Agile Software Development Final

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  • 8/18/2019 Agile Software Development Final



    Introduction to Software Engineering 

    Module Code : G51FSE

    Agile Software DevelopmentPrepared by: Behrang Parhizkar (Hani)

  • 8/18/2019 Agile Software Development Final


    Table of Contents

    Traditional Approach Waterfall Model & Spiral Model

     Advantages & disadvantages

    7 reasons to move to Agile methodology

     Agile Software Development Scrum

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    Lecture Goals Outline

    Learn about Agile programming paradigm

    Learn how Agile compares to Waterfall and Spiral

    The popular agile methodsScrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban Crystal

    Clear, and DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development



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    Traditional approach

    Deployment &







    No way back

    finish this step before moving to the next

    Software develop in sequential order

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    Traditional approach contd.


    Very logical and well organized

    Specialized professionals in

    each domain

    Tracking each step quite easier

    It helps to find error easier

    Easy to understand, easy to use

    If everything goes well, splendid!

    Documentation is produced at

    every stage of a waterfall modelallowing people to understand

    what has been done.


    Only suitable for the small size


    Difficult to estimate time and cost

    for each stage Constant testing of the design is


    High amount of risk and


    Not suitable to handle dynamicchanges in the requirements

     Adjust scope during the life cycle

    can kill a project

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    Where to Use Waterfall Model

    Requirements are very well knownProduct definition is stable

    Technology is understood

    New version of existing product

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    Traditional approach contd.

    Waterfall and Spiral are heavy top-down

    approaches Inflexible structure of product

    Well-defined sequence of

    independent development phases

    Many problems with these approaches

     A lot of waiting time for developers

    Tons of documentation

    Can result in costly unnoticed errors

    and buggy code

    Hard to incorporate new or changingcustomer requirements

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  • 8/18/2019 Agile Software Development Final


    Traditional approach contd.

    Developers skills more important than attitudes

    Customer  almost out-of-the development loop

    I.e. customers do not have a voice in the softwaredevelopment process

    They consume desired software only when over all

    development processes have been completed (No earlyprototype)

    No way of receiving continuous feedback (from


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    As an example… 

    Let’s imagine that we want to create a blog engine; considering the

    following method: Create the blog display page; deliver it to the customer

    Create the user management and membership feature; deliver it

    to our customer

     Add commenting capability and management; deliver it to the

    customer So on and so forth… 

    It is a simple approach, but the customer sees the real progress of

    his software and gives you immediate feedback on each new feature

    It may be perfect or require tweaking, but you can quickly respond to

    changes: a win-win situation

    Texts source: 10

  • 8/18/2019 Agile Software Development Final


    7 Reasons to move to Agile

    1. Ambiguous Requirements Assumption: Customers can (and shall) identify all

    the requirements in the beginning

    What we do: Ask customers what they want

    When they really don’t know  Ask them to ‘sign off’ the requirements 

    How many of customers comfortable to sign off

    the requirements form at the beginning ?

    The Reality: Customers may not know allrequirements in the beginning

    Result: Over production of features

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    What Standish Group Chaos Report Says

     A survey has been conducted with customers about thefeatures (functions) used in traditional software

    Features rarelyOr never used byEnd user

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    What is the most popular software product you have

    ever used? Excel ? Word ? Powerpoint ?

    How many features are in MS Word ? (1264)

    What percentage of the features of MS Word do you use


    You might end up with less than 10% of the features.

    Most of the software products have a lot of features

    which are rarely or never used.

    One of the reason could be: Freezing requirements at

    the beginning.

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     Agile understand all requirements can not

    be collected in the beginning of the project.

    So, Requirements are collected throughout  

    the development cycle.

     And the requirements are never frozen in Agile .

    Requirements are prioritized continuouslyfor the business value.

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    7 Reasons to move to Agile

    2. Requirements Changes are Inevitable

    Assumption: Cost of change increases during the

    development, so freezing the requirements is absolutely

    required in the beginning

    What we do:

    Freeze the requirements in the beginning Penalize the customers for adding things later

    Do strict change control

    Reality: New ideas may emerge at any time, even just before

    the major delivery. Competitors released a new features … so your clients

    must do as well.

