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CRPT, OOO _______________/ / _______________/ /

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Special Software

Programmer's Guide

Revision 20

RU 15861920.620111-01 33 01

Approval list





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Dupl. Inv.


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RU 15861920.620111-01 33 01-AL


Special Software

RU 15861920.620111-01 33 01

Programmer's Guide

Revision 20

RU 15861920.620111-01 33 01

Sheets 149



This document «OMS-Production 3.1. Special Software. Programmer’s Guide» RU

15861920.620111-01 33 01 is intended to introduce the functions of application programming

interface of special software (SSW) of automated system “OMS-Production 3.1” (OMS-

Production 3.1 AS). The document is developed as per GOST 19.504-79 “Unified System for

Program Documentation. Programmer’s Guide”.

This document uses the following designations:

1) Elements of screen entry forms are designated as ‹Field›, ‹Button› or ‹Menu item›;

2) PC keyboard keys are designated as [Key]. Combinations of simultaneously pressed

keys are designated as [Key1+Key2].

3) Values to be entered by user into the screen-entry-form elements, as well as system

console commands, are designated as values.



1. PROGRAM PURPOSE ............................................................................................................ 5

1.1.Program Purpose ................................................................................................................. 5

1.2.Program Functions .............................................................................................................. 5

2. PROGRAM APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................... 6

2.1.Applied Hardware ................................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1. Required characteristics of PC for the operation of software component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW executed at OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW HWC ................... 6

2.1.2. Required characteristics of PC to use “Web-Interface Module” software component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW ...................................................................... 6

2.2.Software required for program functioning ....................................................................... 7

2.2.1. Software required for the functioning of software component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW executed at OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW HWC ............................ 7

2.2.2. Software required for the functioning of “Web-Interface Module” software component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW ...................................................................... 7

2.3.Software required for program operation .......................................................................... 7

2.3.1. General requirements to request signing ........................................................... 7

2.3.2. Generating GS1 DataMatrix .................................................................................. 9

2.3.3. Requirements JSON-format processing ............................................................. 9

3. PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................... 10

3.1.Applicability Indicators ..................................................................................................... 10

3.2.Operation Mode.................................................................................................................. 11

3.3.Means of Correct Operation Control and Self-Restorability of Program ...................... 11

3.3.1. Means of Correct Operation Control ................................................................. 11

3.3.2. Self-Restorability Means .................................................................................... 11

4. PROGRAM CALL.................................................................................................................. 12

4.1.Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 12

4.2.OMS-Method Call Sequences ........................................................................................... 12

4.3.Description of MC-Emission Process .............................................................................. 14

4.3.1. Process “ Create MC-Emission Order” .......................................... 14

4.3.2. Process “ Obtain MC-Array Status from Order” ............................ 17

4.3.3. Process “ Obtain MC from Order” .................................................. 19

4.3.4. Process “ Send Report on MC-Utilization” .................................... 20

4.4.MC Storage Buffer in OMS ................................................................................................ 22

4.5.OMS API Extensions .......................................................................................................... 23

4.5.1. Method “Create Marking Code Emission Order” ............................................. 24

4.5.2. Method “Send Report on MC Disposal / Rejection”......................................... 45

4.5.3. Method “Send Report on MC-Aggregation” ..................................................... 49

4.5.4. Method “Send Report on MC-Utilization (Application)” .................................. 55

4.5.5. Method “Close the Suborder by the GTIN Specified” ...................................... 64

4.5.6. Method “Obtain MC from Order” ....................................................................... 66

4.5.7. Method “Obtain MC-Array Status from Order” ................................................. 69

4.5.8. Method “Obtain the status of orders” ............................................................... 73

4.5.9. Method “Obtain the Aggregation Information” ................................................ 76

4.5.10. Method “Obtain the Report Processing Status” .............................................. 80

4.5.11. Method “Send APCS Log Files” ........................................................................ 82

4.5.12. Method “Check OMS Availability” ..................................................................... 84

4.5.13. Method “Obtain Security Marker by Username and Password” ..................... 86

4.5.14. Method “Obtain OMS and API Version” ............................................................ 88

4.5.15. Method “Obtain the List of Marking Code Package Identifiers” ..................... 89

4.5.16. Method “Re-obtain Marking Codes from the Marking Code Order” ............... 92


4.5.17. Method “Send Report on the Utilization and Automatic Introduction into Circulation” 95

4.5.18. Method “Request for the Document Number of Report on Introduction into Circulation” 102

5. INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA ............................................................................................... 104

5.1.Nature, Arrangement and Initial Preparation of Input and Output Data ...................... 104

5.1.1. Information Sources ......................................................................................... 104

5.1.2. Methods of Data Collection, Transmission, Control and Correction Arrangement .......................................................................................................................... 104

5.2.Format, Description and Encoding Method of the Input and Output Data when Using API106

5.3.Guides Accessible via API .............................................................................................. 107

5.3.1. Guides to Control the Marking Codes ............................................................. 107

6. MESSAGES ........................................................................................................................ 115

6.1.Messages to the Operator transmitted via GUI ............................................................. 115

6.1.1. Information windows ........................................................................................ 115

6.2.Error Format and Codes .................................................................................................. 116

6.2.1. Error format ....................................................................................................... 116

6.2.2. Description of Errors ........................................................................................ 116

7. MATRIX OF PROVISION OF OMS API 2.0 SERVICES BY OMS SOFTWARE PACKAGE COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................................... 118

8. OMS API 2.0 USE EXAMPLES ........................................................................................... 120

8.1.Signing Requests with the Electronic Digital Signature .............................................. 120

8.1.1. Library “CryptoPro JCP” .................................................................................. 120

8.1.2. Example with the Use of Library to Sign the Request ................................... 124

APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 126

LIST OF TERMS ..................................................................................................................... 134

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... 141

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. 142

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... 144



1.1. Program Purpose

The specialized software is intended to enable the performance of target functions of

OMS-Production 3.1 AS including:

1) Ordering emission of marking codes.

2) Provision of emitted marking codes for application to products.

3) Verification of MC application.

4) Aggregation of ready and packed products with applied identification means (IM).

5) Writing-off of rejected products.

1.2. Program Functions

OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW enables the following functions:

1) Obtaining orders and providing emitted marking codes.

2) Obtaining notifications on the use (application) of marking codes and recording

marking code status in the Goods Group System.

3) Obtaining notifications on the aggregation of marking codes and recording packed

products aggregation in the Goods Group System.

4) Obtaining notifications on the rejection of marking codes and rejected products

registration in the Goods Group System.



2.1. Applied Hardware

2.1.1. Required characteristics of PC for the operation of software component

from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW executed at OMS-Production 3.1 AS


In order to operate a software component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW executed

at OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW HWC, the following hardware (HW) shall be used:

1) CPU: Intel x86 architecture, clock rate of 3 GHz;

2) Platform: 64-bit;

3) RAM capacity: 16 Gb;

4) Hard-disk drive: 100 GB;

5) Network interface: Ethernet 100 Mbit/s.

Minimum network interface settings for OMS:

1) 1 static IP address;

2) Netmask;

3) Default gateway;

4) DNS settings.

Access to OMS-server:

1) In firewall, SSH-port shall be open (22 by default or another configured by network

administrator), as well as ports for Web-console of Imagenarium software and Web-

interface of OMS-software.

In order to ensure fail-safety, it is recommended to use three clustered physical or

virtual machines. Machines shall have identical configuration. All machines shall have the same


2.1.2. Required characteristics of PC to use “Web-Interface Module” software

component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW

To operate the information services provided by OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW, the

following hardware (HW) shall be used:

1) Non-shared HW:


− user AWS with the functional role of “OMS Operator / Administrator” (OMS Operator /

Administrator AWS) that is a PC with characteristics relevant to the recommended

requirements of Microsoft Windows OS 8.1 and later editions, and a network adapter

providing information-and-communication channel with HWC, OMS-Production 3.1 AS.

2.2. Software required for program functioning

2.2.1. Software required for the functioning of software component from OMS-

Production 3.1 AS SSW executed at OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW HWC

In order to use the system, the server / virtual machine shall have the following basic

programs and components installed:

1) Operating system Linux CentOS 7;

2) SSH Server (authentication mode by name and password);

3) Command-line utility and system program packages: (bash, ifconfig, sysctl, curl, yum,

systemctl, yum-config-manager, unzip).

In order to install OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW, operating system Linux CentOS 7 shall

be installed, and SSH Server, command-line utility and system program packages, as listed

above shall be set up.

2.2.2. Software required for the functioning of “Web-Interface Module” software

component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW

To operate the information services provided by “Web-Interface Module” software

component from OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW, the following general software components are


1) Microsoft Windows OS 8.1 and later editions;

2) Web-browser:

− Mozilla Firefox 40 and later versions.

− Internet Explorer 9 and later versions.

− Google Chrome 37 and later versions.

2.3. Software required for program operation

2.3.1. General requirements to request signing

In order to ensure legal value of sent messages by means of OMS API 3.0 interface,

optional parameter X-Signature has been added to the HTTP-header of request to OMS to

include a detached digital signature of request data (GCP’s detached signature is included into

HTTP-header within X-Signature parameter, in Base64 encoding).


Signature format is a detached signature in CMS-format. The Cryptographic Message

Syntax, CMS [IETF RFC 5652], is used for digital signature, hashing, authentication and

arbitrary message encryption. CMS utilizes encryption algorithms according to standards

GOST 28147-89, GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST 34.11-2012, as well as to the document of

Technical Committee “Cryptographic Data Security” (TK 26), ““Information Technology.

Cryptographic Data Security. Standardization Recommendations. Use of Algorithms of GOST

28147-89, GOST R 34.11 and GOST R 34.10 in CMS-Format Cryptographic Messages”.

CMS-values are generated by means of ASN.1 language as per GOST R ISO/IEC

8824-1 using basic encoding rules (BER) as per GOST R ISO/IEC 8825-1.

For testing purposes, a test Certifying Center LLC CRYPTO-PRO will be supported


The circulation participant generates a request, signs it and generates a detached

signature using GCP-certificate. The GCP's detached signature is included into HTTP-header

within X-Signature parameter, in Base64 encoding. Then, circulation participant sends the

request to Operator’s System.

Data Used to Sign HTTP-Requests:

1) For an HTTP-message of GET-type, the signature will utilize the path, including

request string parameters (REQUEST_PATH + QUERY STRING, e.g.

/ordrs?param=..), without consideration of host-name, port or HTTP-headers;

2) For an HTTP message of POST type, signature uses data posted within the message

body and request string parameters (if any).

Circulation participant can also sign orders and reports via OMS user interface.

Currently for such goods groups as “Items of clothing, bed, table, bath and kitchen

linens”, “Footwear”, “Perfume and eau de toilette”, “New pneumatic rubber tires and tire

casings”, “Photo cameras (except cine cameras), flash lights and flash bulbs”, “Dairy products”,

“Bicycles and bicycle frames”, “Wheelchairs”, in cases when order is not signed via API, it shall

be signed via user interface.

When OMS, within an HTTP-header, receives “X-Signature” parameter containing

a detached signature of request and/or message-body parameters, it runs signature validation

and, in case the signature is valid, processes the query, or else returns an error. See below for

an example of detached digital signature included in request.

Table 1 – Example of Request with Handover of a Detached Signature


POST /api/v3/{extension}/orders HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: <-- security marker --> Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 X-Signature: MIIE5QYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIE1jCCBNICAQExDjAMBggqhQMHAQECAgUAMAs GCSqGSIb3DQEHAaCCA64wggOqMIIDWaADAgECAhMSADtoj1yy/t4ybprnAAEAO2iPMAgG




2.3.2. Generating GS1 DataMatrix

In accordance with the requirements of GS1 General Specification, correct generation of GS1 DataMatrix requires insertion of indication of symbols—ASCII232 in the beginning of the obtained marking code string prior to conversion to DataMatrix; otherwise, technical means will not recognize the code correctly and will be unable to process it correctly. Links to specifications are given below:

1) GS1 General Specification (; 2) GS1 DataMatrix Guideline ( ).

2.3.3. Requirements JSON-format processing

As the marking code contains special symbols, circulation participant, while integrating their solutions, shall correctly process JSON-format with tools compliant with RFC 8259, and never process it as Plain Text. The use of tools compliant with RFC 8259 within such solutions ensures marking codes with special symbols are transferred and obtained correctly (special symbols are screened).

Likewise, if circulation participants use XML format in their solutions, the special

symbols contained in a string shall be converted in accordance with XML specifications.



3.1. Applicability Indicators

OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW ensures implementation of OMS-Production 3.1 target

functions in accordance with the following system applicability indicators:

1) For the list of applicability indicators which OMS 3.1 shall be compliant with, see

Table 2.

Table 2 — List of Applicability Indicators which the System shall be Compliant with

Applicability indicators which OMS shall be compliant with

Indicator value

Quantity of goods items per one marking code order Note*: For goods group category “Medicines for human use”, the quantity of goods items per one marking code order shall not exceed one (1 marking code order = 1 GTIN).

Not exceeding 10

Quantity of marking codes for one goods item (GTIN) per marking code order

Not exceeding 150,000 marking codes

Quantity of marking codes per marking code application report

Not exceeding 30,000 marking codes

Quantity of marking codes per marking code disposal / rejection report.

Not exceeding 30,000 marking codes


3.2. Operation Mode

OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW operation mode is 24/7/365.

3.3. Means of Correct Operation Control and Self-Restorability of Program

3.3.1. Means of Correct Operation Control

Correct operation of OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW is controlled by means of:

1) Internal diagnostic tools.

2) Validation of corresponding program.

3.3.2. Self-Restorability Means

OMS-Production 3.1 AS SSW is self-restored by means of:

1) Internal restoration tools.

2) Automatic backup tools.

3) Built-in tools of operating system.



4.1. Introduction

API REST controller authenticates clients using the so-called client token sent by client

in HTTP-request header. The security marker (ClientToken) is sent in client token HTTP-header


Some API-methods use HTTP POST method during data submission. In such cases,

additional HTTP-header indication “Content-Type: application/json” shall be used.

OMS API methods use OMS-identifier “omsId” as parameters; OMS-identifier “omsId” is

available in OMS-settings.

For valid MC-symbols, see Table 3. These symbols shall be used in the following

groups of marking codes data: “Serial Number”, “Key Identifier”, “Verification Code”.

Table 3 – Valid MC-Symbols

Valid MC-symbols. Valid characters IC


4.2. OMS-Method Call Sequences

The sequence of OMS-method call during the creation of a new MC-order is as follows:

1) Check OMS availability (see cl. 4.5.12).

2) Create marking code emission order (see cl. 4.5.1).

3) Obtain MC-array status from the order (see cl. 4.5.7).

4) Obtain MC from the order (see cl. 4.5.6).

5) Send report on MC-utilization (see cl. 4.5.4).

6) Send report on MC-aggregation (see cl. 4.5.3).

7) Send report on MC-disposal / rejection (see cl. 4.5.2).

For the diagram of OMS-method call sequence, see Figure 1.

OMS API also provides auxiliary methods:

1) Obtain report processing status (see cl. 4.5.10).

2) Send APCS log files (see cl. 4.5.11).

3) Obtain order status (see cl. 4.5.8).

4) Obtain security marker by username and password (see cl. 4.5.13).

5) Close suborder by GTIN specified (see cl. 4.5.5).

6) Obtain OMS and API version (see cl. 4.5.14).

7) Obtain the list of marking code packet identifiers (see cl. 4.5.15).


8) Re-obtain marking codes from marking code order (see cl. 4.5.16).

9) Send report on the utilization and automatic introduction into circulation (see

cl. 4.5.17).

10) Request number of report document on introduction into circulation (see cl. 4.5.18).

11) Obtain information on aggregation (see cl. 4.5.9).

Note: if any marking codes are unused when closing an order, a report on marking

code cancellation will be generated and sent.

Automated process control system



1. Ping OMS (omsId)

HTTP code 200 : omsId

2. Create order for emission IC (omsId, order)

HTTP code 200 : omsId, orderId, expectedCompletionTime

3. Get IC buffer status (omsId, orderId, gtin)

HTTP code 200 : bufferInfo

4. Get ICs from the order (omsId, orderId, gtin, quantity, lastBlockId)

HTTP code 200 : omsId, codes, blockId

5. Send IC utilisation report to OMS(omsId, utilisationReport)

HTTP code 200 : omsId, reportId

6. Send IC aggregation report to OMS (omsId, aggregationReport)

HTTP code 200 : omsId, reportId

7. Send report of dropout IC to OMS (omsId, dropoutReport)

HTTP code 200 : omsId, reportId

OMS-Method Call Sequence

Figure 1


4.3. Description of MC-Emission Process

This subsection provides general description of marking code emission process.

General MC-emission process includes four key stages:

1) “ Create MC-Emission Order”;

2) “ Obtain MC-Array Status from Order”;

3) “ Obtain MC from Order”;

4) “ Send Report on MC-Utilization”.

The process of sending reports on aggregation and disposal / rejection is similar to

the process “ Send Report on MC-Utilization”.

4.3.1. Process “ Create MC-Emission Order”

For the diagram of MC-emission order creation process, see Figure 2. «Create order for emission IC»

Emission Registrar Emission ServerAutomated process control

system OMS

Order for emission IC

Create a request containing an order

for issuing IC

Get the result of processing the



Create response message

Check request

Any mistakes?


Any mistakes?

Request an IC issued by the Emission Server


Create a business order for the emission

of IC

Order for emission IC

Check request

Process order of emission IC

Check order of emission IC

Any mistakes?


Create error message




Any mistakes?

Check for errors

Log an error in the log



Check for errors

Any mistakes?

Create error message


Get the result of processing the


Log an error in the log

Check for errors

Create IC array


Create response message

Log an error in the log Assign an order ID

Calculate order ready time

Create pool IC

Waiting for order ready

Request an IC In the Emission Registrar «Get IC buffer status»

Waiting for order ready

Save business order data

Process “Create MC-Emission Order”

Figure 2


1) APCS generates an order and sends it to OMS;

2) OMS verifies the request and sends order to Emission Registrar;


3) Emission Registrar generates a request containing the MC-emission order and sends

it to Emission Server;

4) Upon obtaining request containing MC-emission order, Emission Server verifies

the request.

