Aggressors on the March How does the world react to the expansion of Italy, Germany & Japan?

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Aggressors on the Aggressors on the MarchMarch

How does the world react to the How does the world react to the expansion of Italy, Germany & expansion of Italy, Germany &


Hitler Expands the ReichHitler Expands the Reich 1933-35: Hitler rebuilds German economy creating war & public works jobs 1935: Hitler announces he will no longer abide by the Treaty of Versailles He stops payment of reparations, rebuilds his army & threatens to take back

German lands (lebensraum) - League of Nations condemns his actions

#1 Saar Region#1 Saar Region After WWI, this German territory was governed by the League of Nations TOV states people in Saar would vote on their future The Nazis begin a propaganda campaign The people of the Saar vote to rejoin Germany (80% of vote)

#2 The Rhineland#2 The Rhineland

•The Rhineland was a demilitarized buffer zone between France & Germany

•1936-Hitler occupies the Rhineland

•British & French urge appeasement, which is giving into an aggressor to keep peace Saar


Map Time!Map Time!

Please color area #9 (Germany/East Prussia) PurplePlease color area #9 (Germany/East Prussia) Purple Color Germany Box Purple and stripe the German Occupation Color Germany Box Purple and stripe the German Occupation

Box - PurpleBox - Purple Hitler has taken the Rhineland- please stripe area 5C in PurpleHitler has taken the Rhineland- please stripe area 5C in Purple

Stripe purple

Color purple

#3 Annexation of Austria#3 Annexation of Austria March 1938: Hitler annexes his homeland of Austria The Treaty of Versailles forbids the alliance of Austria and Germany France & Britain choose appeasement

Hitler’s troops take the Rhineland

•Hitler says if Britain and France would have challenged him in the Rhineland, he may have backed down

•1936: Hitler convinces Mussolini to sign an alliance with Germany called the Berlin-Rome Axis


Map Time!Map Time!

Hitler has taken AustriaHitler has taken Austria Please stripe area 16 purplePlease stripe area 16 purple

Stripe purple



#4 The Sudetenland#4 The Sudetenland Oct. 1938: Hitler threatens the invasion of the Sudetenland, a German

speaking part of Czechoslovakia The Czechs ask France for help Hitler invades the Sudetenland, France & Britain prepare for war

•Mussolini suggests a conference between Britain, France, Italy, and Germany

•At the Munich Conference, Britain & France agree to let Hitler take the Sudetenland as long as Hitler respects Czechoslovakia’s new borders

•Six months later, Hitler invades Czechoslovakia•Appeasement proves that France & Britain are not willing to risk war

#5 Czechoslovakia#5 Czechoslovakia

Map Time!Map Time! Hitler has taken Hitler has taken

CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia Please stripe area 14 Please stripe area 14


Stripe purple

Mussolini Makes His MoveMussolini Makes His Move

Ethiopia & AlbaniaEthiopia & Albania Mussolini wants to gain land that Italy had missed out on in the past October 1935: Mussolini invades Ethiopia

Sellassie:Sellassie:We need We need



Sorry, but we

choose Appeaseme


Ethiopia asks for help, LON condemns the action, but is powerless to help

British choose appeasement figuring if Mussolini has Ethiopia, there will be peace in Europe – Britain even allows Italian warships through the Suez Canal

After Munich Conference, Mussolini invades Albania

Map Time!Map Time!

Please color Italy’s box orange in the legend and Please color Italy’s box orange in the legend and stripe Italian occupation orangestripe Italian occupation orange

Please color Italy (18) & Libya orangePlease color Italy (18) & Libya orange Mussolini takes AlbaniaMussolini takes Albania Please stripe area #20 orangePlease stripe area #20 orange

Stripe orange

Ethiopia &Albania are


Role of AppeasementRole of Appeasement Hitler & Mussolini know that the League of Nations is powerless and that

Britain & France will choose appeasement British PM Neville Chamberlain thinks “he has brought peace with honor”

“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time”.

The Final Straw – #6 The Invasion of Poland The Final Straw – #6 The Invasion of Poland 1939: Hitler demands Poland return the Danzig region Hitler claims Danzig is German land The Poles refuse and turn to Britain & France for help Britain & France start negotiating with the Soviet Union for help But Stalin was also secretly negotiating with Hitler The Soviet Union & Germany sign a non-aggression pact On September 1st, 1939 – Hitler invades Poland – annexing W. Poland Stalin sends Soviet troops into Eastern Poland Britain & France declare war on Germany – WWII starts in Europe!

Map Time!Map Time!

Hitler has invaded PolandHitler has invaded Poland Stripe the western half of #13 purple Color the Soviet Union (#25) Red Stalin has invaded Poland, stripe the eastern half of #13 in red Make sure to color your legend, solid red for Soviet Union, striped

red for Soviet Occupation

Japan Seeks An EmpireJapan Seeks An Empire Military leaders soon win control of Japan during the depression However, unlike the Fascists they do not try to change the form of

government and keep Emperor Hirohito as the head of state So the people of Japan support the military leaders The military leaders believe that expanding Japan’s empire will solve the

economic problems

Invasion of ManchuriaInvasion of Manchuria Japanese businesses heavily invested in the Chinese province of Manchuria,

which was rich in coal & iron

•In 1931, Japan invades Manchuria

•The League of Nations condemns the invasion. Japan quits LON

•Japan creates a puppet government and the province is considered its own country called Manchukuo

Map Time!Map Time!

Please color Japan (1), Korea (2), and Taiwan Please color Japan (1), Korea (2), and Taiwan (3) red(3) red

Japan has invaded ManchuriaJapan has invaded Manchuria Please stripe area #4 in redPlease stripe area #4 in red

Time to


Japan Invades ChinaJapan Invades China 1937: Hostilities erupt on the Manchuko/China border. Japan claims one of

its soldiers is missing. Japan wants to enter China to search for him The KMT refuses the request, so the Japanese army opens fire on the KMT Marco Polo Bridge incident gives Japan a reason to invade China Chaing Kai-Shek’s Nationalist army is no match for the Japanese Army Japan captures Shanghai & Nanking, the capital of China

•Chiang Kai-Shek & Mao Zedong’s Red Army agree to join forces

•Japan then signs an alliance agreement with Germany & Italy forming the Axis Powers

•World War II has started in Asia!

Map Time!Map Time!

Japan has invaded part of ChinaJapan has invaded part of China Please stripe eastern part of #7 up to the dotted Please stripe eastern part of #7 up to the dotted
