 10 Texas Teacher Digital Management Center 8 Year Grade 10

c $482.55 4 $1,930.20 $1,930.20

……....Total for Teacher Resource Package

Total for Grade 10 $29,820.00

Grade 11 ……....Student Resource Package

1789092 9780358397106 2021 Texas Into Literature Comprehensive Student Resource Package w/HC Student Edition Plus with 8 Year Digital Grade 11

Package Includes: Texas Student Edition Hardcover Grade 11 Texas Digital Student Edition plus Resources Online 8 Year Grade 11 Into Literature Plus Writable Online 8 Year Digital Grade 11

c $142.00 160 $22,720.00 $22,720.00

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal for Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Henderson I.S.D. Into Literature 9-12 Texas 2021

ISBN Title Price Quantity Value of all Materials

Value of Free Materials

Value of Charged Materials

Coupon Code: PRODPB10

C = Contract Price Attention:

Stephanie Bonneau

HMH Confidential and Proprietary

Customer Experience 9400 South Park Center Loop

Orlando, FL 32819 FAX: 800-269-5232

6/2/2020 007689409 Sold: 0000268778 Ship: 0000268778 Page 4 of 6 Please submit this form with your purchase order.

Also Includes 9 Novel points per Student Resource Package Receive 1 Teacher Resource Package with the purchase of 50 Student Resource Packages

……....Total for Student Resource Package


……....Teacher Resource Package

1731554 9781328596499 2021 Texas Into Literature Teacher Resource Package with 8 Year Digital Grade 11

Package Includes: Texas Teacher Edition Grade 11 Texas Teacher Digital Management Center 8 Year Grade 11

c $482.55 3 $1,447.65 $1,447.65

……....Total for Teacher Resource Package

Total for Grade 11 $22,720.00

Grade 12 ……....Student Resource Package

1789113 9780358397113 2021 Texas Into Literature Comprehensive Student Resource Package w/HC Student Edition Plus with 8 Year Digital Grade 12

Package Includes: Texas Student Edition Hardcover Grade 12 Texas Digital Student Edition plus Resources Online 8 Year Grade 12 Into Literature Plus Writable Online 8 Year Digital Grade 12 Also Includes 9 Novel points per Student Resource Package Receive 1 Teacher Resource Package with the purchase of 50 Student Resource Packages

c $142.00 150 $21,300.00 $21,300.00

……....Total for Student Resource Package


……....Teacher Resource Package

1731555 9781328596505 2021 Texas Into Literature Teacher Resource Package with 8 Year Digital Grade 12

Package Includes: Texas Teacher Edition Grade 12 Texas Teacher Digital Management Center 8 Year Grade 12

c $482.55 3 $1,447.65 $1,447.65

……....Total for Teacher Resource Package

Total for Grade 12 $21,300.00

Professional Services ……....Implementation Success Plan

1763280 9780358205746 2021 Texas Into Literature Getting Started Webinar Grades 9-12

In this course, teachers have meaningful hands-on or virtual experiences to learn about their program’s organization, design, and support resources essential to implementing the program and its related technology.\\n\\nLEARNING OUTCOMES:\\n• Enrich daily

1 $800.00 $800.00

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal for Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Henderson I.S.D. Into Literature 9-12 Texas 2021

ISBN Title Price Quantity Value of all Materials

Value of Free Materials

Value of Charged Materials

Coupon Code: PRODPB10

C = Contract Price Attention:

Stephanie Bonneau

HMH Confidential and Proprietary

Customer Experience 9400 South Park Center Loop

Orlando, FL 32819 FAX: 800-269-5232

6/2/2020 007689409 Sold: 0000268778 Ship: 0000268778 Page 5 of 6 Please submit this form with your purchase order.

instruction by applying knowledge of the program organization and pedagogy\\n• Support differentiation, assessment, and effective whole and small group instruction using HMH program resources and instructional tools\\n• Enhance instructional delivery and student learning using HMH® technology

1767118 9780358237419 2021 Texas Into Literature Follow Up 1-Hour

Webinar Session Grades 9-12 To deepen program understanding, customers can choose from relevant instructional topics to create a personalized professional learning experience.

