Agile2012 klingon

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Users Are From Mars,Developers Are From Klingon

Agile2012 ConferenceAugust 2012

Don McGreal, Derek Lane

What’s the Biggest Challenge to Building



So What’s All This Stuff About Klingons?

Agile Games

Advanced Learning Techniques

Game Theory


Teamwork / Team Building

Let the Games Begin!


GeezerSlaw RetroDevelopers: What went through your mind when the customers were describing the system?

Customers: How close were the developers to your vision of the system?

Observers: What did you see? What worked? What didn’t? Do you think the project will succeed or fail? Why?

Everyone: Was this experience familiar? What did it remind you of?

Now for SomethingTotally Different:

Where AreYour Keys?

WAYK RetroWhat just happened?

How did this feel?

During the game we avoided translating things into English,

Did this help your understanding? If so, how? If not, why not?

Who can tell me in English what was discussed?

How did it feel to use sign language to help communicate?

What other techniques could have been used?

Agile Applications?How could you apply these techniques in real interactions with your customers/developers?

How could you apply these techniques to some other area of your life?

Have any of your ideas/opinions changed about communication as a results of this session? How?

Other thoughts / comments?

Summary of TechniquesTechnique

Copy Cat

Inner Circle


Bite-size Pieces



3 Times

Total Physical Response

Make Me Say Yes / No

My Turn / Your Turn

Start at the Beginning

How Fascinating!

Pull You Through

Mine / Yours

Same Order

So Let’s See What You Have Learned:


Focus on Techniques

Copy Cat

Start at the Beginning

Same Order

Focus on Techniques


3 Times


Focus on Techniques

Total Physical Response

Pull You Through


Focus on Techniques

Bite Size Pieces

Make Me Say Yes

My Turn / Your Turn

ReGeezerSlaw RetroWhich techniques were relatively easy to use?

Which techniques were more difficult? Why?

Can you think of a current situation on your project/team where one of these techniques might help? Explain.

Which techniques could you use with your boss?

... With your family?

What’s Your Movie?

So, Are Users from Mars?

Are Developers from Klingon?

Why Mechanics Like Women...

Turbo Entabulator? What Did He Say?