Agnieszka Wrzesien

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Identificación de experiencias y buenas prácticas en el ámbito escolar y familiar Agnieszka Wrzesien


Identificación de experiencias y buenas

prácticas en el ámbito escolar y familiar

Agnieszka Wrzesień Project Coordinator

• „STOP Cyberbullying” campaign

• E-learning courses on online safety

Escalating trend!

Cyberbullying – some research results…

  Every second young Internet user (52%) has had some contact with verbal abuse online or via mobile phones,

  57% of young people report to have been at least once

photographed or recorded against their will,

  14% report their peers have published online untrue or

humiliating material about them*.

*January 2007, Nobody’s Children Foundation/Gemius S.A.

Cyberbullying vs.

traditional bullying ?

  easier to do

  anonymity of bully

  change of roles: bully – victim

  not easy to stop!

  24/7 – no escape!

„STOP cyberbullying” campaign

Lesson Plans on cyberbullying

Target group:

  Junior secondary school students


  how to react in cyberbullying cases,

  what are the forms of cyberbullying?

  how does the victim of cyberbullying feel,

  what might be the consequences,

  what should the victim do, where

to seek help?

  what rules to obey to minimize

the risk of cyberbullying.

  Students are divided into 4 groups

  Each group has to analyse specific aspect of the cyberbullying

incident presented in the movie:

1.  Dominika has been recorded against her will.

2.  The film has been sent around with the use of the mobile phone.

3.  The film has been uploaded online.

4.  Dominika has been receiving rude text messages.

Analysis of the story

„STOP cyberbullying” educational toolkit


  Lesson plan

  A set of posters

Resources distributed to over 3 500 junior secondary schools


Mission: to help children and young people who:

  face risks when using the Internet and mobile phones,

  when bullied, threatened or blackmailed online,

  when they receive rude text messages,

  when someone on a chat or communicator asks them

embarrassing questions, demands their photos, or insists on a

face-to-face meeting,

  when they receive or are shown inappropriate content.

Ways of contact:

  Toll-free number 0800 100 100


  Live Chat on the website:

Reports received by in 2008

„How to respond to cyberbullying” Training Manual for Educators

 Cyberbullying – identifying the risk

 Psychological aspects of cyberbullying

 Response procedure to cyberbullying cases

 Legal analysis of reports received by

 Cooperation of school with the Police

 Educational activities to prevent and respond to cyberbullying

  Institutions providing support in cases of online abuse

BLENDED LEARNING… Computer-based learning

+ traditional teaching

  for primary schools, grades 1-3

  for primary schools, grades 4-6

  for junior high schools

E-learning platform: registration

Activation code

„Safe adventure with the Internet”

  the first e-learning course launched on SID 2008   targeted at children aged 7-11

  the story line is based on the project

  consist of 8 modules

E-learning: sample course screens START

„Safe surfing”

  2nd e-learning course for children in ages 11-14

  e-learning modules complement the previous course - the story

line is based on the project as well

  It consists of 7 modules START

E-learning course for junior high school students

  A registered user assumes the role of the administrator of a social networking site („Real friends or strangers?”)

With the help of the Mentor (actor popular among YP) the admin solves problems reported by the SNS users


Course certificates

E-learning platform – teacher’s panel: managing a group of students in classroom

E-learning platform – teacher’s panel: internal communication

E-learning statistics February 2008 – September 2009

Number of course users: 52 487

Number of educators: 1 583 Number of primary school students: 29 719 Number of junior high school students: 20 617 Number of parents: 568

Number of visits (sum): 211 815

Evaluation of the courses – feedback from children

  New and attractive form of learning

  Innovative way of teaching

  Easily accesible

  Cuts the costs

  Can be easily adjusted to the individual needs of each learner

  Through the e-learning platform the teacher can follow students' progress

Blended  learning  

Agnieszka Wrzesień Project Coordinator

Muchas gracias !