[AIESEC in Peru] MC Bold - Annual Report

Post on 02-Apr-2016

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MC Bold Annual Report

AIESEC in Peru

National Direction Melissa Lesser Botero

MCP 13-14

Melissa graduated with a degree in International Relations from the Universidad del Norte, in

Barranquilla, Colombia.. Her AIESEC experience started out in Colombia and culminated with her MCP experience in Peru. Traveled to 10 countries

thanks to AIESEC.

Dear AIESEC in Peru, I cannot believe how time passed so fast and, all of the sudden; I am here writing these final words in the MC Bold 13-14 annual report. Few words can express what this leadership journey has meant to me and my team, and to all AIESEC in Peru. It has been a year with lots of ups and downs, doubts, fears, joy, love and success. Certainly, no one from the 15 people that were part of the MC Bold knew what was ahead of us: a long, sometimes dark, fun road… Because we decided to take the one less traveled by. … And that made all the difference. AIESEC in Peru is a different organization than the one it was some years ago. Especially during term 13-14, AIESEC in Peru grew its operations like never before, and that has finally convinced us about the huge potential this organization has, and the big things each LC can achieve. We are more sustainable in legal and financial terms, meaning that AIESEC in Peru can actually exist and operate in a proper way. We have expanded to new cities and we are clear about why is leadership the main solution Peru needs now. AIESEC is an amazing organization in which we can participate as young people. Sometimes we cannot know how many days, months or years we have left in AIESEC or in life in general, and that is why I invite all of you to give the best of yourself everyday, with no regrets or excuses, because we are the fundamental piece of this solution and that solution needs committed, proactive, responsible pieces. Are you giving the 101% of yourself to AIESEC now? To life? Thanks AIESEC in Peru for this amazing two years, for inspiring me and for working as one! I will always be a proud AIESECer and now, a proud Alumnus of AIESEC in Peru. Boldly yours, for ever Meli

The National Leadership Body MC Bold 13-14 was composed by 15 different young individuals from different countries and cities of Peru.

Our Vision and Drivers After several debates between LCPs, MC Members and the Global Plenary, we came to the conclusion that the main need Peru had was Transformational Leadership base on Ethics and Services, embedding this vision into all our operations and ways of impacting.

With this vision in mind, our drivers for our term were three:

1. Our Customer Centric Culture allows us to provide, measure

and showcase high quality experiences.

With this driver we could create a proper awareness in the organization about the need of being customer centric, paying strong attention to our national and local NPS, keeping up our promoter’s recommendations and our detractor’s issues.

During IC 2013 in Egypt, AIESEC in Peru was certified, with other 20 entities, as a customer oriented entity by AIESEC International, proving our aim and effort towards this.

We achieved an NPS of 49 around 911 exchanges experiences delivered in term 13-14

Our Vision and Drivers 2. Our high volume of experiences delivery is driven by expansion,

process optimization and product development.

In term 13-14 AIESEC in Peru grew by 82% percent in operations, meaning a considerable growth in our programs, especially in both o GCDP and i GCDP.

In i GCDP we achieved a growth of 194% with 415 experiences delivered versus 141 in term 12-13. This program was our total focus since MC planning and we can see by these results and the achievement of different LCs towards it that it is now in a maturity state in AIESEC in Perú, allowing the organization to focus properly on its GIP potential.

Regarding process optimization, we implemented for the first time a total different platform for making our processes easier, simple and faster, being this platform Podio. Everything is now standardized to be processed through this channel and that has allowed the MC to have smarter answers to the needs of the Local Committees.

In terms of product development, we focused on providing a different

product portfolio to our o GCDP program, making it more attractive to the student market, with clear benefits and procedures. On the other hand, we redesigned the project portfolio of i GCDP, making the sales smarter and

focused on the right markets.

Our Vision and Drivers 3. Facilitating the Inner and Outer Journey for young people allows

us to develop the Transformational leadership needed in Peru.

We aimed to deliver a big consciousness in the organization regarding our main mission: we develop leadership through the delivery of exchange

experiences. Now, how are we embedding this leadership in all our programs?

Within the Organizational Development (OD) and Talent Management (TM) corner we restructured our conferences cycle, making the conferences more focused to the context of the organization and more professional in terms of organization and delivery of content and sessions.

We delivered a whole virtual education cycle for all our membership and we developed a new competences model to be implemented in the MC Team 14-15.

With all these points stated, I can say that AIESEC in Peru is now in the highest level in history now, we are true role models to all other entities who want to grow and have a relevant impact and now we are a crucial piece in the supply and demand of IGN. AIESEC in Peru is now ready for even bigger things I cannot even imagined but I will be always proud to see how this organization moves forward with the steps of a giant.

Our Goals Our main ambition as MC consisted in the organizational growth we wanted to see in the organization, that is why our initial goal was to deliver 1500 exchange experiences. Nevertheless, for reasons stated further in this report, we decided to re plan this goal to 1026 exchange experiences, achieving 911.

