Alamitos Bay Yacht Club lido fleet invades Volume 88 ... · scavenger hunt, a Giant Jenga game,...

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sou’wester • october 2015 • page 1

Ukelele Lessons ............................ October 6 & 20Commodore’s Installation ..................... October 17Happy Hour/Peninsula Beach Program ...... Oct 23Club ABYC - Halloween Party .............. October 30Halloween Regatta ............................... October 31Membership Meeting - Champions .. November 13Turkey Day Regatta .................... November 21-22Full ABYC Calendar

October 2015 Official Publication of

Alamitos Bay Yacht ClubVolume 88 • Number 10

Manager’s Corner ............................................. 2Commodore’s Comments............................... 2-3Vice Verses ....................................................... 4Rear View ....................................................... 4-5Fleet Captain’s Log ........................................... 5Junior Sailing ..................................................... 6Membership Report .................................... 10-11Commodore’s Appreciation Party ..................... 11Hails From the Fleets ................................. 12-15

s as as as as a vvvvv e t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d a t et et et et ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d e

two harborslido fleet invades

Moor 10 cruising boats filled with ABYC Lido sailors, and mix in: a happy hour, a pot luck dinner ashore, one toughscavenger hunt, a Giant Jenga game, incredibly warm clear water, hot summer sun, and a quarter moon studdedwith stars and you get one heck of a fun filled three-day weekend at Two Harbors—just 26 miles across the sea.The fourth annual Lido 14 cruise to Santa Catalina was like its predecessors, a fun weekend with a fun fleet of

friends. All sailors managed to play hooky on Friday in order to head to the island for a long weekend. Friday evening 21people assembled on Westward to enjoy nibbles and beverages includingKevin’s infamous Sangria and Bill’s Amish Pirates. Saturday morning,somewhere around 11:00, the Lido gang gathered on the beach for Cherieand Angie’s well designed scavenger hunt that had the fleet running outon the pier, scavenging the beach, swimming to a moored raft, and huntingfor the “almost planted Lido” aground in the play area . The morningmoved into afternoon as the group tackled knot tying and sail folding. Ofcourse the afternoon concluded with a brief stopover at the Reef for whatelse but Buffalo Milk.

The evening pot luck fortunately featured huge slabs of freshlycaught Mahimahi steak that Bill McDannel (an honorary Lido 14 memberfor the weekend) snagged by trolling from the Robinson’s stern on hisway over. And, of course, the evening concluded with a stopover at theReef for dancing and a few more Buffalo Milks. Sunday, as advertisedincluded: waking up whenever, taking a swim, and trying to procrastinatereturning to the real world.

Sue McDannel

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Kathy Robinson photo



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Well, here we are in the month of October. It’s hard to believe that the summer is now behind us, and Halloween is just around the corner. Our wonderful Social Advisory Committee has planned a special Club ABYC Halloween Party on October 30th, which

promises to be lots of fun with a DJ Steve Steiner spinning all your favorite tunes, and somespooky surprises taking place, so beware! And of course, costumes are always fun, but notrequired. You can check out the party’s flyer for more details.

Speaking of the Halloween flyers, have you noticed how “spooktacular” they look? I’d liketo take this moment to recognize one of our members, Kathy Weishampel, who has for the pastseveral months been so graciously donating her time and talents to create all of the wonderful

flyers that we post up on the club bulletin board and website. I had a chance to talk to Kathy about her background, andhere’s a brief history: Kathy was born and raised in SoCal, and developed a passion for sailing on Catalina Island while shewas a teenager, where she would help her family shuttle people on shore-boats between the island and their yachts. Sheacquired her first dinghy in Newport Beach, and later joined the CSULB Sailing Team, while majoring in Art there.

Kathy first got into the graphic design field when she began working at a printing company while living in theMidwest. Eventually, she became the Director of Advertising at Harken Yacht Equipment, where she worked for over 25years. Being in the graphic design industry at the advent of computer technology, Kathy has seen a lot of changes in thefield, an “Industrial Revolution”, as she so perfectly describes it. She can still recall the olden days of creating layouts, when“cutting and pasting” meant literally doing just that, imagine that! Kathy retired from Harken last May, and lucky for us, she’sbeen using her years of experience to design and create the all flyers we see at the Club today. Many thanks go out toKathy for all of her hard work!