− In case of any errors within the request, Emission Server registers them in a log;

− Emission Server generates an error message and sends it to Emission Registrar;

− Moving to Step 8) of main scenario.

5) In case of no errors, Emission Server verifies MC-emission order.

− In case of any errors within the request, Emission Server registers them in a log;

− Emission Server generates an error message and sends it to Emission Registrar;

− Moving to Step 8) of main scenario.

6) In case of no errors within the MC-emission order, Emission Server assigns

an identifier to the order and calculates order completion time;

− Emission Server sends the order for processing (the action is asynchronous);

7) Emission Server generates a response message and sends it to Emission Registrar;

8) Emission Registrar verifies request processing result;

9) Emission Registrar performs check for errors:

− In case of any errors within the message, Emission Server registers them in a log;

− Emission Registrar generates an error message and sends it to OMS;

− Moving to Step 12) of main scenario.

10) In case of no errors, Emission Registrar generates an empty MC-pool;

− Emission Registrar waits for the order completion time and requests emitted MC from

Emission Server (the action is asynchronous).

11) Emission Registrar sends a response message to OMS;

12) OMS obtains request processing result from Emission Registrar;

13) OMS performs check for errors;

− In case of any errors, OMS registers them in a log;

− OMS generates an error message and sends it to APCS;

− Moving to Step 16) of main scenario.

14) In case of no errors, OMS creates an MC-array;

− OMS waits for the order completion time and requests emitted MC from Emission

Registrar (the action is asynchronous).

15) OMS generates a response message and sends it to APCS;

16) APCS obtains request processing result from OMS;


17) APCS performs check for errors;

− In case of any errors, APCS registers them in a log;

− The process is terminated.

18) In case of no errors, APCS saves order data;

− APCS initiates process “Obtain MC-Array Status from Order” (the action

is asynchronous).

19) The process is terminated.


4.3.2. Process “ Obtain MC-Array Status from Order”

For the diagram of MC-array status obtainment process, see Figure 3. «Get IC buffer status»

Automated process control system OMS

Order ID and GTIN

Create a IC status request from a business order

Request IC s tatus from business order

Check request


Any mistakes?

Check for errors

Log an error in the log


Check for errors

Any mistakes?

Create error message


Get information about the IC array


Create response message

Waiting for order ready «Get ICs from the order»


Is the CM buffer s tatus «PENDING»?

Log an error in the log

Is the IC buffer status «ACTIVE»?




The response message includes information about the buffer and IC arrays.

Process “Obtain MC-Array Status from Order”

Figure 3


1) APCS waits for order completion time;

2) APCS generates a request to obtain MC-array status and sends it to OMS;

3) OMS verifies the request;

4) OMS performs check for errors:

− In case of any errors within the request, OMS registers them in a log;

− OMS generates an error message and sends it to APCS;


− Moving to Step 7 of main scenario.

5) OMS obtains information on MC-array;

6) OMS generates a response message and sends it to APCS;

7) APCS receives response message;

8) APCS performs check for errors:

− In case of any errors within the request, APCS registers them in a log;

− The process is terminated.

9) In case of no errors, APCS checks that MC-buffer status is “PENDING”:

− In case the MC-buffer status is “PENDING”, APCS initiates repeated request for MC-

array status.

− Moving to Step 1 of main scenario.

10) In case of no errors, APCS checks that MC-buffer status is “ACTIVE”:

− In case MC-buffer status is not “ACTIVE”, the process is terminated

11) In case MC-buffer status is “ACTIVE”, APCS initiates process “Obtain

MC from Order” (the action is asynchronous);

12) The process is terminated.


4.3.3. Process “ Obtain MC from Order”

For the diagram of MC obtainment from business order process, see Figure 4. «Get ICs from the order»

Automated process control system OMS

Order Id, GTIN and number of codes requested

Create a request to receive ICs from a

business order

Request IC from Business order

Check request


Any mistakes?

Check for errors

Log an error in the log


Check for errors

Any mistakes?

Create error message


Generate an array of emitted IC


Create response message


Is there more IC in the order?

Log an error in the log

Need to download IC from your order?




Process response message

The Response message includes information about the buffer and arrays of IC

Emitted KM are loaded by blocks, when the next block is loaded, the request must specify the parameter "lastBlockId"- the Id of the code block issued in the previous request.

Process “Obtain MC from Order”

Figure 4


1) APCS generates a request to obtain MC from business order and sends it to OMS;

2) OMS verifies the request;

3) OMS performs check for errors:

− In case of any errors within the request, OMS registers them in a log;

− OMS generates an error message and sends it to APCS;

− Moving to Step 6 of main scenario.

4) OMS generates an array of emitted MC;

5) OMS generates a response message and sends it to APCS;

6) APCS receives response message;


7) APCS performs check for errors:

− In case of any errors within the request, APCS registers them in a log;

− The process is terminated.

8) APCS processes the received message.

9) APCS checks for any other MC in the order.

− In case there are no other MC in the order, the process is terminated.

10) In case the order contains other MC, APCS checks whether the remaining MC

should be downloaded.

− In case the MC remaining in the order should be downloaded, APCS re-initiates

process “Obtain MC from Order”;

− Moving to Step 1 of main scenario.

11) In case the remaining MC do not have to be downloaded, the process is terminated.

4.3.4. Process “ Send Report on MC-Utilization”

For the diagram of MC-utilization report sending process, see Figure 5. «Send IC utilisation report to OMS»

Emission Registrar Emission ServerAutomated process

control system OMS

Marking Information System


Generate a request containing a report

Get the result of processing the




Create response message

Check request

Any mistakes?


Any mistakes?


IC utilisation report

Create request

IC utilisation report

Check request

Create error message


Any mistakes?

Check for errors

Log an error in the log

Yes No

Check for errors

Any mistakes?

Create error message


Get the result of processing the


Log an error in the log

Check for errors


Create response message

Log an error in the log

Assign a report id

Create response message

Process report

Create error message

Log an error in the log

If there are no errors, the response message

contains the report identifier.

Process “Send Report on MC-Utilization”

Figure 5


1) APCS generates a request containing MC-utilization report and sends it to OMS;


2) OMS verifies the request and sends the request containing MC-utilization report to

Emission Registrar;

3) Emission Registrar generates a request containing the MC-utilization report and

sends it to Emission Server;

4) Upon obtaining request containing MC-utilization report, Emission Server verifies

the request.

− In case of any errors within the request, Emission Server registers them in a log;

− Emission Server generates an error message and sends it to Emission Registrar;

− Moving to Step 7 of main scenario.

5) In case of no errors, Emission Server assigns an identifier to the report;

− Emission Server sends the report for processing to TT IS (the action is


6) Emission Server generates a response message and sends it to Emission Registrar;

7) Emission Registrar verifies request processing result;

8) Emission Registrar performs check for errors:

− In case of any errors within the message, Emission Server registers them in a log;

− Emission Registrar generates an error message and sends it to OMS;

− Moving to Step 10 of main scenario.

9) In case of no errors, Emission Registrar generates a response message and sends it

to OMS;

10) OMS obtains request processing result from Emission Registrar;

11) OMS performs check for errors;

− In case of any errors, OMS registers them in a log;

− OMS generates an error message and sends it to APCS;

− Moving to Step 13 of main scenario.

12) In case of no errors, OMS generates a response message and sends it to APCS;

13) APCS obtains request processing result from OMS;

14) APCS performs check for errors;

− In case of any errors, APCS registers them in a log;

− The process is terminated.

15) In case of no errors, APCS saves report identifier, the process is terminated.


4.4. MC Storage Buffer in OMS

In order to ensure the necessary performance for high-speed manufacturing lines, OMS

stores a small buffer with marking codes for each item of nomenclature in the order. The size of

code block available from OMS for a certain nomenclature item in one instance is limited to the

size of buffer. It can be adjusted to the manufacturing needs. For the structure of marking code

storage in OMS, see Figure 6. This storage structure ensures fail safety of marking codes

emission unit at manufacturing site.

Emission Registrar 2

MC Storage

MC Order


MC Buffer


MC Buffer


MC Buffer

Suborder 1

Suborder 2

Emission Task 1.1

Emission Task 1.2

Emission Task 2.1

Emission Task 2.2

Emission Registrar 1

MC Storage

Suborder 3

Emission Task 3.1

Emission Task 3.2

MC Order Distribution between ERs

Figure 6


4.5. OMS API Extensions

OMS API supports extensions for pharmaceutical, tobacco and light industries. OMS

API extensions are accessible via URL.

OMS API URL-structure has the following parameters:


these parameters have the following purpose:

1) server-name – server name or IP-address.

2) server-port – connection port.

3) extension – URL-parameter defining access to extensions of OMS API.

The URL-parameter extension that determines access to extensions of goods groups

has the following default values:

1) light – URL-parameter extension for light industry.

2) pharma – URL-parameter extension for pharmaceutical industry.

3) tobacco – URL-parameter extension for tobacco industry.

4) tires – URL-parameter extension for tire manufacturers.

5) photo – URL-parameter extension for photo products manufacturers.

6) perfum – URL-parameter extension for perfumery products manufacturers.

7) milk – URL-parameter extension for dairy manufacturers;

8) bicycle – URL-parameter extension for bicycle and bicycle-frame manufacturers;

9) wheelchairs – URL-parameter extension for wheelchair manufacturers.


4.5.1. Method “Create Marking Code Emission Order”

This method is used to create and send marking code emission orders. OMS generates

a security marker (token) during OMS-client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to

server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”.


1) one goods item (GTIN) within one marking code order shall not exceed 150,000

marking codes, and the quantity of goods items per one marking code order shall not exceed 10

(1 order = 10 GTIN).

For pharmaceutical industry, the quantity of goods items per one order shall not exceed 1

(1 business order = 1 GTIN).

2) the quantity of active orders cannot exceed 100 at once. Active orders include those

orders with status READY that have at least one sub-order (MC-buffer) with status ACTIVE,


A queue can also contain not more than 100 orders. These orders include orders with


If one of the limits is reached, no orders can be created.

3) due to cl. 2, this method cannot be called from one source more often than 100 times

per second. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-





For request string parameters, see Table 4.

Table 4 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

For the description of JSON format of request for creation and sending of order for MC

emission (object “Order”), see Table 5.

Table 5 – Description of JSON Format of Request for Creation and Sending of MC Emission Order, object “Order”

Field Description Type Mandatory

products List of goods. JSON Array of OrderProduct

(Table 6) Yes


For the description of format of object “OrderProduct", see Table 6.

Table 6 – Format of Object “OrderProduct”

Field Description Type Mandatory

gtin Product GTIN String (14) [0-

9]{14} Yes

quantity MC quantity Integer ($int32)


serialNumberType Serial number generation method.

String (Guide No. 2)



Serial number array. Specify this field if value is “serialNumber = SELF_MADE” (see section

JSON Array of String*

No Conditionally mandatory

templateId MC template identifier Integer ($int32)

(Guide No. 5) Yes

Note: for the “Tobacco Products” goods group, the initially set generation scheme and

MC-template structure for the exact goods type (GTIN) defined by attribute “serialNumberType”

cannot be changed later.

26 Extensions for Tobacco Industry

For the description of extension for object “OrderProduct” for tobacco industry, see

Table 7.

Table 7 – Description of Extension for Object “OrderProduct” for Tobacco Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

mrp Maximum retail price String (4-6) Yes

Note*: Field “mrp” (Maximum retail price) is mandatory, the maximum retail price shall be

indicated in kopecks, up to ones, e.g. if the price is 105 rubles and 1 kopeck, that makes 10501.

For a carton this is the sum of all packs, also in kopecks.

For the description of extension for object “Order” for tobacco industry, see Table 8.

Table 8 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Tobacco Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

factoryId Factory identifier. (Global location number)

String Yes

factoryName Factory name String No

factoryAddress Factory address String No

factoryCountry Factory country String Yes

productionLineId Production line identifier String Yes

productCode Product code (SKU) String Yes

productDescription Product description String Yes

poNumber Production order number String No

expectedStartDate Start date for production under this order.

String (yyyy-mm-dd)



For an example of REST-request (for tobacco industry), see Figure 7.

POST /api/v2/tobacco/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 718 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "products":[ { "gtin":"01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType" : "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers" : [ "Z9bmNYR", "8i8PjF3", "JTyZqzO", "cXypJQe", "GTRnsaw", "5SIMTDk", "s6oi9Dp", "3TgycS6", "B4ZHoMZ", "5rnFx84", "JeOzqDR", "WyDWOLm", "HbkGP2s", "iO7yrJf", "cr6ZTiq", "1WrGk77", "52pCNKw", "Wkyrj8D", "ZnAMQTE", "kJMXFAB" ], "templateId" : 3, "mrp" : 31055}], "factoryId":"Identifier", "factoryName":"Tobacco Fac", "factoryAddress":"Address", "factoryCountry":"Country", "productionLineId":"1", "productCode":"6789", "productDescription":"Simple ", "poNumber":"12345", "expectedStartDate":"2019-03-01" }

Example of REST Request (for Tobacco Industry)

Figure 7

28 Extensions for Light Industry—Goods Group Category “Items of Clothing, Bed,

Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”

For the description of extension for object “Order” for goods group category “Items of

Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”, see Table 9.

Table 9 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Goods Group Category “Items of Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1 Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

contractNumber Number of contract with operator (this field is not used) *

String No

contractDate Date of contract with operator (this field is not used) *

String (yyyy-mm-dd)


Note*: the values “CROSSBORDER” in catalog “Method of Goods Release into

Circulation” is invalid for goods category “Items of Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”

Starting from 1/1/2020, fields “contractNumber” and “contractDate” will be excluded (these fields

are marked as not used).

For the description of “OrderProduct” object extension for light industry of goods group

category “Items of clothing, bed, table, bath and kitchen linen”, see the table below (Table 10).

Table 10 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for Light Industry of Goods Group Category “Items of Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”

Field Description Type Mandatory

cisType Marking code type Guide No. 13 Yes


For the description of REST-request for goods group category “Items of Clothing, Bed,

Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”, see Figure 8.

POST /api/v2/light/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 783 Host: localhost:8080 { "products" : [ { "gtin" : "01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType": "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers": [ "QIQ8BQCXmSJJe", "GLTP9kqZn5QRt", "2Xg3Cz3KFIjDI","ETpOsXYzKgFJf","TrjipM76LBfkO","ZyLajXcsKCKEt", "zXo2z7aAib4f3","kDEGDIQemE9IE","sFHNXi4Ss6D4D","iOpbrH3AAObaw", "LL8GyS1szEs8b","DZSzdNOoBZgsW","mpF7K5pY5jBIo","9xiZObR1Lf8tb", "zFH93Lrww6dn5","9siRZSs7Jrobq","tp6CYNzDSnk9a","961RmCQ3GFFNQ", "xmWOa5g7zbgFm","M3fAgZdGrStA8"], "templateId": 10, "cisType": "UNIT" } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b332", "contractNumber":"4689725647", "contractDate":"2019-09-12"

Example of REST Request for Light Industry, Goods Group Category “Items of Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”

Figure 8

30 Extensions for Light Industry—Goods Group Category “Footwear”

For the description of extension for object “Order” for light industry, goods group category

“Footwear”, see Table 11.

Table 11 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Light Industry, Goods Group Category “Footwear”

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1 Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

contractNumber Number of contract with operator (this field is not used) *

String No

contractDate Date of contract with operator (this field is not used) *

String (yyyy-mm-dd)



Attribute of goods manufactured / purchased prior to 7/1/2020 (date of prohibition on circulation of unmarked goods of the GG). Mandatory when specifying the introduction-into-circulation method “REMAINS” (leftovers marking). Valid values:

− true for goods manufactured / purchased prior to 7/1/2020;

− false for others. Note: an order with introduction-into-circulation method "REMAINS" for the goods group "Footwear" can be created only for those goods that were purchased / manufactured prior to 7/1/2020

boolean No

Conditionally mandatory


Attribute of foreign-made goods imported into the Russian Federation after 7/1/2020 (date of

boolean No

Conditionally mandatory


Field Description Type Mandatory

prohibition on circulation of unmarked goods of the GG). Mandatory when specifying the introduction-into-circulation method “REMAINS” (“Leftovers marking”). Valid values:

− true – imported goods (imported into the Russian Federation after 7/1/2020);

− false for others. Note: for imported goods (imported into the Russian Federation after 7/1/2020), an order with introduction-into-circulation method "REMAINS” will be creatable till 8/1/2020, otherwise till 9/1/2020

Note*: Starting from 1/1/2020, fields “contractNumber” and “contractDate” will be

excluded (these fields are marked as not used).

Example of REST-request for light industry, goods group category “Footwear”.

For the description of extension for object “OrderProduct” for GG “Footwear”, see

Table 12.

Table 12 – Description of Extension for Object “OrderProduct” for GG “Footwear”

Field Description Type Mandatory

exporterTaxpayerId Exporter’s TIN/UNB (or equivalent)

String No*

Note*: The field “exporterTaxpayerId” becomes mandatory when value

“CROSSBORDER” (imported into the Russian Federation from EEU countries) was selected in

the field “releaseMethod” (method of goods release into circulation).


For an example of REST-request for light industry, goods group category “Footwear”, see

Figure 9.

POST /api/v2/light/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 783 Host: localhost:8080 { "products" : [ { "gtin" : "01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType": "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers": [ "QIQ8BQCXmSJJe", "GLTP9kqZn5QRt", "2Xg3Cz3KFIjDI","ETpOsXYzKgFJf","TrjipM76LBfkO","ZyLajXcsKCKEt", "zXo2z7aAib4f3","kDEGDIQemE9IE","sFHNXi4Ss6D4D","iOpbrH3AAObaw", "LL8GyS1szEs8b","DZSzdNOoBZgsW","mpF7K5pY5jBIo","9xiZObR1Lf8tb", "zFH93Lrww6dn5","9siRZSs7Jrobq","tp6CYNzDSnk9a","961RmCQ3GFFNQ", "xmWOa5g7zbgFm","M3fAgZdGrStA8"], "templateId": 1, "exporterTaxpayerId ": "123456789" } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "CROSSBORDER", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b332", "contractNumber":"4689725647", "contractDate":"2019-09-12" }

Example of REST Request for Light Industry, Goods Group Сategory “Footwear”

Figure 9

33 Extensions for Tire Manufacturers—Goods Group Category “New Pneumatic

Rubber Tires and Tire Casings”

For the description of extension for object “Order” for tire manufacturers, goods group

category “New Pneumatic Rubber Tires and Tire Casings”, see Table 13.