950 X


400 X


95 X


55 X


1500 X

Initial Goal

500 X


420 X


50 X


56 X


1026 X

Re Planned Goal

In January 2014 we shifted our focus to our Incoming GIP and GCDP programs. AIESEC in Peru needed to align to the global GIP ambition and we could capitalize even more the growth we were experiencing in Incoming GCDP

This goal was presented to the National Plenary as the ambition of term 13-14, having a strong focus in our GCDP programs.

449 X


415 X


37 X


10 X


911 X

What we achieved

In the end, we delivered 911 exchanges experiences, the highest number in AIESEC in Peru’s history so far. We ended with a growth of 83% and an accomplishment percentage of 89 towards our re planned goal.

Our Progress











MC 09.10 MC 10.11 MC 11.12 MC 12.13 MC 13.14

AIESEC in Peru - Growth Curve

% Growth

Since 2009, taking 5 terms into consideration, term 13-14 is the one that has had the biggest growth, along with MC 11-12, both with 83%.

What worked for us? And what did not? It is usual to see in annual reports the best parts of the term, nevertheless, I

would like to take advantage of the space to state which were the things that worked pretty well for us and which were the ones that did not go the expected way.

Worked good:

• Team structure and synergy

• Right profiles in the National Committee

• Implementing the right behaviors in the membership (Being bold, being committed)

• Working hands in hands with the Local Committees and Expansions

• Recovering AIESEC in Peru from a huge financial and legal crisis

• Having a strong focus on the relevant growth we wanted for the organization, achieving 82% of growth.

Did not work:

• Proper information and awareness of the national reality for a more realistic initial planning

• Unexpected situations that did not allow us to have the initial focus we wanted in the beginning (financial context). Then we did not have a risk map for crisis.

• Executing the initial budget we planned

• GIP focus, we were aiming for a bigger growth in this program. Although we worked really hard during Q1 and Q2 of year 2014 for this, we still had no growth in o GIP and a decreasement in i GIP results due to the lack of GIP culture in the country, which did not allow us to have fast and relevant results and build this program from the very beginnings. We also had many re shifting of focuses during the year that became an obstacle for having a clear focus on our GIP direction.

General Recommendations

We strongly recommend to the next Member Committees of AIESEC in Peru the following points, taking into consideration our experience in this term:

Make sure to have all the accurate information and awareness of the reality so it is possible to make conscious choices. Clarity of mind means clarity of passion!

Be clear with all the Local Committees what is their respective role in AIESEC in Peru, and how the MC will guide the focus of each one of them for the sake and health of the organization. When each single member and each single LCs are clear on their contribution, everything becomes easier.

Be prepared for the unexpected. We tend to start our term believing the road is ready for us to walk on and then we find many obstacles we did not expect. Be prepared for this. Have a risk map of everything that could happen and how the MC will be ready to handle those specific situations without affecting the least possible the organization’s operations.

Thank you AIESEC in Peru! You are now in the best hands

MC Bold 13-14

AIESEC in Peru

Outgoing GCDP Franco Pérez MCVP oGCDP 13.14

✈ Joined AIESEC in 2009

✈ NST TM 11-2’ – AIESEC in Perú


✈ NST oGCDP Winter Peak Manager – AIESEC in Peru

✈ MCVP oGCDP 13’-14’ – AIESEC in Peru

✈ MCVP Operations 14’-15’ – AIESEC in Peru

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become”

We don’t dream about the Change We make it Happen

1º Our MOTO and main challenges



Market Capability

Product Evolution and

Process Improvement

In order to have a high growth, we realized that with the actual rhythm of work from the network and the culture of the area, it was going to be impossible to growth, that’s why

we created a culture of achievement “we don’t dream about the change, we make it

happen”, a strong identity that is the strongest in AIESEC in Peru, and

high performance VPs in all the LCs that are already use to a hard

rhythm of work.

With this done, we can push this program in order to achieve more,

having a clear identity, purpose and behaviors.

To be able to growth we noted that we wouldn’t be able to do

it with the same market capability(different than mkt

strategies) and with the same Talent Capacity, that’s why we

worked a lot in:

1. Clear Market segmentation for all the LCs.

2. Creation of the SU model and 9 new SUs (new markets and teams) that was gonna let us growth not in this term, but in

the future years.

We worked a lot in this 2 points:

-Product Evolution: We changed the products to “Ciudadano Global”,

having a better Product packaging with National Projects. We also

created the Double form strategy that will let us growth in the future a


-Process Improvement: We Structure a whole new process of Raising

with new tools(PODIO, Automeeting, etc.) that is letting us have the highest

convertion rate in IGN: 16.5%

Outgoing GCDP 2º Balance between planned and achieved

Talking about the balance between planned and achieved we need to have some points really clear:

✈ Replanned Goal: In the beginning of the year we proposed a goal of 950X, but it was proposed without taking in consideration 3 important ways to growth in oGCDP: Market Capability, Talent Capacity or Strong Marketing Strategies, unfortunately we only had Talent Capacity. With our Product Evolution and Process Improvement we could growth, but not in the proportion we were expecting, that’s why we changed the goal in the MC Replanning.

