AGM REPORT 2018 Final - Rosslyn Hill Unitarian...

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AGM 2018 Sunday 18th March 2018

PAPERS FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2018 Letter from Chair & Notice of AGM.......................................................2


Minutes of 2017 AGM............................................................................5

Chair’s Report........................................................................................9

Minister’s Report..................................................................................11

Chapel Elders Report...........................................................................13

Worship Group Report.........................................................................14

Stewarding Co-ordinator’s Report .......................................................16

Children’s Chapel & Crèche Report.....................................................17

Wheel of the Year Group Report..........................................................19

Membership Committee Report............................................................20

Communications Group Report............................................................21

Social Action Committee Report...........................................................23

Flower Group Report............................................................................24

Rosslyn Hill Choir Report......................................................................25

Long Term Finance Group Report........................................................26

Estates Group Report...........................................................................27

Proxy Vote Form...................................................................................28

Nominations Form.................................................................................29



Letter from Chair & Notice of AGM

Dear Member,

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Rosslyn Hill Chapel Congregational Community will follow the morning service in the Chapel on Sunday, 18th March 2018 at 12.25pm.

Please find an agenda, minutes of the March 2017 AGM, annual reports for 2016-17 along with the independent examination of our accounts (as a separate document).

There are several vacancies on the Board to fill from the Congregation. Having served as Treasurer and previously co-Treasurer, Trevor Slack will be stepping down at the AGM. Zoe Gerrard has decided to resign to focus on other Chapel activities. Roger Harrabin resigned during the year. John Lawrence was co-opted to the Board during the year. Other members of the Board have not completed their terms so will continue to be Trustees for at least another year. The Board can have up to twelve Trustees and are elected from Members of the Congregation who are in good standing and been members for at least six months.

Election to the Board offers interesting challenges including the chance to understand how our organisation works from the inside, and to have a hand in its success. The other benefit, besides a satisfying volunteer opportunity, is the chance to forge deeper friendships with other members of our community.

The Elders also have vacancies to fill. There should be five Elders who are elected for five-year terms. Margaret Perry and Kerry Reid will continue as Elders. John Lawrence, Roger Harrabin resigned during the year and Camino Eguren has indicated she wishes to stand down at the AGM. One role of the Elders is to be holders of corporate memory so need to have been members for at least five years.


Forms for nomination to the Board, the Elders, two delegates to the General Assembly and a Representative to the London District and South Eastern Provincial Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches are attached (p. 29) and will be available on the day. You can provide them to Chair at the AGM, remembering to obtain the consent of the person(s) nominated. Or nominations will be taken from the floor on the day. If you have any questions, please contact the Chair of the Board.

Please use proxy ballot papers if you are unable to attend the AGM and want someone to vote on your behalf. Each fully paid up member may hold up to two proxy ballots. Only paid up members are eligible to vote at the AGM. Please ensure that your membership is current either making the necessary arrangements with your bank or, if necessary, contacting our Administrator. Special dispensation is always a possibility by discussing this with our Minister. A proxy vote form is attached, p28.

The meeting may take one and a half hours. A light lunch will be provided before the meeting. For parents, we hope to be able to provide childcare. We must have a quorum for the meeting to go ahead and your votes count, so please make every effort to attend this important meeting. Everyone who has been a member for at least six months has a vote. New members, who cannot vote, are welcome to attend and join the discussions.

This is a chance for us to review the year that has just passed, reflect on our directions for the coming year and to affirm our confidence in those who give their time and energy volunteering to serve our Chapel community.

With best wishes,

Tanya Morrison Chair, Board of Trustees ROSSLYN HILL UNITARIAN CHAPEL



AGM Agenda Sunday 18th March 2018 after the morning service

12:25 1. Devotional

12:30 2. Welcome and introduction to the meeting (Chair)

12:35 3. Establish a Quorum (Secretary)

12:40 4. Approval of minutes of March 2017 AGM

12:50 5. Chair’s report

13:00 6. Presentation & Questions on the committee reports 1

13:30 7. Presentation of Financial accounts for approval

13:45 8. Election of Board members

13:50 9. Election of Elders

13:55 10. Endorsement of GA delegates and LDPA rep.

14:00 11. Any other business

Close of meeting



MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting

held on Sunday 5th March 2017

Chair: Jane Crispin

Minutes: Leighton Cole


Item 1: Devotional delivered by Rev. Kate Dean.

Item 2: Welcome and Introduction delivered by Chair: Jane Crispin, Board Chairman

Item 3: Establishment of Quorum certified by Secretary. 33 members present

Item 4: Approval of 2/16 AGM minutes: accepted without corrections.

Item 5: Chair’s Report presented by Jane Crispin

Item 6: Presentation of reports from Activity Leaders on annual reports

* Minister’s Report presented by Rev. Kate Dean * Children’s Programme Report presented by Kristin Howe * Worship Group Report presented by Zoe Gerrard

* Wheel of the Year Report presented by Hillary Ratna * Staffing Committee Report presented by James Chiriyankandath * Comms Team Report presented by Janna Williams * Choir Report presented by Margaret Perry * Flower Group Report presented by Janna Williams * Social Action Committee Report presented by Leighton Cole


* Membership Group Report presented by Kieran Seale * Stewarding Committee Report presented by Jim Burtles * Elders Report presented by Tanya Morrison -it was agreed that the congregation honour Will Hopper’s contribution to the chapel *Long Term Finance Report presented by John Lawrence

* Property Group Report presented by Roger Harrabin

* Care and Support Group Report presented by Deborah Frankel

Item 7: Presentation of annual report and financial accounts for approval by congregation Summary was presented by Trevor Slack Account questions from members addressed by Trevor Slack

Question - Do we have provision for ongoing repairs?

Answer - Not necessarily. The finances are just treading water. The chapel spends 10 times the amount the chapel member contribute. We need the school and other rentals in order to function.

Question - What will the legal costs be for the staffing case?

Answer - We expect the costs to be covered by our insurance.

Question - Have we had a review of the buildings to see what major works may be needed in the near future?

Answer - We had a quinquennial review three years ago. * Accounts accepted and approved unanimously Item 8: Endorsement of delegates to the AGM of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and representative to the LDPA * Tanya Morrison will be our delegate to the LDPA * Margaret Perry will be our delegate to the GA’s AGM Item 9: Election of Board members Leighton Cole - nominated by Hillary Ratna, seconded by Tanya Morrison


Hillary Ratna - nominated by Tanya Morrison, seconded by Julia Reid

Roger Harrabin - nominated by George Appleby, seconded by Jane Crispin

Tanya Morrison- nominated by James Chiriyankandath, seconded by Susan Lawrence

Andrew Jurczynski - nominated by Ann Harrabin, seconded by Susan Lawrence

Ann Harrabin - nominated by Jane Crispin, seconded by Julia Reid

All voted agreed unanimously.