Table 13 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Tire Manufacturers, Goods Group Category “New Pneumatic Rubber Tires and Tire Casings”

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1* Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

contractNumber Number of contract with operator (this field is not used)

String No

contractDate Date of contract with operator (this field is not used)

String (yyyy-mm-dd)


Note*: the values “CROSSBORDER” in catalog “Method of Goods Release into

Circulation” is invalid for goods category “New Pneumatic Rubber Tires and Tire Casings”

Starting from 1/1/2020, fields “contractNumber” and “contractDate” will be excluded (these fields

are marked as not used).


For an example of REST-request for tire manufacturers, goods group category “New

Pneumatic Rubber Tires and Tire Casings”, see Figure 10.

POST /api/v2/tires/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 783 Host: localhost:8080 { "products" : [ { "gtin" : "01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType": "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers": [ "QIQ8BQCXmSJJe", "GLTP9kqZn5QRt", "2Xg3Cz3KFIjDI","ETpOsXYzKgFJf","TrjipM76LBfkO","ZyLajXcsKCKEt", "zXo2z7aAib4f3","kDEGDIQemE9IE","sFHNXi4Ss6D4D","iOpbrH3AAObaw", "LL8GyS1szEs8b","DZSzdNOoBZgsW","mpF7K5pY5jBIo","9xiZObR1Lf8tb", "zFH93Lrww6dn5","9siRZSs7Jrobq","tp6CYNzDSnk9a","961RmCQ3GFFNQ", "xmWOa5g7zbgFm","M3fAgZdGrStA8"], "templateId": 7 } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b332", "contractNumber":"4689725647", "contractDate":"2019-09-12" }

Example of REST Request for Light Industry, Goods Group Category “New Pneumatic Rubber Tires and Tire Casings”

Figure 10

35 Extensions for Perfumery Products Manufacturers—Goods Group Category

“Perfume and Eau de Toilette”

For the description of extension for object “Order” for the perfumery products

manufacturers, goods group category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette”, see Table 14.

Table 14 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Perfumery Products Manufacturers, Goods Group Category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette”

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1* Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

contractNumber Number of contract with operator (this field is not used)

String No

contractDate Date of contract with operator (this field is not used)

String (yyyy-mm-dd)


Note*: the values “REMAINS” and “CROSSBORDER” in catalog “Method of Goods

Release into Circulation” are invalid for goods category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette” Starting

from 1/1/2020, fields “contractNumber” and “contractDate” will be excluded (these fields are

marked as not used).

For the description of “OrderProduct” object extension for the perfumery manufacturers of

goods group category “Perfume and eau de toilette”, see the table below (Ошибка! Источник

ссылки не найден.).

Table 15 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for the Perfumery Manufacturers of Goods Group Category “Perfume and Eau De Toilette”

Field Description Type Mandatory

cisType Marking code type Guide No. 13 Yes


For an example of request for the perfumery products manufacturers, goods group

category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette”, see Figure 11.

POST /api/v2/tires/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 783 Host: localhost:8080 { "products" : [ { "gtin" : "01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType": "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers": [ "QIQ8BQCXmSJJe", "GLTP9kqZn5QRt", "2Xg3Cz3KFIjDI","ETpOsXYzKgFJf","TrjipM76LBfkO","ZyLajXcsKCKEt", "zXo2z7aAib4f3","kDEGDIQemE9IE","sFHNXi4Ss6D4D","iOpbrH3AAObaw", "LL8GyS1szEs8b","DZSzdNOoBZgsW","mpF7K5pY5jBIo","9xiZObR1Lf8tb", "zFH93Lrww6dn5","9siRZSs7Jrobq","tp6CYNzDSnk9a","961RmCQ3GFFNQ", "xmWOa5g7zbgFm","M3fAgZdGrStA8"], "templateId": 9, "cisType": "UNIT" } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b332", "contractNumber":"4689725647", "contractDate":"2019-09-12" }

Example of REST Request for Perfumery Products Manufacturers, Goods Group Category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette”

Figure 11

37 Extensions for Photo Products Manufacturers—Goods Group Category “Photo

Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”

For the description of extension for object “Order” for the photo products manufacturers,

goods group category “Photo Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”,

see Table 16.

Table 16 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Photo Products Manufacturers, Goods Group Category “Photo Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1 Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

contractNumber Number of contract with operator (this field is not used)

String No

contractDate Date of contract with operator (this field is not used)

String (yyyy-mm-dd)


Note*: the value “CROSSBORDER” in catalog “Method of Goods Release into

Circulation” is invalid for goods category “Photo Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights

and Flash Bulbs” Starting from 1/1/2020, fields “contractNumber” and “contractDate” will be

excluded (these fields are marked as not used).

For the description of “OrderProduct” object extension for the manufacturers of photo

products of goods group category “Photo cameras (except for cine cameras), flash lights and

flash bulbs”, see the table below (Table 17 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for

the Manufacturers of Photo Products of Goods Group Category “Photo Cameras (Except for

Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”).

Table 17 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for the Manufacturers of Photo Products of Goods Group Category “Photo Cameras (Except for Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”

Field Description Type Mandatory

cisType Marking code type Guide No. 13 Yes


For an example of REST-request for the photo products manufacturers, goods group

category “Photo Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”, see Figure


POST /api/v2/photo/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 783 Host: localhost:8080 { "products" : [ { "gtin" : "01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType": "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers": [ "QIQ8BQCXmSJJe", "GLTP9kqZn5QRt", "2Xg3Cz3KFIjDI","ETpOsXYzKgFJf","TrjipM76LBfkO","ZyLajXcsKCKEt", "zXo2z7aAib4f3","kDEGDIQemE9IE","sFHNXi4Ss6D4D","iOpbrH3AAObaw", "LL8GyS1szEs8b","DZSzdNOoBZgsW","mpF7K5pY5jBIo","9xiZObR1Lf8tb", "zFH93Lrww6dn5","9siRZSs7Jrobq","tp6CYNzDSnk9a","961RmCQ3GFFNQ", "xmWOa5g7zbgFm","M3fAgZdGrStA8"], "templateId": 8, "cisType": "UNIT" } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b333", "contractNumber":"4689725648", "contractDate":"2019-09-12" }

Example of REST Request for Photo Products Manufacturers, Goods Group Category “Photo Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash Bulbs”

Figure 12

39 Extensions for Pharmaceutical Industry

For the description of extension for object “Order” for pharmaceutical industry, see

Table 18.

Table 18 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Pharmaceutical Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

subjectId Pharmaceutical entity. Number assigned upon registration in MDLP FGIS.

String (36) GUID



MC emission payment attribute.

− true means non-payable MC;

− false means payable MC (default value)

boolean No


Payment type Valid values:

− 1 for payment upon emission;

− 2 for payment upon application (default value).

Int32 No

For an example of REST-request (for pharmaceutical industry), see Figure 13.

POST /api/v2/pharma/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Length: 559 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "freeCode": false, "paymentType": 2, "products" : [ { "gtin" : "01334567894339", "quantity" : 20, "serialNumberType" : "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers" : [ "77X4DdOGGDc9d", "6KfL3i7igypkd", "oBtEYaq1HCxHN", "kRGmTQoeOckPx", "KHnFN1fj7NmL6", "LSsbD7BrWRyFX", "rEw3MOgC86H4w", "7WQ4FZapQpacq", "Qaty1C5Imop1O", "mSWjzXd5axLRj", "2sneq3ZzQPxRD", "m6edPWjxsTc6R", "pIfdgy1XyYIkx", "CTQzSe9ZTormg", "dock4TYN5HSkW", "ZA6AITKGQNfO1", "AJfr6XoYxRIHE", "GpxniqfHc6iBA", "57gx4I7fj8J58", "iQ4PtkYIYfxKL" ], "templateId":5 } ], "subjectId ":"65468245-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d3486ead8c4a" }

Example of REST Request (for Pharmaceutical Industry)

Figure 13

40 Extensions for Dairy Manufacturers

For the description of extension for object “OrderProduct” for dairy manufacturers, see

Table 19.

Table 19 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Dairy Manufacturers

Field Description Type Mandatory

expDate Product expiration date (shelf life exceeding 72 hours)

String (6) (YYMMDD)

No Conditionally mandatory

expDate72 Product expiration date (shelf life under 72 hours)

String (10) (YYMMDDHHMM)

No Conditionally mandatory


1) depending on dairy product shelf life, the field to be filled is either “expDate” or

“expDate72” (data on product expiration date may be left out, but in this case product

expiration date will not be included in the marking code):

− for products with shelf life exceeding 72 hours, the attribute to be filled is “expDate”

comprised of 6 digits in YYMMDD-format containing the product expiration date;

− for products with shelf life under 72 hours, the field to be filled is “expDate72” comprised

of 10 digits in YYMMDDHHMM-format containing the product expiration date and time;

− when both fields are filled, an error occurs “Only one field to be filled: “expDate” or


2) values “expDate” and ”expDate72” shall not be before the start of current date

(00:00:00) and not later than 36 months since the current date.

For the description of extension for object “Order” for dairy manufacturers, goods group

category “Dairy Products”, see Table 20.

Table 20 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Dairy Manufacturers

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1 Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

Note*: the values “REMAINS”, “CROSSBORDER” and “IMPORT” in catalog “Method of

goods release into circulation” are invalid for goods category “Dairy Products”.


For an example of REST-request (for dairy manufacturers), see Figure 14.

POST /api/v2/milk/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 718 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "products":[ { "gtin":"04603721568000", "quantity" : 5, "serialNumberType" : "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers" : [ "MZX78RZ9bmNYR", "MZX78R8i8PjF3", "MZX78RJTyZqzO", "MZX78RZnAMQTE", "MZX78RkJMXFAB" ], "templateId" : 6, "expDate":"200706" } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b333" }

Example of REST Request (for Dairy Manufacturers)

Figure 14

42 Extensions for Bicycle and Bycicle Frame Manufacturers

For the description of extension for object “Order” for the bicycle and bicycle frame

manufacturers, goods group category “Bicycles and Bicycle Frames”, see Table 21.

Table 21 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Manufacturers of Bicycles and Bicycle Frames

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1 Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

Note*: the values “REMAINS” and “CROSSBORDER” in catalog “Method of Goods

Release into Circulation” are invalid for goods category “Bicycles and Bicycle Frames”.

For an example of REST-request (for bicycle and bicycle frame manufacturers), see

Figure 15.

POST /api/v2/bicycle/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 718 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "products":[ { "gtin":"04603721568000", "quantity" : 5, "serialNumberType" : "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers" : [ "MZX78RZ9bmNYR", "MZX78R8i8PjF3", "MZX78RJTyZqzO", "MZX78RZnAMQTE", "MZX78RkJMXFAB" ], "templateId" : 11 } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": "SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b333" }

Example of REST Request (for Bicycle and Bicycle Frame Manufacturers)

Figure 15

43 Extensions for Wheelchair Manufacturers

For the description of extension for object “Order” for wheelchair manufacturers, goods

group category “Wheelchairs”, see Table 21.

Table 22 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Wheelchair Manufacturers

Field Description Type Mandatory

contactPerson Contact person String Yes

releaseMethodType Method of goods release into circulation

Guide No. 1 Yes

createMethodType IM creation method Guide No. 4 Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

Note*: the values “REMAINS” and “CROSSBORDER” in catalog “Method of Goods

Release into Circulation” are invalid for goods category “Wheelchairs”.

For an example of REST-request (for wheelchair manufacturers), see Figure 16.

POST /api/v2/wheelchairs/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 718 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "products":[ { "gtin":"04603721568000", "quantity" : 5, "serialNumberType" : "SELF_MADE", "serialNumbers" : [ "MZX78RZ9bmNYR", "MZX78R8i8PjF3", "MZX78RJTyZqzO", "MZX78RZnAMQTE", "MZX78RkJMXFAB" ], "templateId" : 12 } ], "contactPerson":"Иванов П.А.", "releaseMethodType": "PRODUCTION", "createMethodType": “SELF_MADE", "productionOrderId": "08528091-808a-41ba-a55d-d6230c64b333" }

Example of REST Request (for Wheelchair Manufacturers)

Figure 16

44 Response to Request

The method returns a unique order identifier and order expected completion time in

milliseconds (divide the result time by 1,000 for seconds, and by 60 for minutes). Value “orderId”

is used to obtain MC from the order upon its completion (see clause 4.5.6). For error codes, see

subsection 6.2..

Table 23 – Format of Response to Request

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier

String (UUID) Yes

orderId Unique identifier of MC Emission Order

String (UUID) Yes

expectedCompleteTimestamp Order expected completion tome, in milliseconds

Integer ($int64)


For an example of JSON-response, see Figure 17.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 111 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "orderId" : "b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79", "expectedCompleteTimestamp" : 5100 }

JSON-Response Example

Figure 17


4.5.2. Method “Send Report on MC Disposal / Rejection”

This method is used to send report on MC disposal / rejection to OMS. OMS generates

a security marker (token) during OMS-client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to

server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. In case security marker (token) was

obtained during the call for method “Obtain security marker by username and password” (see

cl. 4.5.13), username shall be sent within the HTTP-header named “userName”.

Note: currently, this method is available for the following goods groups:

- "Tobacco Products”

- “Dairy Products”. The structure of the request that is sent for Dairy Products must contain

Dropout Report base object without any extensions for the goods group. Request

Structure of JSON-request used to send report on MC disposal / rejection to OMS.

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-






For request string parameters, see Table 24.

Table 24 – Request String Parameters

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

For the description of the structure of object “DropoutReport” for sending report on MC

disposal / rejection to OMS, see Table 25.

Table 25 – Object “DropoutReport” Structure

Field Description Type Mandatory

dropoutReason Disposal reason. String (Guide

No. 12) Yes

sntins An array of disposed MC full marking codes (including verification code)

JSON Array of String



Note. The quantity of MC per report on disposal shall not exceed 30,000 codes.

For an example of REST-request containing a DropoutReport base object and no

extensions, see Figure 18. This request structure is used for Dairy Products goods group.

POST /api/v2/milk/dropout?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Length: 168 { "dropoutReason":"DEFECT", "sntins":["010400863843501621aBcD/GmaGIs3x\u001D1720032093aABb", "010400863843501621AbcdHywb*B!n+\u001D1720032093tTBb"] }

Example of REST request for Dairy Products

Figure 18

47 Extensions for Tobacco Industry

For the description of extension for object “DropoutReport” for tobacco industry, see Table


Table 26 – Description of Extension for Object “DropoutReport” for Tobacco Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

sourceDocDate Document date String (yyyy-mm-

dd) No

sourceDocNum Identifier of document on which the writing-off is based

String No

address Address of writing-off String Yes

withChild Attribute for writing-off of all contained elements.

Boolean (Default value=false)


participantId Tax identification number String Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

productionLineId Production line identifier String No

Note*: In case fields “sourceDocDate” and “sourceDocNum” are absent, OMS will fill

them automatically with the following values:

1) sourceDocDate with current date in unixTime UTC:0, in milliseconds;

2) sourceDocNum with current date in unixTime UTC:0, in milliseconds;

For an example of REST-request (for tobacco industry), see Figure .

POST /api/v2/tobacco/dropout?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Length: 168 { "dropoutReason":"DEFECT", "sntins":[ "SNTIN1", "SNTIN2" ], "sourceDocNum":"12345", "sourceDocDate":"2018-05-01", "address":"198206 г Санкт-Петербург ш Петергофское, 71 ", "withChild": false, "participantId": "3543033591", "productionOrderId":"123", "productionLineId":"7098" }

Example of REST Request (for Tobacco Industry)

Figure 19

48 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

identifier of report on MC disposal / rejection assigned by OMS. The obtained identifier of report

on MC disposal / rejection is used to obtain report processing status (see cl. 4.5.10). For

the structure of response to request to send information on aggregation, see Table 27. For error

codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 27 – Format of Response to Request to Send Notification on MC Disposal / Rejection

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

reportId Unique identifier of report on MC disposal / rejection (OMS)

String (UUID) Yes

For an example of JSON-response, see Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 74 Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "reportId" : "46795d19-5024-404e-9275-959ac89ccb57" }

JSON-Response Example

Figure 20


4.5.3. Method “Send Report on MC-Aggregation”

This method is used to send report on MC aggregation to OMS. Within the report, MC are

sent without verification code. OMS generates a security marker (token) during OMS-client

registration. Security marker (token) is sent to server within HTTP-header with name

“clientToken”. In case security marker (token) was obtained during the call for method “Obtain

security marker by username and password” (see cl. 4.5.13), username shall be sent within

the HTTP-header named “userName”.

Note: currently, this method is available for the goods groups “Tobacco Products” and

“Dairy Products” only. Request

Structure of JSON-request used to send report on MC aggregation to OMS.

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-






For request string parameters, see Table 28.

Table 28 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

For the description of the structure of object “AggregationReport” of request to send

information on aggregation, see Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.).

Table 29 – Object “AggregationReport” Structure

Field Description Type Mandatory

aggregationUnits Array of aggregation units Array of

AggregationUnit (Table 30)


participantId Tax identification number String Yes

For the description of the structure of object “AggregationUnit", see Table 30).


Table 30 – Object “AggregationUnit” Structure

Field Description Type Mandatory

aggregatedItemsCount Actual quantity (in pcs) per aggregation unit

Integer ($int32) Yes

aggregationType Aggregation type String (Guide

No. 7) Yes

aggregationUnitCapacity Packing unit capacity Integer ($int32) Yes


Array of aggregated MC Format in cases when MC

− - uses standard GS1:

− 01+goods nomenclature (GTIN)+21+serial number

− - does not use standard GS1:

− goods nomenclature (GTIN)+serial number

JSON Array of String


unitSerialNumber* Identification code of aggregation unit

String Yes

Note*: for goods group “Dairy Products”, field “unitSerialNumber” (aggregate code) shall

contain shipping container code (SSCC; length of 18 digital symbols).

