AIM: How did the Enlightenment influence revolutions in Latin America?

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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AIM: How did the Enlightenment influence revolutions in Latin America?. DO-NOW: How did the American and French Revolutions inspire the movement for freedom in Latin America?. Vocabulary:. Encomienda System (en- koh - mee -en-duh) - social class system in the Spanish colonies. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


DO-NOW: How did the American and French Revolutions inspire the movement for freedom in Latin America?

Encomienda System (en-koh-mee-en-duh) - social class system in the Spanish colonies.

Nationalism (nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m) – a feeling of pride and loyalty to one’s country

Reform (ri-fawrm)– a change, to fix what is wrongPlantations (plan-tey-shuh n) – a large farm in which

cotton, tobacco, coffee or sugar cane is grownMulattoes (muh-lat-oh) – a person of mixed ancestry, the

offspring of one white parent and one black parentGuerrilla war [guh-ril-uh] – type of warfare where the

soldiers use surprise attacks against their enemies instead of normal fighting techniques

Republic [ri-puhb-lik] – a system of government in which officials are chosen by the people to serve as representatives

Resistance [ri-zis-tuh ns] – to oppose or to go against something

Read Revolutions in Latin AmericaRead the first section,

“Latin America Sweeps to Freedom”

Underline or highlight any important information

Complete the Social Class Triangle on your worksheet

Read the handout Revolutions in Latin America

Underline or highlight any important information

Use the underlined information to complete the chart

Toussaint L’Ouverture

Simón Bolívar José de San Martín

Where? When? Results?

Where? When? Results?

Where? When? Results?

Choose 1 Latin American Revolutionary Leader & create a tombstone for them.

Explain who they were, where they were from & what they did

R.I.P.Here lies

_______________ Led a revolution in ________ which helped gain their independence from ________