AIESEC in USP - GCDP Booklet 2015

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Beatriz Guerra
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AIESEC in USP - GCDP● Project SMARKETING ………………………4● Project X4CHANGE …………………………6● Project EARTH CHARTER (Carta da Terra) …8● About the City ………………………………9● Benefits ………………………………….…27● Contacts ……………………………………28● Exchange Program Flow ……………………29

Exchange Program Flow


WHEN: June-JulyABOUT: Improve the marketing related activities and communication of the NGOs, improving their relationship with the target audience, managing social medias and creating new products. The EPs need to have background in marketing, business, journalism, photography or web design.

GOAL: Give more visibility and outreach to the NGO where the team is conducting the project, according to what the NGO wants to show to society.

PREPARATION: The EPs will take 1 week to plan the project and the activities they will deliver and they will work for the next 5 weeks in their NGO.SPOTS: 20

Associação Fissurados

Estrela do Amanhã



WHEN: July 20th to August 28thABOUT: Teach ENGLISH or SPANISH or BASIC COMPUTER to poor children and teenagers in NGOs. Requires TN fee.

GOAL: To show how easily and nice learning a new language can be and improve their abilities so they will have better opportunities in their future.

PREPARATION: The EPs will take 1 week to plan the project(the week of July 20th) and the activities they will deliver and then they will work for the next 5 in their NGO.

WORK: 4 days every week at the NGO, from 10am to 3pm. Lead session once a week at our LC.SPOTS: 20

Associação Madre Teresa de Calcutá

Centro Educativo Frei Luis Amigó

Instituto RogacionistaCentro Educativo Frei Luis Amigó

Lar Alvorecer Cristão

WHEN: August - September

ABOUT: Is an initiative of Earth Charter International and AIESEC in Brazil. The both organizations are now partners in the Earth Charter Project, aiming to disseminate the Charter’s content among young people in Brazil. Requires TN fee.

GOAL: 400 young leaders will facilitate workshops about the Charter’s content to students of private and public schools of Brazil.



São Paulo is the most populous city in Brazil, in the Americas, and the world's twelfth largest city by population

Sé Station

São Paulo is a monster. It’s the biggest city of the state of the same name. Enormous, intimidating and, at first glance at least, no great beauty. It's a difficult city for the traveler to master, even the most partisan paulistano – resident of São Paulo city-will rail about the smog, the traffic, the crumbling sidewalks and the gaping divide between poor and rich. But in the same breath they’ll tell you they’d never live anywhere else.

Let them guide you to their favorite haunts and the reason for this will begin to unfold. Maybe they will introduce you to the city’s innumerable art-house cinemas and experimental theaters. If they’re gourmands, you’ll focus on the smart bistros and gourmet restaurants that make the city a world-renowned foodie haven

If they’re scenesters, double up on espresso before embarking on a tour of raucous underground bars and the 24/7 clubbing scene. Whatever pleasures you might covet, Sampa – as the city is known – probably has them in spades.Bienal - Ibirapuera

This fertile cultural life is supported by Brazil’s biggest and best-educated middle class and further enriched by literally hundreds of distinct ethnic groups – including the largest community of people of Japanese descent outside Japan, the largest population of Italian descendants outside Italy and a significant Arab community fueled mostly by Lebanese and Syrian immigration. There are one million people of German stock and, as well, sizable Chinese, Armenian, Lithuanian, Greek, Syrian, Korean, Polish and Hungarian communities. São Paulo also has the largest openly gay community in Latin America. Brazil's melting pot is quite hot indeed.


An estimated 20 million people live in greater São Paulo, making it the third-largest metropolis on earth. The numbers are dizzying: first-rate museums and cultural centers (150), world-class restaurants (12,500, covering 52 types of cuisine), experimental theaters and cinemas (420). Sampa’s nightclubs and bars are among the best on the continent (15,000 bars make for one hell of a pub crawl) and its restaurants are among the best in the world. Its relentless, round-the-clock pulse – a close cousin of London’s or New York’s – can prove taxing even for the fiercest hipster. Then again, it may just deliver the charge you need to discover one of the world’s great cities.

