Aging Management of Buried and Underground … Presentation Outline E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI...

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IAEA/EPRI International Technical Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and Underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plants

e-Doc 4532918 (PPT)

Seyun Eom and Blair Carroll Technical Specialist

John Jin Director

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Aging Management of Buried and Underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plants in Canada

The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not represent official positions of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission


Presentation Outline

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US


• Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

Status of Buried Pipe and Tanks in Canadian Nuclear Plants

Regulatory Framework

• Overview of CNSC Core Processes

• CNSC Safety Control Areas (SCAs)

Aging Management

• Overview of CNSC Regulatory Document, REGDOG-2.6.3

• Integrated Approach

• 9 Key Attributes in CNSC REGDOC-2.6.3

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) N285.4

• Overview

CSA N285.7

• Overview

• Risk Informed In-Service Inspection (RI-ISI)

• Risk Evaluation

Concluding Remarks

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) - Overview

Canada’s nuclear watchdog

Quasi-judicial body

Independent of, but not isolated from, government

Our Mission Is Clear

• Regulate the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect the health, safety and security of persons and the environment

• Respect Canada’s international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy

• Disseminate objective scientific, technical and regulatory information to the public.

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

Power Reactor Operating License (PROL) requires that licensees have programs to ensure Fitness for Service of Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs) in accordance with referenced CNSC regulatory documents and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards

REGDOG-2.6.3* on aging management is currently available. *supersedes RD-334 (2011)

CSA Standard N285.4, periodic inspection of nuclear power plant components, referenced in operating licences

Draft of CSA Standard N285.7 periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant balance of plant pressure boundary systems and components currently issued for public review and comment

No buried or underground piping transporting radioactive substances in Canadian nuclear plants under normal operating conditions

Possible impact on nuclear safety due to degradation of buried pipe and tanks (i.e., some sections of Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) piping, main service water, fire protection piping, etc.)

Status of Buried Pipe and Tanks in Canadian Nuclear Plants


Overview of Regulatory Framework

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

Regulatory Framework

• Safety & Control Areas (SCAs), Licence Conditions

Regulatory Requirements & Guidance

• CNSC Regulatory Documents (REGDOCs) & Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standards

14 SCAs used by CNSC staff across all regulated facilities and activities in a comprehensive framework to assess, evaluate, review, verify and report on performance of regulatory requirements

CNSC Safety and Control Areas (SCAs)

Functional Area Safety and Control Area


1. Management Systems

2. Human Performance Management

3. Operating Performance

Facility and Equipment

4. Safety Analysis

5. Physical Design

6. Fitness for Service

Core Control Processes

7. Radiation Protection

8. Conventional Health and Safety

9. Environmental Protection

10. Emergency Management and Fire Protection

11. Waste Management

12. Security

13. Safeguards and Non-Proliferation

14. Packaging and Transport

SCAs particularly relevant

to Aging Management

6 E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

Aging Management – Overview of REGDOC 2.6.3 (2014*) • CNSC’s adoption and adaptation of IAEA NS-G-2.12

Aging Management of Nuclear Power Plants (2009)

• Covers all stages of NPP lifetime, including design, construction, operation, Long Term Operation (LTO), safe storage and decommissioning

• Requirements for: – Integrated Aging Management Program

(Plant Level framework / governance) – Aging / Life Cycle Management Plans for specific

SSCs or specific aging degradation mechanisms – Safety Analysis and Risk Assessments to account

for cumulative effects of aging – Data and information collection for aging

management and to confirm safety analysis assumptions and acceptance criteria continue to be met

*supersedes RD-334 (2011) 7

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

Aging Management – Integrated Approach






Check for


Improve effectiveness

of aging management


3. Operation/use of a


Managing Aging Mechanisms

Operation according to procedures and technical specifications

Chemistry Control

Environmental Control

Operating History, including transient records

2. Development and optimization of activities for

aging management of a structure/component

Preparing, coordinating, maintaining and improving activities for aging management