✈ Process Improvement: Achieved. We implemented PODIO and a Raising process map in a National level and now we have better and more professional processes with our costumers.

✈ Product Evolution: Achieved. We changed the National brand, the products and make the LCs start to work with local product packaging with National projects from Country Partners. Also we created the double realization Strategy that will let us growth a lot, but in the future(14/15), this was a sustainable action because the implementation was not gonna reflect results for 13/14. Also worked in the EP Preparation with the national OPS Agenda and Regional Events

✈ SU Implementation: Achieved. This Strategy if it wasn’t the final responsability from oGCDP, we did it because it was gonna also help the entity to growth in next years. Now AIESEC Peru has more market capability in order to achieve higher results.

3º General Comments

1º We already have a good Raising flow, we recommend to not change it but improve it, and now be focus on the

Delivery flow

2º In the beginning of the year we made a plan based on the waterful report from Customer Gauge, working on the issues of cultural preparation and LC Home Service,

they are good now, the new challenge will be the Host Service during exchange.

3º We recommend to have better communication channels with the TLPs

and TMPs, because in some LCs the information stays only with the VP

4º Focus on MKT to have better Mkt Strategies in order to have more

subscribors, increase the convertion rate to the double to have more results, is gonna be the hardest way to do it.

4º Indicadores anuales

Convertion Rate: 16.5% Raising: 697 Matching: 564 Realized: 449

Incoming GCDP Daniela Garzón Toro


✈ Joined AIESEC in March 2010

✈ LCVP ICX 2011 AIESEC in Manizales – Colombia

✈ LCP 2012 AIESEC in Manizales – Colombia

✈ NST Manager Expansion – AIESEC in Colombia 2013-I

✈ CEEDER AIESEC Universidad de Lima – Perú (Dec 2012- Jan 2014)

1º Our vision and main challenges

The iGCDPRevolution was a strategy of empowerment IGCDP program in AIESEC in Peru to demonstrate that the country would be able to achieve the unimagined if we worked together and we

performed the necessary changes.


One of the main needs to grow the program was that the members knew the process and understand the "why" of IGCDP. iGCDP School was the strategy to educate members on what they needed to know to develop the program in the LCs.

IGCDP School

AIESEC in Peru to grow in IGCDP needed to align LCs and define projects for positioning the program. For this reason is created “Global Citizen Program” with 4 national projects that have allowed a packet with all the information to develop projects locally.

National Program

To grow with quality needed to professionalize the way to do IGCDP. PODIO use and management of many tools such as management agreements and invoices, organized how to deliver the program.

Processes Standardization

2º Balance between planned and achieved ✈ IGCDP School: The strategy was conducted during the period in manyl sessions in synergy with

finance, tm, marketing.Were open spaces where was delivered education in iGCDP processes and in April gave the IGCDP SCHOOL Weekend. Lacking better alignment with the national cycle education and open more virtual spaces to deliver training.

✈ Processes Standardization: Was achieved the processes standardization o and information management through PODIO. In PODIO was located the information from pre-sale to the delivery processes of the trainees. Lacking generate more PODIO management culture to improve processes and have all the details.

✈ National Programme: We created the national project pack that contained all the material for implementaciion and sell projects. This helped in the alignment of timelines and national campaigns. Lacking organize the measurement of impact of each project.

3º General Comments

4º Annual indicators

+400 Lives Changed. We can do more and better was possible.

• We achieve the goal of exchanges. 400 XP Delivered. • The program achievement grow in volume and quality competing internationally. • Synergy with finances was very important in the growth of the program. • We made new relationships with other institutions positioned us. • We have our site to match IGCDP. • Improve match processes and international cooperation. • Working in more synergy with marketing area. • Improve“Familias Globales” strategy and Buddy program. • The Telefonica Project had a bad delivery. You need to track each project to finish

and ensure constant TLP. New projects can go more aligned to the problems in Peru because now we know how to manage quality and volume in the programme.

IGCDP achieved

grow in RA-MA-RE

compared to last

term but more than

that achieve to be

recognized as a

strong program at

national and

international level,

changing400 lives

and impacting the


Outgoing GIP

Jesús Andrade Palacios. MCVP oGIP AIESEC Perú 13-14.

NST iGCDP Project Manager 2013-II.


Joined AIESEC in 2011.

Economist graduated at Universidad de Piura in 2012.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Network: At the beginning of the MC term the work and synergy as a network was one of the main challenges and bottle necks at the same time, hindering the decision making

and national strategy application. With the support of the NSTs, LCVP and MC we could overcome this challenge and

generate a more united and resourceful network, aligned to the national plans.

Supply and Demand: As a programme, oGIP started the year with a mindset unaligned with the real supply of TNs that we could provide. In that sense the rate of actual matches was barely 0.4 and the number of unmatchable EPs was raising. After a year, we were able to embrace the mindset of "sell

what you can deliver", and focusing more in certains products and markets according to each LC realty.