Item 10: Election of Elders Camino Eguren - nominated by Tanya Morrison, seconded by John Lawrence

Kerry Reid - nominated by Jane Crispin, seconded by Roger Harrabin Item 11: Any Other Business

Erich Wagner:

The property development group has spent much time and money on plans for developing the site with the aim of increasing the revenue from the site. Revenue we could then spend on good works and of course doing good in the world is one of things we strive for. The promise is “jam tomorrow” - but it seems to me that at present we do not actually have much appetite for jam. For the property works to happen we need to WANT them to happen and be hungry for them. So I think we should work on developing an appetite for the kind of jam that is promised.

Looking at the accounts last year we spent about six thousand on social justice works, mostly outside good causes supported by the collection plate share, and just a few hundred on the cold weather shelter. Yet our cold weather shelter is one of our big draws in the community – it gets us noticed, brings in loads of volunteers, does good in the world, and generates a real buzz and vibrancy. After-all social justice work is one of our core business activities.

Now just think what things might be like if instead of spending a few hundred pounds on chapel social justice work, we spent a few thousand? Or a few tens of thousand? That is the kind of vision we should be aspiring to. We bring in hundreds of thousands of pounds each year but spend only a few percent of that on possibly the most worthwhile causes.


Also looking at the accounts you’ll see we had “exceptional income” of £70,000. This was a windfall bonus from the Willoughby road sale and was outside the chapel budget, it is truly a windfall – an unexpected gift. This seventy thousand mustn’t be allowed to be merely subsumed into routine accounts – it is a chance to do some magic. It represents ten times our social justice spend last year (or if you prefer we could double what we spent last year and still keep that up for ten years). I think this windfall could be just the hors-d’oeuvres we need to stimulate an appetite for jam, bigger site revenues and create a desire for building works.

I think it is the custom for the management board to once-a-year hold an “away day” discussion among themselves, I think the whole congregation would have some great ideas and that is why I am proposing this motion: That we call on the new board, after the summer break, to setup a “visioning day,” an ideas day, for the whole congregation to discuss these and other ideas for growth.

Close of Meeting



The Board of Trustees is the executive body of the Chapel. Some still refer to it as the Management Committee. The Board derives its authority from the congregation. Officially we are a company limited by guarantee (CLG) and the members of the Board are Trustees and Directors of the company with limited personal liability. Our activities and procedures are determined and guided by Articles of Association and Standing Orders that set its parameters and scope for action. We are guided by external advice, including from the Charities Commission. Once the new Board was established after the 2017 AGM, it met for an Away Day accompanied by the Minister and Elders. This included a review of our legal obligations under the Charities Act, our charitable purpose, a review of recent issues and development of a strategy and goals to 2025. The Board agreed to set goals to grow the congregation, in terms of membership and activities offered to members and the community. We have begun to take action to move towards these goals, including a Chapel lunch discussion with congregation members in November. We will continue to take our plans forward with further Chapel lunches and other opportunities for members to engage and feedback their vision for the Chapel in 2025. We were pleased to have Rev Kate Dean join us as our settled minister in 2016. As you will see in her report, Rev Kate has been very active in developing new service formats, activities, social action ideas and reaching out to the local community and wider Unitarian movement. With the Minister and the Chair of the Worship Committee, we carried out a survey on Sunday services, reviewed feedback and looked at ways to make things even better. It was clear from the responses that views on many items can vary considerably. As a community, I hope all will continue to accept change and different approaches with grace and patience. The Board has been pleased to agree to new membership applications throughout the year and look forward to more in the coming years. The priorities for the Board include: continuing provision of worship by supporting the Minister and Worship Group; supporting Chapel activities led by the Minister and/or other Committees and groups, caring for the property, being responsible for the prudent running of the Chapel’s finances; negotiating agreements with the two schools (the Academy School and Rona Hart School of Dance) who use our property during the week and generate income for the Chapel. An important part of this is maintaining our instruments. John Evans advised us during the year that the Steinway needs a major overhaul which we agreed and thank all including the choir for financial contributions towards this.


The maintenance and development of the property has been the focus of many discussions in the Chapel and on the Board over a number of years. • We are blessed with the legacy of substantial property assets including our beautiful

Chapel building, the Cottages, Hall and Manse, and space for car parking. Without these, our congregational activities would cease.

• However, the buildings are old and need on-going maintenance: the cottages were built in 1828 (and acquired by us 90 years later), the Hall was re-built as the original Chapel in 1828 with the manse building upgraded over the years to be occupied by the Minister by the 1950s. The Chapel was built in 1862.

• The Board decided during the year to focus on other priorities and issues before returning to longer term property development ideas.

• The sale of Willoughby Road did provide some funds for capital improvements to the Chapel property. To progress this, the Board set up the Estates Group to identify the range of upgrades that could be made for discussion with the Congregation. Over the coming year, the Board plans to make decisions on priorities and start to implement these improvements. See the Estates Group report for more on this.

Building on activities set out in last year’s Chair’s report, we have continued to attend to the ongoing issues that keep the chapel functioning. Our long time caretaker, Huggy Leaver left us last year to move to France. He will be missed and we were lucky to have Danny O’Kane agree to step in given he is already well known to the Chapel. Our stalwart Assistant Administrator, Erich Wager retired from his position. We have now hired Lara Muth to take on his activities. She is also taking forward recommendations from Camino Erugen’s report into financial procedures delivered to the Board last year. Also noted in last year’s Chair’s report were the challenges we encountered with the Administrator. We continue to be advised by an outside HR consultant and have been guided by legal advice. As noted a year ago, the Administrator has taken a disability discrimination action against the Chapel. She has also raised a Personal Injury Claim. She has been on sick leave from September 2017. We have been very lucky to have Daniela Gale join us as Temporary Administrator during this time. Thanks for all of you for your efforts and hard work on behalf of the Chapel community. I’d particularly like to thank Rev Kate, the Board, our staff, and Committee members for all of their contributions over the year. I wish I could thank you each individually: I am truly grateful. Tanya Morrison



