AI and the Future of Digital Marketing

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Since the creation of the internet, there have been many DISRUPTIVE FACTORS, but

one trend that sometimes goes under the radar is the impact EMERGING

TECHNOLOGY has on internet usage. Initially, the laptop replaced the desktop

computer, and from there smaller and smaller devices have continued to change how

we go online.

While wearable devices have become a popular topic, it is likely that many of their

features will replicate what we currently see in smartphones. However, there is one

piece of emerging tech that will disrupt digital marketing more than any other, and that

is Artificial Intelligence.

When the average person thinks of AI, they may have pictures of evil robots from the

future seeking to destroy mankind. However, that could not be farther from what we

see from AI, although it is still at an early stage.

AI's current trajectory is more focused on self-learning and self-directing. AI is going to

offer a wide variety of opportunities, and it will be hard to define exactly how to

maximize these opportunities until we can work with AI.

However, it is not to say that we are unable to prepare for that emergence of AI. In

fact, by reflecting on what habits were beneficial for the early days of the internet, we

can gain some insights as to how we handle AI.

There are three key areas when can observe to best prepare ourselves for AI's impact

on digital marketing.

Artificial Intelligence will certainly redefine the customer's experience. Being able to

adapt and move past the initial stages will be crucial. Those involved in digital

marketing will have to stay in active development mode. Meaning that it will require

more testing, failing, learning, and redefining. This will require digital marketing

teams to remain curious, resilient, and committed to overcoming obstacles.

Artificial Intelligence will certainly redefine the customer's experience. Being able to

adapt and move past the initial stages will be crucial. Those involved in digital

marketing will have to stay in active development mode. Meaning that it will require

more testing, failing, learning, and redefining. This will require digital marketing teams

to remain curious, resilient, and committed to overcoming obstacles.

Customer experience is and has been a priority for online marketing. This goes as far

as the customer service strategy and distribution, and a company as AI will only

increase this area.

AI will create the opportunity to predict better, form, and satisfy the client's desires.

Gathering the right, meaningful data and how that information is used will be the

backbone of successfully implementing AI in this role.

Effective marketing is good storytelling. As technology continues to change the

mediums we use to tell these stories more and more hard skill sets are required.

With the emergence of AI, it will be necessary to have team compiled of both

creatives and programmers.

High math proficiency will be needed to create the algorithms that will direct how AI is

integrated into their marketing efforts and customer touchpoints. This will create a

greater need for cooperative teams that understand what they need to do, and how to

accomplish it.

While AI is not yet ready to be fully employed, the day is fast approaching. You can

be certain that the early days of AI will be disruptive, and the days to follow will only

continue to create disruption. By preparing now, and staying in touch with what's

around the corner, you can be better prepared to adapt and lead the way.

Ingrid Griffin, Internet Marketing Consultant. Blue Dress® Marketing, an Internet

Marketing Company headquartered in Knoxville, TN. Internet Marketing Developed,

Implemented and Managed to Full Circle! Organic Internet Search Engine Guru.

Turn Key Internet Optimization Programs Placing You Everywhere and Anywhere

You Need to Be Online®