Markets: During the year, the goal was to enter into new markets (both cities and universities) and to consolidate

our presence in the old ones. Despite we do opened oGIP in 2 more LC and re-entered to UNI, we haven't

consolidate our presence in those markets as much as we planned. This is an issue that we need to reinforce as a

long term strategy.

1. Main challenges & achievements

•The main objectives in the strategy were to improve the way we work, making it more professional and optimal. The implementation of podio, both for subscriptions and internal work, the standardization of the MRBs for products, the use of a new contract more aligned with the flow of our operations, and the implementation of a new match flow have been some examples. However the quality aspects were not achieved due to lack of time and focus (other priorities).

Process & Opperations

• In this strategy we had 3 goals, first to have a better understanding of the supply and demand for each LC, although we didn't develop a proper market research due to lack of time, we finished the term with a clearer vision of "what to sell" and the importance of working aligned with the market. The second was to consolidate new channels of communication and institutional relantionships, we did'nt completely achieved the goal but we had an important starting point by increasing our presence in facebook, linkedIn, alumni and job portals; on the other hand we had a interesting approach with UNI and with the support of PR with National Job Fairs were AIESEC took part. The last one was to settle cooperations, this was not achieved because Perú wasn't able to fulfill their promises to other countries so we stopped trying.

Supply & Demand

• In this strategy we worked into 2 main objectives, first to generate a more united network and second to generate a better understanding of what we do in AIESEC Perú's network. So we ended a term we a stronger National Identity of the programme and a network with a national mindset. We did'nt deliver a sales education programme for oGIP and the coaching to LCVP and NST wasn't as good as it should.

Membership Development

2. Balance between planned and achieved

3. General Comments & Anual Results Report

The results did not follow the performance of OGIP in AIESEC Peru, although modest growth in terms of Performance and matches can be seen, it is not enough to indicate that the strategies implemented were the solution needed.? IN terms Raises are observed a decrease from last year, which is higher if we discount codes created by members from previous MCs (10). This result is aligned to focus on raising Smart outstanding during the year. A personal opinion I believe that the only way in which we can achieve significant growth is working with countries achieving high demand, focusing on promoting them as targets, as in the case of India

Incoming GIP Julia Chu

MCVP iGIP 1314

Julia graduated with a degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines,

Diliman. Her AIESEC experience started out in the Philippines and culminated with her MC experience

in Perú. She has also gone on exchange to Romania and Brasil.

Main Achievements

1. Sub Product Focus on Teaching and Language Education: For the first time in the history of iGIP, we were able to focus and grow a particular sub-product. This meant having market based selling techniques, customized product portfolios, supply and demand based partnerships and promotions and more. This focus allowed us to specialize.

2. Sales Culture: After a year’s worth of national initiatives, we were able to set the foundations for building the sales culture that was sorely lacking in iGIP.

3. Sales Intensity: During the last quarter, we focused on creating a team of star sellers starting with profile based recruitment, reinforced by a sales development program for the older members.

iGIP ended the term with 27 raises, 14 matches and 10 realizations between 3 LCs, namely CLUC, CLAQ and CLPA. The last 4 matches were realized in the term as well but were not transferred on the system until the 1st of July, for various reasons. Something interesting to note here is that while there was no absolute growth in terms of realizations, there was a big relative growth when it came to sub product development. All or most of these raises, matches and realizations are for the teaching sub product.

Incoming GIP Main Challenges

Planned vs. Achieved

1. GIP Identity Building: There was a big focus on the clarity of the WHY of GIP, which was infused in coaching, national conferences and national trainings for iGIP. This was reinforced with the iGIP newsletter, the iGIP jackets and rewards and recognitions system.

2. Sales Culture Development: We ran several national campaigns to promote sales culture development, namely the Calling Hut and the Amazing Race. We also implemented a system of bids for national TNs. However, we were not able to do the referral run due to the change in sub-product in the middle of the year. We were also unable to form the national trainers guild, as we had originally planned.

3. Driving Sales Breakthrough: There were 4 elements to this, namely improving market knowledge, improving sales intensity, periodic sales campaigns and rewards and recognition. We were only able to work with marketing for market research in September. After that, everything was done locally. We improved sales intensity through the national trainings conducted, both in Lima and in Arequipa and these were all reinforced by the periodic sales campaign which ranged from callings, meetings to follow up initiatives. We were also able to implement a national rewards and recognitions system.

4. Operations Management: In this respect, we were unable to raise global exchange partners for various reasons, the most significant of which was the lack of a touch point in IC due to the revolution in Eygpt. We also had a lot of problems in terms of visa processing.

5. Quality Experience Delivery: Although we were unable to set up the national exchange quality board, we did succeed in hosting our first Incoming Preparation Seminar and LEAD program with the trainees.