Tori Kasik

The Party’s Over, last call, don’t let the door hit you in the butt, adios, asta la bye-bye babyit’s been nice…Wow this is bitter sweet for Trish and I. Boy, we had a good run…howeverwe are not going anywhere and we will still be heavily involved!I don’t know where to start but to tell every one of you THANK YOU for a great 4 years

serving on the board. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. As I stated in my outgoingslide presentation at the annual meeting, it is amazing how many projects we have completed,as well as how great the club is looking in addition to the excellent financial shape we are in.The Board of Directors works very hard to uphold the oath and to keep ABYC on a solid pathmoving into the future, and I have been honored to serve with them.

I have learned so much about ABYC from all of the board members and staff Commodores that preceded me, andeveryone of you have helped me through this journey- even the very blunt “advice” from a few Staff Commodores wasawesome!

As I sit here writing this last article as your Commodore pondering the great journey that we have taken togetherI cannot believe how much we have done. This past year, we ran 76 regattas and clinics and I want to thank every PROthat dedicated their time and the hundreds of volunteers that make it happen time and time again. We should all be veryproud of the world-class regattas that we host-large and small- as we are known around the world for hosting qualityregattas.

My personal experience volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games was an event that I will never forget.The athletes were incredibly inspiring, and their energy was infectious. Between ABYC, USSC and LBYC we ran a perfectregatta for the athletes that we can all be proud of for many years to come. Our incredible (and super fun) Social AdvisoryCommittee pulled off over 54 parties and events…who doesn’t like a good party, right? I have really enjoyed working withSAC over the last 3 years and look forward to many more years to come, you guys ROCK!

I want to thank my current Board of Directors; Jennifer Kuritz, Latham Bell, Steve Smith, Kevin Brown, JeffMcDermaid, Cindy Heavrin and Yon Carpenter for all of your support this past year and being part of this great team. AsI hand over the helm to Latham, I am confident that he will be a great Commodore and continue to uphold the values ofABYC that our founders established.

Latham’s new board is very strong and I look forward to serving alongside each and every one of them: ViceCommodore Steve Smith, Rear Commodore Kevin Brown, incoming Fleet Captain David Schack, secretary JeffMcDermaid, incoming Junior Director Steve Bloemeke, incoming membership director Dan Milefchik and co-portcaptain Joel Stone. Please welcome in the new board next time you see them down at the club.

I also want to recognize the new Junior Board for 2016; Commodore Alan Peoples, Vice Commodore RyanSchack (and Double Handed Captain), Rear Commodore Julia Golison (and Fundraising Chair), Secretary Hailey

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Commodore Chuck

Vice Commodore Latham

Rear Commodore Steve

Fleet Captain Kevin

Secretary Jeff

Jr. Staff Commodore Jennifer

DirectorsJunior Program Yon Carpenter

yoncarpenter@yahoo.comMembership Cindy Heavrin

cmheavrin@verizon.netVolunteers Tim Carter

Sou’WSou’WSou’WSou’WSou’Wesesesesestttttererererer DEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEOctober 24, 2015 is the deadline

for the November Sou’Wester.

Help us tHelp us tHelp us tHelp us tHelp us to Help yo Help yo Help yo Help yo Help you!ou!ou!ou!ou!Please keep your e-mail address currentwith to receive allof the weekly news and events. Thank you.

Treasurer Nicole Peoples

Junior Commodore Beth Golison

Fleet Surgeon Angela Albright

Judge Advocate Tom Ramsey

Fleet Chaplain Don Reiman

Port Captain Dave Myers/Dave Schack

Sou’wester Editor/Layout Sharon Pearson

Weekly Reader Glenn Selvin

ABYC Phone (562) 434-9955

Homepage www.abyc.orgEmail

F i r s t Step

...from page 2commodorem o r e

Thompson, Staffing Taylor Milefchik, Public Relations Jake Zieba, Laser Captain Bradley Clinton, Sabot CaptainBrett Peoples, Social Julia Carpenter and Katie Zieba, Fundraising Roxy Snyder and Sarah Warren, CommunityService Axel Stordahl and Junior Staff Commodore Beth Golison, I am sure this talented board of juniors will doamazing things this coming year for ABYC and I look forward to working with each and every one of them.

ABYC doesn’t just run off of volunteers and the Board of Directors, it takes the everyday effort of our wonderfulstaff. I cannot tell you how many times that they have stepped up tohelp me and other flag officers but to persevere when we have gonethrough 2 general managers and adapt to a new Commodore everyyear. The food service is much better, the club looks awesome and theoverall vibe and teamwork is very prominent. Thank You Tori Kasik,Jenny LaForce, Sheila Mattox, Julissa Fernandez, Kelly Rose, ArianaHernandez, Rick Rose, Roberto Rodriquez, Eric Redmond, ColeAnosouk and Dave Myers, you guys ROCK!