    Result: changes anyway happen and both the development

    team and the customers are unhappy with them

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    So what are the main Challenges ?

    Software teams are building something that does notexist in the beginning

    The customers is attempting to describe what they

    imagine this non-existent product should be.

    Our developers then try to imagine what the customer isdescribing and build the product they believe they heard

    the customer describe.

    Interestingly, the first opportunity anyone has to truly see

    if the product built is one that customer really needs is

    after development is complete.

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    Requirements Uncertainty Principle

    For a new softwaresystem, the

    requirements will not be

    completely known untilafter the users have

    used it.

    Watts HuphreyFather of Software quality

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    Requ irements Changes are always welcome in Agi le

    Ag i le understand that requirements changes are

    inevi table  and they are for the competi t ive advantageof the customer.

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    7 Reasons to move to Agile

    3. Big, Upfront Planning is not Practical

    Recall: Because we assume we can collect all the requirements in thebeginning and freeze the requirements, so we also assume we can plan

    everything upfront.


    Software is so simple that development can be planned from

    beginning to end.  All projects variables (scope, cost, resources, schedule, risk) can

    be predicted in the beginning

    Upfront planning is possible and enough

    What we do:

    Prepare a detailed plan in the beginning

    We strictly track the progress as per this plan

    Reality: Big, upfront planning is difficult, planning shall also

    evolve along with the requirements.

    Result: Lets look at the standard industry survey result.

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    How Good are the Project Planning Executing?

    Failure Statistics from the Famous Standish Group’s

    Chaos Report: 365 respondents (from small, medium & large companies)

    Major industry segments (banking, health, insurance, etc)

    8380 software applications

    Survey Result:

    Project Success:

    The project is completed on-time, on-budget, with all features

    and functions as initially specified.

    Project Challenged:

    The project is completed but over-budget, over the time

    estimate, and offers fewer features and functions than

    originally specified.

    Project Impaired:

    The project is canceled at some point during thedevelopment cycle.

    Standish Group




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    Standish Group: Project Success Factors

    What were key factors for success ?

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    Standish Group: Project Challenged Factors

    What were key factors for challenges?

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    Standish Group: Project Impaired Factors

    What were key factors for impairment?

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    Failure Statistics

    No significant improvements over time

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    What are the Success Factors? 

    Item Percentage

    Schedule 61.3 % It is more important to deliver a systemwhen it is ready to be shipped than to

    deliver it on time.

    Scope 87.3 % Meeting the actual needs of stakeholders

    is more important than building the

    system to specification.

    Money 79.6 % Providing the best return on investment

    (ROI) is more important than delivering a

    system under budget.

    Quality 87.3 % Delivering high quality is more important

    than delivering on time and on budget.

    Staff 75.8 % Having a healthy, both mentally and

    physically, workplace is more important

    than delivering on time and on budget.

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    Big , Upfront planning is not possible in thesoftware development as the requirements

    are not complete.

     Agile focuses on Just in time planning

    In Agile, planning also evolves alongwith the requirements.

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    7 Reasons to move to Agile

    4. Reviewing the working software is better than reviewing

    the documents. Assumption:

    Customers shall review the initial requirements and approve


    What we do:

     Ask the customers to ‘sign off’ the requirements.


    Most customers are not comfortable reviewing the documents

    and approve them in the beginning.

    Customers are rather happy in reviewing the ‘working software’. If you show them a demo of software, they are happy, but if

    you give them a bunch of documents, they are very


    Result: The relationship starts in the unpleasant note.

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    In Agile, customers review actualworking software increments.

    Customers’ feedback on the working

    software are incorporated in the

    requirement development.

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    7 Reasons to move to Agile

    5. Iterative and incremental development is better than

    sequential waterfall developmentAssumption: (Iterative & Incremental Development)

    Software development shall be done in sequence and step by

    step manner.

    Customers can wait until the completion of the project for getting

    the final product.

    What we do:

    Develop the software sequentially, with one big final delivery.


    When the customers actually get to see the final deliverables, itmay be very different from what they thought they would get.