1. Talent Capacity: We had a lack of talent capacity, both in terms of number

of members and their level of knowledge and experience. 2. Matching: There was a huge competition matching for english teaching. We

lost a lot of our supply to Colombia, Mexico and Brasil.

3. Legal: The process for obtaining a visa was largely unclear and proved to be a huge bottleneck both for us and for the trainees.

General Comments

*At the start of the year, 3 out of 5 iGIP VPs were either fired or quit, leaving us with 2 operating LCs. Now we have 3 stable LCs: CLUC, CLPA and CLAQ. *We shifted focus from teaching to IT in October/November and switched back to teaching in February/March due to opposing AI and regional directives.

Organizational Development Sharon Zuloaga

Niño de Guzmán OD Manager AIESEC Perú ´13´14

LCP AIESEC Arequipa ´12

LCVP OGX AIESEC Arequipa ´11

Newbie ´09

Guillermo Nevado

Delgado MCVP OD AIESEC Perú ´13´14

LCP AIESEC Universidad Católica ´12

Newbie ´10

Main challenges achievements in Organizational Development

1. Tools for planning, National PODIO implementation for process improvement, with timetables according to the peaks in the cycle of national education.

2. National conference management and quality of content.

3. Growth Model containing: maturity model for LCs adapted to international framework, education cycle, LC coaching model and competence model with booklet and pilot implementation in one LC

Balance between planned and achieved in OD Strategy Priority per




Stronger Network

• Podio/Guillermo. • Internal communication/Sharon. • Strategic Units/Guillermo.

•PODIO was implemented for all programmes, with the support of the NST, showing more succes in GCDP programmes.

• About the Internal communication was based on the correct management of communication channels (facebook, youtube and news) by clear rules. The use of newsletter from MC for the entire membership was held until December 2013, in 2014 I prioritize this activity because there were no pipeline of NST for the position.

• SUs don’t achieve the level of operations expected due to ineficiente structures and communcation among LC, SU and MC.

Dynamic Coaching

• Maturity model/Guillermo. • Impactful visit/Guillermo y Sharon. • Optimize Governability/Guillermo.

• Maturity model was developed with antional standars but couldn’t get fully implemented due to overcomplexity in measurement method. Later, it was adapted twice to international model. It was not fully finalized by the end of the term.

• It had a flow for visits and that these are the most efective possible, but often these were affected by the budget and the lack of coordination respective dates between coach and coachee.

• National Compendium was modified and updated according tothe needs found in expansión, finances and SUs.

Smart Education

• National education cycle/Sharon.

• The first strategy for education cycle was put together a timeline for peaks areas and needs; separating cycle issues local education. Use the online trainings, but had not I follow up indicators for the achievement thereof. For this reason it was decided to implement a new platform with indicators that are more interactive and which is one that can be reviewed by the members whenever needed based platform.

General Comments • Transition is important to ensure continuity in the tools developed, and to have

adaptation annually instead of new creation. • The main problems for compliance to 100% of the goals were: Changes proposed

by AI, the financial status of AIESEC Peru and coordination with different areas for activities, because each of us given much depends on the joint efforts of all areas .

• More focus and clearer KPIs for OD are needed to have stronger contribution to goals and programmes and better aligment with operations.

Expansion Management Claudia Ponte Colona MCVP Expansion 13-14

I joined to AIESEC 5 years ago, in 2009 when I was Administration’s student , first I was Talent Management Member, then VP ICX 2011 and LCP 2012.

In 2013 I made to decide to do GCDP Exchange and I went to Brasil for 3 months.

I believe that humankind’s potential isn’t limited to a few elite human beings. All people – educated or uneducated, broken or healed- can contribute to peace. AIESEC’s ambition is big enough for all youth, without discrimination.

I share this ambition.

Balance between planned and achieved (National planning,

priorities and goals)

On Peak Focus

• Our expansion model allowed us to direct all efforts to the Fish Peak and Fruit Peak, which made us to work with much more accurate dates and tidy.

• We managed to build a culture of monitoring in order to achieve results. Using tracking tools with NSTs, LCs support and extensions.

Talent Capacity

• The structures raised in each entity sought to achieve good team member and team leader experiences , having a limited number of members, however we had many membership retention problems which caused an imbalance affecting operations.

• Working closely with institutions in their development, along with the NSTs and LCs Support.

New Entities

• Login to new cities has not been easy, finding the right people, for an entity expansion, either. Work focused on making a good selection process and ensure the necessary competencies profiles.

• Deliver two initiatives Expansion: Huaraz and Ica.

Main challenges achievements in Expansion

• Contact with interested University and/or students group.

• University- Student constant support to get access and execute activities in the campus.

• Presentation of AIESEC, Vision, Nature, Values, AIESEC 2015, Programs, Products, presence, testimonies.

• Organizations, NGOs, Local Bussiness. Etc.

• Get involved with the NGO local network.