51 Extensions for Tobacco Industry

For the description of extension for object “AggregationReport” for tobacco industry, see

Table 31.

Table 31 – Description of Extension for Object “AggregationReport” for Tobacco Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

productionLineId Production line identifier String Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

For an example of REST-request for tobacco industry, see Figure .

POST /api/v2/tobacco/aggregation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 785 Host: localhost:8080 { "participantId": "3543033591", "productionLineId": 235431, "productionOrderId": 123, "aggregationUnits": [ { "aggregatedItemsCount" : 2, "aggregationType" : "AGGREGATION", "aggregationUnitCapacity" : 10, “sntins" : [ "00000000666999QbUMR5M", "00000000666999r2Aw4Ge"], "unitSerialNumber" : "0100000000777999213l1SMYX" }, { "aggregatedItemsCount": 2, "aggregationType": "AGGREGATION", "aggregationUnitCapacity": 10, "sntins": [ “00000000666988QbUMR5M", "00000000666988r2Aw4Ge"], "unitSerialNumber": "0100000000777999213l1SMYT" } ] }

Example of REST Request for Tobacco Industry

Figure 21

52 Specifications for Dairy Manufacturers

The structure of report on MC aggregation for dairy manufacturers contains basic object

“AggregationReport” without extensions for goods group, yet has specific features. If the

aggregate is filled partially in fields “aggregationUnitCapacity” and “aggregatedItemsCount”,

value to be sent is 1. See below for examples of REST-requests for dairy manufacturers (cases

of full and partial filling of aggregate).

For an example of REST-request for dairy manufacturers (fully filled aggregate), see

Figure .

POST /api/v2/milk/aggregation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 785 Host: localhost:8080 { "participantId": "3543033591", "aggregationUnits": [ { "aggregatedItemsCount" : 4, "aggregationType" : "AGGREGATION", "aggregationUnitCapacity" : 4, "sntins" : [ "010469022800405621MZX78RZ9bmNYR", "010469022800405621MZX78R8i8PjF3", "010469022800405621MZX78RJTyZqzO", "010469022800405621MZX78RZnAMQTE"], "unitSerialNumber" : "010000000077799921" } ] }

Example of REST Request for Dairy Manufacturers (Fully Filled Aggregate).

Figure 22

For an example of REST-request for dairy manufacturers (partially filled aggregate), see

Figure .


POST /api/v2/milk/aggregation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 785 Host: localhost:8080 { "participantId": "3543033591", "aggregationUnits": [ { "aggregatedItemsCount" : 1, "aggregationType" : "AGGREGATION", "aggregationUnitCapacity" : 1, "sntins" : [ "010460166200003021MZE78RZ9bmNYR", "010460166200003021MZE78R8i8PjF3", "010460166200003021MZE78RJTyZqzO", "010460166200003021MZE78RZnAMQTE"], "unitSerialNumber" : "010000000077799922" } ] }

Example of REST Request for Dairy Manufacturers (Partially Filled Aggregate)

Figure 23

54 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

identifier of report assigned by OMS. The obtained identifier of report on MC aggregation is

used to obtain report processing status (see cl. 4.5.10). For the structure of response to request

to send information on aggregation, see Table 32. For error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 32 – Format of Response to Request to Send Information on Aggregation

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

reportId Unique OMS identifier of report String (UUID) Yes

For an example of JSON-response, see Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 74 Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "reportId" : "fab1c0e4-9590-4ed7-8d58-18862d6a9aab" }

JSON-Response Example

Figure 24


4.5.4. Method “Send Report on MC-Utilization (Application)”

This method is used to send report on MC utilization to OMS. OMS generates a security

marker (token) during OMS-client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to server within

HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. In case security marker (token) was obtained during

the call for method “Obtain security marker by username and password” (see cl. 4.5.13),

username shall be sent within the HTTP-header named “userName”.

Note: currently, this method is available for the goods groups “Tobacco Products”, “Dairy”

and “Medicines for Human Use” only. Report will be generated automatically for the following

goods groups:

1) Bicycles and bicycle frames

2) Wheelchairs

2) Items of clothing, bed, table, bath and kitchen linens

4) Footwear

5) Perfume and eau de toilette

6) Tires and new pneumatic rubber tire casings

7) Photo cameras (except for cine cameras), flash lights and flash bulbs

Later, when the information system is ready (anticipated in Q3 of 2020), automatic sending of

application reports will be disabled. You will have to generate and send reports on MC utilization

(application) on your own, using the method described. Request

Structure of JSON-request used to send report on MC utilization to OMS.

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-






For request string parameters, see Table 33.

Table 33 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

For the description of the structure of object “UtilisationReport” used to send report on

MC utilization to OMS, see Table 34.

Note. In parameters “sntins”, the sent marking codes shall include the full marking code

with verification code because this report is sent to emission registrar where marking code is

verified. The quantity of MC per report on utilization shall not exceed 30,000 codes.


Table 34 – Object “UtilisationReport” Structure

Field Description Type Mandatory

sntins Array of strings (full marking code, including verification code)

JSON Array of String Yes

usageType Type of use String (Guide No. 10) Yes

57 Extensions for Tobacco Industry

For the description of extension for object “UtilisationReport” for tobacco industry, see

Table 35.

Table 35 – Description of Extension for Object “UtilisationReport” for Tobacco Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

productionLineId Production line identifier String Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier. String No

brandcode Product brandname String (256) No

sourceReportId Identifier of report on application to APCS

String (36) No

For an example of REST-request for tobacco industry, see Figure .

POST /api/v2/tobacco/utilisation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 145 Host: localhost:8080 { "sntins" : [ "SNTIN1", "SNTIN2" ], "usageType" : "USED_FOR_PRODUCTION", "productionLineId" : "1", "productionOrderId":"123", "brandcode" : "2212Brandcode", "sourceReportId":"8ed74f90-0119-48f2-b289-379707934e2f" }

Example of REST Request for Tobacco Industry

Figure 25

58 Extensions for Pharmaceutical Industry

For the description of extension for object “UtilisationReport” for pharmaceutical industry,

see Table 36.

Table 36 – Description of Extension for Object “UtilisationReport” for Pharamceutical Industry

Field Description Type Mandatory

expirationDate Date of shelf life expiration String

( Yes

orderType Order type Integer (1 or 2) No

ownerId Owner identifier String (36)


seriesNumber Production series number String (1-20) Yes

subjectId Pharmaceutical entity (business place identifier)

String (14 or 36) [0-9]{14} or



Identifier of manufacturer who performed packing / prepacking into secondary package (if none—into primary package)

String (36) (GUID)


controlId Identifier of manufacturer who performs release quality control

String (36) (GUID)


productionDate Date of production. Shall not be earlier than MC-emission order creation date

String (

hh:mm:ss±hh) No

customsReceiverId Identifier of goods location in the customs control area

String (36) (GUID)


Note*: Value subjectId (value of subjectId):

1) for medicines produced in the territory of the Russian Federation: 14-character

business place identifier of party to circulation assigned upon the latter’s registration of

business place in MDLP FGIS;

2) for medicines produced outside the territory of the Russian Federation: 36-character

number assigned to the marketing authorization holder (or representative office thereof)

upon its registration in MDLP FGIS.



1) For medicines produced in the territory of the Russian Federation:

− Field “orderType” is mandatory. This field shall contain a numerical value for

manufacturing order type: (1) for in-house and (2) for contract manufacturing;

− When orderType=2 is indicated, the value of field “ownerId” shall indicate 36-

character number assigned to the pharmaceutical entity which is the customer of

contract manufacturing upon its registration in MDLP FGIS;

− Fields “packingId”, “controlId” and “customsReceiverId” are left empty.

2) For medicines produced outside the territory of the Russian Federation:

− Field “packingId” is mandatory. It shall contain 36-character identifier assigned to

foreign counterparties upon their registration in MDLP FGIS by the medicine marketing

authorization holder (or by representative office thereof).

− Field “customsReceiverId” is non-mandatory. The field shall be filled in case

the medicines are marked in the customs control area. It shall contain an MDLP FGIS

36-character identifier of goods location from the Registry of Places in the Customs-

Controlled Area.

− Field “controlId” is non-mandatory.

Attribute “controlId” becomes mandatory upon filling in of “customReceiverId” field, i.e.

the field shall be filled in if the medicines are marked in the customs control area.

The field “controlId” may be filled in for any medicines manufactured outside the

Russian Federation even if the marking is performed beyond the customs control area

(in this case the field shall be optional).

It shall contain a 36-character identifier assigned to foreign counterparties upon their

registration in MDLP FGIS by the medicine marketing authorization holder (or by its

representative office).

− Fields “orderType” and “ownerId” are left empty.

for an example of REST-request (for pharmaceutical industry with production in the

territory of the Russian Federation), see Figure .


POST /api/v2/pharma/utilisation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Length: 271 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "sntins":[ "SNTIN1", "SNTIN2" ], "usageType":"VERIFIED", "expirationDate":"12.06.2020", "orderType":"2", "ownerId":"0c290e4a-aabb-40ae-8ef2-ce462561ce7f", "seriesNumber":"123", "subjectId":"00000000000397", "productionDate":"31.10.2019 23:59:59+03" }

Example of REST Request (for Pharmaceutical Industry with Production in the Territory of the Russian Federation)

Figure 26

For examples of REST-request (for pharmaceutical industry with production outside the

territory of the Russian Federation), see Figure .


/*In cases when medicines are marked in the customs control area*/ POST /api/v2/pharma/utilisation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Length: 271 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "sntins":[ "SNTIN1", "SNTIN2" ], "usageType":"VERIFIED", "expirationDate":"12.06.2020", "seriesNumber":"123", "subjectId":"1c858e4m-uucb-77re-1te2-ce345231ce9m", "packingId":"0c456e4a-aacb-42ae-8ef2-ce462662ce8a", "customsReceiverId": "b2jy241f-a959-1a65-9d64-5dd1378bec83", "controlId": "a6fb141f-d958-4a95-8f57-7ff2319ceb95",

"productionDate":"31.10.2019 23:59:59+03" } /*Excluding cases when medicines are marked in the customs control area**/ POST /api/v2/pharma/utilisation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Length: 271 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080 { "sntins":[ "SNTIN1", "SNTIN2" ], "usageType":"VERIFIED", "expirationDate":"12.06.2020", "seriesNumber":"123", "subjectId":"1c858e4m-uucb-77re-1te2-ce345231ce9m", "packingId":"0c456e4a-aacb-42ae-8ef2-ce462662ce8a", "productionDate":"31.10.2019 23:59:59+03" }

Examples of REST Request (for Pharmaceutical Industry with Production Outside the Territory of the Russian Federation)

Figure 27

62 Extensions for Dairy Manufacturers

For the description of extension for object “UtilisationReport” for dairy manufacturers, see

Table 37.

Table 37 – Description of Extension for Object “UtilisationReport” for the Dairy Manufacturers

Field Description Type Mandatory

accompanyingDocument Production veterinary accompanying document

String Yes

expDate Product expiration date (shelf life exceeding 72 hours)

String (6) (YYMMDD)

No* Conditionally mandatory

expDate72 Product expiration date (shelf life under 72 hours)

String (10) (YYMMDDHHMM)

No* Conditionally mandatory

capacity Capacity, volume Double (3 decimal

places) No


Indicator of MC use in production: 0 is default value; 1 means MC were used in production.

Integer ($int32) No

Note*: The report shall mandatorily include product expiration date within attribute

“expDate” or “expDate72”. If marking codes contain product expiration date varying from the

value given in attributes “expDate” or “expDate72”, report will not be accepted.

For an example of REST-request (for dairy manufacturers), see Figure .

POST /api/v2/milk/utilisation?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 78 Host: localhost:8080 { "sntins" : [ "SNTIN1", "SNTIN2" ], "usageType" : "USED_FOR_PRODUCTION", "accompanyingDocument": " AE68-730A-F64C-45E0-B24C-964A-DB04-33CE", "expDate":"190516", "capacity":"1.001", "usedInProduction":0 }

Example of REST Request (for Dairy Manufacturers)

Figure 28

63 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

identifier of MC-utilization report assigned by OMS. The obtained identifier of report on MC

utilization is used to obtain report processing status (see cl. 4.5.10). For the structure of

response to request to send report on utilization, see Table 38. For error codes, see subsection


Table 38 – Format of Response to Request to Send Report on MC Application

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID)


reportId Unique identifier of MC application report (OMS) String (UUID)


For an example of JSON-response, see Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 74 Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "reportId" : "3179f5d2-2bf5-47d1-8df0-9452b257d851" }

JSON-Response Example

Figure 29


4.5.5. Method “Close the Suborder by the GTIN Specified”

This method is used to close MC-array (suborder) by using the following parameters:

security marker (token), OMS identifier, order identifier, and GTIN. OMS generates a security

marker (token) during OMS-client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to server within

HTTP-header with name “clientToken”.

Note: A suborder is an MC-array within one GTIN in a business order. As the last suborder

is closed, the order os sclosed automatically. Request

REST Request Parameters






For request string parameters, see Table 39.

Table 39 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

orderId OMS-identifier of MC-emission order String (UUID) Yes

gtin GTIN by which MC-issue must be stopped

String (14) [0-9]{14}


lastBlockId Identifier of last code block obtained (default value: 0)

String No

Note: see below for suborder closure rules:

In a request in order to close a suborder, parameter “lastBlockId” shall be sent

specifying the latest code block identifier obtained in response message to the call of

method “Obtain MC from Order” (see section 4.5.6). In case the circulation participant

did not request for marking codes, it is not necessary to fill field “lastBlockId” (default

value of “0” will be set);

For an example of REST-response, see Figure .

POST /api/v2/tobacco/buffer/close HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080 orderId=b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79&gtin=01334567894339&lastBlockId=0&omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1

Example of REST Response

Figure 30

65 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

OMS identifier. For the structure of response to request to close the suborder by GTIN

specified, see Table 40. For error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 40 – Format of Response to Request to Close Suborder by GTIN Specified

Field Description Type

omsId Unique OMS identifier. (UUID) String

For an example of JSON-response, see Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 19 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1" }

JSON-Response Example

Figure 31


4.5.6. Method “Obtain MC from Order”

This method is used to obtain MC-array of a specific order by using the following

parameters: security marker (token), OMS identifier, order identifier, GTIN, and quantity of

requested codes. OMS generates a security marker (token) during OMS-client registration.

Security marker (token) is sent to server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Request

REST Request Parameters






For request string parameters, see Table 41.

Table 41 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID)


orderId Identifier of MC-emission order String (UUID)


gtin Goods GTIN for which the codes are requested

String (14) [0-9]{14}


quantity Quantity of requested codes Integer ($int32)



Code block identifier issued in the previous request. May be equal to 0 in the first MC request from pool. Further, previous packet identifier shall be sent. Default value: 0

String No

Note: A circulation participant obtains emitted marking codes (guaranteed obtainment of

emitted marking codes) by sending confirmation of marking code obtainment within request, and

when closing the order. Instruction on obtaining marking codes:

1) in the first request for marking codes, the value of attribute “lastBlockId” shall be “0”

(zero), the response message will contain code block identifier (attribute “blockId” value)

which must be specified within the next request for marking codes, and each

subsequent request shall specify attribute “lastBlockId” value as the code block identifier

obtained within the previous request (code block identifier transmission confirms that

emitted marking codes were received);


2) the final step is order closure performed automatically when the last MC is being

printed. Circulation participant may close the order at will while MC have not been

printed completely (see section 4.5.5). The request to close (attribute “lastBlockId”) shall

contain the last obtained code block identifier if some of MC have already been printed.

If no MC from the order has been printed, it is not necessary to fill in the attribute

“lastBlockId” (value of “0” will be set).

For an example of REST-response, see Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/codes?orderId=b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79&gtin=01334567894339&quantity=15&lastBlockId=0&omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

Example of REST Response

Figure 32

68 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and an MC-

array. For the format of response to request for MC for the goods specified, see Table 42. For

error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 42 – Format of Response to Request for MC for the Goods Specified

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID)


codes MC-array JSON Array

of Strings Yes

blockId MC packet identifier String (UUID)


For an example of JSON-response, see Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Length: 820 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "codes" : [ "010460165303004621\u003drxDV3M\u001d93VXQI",...], "blockId" : "012cc7b0-c9e4-4511-8058-2de1f97a87b0" }

JSON-Response Example

Figure 33


4.5.7. Method “Obtain MC-Array Status from Order”

This method is used to obtain the current status of MC-array from the order and requires

the following parameters: security marker (token), OMS identifier, order identifier “orderId”, and

GTIN. OMS generates a security marker (token) during OMS-client registration. Security marker

(token) is sent to server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Request

The structure of request to obtain MC-array status from order.

REST Request Parameters






For request string parameters, see Table 43.

