Aims - Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford · Think about signs, symbols, actions and scripture that...

Post on 13-Oct-2020

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To take some time to stop, reflect and refocus.

To spend time talking to and sharing ideas with old

and new coordinators.

Supporting one another when assessing RE.

How we can celebrate Year of the Word as a Diocese.

Our use of the Caritas in Action resources.



Religious Education is the "core of the core curriculum" in a Catholic

school (Pope St John Paul II).

“Christ is alive. Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive.”

We want our school communities to be alive.

Tell us what to do about assessment,

we are confused. We need some


We are fine with assessment, we are using

the age-related standards, we are trying

ideas and we will refine as we go.

Primary Assessment Update:

NBRIA feel that all schools should all be using or working towards using the

interim age-related standards.

All Dioceses in England are now using / beginning work with them.

A guideline document has been produced with the assessment working

party to ‘guide’ our schools.

Focus of the document is to keep the process simple,

not to create extra workload, show progress in work.

Give the pupils a checking –in / cold task.

Using information on prior

knowledge the unit is


Teach the unit of work.

Assess at the points stated

in planning.

When planning the unit

identify one or two tasks

that can be used for

assessment purposes.

When the unit is complete,

pupils complete the

checking-out / hot task.

Assess the unit using the

age-related standards.


The Parable of the Lost sheep – everyone is taken care of by God.

Everyone has a place in the Kingdom. When we leave and turn from

God, he is waiting to bring us back.

The rainbow shows everyone is welcome, it links with the uninvited

Guests, whoever you are whatever you have or don’t

have you are welcome. I have put the Kingdom values on the rainbow

as you can bring them to the Kingdom, they help the Kingdom to grow.

The people holding the heart reminds us we

need to love everyone, it links with Jesus

teaching us the greatest commandment,

“Love one another as I have loved you.”

Inside the heart is the mustard seed, the

smallest seed growing into the biggest

tree. The Kingdom begins small in us, when

we live the values we help the Kingdom

of God to grow,

I have drawn a cross in the tree. The cross was made from wood, it

reminds us that Jesus died for us, so our sins could be forgiven.

Forgiveness is an important value in the Kingdom, it is sometimes

hard for us to do.

I have drawn stars, we need to let our lights shine out.

It also shows we are unique!

Show our understanding of the Kingdom of God.

We all belong to the Kingdom of God. When you belong to a group or organisation you have a badge or emblem representing that group. Design a badge

to show your understanding of what it means to belong to the Kingdom of God.

Understand that everyone is invited into the Kingdom of God. Think about ways we can share the

Good News.

Hi I’m Matt, I am in Year 7. I have been thinking about being Confirmed next year, posters

have gone up around school about going to a meeting and starting the programme. I don’t

think I can do it though because I’ve not been to church for ages, I don’t say my prayers each

day and I know I have done some bad things….I was really unkind to another boy in my form.

I think the reason I picked on this boy was because I was jealous of him. He had been picked

for the football team and I hadn’t, so I made fun of him in front of other kids, when they

laughed I liked it! I do other stuff like mess about in class sometimes, I like to be with the

‘in crowd’ and look cool not worrying if I’m leaving anyone else out and I know I should help

at home more. I don’t think I can sign up for the Confirmation programme, what do you think?

What answer would you give, how would you convince Matt he is part of the Kingdom of God?

What would you say to Sally, a homeless person in Stockport,that the Kingdom of God is for her?

Give examples from the parables and our Kingdom of God work in your answer.

I am not welcome in The Kingdom of God and why should I trust God? Look at me I have nothing. Where is God when I need him? Nobody wants to know me, I’m not welcome so why would God want me in his Kingdom?

I can’t give anything, I have no money. The Kingdom of God is not for me!

Look carefully at the pictures.

Is there a theme to link the pictures? Discuss.

Is there an odd one out? Which one and why?

Here is your starter for 10!

Come and See. Year 4. Gift. Gifts of love and friendship.

Read and discuss the story.

Pre-learning homework: discuss at home joys and demands of a good friendship.

Joys DemandsShow what a job advertisement looks like.

Children to work in pairs to plan and write a

job advertisement for a good friend.


write a recipe for what makes a good friend.

Learning Focus 1: God’s gift of love and friendship.

Read about the season of Advent.

Activity: research meaning behind the Advent

Wreath, then make and label own.

