Ahdc summer 2014

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Newsletter for families, carers & professionals in Sefton, Merseyside who work with young people 0-25yrs with special educational needs and/or disabilities.






The exciting Rowan Adventure Parkwas recently opened.

Find out more on page 7

Hello,Welcome to the Summer 2014 Issue of Aiming High for Disabled Children (AHDC). As usual this issue is packed full of various activities that our children and teenagers have enjoyed as well as keyinformation for parents and others who help support your family. There are a couple of things I would like to highlight.

Firstly I hope that many of you will be aware of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Reform taking place across the country, with many big changes coming on September 1st. Important changes for us will be the development of a Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which will bring together the needs and arrangements previously contained in Statements, Social Care plans and Health. To support this we are also producing a ‘Local Offer’ which will be an online resource outlining the resources and activities available for children and young people with an SEN or disability.

We hope to involve lots of parents in these developments and have already hosted some events and distributed questionnaires to gain

your views. To check out how you can get involved please see sefton.gov-.uk/senreform or read the SEN Reform insert to the printed version of this newsletter. The web-page will also provide an overview of where developments are up to.Secondly we launched our exciting new adventure play facility at Rowan Park School in Litherland. Known as the RAP (Rowan Adventure Park), it was designed by pupils at the school alongside Eden Play. I hope you all take the opportunity to use this fantastic resource, as well as the numerous short breaks programmes available this summer.

Finally our Short Breaks offer is as strong as always and we have a lovely article about the fantastic family day at Crosby Lakeside. The ‘Pirate Fun Day’ was organised by the Aiming High Short Breaks team following consultation with families who have younger children to give them a taster of what Short Breaks includes.

Kind Regards,

Jacqui Kerr, Manager,Early Intervention & Prevention, Sefton Council.

NEWLIFEsupportsfamilies withequipment grants Newlife Foundation providesequipment and loans for disabled and terminally ill

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children, supporting families across the UK. Working inpartnership with charity funding body, The MorganFoundation, Newlife has further funding available for Equipment Grants in the Merseyside area.

Equipment includes wheelchairs, walkers for mobility, specialist beds and car seats for safety andcommunication aids so children can tell their families when they are hungry or in pain.

Just Can’t Wait (JCW) is anemergency equipment loan service which aims to get specialistequipment - wheelchairs, buggies, beds, seating and portable hoists - to the homes of life-limited children within 72 hours.

An extension of JCW is theEmergency Bed Loan Service (EBL), which supports babies and children to leave hospital or who are sleeping in unsafe environments.

Newlife also provides a Play Therapy Pod, containing around £400 of equipment and interaction ideas to give families guidance on how to use the equipment as part of play and learning time.

For further details, contact the Newlife Nurse Helpline on Freephone 0800 902 0095 or by email:nurses@newlifecharity. co.uk

Are you moving?Don’t forget to let the Aiming High Family Support team know your new address for you to continue to receive Aiming High for Disabled Children. You can contact them on 0151 934 3853 / 3830 or by email: dcr@sefton.gov.uk

Summer fun for younger childrenThe Aiming High Short Breaks Team are inviting children aged 0-6 to a series of family fun days this summer.

The Fun Days give younger children the opportunity to see the venues they will use, meet the Aiming High Short Breaks team and of course enjoy the fun activities on offer when they are old enough (6yrs+) to access them.

Due to popular demand, this year the team will be offering 4 extra family days at Rowan Park School, Larkfield School and the Southport Botanic Gardens. Activities will include: Forest School Skills, arts and craft, face-painting, temporary

tattooing, an outdoor soft play centre for 0-4yr olds and much more.

Parents, carers, siblings andgrandparents can all join in the fun. Members of the Aiming High Short Breaks Team will be on hand to answer any questions that families have.

All young people aged 0-6yrs who are registered with their local children’s centre, the Disabled Children’s Database, Sefton Carers Centre or the Aiming High Short Breaks Team, will receive aninvitation through the post with details of the family days as well as more information on what is on offer at their local children’s centre.

To find out more, contact either Tom Howard at Aiming High for Disabled Chidren on 0151 288 6811 or by email:Thomas.Howard@sefton.gov.uk or Caroline Roberts at Sefton Carers Centre on 0151 934 6060.

Updates from the Disabled Children’sDatabaseIf you use emails please share your email with the Disabled Children’s Database to ensure regular updates and the chance to access your child’s record online.

Contact the Aiming High Family Support Team on 0151 934 3853 / 3830 or by email: dcr@sefton.gov.uk

Moving On with Sefton’s young people Transitions next ‘Moving On Event’ is being planned for Tuesday 11th November 2014 at Dunes Splash World in Southport.

This event will be an opportunity for young disabled people aged 13-25yrs to go along and find out about a range of future opportunities including education and training, social care, health and welfare rights. The event is also aimed at parents and carers and all interested professionals.