Table 43 – Request String Parameters

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID)


orderId Identifier of MC-emission order String (UUID)


gtin Goods GTIN the status of which is required String

(14) [0-9]{14}


For an example of REST-response, see Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/buffer/status?orderId=b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79&gtin=01334567894339&omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

Example of REST Response

Figure 34

70 Response to Request

For the JSON-format of response to request to obtain MC-array status, see Table 44. For

error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 44 – Format of Response to Request, object “BufferInfo”

Field Description Type Mandatory

availableCodes The total quantity of available MC for goods in buffer and pools of registrar

Integer ($int32) Yes

bufferStatus Buffer status String (Guide

No. 8) Yes

gtin GTIN on which the request was made

String (14) [0-9]{14}


leftInBuffer Quantity of MC unused. (local buffer) Integer ($int32) Yes

omsId Unique OMS identifier String Yes

orderId Unique identifier of MC-emission order Order on which the request was made

String (UUID) Yes

poolInfos Array of pools created for the buffer JSON Array of PoolInfo Object

(Table 45) Yes

poolsExhausted MC-pools in registrars are exhausted Boolean Yes


Reason for buffer rejection by OMS Note: in case the order is declined, this field has value “Order declined:” with the reason for order decline

String No

totalCodes Ordered quantity of MC in order Integer ($int32) Yes

totalPassed Total qty of MC obtained from buffer Integer ($int32) Yes

unavailableCodes Quantity of unavailable codes Integer ($int32) Yes

Table 45 – Object “PoolInfo” Format

Field Description Type Mandatory

isRegistrarReady ER readiness Boolean Yes

lastRegistrarErrorTimestamp Time stamp for the latest ER-errors observed

Long ($int64) Yes

leftInRgistrar Quantity of MC left in pool Integer ($int32) Yes

quantity Ordered quantity of MC in pool

Integer ($int32) Yes

registrarErrorCount Quantity of ER-errors Integer ($int32) Yes

registrarId ER-identifier (number) String Yes

rejectionReason Rejection reason String No


Field Description Type Mandatory

status MC pool status String (Guide

No. 6) Yes

For an example of JSON-response (with existing buffer), see Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Length: 659 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "poolInfos" : [ { "status" : "READY", "quantity" : 9, "leftInRegistrar" : 0, "registrarId" : "Virtual Registrar", "isRegistrarReady" : true, "registrarErrorCount" : 0, "lastRegistrarErrorTimestamp" : 0 }, { "status" : "READY", "quantity" : 11, "leftInRegistrar" : 0, "registrarId" : "Virtual Registrar", "isRegistrarReady" : true, "registrarErrorCount" : 0, "lastRegistrarErrorTimestamp" : 0 } ], "leftInBuffer" : 0, "totalCodes" : 20, "poolsExhausted": false, "unavailableCodes" : 0, "availableCodes" : 20, "orderId" : "b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79", "gtin" : "01334567894339", "bufferStatus" : "ACTIVE", "totalPassed": 0, "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1" }

Example of JSON-Response (with Existing Buffer)

Figure 35


Example of the JSON response (for the declined order) is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Length: 659 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "leftInBuffer" : -1, "poolsExhausted": false, "totalCodes" : -1, "unavailableCodes" : -1, "availableCodes" : -1, "orderId" : "6be66e5e-ab2b-4b8b-b2b7-19a71ddefb9d", "gtin" : "04606038003172", "bufferStatus" : "REJECTED", "rejectionReason": "Order declined: Control and logic check of the order is not passed. 0106: Value 04606038003172 in field 'GTIN' in document 'MC order'{1} is not found in GTIN registry.", "totalPassed": -1, "omsId": "0206854c-f182-4356-8207-0c2517c3853b" }

Example of the JSON Response (for the declined order)

Figure 36


4.5.8. Method “Obtain the status of orders”

This method is applied to obtain the status of business orders using the following

parameters: security marker (token), OMS identifier. The security marker (token) is generated

by OMS during OMS client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to server within HTTP-

header with name “clientToken”.


3) the method is designed to restore the APCS after total data loss, the use of

opportunities offered thereby in the regular OMS operation processes is prohibited.

4) Applying this method from a single source, as well as the order creation method,

cannot be realized more often than 100 times per second. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-




For the request string parameter, see Table 46.

Table 46 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

REST Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/orders?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

REST Request Example

Figure 37

74 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200, and data on

the business orders status, and the unique OMS identifier. The format of response to request for

the aggregate structure is shown in Table 47. For error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 47 – Format of Response to Request for Order Status

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

orderInfos Array of orders with their statuses JSON Array of

OrderSummaryInfo (Table 48)


Table 48 – Object “OrderSummaryInfo” Format

Field Description Type Mandatory

orderId Identifier for MC emission order String (UUID) Yes

orderStatus Order status String (Guide

No.11) Yes

buffers Buffer status information array JSON Array of BufferInfo (Table 44)


createdTimestamp Order creation time Integer ($int64)


declineReason Reason for order decline String No


JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Length: 953 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "orderInfos" : [ { "orderId" : "b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79", "orderStatus" : "READY", "createdTimestamp" : 1550650989568, "buffers" : [ { "poolInfos" : [ { "status" : "READY", "quantity" : 9, "leftInRegistrar" : 0, "registrarId" : "Virtual Registrar", "isRegistrarReady" : true, "registrarErrorCount" : 0, "lastRegistrarErrorTimestamp" : 0 }, { "status" : "READY", "quantity" : 11, "leftInRegistrar" : 0, "registrarId" : "Virtual Registrar", "isRegistrarReady" : true, "registrarErrorCount" : 0, "lastRegistrarErrorTimestamp" : 0 } ], "leftInBuffer" : 20, "totalCodes" : 20, "unavailableCodes" : 0, "orderId" : "b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79", "gtin" : "01334567894339", "bufferStatus" : "ACTIVE", "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1" } ] } ] }

JSON Response Example

Figure 38


4.5.9. Method “Obtain the Aggregation Information”

This method is applied to obtain the aggregation structure using the following parameters:

token, OMS identifier, aggregate identifier. The token is generated by OMS during OMS client

registration. The token is sent to server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-




Accept: application/json


For the request string parameter, see Table 49.

Table 49 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes


Aggregate identifier. The code may contain special symbols, therefore, the value shall be encoded to the valid format ASCII (URL Encoding)

String Yes

REST Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/aggregation/info?unitSerialNumber= 0100000000777999213l1SMYX8005100000&omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080

REST Request Example

Figure 39

77 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and the

commodity nomenclature guidebook data. The format of response to request for the aggregate

structure is shown in Table 50. For error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 50 – Format of Response to Request for Information on Aggregation, object “AggregationInfo”

Field Description Type Mandatory

aggregationUnits Array of aggregation units Array of

AggregationUnit (Table 30)


omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

participantId Tax identification number String Yes

productsInfo Product information Array of

ProductInfo (Table 51)


For the description of object “ProductInfo» structure, see Table 51.

Table 51 – Object “OrderSummaryInfo” Format

Field Description Type Mandatory

gtin Product GTIN String (14) [0-

9]{14} Yes

name Product name String Yes


JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY Content-Length: 119 X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "aggregationUnit": { "aggregatedItemsCount": 48, "aggregationType": "AGGREGATION", "aggregationUnitCapacity": 50, "sntins": [ "0100000848839984215LJ", "0100000848839984215Py" ], "unitSerialNumber": "0100000000777999213l1SMYX8005100000" }, "omsId": "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "participantId": "string", "productsInfo": [ { "gtin": "string", "name": "string" } ] }

JSON Response Example

Figure 40

79 Extension of Tobacco Industry

Description of the “AggregationInfo” object extension for the tobacco industry

manufacturers is shown in Table 52.

Table 52 – Description of the “AggregationInfo” Object Extension for Tobacco Industry Manufacturers

Field Description Type Mandatory

productionLineId Production line identifier String Yes

productionOrderId Production order identifier String No

JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY Content-Length: 119 X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "aggregationUnit": { "aggregatedItemsCount": 48, "aggregationType": "AGGREGATION", "aggregationUnitCapacity": 50, "sntins": [ "0100000848839984215LJ", "0100000848839984215Py" ], "unitSerialNumber": "0100000000777999213l1SMYX8005100000" }, "omsId": "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "participantId": "string", "productionLineId": 235431, "productionOrderId": 123, "productsInfo": [ { "gtin": "string", "name": "string" } ] }

JSON Response Example

Figure 41


4.5.10. Method “Obtain the Report Processing Status”

This method is applied to obtain the report processing status using the following

parameters: security marker (token) and OMS identifier; report identifier. The security marker

(token) is generated by OMS during OMS client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to

server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-





For the request string parameter, see Table 53.

Table 53 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

reportId Unique OMS report identifier String (UUID) Yes

REST Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/report/info?reportId=fab1c0e4-9590-4ed7-8d58-18862d6a9aab&omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Host: localhost:8080

REST Request Example

Figure 42

81 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

OMS report identifier and the report processing status. The format of response to request for the

report processing status is shown in Table 54. For error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 54 – Format of Response to Request for the Report Processing Status

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

reportId Unique OMS report identifier String (UUID) Yes

reportStatus Report processing status String(Guide

No.9) Yes

JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY Content-Length: 108 X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId":"CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "reportId":"fab1c0e4-9590-4ed7-8d58-18862d6a9aab", "reportStatus":"SENT" }

JSON Response Example

Figure 43


4.5.11. Method “Send APCS Log Files”

This method is used for sending APCS log files in zip format with the following parameters:

security marker (token), OMS identifier and file in zip format. The security marker (token) is

generated by OMS during OMS client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to server

within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-port]/api/v2/{extension}/



Content-: multipart/form-data


For the request string parameter, see Table 55).

Table 55 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

For the request parameter, see Table 56.

Table 56 – Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

log File in zip format - Yes

Request Example is shown in Figure .

POST /api/v2/tobacco/logs/upload?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Content-: multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8; boundary=6o2knFse3p53ty9dmcQvWAIx1zInP11uCfbm Host: localhost:8080 --6o2knFse3p53ty9dmcQvWAIx1zInP11uCfbm Content-Disposition: form-data; name=omsId 123456 --6o2knFse3p53ty9dmcQvWAIx1zInP11uCfbm Content-Disposition: form-data; name=log; Content-Type: text/plain Test data --6o2knFse3p53ty9dmcQvWAIx1zInP11uCfbm—

Request Example

Figure 44

83 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

OMS identifier. The format of response to request for OMS availability is shown in Table 57. For

error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 57 – Format of Response to Request for OMS Availability

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 19 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1" }

JSON Response Example

Figure 45


4.5.12. Method “Check OMS Availability”

This method is used to check the OMS availability with the following parameters: security

marker (token) and OMS identifier. The security marker (token) is generated by OMS during

OMS client registration. Security marker (token) is sent to server within HTTP-header with name

“clientToken”. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-




For the request string parameter, see Table 58.

Table 58 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String(UUID) Yes

REST Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/ping?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

REST Request Example

Figure 46

85 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200 and a unique

OMS identifier. The format of response to request for OMS availability is shown in Table 59. For

error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 59 – Format of Response to Request for OMS Availability

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 19 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId":"CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1" }

JSON Response Example

Figure 47


4.5.13. Method “Obtain Security Marker by Username and Password”

This method allows getting security marker (token) by username and password. The

method uses the following parameters: OMS identifier, username and password. The obtained

security marker (token) is used in HTTP-header with name “clientToken” when calling other

OMS API methods (addressing to other recourses).

Note*: this method is not supported by the Production-based OMS. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-




tokenName: tokenName

Accept: application/json

The HTTP header parameters are shown in Table 60.

Table 60 – HTTP Header Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

tokenName User name (client device name) String Yes

For the request string parameters, see Table 61.

Table 61 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

username User's first name String Yes

password User password String Yes

REST Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/tobacco/token?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1 &username=admin&password=password HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Host: localhost:8080

REST Request Example

Figure 48

87 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200, a unique OMS

identifier and security marker (token). The format of response to request for OMS availability is

shown in Table 62. For error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 62 – Format of Response to Request for Security Marker

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

token Security marker String Yes

JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 19 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId":"CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "token":"1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f", }

JSON Response Example

Figure 49


4.5.14. Method “Obtain OMS and API Version”

This method helps obtaining the versions of OMS and API. The method does not require

any parameters. The security marker (token) generated by OMS during OMS client registration

is sent to server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Request

REST Request Parameters

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-port]/api/v2/{extension}/ version



Accept: application/json Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code -200, OMS version

number and OMS API number. The format of response to request for OMS availability is shown

in Table 63. For error codes see subsection 6.2.

Table 63 – Format of Response to Request for OMS and API Version

Field Description Type Mandatory

apiVersion OMS API version String Yes

omsVersion OMS version String Yes

JSON Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 19 { "apiVersion": "", "omsVersion": "" }

JSON Response Example

Figure 50


4.5.15. Method “Obtain the List of Marking Code Package Identifiers”

This method is used to obtain the list of marking code package identifiers issued

previously from marking code order for repeated request for marking codes by calling method

“Re-obtain marking codes from the marking code order” (see clause 4.5.16).

The method uses the following parameters: OMS identifier, order identifier, GTIN. The

security marker (token) generated by OMS during OMS client registration is sent to server within

HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. Restrictions

The list of previously issued marking code package identifiers may be obtained only if the

marking code order has not been closed and the first request for printing has been executed via

API. Request

REST request parameters:

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-





Accept: application/json

Table 64 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String(UUID) Yes


Marking code order identifier. String value. Identifier value in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

String (36) (UUID)


gtin Goods code (GTIN) for which marking code package identifiers are requested. Template: [0-9]{14}

String (14) [0-9]{14}


Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/{extension}/codes/blocks?omsId=CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1&orderId=b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79&gtin=01334567894339 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

Request Example

Figure 51

90 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code 200, a list of

marking code package identifiers. For the format of response to request for the list of marking

code package identifiers for the marking and goods code order specified, see Table 65. For

error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 65 – Format of Response to Request for the List of MC Packet Identifiers for the Marking and Goods Code Order Specified

Field Description Type Mandatory


Marking code order identifier. String value. Identifier value in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

String (36) (UUID)


gtin Goods code (GTIN) for which marking code package identifiers are requested. Template: [0-9]{14}

String (14) [0-9]{14}


omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

blocks List of marking code packages

Array of objects Block

(JSON Array of Block)


Table 66 – Format of MC Package List, Object “Block”

Field Description Type Mandatory


Marking code package identifier sent within the request. String value. Identifier value in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

String (36)(UUID)


blockDateTime Date, time of marking code package creation. Format: UnixTime

Integer ($int64) Yes

quantity Quantity of marking codes in marking code package

Integer ($int32) Yes


Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 X-RequestId: 1a59cc06-4371-4981-9e9e-019b435bfa72 Content-Length: 310 { "orderId": "b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79", "omsId": "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "gtin": "01334567894339", "blocks": [ { "blockId": "a024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c90", "blockDateTime": 1573986891, "quantity": 100 }, { "blockId": "a024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c93", "blockDateTime": 1573986910, "quantity": 100 } ] }

Response Example

Figure 52


4.5.16. Method “Re-obtain Marking Codes from the Marking Code Order”

This method is used to re-obtain emitted MC array from marking code suborder in case

when marking codes were not obtained due to communications errors or errors on the side of

System interacting with OMS.

The method uses the following parameters: order identifier, GTIN, marking code package

identifier. The security marker (token) generated by OMS during OMS client registration is sent

to server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”.

The list of previously issued marking code package identifiers is obtained by calling

method “Obtain the list of marking code package identifiers” (see cl. 4.5.1515). Restrictions

The marking codes may be repeatedly requested if

5) they were previously requested via API;

6) the suborder of marking codes has not been closed. Request

See request parameters below:

URL: http://<server>[:port]/api/v2/{extension}/codes/retry?




Accept: application/json

Table 67 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory


Marking code order identifier. String value. Identifier value in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

String (36) (UUID)


gtin Goods code (GTIN) for which marking codes are requested again. Template: [0-9]{14}

String (14) [0-9]{14}



Code block identifier. String value. Identifier value in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

String (36) (UUID)


Request Example is shown in Figure .


GET /api/v2/{extension}/codes/retry?orderId=b024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c79&gtin=01334567894339&blockId=a024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c90 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

Request Example

Figure 53

94 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code 200, a marking

code package. Format of response to request for re-obtaining of MC for the goods specified is

shown in Table 68. For error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 68 – Format of Response to Request for Re-obtainment of MC for the Goods Specified

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID)


codes Marking code package

Array of strings (JSON Array of Strings)



Marking code package identifier sent within the request. String value. Identifier value in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

String (36) (UUID)


Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 310 { "omsId": "bb179f1f-d6d5-4e09-8012-2a28648474e9", "codes": ["010460165303004621\u003drxDV3M\u001d93VXQI","..."], "blockId": "a024ae09-ef7c-449e-b461-05d8eb116c90" }

Response Example

Figure 54


4.5.17. Method “Send Report on the Utilization and Automatic

Introduction into Circulation”

This method is applied to send report on using MC and request for introduction into

circulation to OMS. The method uses OMS identifier as a parameter. The security marker

(token) generated by OMS during OMS client registration is sent to server within HTTP-header

with name “clientToken”. If the security marker (token) was obtained during the call for method

“Obtain security marker by username and password” (see section 4.5.1313), username shall be

sent within the HTTP-header named “userName”. Restrictions

Currently this method is available for the milk producers. Request

REST request parameters are provided below:

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-port]/api/v2/{extension}/






Table 69 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

For the request body parameters, see Table 70.

Table 70 – Object “RollOutReport” Structure

Field Description Type Mandatory

usageType Type of use String (enum) (Guide No.10)


documentFormat Document format. Valid value: «MANUAL»

String Yes


Valid values:

− LP_INTRODUCE_GOODS_AUTO - made in the Russian Federation

− LP_GOODS_IMPORT_AUTO – imported Note: the value "LP_GOODS_IMPORT_AUTO" is currently invalid for goods category "Dairy products”.

String Yes

participantInn Participant's INN (10 or 12 digits) String Yes

productionDate Date of production. Date (yyyy- Yes


Field Description Type Mandatory

The attribute value shall be within the following range: current date minus 5 calendar years <= productionDate <= current date.


products Information on products (see Table 73) Array of Product



Information on manufacturer, Russian Federation. To be filled if =LP_INTRODUCE_GOODS_AUTO (see Table 71)

Object Produced

No (Conditionally mandatory)


Information on import manufacturer. To be filled if =LP_GOODS_IMPORT_AUTO (see Table 72)

Object Import No

(Conditionally mandatory)

Table 71 – Description of the Object “Produced” for Goods Made in the Russian Federation

Field Description Type Mandatory

producerInn Manufacturer’s INN (10 or 12 digits)

String Yes

ownerInn Owner’s TIN/INN (10 or 12 digits). String Yes

productionType Production order type. Valid value: OWN_PRODUCTION

String Yes

Table 72 – Description of the Object “Import” for Imported Goods

Field Description Type Mandatory


Date of goods customs declaration registration. The attribute value shall be within the following range: current date minus 5 calendar years <= declarationDate <= current date.