    It is too late to change anything.

    Result: Most of the customers are unhappy with the


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    Look at this case

     Assuming a one year project starting on January:






    The cost of change increases

    If customer cancel the

    Project at this stage

    Do we have half of

    the solutions now ?

    In the best case, the customer get a nice requirementAnalysis document and a nice design document withsome codes with several bugs.

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    In Agile, software delivery is made to thecustomers frequently in short iterations.

    Customers get small piece of prioritizedworking software once in 2 to 4 weeks.

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    7 Reasons to move to Agile

    6 . Delivery through small steps is better than a single huge

    delivery at the end of delivery life cycle.7. Frequent reflection by the project team is very important.

    The reflection should happened almost every month in a one

    year project rather than once at the end of the project.

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     Agile understand requirement will be always unclear.

     Agile understand Customer may not know everything in

    the beginning.

     Agile starts with what customer currently know and

    quickly show a demo of software based on the initial

    customer requirements. (Requirements changes are

    welcome in Agile)

     Agile allow just in time planning throughout the project.

     Agile show the working software to the customer as earlyas possible and as often as possible.

     Agile is based on iterative model and not sequential


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    Surely there has to be another way?

    Is it not possible to generate code in a unified yet flexible


     Agile methods are a potential solution

    There were a bunch of very talented and experiencedpeople developing some serious software

     These developers observed other companies and

    development teams, and how their processes made their

    work easier

    They compiled their observations to create the Agile


    Texts source: 34

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    Agile Software Development

     Agile SD is a way of thinking about project management

    Based on iterative and incremental development

    Requirements as well as solutions evolve together

    Collaboration between cross-functional, self-organising

    teams Teams kept small (5-9 people)


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    Principles of agile manifesto

    The agile manifesto has 12 main principles:

    1. Customer satisfaction2.  Adapt to changing requirements

    3. Deliver frequently

    4. Work together frequently

    5. Build projects with motivated individuals (It is important to provide an engaging atmosphere andall the tools necessary to create good software. Companies lose their best workers mostly because they don’t truly care

    about them.)

    6. Use Face to Face communication

    7. Measure progress with working software

    8. Maintain a constant pace ( Agile’s one of the advantages is the ability to precisely determine the amount of

    time a project or feature will consume)

    9. Pay attention to industrial progress

    10. Simplicity is essential

    11. Self organize

    12. Reflect and adjust


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    Five main principles

    The 12 main principles can be condensed to the

    following five:

    1. Deliver Early and Often to Satisfy Customer

    2. Welcome Changing Requirements3. Face to Face Communication is Best

    4. Measure Progress against Working Software

    5. Simplicity is Essential

    The art of maximizing the amount of work not done


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    Progress measure

    Primary measure of progress is in terms of working

    software, not lines of code.

     Agile projects measure progress by the amount of

    software that is currently meeting customer needs

    They are 30% done when 30% of required

    functionality is working AND deployed

    Progress is not measured in terms of phases or

    creating documents

    Keeps on top of customer satisfaction and allows for

    more realistic and updated estimation of costs


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    Keep it Simple

    This refers to the art of maximizing the amount of work

    NOT done

     Agile projects always take the simplest path consistent

    with their current goals

    They do not try to anticipate tomorrow’s problems; they

    only solve today’s problems

    High-quality work today should provide a simple and

    flexible system that will be easy to change tomorrow if the

    need arises

    Only do the job the client wants, without any additionalfunctionalities and improvements, your work load will

    lighten, and you’ll achieve your goals 

     Ultimately, that is all the customer cares about


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    That’s a bit Abstract! 