7 $2,450.00 $2,450.00

Total for Professional Services $0.00

Total Savings: Subtotal Purchase Amount:

Shipping & Handling:

$15,152.19 $145,871.36


Total Cost of Proposal (PO Amount): $156,010.16

**Please add proper sales tax to your order**

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal for

Henderson I.S.D. Into Literature 9-12 Texas 2021

Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Coupon Code: PRODPB10

C = Contract Price Attention:

Stephanie Bonneau

HMH Confidential and Proprietary

Customer Experience 9400 South Park Center Loop

Orlando, FL 32819 FAX: 800-269-5232

6/2/2020 007689409 Sold: 0000268778 Ship: 0000268778 Page 6 of 6 Please submit this form with your purchase order.

Thank you for considering HMH as your partner. We are committed to providing an excellent experience and delivering ongoing, high-quality

service to our customers. To meet these goals, we want to ensure you are aware of the below Terms of Purchase. These terms help us process

your order quickly, efficiently, and accurately, ensuring successful delivery and implementation of our solutions.

· Please return this cost proposal with your signed purchase order that matches product, prices and shipping charges.

· Provide the exact address for delivery of print materials. The shipping address may be your district warehouse or individual school sites, but it is essential that this is accurate.

· Please supply the name of each important district point of contact for all aspects of the solution including their direct contact information (email/phone):

o Point of Contact for Print materials

o Point of Contact for Digital materials

o Point of Contact for Scheduling Professional Development

· Please confirm that we have the correct ‘Ship to’ and ‘Sold to’ information on the cost proposal.

Ship to:

Henderson ISD


Sold to:

Henderson ISD


· Please provide funding start and end dates.

· Please note that all products and services will be billed upon the processing of your purchase order.

· Our payment terms are 30 days from the invoice date.

· Print subscription material quantities may be adjusted across grades for like products, to accommodate enrollment fluctuations, quantities cannot be adjusted between different programs or copyrights.

· Our shipping terms are FOB shipping point. The shipping term for your proposal is Destination.

· Should any of these Terms of Sale conflict with any preprinted terms on your purchase order, the HMH terms of service shall apply.

Thank you in advance for supplying us with the necessary information at time of purchase. Our goal is to ensure your success throughout the duration of this agreement, which starts with a highly successful delivery of our solution.

For greater detail, the complete Terms of Purchase may be reviewed here:

Date of Proposal: 6/2/2020 Proposal Expiration Date: 7/17/2020

Total Cost of Proposal (PO Amount): $156,010.16

Board Background Information

Subject: Certification of Allotment and TEKS Certification, 2020-2021.

Presented for: Action _X__ Report Only_____

Each year TEA requires a certification that our courses follow the TEKS. The certification requires Board signature.

Attached: Certification

Recommendation: Approve and sign the allotment and TEKS Certification, 2020-2021.

Contact Person(s):

Dr. Stephanie Bonneau


District Name County District Number

Allotment and TEKS Certification, 2020-21

The district superintendent, along with the president and secretary of the local board of trustees, or the officers of the

governing body of the charter school, certify the following;

1) This district's technology and instructional materials allotment is used only for expenses allowed by theTexas Education Code (TEC), §31.0211.

2) For the current school year, this district has instructional materials that collectively cover all elements of theTexas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the required curriculum identified in the TEC, §28.002, other thanphysical education, for each subject and grade level (TEC §31.004).

3) Upon request, this district will provide to the State Board of Education the title and publication information for

any instructional materials requisitioned or purchased by the district with the district's allotment (TEC §31.101).

Grade Level


CertifiedCertified Subject AreaCAREER & TECHNICAL













0 0

00 Grade 1

0 0Grade 2

0 Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5



0 0

0 Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


0 0






Signatures of Board President and Secretary orGoverning Board Officers

Signature of Superintendent

Signature Board President

Board Secretary

Scan the signed certification document and attach it to an Instructional Materials Help Desk ticket with the following

subject line; [your district] certification (ex: Anywhere ISD)

Submit through an IM Help Desk ticket.

Henderson ISD Board Background 

 Subject: Consider approval of the purchase of Microsoft's Enrollment for Education Solution for the district.  

 Presented for: Action ___X___ Report Only ______  Background Information HISD received a proposal for the annual renewal of its Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solution (EES) licensing. This licensing allows the district's faculty, staff, and students to use all Microsoft software, including desktop and server operating systems and all Office applications. Pricing is standard and based on current employee count.    Recommendation Approve proposal from SHI for $25,300.27.  Contact Person Dr. Stephanie Bonneau Kevin Bryan 

Henderson ISD Board Background 

 Subject: Consider approval of student device purchase for Henderson Middle  School. 