Date (YYYY-MM-

DD) Yes

declarationNumber Goods declaration number String Yes

customsCode Customs authority code String Yes


Customs authority decision code. Integer ($int64)


Table 73 – Description of Object “Product”

Field Description Type Mandatory

code Full MC (including verification code). String Yes


Field Description Type Mandatory


Type of document confirming compliance. Valid values:

− “1” - Certificate of conformity;

− “2” - Declaration of conformity

String No


Date of document confirming compliance. The attribute value shall be within the following range: current date minus 5 calendar years <= certificateDocumentDate <= current date.

Date (YYYY-



certificateDocumentNumber Number of document confirming compliance

String No

tnvedCode Goods code as per EEU FEACN. String (10)


98 Extensions for milk producers

Description of the “RollOutReport” object extension for the milk producers is shown in

Table 74.

Table 74 – Description of Object “RollOutReport” Extension for Milk Producers

Field Description Type Mandatory

accompanyingDocument Production veterinary accompanying document

String Yes

expDate Product expiration date (shelf life exceeding 72 hours)

String (6) (YYMMDD)

No* Conditionally mandatory

expDate72 Product expiration date (shelf life under 72 hours)

String (10) (YYMMDDHHMM)

No* Conditionally mandatory

capacity Capacity, volume Double (3 decimal

places) No

Note*: The report shall obligatorily include product expiration date within attribute

“expDate” or “expDate72”. If marking codes contain product expiration date varying from the

value given in attributes “expDate” or “expDate72”, report will not be accepted.


Request example for goods made in the Russian Federation is shown in Figure .

POST /api/v2/{extension}/rollout?omsId=123456789 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080 { "usageType": "SENT_TO_PRINTER", "documentFormat": "MANUAL", "type": "LP_INTRODUCE_GOODS_AUTO", "participantInn": "1334567890", "productionDate": "10/10/2019", "accompanyingDocument": "AE68-730A-F64C-45E0-B24C-964A-DB04-33CE", "expDate": "190516", "capacity": "120.014", "products": [ { "code": "01046071128147902154BkTTHqlQl9E\u001d17190516\u001d93ZmFrZQ==", "certificateDocument": "1", "certificateDocumentDate": "10/13/2018", "certificateDocumentNumber": "1234", "tnvedCode": "1111111111" } ], "produced": { "producerInn": "1134567890", "ownerInn": "1234567890", "productionType": "OWN_PRODUCTION" } }

Request Example for Goods Made in the Russian Federation

Figure 55


Request example for the imported goods is shown in Figure .

POST /api/v2/{extension}/rollout?omsId=123456789 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080 { "usageType": "SENT_TO_PRINTER", "documentFormat": "MANUAL", "type": "LP_GOODS_IMPORT_AUTO", "participantInn": "1334567890", "productionDate": "10/10/2019", "accompanyingDocument": "AE68-730A-F64C-45E0-B24C-964A-DB04-33CE", "expDate72": "1905162112", "capacity": "120.014", "products": [ { "code": "01046071128147902154BkTTHqlQl9E\u001d70031905162112\u001d93ZmFrZQ==", "certificateDocument": "1", "certificateDocumentDate": "10/13/2018", "certificateDocumentNumber" : "1234", "tnvedCode": "1111111111" } ], "Import": { "declarationDate": "12/12/2015", "declarationNumber": "1234", "customsCode": "1234", "decisionCode": 321 } }

Request example for the imported goods

Figure 56

101 Response to Request

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code 200 and a unique

identifier of report on utilization/introduction into circulation. The format of response to request is

shown in Table 75. For error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 75 - Format of Response to Request

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID) Yes

reportId Unique identifier of report on utilization/introduction into circulation

String (UUID) Yes

Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 74 Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId" : "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "reportId" : "46795d19-5024-404e-9275-959ac89ccb57" }

Response Example

Figure 57


4.5.18. Method “Request for the Document Number of Report on Introduction into


This method is used to obtain the identifier of TT GIS document on the introduction into

circulation report.

The security marker (token) generated by OMS during OMS client registration is sent to

server within HTTP-header with name “clientToken”. If the security marker (token) was obtained

during the call for method “Obtain security marker by username and password”, username shall

be sent within the HTTP-header named “userName”. Restrictions

Currently this method is available for the milk producers. Request

REST request parameters are provided below:

URL: http://<server-name>[:server-port]/api/v2/{extension}/






Table 76 – Request String Parameters

Parameter Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String Yes

reportId Unique identifier of report on utilization/introduction into circulation

String Yes

Request Example is shown in Figure .

GET /api/v2/{extension}/rollout?omsId=123456789?reportId=46795d19-5024-404e-9275-959ac89ccb57 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json clientToken: 1cecc8fb-fb47-4c8a-af3d-d34c1ead8c4f Host: localhost:8080

Request Example

Figure 58

103 Response

Upon successful completion of request, the server returns HTTP code 200, a unique

identifier of document generated in TT GIS, its status, and rejection reason (if any). The format

of response to request is shown in Table 77. For error codes, see subsection 6.2.

Table 77 - Format of Response to Request

Field Description Type Mandatory

omsId Unique OMS identifier String (UUID)



Unique identifier of TT GIS document on introduction into circulation. TT GIS document identifier comes when the document has been successfully sent to TT GIS (status SENT)

String (UUID)


reportId Unique identifier of report on utilization/introduction into circulation

String (UUID)




− PENDING means the document is being processed;

− SENT means the document has been successfully sent to TT GIS;

− REJECTED means the document has been rejected.

String Yes

reason Document rejection reason String No

Response example is shown in Figure .

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 74 Pragma: no-cache X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Expires: 0 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Content--Options: nosniff Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate { "omsId": "CDF12109-10D3-11E6-8B6F-0050569977A1", "documentId": "46795d19-5024-404e-9275-959ac89ccb57", "reportId": "46795d19-5024-404e-9275-959ac89ccb52", "status": "SENT" }

Response Example

Figure 59



5.1. Nature, Arrangement and Initial Preparation of Input and Output Data

5.1.1. Information Sources

The main information sources for the system are:

7) Related information systems involved in both infocommunication and functional


8) Data entered by system users.

Operations on:

9) analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signal conversion;

10) optical character recognition;

11) other actions to bring information to a form suitable for computer processing

are not provided for as part of the OMS-Production 3.1 AS functions.

5.1.2. Methods of Data Collection, Transmission, Control and Correction


The information arrays are collected during the system operation through:

12) Receiving of structured XML-documents generated on the basis of specified XSD-

schemes via collaborative services.

13) User input of information in screen forms and its subsequent storage in the


Data integrity control is implemented by the system application software and tools built

in the used DBMS (restrictions, indices, primary and secondary keys). Data entry and correction

shall be carried out only through the system software components. Direct user access to the

database is not expected.

The main requirements to the processes of data collection, transmission, control and

correction arrangement are to ensure the reliability, verifiability, confidentiality, accessibility,

efficiency of the data collected and transmitted.

The reliability requirement implies arrangement of the information collection and

transmission process, within the scope of which the transmitted and collected information will

not be subject to misrepresentation.

The verifiability requirement implies arrangement of the information collection and

transmission process which allows control over the reliability of the transmitted information.

The confidentiality requirement means provision of access to information in strict

adherence to the established access isolation priorities and rules.


The accessibility requirement means the fundamental possibility of obtaining the

collected information and its transfer.

The efficiency requirement implies such arrangement of the information collection and

transmission process, during which the available information will be transmitted in a time frame

acceptable for its analysis.


5.2. Format, Description and Encoding Method of the Input and Output

Data when Using API

Format, description and encoding method of the input and output data when using

API are provided in description of the relevant methods.


5.3. Guides Accessible via API

5.3.1. Guides to Control the Marking Codes Guide “Method of Goods Introduction into Circulation”

List of possible values of guide “Method of goods introduction into circulation" is shown in

Table 78.

Table 78 – Possible Values of Guide “Method of Goods Introduction into Circulation”

Constant Value Type

PRODUCTION Manufacturing in the Russian Federation String

IMPORT Imported to the RF (Import) String


Marking of remains (available only for GG "Footwear", "Tires and new pneumatic rubber tires", "Photo cameras (except cine camera), flash lights and flash bulbs", "Items of clothing, bed, table, bath and kitchen linen")


CROSSBORDER Imported to the RF from the EEU countries (available only for GG “Footwear”)


Note: the choice of REMAINS introduction into circulation method for GG "Footwear" is

available only for goods produced/purchased before 7/1/2020 and is limited in time: for imported

goods (imported into the Russian Federation from 7/1/2020) until 8/1/2020; in other cases - until

9/1/2020. Guide “Method of Individual Serial Number Generation”

The list of possible values of guide “Method of individual serial number generation" is

shown in Table 79.

Table 79 – Possible Values of Guide “Method of Individual Serial Number Generation”

Constant Value Type

SELF_MADE No assistance String

OPERATOR By TT IS operator String Guide “Marking Type”

The list of possible values of guide “Marking type” is provided in Table 80.

Table 80 – Possible Values of Guide “Marking type”

Constant Value Type

PRODUCT_PACKAGE For consumer package String

PRODUCT For product String

PRODUCT_LABEL For product label String

108 Guide “Manufacturing Method”

List of possible values of guide “Manufacturing Method” is shown in Table 81.

Table 81 – Possible Values of Guide “Manufacturing Method”

Constant Value Type

SELF_MADE No assistance String

CEM LMC String Guide “MC Templates”

List of possible values of guide “MC templates” is shown in Table 82.

Table 82 – Possible Values of Guide “Manufacturing Method”

Constant Value Type

1 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (13 chars) String

2 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (13 chars) String

3 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (7 chars) String

4 GTIN + serial (7 chars) String

5 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (13 chars) String


01 + GTIN + 21 + SERIAL (13 chars) + 17 + expDate (6 char) or 01 + GTIN + 21 + SERIAL (13 chars) + 7003 + expDate72 (10 char) or 01 + GTIN + 21 + SERIAL (13 chars)


7 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (13 chars) String

8 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (20 chars) String

9 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (13 chars) String

10 01 + GTIN + 21 + serial (13 chars) String

11 01 + GTIN + 21 + SERIAL (13 chars) String

12 01 + GTIN + 21 + SERIAL (13 chars) String

Table 83 – Description of MC Templates

Name Description

Template 1 Light industry, footwear (applicable to footwear only)

Template 2 Medicines

Template 3 Cigarettes, cartons

Template 4 Cigarettes, packs

Template 5 Medicines (short verification code)

Template 6 Milk producers (short verification code)


Name Description

Template 7 Tire manufacturers (short verification code)

Template 8 Photo products manufacturers (short verification code)

Template 9 Perfumery products manufacturers (short verification code)

Template 10 Light industry (short verification code), excluding the footwear

Template 11 Bicycles and bicycle frames

Template 12 Wheelchairs

Note: Pack-template lacks AI in template and MC. Guide “MC Array Status”

List of possible values of guide “MC Array Status” is shown in Table 84.

Table 84 – Possible Values of Guide “MC Array Status”

Constant Value Type

REQUEST_ERROR Incorrect request format String

REQUESTED MC array (pool) was requested in ER String

IN_PROCESS Processing in progress String

READY MC array (pool) ready for use String

CLOSED All MCs in array were fully utilized String

DELETED MC array exhausted and closed String

REJECTED Order not completed (incorrect order parameters—e.g., the order contains non-unique serial numbers)



State diagram is shown in Figure .


В обработке













MC Array Status

Figure 60 Guide “Aggregation Type”

List of possible values of guide “Aggregation Type” is shown in Table 85.

Table 85 – Possible Values of Guide “Aggregation Type”

Constant Value Type

AGGREGATION New aggregation String


Update of existing aggregation

Note: selecting this value means repacking (only those

marking codes, which were sent within the current

request, will belong to the specified aggregate code).

String Guide “MC Buffer Status”

List of possible values of guide “MC buffer status” is shown in Table 86.

Table 86 – Possible Values of Guide “MC Buffer Status”

Constant Value Type

PENDING MC buffer pending String

ACTIVE Buffer is created String


Constant Value Type

EXHAUSTED No more codes left in the buffer and pools of ER String

REJECTED Buffer is non-operational String

CLOSED Buffer is closed String

State diagram is shown in Figure .






В ожидании





MC Buffer Status

Figure 61 Guide “Report Processing Status”

List of possible values of guide “Report processing status” is shown in Table 87.

Table 87 – Possible Values of Guide “Report Processing Status”

Constant Value Type

DRAFT Report received by the OMS (Outdated, not applied) String

PENDING Report pending String

READY_TO_SEND Report ready to be sent to ER String

REJECTED Report rejected String

SENT Report sent String


State diagram is shown in Figure .


Готов к отправке




В ожидании



Report processing status

Figure 62 Guide “Type of Utilization”

List of possible values of guide “Type of utilization” is shown in Table 88.

Table 88 – Possible Values of Guide “Type of Utilization”

Constant Value Type

USED_FOR_PRODUCTION MC sent to production line String

SENT_TO_PRINTER Production line sent MC to printer String

PRINTED MC printed String

PRINTER_LOST MC lost by printer—confirmed String

VERIFIED MC application—confirmed String Guide “Order Status”

List of possible values of guide “Order status” is shown in Table 89.

Table 89 – Possible Values of Guide “Order Status”

Constant Value Type

CREATED Order created String

PENDING Order awaiting confirmation by TT IS String

DECLINED Order is not confirmed in TT IS String

APPROVED Order is confirmed in TT IS String

READY Order ready String

CLOSED Order closed String


State diagram is shown in Figure .






В ожидании







Order status

Figure 63 Guide “Dropout Reason”

List of possible values of guide “Dropout Reason” is shown in Table 90.

Table 90 – Possible Values of Guide “Dropout Reason”

Code Constant Description Type

0 DEFECT Defect String

1 EXPIRY Shelf life is expired String

2 QA_SAMPLES Laboratory test samples String

3 PRODUCT_RECALL Recalled from market String

4 COMPLAINTS Complaints String

5 PRODUCT_TESTING Product testing String

6 DEMO_SAMPLES Demo samples String

7 OTHER Other reasons String

114 Guide “Marking Code Type”

Table 91 shows a list of possible values for guide “Marking code type”.

Table 91 – Possible Values of Guide “Marking Code Type”

Constant Description Type

UNIT Goods item String

BUNDLE Bundle String



6.1. Messages to the Operator transmitted via GUI

6.1.1. Information windows

If any error occurs during the program execution, a red pop-up window opens in the

Web-browser with two types of messages:

14) Program entry error message (Figure ).

Program entry error message

Figure 64

15) System error message (Figure ).

System error message

Figure 65


6.2. Error Format and Codes

6.2.1. Error format

The format of response with error is shown in Table 92.

Table 92 – Format of Response with Error

Field Description Type

fieldErrors Error JSON Array Of

ProtobeansError Object

globalErrors Description of global errors JSON Array Of string

success Request execution result Boolean

For the description of object “ProtobeansError” format, see Table 93.

Table 93 – Object “ProtobeansError” Format

Field Description Type

fieldError Error description String

fieldName Field name String

Example of JSON response with error is shown in Figure .

{ "fieldErrors": [ { "fieldError": "string", "fieldName": "string" } ], "globalErrors": [ "string" ], "success": false }

Example of JSON response with error

Figure 66

6.2.2. Description of Errors

Error codes in response to request are shown in Table 94.


Table 94 – Data Send Error Codes

Error code Description

400 Operation not completed. Wrong input parameters

500 Operation not completed. Internal server error.




Matrix of provision of OMS API 2.0 services by OMS software package components is

shown in this section (Table 95).

Table 95 – OMS API 2.0 Services Provision Matrix

OMS API 2.0 Method OMS-Client OMS-

Production OMS-Cloud

1. Create order for emission of marking codes.

● ● ●

2. Send report on MC dropout/rejection.

● ● ●

3. Send report on MC aggregation

● ● ●

4. Send report on MC utilization.

● ● ●

5. Close the suborder by the GTIN specified.

● ● ●

6. Obtain MC from the order.

● ● ●

7. Obtain MC array status from the order

● ● ●

8. Obtain the status of orders

● ● ●

9. Obtain the aggregation information

● ● ●

10. Obtain the report processing status

● ● ●

11. Send APCS log files ● ● ●

12. Check OMS availability

● ● ●

13. Obtain security marker by username and password

● ● ○

14. Obtain OMS and API version;

● ● ●

15. Obtain the list of marking code package identifiers;

● ● ●


OMS API 2.0 Method OMS-Client OMS-

Production OMS-Cloud

16. Re-obtain marking codes from marking code order

● ● ●

17. Send report on the utilization and automatic introduction into circulation

● ● ●

18. Request for the document number of report on introduction into circulation

● ● ●



This section contains OMS API 2.0 use examples.

8.1. Signing Requests with the Electronic Digital Signature

This subsection describes the method of signing an HTTP request using the example of

CryptoPro JCP library from CRYPTO-PRO Limited Liability Company. When using a library of

other crypto provider, follow the guidelines for the selected library.

Before using other libraries, make sure that the library supports the required standards

which can be found in subsection 2.3.

8.1.1. Library “CryptoPro JCP”

To get the CryptoPro JCP library, go through the registration procedure on the official

website of CRYPTO-PRO Limited Liability Company ( After

registration, go to the "Download Center" section and select the required library from the list, in

our case it is "CryptoPro JCP" (Figure ).


List of CryptoPro Software Products

Figure 67

After clicking on the "CryptoPro JCP" link, the user gets the list of library versions

available for downloading (Figure ).


List of “CryptoPro JCP” Versions

Figure 68

After downloading the selected version, get access on your computer to archive "jcp-" with the library and examples of use (see Figure ).


Content of “CryptoPro JCP” Library

Figure 69

The “sample-sources” directory contains a subdirectory “CMS_samples”, which

provides an example of classes and functions to generate a detached signature of CMS

format [IETF RFC 5652] (Figure ).

Examples of “CryptoPro JCP” Use

Figure 70


The next section provides an example of calling a function to sign a request using

detached signature in CMS format [IETF RFC 5652]; the requirements for request signing are

given in section 2.3.1.