    The agile ethos is a bit abstract from the process of

    actually applying the principles in a sound methodology

    Different people interpret the manifesto in different


     The popular agile methods

    Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, Crystal

    Clear, and DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development


    The other methods available are Agile Unified Process

    (AUP), Agile Modeling, Adaptive Software Development,

    FDD (Feature Driven Development), and Lean Software



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     A typical, but detailed, Agile methodology

    One of the best Agile software development method

    See for

    a very good 10 min. introduction

    Manage a prioritized list of needs on a product backlog,

    collaborate through daily standup meetings, exhibit the

    product upon iteration completion, use retrospectives tocorrect the process


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    Rugby union:

     A scrum is a way to

    restart the game after an

    interruption, where the

    forwards of each sidecome together in a tight

    formation and struggle to

    gain possession of the

    ball when it is tossed inamong them

    Image source:


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    Product backlog

    Product backlog contains all

    user stories (requirements) of

    features that the product

    needs/could have

    Product backlog is meant to

    grow over time


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    Scrum Team

    No. 1: Product owner

    No. 2: The Scrum Team

    No. 3: The Scrum Master


    There are no roles in the team. Everyone should be able towork on everything

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    Scrum Master

    Scrum master is responsible for the Scrum process

    Scrum Master is like a project manager

    Three main roles:

    1. Coach

    2. Fixer3. Gatekeeper

    Two main tasks:

    1. Protecting team from outside disturbances

    2. Removing obstacles


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    Release planning

    Team and customer pick features from product backlog

    This creates a release backlog

    Release backlog features are assigned priority

    Release backlog features are assigned effort estimates

    Release is split in a number of sprints


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    Scrum sprint

    Sprints last approximately 3 – 30 days

    Each release consists of 4-12 sprints

    Duration of sprint is proportional to release interval

    Sprint backlog lists features included per sprint


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    Monitoring progress

    Per the Agile manifesto, progress is measured in terms

    of functionality added

    Time to complete features in active sprints drawn in a

    burndown chart

    Burndown chart is updated daily

    Burndown velocity can be measured from chart

    Team estimates daily how much time is required per

    remaining feature


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    How to calculate Velocity


    Our team delivers 3 user stories. The sum of the story

    points equals 20. Our velocity is then 20.

    If, in the next iteration, our team delivers 30 storypoints, then our average velocity is 25, or

    (20 SP + 30 SP) divided by 2 iterations = 25 SP.

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    Some concepts

    Imagine you want to go to a trip. You know your trip will

    be 1000 miles long. This is the size. Another variable

    is the time. You want to pass this 1000 miles in 5 days.

    This is a duration.

    It is possible to calculate planned velocity as 1000 miles

    per 5 day.

    Velocity therefore defines how much of progress are

    you able to do. 

    When we are talking about story points, we are talking

    about the size.

    B d h

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    Burndown chart

    The burndown is a chart that shows how quickly you and yourteam are burning through your customer's user stories.It shows the total effort against the amount of work we deliver eachiteration

    Image&Text source:

    B d h t td

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    Burndown chart contd.

    Image&Text source:

    B d h t td

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    Burndown chart contd.

    Image source:


    B d h t td

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    Burndown chart contd.

    Image&Texts source: 55

    Projected line: is a straight line that connects the start point to the end point

     At day 0 (the first day of the iteration), the remaining effort is at its highest because nothing hasbeen completed

     At the end of the iteration (day 20), the sum should be 0 because there are no tasks left to

    be completed

    B d h t td

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    Burndown chart contd.

    Image&Texts source: 56

     Actual Work Remaining Line: shows the actual work remaining

     At the start point, the actual work remaining is the same as the ideal work remaining but as time

    progresses, the actual work line fluctuates above and below the ideal line depending on how

    effective the team is

    B d h t td

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    Burndown chart contd.

    Image&Texts 57

    If the actual remaining effort line is above the blue line for an extended period, then it meansadjustments have to be made to the project. This could mean dropping a task, assigning

    additional resources, or working late, all of which can be unpleasant

    What should be the correct Y-axis parameter to determine remaining effort  


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    Bugs traditionally wreak havoc to project planning

    In scrum a defect backlog is maintained per sprint

    ‘Often dedicated ‘bug kill’ sprints are introduced 


    Th S

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    The Scrum

    Daily meeting

    Meeting should be held standing

    Keep people on their toes

    Keep meetings short and to the point

    Discusses what was done yesterday

    Discusses what will be done today

    Excellent tool to spot issues as they arise


    The Scrum Questionnaire

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    The Scrum Questionnaire

    (retrospectives )

    Each Sprint ends with a retrospective. At this meeting, the

    team reflects on its own process. They inspect their

    behavior and take action to adapt it for future Sprints.