 Presented for: Action ___X___ Report Only ______  Background Information HISD solicited proposals for 800 Chromebooks and Google licenses for Henderson Middle School. The current Chromebooks have been in use since 2015 as a part of our 1:1 student device initiative and are in need of replacement.   

Vendor  Lenovo 100e Chromebooks 

Google Licenses  Total 

CDW-G  $131,400  $19,200  $150,600 

Cynergy Technology  $136,496  $20,800  $157,296 

SHI  $143,200  $19,200  $162,400 

 Recommendation Approve proposal from CDW-G for $150,600.  Contact Person Dr. Stephanie Bonneau Kevin Bryan 

Products CDW-GCynergy


Lenovo 100e Chromebooks

$164.25 $170.57 $179.00

Google Management Console Licenses $24.00 $26.00 $24.00

TOTALS $188.25 $196.57 $203.00

HMS Student Device Initiative Refresh - Per Unit Costs

Board Background Information/Discussion

Subject: ABM Contract

Presented for: Action X Report Only ____

THIS SIXTH ADDENDUM TO SERVICE AGREEMENT (the “Sixth Amendment”), effective as of June 9, 2020, is made by and between Henderson Independent School District (“HISD”) and ABM Texas General Services, Inc. (“Contractor”) (collectively referred to as the “Parties” to this Sixth Amendment).


A. WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into a Services Agreement dated May 21, 2015,

which was previously amended effective January 1, 2016, June 1, 2016, June 1, 2017, June 1, 2018, and June 1, 2019 (collectively referred to as the “Agreement”), whereby HISD retained Contractor to perform various services specified in the Agreement itself; and

B. WHEREAS, the Parties desire to make certain modifications, revisions and amendments

to the Agreement itself.

a. Per Item 4C. Contract Price Adjustments: i. Annual CPI Adjustment: i. The annual Contract Price will increase by the lesser of 3 percent or a

percentage equal to the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for Dallas/Fort Worth (CPI-U) during the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the first day of the then current annual period. The CPI published rate for contract year June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2021 is two and one-tenth percent (2.1%). However, the Parties have agreed that for this period the CPI pricing increase shall only be two percent (2%).

b. The annual rate per square foot for the June 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021 term shall be

$1.2233 per square foot.

c. Based on the current square footage of 683,190 the annual contract price for the June 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021 term shall be $835,806.56.


Approve the ABM contract for the 2020-21 School Year

Contact Person(s):

Shannon Bennett

Board Background Information/Discussion

Subject: Attestation Statement, Closed, But Committed to Providing Instruction

Presented for: Action X Report Only ____

If an LEA has closed school due to COVID-19, the agency will provide missed school day waivers for the closed days with the requirement that the LEA provide educational supports for the off-campus education of all students. The waivers will be granted as long as the district commits to supporting students instructionally while absent from school grounds. This attestation will be required to be submitted with the waiver. The school district is responsible for providing all necessary educational resources to a student’s parent/guardian and must also provide guidance on how the instruction is to be delivered to the student. Texas Education Agency (TEA) auditors may perform random audits to ensure that school districts provided the necessary educational resources.


Approve, sign and submit the attestation statement

Contact Person(s):

Shannon Bennett

Henderson ISD

Board Background

Subject: Hear Report on HISD School Health Advisory Committee and Consider Nominations

Presented for: Action __X__ Report only _____

The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) has met three times this school year, has made several suggestions, and sponsored events. HISD activities implemented due to SHAC include:

1. On November 19, 2019 the SHAC had Amanda Watson RN, BSN, IDCLC from the Texas Department of State Health Services who presented: E- cigarettes: An Emerging Public Health Challenge. This presentation was open to the public and was well attended.

2. Patrick Dooley, Deputy Emergency Manager for the Rusk County Office of Emergency Management presented STOP THE BLEED. STOP THE BLEED is a national campaign that teaches individuals how to save lives if a person has been severely injured and bleeding. Each person in attendance was instructed on the technique of STOP THE BLEED.

3. Northside Intermediate held a Health Fair on February 15, 2020. The Health Fair was presented to fourth and fifth graders. The fair consisted of five stations that focused on Vaping, Self- esteem/Self harm, Smoking, and a tour of an ambulance.

The SHAC is required to meet four times a year. The meeting dates for 2020-2021 school year are scheduled for September 15, 2020, November 17, 2020, January 19, 2021, and March 16. 2021. Meetings will convene in the Henderson Administration Conference Room.