8.1.2. Example with the Use of Library to Sign the Request

Below is an example of using “CryptoPro JCP” library using classes from the

examples distributed with the library.

Note: The program code in the examples distributed with the library is intended for

training purposes. This code cannot be directly used to protect information. Crypto-Pro

company does not bear any responsibility for the operation of this code. (C) Crypto-Pro, LLC


To sign the request, the data must be converted into a byte array and sent to

CMS.CMSSignEx signature method of the library, see the method parameters below (Table

96). To generate a detached signature, parameter “detached” shall contain value “true”.

Table 96 - Parameters of CMS Format Signature Generation Function.


/** * sign CMS * * @param data - Signed data array * @param key - Private key * @param cert cert - Certificate * @param detached - Detached signature use attribute * @param digestOid - OID of hashing algorithm * @param signOid - OID of signature algorithm * @param signAlg – Signature algorithm name * @param providerName – Provider name; * @throws Exception e */ public static byte[] CMSSignEx(byte[] data, PrivateKey key, Certificate cert, boolean detached, String digestOid, String signOid, String signAlg, String providerName) throws Exception { // sign final Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(signAlg, providerName); signature.initSign(key); signature.update(data); final byte[] sign = signature.sign(); // create cms format return createCMSEx(data, sign, cert, detached, digestOid, signOid); }


The function execution result is the signature of CMS format [IETF RFC 5652], the

generated signature of the message request in CMS format fit in the HTTP header in “X-

Signature” parameter in Base64 encoding.

Verification of the generated request signature fit in HTTP in “X-Signature” parameter can

be performed with the support program use of cURL command-line designed to transfer data

using cURL syntax.

An example of command used to verify the request signature is shown below (Table 97).

Table 97 - Example of Command to Verify the Request Signature


curl -X POST "" -H "@headers.txt" -H "@XSignature.txt" --data "@order.json" PAUSE >nul


16) URL: address of the resource where the request is sent;

17) "@headers.txt" – file containing the HTTP header of the request (excluding “X-

Signature” parameter);

18) "@XSignature.txt" – file containing parameter “X-Signature” from the request HTTP


19) "@order.json" – file containing the request data.




List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

2.81 11/05/2020 3.1.13

The following modifications were introduced:

- Note added that the method to send a report on Dropout/Rejection of MC is available for “Dairy Products” goods group 9 (see Section 4.5.2);

- The stints field description amended in the structure DropoutReport object used in the request of sending the report on dropout/rejection of MC: the field must now contain full marking codes, including the verification code (see Section;

- Added an example of REST request for sending a report on dropout/rejection of MC containing the DropoutReport object and no extensions (used for Dairy Products) (see Section

2.80 5/7/2020 3.1.12

The following modifications were introduced:

- Typo corrected in templateId in the example of order creation for goods group “Items of Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen”: value 1 changed to 10 (see Section

- Typo corrected in the display of the list of goods group codes: bicycle and wheelchairs code added (see Section 4.5)

- Example of order creation for the “Medicines for Human Use” goods group was changed: templateId changed to 5, emission payment attribute freeCode changed to false, paymentType changed to 2 (see Section

- Note to field serialNumberType for order creation request was changed: the initially set field value can not be changed for one GTIN for the “Tobacco Products” goods group only (see Section

- Unused guides were deleted from the list of guides: “IM Type” (printable, adhesive, hanging), “Method of Receipt” (hard copy, soft copy).

2.79 4/24/2020 3.1.12

The following modifications were introduced:

- Guide for marking code types was added (see Section

- “cisType” (marking code type) field was added to the “OrderProduct” object extension used in the order creation request for three goods groups: “Items of clothing, bed, table, bath and kitchen linen”, “Perfume and eau de toilette”, “Photo cameras (except for cine cameras), flash lights and flash bulbs” (see Sections,,

2.78 4/22/2020 3.1.12

The following modifications were introduced:

− Note on automatic sending of utilization reports was added (see Section 4.5.4);


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

− Note on the meaning of UPDATE aggregation type was added (see Section

2.77 4/17/2020 3.1.12

The following modifications were introduced:

- A note is added that the value “IMPORT” of the Method of goods release into circulation is currently invalid for goods category “Dairy products” (see section;

- A note is added that the value of “type” field of “LP_GOODS_IMPORT_AUTO” is currently invalid when sending a report on automatic release into circulation for goods category “Dairy products” (see section;

- The note about permitted values of the aggregate code is changed for goods category “Dairy products”: it shall contain the shipping package code SSCC (see section;

- Duplicating words are removed in the note for “exporterTaxpayerId” field (see section

2.76 4/13/2020 3.1.12

The following modifications were introduced:

- “customsReceiverId” field description and conditions of its use in the structure of request for sending report on utilization were added - for medicines (see section;

- description of modified conditions of “controlId” field usage in the structure of request for sending report on utilization was added - for medicines (see section

2.75 3/20/2020


The following modifications were introduced:

- Description of the permitted range for expDate, expDate72 dates was added;

- Misprint in freeCode field name was corrected: The Russian letter “C” was changed to the English one;

- Broken link to section 2.2.15 in section 2.2.16 was corrected.

2.74 3/18/2020


The following modifications were introduced:

- The wording regarding the signature for a number of product groups was changed: if signing of order via API is not used, then signing via UI is required;

- Misprint with “expectedCompleteTimestamp” field name in the description of the response to the order creation request was corrected.

2.73 3/10/2020


The following modifications were introduced:

- According to WMS (No. 216 of 2/29/2020), restrictions on marking of the footwear remains were changed: dates 3/1/2020, 4/1/2020 and 5/1/2020 were changed to 7/1/2020, 8/1/2020 and 9/1/2020 respectively.

2.72 3/1/2020 following modifications were introduced:

− The Note was added to the introduction into circulation method


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications


− Misprints with indication of GG, for which introduction into circulation method «REMAINS» is available, were corrected.

− “Order” object extension was added in the request for creation of order for GG “goods”

2.71 2/25/2020 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− Notes to sub-clauses “Method “Create order for emission of marking codes” and Method “Obtain the status of orders” were updated

2.70 2/19/2020 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− The text of Notes in subsection “General information” was changed.

− Links to API methods in subsection “General information” were added.

− In the first example of response to request for MC array status (suborder) from the order, a misprint with missing mandatory fields was corrected

2.69 2/17/2020 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− Note was added to the format of of response to request for marking code array status (suborder) from the order, as well as additional example – in case of the order decline

2.68 2/14/2020 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− Valid values were provided for “certificateDocument” field in the request for sending the report on utilization and automatic introduction into circulation.

− The Note was added reading that calling the order creation method from one source cannot be realized more often than one time per second.

− The misprint in the name of “exporterTaxpayerId” field in the note under relevant table was corrected

− In response to the request for the number of document on introduction into circulation, the name of “rejectedReason” field was changed to correct “reason”.

− The name of the method in the example of the response to the request for the number of document on introduction into circulation was changed from “exploitation” to “rollout”.

− The format of “subjectId” field in the example of a request for sending report an application for the pharmaceutical industry in case of production outside the Russian Federation was corrected. − In the examples of the utilization and automatic introduction into circulation report sending method, the format of fields “accompanyingDocument” and “code” was corrected


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

2.67 1/22/2020


The following modifications were introduced:

− Non-mandatory fields were added to examples for several API.

− For dropout, aggregation and utilization report sending methods, the Notes contain the goods groups for which these methods are not accessible.

− In the example of order creation for the goods group “Perfumes and Eau de Toilette”, the template number was changed from 7 to 9.

− In the second example of sending the utilization report for the goods group “Medicines” (if they are produced outside the Russian Federation), mandatory field “controlId” was added.

− Parameter “usedInProduction” was added to the description of the utilization report sending method for the goods group “Milk”.

− In the example of obtaining package identifiers, field “gtin” mistakenly used for the second time was replaced with the correct “omsId”.

− In the description of the the utilization and automatic introduction into circulation report sending method, the type of the “tnvedCode” field was changed to string one.

− The section describing examples of sending an aggregation report for milk producers was added; − In sub-clause “Request” of “Send MC aggregation report” method, the description of “sntins” field in the relevant table was extended and a Note was added to “unitSerialNumber” field.

2.66 12/30/2019 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− In Guide No. 1. the description of constant IMPORT in Russian was changed from “Imported” to “Imported to the RF (import)”.

− In Guide No. 14, the description of constant EXPIRY in Russian was changed from “Expiration” to “Expired”

2.65 12/19/2019 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− The utilization and automatic introduction into circulation report sending method and request for the number of document on introduction into circulation were added

2.64 12/3/2019 3.1.10

The following modifications were introduced:

− The option of repetitive MC obtaining was added.

− Parameters “productionLineId”, “productionOrderId” were transferred to a separate extension for the tobacco industry from the response of the method for obtaining information on aggregation.

− An extension of “OrderProduct” object for GG “goods” was added.

− The type of “accompanyingDocument” field (Production veterinary accompanying document) was changed from String (UUID) to String

2.63 11/28/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− The method for obtaining the commodity nomenclature guide (product/info) was removed.

− GG “Dairy products” support was restored

2.62 11/20/2019 3.1.9 The following modifications were introduced:

− The order closure description was changed


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

2.61 11/15/2019 3.1.9 The following modifications were introduced:

− GG “Dairy products” support was removed

2.60 11/7/2019 3.1.9

The following modifications were introduced:

− The new value “CROSSBORDER” (Imported to the RF from the EEU countries) was added to Guide “Method of Goods Introduction into Circulation”. Available for GG “Footwear” only

2.59 10/29/2019 3.1.9

The following modifications were introduced:

− MC templates were changed for GG “Dairy products”

− The “Order” object extension in the order structure was added for GG “Dairy Products”.

− “UtilizationationReport” object extension in the utilization report was added for GG “Dairy Products”.

− For the pharmaceutical industry, the bindingness parameters were changed in the “Order” object.

− For the pharmaceutical industry, the field “Production Date” was added to the request for the usage (application) report generation.

− Extensions of the base object “Order” were added for GG "Bicycles and Bicycle Frames" and "Wheelchairs".

− The Note was added, if the fields "sourceDocDate" and "sourceDocNum" in the request for dropout (rejection) report creation for GG “Tobacco” are not filled, they shall be filled in automatically by OMS.

− Guide “Dropout Reason” was updated

2.58 10/11/2019 3.1.8

The following modifications were introduced:

− The section with the list of methods was restructured, sections “Formation of GS1 DataMatrix” and “JSON Processing” were added.

− The method to obtain the OMS and API version was added.

− For categories of goods groups (Items of clothing, bed linen, table linen, bath and kitchen linen, Footwear, Perfume and Eau de Toilette, Tyres and new pneumatic rubber tire casings and Photo cameras (except cine camera) flash lights and flash bulbs) in the order extension object, the attributes “Number of contract with Operator” (contractNumber) and “Date of contract with operator” (contractDate) are non-mandatory and are not currently used (will be excluded in the future)

2.57 10/10/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− In the response to request for MC from the order, the “blockld” parameter was updated with UUID format indication

2.56 10/3/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− Description of requirements for transmission of detached digital signature was updated

2.55 10/2/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− Section with description of requirements for transmission of detached digital signature was added

2.54 9/30/2019 The following modifications were introduced:


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

− Description of extensions was updated.

− Extension of the order for Light Industry for the goods group category “ goods” and category “Items of clothing, bed linen, table linen, bath and kitchen linen” were transformed into separate extensions.

− Extension for the order for tire manufacturers for the goods group category “Tires and new pneumatic rubber tire casings” was updated.

− Extension for the order for perfumery products manufacturers for the goods group category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette” was updated.

− Extension for the order for photo products manufacturers for goods group category “Photo cameras (except cine cameras), flash lights and flash bulbs” was updated.

− For the pharmaceutical industry, description of extension for the order was updated

2.53 9/25/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− The information attribute “offset” is excluded in MC obtaining response

2.52 9/24/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− The compulsoriness of attribute “contactPerson” was corrected, the attribute is mandatory

2.51 9/23/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− Valid marking codes according to GS1 specification were updated

2.50 9/20/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− For the Tobacco industry, the “sourceReportId” attribute is updated in the extension of MC utilization report

2.49 9/20/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− For the tobacco industry, the example of the MC utilization report sending request was updated.

− The information attribute “offset” was added in the response when obtaining MC.

− Attributes “freeCode” and “payment” were added to the extension of object “Order” for the pharmaceutical industry.

− Value “REMAINS” was added to the guide “Method of goods introduction into circulation”.

− Attributes “contractNumber” and “contractDate” were added to the extension of object “Order” for the light industry.

− The product registration API was excluded from the document

2.48 8/29/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− The description of the product registration API (Product Registration API ) was added.

− Non-mandatory parameter “brandcode” was added to the extension for the tobacco industry

2.47 8/23/2019 The following modifications were introduced:


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

− Restriction on the number of marking codes was added to the dropout report

2.46 8/20/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− The restriction and parameter “tokenName” were added to the method of obtaining security marker by username and password

2.45 8/15/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− In the Light Industry extension of the order object, the following attributes shall be excluded:

o CEM name (cemName). o CEM contract number (cemContractNum). o CEM contract date (cemContractNum). o CEM INN (cemInn). o Delivery address (deliveryAddress). o IM type (identification). o Marking (marking). o Receiving method (receiveМethod).

− In extension for Light Industry, the related object “DeliveryAddress” was removed

2.44 8/5/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− Explanation regarding the serial numbers generation method was added.

− Explanation to template 1 and 10 was added

2.43 8/1/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− The maximum amount of MC in the utilization report (30,000 MC) was changed

2.42 7/31/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− Template for the Light Industry was added

2.41 7/26/2019 The following modifications were introduced:

− The marking code order closure rule (Note) was added.

− The marking code order obtaining rule (Note) was added

2.40 7/22/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− The marking code templates for photo and perfumery products manufacturers were added.

− In addition to description of MC array statuses, the state diagram was provided.

− In addition to description of MC buffer statuses, the state diagram was provided.

− In addition to description of the report processing statuses, the state diagram was provided.

− In addition to description of the order statuses, the state diagram was provided.

− The Note, containing restrictions on the number of marking codes in the order and the number of goods items in one order, was added to the description of method “Create order for emission of marking codes”; for the tobacco industry, information on MRP was added.


List of registered changes

Version Date OMS

version List of Modifications

− In method “Send report on MC dropout/rejection”, changes regarding the marking code included in the report (GTIN + serial #) were made

2.39 7/17/2019

The following modifications were introduced:

− Two fields were added to "BufferInfo" object: rejectionReason, totalPassed.

− The field “declineReason” was added to object “OrderSummaryInfo”.

− The “draft” report send status was indicated as outdated, not used

2.38 7/8/2019 “omsId” format (UUID) was updated in the document. The request and response examples were corrected.

2.37 7/5/2019

1. The following modifications were introduced for milk producers:

− The marking code template (template 6) was changed.

− Extension for the object “OrderProduct”, including fields “expDate” and “expDate72”, was added.

2. The following changes (not affecting the integration implementation) were made for the tobacco industry:

− Extension for the object “OrderProduct” (Table 7), including field “mrp”, was added

2.36 7/5/2019 Subsections of the object model extensions for goods groups were added

2.35 7/4/2019 The OMS API 2.0 services provision matrix was added.

2.34 7/4/2019 Changes were made to the format of the marking code template for

light industry, the FEACN code is excluded from the marking code template



The following terms are used in this document:

1) Hardware — PC (personal computer) or another computer equipment (mainframe,

minicomputer, microcomputer, PDA (pocket digital assistant), computer terminal).

2) Individual user’s hardware is a computer equipment providing the following:

− automation of computer component for the daily work of the Customer’s personnel;

− access to information services automating processes of the Customer’s enterprise.

3) Shared hardware is a computer equipment intended for

− arrangement of a computational platform automating processes of the Customer;

− adjustment and control of hardware included into the automated system;

− accumulation and processing of data used at automation of processes of the Customer.

4) General software is a complex of program components providing minimal hardware


− environment for start and operation of other program tools (operating system);

− tools for operation with structured data sets (DBMS);

− tools for accessing Internet resources (Web-browser);

− tools for hardware resources publication on the Internet (Webserver).

5) Special software is a set of software components specially developed for particular

hardware (not a “box version” software).

6) End hardware is equipment and devices directly managed by automated system (via

information communication channels) or indirectly (via functional interface with related

systems) and intended for performance of process functions (printer, scanner, registrar,

controller etc.).

7) Aggregation is a process of bundling products (in consumer package) into a first-level

shipping package, as well as of first-level shipping packages into higher-level shipping

package with application of shipping package identification code to the shipping

package specifying information on the correlation among the identification codes of

each included product, consumer package, shipping package.

8) Introduction of goods into circulation when manufacturing goods:

− in the territory of the Russian Federation, entering of goods on the balance sheet of the

manufacturer of such goods or initial compensatory or non-compensatory transfer of

goods from the manufacturer to the new owner or another person for the purpose of

alienation or for further sale making these goods available for distribution and/or use;


− in the territory of the Russian Federation, in case of contract manufacturing, entering of

goods produced within and under the contract and transferred from the goods

manufacturer, to the balance sheet of the goods owner;

− outside the territory of the Russian Federation (excluding goods imported from the

Eurasian Economic Union member states), customs release for domestic consumption

of goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation;

− outside the territory of the Russian Federation for the goods imported from the Eurasian

Economic Union member states within the cross-border trade in the customs territory of

the Eurasian Economic Union, import of goods by a legal entity or an individual

registered as individual entrepreneur into the Russian Federation.

A proposal for sale (sale), made by a commission agent, of goods received from

individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs (with the exception of goods previously

purchased and returned by individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs) is also

recognized as introduction into circulation within the commission agreement, including a

offering goods for further trade (sale) prior to their display at the point of sale and upon

display at the place of sale, demonstration of their samples or the provision of

information about them at the place of sale.