    Every team member has to answer three question:

    1. What have I done since last meeting?

    2. What will I do until the next meeting?

    3. What problems have I encountered?

    During scrum meeting only team speaks.


    Scr m Time!

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    Scrum Time!

    Get together in teams of 5

     Assign roles

    Create a time planning:

    Product backlog

    1st release

    Sprints of 1st release

    Initialise burndown chart Hold day-1 Scrum meeting

    Present your time planning


    Product: A web site that lets users search, compare, andreview apps for both Apple and Android platforms

    Scrum for larger projects

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    Scrum for larger projects

    We agree that Scrum is ideal for small sized project

    What about when we need a very large team working ona single project, or on closely related projects in a large


    Possibly using Scrum of Scrums technique

    Each team meets every day and holds their dailyScrum as usual. One or two representatives from each

    Scrum team attend a higher level Scrum to coordinate

    across teams. And on very large teams, one or two

    representatives from the higher level Scrum attends aneven higher level Scrum, and so on


    Scrum Software Tools

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    Scrum Software Tools


    Scrum Software Tools

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    Scrum Software Tools


    Scrum Software Tools

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    Scrum Software Tools


    Extreme programming (XP)

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    Extreme programming (XP)

    Perhaps the best-known and most widely used agile method.

    Extreme Programming (XP) takes an ‘extreme’ approach to iterativedevelopment.

    New versions may be built several times per day;

    Increments are delivered to customers every 2 weeks;

     All tests must be run for every build and the build is onlyaccepted if tests run successfully

    Software should be tested frequently during development

    Extreme programming advocates testing code literally  every few

    minutes, after every minor change

    Extreme programming works best for relatively small projects with a

    small number of good programmers

    Text source: Ian Sommerville’04 XP slides 


    XP values

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    XP values


    Use simple designs and common metaphors, talk continuously with yourprogrammers and customers


    Extreme programming encourages starting with the simplest solution.Extra functionality can then be added later


    From the system: Unit tests

    From the customer: Acceptance tests

    From the team: Estimate the time to implement new requirements


    Code for today, and not tomorrow

    Refactor as appropriate Be willing to throw code away


    Trust your team members not to submit nonworking code


    XP practices

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    XP practices

    The XP practices we will emphasize are:

    Pair Programming Teams of two people

    Test Driven Development

    Writing lots of tests, and writing them early

    Continuous Integration

    Putting code together as you write it, not at the last minute

    Coding Standards

    Learn and follow well-established conventions

    Collective Code Ownership

    You are responsible for your partner’s code 

    Simple Design

    Stay away from confusion

    Text source: 68

    Pair programming

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    Pair programming

    Texts&Image source:


    Pair programming is an agile software

    development technique in whichtwo programmers

    work together at one workstation.

    One, the driver ,

    writes code while the other,

    the observer  or navigator ,reviews each line of code as it is typed in.

    The two programmers switch roles frequently.

    While reviewing, the observer also considers

    the strategic direction of the work, coming up

    with ideas for improvements and likely futureproblems to address.

    --Laurie Williams

    North Carolina State University

    Computer Science


    Differences Between Scrum and XP

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    Scrum teams typically work in iterations (called sprints) that are

    from two weeks to one month long. XP teams typically work initerations that are one or two weeks long.

    Scrum teams do not allow changes into their sprints. Once the

    sprint planning meeting is completed and a commitment made to

    delivering a set of product backlog items, that set of items remainsunchanged through the end of the sprint. XP teams are much more

    amenable to change within their iterations. As long as the team

    hasn’t started work on a particular feature, a new feature of

    equivalent size can be swapped into the XP team’s iteration in

    exchange for the unstarted feature.

    Text source: Mike Cohn , Mountain Goat Software



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     Agile software development is a software

    development/project management approach

     Agile projects incrementally create an evolving product

     Agile uses small cross-functional teams with heavy

    commitment of the customer

    Scrum/XP Agile methodologies