Finally, we ask you to approve the following names for the 2020-2021 School Health Advisory Council:

Patrick Dooley, Chair Kay Creer, Co-Chair

Shannon Bennett, Administration Amanda Wallace, Administration

Whitney Alexander, HISD Nurse Leandria Colley, HISD Nurse

Stephanie Gatlin, HISD Nurse Haven Webb, HISD Nurse

Tanya Davis, HISD Child Nutrition Chad Taylor, HPD

Bettye Scarborough, LEAN Lavelle Rogers – Grandparent

Stacy Nix – HISD Teacher/Parent Paula Wise – HISD Teacher

Amy Pickens – HISD Teacher/Parent Lynn Nacol – Lion’s Club

Jana Ross Enloe – County JP

Steve Higginbotham – Henderson City Council

Keith Lybrand – Calvary Baptist Church

Drew Butler – HISD School Board

HHS Senior Health Science Students (will rotate each meeting)

Recommendation: Hear report of the 2019-2020 SHAC and approve the names for the 2020-2021 SHAC

Contact person

Shannon Bennett

Board Background Action Agenda

Subject: Consider Adoption of Policy Revision for DEA (Local) – Premium Pay During Disasters

Presented for: Action _X__ Report Only___

Background Information

Policy DEA (Local) – Compensation and Benefits – Compensation Plan

provides policy to the district with regard to compensation for employees. Part of

the policy in place includes a provision that allows the board to choose to pay

employees in the event of an emergency closure through board resolution.

As you know, at the March 24th Regular Board meeting, the Board took action to

adopt a resolution to pay employees during the emergency closure due to the

COVID-19 pandemic. Included in the resolution was an adoption to also pay

non-exempt employees a premium pay at time and one-half their regular rate of

pay for all hours worked up to 40 hours per week.

In order to reflect the board’s action to adopt the resolution that allowed the

district to pay non-exempt employees at a premium rate of pay, the district is

recommending the board adopt the policy revision as presented.

(See proposed revisions enclosed in Board Book.)

Contact Person(s):

Dr. Thurston Lamb – Superintendent

Amanda Wallace – Director of Human Resources


1 of 2 DEA(LOCAL)-A to X

PROPOSED REVISIONS 4.6.20 The Superintendent shall recommend an annual compensation plan for all District employees. The compensation plan may include wage and salary structures, stipends, benefits, and incentives. [See also DEAA] The recommended plan shall support District goals for hiring and retaining highly qualified employees. The Board shall review and approve the compensation plan to be used by the District. The Board shall also determine the total compensa-tion package for the Superintendent. [See BJ series]

The Superintendent shall implement the compensation plan and establish procedures for plan administration consistent with the budget. The Superintendent or designee shall classify each job title within the compensation plan based on the qualifications, duties, and market value of the position.

The District shall pay all salaried employees over 12 months in equal monthly or bimonthly installments, regardless of the number of months employed during the school year. Salaried employees hired during the school year shall be paid in accordance with ad-ministrative regulations.

The Superintendent shall recommend to the Board an amount for employee pay increases as part of the annual budget. The Super-intendent or designee shall determine pay adjustments for individ-ual employees, within the approved budget following established procedures.

A contract employee’s pay may be increased after performance on the contract has begun only if authorized by the compensation plan of the District or there is a change in the employee’s job assign-ment or duties during the term of the contract that warrants addi-tional compensation. Any such changes in pay that do not conform with the compensation plan shall require Board approval. [See DEA(LEGAL) for provisions on pay increases and public hearing requirements]

The Superintendent may grant a pay increase to a noncontract em-ployee after duties have begun because of a change in the em-ployee’s job assignment or to address pay equity. The Superinten-dent shall report any such pay increases to the Board at the next regular meeting.

If the Board chooses to pay employees during an emergency clo-sure for which the workdays are not scheduled to be made up at a later date, then that authorization shall be by resolution or other Board action and shall reflect the purpose served by the expendi-ture. [See EB for the authority to close schools]

Pay Administration

Annualized Salary

Pay Increases

Mid-Year Pay Increases

Contract Employees

Noncontract Employees

Pay During Closing


2 of 2 DEA(LOCAL)-A to X

After authorization by resolution or other Board action and in ac-cordance with such authorization, nonexempt employees who are required to work during an emergency closing for a disaster, as de-clared by a federal, state, or local official or the Board, shall be paid at the rate of one and one half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked up to 40 hours per week. Overtime for time worked over 40 hours in a week shall be calculated and paid according to law. [See DEAB] The Superintendent shall approve payments and ensure that accurate time records are kept of actual hours worked during emergency closings.

