Agile: Handle With Care

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Everybody’s talking about

“Agile marketing”

But what does it mean?

The term comes from software development


Agile development is an iterative team-based approach.

That makes it easier to respond to market shifts. Customer demands. And competitor moves.

Because you’re always refining.

Versus waiting for everything to be perfect.

Can you imagine waiting a year or more for “the new release?”

Only to find the market has changed. Your business needs have changed.

Explain that to your customers.

Your boss. The Street.

That’s how it used to be done. Really.

It was called “waterfall development.”

Waterfalls are a steady, staged process where everything flows neatly from the original idea to the final product.

They can save time and money.

And they did.

If you worked in a perfectly structured environment.

But who does

Because perfect is a myth.

“69% of B2B marketing leaders say that conditions change too quickly to keep

plans current.”


There had to be a better way

It’s called agile. And it makes sense. So the experts created a manifesto.

The Agile Manifesto believes in:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

Agile became the standard. Not just for developers.

But marketers, too.

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and

make it perfect.”

Tiny Buddha

We think it’s time to embrace: “The CMO Agile Manifesto”

The CMO Agile Manifesto Applies business intelligence to:

Analyze, automate and aggregate campaign performance

Continuously test and refine campaigns in real time

Map and shorten the customer journey

Deliver personalized customer experiences

Boost loyalty and conversions

Agile marketing empowers you to reach your customer where ever they are.

With exactly what they want.

On their terms.

This creates trust and builds loyalty.

“In the next five years, test-and-learn will become embedded in marketing work. You will create a bit of content, put it out there, get real-time feedback from customers and

put out the next little bit.”

Aditya Joshi, Partner, Bain’s Customer

Strategy & Marketing practice

Agile solves marketing’s most crucial problems.

Problems such as…

Learn more about agile marketing…

Download the entire eBook HERE!