Minister’s Report to AGM 2018 Worship Services Sunday services are at the heart of Chapel life and provide a focal point for spiritual reflection and fellowship within our community. The results of a survey of services encouraged spiritual depth within services as well as diverse forms of worship. In addition to our traditional sermon-based format, I have introduced the Second Sunday Shakeup, an interactive service form. Our monthly Live Music and Meditation evening service continues to be popular and occasional events such as the Labyrinth Walking Meditation draw regulars and new faces. We also regularly welcome international Unitarian visitors to our services. We have hosted some wonderful guest speakers and preachers and I have collaborated with members to encourage greater involvement and increase our pool of home-grown talent. I am keen to support our tireless youth leaders, and encourage initiatives by the Children’s Programme such as bring and buy sales run by the children themselves. I have also conducted a number of weddings, child naming ceremonies and funerals in the Chapel or at other sites. Community Growth and Action We have seen a greater engagement in activities with new members joining our Chapel community and a number of new attendees at Sunday services and weeknight events. In addition to regular Sunday services, we continue to run monthly Monday evening programmes: The Poetry Group, Discussion Group, Heart & Soul weeknight service and Book Group. The well-established Poetry Group is led by George Appleby, who reports thus: ‘The Chapel Poetry Group met on first Mondays throughout the year and encouraged the production and sharing of a good range of poetry: free verse, rhymed verse, prose verse - all contributions valued and discussed. We nearly produced an anthology and may try afresh this Spring.’ The other groups have been running since September 2016 and are attended well enough to continue. The discussion group has been particularly successful. In it, we discussed chapters from the book Living with Intergrity: Unitarian Values and Beliefs in Practice. In February 2018, this group reformed as the ‘Cogers Coffeehouse’, an open-minded discussion forum led by Chapel members. Following the success of Soul Deep in January 2017, I led a spiritual development group inspired by the book Life Spirit intended to explore deep spiritual questions. The group then collaborated on a Sunday service in February 2018.


The long-running Cold Weather Shelter enables concerned citizens to volunteer to support the homeless and there was an impressive number of volunteers. I am also proud of our involvement with the initiative by Churches Together in Hampstead to sponsor a refugee family through the Community Sponsorship scheme. This has led to new local connections for our members. Pastoral Care Providing formal and informal pastoral care is an important part of my role. This takes the form of hospital visits, home visits, calls and onsite meetings. A Care and Support Group was re-established, however progress to create a pool of volunteers has been slow. This pool would support those in need by calling or meeting them, or with practical tasks such as shopping and lifts. I would welcome more volunteers for these volunteer-as-required roles. Chapel Profile and Communications I continue to strengthen local links through attendance at meetings of Interfaith Matters Forum, a group of religious leaders in the borough, and Churches Together in Hampstead. We have good links with the local police team, the JW3 Centre, Hampstead Community Centre and the local Residents’ Association. At a district level, the Chapel hosted the London and SE District’s Worship Studies Course, which was tutored by the District Minister Rev Martin Whitell and me, along with guest speakers. Participants, including three Chapel members, came from the District and beyond for four Saturdays throughout 2017 to learn how to lead inspiring Unitarian services. I was also part of the planning team for the District’s annual FUSE Festival which enables Unitarians to meet and share ideas and experiences. Each Sunday in August we held an Open Chapel event in the afternoon, inviting visitors in for self-guided tours and refreshments. This was continued on the Sunday of London Open House weekend in September which attracted scores of visitors. I work closely with the Communications Team which produces the Open Mind Newsletter. We have seen sign ups to our mailing list and Facebook page continue to grow. Looking forward Beyond the Oct 16 – Oct 17 financial year, two successful fundraising concerts were held with proceeds divided between our musical instruments, and the C4WS homeless and Community Sponsorship projects. I also introduced a new ‘30 Minute Mindfulness’ session on Sunday evening to go beyond serving those who attend our worship services. In the year to come, we will build upon what we have learned in staging concerts and other community events. Our quarterly congregational lunches in the Hall give Chapel members an opportunity to share their views with me and the Board. I also look forward to our Annual Anniversary Service in June, our All-Weather Picnic in July and the well-established choir performances at Easter, Summer, Remembrance Sunday and the Christmas season. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Members and friends of the Chapel that have supported my ministry this year. Respectfully submitted by Rev Kate Dean



Elders report for AGM 2018.

Up to five congregational members, each of five year’s standing comprise the Elders group.

We are elected by members of the chapel to ‘uphold the spiritual and civic values of our community’ (Open Mind). The Elders can also support the Board by being the ‘corporate memory’ of the Chapel, and by undertaking projects as agreed with the Board.

We meet at least four times per year, more as needed, and we occasionally liaise with Minister, Rev Kate Dean.

During 2017, the Elders were John Lawrence, Margaret Perry, Camino Erguen, Roger Harrabin and Kerry Reid. John and Roger resigned during the year and Camino will step down at the 2018 AGM.



The Worship Group currently consists of Rev. Kate Dean, Ingrid Tavkar, Margaret Perry, James Chiriykankandath, Sally Somerville, Andrew Jurczynski, Emily Jackson, John Evans and Zoe Gerrard (Chair)

After several years of membership of the group Leighton Cole and Martyn Watson have resigned, but we are fortunate in having three new members – Andrew, Emily and John, each of whom bring valuable knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to the group’s aims, these being:

1. to work with the minister/worship leader and the leader of the stewards, to have responsibility for the arrangements and procedures relating to the organisation of the Sunday morning and evening services

2. to provide support for a worship leader when the minister is absent.

Over the past year James, Sally, Andrew, Emily and Zoe have acted as worship assistants, supporting the morning services, while Margaret has continued to support the evening services. Leighton and Martyn have agreed to act as standby Worship Assistants should the need arise.

The Group plans the Worship Calendar some weeks in advance, ensuring there is always someone to act as worship assistant and that there is a worship leader for the Sundays when the Minister is not available to lead the service. In the past year we have enjoyed excellent, thought provoking services. As well as those led by Rev Kate, there have been services led by members of the chapel – Tanya Morris, Emily Jackson and Shana Begum, all of whom have taken part in the Worship Studies Course. Guest preachers have been the President of the General Assembly Rev. Charles van den Broeder, Terri Quaye, Lindsay Stevens, Jeannene Powell, Rev Feargus O’Connor, Stephen Crowther, Richard Bober, and Alan Ruston

The Group works closely with the Chapel’s Choir to plan the music for special occasions – Remembrance Day, St Cecilia’s Day the Carol Service and the choir’s Summer Service.


Services in which guests have been invited to participate include the Anniversary Service, a service focusing on the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore when there were Brahmo Samaj musicians and a service jointly led by Rev Kate and Kat Arney, a genetic scientist.

Kate has introduced Shake Up Sundays when on the second Sunday of the month services follow a different format, one of these being a Café Church, led by the Social Action Committee.

When there has been a guest preacher, the Worship Assistant has liaised with them beforehand and made sure they have somewhere to go for lunch, have somewhere to stay if necessary and generally made to feel welcome. The Worship Assistant also puts the guest preacher in touch with the musician and Children’s Chapel so that they can liaise and also takes responsibility for ensuring that all paperwork has been sent and completed regarding travel expenses and that the minister receives payment for their services promptly.

Apart from looking after visiting preachers, there are a number of tasks to perform both before and after the service. The support from the stewards has been much appreciated.

In the evenings we continue to have Wheel of the Year celebrations led by Ingrid Tavkar and Hillary Ratna, evenings of Live Music and Meditation and ‘Spirituality and Something’, the recent ‘somethings’ being Psychology led by Tony Carrick and Hip Hop led by Michael Hussey. We have also enjoyed an evening service led by Shirley King, focussing on romantic poets, with a friend providing music.