Premium Pay During Disasters

Board Background Action Agenda

Subject: Consider Approval of Providing an Employer Sponsored Virtual Healthcare Service

Presented for: Action _X__ Report Only___

Background Information

As the district moves toward a serve and support system for our employees, one service that the district is interested in providing is an employer sponsored virtual healthcare service at no cost to the employee. Providing an avenue for employees, and their family, to contact medical professionals without the stress of taking personal leave, making appointments, paying a co-pay, or driving to medical facility, would be a great benefit, and support system, the district could offer to all employees. Teledoc Services is a virtual healthcare provider Gentry Financial Group partners with that offers districts a discounted rate. There are two services provided by Teledoc:

• Telemedicine – $7.00/month/person o Access to Medical Professionals that can call in prescriptions for employee o Covers entire family o No Co-Pay required for service

• Mental Health – $2.50/month/person o Allows employees, and members of their family, who are dealing with

stress or anxiety and/or chemical dependencies the ability to set up an appointment with a counselor or psychologist for help.

The cost for providing the service to all employees to the district would be approximately $58,710 ($9.50/month/person x 515 employees).


Consider approval of providing an employer sponsored virtual healthcare service through Teledoc Services.

Contact Person(s):

Amanda Wallace – Director of Human Resources

Employer Sponsored BenefitVirtual Healthcare - Teledoc

June 9, 2020 Board Meeting1

Healthcare has entered the

digital revolution


Virtual care is convenient, easy to use,

inexpensive and effective.


Talk to doctors

and healthcare

experts, 24/7

Get the care

you need in

under 10 min.

And it costs

nothing to use

our services!

Replaces 4 of

5 traditional

office visits

Connect by

phone, video

or mobile app

92% resolution, 98% satisfaction

Top diagnoses

▪ Sinus problems

▪ Urinary tract infection

▪ Pink eye

▪ Bronchitis

▪ Upper respiratory infection

▪ Nasal congestion

▪ Allergies

▪ Flu

▪ Cough

▪ Ear infection

Prescriptions as needed

▪ Best practices in

prescription management

▪ Appropriate prescribing

following CDC guidelines

▪ No controlled substances,

psychiatric or lifestyle drugs

▪ 98% generic prescribing


▪ Member convenience

through e-prescribing

General HealthCommon Conditions Treated


✓ Online teaching

✓ Interacting with students

✓ Time management

✓ Lost income

✓ Debt

✓ Social pressures

✓ Anxiety

✓ Depression

✓ Change from normal


✓ Dealing with COVID-19


Our staff face




Top 5 conditions




Panic disorder

Family and marriage issues

Eating disorders


Substance abuse

Trauma resolution

Work pressures


Other common conditions

Mental HealthCommon Conditions Treated


How it works

2 3 41

Virtual network

of Behavioral

Health Providers

✓ 20 years average experience

✓ Board-certified psychiatrists

✓ Licensed psychologists

✓ Licensed counselors

✓ Licensed therapists


Virtual Healthcare program delivers value


For Your School

• Improve access to care

• Reduce need for substitutes

• Coverage for the entire family

• Increase productivity

• Improve health & wellness

• Attract & retain key talent

• Reduce medical expenses

For Your Teachers

• 24/7/365 access to care

• No copays or deductibles

• Confidential access by phone, video

or app

• Save time and money

• Covers their entire family

• Provides comprehensive care

Cost for Benefit Service:

Approximately 515 employees district wide.

$7.00 – Telemedicine Service

$2.50 – Mental Health Service

X 12 months = $58,710 (2020-2021)


Henderson ISD

Board Background

Subject: Consider Student Activity Insurance for 2020-2021

Presented for: Action___X___ Report Only______

Background Information

HISD provides a supplemental insurance policy for student snjuries while students are at school or involved in school-sponsored activities for all HISD students PK-12. Athletic Trainer Coach Barron manages the claims for this policy. Our current carrier for the 2019-2020 school year is Mutual of Omaha. Please see attached recap of the insurance quotes we received for the 2020-2021 year.