Document regulatory requirements and safety criteria

Document relevant activities

Describe coordination mechanisms

Improve effectiveness of aging management based on current understanding, self-assessment and peer reviews

1. Understanding aging of a structure/


Key to effective aging management based on the following information:

Materials and material properties, fabrication methods

Stressors and operating conditions

Aging mechanisms

Sites of degradation

Consequence of aging degradation and failures

R&D results

Operational experience

Inspection/monitoring/maintenance history

Mitigation methods

Current status


4. Inspection, monitoring and assessments of a


Detecting and assessing aging effects

Testing and calibration

Pre-service and In-Service Inspection

Leak detection, vibration monitoring, etc.

Assessment of functional capability/fitness for service

Record keeping

5. Maintenance of a


Managing Aging Effects

Preventive maintenance

Corrective maintenance

Spare parts management


Maintenance history






E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

Aging Management – 9 Key Attributes in REGDOG-2.6.3


Aging Management Plans (AMPs) and Life Cycle Management Plans (LCMPs) must comply with the requirements of CNSC REGDOC-2.6.3

must be implemented in accordance with the overall Integrated Aging Management Program framework, and

Must address the 9 attributes of an effective aging management program (same attributes as in IAEA NS-G-2.12 and International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL)).

9 Attributes of an Effective Aging Management Program

(e.g., monitoring/detection/acceptance criteria, etc.)

Provide Sample Methodology* for Aging Evaluation in REGDOG-2.6.3

(Sample Methodology*: Adapted from the IAEA NS-G 2.12 on Ageing Management of Nuclear Power Plants)

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

CSA N285.4: Periodic Inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant components - Overview

10 E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

CSA Standard N285.4 addresses periodic inspection requirements for pressure boundary systems

- “systems containing fluid that directly transports heat from nuclear fuel;

- systems essential for the safe shutdown of the reactor of the safe cooling of the fuel,

or both, in the event of a process system failure; and

- other systems or components whose failure could jeopardize the integrity of the

systems described in Item (a) or (b) or both.”

Clause 7.4.7 establishes requirements for the inspection of systems potentially susceptible to corrosion and erosion

- covers any buried piping

CSA N285.7: Periodic Inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant balance of plant pressure boundary systems and components - Overview

11 E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

• Draft of CSA N285.7 currently issued for public review and comment

• CSA N285.7 will provide the minimum inspection requirements for periodic inspection program for balance of plant pressure boundary systems – Buried piping in the scope of this standard

• Selection of the systems and components in the scope of the program based upon Risk-Informed In-Service Inspection (RI-ISI) methodology

• Expect to incorporate standard into operating licences when it is published

CSA N285.7: Periodic Inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant balance of plant pressure boundary systems and components – RI-ISI

12 E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

CSA N285.7: Periodic Inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant balance of plant pressure boundary systems and components – Risk Evaluation




(Cat. 7)


(Cat. 7)


(Cat. 7)




(Cat. 6)


(Cat. 7)


CCDP and CLERP Potential











e R





tial HIGH

(Cat. 3)


(Cat. 1)


(Cat. 2)


(Cat. 5)


(Cat. 6)


(Cat. 5)


(Cat. 4)

Consequence Evaluation






E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US


Closing Remarks

• CNSC Requires that licensees have programs to ensure Fitness for Service of Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs) in accordance with Power Reactor Operating License (PROL)

• Aging Management Plan (AMP) must be implemented in accordance with the overall Integrated Aging Management Program framework addressed in CNSC regulatory document, REGDOC-2.6.3

• CSA N285.4 referenced in operating licences • CSA N285.7 is under development incorporating Risk Informed

In-Service Inspection (RI-ISI) concept

E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US

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E-Doc# 4532918 IAEA/EPRI International Meeting on Aging Management of Buried and underground Piping and Tanks for Nuclear Power Plant October13, 2014 , Charlotte, the US