São Paulo enjoys a high-altitude tropical climate, with summer rains and an average temperature of from 19º to 27 ºC. It is possible to experience all four seasons in just one day. In the morning, the weather can be sunny and cloudless yet the day may end with a storm. This is why Paulistanos often carry jackets and umbrellas, even on hot days

In the summer, it usually rains at the end of the afternoon, cooling things off. In the fall, the temperature is pleasant at an average of around 23ºC. Winter days are sunny and dry with temperatures that rarely dip below 15ºC. In the spring, it is usually warm and dry.


CultureSão Paulo is home to important and

diversified cultural programs, such as distinguished orchestras, operas, ballets, exhibitions and concerts from all over the world. This fertile cultural life is supported by Brazil’s biggest and best-educated middle class and further enriched by literally hundreds of distinct ethnic groups.

The city is also home to traditional and significant events such as:

➔ Bienal Internacional de Artes Plásticas (International Biennial of Fine Arts);

➔ Bienal do Livro (Biennial of Literature);

➔ Mostra Internacional de Cinema (International Film Festival);

➔ Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens (International Festival of Short Films);

➔ Festival Internacional de Artes Cênicas (International Festival of Scenic Arts);

In addition to blues, jazz, dance shows, cinema, theatre festivals, among others.

Mercadão Municipal

Teatro Municipal

Vale do Anhangabaú

Estação da Luz Mosteiro de São Bento

Memorial da América Latina

Sala São Paulo

Teatro Municipal

Beco do Batman

To visit São Paulo's museums is a real walk through the history of Brazil, of São Paulo and of the world. There are large monuments installed in modern buildings and in delicately preserved historic areas. It is a journey through the colonial, imperial and republican periods, a blend of the old with the new. Portinari, Tarsila do Amaral, Rodin, Miró, Brecheret, Di Cavalcanti. Libraries, Cultural Areas, Documents, Manuscripts, Furniture, Clothes, Pictures, Videos, Music, Films, Theater, and much more!

TourismBusiness tourism alone is responsible for more

than 45,000 events per year. There are, in the capital, some places every tourist must visit: Bela Vista (an Italian neighborhood), Liberdade (a Japanese neighborhood) and the commercial streets 25 de Março (an Arabian neighborhood) and José Paulino (an Israelite neighborhood). By visiting these places, one can have a better idea of how many different types of immigrants came to São Paulo and helped develop the city.

For those who like historical monuments, a visit to the city's churches is a must, specially Convento Nossa Senhora da Luz, built in 1579.

Enjoy the city's nightlife and visit its hundreds of calm or busy bars, discos and nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, performances, concerts, dance shows, pubs and much more.

Liberdade Terraço Itália

25 de Março

Livraria Cultura

Ibirapuera Park Football Museum

Viaduto do Chá



Casa das Rosas Pacaembu Stadium


Jardim Botânico Bandeirantes’ Monument


Mário de Andrade Library

Viaduto Santa Efigênia

Catedral da Sé

Centro Cultural

Mosteiro da LuzLargo São

FranciscoParque Ecológico do Tietê


Liberdade Park

Nightlife Of all the reasons to fall a little in love with

São Paulo, its vibrant nightlife is one of the best. The SP night is blessed with a sophisticated, wide-ranging selection of styles and genres – and a relaxed, fun-loving crowd, so when nights out here are good, they’re some of the best you can have anywhere.

Many of the city’s night owls are drawn to uptown, top-ranking ‘baladas’ (clubs). The neighbourhoods of Jardins, Vila Olímpia and Itaim Bibi are the natural homes of those clubs, with dancefloors commanded by national and international DJs playing techno and house.

In Vila Madalena, the neighbourhood's more bohemian tone translates to buzzing botecos (local bars), and small live music venues.

Further north in Barra Funda, an expanding collection of clubs, Barra Funda has become a fine alternative, lately, to the city's other great clubland hotspot: Centro and Baixo Augusta.

Clash Club


Zeppelin - Vila Madalena

Food São Paulo is awash with great dining

opportunities and with a population nearing 20 million, and the largest mix of migrants in Brazil, it’s a city packed with tasty variation.

There are endless chances for high flying experiences across São Paulo, but alongside this, there’s also many hidden, intimate treats to discover. From the Municipal Market in Centro to one of the best coffee shops in Brazil, a day spent traversing the concrete jungle of São Paulo yields a fanciful fare, enough to keep even the most discerning food lovers busy and full, very full.