Planning for the next few months is well in hand.

Zoe Gerrard

Chair of the Worship Group



STEWARDING IN ROSSLYN HILL CHAPEL I took over the role of co-ordinating stewarding in the chapel from Jim Burtles last March. Thanks to the loyal band of people who are willing to offer their time to acting as stewards there have been two stewards for every morning service in the past year, plus four for the Christmas Eve service. Being a steward is one important way of offering time to the chapel. Not only would it be rather chaotic without them as people scramble for hymnals and orders of service, but they are the first people visitors meet. Not only do they need to be punctual in order to help the Worship Assistant with preparations before and after the service, but they play the important role of welcoming visitors, noticing if there is someone new and inviting them to put their details in the Visitors’ Book. I have found that co-ordinating the stewarding rota is rather like painting the Forth Road Bridge – no sooner do I find enough people for one month then it is time to start searching again for the next one! Some people frequently volunteer their services while others have not yet found the time to do so. If everyone were to volunteer once or twice in the year (apart from those who already give much time in other ways) there would then not be too much demand made on those who do. Stewards need to arrive at 10.15 in order to get out the hymnals, insert the orders of service and envelopes, put up hymn numbers, set out the candles and light some, hand round the plates for the collection during the service and then spend a little while afterwards in order to clear up. Not only is acting as a steward a quite simple way to serve the chapel community, but it is also an excellent way of getting to know more people in the congregation, and, as already stated, it is an important role for first impressions count! A warm welcome for a visitor will help them to feel ‘at home’ and that our chapel community is one they would want to join.

Zoe Gerrard



Children’s Chapel & Crèche Report

Holly VanderMolen and I have been happy to continuing as volunteer Children’s Chapel Co-ordinators in 2017, and Sarah Berriah has provided consistency in the crèche since being hired in March 2017.

Last spring (2017), we followed a UUA curriculum looking at stories from our Judeo-Christian heritage and sharing tales from the Bible through a Unitarian lens of love, enquiry, conscience and learning. To make the tales accessible to the children, the chapel purchased a wonderful collection of picture books that retell the Bible tales. As we shared each story, the children drew, made crafts or learned a game or song connected to the story.

Between September and December 2017, the children focused on what it means to a refugee. Through stories, maps, role-plays and other activities, they thought about the plight of refugee families (especially children) and our shared humanity.

After asking the children topics that they were interested in learning, since January we have started a unit on animals and our connected web of life. We are hoping to do a short play with the children before Children’s’ Chapel term ends for the summer. Holly and I plan to once again to be away for the summer months, so plan to end our Children’s Chapel unit in mid to late June and be on hiatus through August as in years past. If the Chapel would like to see lessons continue into the summer months, we recommend contacting other parents in the Chapel to organise.

The attendance at Children’s Chapel varies and is usually between six to twelve children, aged from five to twelve. Recently, we have welcomed new regularly attending families into the Children’s Chapel and are excited to see our core group grow. The crèche is now run by Sarah Berriah who has taken up the role since being hired in March 2017 this role, and there are usually 1-3 children in the crèche. We are also happy to now have an area set up at the back of chapel for families with babies under two years old. With these new families, we hope that an advisory group to Holly, Sarah and I might be take momentum and be set up again.


In addition to our regular lessons in the Children’s Chapel, the children had several opportunities to interact with the larger Chapel community this year. The Toilet Twinning Bring and Buy sale in June ‘17 was a success. The raised £241 with additional donations collected following the sale. We were able to purchase two school blocks of toilets in Pakistan and Uganda. In November, the children baked muffins to be served at our Cold Weather Shelter. Additionally, the children ran a bake sale in February 2018, and raised £125 to be split and donated to Human Aid UK and our Community Sponsorship project. Holly and I are always open to opportunities to connect the Children’s Chapel with the wider Chapel community and welcome any feedback about the Children’s Programme.

Kristin Howe, Youth Leader



The Wheel Of The Year

This earth-based spirituality group has been celebrating the changing seasons according to the Celtic calendar since 2006 in the chapel. The festivals are the summer and winter solstices, spring and autumn equinoxes and the important ‘cross quarter days’ which are: Candlemas in February, Beltane or May Day, Lammas in autumn and Samhain (Hallowe’en).

We start our ritual by casting a circle and calling in the four directions, with their associations of air, fire, water and earth. We do a meditation, share a poem or other reading, sometimes chant, and sometimes dance, as we share reflections on the meaning of the seasons. The size of the group has grown steadily, as word spreads, with about 20 people attending. Some people come specially for the Wheel of the Year who do not come to other services.

Hillary Ratnasabapathy



Membership Committee In the first half of the year our work concentrated on getting clarity on the processes to be followed by the Chapel office for recording and maintaining membership records. The committee completed a process document which was given to the office and is now in operation. This included a suite of letters that need to be sent out at each step of the process.

More recently our work has focused on ways to increase membership. This has included working with the Minister in area such as:

• Encouraging people to join (eg using Open Mind, the website, leaflets etc)

• Making it easier for people to join

• Thinking about the benefits of membership

• Celebrating membership (eg through the Membership Service).

Thanks to Claire Julian, Sharron Neal, Rev Kate Dean, Erich Wagner and everyone who has contributed.

Keiran Seale



Communications Team Annual Report 2016/17

Our Aims: to raise the profile of the Chapel through improving:

• internal communications with the membership and visitors • external communications with the local press and public at large • and by strengthening the channels of communication between the wider denominational

movement and the Chapel

Members: Ingrid Tavkar (editor of 'Open Mind'), Margaret Perry, Erich Wagner, Janna Williams and the Team is very grateful to have our Minister, Rev Kate Dean, as consultant and active helper.

The Comms Team is concerned with all aspects of Chapel communications, from the website to the look of the gardens. A primary source of information about the Chapel is, of course, 'Open Mind' newsletter. Month by month (and over many years) Ingrid Tavkar, the wholly committed editor, maintained this Chapel bulletin which publishes not only detailed listings of the services and other Chapel events, but also a thoughtful editorial and a message from the minister, reports of events along with poems, images and readings, the whole reflecting Unitarian values. 'Open Mind' now looks more professional as it is printed by Solopress, and distributed electronically by MailChimp to mailing list members, thus taking pressure off the office.

Up to date information on forthcoming events and reports of events is presented in the weekly notices, which are circulated to members and those on the growing mailing list by MailChimp. Ingrid Tavkar and the Minister look after the Chapel’s Facebook page ( and this is attracting an increasing number of 'likes' and followers. In addition, Kerry Reid maintains the Twitter account (@RHUnitarianC).

The website has a vital role in making the Chapel known to the wider public. We are grateful to Erich Wagner as Assistant Administrator for keeping this up to date. Improvements have been made and the aim is to extend functionality, so, for example, online bookings can be made and it is easier to update.