In closing, I want to express how proud I am of ABYC and thedirection that the Board of Directors are going, it has been a pleasurebeing your Commodore!

Remember ABYC is the PLACE to BE…Chuck Clay

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It just seems like a few months ago that I started as Vice-Commodore, (well at least 12 monthsago) and it has gone by so fast! Working with the staff of ABYC to get things accomplishedhas been a wonderful experience! So often I would see something that was needed to be

repaired or replaced and when I would get to the club a day later it was already in progress. Ourstaff is forward thinking an self-motivated to not only give us members a great place to hang outbut also to have a wonderful location for they themselves to show up to work each day! Thankyou all so much for working with me this year, it has been great and I look forward to a few moreyears with you.

Many things have been accomplished this year. But, I am sure the one on everyone’smind is the State of the Hoist. As of now there is no hoist! It has been removed for some well-

deserved rest. All American Crane is on schedule and barring no unforeseen issues the hoist should be back and ready forother fifty or so years of service! I ask that we all keep our fingers crossed send out good thoughts that it will be back forTurkey Day!

I would like to take this time to introduce to your 2015 Board of Directors:Commodore Latham BellVice Commodore Steven SmithRear Commodore Kevin BrownFleet Captain David SchackJr. Rear Commodore Chuck ClayCo-Port Captains Dave Myers and Joel StoneSecretary Jeff McDermaidDirector – Volunteers Tim CarterDirector – Membership Dan MilefchikDirector – Junior Program Steve BloemekeJunior Commodore Alan Peoples

I look forward to working with all of these individuals to continue the traditions of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club.I would also like to thank all of those that have volunteered to continue as chairpersons or those who have agreed

to take on new roles this year. ABYC cannot function without your spirit behind her helm and sheets!A great group of Junior members have stepped up to be the future leaders of ABYC! They will engage you and

make you proud!Junior Board of Directors

Junior Commodore Alan PeoplesRyan Schack, Julia Golison, Hailey Thompson, Jake Zieba, Bradley Clinton, Taylor Milefchik, Sarah Warren,

Brett Peoples, Roxy Snyder, Axel Stordahl, Julia Carpenter, Katie Zieba, Beth GolisonListed below are the Officers for the following year:

OfficersTreasurer Nicole PeoplesJudge Advocate Tom Ramsey, Esq.Fleet Chaplain Don ReimanFleet Surgeon Dr. Richard Bell


COMMODORE’S BALL AND INSTALLATION DINNER Be sure to make your Reservations before October 11th for the Commodore’s Ball and Installation Dinner to welcome new ABYC Commodore, Latham Bell and new members

of our Board of Directors. The event will be held, Saturday evening October 17th. Festivitiesbegin at 6:00 p.m. for cocktails and appetizers followed by dinner and ceremony at 7:00 p.m. Agrand dinner is planned, cocktail attire is suggested and guests are welcome. I will see youthere!CLUB ABYC HALLOWEEN PARTY

On the eve of Halloween and the ABYC Halloween Regatta, our Friday evening ClubABYC October 30th, will feature a Halloween theme. We cannot say for certain what’s in store,but that’s the fun of Halloween…Trick or Treat!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORTAs I end my tenure as Rear Commodore, I wish to express my gratitude to all volunteers of the Social Advisory

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logfleet captain’s

Committee and others who helped make our 2015 social events the successful and fun events they turned out to be. Thisgroup of individuals bring enthusiasm and creativity to all the ABYC events they conduct and they deserve our appreciationand thanks.

I also want to say how pleased I am to have been re-elected to the ABYC Board of Directors. The Board I served onfor the past two years steered ABYC back to a sound financial base all the while conducting major improvements to ourbuildings and grounds. We will do well to continue this level of stewardship in order to serve the needs and indeed thedesires of our membership in the future. Please feel free to contact me in person, e-mail ormobile phone (310) 849-9779 if there is any issue you wish to address at ABYC.WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE AND DO AT ABYC?

Join us for our monthly Social Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting and share with us your ideas for a new/past eventor program at ABYC. Our next SAC meeting is Wednesday October 7th and we want to see you there!

Your ABYC Social Advisory Committee welcomes all ABYC members to join the SAC and create, plan for, set-upand participate in ABYC social and other events.