Smart External


Strong relations with Universities and



3 3


3 3






0 0






































Pipeline Iniciative Expansion Extension Office LC

General comments

Manage expansion entities has been a lot of learning experience: implementing a new model, build new structures, achieve new and challenge goals, enter to new cities and direct all actions to results.

We received three expansion entities of the previous term (Chiclayo, Trujillo and Tacna) closed our term 13 -14 with 6 entities, 3 more (Huancayo, Huaraz and Ica).

In Fish peak deliver 40 exchange experiences: Chiclayo and Trujillo were entities for their outstanding performance in operations.

For Fruit peak was iGCDP approach, entities such as Tacna and Trujillo have been achieving results in the area.

Although we were unable to deliver new local committees, the work , effort and approach of expansion’s people along with their LCs support and NSTs has been totally admirable and relevant, never before in the history of AIESEC Peru have given the number experience achieving by expansion network as they have achieved.

• Planning and set goals trying to align with the Maturity Model

• Define a structure, functionality and operation part with the membership. Focus in Faster Growth Strategies.

• Tracking to Operations

• · Continue executing the programs focus to get sure the RAISED

• · Get start with the operations: MATCH

• · Get start achieving Goals on REALIZED

GCDP Operations


Planning: Be align with the national GCDP


• Recruitment

• Membership selection base on requirements.(TLP)

• Membership selection base on requirements(TMP)

• Get ready LC Fuster and CEEDer proposals.

• Prepare Education membership plan and trainings constantly: TM National Programs.

• Attendance national events.

• Trainings about operation areas from LC Fuster and NSTs

Talent Development

Recruitment, Expansion Model, Structure, Education and


Talent Management Jose Luis Verástegui Bachelor in Business Engineering from Univ.

Pacífico. AIESECer since 2011, from CLPA, he was LCVP in

2012 and MCVP TM 13-14 of AIESEC in Peru. He believes that world needs active and

transformational leadership. Most in our generation often feel like they need to wait until they have this kind of degree or that experience or that age… I told them,: “YOU can and should make changes by acting now!”

Main challenges achievements in Talent Management


Refresh the image of the area with a clear why about what we do, a simple brand, clear processes, simple product.

Consolidation of a team (Nationañ Board) with clear goals, constant communication, more profesionalism in terms of DDL’s and information, in the work in the local offices.



tion National Conferences,

Education Cycle, Hard and Soft Training: increase a lot in terms of quality, time management, education and training, membership involvement and profesionalism. C


Better and fast recruitment process for iGIP area.

IXP mindset in our organization through national campaigns worked in corner meetings.

National initiatives to run LEAD events for exchange participants.

New tools (oGCDP) to manage high volume of operations.

Education alignment with national reality.

Balance between planned and achieved in TM 13-14

Operations Support

Leadership Development

In terms of “Operations Support” we divided in 2 blocks: GCDP and GIP. GCDP in Peru is located in the maturity stage (Product Life Cycle). In this last term, we grew a lot and because of that we focused in the preparation of our talent to manage high volume of exchanges, with tools of massive recruitment and CEM Templates. Also, because of the stage of the programmes, we focused

more in the delivery, launched national events (OPS, LEAD, IPS, LEAD4Trainees, etc). For GIP the reality was completely different.

General Comments

GIP in Peru needs talent in order tu run operations. Our reality presents a lack of sellers. For that, we launched with iGIP the first fast-recruitment based on JD. We knew that the program needs now a refresh of the talent instead of tools, SDP or other kind of support. Because of that we prepared a campaign of 2 weeks to promote and select the new talent. The results were that just one LC participated in the whole campaign. In general, the support from TM was divided by two points: delivery supporting the experience of the exchange participants, more focus in the post-operational part and for the other hand, in the creation through the recruitment and induction of new talent.

For the Leadership development, we worked with OD in a better education proposal through better national conferences. We worked in the Agenda and the Conference Management in order to give the latest topics, from Global Team to the national plenary with innovative dynamic sessions. We launched the first version of the Education Cycle based on operation and competences needs in national and local level.

For the other hand, we launched the LEAD4EB for the first time in National Level. The main objective of this program was to complement the leadership journey of the EBs in Peru with topics that would help them in a better development of their competences. This pilot present as a main difficulty the few participation due to the time (nights) and the involvement from entities outside Lima.

1. Manage a HR area was an incredible experience! I had this unique opportunity to learn, implement, made mistakes, manage a big team, manage huge events, coach entities, met important people that love human development; in brief words, the best experience ever!!

2. I received the area with a lot of things to improve, with a lot of things to focus. I choose my battle and started fixed internal things into the area, then supporting GCDP and later GIP, launching an education cycle and TLP LEAD Program.

3. If we evaluate numbers, we achieved aprox. 70 IXP, 2139 TMP and 573 TLP, 1.8 in prod. rate). But, is not numbers, is about experiences with quality! We need to improve a lot in this, focus more in membership program but also in operations (GIP). This is, personally, the key for a sustainable growth.

Marketing Gabriela Marín,

join AIESEC 2009. VP IGIP 11, LCP 2012.