Retain current carrier, Mutual of Omaha for a premium amount of $44,992.00 for 2020 – 2021 with the option to renew annually for two additional years provided satisfactory service is rendered and proposed premiums do not exceed an acceptable margin above claims history.

Contact Person(s)

Kristin Byrd


RFP# 2020-03

The Henderson ISD will be accepting competitive sealed proposals for student insurance for the period from August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021 until 2:00 p.m., on Wednesday, April 29, 2020.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to Proposals sent to any other email address will not be considered.

Proposals must be sent as an attachment to an email. The subject of the email must read “RFP#2020-03.”

The email must contain the proposer’s full name, address, and phone number.

All emailed proposals will be date and time stamped as determined by the recipient’s email account.

An email notification confirming receipt of the proposal will be sent to the proposer’s email address.

The District will not be responsible for any delay of delivery, including delays related to email programs, services or acts of nature.

The proposals will be reviewed by the District personnel and additional or clarifying information may be sought.

General Information

Henderson ISD is a 4A school located in Henderson, Rusk County, Texas with seven (5) campuses. The current expected enrollment is as follows:

High School (9-12): 922 Middle School (6-8): 795 Northside (4-5): 546 Wylie Elementary (1 -3): 738 Wylie Primary (PK — K): 393

Total (PK-12): 3,394

The following table represents estimated numbers for participation in school activities:

High School Middle SchoolFootball 162 145 All Other Sports 406 272Cheerleaders/Drill Team 101 12

Prior claims experience is as follows: District Premium CAT Base Total

2016-17: Total Claims $27,069 $5,150 $35,488 $40,638 2017-18: Total Claims $18,601 $5,150 $35,488 $40,638 2018-19: Total Claims $39,272 $5,150 $36,500 $41,650 2019-20: Total Claims $9,207* $5,150 $36,500 $41,650 *as of 3/20/2020

Award of Contract: 1. The contract will be awarded to the responsible Proposer whose Proposal will, on an

overall basis, be most advantageous to the District. 2. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals or any part

thereof, and to waive formalities in the Proposals. 3. The District reserves the right to accept other than the lowest priced Proposal, and to

negotiate with any Proposer considered to be within the competitive range. 4. The successful Proposer will be awarded a one-year contract. The insurance contract

may be renewed annually for two additional years provided satisfactory service is rendered and proposed premiums do not exceed an acceptable margin above claims history.

5. Although due care and diligence has been used in the preparation of these Specifications, the District is not responsible for any errors and/or omissions as respects the information contained herein. The responsibility for determining exposures and verification of any information lies solely with the Proposer.

Coverages: 1. Term of Insurance: August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021 2. Policyholder: Henderson Independent School District 3. Basic Coverage: Proposals should be made for coverage at least equal to the coverage

shown on the attached Schedules of Benefits for the following groups: a. All enrolled Students in Grades PK— 12 including All UIL Sports/Activities

Including Summer Work-Out Program Catastrophic Coverage: Proposals should be made for All enrolled students including all sports and activities. Benefits should at a minimum include Accident Medical Expense benefit amount of excess coverage of $7,500,000 and Accidental Death Dismemberment at a minimum of Death at $10,000 and $20,000 for dismemberment.

Catastrophic Accident Insurance

Eligible Classes: Senior High Through PK Class I: All enrolled students of the School or School District including all sports activities.

Benefits: Accident Medical Expenses Benefit Maximum Benefit amount: $100,000, $250,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000 Maximum Benefit Period (5years), Deductible $10,000 two years accumulation Maximum Benefit Period (5years), Deductible $25,000 two years accumulation period.

Catastrophic Cash Benefit: (Additional Add on Option with purchase of one of the above plans)

Maximum Benefit Amount $100,000Benefit Amount $20,000/yearMaximum Benefit Period 5 yearsMaximum Accidental Death Benefit Amount $10,000 Maximum Accidental Dismemberment Benefit Amount $20,000

Student Accident Insurance

Bid Tabulation





Hailey King -


Associates -


Whitney Little-

King - AMA &

Associates -


Scott Lazenby -

Athletic Care -

Cypress Risk


Marion Turner -

Texas Student


C Farmer -


Kids First

Matt Knight -



Group - The



Greg White -




Price 20 5 16 12 11 19 14 18

Reputation of vendor and services 10 8 5 5 8 6 5 10

Quality of vendors goods/services 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Goods or services meet HISD needs 10 8 9 7 10 7 7 9

Past Relationship with District 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1