On our own doorstep, the Rosslyn Hill notice board carries notices of events, a 'What's On' poster for each month, the forthcoming Sunday services and any special events. Major events, the Christmas Eve service, the Anniversary service, Open House/Open Chapel days and


concerts are advertised in the local press. The 'Ham and High' published a profile of our Minister in its 'My Hampstead' slot. Keeping in touch with our neighbourhood is of course very important, and we maintain a network of local connections of groups and associations.

The external appearance of the Chapel and its grounds makes a powerful statement and the Comms Team supported the proposals made by the Estates Group's on signage. (We have for some time pressed to have a Chapel notice board at the Kemplay Road entrance.) Also worthwhile is improving the impression created by the Chapel garden and car park so the whole area looks cared for and attractive. We welcome the Board's initiative in this matter.

One way the Chapel keeps in touch with the wider denomination is by getting reports and articles in Unitarian publications such as ‘IMPULSE’ and 'The Inquirer'.

Maintaining good communications between the Board, the Elders, the Administration and Chapel members is, in the Comms Team's view, valuable. Steps which help members know who does what and put names to faces may increase understanding of the way the Chapel is run and encourage constructive debate. Congregational lunches are such a step forward.

Janna Williams


Social Action Report for AGM 2018 Activities this year - We took part in the Pride March in June. We supported the Minister with the Anniversary Service in June, the two concerts in November and December, and the Refugee ‘Community Sponsorship Scheme’. In April, Zoe Gerrard spoke to the children about the success of our Toilet Twinning Project. She told them that girls could not go to school if there was no toilet there and this inspired them to hold a Bring and Buy Sale. This raised £241 to sponsor a toilet block. Someone doubled this so that we could sponsor two toilet blocks. In January 2018, the congregation wrote cards to prisoners of conscience for Amnesty International’s campaign. Food Bank - This continues to be supported by the congregation. Good causes - a share of the Sunday morning collection and coffee/tea money has been given to a number of good causes: Send a child to Hucklow, Crossroads Women’s Project, Greenpeace, Good Gifts, Sante Refugees, 4Paws, Chalk Farm Food Bank, British Refugee Council, our Cold Weather Shelter, Tree Aid, Refugee Sponsorship Scheme, Marylebone Women’s Centre. The Social Action Committee would like to thank the congregation for their generosity throughout the year in supporting so many good causes, and also thank the Management Board for allowing us to have half the collection each Sunday. Cold Weather Shelter The shelter had another successful season from 9 November to 12 January. Volunteers were generous as always giving of their time, donations and good food. Our evenings are always lively and pleasurable with games, chat and delicious food. We would like to give a special thanks to Margaret Perry who organised the volunteers so ably, to Pat Cobb who was in charge of the shelter evenings and to C4WS who supported us throughout the season. We ended with a party for the volunteers which, in the spirit of our evenings with the guests, had a lot of good food and lively conversation. We also talked about ways we could volunteer in the future. Leighton Cole




Aims: To help, by providing flower arrangements and decorations throughout the year, to make the Chapel look beautiful and cared for.

Membership: Anne Harrabin, Roly Harris, Helene Howard, Janna Williams. In addition, we are very grateful to Chapel members and friends of the Chapel who come along to help with decorating the Chapel overall for the three main festivals and other occasions.

It is thanks to the support of the Board and members that the Flower Group is able to maintain beautiful flower arrangements for every Sunday of the year and to decorate the Chapel overall for festivals and events. It was decided two years ago that there should be a display of silk flowers on the chancel table and fresh flowers for the chalice and side tables. Our talented member, Helene Howard, who is a florist, has built up a stock of fine quality silk flowers and creates new arrangements eight or nine times a year, so the Chapel always has a fine display in keeping with the seasons or special events. This resource of silk flowers could not have been built up without the Board's financial help and the Board contributes to the outlay for winter and spring festivals and other events. We are also grateful to members and Chapel friends who make a donation for a flower sponsorships for some special occasion. Payments from the Flower Group account are made to flower arrangers who claim for the cost of flowers and foliage, and for supplies. However, in many cases, the flowers are donated by the arranger; without this help it would not be possible to have fresh flowers throughout the year. The Group hope to continue the tradition of having fresh flowers for every Sunday (that's 52), a vase on the side table, a small vase for the Chalice table, and a posy in the Ladies' loo, and welcomes offers of help. There was a splendid turnout (nearly 20 people at Christmas and at least half the congregation lent a hand with the Twelth Night 'take down') a typical 'Rosslyn Hill' response to a call for 'helping hands'. Only with this support can the Chapel be decorated for the festivals, including the Wheel of the Year celebrations, Winter/Christmas, Spring/Easter, Autumn/Harvest, and events like the happy occasion of the Minister's Induction, Flower Communion and London Open House weekend.

The decoration of the Chapel can be seen as an outward sign of a caring community which loves and respects its members, its building and its worship and celebrations. The Flower Group thanks everyone who has helped achieve this end and hopes more people will join in. Janna Williams - for the Flower Group – February 2018



Rosslyn Hill Choir Report

Rosslyn Hill Choir has existed at the chapel for about 25 years. Membership is open to non- chapel as well as Chapel members.

Potential members are welcome without audition. It is believed that enthusiasm and commitment ensures progress and enjoyment.

Enjoyment there certainly is, as we sing a variety of styles of music, and perform frequently at the chapel with larger works offered four times a year, with seasonal, occasional connections.

For example, on Remembrance Sunday last year, we sang German and English songs; festive music of all sorts features just before Christmas, likewise at Easter. The performance in July may be a lighter hearted long piece like La Petite Messe Solenelle, by Rossini or Captain Noah and the Floating Zoo, by Flanders and Horovitz, which is hilarious and captivating.

Annually, we have a fun evening, when the audience joins in singing joyously, as we raise funds for our continued music making.

We welcome anyone to join us for an evening; do give us a try.

Further information from Nathan Mercieca




LTFG 2016/17

The LTFG is an ad-hoc committee set up originally to support the treasurer in their role and has evolved into assuming a watching brief over current and prospective investments.

The LTFG did not feel the need to meet in 2016/17 but we have the long-term financial health of the Chapel as our principal focus.

During the period, the Chapel operations continued to produce a small surplus and the equity investments with M&G have benefitted for growing markets and a weak pound. In addition, major investments in property development have been deferred and so there has not been the need to assist with any business plans.

However, the time is approaching when we should reconsider our exposure to equities to consolidate the gains in hand.

In the interests of good governance, I suggest we revisit the terms of reference for the LTFG.

John Lawrence

Chair, Long term Finance Group



Estates Group 2017 - 2018

The Estates Group was formed in November 2017. It grew out of a desire of the Board to identify options for improving the Rosslyn Hill Chapel site and buildings using the £100,000 set aside for this from the sale of the Willoughby Road property. We have been looking at priorities and obtaining initial quotes to present to the Board and then ultimately to the congregation. There was some initial work done with quotes for improving the hall which Mohan organised and work on the hall kitchen which Leighton organised.