All interested ABYC members are welcome to attend and participate!Please contact any of us for more information:

Kathy Robinson: (714) 292-2963Sue McDannel: (562) 431-9907Lori Vanskyhock: (562) 505-9991Steven Smith: (310) 849-9779

This will be my last article as ABYC Fleet Captain. Yes, my last chance to drone on aboutrace committee gear, whaler refurbishment, and general Whaler Luv. I am sure many ofyou are feeling like I this year would never come to an end, isn’t this guy interested in

anything else. As luck would have it, I am. I am responsible for organizing two major events thatoccur during the fall. The first event is the annual fleet captains meeting, which will be held onSeptember 30th this year. For those new to the club, this meeting is attended by the individualfleet captains, and the board of directors. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and confirmthe race calendar for the following year, the regatta assignments, and the duty fleet for each ofthe general membership meetings. If you would like to see changes to the mix of regattas we will

run, a request for a new or different regatta, or have suggestions about the schedule now is the time to let your fleet captainknow. This annual meeting has a reputation for bringing member passions to a boiling point. From what I have heard so farwe can expect the same this year. Give your fleet captain a piece of lumber to throw on the fire and be part of the fun!

The second event is the annual Celebration of Champions. This meeting is usually a mixture of serious awardpresentations, and some lighthearted ribbing. The Celebration of Champions encompasses presentation of the Burgeeand Bell Ringer awards. These awards, second only in stature to the Medal of Honor, are awarded for sailing excellenceand service. The following is a very high level description of qualifications for a Burgee Award; “Burgee Awards” will bepresented to championship winners – winners of a single event or cumulative for winning an event series. “BurgeeAwards” will be presented to the ABYC skipper and ABYC crew member(s) who sail together on a qualified winning boator team. A non-ABYC member skipper or crew on a winning ABYC entry will not receive a “Burgee Award”. I have beencollecting the names of the 2105 burgee award winners but there is a good chance I have missed some worthy individuals.If you are aware of someone you think deserves this award please let me, and your fleet captain know. Bell Ringer awardsare for service to ABYC or the general yachting community. Some examples are chairing a major regatta, organizing amajor social event, or yachtswomen or yachtsmen of the year awards. This is our opportunity to show appreciation for ourmembers that go beyond the call of duty.

Whaler Luv Update – As I alluded to earlier, this will be my last official opportunity to talk about our whalers. I amhappy to report that we are ending the year on a high note. Your board of directors has approved a plan to start replacingour aging whaler fleet over time with new skiffs. We are about to place an order for several new Carolina Skiffs whichshould arrive before the end of the year. The hope is that by starting out with boats that require less maintenance we will beable to better maintain the fleet, which should translate into higher volunteer satisfaction.

This year went by way to fast. I want to thank everyone that helped me, and also helped improve the club. I lookforward to working with many of you in my new role as Rear Commodore, in which I will get to drone on about SocialAdvisory Committee Luv!

- Kevin

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cloggerthe bay


Fall sailing has gotten off to a great start here at ABYC. Our high school program isup and running in full speed with over 30 sailors on the roster! You can catchthem here every Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

Come join us for our Friday Sailing program happening every Fridayafternoon until the time change! This after school special is perfect to let off somesteam and get ready for the weekend. We welcome all Sabots, Optis, and Bics outon the Bay for a little after school fun. Everyone is welcome from our beginners toour racers. Bring your friends!

Don’t forget we also have our monthly clinics. Check the calendar forwhat’s next. These clinics are open to anyone who wants to learn how to race aswell as those looking to advance their race skills in Sabots, Optis, Lasers, andCFJs.

See you all on the waterABYC JuniorsAllie

October is the transition month for ABYC, so we thank those who served last year and welcome our new board. Thank you to last year’s Junior Commodore Beth Golison who will continue to serve this year in an advisorycapacity; to last year’s publicity chair Julia Jaynes who is a freshman at CSULB with a Presidential Scholarship;

and to staff junior commodore Emily Golison who is a freshman at Tufts University in Boston.Congratulations to our new Junior Board:

Commodore Alan Peoples, Junior Wilson HSVice Commodore Ryan Schack, Junior Wilson HSRear Commodore Julia Golison, Freshman Poly HSSecretary Hailey Thompson, Sophomore Wilson HSPublicity Jake Zieba, Sophomore Poly HSStaffing Taylor Milefchik, Sophomore Poly HSFundraising Sarah Warren, Freshman Wilson HS