For more information, please contact Sonya Wall, Transitions Coordinator on 0151 934 3887 or by email:Sonya.Wall@sefton.gov.uk

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Summer Programme 2014Following an exciting Whit programme and the success of the Family Fun ‘Pirate Day’ at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, the Aiming High Short Breaks Team have now held their selection days, giving parents and carers the opportunity to choose the activities they would like their child(ren) to enjoy over the summer holiday. Almost 200 children now have fun-filled summer activities booked, which include:

• Sports and orienteering at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre.

• Family days with forest schools delivered by Sefton Play Council.

• Visits from the Army and Fire Brigade.

• Days out at Farmer Teds and Chester Zoo.

You can find out about all Aiming High Short Breaks holiday programmes and regular weekly activities at: www.sefton.gov.uk/aiminghigh

If you are aware of a family that do not access Aiming High activities but would like to join in, please encourage them to contact the Aiming High Short Breaks Team at the details below.

If you are not sure if your child(ren) is/are registered with the Aiming High Team, they would like to hear from you so get in touch with them on 0151 288 6811 or by email: aiminghigh@sefton.gov.uk

Support for Parent Carers in SeftonWhat does the Parent Carer Team do?

All members of the Parent Carers Team work towards supporting parent carers across Sefton. This is achieved by providing comprehensive information for parents of children with additional needs, advocacy work and adopting a needs led services for parent carers and their wider families. The team is able to complete a Carers Needs Assessment and use this assessment to guide their work with families.

Support groups for Parent Carers

The Parent Carer Team also facilitate two support groups for parent carers, one in Netherton and one in Southport. Any parent carers are welcome to come along. There are often different talks from other organisations that you may come into contact with as a parent/carer of a child with additional needs. The groups are a great way to get support, information, and hear about other peoples’ experiences.

Special Time runs every Wednesday morning between 9:30 and 11:30am, term-time only at Parenting 2000 Children’s Centre, Mornington Road, Southport, PR9 0TS.

Special Place runs every Thursday morning 9:30-11:30am, term-time only at Netherton Children’s Centre, Magdalen Square, Netherton, L30 5QH.

If you feel you would benefit from support from the Parent Carer Team or would like further information, register by calling 0151 288 6060.

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Diane’s NewsHi Everyone,

Here is my news. I have completed a two week course at Crosby Training followed by a six week work place-ment at Southport Community Service Station. I have been doing a complete range of office work including reception duties and customer service.

I have met lots of interesting people including some of my friends from Southport College who were visiting the centre. I would really love to get a regular office job.

My friends and I in the ‘Work in Progress’ youth group recently enjoyed a couple of great days out. We all went to Ocean Plaza for a meal at Nando’s restaurant. I really love hot spicy food!

On the next trip, we went to The Atkinson to watch The Cuckoo Theatre Group from Bridge Inn Community Farm. They performed a mime of the ‘Opera Turandot’, which was very entertaining and lots of fun. I hope that we have lots of nice weather and you all have a great Summer.

Bye for now,Diane.

Sean Shouts It Out with help of his ‘Buddy’ When Sean was first told about Buddy Up he wasn’tconvinced that it was for him. As a result of his ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Sean was cautious of all things new and was not sure whether he wanted a mentor. However, with some encouragement and support Sean took a big step and decided to give Buddy Up a go.

Since April 2013, Sean’s con�dence has gradually increased with the support of his Buddy Up Mentor, Kieran. In fact, Sean’s con�dence has grown that much that he has now taken on a new challenge:becoming part of Shout It Out Sefton (SIOS)! SIOS is a group of young people from across Sefton who meet regularly to discuss issues that are important to them and their peers. Their opinions in�uence key decision makers within the community.

The Buddy Up mentoring relationship builds a foundation offriendship that helped Sean to meet new people, explore new environments and try new activities.

Sean is now able to air his opinions and represent those of others thanks to the mentoring support of Kieran. As a result Seancontinues to develop his skills and con�dence and has become an inspirational ambassador for all young people across Sefton.

To find out more about the Buddy Up scheme, contact Emma Lambert at Sefton CVS on0151 920 0726 ext 222 / 07971 868 150or by email: emma.lambert@seftoncvs.org.uk

You can also follow the Buddy Up project on @buddyupproject

Pirate Fun DayAround 300 people attended a family fun day at Crosby Lakeside supporting children with disabilities in Sefton.

Sefton Council's Aiming High Short Breaks Team held the Pirate themed day to highlight the work they do. The team provides group based short breaks for children withdisabilities in Sefton throughout the year, and also host a number of family fun days.

The day gave families of disabled children in Sefton the opportunity to take part in and try new and exciting activities together as a family.

During the day, many children sailed across Crosby Marina in rafts dressed as pirates under thewatchful eyes of water sports staff.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools, Families and Leisure, said: "The fun days offer a chance for whole families to spend time together and also meet and make new friends.

"The day also gave disabled children and their parents/carers theopportunity to meet Aiming High Short Breaks staff and get a feel for the activities the team offers.

"Feedback was extremely positive with many families saying how much fun they'd had and asking for more of them in the future."