The Group has met three times. It was agreed to focus on improved lighting for the chapel, signage for the site and an upgrade of the hall toilets and a shower. Stew put together a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate our ideas. There are plans to consult the congregation on priorities before advising the Board on next steps. We will provide further updates throughout the year and more detail in next year’s annual report.

Leighton Cole

Estate Group members: Stew Dean, Mohan Tavkar, Erich Wagner, Leighton Cole


Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel Annual

General Meeting Sunday 18 March 2018


Voting by proxy is permitted at the A.G.M. for those fully paid up members of at least six months standing who cannot attend the meeting. No member may hold more than two proxy votes. If you wish to vote by proxy please complete the following form and pass it to the person you wish to cast your vote.

I ____________________________________ fully paid up member of Rosslyn Hill Chapel hereby authorise:

_____________________________________ to cast my proxy vote at

the Annual General Meeting Sunday 18 March 2018 Signed:_______________________________________


Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel

Annual General Meeting

Sunday 18 March 2018


Registered Charity 1131346 (Hampstead)

To be elected at the Annual General Meeting on 18th March, 2018

Candidates must be members of the Chapel for over six months at the time of the election. They must be proposed and seconded by fully paid up members of the Chapel.

You can write in additional candidates if you want to make more than nominations. Please PRINT names clearly

Nominations for vacancies on the Board of Trustees

Candidate PROPOSED BY Seconded By


Nominations for vacancies on the Elders

Candidate PROPOSED BY Seconded By

Nominations for delegates to the General Assembly

Candidate PROPOSED BY Seconded By

Nominations for representative to the LDPA (London District and South Eastern Provincial Assembly)

Candidate PROPOSED BY Seconded By







RHUCBudget Actuals Variance


Membership & Congregational 49,200 46,777 (2,423)

Public Events 10,000 16,270 6,270

Property 233,711 197,957 (35,754)

Other Income 500 9,832 9,332

Total Income 293,411 270,836 (22,575)


Ministry Costs 50,367 41,070 9,297

Staff Expenses 87,106 92,221 (5,115)

Event Expenses 3,687 4,108 (421)

Buildings & Infrastructure 31,100 53,292 (22,192)

Admin Expenses 2,110 2,333 (223)

Utilities and Tax 42,060 28,746 13,314

Professional Fees 33,050 21,506 11,544

Affiliations 4,800 1,457 3,343

Depreciation 14,000 14,000 0

Expenses 268,280 258,733 9,547

NET INCOME 25,131 12,102 (13,029)







RHUCIncome- FY2017











RHUCExpenses- FY2017
















FY2017Account BalanceNatwest £189,000CAF 041 £2,000CAF 006 £111,346CAF Piano £6,567CAF Investment £87,232Other £953


Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57

Charity Registration No. 1131346

Company Registration No. 05992717 (England and Wales)




Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57



Trustees J Crispin (Resigned 5 March 2017)

K Levy (Resigned 5 March 2017)

D Frankel

K Reid (Resigned 24 April 2016)

S Thompson (Resigned 5 March 2017)

N Holywell-Walker (Resigned 10 August 2016)

J Sefton (Resigned 5 March 2017)

E T Fordham (Resigned 5 March 2017)

Z Gerrard (Appointed 28 February 2016)

H J Ratnasabapathy (Appointed 8 September 2016)

T Slack

J Lewis Lawrence (Appointed 14 September 2017)

T J Morrison (Appointed 5 March 2017)

L Coles (Appointed 5 March 2017)

A S Harrabin (Appointed 5 March 2017)

A R Kazimierz Jurczynski (Appointed 5 March 2017)


Charity number 1131346

Company number 05992717

Registered office 3 Pilgrims Place



Independent examiner S J Wetherall

Shaw Gibbs Limited

264 Banbury Road



Bankers Cafcash Ltd

PO Box 289

West Mailing


ME19 4TA

Natwest Bank Plc

25 High Street




Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




Trustees' report 1 - 3

Independent examiner's report 4

Statement of financial activities 5

Balance sheet 6 - 7

Notes to the accounts 8 - 14

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 1 -

The trustees present their report and accounts for the year ended 30 September 2017.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in note 1 to the accounts and comply with the charity's governing document, the Companies Act 2006 and “Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102)” (as amended for accounting periods commencing from 1 January 2016)

Objectives and activities

The principal activity of the charity is to unite for worship, and to foster liberal religious living through study, service and fellowship.

The trustees have paid due regard to guidance issued by the Charity Commission in deciding what activities the charity should undertake.

Public BenefitWe have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commissions general guidance on public benefit when reviewing our aims and objectives and in planning our future services. In particular the board of trustees consider how our planned services will contribute to the aims and objectives they have set.

Achievements and performance

In 2013, the Chapel sold the Willoughby Road site and invested £800,000 of the proceeds into M&G'sCharifund. The fund has performed well, rising from £1,102,240 to £1,224,997 over the course of the 2017 financial year. This was a gain of £140,802 or just over 11%.

The balance of the Willoughby Road site sale is still being held in two current accounts until a final decision is made on how to develop the hall. Further, as a result of a higher than expected sale by the Developers of the Willoughby Road site, the Chapel received an additional payment of £70,000 during 2016.

Financial review

The statement of Financial Activities shows a voluntary cash income for the year of £270,718 and an investment income of £81. Total expenditure of £266,227 was incurred over the year, implying a net operating cash surplus of £4,991.

The present level of funding is therefore adequate to continue to support the running of the charity for the year ahead. The bulk of the funds will be replenished three times (on a termly basis) by our licensees who use our premises for their schools. Other sources of income include events, car parking, Chapel membership, monthly giving and donations.

It is the policy of the charity that unrestricted funds which have not been designated for a specific use should be maintained at a level equivalent to between three and six month’s expenditure. The trustees considers that reserves at this level will ensure that, in the event of a significant drop in funding, they will be able to continue the charity’s current activities while consideration is given to ways in which additional funds may be raised. This level of reserves has been maintained throughout the year.

Risk managementThe Board is tasked with regularly reviewing the major risks which the charity faces and undergoing an annual review of key financial systems, to ensure that sufficient resources can be provided for our operating budget and in the event of adverse conditions. The Board believes that maintaining reserves at near current levels, combined with an annual review of the controls over key financial systems, should provide sufficient resources in most circumstances. The Board has also examined other operational and business risks faced by thecharity and confirms that the charity has established systems that should suffice to mitigate the most significant risks.

Plans for the futurexxxxxx

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 2 -

Governing DocumentRosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel (the charity) was incorporated as a company Limited by Guarantee on 8th November 2006 (Company Registration Number: 05992717) and is governed by its Memorandum of Association and its Articles of Association. The charity was registered by the Charity Commission as a charity in England on 25 August 2009.

The Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel had been constituted under a declaration of trust of the "1862 Indenture" as varied by the Constitution of 1996. The charity is a Member of The British and Foreign Unitarian Association (Incorporated); a charity registered in England: 255205 and The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches; a charity registered in England 250788.


The trustees, who are also the directors for the purpose of company law, and who served during the year were:

J Crispin

K Levy

D Frankel

K Reid

S Thompson

N Holywell-Walker

J Sefton

E T Fordham

Z Gerrard

H J Ratnasabapathy

T Slack

J Lewis Lawerence

T J Morrison

L Coles

A S Harrabin

A R Kazimierz Jurczynski

Appointment, induction & training of TrusteesAll members are circulated prior to the AGM advising them of the retiring trustees and requesting nominations for new trustees at the AGM. When considering co-opting trustees, the Board has regard to the requirement for any specialist skills needed. New trustees are encouraged to undergo orientation to brief them on their legal obligations under charity and company law, the content of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the committee and decision making processes, the business plan and recent financial performance of the charity. Trustees are encouraged to attend appropriate external training events where these will facilitate the undertaking of their role.

The company's current policy concerning the payment of trade creditors is to follow the CBI's Prompt Payers Code (copies are available from the CBI, Centre Point, 103 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1DU).

The company's current policy concerning the payment of trade creditors is to:�

settle the terms of payment with suppliers when agreeing the terms of each transaction;ensure that suppliers are made aware of the terms of payment by inclusion of the relevant terms incontracts; andpay in accordance with the company's contractual and other legal obligations.

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 3 -

OrganisationThe charity is organised so that the trustees meet regularly to manage its affairs. There is one full time administrative officer Sharron Conduit who manages the day-to-day activities, one full-time minister Rev Kate Dean, two part-time caretaking employees and two self-employed professionals, one an administrative assistant and the other, director of music..

No preference dividends were paid. The directors do not recommend payment of a final dividend.

Investment PowersThe Memorandum of Association authorises the directors to make and hold investments using the general funds of the charity.

Statement of trustees' responsibilities

The trustees, who are also the directors of Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel for the purpose of company law, are responsible for preparing the Trustees' Report and the accounts in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

Company Law requires the trustees to prepare accounts for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources, including the income and expenditure, of the charitable company for that year.

In preparing these accounts, the trustees are required to:

- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

- observe the methods and principles in the Charities SORP;

- make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the accounts; and

- prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in operation.

The trustees are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the accounts comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The trustees' report was approved by the Board of Trustees.



Dated: .........................

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 4 -

I report on the accounts of the charity for the year ended 30 September 2017, which are set out on pages 5 to 14.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner

The trustees, who are also the directors of Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel for the purposes of company law, are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144(2) of the Charities Act 2011, the 2011 Act, and that an independent examination is needed. The charity's gross income exceeded £250,000 and I am qualified to undertake the examination being amember of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Having satisfied myself that the charity is not subject to audit under company law and is eligible for independent examination, it is my responsibility to:

(i) examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act;

(ii) to follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity Commission under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act; and

(iii) to state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of independent examiner's report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the general Directions given by the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a ‘true and fair view’ and the report is limited to those matters set out in the next statement.

Independent examiner's statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(a) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements:

(i) to keep accounting records in accordance with section 386 of the Companies Act 2006; and

(ii) to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records, comply with the accounting requirements of section 396 of the Companies Act 2006 and with the methods and principles of the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting and Reporting by Charities;

have not been met or

(b) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of theaccounts to be reached.

Shaw Gibbs Limited

member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

264 Banbury Road



Dated: .........................

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 5 -

Unrestricted Endowment Total Total

funds funds 2017 2016

Notes £ £ £ £

Income and endowments from:

Voluntary income 3 270,718 - 270,718 272,628

Investments 4 - 81 81 301

Exceptional voluntary income 5 - - - 70,000

Total income and endowments 270,718 81 270,799 342,929

Expenditure on:

Charitable activities 6 200,804 65,423 266,227 262,285

Net gains on investments 9 15,652 107,105 122,757 140,802

Net movement in funds 85,566 41,763 127,329 221,446

Fund balances at 1 October 2016 623,964 961,697 1,585,661 1,364,214

Fund balances at 30 September 2017 709,530 1,003,460 1,712,990 1,585,660

The statement of financial activities includes all gains and losses recognised in the year.

All income and expenditure derive from continuing activities.

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 6 -

2017 2016

Notes £ £ £ £

Fixed assets

Tangible assets 10 154,139 168,756

Investments 11 1,224,997 1,102,240

1,379,136 1,270,996

Current assets

Cash at bank and in hand 397,098 331,102

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

12(63,244) (16,438)

Net current assets 333,854 314,664

Total assets less current liabilities 1,712,990 1,585,660

Capital funds

Endowment funds - general

General endowment funds 1,003,460 961,696

1,003,460 961,696

Permanent endowment - -

Expendable endowment 1,003,460 961,696

14 1,003,460 961,696

Income funds

Unrestricted funds

Designated funds 15 212,000 210,000

General unrestricted funds 497,530 413,964

709,530 623,964

1,712,990 1,585,660

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




2017 2016

Notes £ £ £ £

- 7 -

The company is entitled to the exemption from the audit requirement contained in section 477 of the Companies Act 2006, for the year ended 30 September 2017. No member of the company has deposited a notice, pursuant to section 476, requiring an audit of these accounts.

The trustees' responsibilities for ensuring that the charity keeps accounting records which comply with section 386 of the Act and for preparing accounts which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the financial year and of its incoming resources and application of resources, including its income and expenditure, for the financial year in accordance with the requirements of sections 394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to accounts, so far as applicable to the company.

These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies' regime.

The accounts were approved by the Trustees on .........................



Company Registration No. 05992717

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 8 -

1 Accounting policies

Charity information

Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel is a private company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales. The registered office is 3 Pilgrims Place, London, NW3 1NG.

1.1 Accounting convention

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the charity's [governing document], the Companies Act 2006 and “Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable tocharities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102)” (as amended for accounting periods commencing from 1 January 2016). The charity is a Public Benefit Entity as defined by FRS 102.

The accounts are prepared in sterling, which is the functional currency of the charity. Monetary amounts in these financial statements are rounded to the nearest £.

The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of freehold properties and to include investment properties and certain financial instruments at fair value. The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below.

These accounts for the year ended 30 September 2017 are the first accounts of Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel prepared in accordance with FRS 102, The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The date of transition to FRS 102 was 1 October 2015. The reported financial position and financial performance for the previous period are not affected by the transition to FRS 102.

1.2 Going concern

At the time of approving the accounts, the trustees have a reasonable expectation that the charity has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus the trustees continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the accounts.