Went on Exchange to Egypt and The Philippines through AIESEC.

Current MCP of AIESEC in Malta 14-15

Main challenges achievements in Marketing 1) Global Citizen

• Campaigns Improvements: Develop more clarity on develop activities per week.

It’s need it to implement more tracking to improve it. • National BTL: #Share Happiness • Change branding to Global Citizen and improve the clarity about issues in product packaging • Showcasing strategies:

showcasing_challenge • Channels improvement: develop the wix

2) iGCDP / oGIP Synergy

• Packing national projects for iGCDP • Improvement channels to promote

national projects: iGCDP national web page and fan page

• Star developing product packaging for oGIP

3) Network management

• Better clarity about priorities of marketing,

• Ubuntu: Internal campaign: Having excatly the same activities and social media campaign, sharing ideas and GCPs, being Marketing for Peru

• Networks meeting as space to create and share ideas

Marketing Balance between planned and achieved in MKT 13-14

Mistakes for social media

• Don’t have a concrete plan per day to create a community with the page

• Human resources that is need to accomplish: someone with social community knowledge and dedicate on the job, and someone who develop the post base on the plan, with a strong knowledge in graphic design

• For my term was need it more innovation in social media, to explote that channel.

Mistakes for national campaigns for ogcdp:

• Stronger tracking of the activities that each LC is doing per week

• More showcasing of the stories

General comments

• Showcase is the stronger strategic to work with

• oGIP have to work with Marketing to improve their product packaging and decide what is sub product more feasible for their own local market

• Global Citizen’s campaign almost run all year, so change the graphic design without talent capacity could be a risk to start on time.

• The biggest peak for Peru is Fish peak, so the biggest campaign is the second semester of the year, and the materials and details should be ready begging on july to start on August with clarity activities per week

• It’s necessary implement Guerrilla Marketing strategies, however, have to be plan because the main issues could be finances investments, logictics ( and human resources

Alumni Management & Life Long Conecction

• Main challenges achievements in Alumni Management:

– Have an Information System Database of Alumni in Peru that is complete and useful.

– Formalization of AIESEC Alumni Peru as an

Association with a compendium and statutes.

– Exchanges and Partners through Alumni.

• THT Parnetr services: $. 18000 per year.

• Brian Stefano Savitzky O. – ER Coordinator AIESEC

Piura 2010. – LCP AIESEC Piura 2011 –

2012. – MC AIESEC Peru 2013-


• Balance between planned and achieved in AM 13-14

(please, referre to your national planning, priorities and


– The main priority was to have a complete data base of all the Alumni Network in a national way which allowed us to capitalize this in exchanges for AIESEC PERU. We start the data base from 0 and we finished the term with 322 ALUMNI registered in the AIESEC ALUMNI PERU ASOCIATION.

• General comments

– The manage of AIESEC ALUMNI in MC BOLD term was really dificult. The principal legacy that we can give to AIESEC Peru is that finally we have all the AIESEC ALUMNI NETWORK focus on doing exchanges.


Alumni Management & Life Long Conecction

Public Relations Carlos is a current student of the

career Empresarial Engineering in Universidad del Pacífico. Joined

AIESEC in 2011. Was LCVP IM in 2012 and took 2 internships through

AIESEC: One in The Philippines and other in Egypt.

1. Main Achievements

1. Starting a new focus in AIESEC in Peru: Public Relations

Since the beginning of the MC Bold, we were sure about the importance of having a strong focus in the external sector and, as our Incoming GCDP program was growing fast, we shifted to a PR focused. The MC and Local Entities are aware of the need we have for expanding our brand and delivering our leadership promise to all sectors possible. 2. Expanding our national partners: The biggest achievement of PR is the relevant national alliances we established with very important organizations and public institutions in Peru such as OBRA, United Nations Volunteers and Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP) 3. GCDP Strategic Corner: During term 13-14 the PR area worked hands in hands with Incoming GCDP to establish significant partnerships for the program and a different source of incomes for the sustainability of our different projects. Our main achievemt in this point was the sponsorhip we received from Telefonica Perú (S/: 7000

Main Challenges

1. Getting the right focus: As PR was a brand new area in the Member Committee we had uncertainty about the focus AIESEC in Peru needed from this area and we took a while for figuring that out.

2. PR as strategic support: Besides the synergy with Incoming GCDP Program, PR area could not properly define with the rest of national areas a meaningful way of collaboration between each other. Then we could not capitalize other ways of partnerships for AIESEC in Peru

Public Relations 1. Plan Vs. Achieved

1. We established 3 significant partnerships with the following organizations:

UNV: AIESEC in Peru attended many meetings with the United Nations Volunteers Program, as our organization is part of the board that is formulating the “Leadership Law” to be presented to Peruvian senate for its legislation. On the other hand, we facilitated the hosting of the documentary “Girl Rising” at national level and brought the opportunity to LCs to realize showcasing events with it.