Ability to relate to underutilized business 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Long Term cost th HISD to acquire services 10 4 5 6 6 9 7 9

Principal place of business in Texas 5 2 2 2 5 4 3 4

RFP conformed to bids in Specs 20 17 18 16 20 16 16 18

Total points 100 60 71 64 85 77 68 84

Student Accident Insurance

Bid Tabulation





Hailey King -


Associates -


Whitney Little-

King - AMA &

Associates -


Scott Lazenby -

Athletic Care -

Cypress Risk


Marion Turner -

Texas Student


C Farmer -


Kids First

Matt Knight -



Group - The



Greg White -




Price 20 10 15 15 15 20 15 15

Reputation of vendor and services 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Quality of vendors goods/services 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 5

Goods or services meet HISD needs 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Past Relationship with District 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0

Ability to relate to underutilized business 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Long Term cost to HISD to acquire services 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10

Principal place of business in Texas 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

RFP conformed to bids in Specs 20 15 20 20 20 20 20 20

Total points 100 65 80 80 95 85 80 80

Student Accident Insurance

Bid Tabulation





Hailey King -


Associates -


Whitney Little-

King - AMA &

Associates -


Scott Lazenby -

Athletic Care -

Cypress Risk


Marion Turner -

Texas Student


C Farmer -


Kids First

Matt Knight -



Group - The



Greg White -




Price 20 10 15 15 15 20 15 15

Reputation of vendor and services 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Quality of vendors goods/services 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Goods or services meet HISD needs 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Past Relationship with District 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0

Ability to relate to underutilized business 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Long Term cost to HISD to acquire services 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10

Principal place of business in Texas 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

RFP conformed to bids in Specs 20 15 20 20 20 20 20 20

Total points 100 65 80 80 90 85 80 80

Hailey King Whitney Little King Scott Lazenby Marion Turner Charles Farmer Matt Knight Greg White

Zurich AIG Athetic Care Texas Student Resource Kids First The Brokerage Store Achieve Finance Group

AMA & Associates AMA & Associates Cypress Risk Management Premier Omaha UIL Lone Star 3 Advanced Financial Group

Cost Basic Coverage 52,462 35,388 36,014 39,900 34,585 38,850 38,850

Maximum each Injury 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 25,000

Maximum Motor Vehicle

Benefit Period 52 weeks 52 weeks 52 weeks 52 weeks 52 weeks 52 weeks 52 weeks

Intial Treatment period 90 days 90 days 90 days 90 days 90 days 180 days 90 days

Hospital Room Semi private Semi private Private Semi private Private Semi private Semi private

Hospital Misc 300/day 250/day 100% U&C 300/day U&C 550-1st day; 250/add'l day 500/day 250/day

5000 max/claim 5000 max/claim 2500 max/claim 5000 Max/claim 2,500 max/claim 2,500 max/claim 5000 max/claim

Day Surgery 1500/injury 1500/injury 2000/injury 1500/injury 1500/injury 1500/injury 1500/injury

Ambulance 100% U&C 100% U&C 5000/injury 100% U&C 600/injury 100% first trip U&C 1000/injury U&C 500/injury 100% U&C first trip

Emergency room 200/injury 200/injury U&C 300/injury 200/injury U&C 210/injury U&C 200/injury U&C 150 max

Emergency room physician 60/injury 50/injury 60/injury U&C 150/injury U&C 120/injury U&C 50 max

Physician non surgical 50/visit 40/visit 50/visit 40/visit 45/visit- 10 visit max 40/visit- 10 visit max 100 U&C plus 100% up to 40/visit

Physician surgical 3750 max 3750 max 76% U&C U&C 2000/injury 75% U&C 3,750 max U&C 1,500/injury U&C 1,500/injury 75% U&C 3,750 max

Assist Surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon

Anesthesia 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon 25% of surgeon

Private Nursing 400 max 400 max 400 max U&C charges U&C charges 400 max

Outpatient X-ray 500/injury 200/injury 100% U&C U&C 300/injury 225/injury U&C 180/injury; 25/reading U&C 175/injury; 25/reading 100% U&C 500/injury

Cat Scan/MRI/Bone Scan 500/injury 500/injury 100% U&C U&C 800/injury 525/injury U&C 580/injury; 25/reading U&C 575/injury; 25/reading 100% U&C 500/injury