For further information about the team and the activities on offer visitwww.sefton.gov.uk/shortbreaks and for further information about the wider Aiming High forDisabled Children offer, log on towww.sefton.gov.uk/aiminghigh

Unwrapping The RAP Paralympian tennis star Jamie Burdekin and the Mayor of Sefton, Cllr Kevin Cluskey, have officially opened a new communityadventure area for children with disabilities.

Known as the RAP (Rowan Adventure Park), the new facility is based at Rowan Park School, Litherland.

The park has been designed by pupils at the school in partnership with Dave Colville from Eden Play and includes zip wires, challenge equipment, a mirror maize, sand and water pumps, climbing boulder, caves, tunnels and fitness equipment.

As well as being used by pupils at the school, the facility will also be available to the wider community to use and enjoy.

Rowan Park School is a special school for children and young people aged 3 to 19 years with severe andcomplex learning difficulties.

In 2012, Sefton Council agreed to the school’s request to use adjacent land and build a new community adventure park for children with disabilities.

Some funding was secured through an Aiming High Capital grant and the completed facility, aimed at children and young people aged between 0-25 and their

families, is managed and led by Rowan Park School.

Karen Lynskey, Headteacher at Rowan Park School, said: "After receiving funding from Sefton Council, Aiming High and other local businesses, we have now completed Phases 1 and 2 of the new park.

The end result is fantastic and we are delighted to open the facility in the presence of Paralympian tennis star Jamie Burdekin and the Mayor of Sefton.

The RAP should be a long lasting facility for disabled children and young people and there is a continued commitment to continue fundraising activities to provide further equipment in the future."

Cllr Kevin Cluskey, Mayor of Sefton, added: "It is a great honour to officially open this superb facility which will benefit children and young people from Litherland and beyond.

"Having seen the RAP up close, it looks amazing and I'm sure everyone who uses it will get plenty of enjoyment from it."

Cllr Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member Children, Schools, Families and Leisure, said: "The beauty of this excellent project is that it has been designed by the pupilsthemselves and will benefit the whole community.

"We have been committed to supporting this project by releasing the land and ensuring this external funding was available to the school."

SHINE FamiliesWeekendIf your child has Hydrocephalus or Spina Bifida and is aged 6-11yrs, a residential weekend course is taking place in Coventry, 17th -19th October 2014.

Booking is not yet open, but if you want more information when it is available, you can contact Angela Lansley at Shine on 0151 733 8392, by text 07789 616 474, by email: angela.lansley@shinecharity.org.uk or on /Shine.Angela.Lansley

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Ability counts for Aiming High footballersSefton’s Aiming High footballers took part in their first international tournament in Belfast recently. Silverware eluded them but their amazing technical ability and sportsmanship gained many plaudits.

Aiming High coaches Kev Black and Antonio Vaquero took two teams aged between 15-19yrs. Many of their opponents were much older and more experienced than them, but they were not fazed by the challenge.

While in Belfast they visited the Titanic Museum and took the ‘Troubles’ tour, before arriving at the Billy Neill Soccer School to start a day’s grading matches. Both Aiming High teams were successful at the gradings, losing one game out of ten. Their progress meant they were soon moved into higher ability bands for the finals on Friday.

A highlight for Antonio’s team was a hatrick from Callan McDonald as they beat Castlereagh from Belfast 4-0.

Aiming High’s Chris Lee was prolific, scoring 6 goals on the first day while Bryn Astbury, Sam Tandy and Owen Spollin also found their way onto the scoresheet. Joe Graham battled bravely against an injury following a recent operation on his foot. Anthony Lewin wascommanding and brave in goal, limiting the opposition to 3 goals in 5 games. Kev Black’s team were moved into

ability band 2 and found themselves playing against long established teams from Cork, Llandudno, Scotland and Ballincollig in the Republic of Ireland.

Kev’s team surged through to the final day to win their group. Talisman Matthew Ball showed great skill throughout the day, adding even more goals to his tally. Josh Russell and Mark Richardson battled tirelessly in midfield, while the puppet master Jack Murphy pulled the strings from defence. An honourable mention has also been made for Adam Hellawell in goal, who was Aiming High’s most improved player.

Their heroic run came to an end as some suspectrefereeing and two very late goals meant that a one goal lead slipped, and they were eliminated in the semi finals.

Despite the unfair 2-1 scoreline, the Aiming High team were noted by opponents and organisers alike for showing fantastic sportsmanship when they stayed to applaud their victors.

John Doran from Aiming High Short Breaks commented: ‘The whole trip was such a success, the boys’ behaviour and camaraderie was impeccable. They have developed not only as footballers, but as young men who have now experienced the required levels of responsibility and commitment to overcome their barriers and fullycontribute in such a prestigious tournament as this. They were a credit to themselves, their parents and to the Borough of Sefton.’

If you know someone who would be a great addition to the Aiming High football programme, contact John Doran, Sefton Aiming High Short Breaks Team on 0151 288 6817 or by email:John.Doran@sefton.gov.uk