1.3 Charitable funds

Endowment FundsThe income of the endowment funds comprises interest received from high interest bank accounts andtreasury stock. Expenditure relating to the major works to the manse and the chapel have been charged to the endowment fund. Proceeds from sale of land are regarded as an addition to the endowment fund.

Unrestricted fundsUnrestricted funds are donations and other incoming resources received or generated for the charitable purposes. Designated funds are unrestricted funds earmarked by the management committee for particular purposes.

1.4 Incoming resources

Voluntary income and donations are included in incoming resources when they are receivable except when the donors specify that they must be used in future accounting periods or donors conditions have not been fulfilled, then the income is deferred. The income from fundraising ventures is shown gross.

1.5 Resources expended

Resources expended are included in the statement of financial activities on an accrual basis, inclusive of any VAT, which cannot be recovered. Expenditure, which is directly attributable to specific activities, has been included in these cost categories. Where costs are attributable to more than one activity, they have been apportioned across the cost categories on a basis consistent with the use of these resources.

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1 Accounting policies (Continued)

- 9 -

1.6 Tangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets are initially measured at cost and subsequently measured at cost or valuation, net of depreciation and any impairment losses.

Depreciation is recognised so as to write off the cost or valuation of assets less their residual values over their useful lives on the following bases:

Improvements to Buildings 5% Straight line

Piano 25% Straight line

Furniture and equipment 25% Straight line

The gain or loss arising on the disposal of an asset is determined as the difference between the sale proceeds and the carrying value of the asset, and is recognised in net income/(expenditure) for the year.

1.7 Fixed asset investments

Investments are stated at market value. Realised and unrealised gains and losses are shown in the statement of financial activities.

1.8 Retirement benefits

Payments to defined contribution retirement benefit schemes are charged as an expense as they fall due.

1.9 Cost of generating funds

These costs include salaries, direct expenditure and overhead costs of the staff who promote fundraising including events.

2 Critical accounting estimates and judgements

In the application of the charity’s accounting policies, the trustees are required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amount of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accountingestimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised where the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods where the revision affects both current and future periods.

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 10 -

3 Voluntary income

2017 2016

£ £

Donations and gifts 23,418 26,020

Legacies receivable 12,515 11,392

Sundry donations and gift aid 13,337 8,111

Membership fees 4,838 10,227

Less: deferred income 7,670 9,854

Donated goods and services 208,940 207,024

270,718 272,628

4 Investments

2017 2016

£ £

Interest receivable 81 301

5 Exceptional voluntary income

2017 2016

£ £

Net gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets - 70,000

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 11 -

6 Charitable activities

2017 2016

£ £

Staff costs 95,312 77,957

Church management and administration 86,510 104,341

Choir expenses 3,790 7,712

Wedding, Baptisms and funerals 2,310 2,079

Organ expenses 1,023 12,514

Subscriptions to GLA and LDPA 777 1,619

Minister's expenses 5,669 1,632

Children church 1,633 3,967

Independent examination/audit fees 3,780 3,360

Endowment funds 65,423 47,104

266,227 262,285

266,227 262,285

7 Trustees

None of the trustees (or any persons connected with them) received any remuneration or benefits from the charity during the year.

8 Employees

Number of employees

The average monthly number of employees during the year was:

2017 2016

Number Number

4 4

Employment costs 2017 2016

£ £

Wages and salaries 86,310 72,771

Social security costs 4,695 3,034

Other pension costs 4,307 2,152

95,312 77,957

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 12 -

9 Net gains/(losses) on investments

Unrestricted Endowment Total Total

funds funds 2017 2016


£ £ £ £

Revaluation of investments 15,652 107,105 122,757 140,802

For the year ended 30 September 2016 11,975 128,827 140,802

10 Tangible fixed assets

Improvements to Buildings

Piano Furniture and equipment


£ £ £ £


At 1 October 2016 267,847 14,000 41,523 323,370

At 30 September 2017 267,847 14,000 41,523 323,370

Depreciation and impairment

At 1 October 2016 100,316 14,000 40,299 154,615

Depreciation charged in the year 13,392 - 1,224 14,616

At 30 September 2017 113,708 14,000 41,523 169,231

Carrying amount

At 30 September 2017 154,139 - - 154,139

At 30 September 2016 167,531 - 1,225 168,756

11 Fixed asset investments

Unlisted investments


Cost or valuation

At 30 September 2017 1,102,240

Valuation changes 122,757

At 30 September 2017 1,224,997

Carrying amount

At 30 September 2017 1,224,997

At 30 September 2016 1,102,240

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 13 -

12 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

2017 2016

Notes £ £

Deferred income 13 56,685 6,649

Other creditors 3,939 6,489

Accruals 2,620 3,300

63,244 16,438

13 Deferred income

2017 2016

£ £

Other deferred income 56,685 6,649

Deferred income is included in the financial statements as follows:

2017 2016

£ £

56,685 6,649

14 Endowment funds

Endowment funds represent assets which must be held permanently by the charity. Income arising on the endowment funds can be used in accordance with the objects of the charity and is included as unrestricted income. Any capital gains or losses arising on the assets form part of the fund.

Movement in funds

Balance at 1 October


Incoming resources

Resources expended

Gains/losses Balance at 30 September


£ £ £ £ £

Expendable endowments

Endowment Funds 961,697 81 (65,423) 107,105 1,003,460

961,697 81 (65,423) 107,105 1,003,460

Endowment funds comprise capital and accumulated income, which is available for the general purposes of the charity.

Draft Financial Statements at 27 November 2017 at 16:40:57




- 14 -

15 Designated funds

The income funds of the charity include the following designated funds which have been set aside out of unrestricted funds by the trustees for specific purposes:

Movement in funds

Balance at 1 October


Incoming resources

Resources expended

Balance at 30 September


£ £ £ £

Piano Fund 10,000 2,000 - 12,000

Protected Capital Property Fund 200,000 - - 200,000

210,000 2,000 - 212,000

16 Analysis of net assets between funds

Unrestricted Funds

Endowment Funds


£ £ £

Fund balances at 30 September 2017 are represented by:

Tangible assets 154,139 - 154,139

Investments 221,538 1,003,459 1,224,997

Current assets/(liabilities) 333,854 - 333,854

709,531 1,003,459 1,712,990

17 Chapel properties

The ownership of the freehold land and chapel, manse, hall and Pilgrim's Place Cottages, together with the congregational contents therein was vested in the Chapel's Holding Trustees until 14 February 2007, when they were transferred to the charity.

The chapel was originally constituted under the "1862 Indenture"; reliable cost information is not available and conventional valuation approaches would lack sufficient reliability.

The Trust Deed imposes an obligation to retain the properties indefinitely and prohibits their disposal without external consent.

18 Limited by Guarantee

Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel is incorporated as a Company limited by guarantee without share capital, as from 8th November 2006.Members guarantee to contribute an amount not exceeding £1 each, to the assets of the Charitable Company in the event of winding up.