The Municipal Market is well known both locally and as a tourist hotspot for its vast array of exotic fruits, nuts, sauces, vegetables and also,the infamous and mountainous Mortadella sandwich.

Thanks to the immigration, you can find all sorts of restaurants from every part of the world in the city as well. You can also find Food Trucks very interesting and delicious! Basically, forget diets.

Municipal Market



Mortadela Sandwich


More Advantages of São Paulo➔ Public transport. You can get anywhere

in the city with the subway and buses.➔ Guarulhos, where is the International

Airport of São Paulo-Guarulhos (the most important of Brazil), is nearby São Paulo.

➔ Within 1-2 hours approximately travelling by car or bus, you can visit amazing and beautiful beaches of the state of São Paulo’s coast. And moreover, Rio de Janeiro is right next to São Paulo and you can get there after 5 hours by car/bus or 40 minutes by airplane.

➔ Shopping Malls, supermarkets. There are plenty of them all over the city.

Rio de Janeiro


Problems of São Paulo

São Paulo has been the most important economic center of Brazil since the beginnings of the 19th century. The rapid economic growth of the 20th century as well as the late turn from an industrial to a tertiary economy city has given birth to extreme social inequalities inside the city. The spatial appearance of these inequalities is slums of poverty called favelas and rich gated communities

Far from perfection, São Paulo has more problems such as huge traffic jams up to 100km long are common and can be even 200km long in bad weather or at weekends and holidays, pollution, drugs, floods, homeless people including children, and these are just a few items of the list

Being a global citizen is exceedingly important to help fighting all these troubles. Even the small contribution can signify a great change. Be a global citizen!

Water Rationing in São Paulo São Paulo it's been through a difficult time when it comes to water. Water reserves in here are running out, therefore we are going through a period of recession. It is possible that water in your host family runs out once a week, but there is no way to predict who will or who will not have water at home. At the same time, there are even some houses that had never ran out of water untill now, so we have no way to control that.


The School of Economics, Business and Accounting (FEA) at the University of São Paulo (USP) is our home, located in Cidade Universitária. And is easily reachable by subway and buses.

Founded in 2000, AIESEC in USP has impacted many lives. Just in January of this year, 36 lives were affected and all these people are living remarkable experiences! Today, we have 50 operating members in our LC working as hard as they can to do the best to impact your life too! Join us!Our adress: Luciano Gualberto Avenue, 908 - FEA 5 - sala 212 -Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Cidade Universitária


What who came already has to say

“São Paulo is a huge, multicultural and a welcoming city. People embrace you as if you were in their family and are very friendly, I found wonderful people of different nationalities that made this an unique experience, I had the opportunity to meet so many things about Brazilian culture and other countries. This exchange has enriched my life and my thinking in ways unimaginable. The most important thing for me is that I will bring to Colombia great friendships and "my Brazilian family" who helped me so much in this process and who I will always remember with the greatest of affection.I'm eternally grateful.”

Stefany Moya Ortiz, 23 yearsColômbia

“Before I did my exchange, I thought that São Paulo would be only like New York, high buildings and that’s all, but after I got here, I realized that São Paulo - Brazil - is, most of all, remarkable by all the friendly people.I feel very comfortable with my work in the NGO, especially now that we are more focused, with my host and with my buddy that is an amazing friend. They are all very nice. It’s a great experience.”

Jaqui Jocope,Peru

BENEFITS● Free Accommodations: host family or student’s house;● Pick Up at the airport;● Portuguese Lessons once a week;● Buddy;● Extreme fun time!!

Contacts➔ SMARKETING● Alexandre de Siqueira -● Larissa Costa -➔ EARTH CHARTER● Christian Heo -● Julia Rielo -➔ X4CHANGE● Beatriz Guerra -● Letícia Boareto -

Exchange Program Flow1. Apply for one of the projects in EXPA and answer our form: Our team will contact you within 24 hours to schedule an

interview and take care of the other procedures;3. Documentation process;4. Arrival of the trainee;5. Realization of the project.

Do you want to know more about São Paulo?Visit these websites:

Come to São Paulo with AIESEC - USP!!We are waiting for