Activity: Each child in the class to give one way to prepare this Advent and ideas to go in a class

Advent Calendar.

Activity: Read and discuss using the key questions Paul’s

letter to the people of Ephesus.

Activity: Fr Tom is new to his parish, he wants to produce a booklet to help his parishoners use Advent as a

time to prepare for the coming of Jesus. Throughout this topic add ways to help people prepare.

Think about signs, symbols, actions and scripture that will help Fr Tom’s parishoners, if you

can explain how it will help.

Describe, with increasing detail and accuracy a range of religious beliefs.Make links between beliefs and worship, giving reasons for actions and symbols.

Learning Focus 6: The Church celebrates the gift of Jesus.

Read Church Story 3 pg 94 –discuss the signs and symbols.

Look at a selection of Christmas cards – Discuss with your partner which cards remind

You of the true meaning of Christmas. Design your own Christmas card to show that

Christmas is celebrating the gift of Jesus.

(Children to explain the signs / symbols / pictures chosen).

Design and make a Nativity scene to take home this Christmas. Prepare a sheet to travel home with the crib.


How to set the crib up.

Scripture to accompany the crib.

Prayers to say.

Music that could be listened to.

(children to explain their reasons for each section).

Describe, with increasing detail and accuracy a range of religious beliefs.

Make links between beliefs and worship, giving reasons for actions and symbols

Describe, with increasing detail and accuracy the life and work of key figures in the history of the People

of God

We use a different scheme to Come and See, how can we


We are due for our S48, should we start using these age-related

standards this year?

We started this academic year using the Bishop’s

conference levels, should we wait until next year to start

working with the age-related standards?

We are happy with how we are assessing, we are using the age-related standards,

we have our own grids in place. Do we have to change and use checking in and out


We How and when should I introduce this? I can’t give this to my staff currently, we

have so much on already!

How can my early years pupils complete checking in and out tasks?

Pupil have a clear understanding of how well they are doing, of

what they need to do to improve, and can fully articulate how they have

made progress. Outstanding grade descriptor how well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in Religious Education.

Planning is linked to pupils’ current assessment and their knowledge of the

individual, such that lessons consolidate and extend pupils’ knowledge and

understanding, so that they learn extremely well.Outstanding grade descriptor for quality of teaching, learning and assessment in Religious Education.

Leaders ensure that Religious Education is imaginatively and thoughtfully

planned to meet the needs of different groups of pupils and each key stage

and phase is creatively structured to build on and enhance prior learning. Outstanding grade descriptor for quality of teaching, learning and assessment in Religious Education.

“Catholic schools are the most successful providers of Religious Education

in the country. This is because we take it seriously as a rigorous, theological

academic subject” Marcus Stock Bishop of Leeds and lead bishop for

Religious Education on the Bishops’ conference.


30th September 2019 – 31st December 2020Fr Chris Lough.

Scripture Champion.



SharingWhat could you do in your school or cluster to celebrate,live and share scripture?


Launch the Year of the Word to staff, pupils, families.

Organise/prepare communal display for the Year of the Word – see facts

on Westminster Diocese assembly page.

Focus on the rituals / routines we have when welcoming the Gospel.

Parents/pupils to share favourite scripture passages in first language.

‘Scripture in our School’ review: what is its presence and how could it be


‘Waxworks’ meet the people of the Bible.

Deanery day – schools coming

together to celebrate scripture through

prayer stations planned by schools.

Please complete the form about the RE the cluster you are in.

If your school is not in a cluster please put your name and details on the

yellow list.

RECD 3 still in planning stages of what the new RECD will look like. Important that at this point to not

spend money on new schemes.

If using Come and See it is essential that the website is being used and not the books, the website is

regularly updated.

S48 – training has been completed and schools now waiting to be inspected. We will spend time in our

summer meeting sharing experiences.

Examples of SEF formats have been sent out to schools.

Good section in DFE documenton Relationships Education (Primary) pages 19-24.

Before investing in a new scheme, look at DFE documentation,

consult CES documents.

RSE Schemes you may want to consider:

Next training day Friday 13th March 2020

Next RE coordinators day Monday 27th January 2020. Venue TBC

Achievement and Impact in RE – Creative Ways Forward.

Lat is Editor of REtoday magazine

and has written many RE

resources published by RE Today.