9) Track and Trace Government Information System for the goods subject to the mandatory

marking with the identification means (Track and Trace Information System, TT GIS) is

a government information system created to automatize the processes of acquisition

and processing of data on circulation of goods subject to mandatory marking with the

identification means, store such information, provide access to it, deliver and distribute

it, enhance the exchange efficiency for such information, and enable traceability of the

goods mentioned, as well as for other purposes as stipulated in the federal laws.

10) Importer of goods (importer) is a legal entity or individual registered as an individual

entrepreneur, who imports goods to the Russian Federation from the territories of the

states which are not members of the Eurasian Economic Union, or goods purchased in

the framework of cross-border trade in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic


11) Individual Serial Number (ISN) is a sequence of symbols that distinctly identifies a

goods item (consumer package of goods) on the basis of the goods code.

12) Electronic Interface is aggregated resources and rules that enable interaction between

the goods circulation participants’ firmware and Track and Trace Information System.


13) Identification Code (IC) is a sequence of symbols comprising a unique number of goods

item formed by the Track and Trace Information System operator in order to identify

goods, including those in consumer package.

The identification code consists of the first and second groups of the marking code data


− the first group consists of 14 digits and contains the goods code, which is preceded by

the application identifier (01), is generated by the operator on the basis of information

provided by the goods circulation participant when registering goods in the Track and

Trace Information System;

− the second group consists of 13 characters (digits, lowercase and uppercase letters of

the Latin alphabet, as well as special characters) and contains the individual serial

number of the goods item, which is preceded by the application identifier (21) and which

is generated by the operator or goods circulation participant. The ending character for

this data group shall be the delimiter having code 29 in the ASCII character table.

14) Shipping Package Identification Number (SPIN) is a sequence of symbols comprising a

unique item of the goods shipping package in the form of a one-dimensional bar code

which complies with GS1-128 international standard. The content of the transport

packing identification code shall be determined by the goods circulation participant who

carries out aggregation of goods into transport packing.

15) Marking Code (MC) is a unique sequence of symbols consisting of identification and

verification codes, generated by the operator in order to identify goods, including those

in consumer package.

The marking code includes 4 groups of data, where the first and second groups form

identification code, while the third and fourth groups form verification code:

− the first group consists of 14 digits and contains the goods code, which is preceded by

the application identifier (01), is generated by the operator on the basis of information

provided by the goods circulation participant when registering goods in the Track and

Trace Information System;

− the second group consists of 13 characters (digits, lowercase and uppercase letters of

the Latin alphabet, as well as special characters) and contains the individual serial

number of the goods item, which is preceded by the application identifier (21) and which

is generated by the operator or goods circulation participant. The ending character for

this data group shall be the delimiter having code 29 in the ASCII character table;


− the third group consists of 4 characters and contains verification code, which is preceded

by the application identifier (91) generated by the operator. The ending character for this

data group shall be the special character-delimiter having code 29 in the ASCII

character table;

− the fourth group consists of 88 characters (digits, lowercase and uppercase letters of the

Latin alphabet, and special characters) and contains verification code, which is

preceded by the application identifier (92) generated by the operator. The ending

character for this data group shall be the special character-delimiter having code 29 in

the ASCII character table.

16) Verification Code (VC) is a sequence of symbols generated by the operator as a result

of cryptographic conversion of identification code which allows fake identification code

detection while checking it with the use of a fiscal memory device and (or) technical

means intended to check the verification code. It includes the third and the fourth

marking code data groups.

− the third group consists of 4 characters and contains verification code, which is preceded

by the application identifier (91) generated by the operator. The ending character for this

data group shall be the special character-delimiter having code 29 in the ASCII

character table;

− the fourth group consists of 88 characters (digits, lowercase and uppercase letters of the

Latin alphabet, and special characters) and contains verification code, which is

preceded by the application identifier (92) generated by the operator. The ending

character for this data group shall be the special character-delimiter having code 29 in

the ASCII character table.

17) Goods Code (GC, GTIN) is a unique code assigned to a group of goods while

describing them at an information resource that enables accounting and storage of

reliable data on the goods by corresponding codes of the unified Foreign Economic

Activity Goods Nomenclature of the Eurasian Economic Union (the goods


18) Contract manufacturing means manufacturing to order of goods under the customer’s

trademark at capacities of a third party that ensures full observance of technological

cycle and quality control regarding finished goods in accordance with the customer’s



19) User Account (UA) is an information service located in the Internet at the operator

website, duly provided by the operator to a goods circulation participant or a federal

executive body, and used by the operator, goods circulation participant and federal

executive body.

20) Marked Goods are goods with identification means applied, the reliable information of

which (including information about the applied identification means and/or material

media having the identification means) is contained in the Track and Trace Information


21) Marking of goods with the identification means is application of goods identification

means on the consumer package, or product label, or goods.

22) Goods Circulation means import into the Russian Federation, storage, transportation,

reception and transfer of goods including procurement and implementation (sale)

thereof in the territory of the Russian Federation.

23) Operator of the Track and Trace Information System (operator) is a legal entity

registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, creating, developing, updating, and

operating the Track and Trace Information System, ensuring its full availability, as well

as receiving, storing and processing the information.

24) Remarking of goods is the repeated application of identification means on consumer

package, or goods, or product label due to the loss or damage of previously applied

identification means.

25) Consumer Package is a package intended for primary packaging of goods, as well as

materials and components used for storage and presentation of goods sold to the end

consumer along with the goods.

26) Goods Producer (producer) is a legal entity or an individual registered as an individual

entrepreneur, being tax resident of the Russian Federation, which exercises production

and sale of goods.

27) Identification Means of goods (identification means, IM) is a marking code in machine-

readable form represented as a bar-code to be applied to the consumer package, or

product label, or goods.

28) Product Label is a data media designed for marking information on the goods including

goods identification means, attached directly to the consumer package or included into

the consumer package.


29) Shipping Package of goods is a package consolidating goods used for storage and

transportation of goods to protect them from transportation damages, and constituting a

separate transportation unit. A shipping package may contain smaller shipping

packages (by size or volume). Therewith, a package consolidating only goods with or

without consumer package shall be considered as a first-level shipping package, while

further shipping packages of various enclosure levels, starting from those containing

first-level shipping packages only, shall be considered shipping packages of subsequent

(second, third, etc.) level.

30) Emission registrar (ER) is a software and hardware encryption (cryptographic) technical

means including a validator of verification code or compliant with the requirements to a

validator of verification code, used by goods circulation participants to exchange

information with the Track and Trace Information System in terms of obtainment of

marking codes by the goods circulation participants and transfer of information to the

Track and Trace Information System regarding the goods marking with identification

means; for which the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation issued a

document on its compliance with the established requirements to encryption

(cryptographic) means of information protection applicable to encryption (cryptographic)

means for verification of marking codes.

31) Goods Circulation Participants are legal entities and individuals registered as individual

entrepreneurs, being tax residents of the Russian Federation, exercising introduction of

goods into circulation, circulation and/or withdrawal of goods from circulation, excluding

legal entities and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs procuring goods to

be used in purposes not related to their further trade (sale).

32) Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is an international organization of regional economic

integration having the international legal personality and established by the Treaty on

the Eurasian Economic Union. Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union are the

Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz

Republic and the Russian Federation.

33) The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is a permanent regulatory body of the

Eurasian Economic Union, providing conditions for the EEU functioning and

development, development of proposals for the further integration development.

34) Technical Support Service (TSS) is a technical support service for the Track and Trace

Information System users.


35) Goods nomenclature for foreign economic activities of the Eurasian Economic Union

(goods nomenclature) is the goods classifier used by customs authorities and

participants of foreign economic activities (FEA) to perform customs operations.

36) EQES is an enhanced qualified electronic signature.



AWS Automated working station AS Automated system APCS Automated process control system EEU Eurasian Economic Union is an international organization of regional economic

integration having the international legal personality and established by the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation

IS Information security TT IS Track and Trace Information System MC Marking code GC Goods code, GTIN HC Hardware complex LAN Local area network UA Unauthorized access LAN Local area network NC National Catalog EHW End hardware OS Operating system GSW General software SW Software SHP Software and hardware package PC Personal computer OR Operation registrar ER Emission registrar VPM Virus protection means HW Hardware IM Identification means SCS Structures cable system IPT Information protection tool SSW Specialized software NT Networking tools OMS Order Management Station ES Emission server TOR Terms of reference GCP Goods Circulation Participant



Figure 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Figure 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 19

Figure 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Figure 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 7 ...................................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 9 ...................................................................................................................................... 32

Figure 10 .................................................................................................................................... 34

Figure 11 .................................................................................................................................... 36

Figure 12 .................................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 13 .................................................................................................................................... 39

Figure 14 .................................................................................................................................... 41

Figure 15 .................................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 16 .................................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 17 .................................................................................................................................... 44

Figure 18 .................................................................................................................................... 46

Figure 19 .................................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 20 .................................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 21 .................................................................................................................................... 51

Figure 22 .................................................................................................................................... 52

Figure 23 .................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 24 .................................................................................................................................... 54

Figure 25 .................................................................................................................................... 57

Figure 26 .................................................................................................................................... 60

Figure 27 .................................................................................................................................... 61

Figure 28 .................................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 29 .................................................................................................................................... 63

Figure 30 .................................................................................................................................... 64

Figure 31 .................................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 32 .................................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 33 .................................................................................................................................... 68

Figure 34 .................................................................................................................................... 69

Figure 35 .................................................................................................................................... 71

Figure 36 .................................................................................................................................... 72

Figure 37 .................................................................................................................................... 73


Figure 38 .................................................................................................................................... 75

Figure 39 .................................................................................................................................... 76

Figure 40 .................................................................................................................................... 78

Figure 41 .................................................................................................................................... 79

Figure 42 .................................................................................................................................... 80

Figure 43 .................................................................................................................................... 81

Figure 44 .................................................................................................................................... 82

Figure 45 .................................................................................................................................... 83

Figure 46 .................................................................................................................................... 84

Figure 47 .................................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 48 .................................................................................................................................... 86

Figure 49 .................................................................................................................................... 87

Figure 50 .................................................................................................................................... 88

Figure 51 .................................................................................................................................... 89

Figure 52 .................................................................................................................................... 91

Figure 53 .................................................................................................................................... 93

Figure 54 .................................................................................................................................... 94

Figure 55 .................................................................................................................................... 99

Figure 56 .................................................................................................................................. 100

Figure 57 .................................................................................................................................. 101

Figure 58 .................................................................................................................................. 102

Figure 59 .................................................................................................................................. 103

Figure 60 .................................................................................................................................. 110

Figure 61 .................................................................................................................................. 111

Figure 62 .................................................................................................................................. 112

Figure 63 .................................................................................................................................. 113

Figure 64 .................................................................................................................................. 115

Figure 65 .................................................................................................................................. 115

Figure 66 .................................................................................................................................. 116

Figure 67 .................................................................................................................................. 121

Figure 68 .................................................................................................................................. 122

Figure 69 .................................................................................................................................. 123

Figure 70 .................................................................................................................................. 123



Table 1 – Example of Request with Handover of a Detached Signature ..................................... 8

Table 2 – List of Applicability Indicators which the System shall be Compliant with .................. 10

Table 3 – Valid MC-Symbols ..................................................................................................... 12

Table 4 – Request String Parameters ........................................................................................ 24

Table 5 – Description of JSON Format of Request for Creation and Sending of MC Emission

Order, object “Order” .......................................................................................................... 24

Table 6 – Format of Object “OrderProduct” ............................................................................... 25

Table 7 – Description of Extension for Object “OrderProduct” for Tobacco Industry ................. 26

Table 8 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Tobacco Industry .............................. 26

Table 9 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Goods Group Category “Items of

Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen” ................................................................... 28

Table 10 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for Light Industry of Goods Group

Category “Items of Clothing, Bed, Table, Bath and Kitchen Linen” ..................................... 28

Table 11 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Light Industry, Goods Group Category

“Footwear” .......................................................................................................................... 30

Table 12 – Description of Extension for Object “OrderProduct” for GG “Footwear” ................... 31

Table 13 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Tire Manufacturers, Goods Group

Category “New Pneumatic Rubber Tires and Tire Casings” ............................................... 33

Table 14 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Perfumery Products Manufacturers,

Goods Group Category “Perfume and Eau de Toilette” ...................................................... 35

Table 15 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for the Perfumery Manufacturers of

Goods Group Category “Perfume and Eau De Toilette” ..................................................... 35

Table 16 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Photo Products Manufacturers,

Goods Group Category “Photo Cameras (Except Cine Cameras), Flash Lights and Flash

Bulbs” ................................................................................................................................. 37

Table 17 – Description of “OrderProduct” Object Extension for the Manufacturers of Photo

Products of Goods Group Category “Photo Cameras (Except for Cine Cameras), Flash

Lights and Flash Bulbs” ...................................................................................................... 37

Table 18 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for Pharmaceutical Industry ................. 39

Table 19 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Dairy Manufacturers ................. 40

Table 20 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Dairy Manufacturers ................. 40

Table 21 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Manufacturers of Bicycles and

Bicycle Frames ................................................................................................................... 42

Table 22 – Description of Extension for Object “Order” for the Wheelchair Manufacturers ....... 43

Table 23 – Format of Response to Request .............................................................................. 44

Table 24 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 45

Table 25 – Object “DropoutReport” Structure ............................................................................ 45

Table 26 – Description of Extension for Object “DropoutReport” for Tobacco Industry ............. 47


Table 27 – Format of Response to Request to Send Notification on MC Disposal / Rejection .. 48

Table 28 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 49

Table 29 – Object “AggregationReport” Structure ...................................................................... 49

Table 30 – Object “AggregationUnit” Structure .......................................................................... 50

Table 31 – Description of Extension for Object “AggregationReport” for Tobacco Industry ....... 51

Table 32 – Format of Response to Request to Send Information on Aggregation ..................... 54

Table 33 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 55

Table 34 – Object “UtilisationReport” Structure ......................................................................... 56

Table 35 – Description of Extension for Object “UtilisationReport” for Tobacco Industry ........... 57

Table 36 – Description of Extension for Object “UtilisationReport” for Pharamceutical Industry 58

Table 37 – Description of Extension for Object “UtilisationReport” for the Dairy Manufacturers 62

Table 38 – Format of Response to Request to Send Report on MC Application ....................... 63

Table 39 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 64

Table 40 – Format of Response to Request to Close Suborder by GTIN Specified .................. 65

Table 41 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 66

Table 42 – Format of Response to Request for MC for the Goods Specified ............................ 68

Table 43 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 69

Table 44 – Format of Response to Request, object “BufferInfo” ................................................ 70

Table 45 – Object “PoolInfo” Format .......................................................................................... 70

Table 46 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 73

Table 47 – Format of Response to Request for Order Status .................................................... 74

Table 48 – Object “OrderSummaryInfo” Format ........................................................................ 74

Table 49 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 76

Table 50 – Format of Response to Request for Information on Aggregation, object

“AggregationInfo” ................................................................................................................ 77

Table 51 – Object “OrderSummaryInfo” Format ........................................................................ 77

Table 52 – Description of the “AggregationInfo” Object Extension for Tobacco Industry

Manufacturers ..................................................................................................................... 79

Table 53 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 80

Table 54 – Format of Response to Request for the Report Processing Status .......................... 81

Table 55 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 82

Table 56 – Request Body Parameters ....................................................................................... 82

Table 57 – Format of Response to Request for OMS Availability .............................................. 83

Table 58 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 84

Table 59 – Format of Response to Request for OMS Availability .............................................. 85

Table 60 – HTTP Header Parameters ....................................................................................... 86

Table 61 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 86

Table 62 – Format of Response to Request for Security Marker ............................................... 87

Table 63 – Format of Response to Request for OMS and API Version ..................................... 88

Table 64 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 89


Table 65 – Format of Response to Request for the List of MC Packet Identifiers for the Marking

and Goods Code Order Specified ....................................................................................... 90

Table 66 – Format of MC Package List, Object “Block” ............................................................. 90

Table 67 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 92

Table 68 – Format of Response to Request for Re-obtainment of MC for the Goods Specified 94

Table 69 – Request String Parameters ...................................................................................... 95

Table 70 – Object “RollOutReport” Structure ............................................................................. 95

Table 71 – Description of the Object “Produced” for Goods Made in the Russian Federation ... 96

Table 72 – Description of the Object “Import” for Imported Goods ............................................ 96

Table 73 – Description of Object “Product” ................................................................................ 96

Table 74 – Description of Object “RollOutReport” Extension for Milk Producers ....................... 98

Table 75 - Format of Response to Request ............................................................................. 101

Table 76 – Request String Parameters .................................................................................... 102

Table 77 - Format of Response to Request ............................................................................. 103

Table 78 – Possible Values of Guide “Method of Goods Introduction into Circulation” ............ 107

Table 79 – Possible Values of Guide “Method of Individual Serial Number Generation” ......... 107

Table 80 – Possible Values of Guide “Marking type” ............................................................... 107

Table 81 – Possible Values of Guide “Manufacturing Method” ................................................ 108

Table 82 – Possible Values of Guide “Manufacturing Method” ................................................ 108

Table 83 – Description of MC Templates ................................................................................. 108

Table 84 – Possible Values of Guide “MC Array Status” ......................................................... 109

Table 85 – Possible Values of Guide “Aggregation Type” ....................................................... 110

Table 86 – Possible Values of Guide “MC Buffer Status” ........................................................ 110

Table 87 – Possible Values of Guide “Report Processing Status” ........................................... 111

Table 88 – Possible Values of Guide “Type of Utilization” ....................................................... 112

Table 89 – Possible Values of Guide “Order Status” ............................................................... 112

Table 90 – Possible Values of Guide “Dropout Reason”.......................................................... 113

Table 91 – Possible Values of Guide “Marking Code Type” .................................................... 114

Table 92 – Format of Response with Error .............................................................................. 116

Table 93 – Object “ProtobeansError” Format ........................................................................... 116

Table 94 – Data Send Error Codes .......................................................................................... 117

Table 95 – OMS API 2.0 Services Provision Matrix ................................................................. 118

Table 96 - Parameters of CMS Format Signature Generation Function. ................................. 124

Table 97 - Example of Command to Verify the Request Signature .......................................... 125


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