OBRA: We participate in the OBRA board of partnerships, where we discuss many topics around volunteerism and generate networking with many other organizations. We participated in a Volunteerism Forum held in Iquitos through the assistance of Daniela Garzón, our Incoming GCDP Vice President.

We participated in a contest held by Telefonica Peru with many other organizations. At the end we turned out to be one of the finalists of the contest, winning S/. 7000 for our Incoming GCDP Projects.

MIMP: We have had many meetings with MIMP in order to have a massive partnership for Incoming GCDP project. Although the project is still under negotiation, we are already taken into

consideration in the public sector.

Business Development JULIO VALDEZ

Bachelor in BA

MCVP BD 13.14 AIESEC in Peru

MCP 14.15 – AIESEC in Nicaragua

AIESEC Member since May 2011


Incomes Planned: 70,000 USD - Incomes achieved: 10,500 USD


• Tools Management and sinergy with Marketing is urgent in a Commercial area such as BD.

• The Product Packaging needs to be more clear to our potential Partners as a way of closing sales more effectively, and show a better value proposition that fits companies needs and that can be delivered without generating high expectation of something that we wont be able to give.

• Sales flow Optimization (contact, meeting and follow up) must be a priority for the next term.


Bachelor in Tourism & Hospitality.

MC BDmgr. 13.14 AIESEC in Peru

MCVP BD AIESEC in Peru 14.15

AIESEC since January 2011


1. Partnership delivery according the

current National Portfolio that we use to manage.

2. 5 new partnerships at the end of the term.

3. Partnerships aligned to our organizational purpose.




1. Adapt to the Procedures that requires Selling National Products rather tan iGIP which

was our previous TLP XP 2. There was no pipeline of Leadership in BD, as in other entities usually the MCVP was

Manager before. This brings more sustainability in procedures, process, delivery, etc 3. Since the beginning of the term we face problems with the National Portfolio, no

product packaging and this was the main cause of our goal achievement.

Administration, Finance and Legal Tatiana León MCVP ALF 13.14

✈ Joined AIESEC in November 2010

✈ LCVP ALF 2012 – CLPA

✈ Team Member Education divition - FLB

✈ NST Audit and Finance 13-I - PERU

✈ Team Leader Consultancy –FLB

✈ NST Audit and Control - ALGERIA

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become”

Ensure Sustainability

Propel our programs ACHIEVE 2015

1º Our vision and main challenges

MC 12-13


Sustainable Growth[GCDP


Slow and

Complex reporting

During the term we faced a debt of S/ 41 133 nuevos soles.

Amount that was not properly communicated

during transition and that left the organization in


With the support of our BOA we established a priority payment plan for the first

management semester and were able to recover by

February 2014

The 13 14 term proposed a 100% growth on both the

GCDP programs. For which we developed:

1º A Sustainable financial model for iGCDP changing

the TN flow (creating a fundraising wiki), new

pricing, contract model and backward financial planning

2º An strategic support for oGCDP with IXP campaigns, new pricing, new contracts, weekly discount planning.

By the beginning of the term there was no financial information properly

presented or stored. There for we implemented a

monthly national report, a national conference report and a national tool for LCs

reporting and Financial Statement preparation on

real time..

Administration, Finance and Legal 2º Balance between planned and achieved

Although we can define the year as successful in financial terms (coming from bankruptcy to months of reserve), the financial crisis took quite a lot of the year focus leaving almost only 4 months to work on the 3 drivers planned: Sustainable growth, fast and simple process and leadership development: ✈ Sustainable Growth [GCDP/TMP]: Achieved.. We developed a new flow for planning,

tracking and supporting the growth on iGCDP which can be validated by the recognition we received on quality and quantity by AI. At the same time we focus on TMP investments by the LCVPs which can be seen in the second semester and the amount of TCS cover by the LCs, LCPs salary and International conference FEEs covered.

✈ Fast and Simple Processes: Achieved. PODIO implementation created a new storage unit were we can process: LC evaluation and upload national information. Al the same time, the main output of the NST work is the new tool that creates Financial Statements on real time and replaces 4 different previous tools

✈ Leadership development: Not Achieved. Due to time limitations this was not a focus and there for we can not present any consisted result other the education cycle structure for the area

3º General Comments

1º Beware of accounting information transition (actual cash flow, accounts

receivable and payable). It was not the debt itself what hurt the organization but

the infromation management of it

2º Financial Planning for the next term must be a joined creation of the current an elected MCVP. It’s during this time that fixed cost structure, real incomes, timing

and others must be review

3º Legal transition is equality important. The handover of organizational power must be a responsibility of the outgoing MC and should be ready before the end

of the term.

4º There is still a big room of improvement in what is associated with

financial tools and legal processes (specialy focus on visa procedures

needed to grow GIP)

4º Indicadores anuales

Meses de reserva:

Last year: 0 Goal: 3 Achieved: 1.6




277,867 310,827









Last Year Goal Achieved Last Year Goal Achieved

Revenues Expenses