Outpatient Lab 500/injury 50/injury 100% U&C U&C 150/injury 50/injury U&C 50/injury U&C 50/injury U&C 50/max

Max Benefit per injury 25,000 25,000 76% 000 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 25,000

Type of Coverage All students All Students All Students All Students All Students All Students All Students

Catastrophic Coverage 6,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 7,500,000 7,500,000

Deductible/claim 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000

AD&D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Cost Catastrophic Coverage 6,668 6086/9267 4979/7406 5,092 5,494 4664/6925 1565/2604

Underwriter Insurance Zurich AIG Pan American Life Insurance Mutual of Omaha National Health Insurance Co Zurich Federal Insurance Company

Underwriter Catastrophic Zurich AIG Pan American Life Insurance Mutual of Omaha National Health Insurance Co Zurich Federal Insurance Company

AM Best rating A+ A A A+ A- A A++

Total Cost 2020-2021 59,130 41474/44655 40993/43420 44,992 40,079 43514/45775 40415/41454

Henderson ISD

Board Background

Subject: Budget Amendment

Presented for: Action__X____ Report Only______

Background Information

Transfer funds from extracurricular to instruction to purchase band instruments.

From function 36 $25,000 To function 11 $25,000 Transfer funds from instruction to health services for supplies needed for 2020-2021. From function 11 $20,000 To fuction 33 $20,000 Recommendation

Approve budget amendment as presented. Contact Person

Kristin Byrd




PAGE OF1 1HENDERSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT300 CROSBY05/22/2020 0000025172HENDERSON, TEXAS 75652 VENDOR KEY : TATUM SHIP DATE : 05/21/2020PHONE: 903-655-5000 FISCAL YEAR : 2019-2020FAX: 903-657-9271PRINTED 06/01/2020 ENTERED BY : HAYNICRA000EFI #1-75-6001770 ORIGINAL REQ # : 0000025172


PHONE: (903) 758-3261 FAX: (903) 757-7905 ATTN: CRAIG HAYNIE

Contract Nbr: Region 7 ESC Co-Op Region 7 ESC Purchasing Co-Op Yamaha snare drum stadium hardware.5 EACH 245.00000 1,225.00Yamaha bass drum stadium hardware.1 EACH 216.00000 216.00Yamaha YTS62 III Tenor Saxophone1 EACH 3284.00000 3,284.003/4 size Yamaha YBB105WC Tuba - HMS3 EACH 3715.00000 11,145.00Conn-Selmer 88HSP Trombone OFT - silver4 EACH 3124.00000 12,496.00 ACCOUNT SUMMARY (FOR INTERNAL USE)ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT AMOUNT199 E 11 6639 71 001 0 11 000 28,366.00 06/2020COOP EXP:


This is a Requisition and not an official Purchase Order.The District is not financially responsible for theunauthorized purchases made with a Requisition.


Board Background Information/Discussion

Subject: Consideration of Policy Revision for DCE (Local) – Non-Chapter 21 Contracts – 1st Reading

Presented for: Action _____ Report Only_X__

Background Information

Policy DCE (Local) – Employment Practices – Other Types of Contracts

provides policy to the district with regard to the positions that may be placed on

a Non-Certified (Non-Chapter 21) Contract. The current policy places the

district in a position where only the stated positions written in policy would be

allowed to have the contract.

The district proposes a revision to DCE (Local) that would allow the district the

ability to present a list of positions to the board for approval to receive a non-

certified contract. Should positions change, or be added, the district would only

need to present the position additions/revisions to the board for approval without

additional policy changes.

(See proposed revisions enclosed in Board Book.)

Contact Person(s):

Amanda Wallace – Director of Human Resources

(903) 655-5064


1 of 1 DCE(LOCAL)-A to X

PROPOSED REVISIONS 5.18.20 Non-Chapter 21 contracts shall be provided for positions included on the list approved by the Board. A non-Chapter 21 contract shall not be governed by Chapter 21 of the Education Code.

The District shall employ on non-Chapter 21 contracts, not to be governed by Chapter 21 of the Education Code, the following posi-tions: director of operations, director of child nutrition, accountant, speech pathologist, licensed specialist in school psychology, cam-pus resource liaison, and athletic trainer.

An employee may appeal discharge during the contract period in accordance with DCE(LEGAL).

An employee whose contract is not reissued at the end of the con-tract period may appeal to the Board in accordance with DGBA(LOCAL).

Non-Chapter 21 Contracts

Appeal of Employment Actions