Roxy Snyder, Freshman Wilson HSLaser Captain Bradley Clinton, Sophomore Pacifica HSSabot Captain Brett Peoples, 8th grade Stanford MiddleCommunity Service Axel Stordahl, 8th grade Stanford MiddleSocial Julia Carpenter, 8th grade Oak Middle

Katie Zieba, 8th grade Rogers MiddleStaff Commodore Beth Golison, Senior Poly HS

Members of the ABYC Junior Board assist and/or plan at club functions such as Opening Day, April GeneralMeeting, Christmas Party, Easter brunch and other events.; perform community service, including beach clean ups,community outreach.; fundraise for the Junior Fund to support ABYC sailors in their racing; and represent ABYC in thecommunity and at other yacht clubs. The Junior Board always needs the help of all ABYC juniors and their friends, so if youare interested, please contact

Jenn Golison

I had a great time at the first event of the Shadden series last weekend. Cameron Feves (skipper) and myself, JakeZieba (crew), placed 1st overall in the regatta at NHYC. The conditions were pretty light, under 10 knots the wholeweekend, so we focused mainly on boat speed and favored starts. On the upwind beats, we focused on keeping our

body weight balanced as well as we could, so that we would be able to maximize boat speed and pass as many boats aspossible. Downwind legs of the races were crucial, good spin sets, takedowns, and jibes were extremely important inmaintaining position and keeping boat speed. We finished in the top 5 for the majority of our races, and consistency isultimately what led us to win. All in all, it was a great experience and I look forward to the coming regattas in this series.

Jake Zieba

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Everyone who knew Dr. Frances “Frankie” Grover agrees on one thing — she was one ofa kind.

Grover died after a brief illness. She has for years kept her age a secret.Grover was born and raised in Pine Bush, New York, by parents Hilton Grover and

Ruth Port. A high achiever, she skipped at least one and maybe two grades in elementaryschool, according to niece Joanne Lynch.

She attended Cortland State College, playing basketball and majoring in PhysicalEducation, graduating in 1945. She was teaching when the polio epidemic struck.

“She went back to school to become a physical therapist for people who had polio,”Lynch said. “She wanted to help. Then she was with the first teams to administer the poliovaccine. She went back to school again because she wanted to help people who had spinal issues from polio.”

Going to school became a habit for Grover, and brought her to California. At different times, she attended Stanford,USC and UCLA. She received her doctorate in neurology, and began teaching at USC, later moving to UCLA. Grover isbelieved to be the only person to serve as dean of both USC and UCLA neurology departments.

“She loved to tell the story of what happened when she moved from USC to UCLA,” longtime friend Vicki Barillasaid. “At halftime of the USC-UCLA football game, they took a stretcher and carried her from the USC side to the UCLA side,right across the field.”

Grover became an avid sailor in her youth, and began racing when she moved to Long Beach. Her boat, CourageousLady, was a familiar sight at the Long Beach Yacht Club, where Grover was the first female member. She also was amember of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club.

After giving up racing, Grover helped judge sailing events in the 1984 Olympics. She also hosted the Prince ofWales and Lady Diana during their visit to Los Angeles and Long Beach.

In later years, Grover was best known for her philanthropy. She was a founding member of the Long Beach CommunityFoundation and served on the board there until 2013, when she termed out.

Other boards included St. Mary Medical Center, Public Corporation for the Arts, Musical Theatre West, InternationalCity Theatre and the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra.

“She loved classical music,” Lynch said. “One day, she decided there wasn’t enough new classical music, and shecommissioned a piece called “Fire Music” for the LBSO (the first commission ever for the orchestra). It was by Daron AricHagen, and JoAnne Falletta conducted it (in March 1992).”

Grover never married. She is survived by a brother, John Grover, and was preceded in death by two sisters and abrother.

A celebration of life is being planned, but no date has been set. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to theLong Beach Community Foundation Frances Grover Fund or to your favorite arts organization.

Harry SaltzgaverHarry Saltzgaver can be reached at

Frankie Grover was an extraordinary woman and she will missed by many. Here’s one of my favorite true Frankiestories:When being escorted upstairs at LBYC to be introduced, the member escorting her said “you must benervous, being introduced as the first female member of LBYC” and Frankie said “no, I’ve beenfirst a lot of times, I

suspect you’re much more nervous than I am.” Gotta love it!Judy Mathias

Warren Casey photosregatta 2015charity

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Tracy Conn photo

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Time flies and my 2 years as membership director has come to a close. It has been my pleasure to serve on theBoard of Directors, and I would like to thank everyone that has helped me have a successful term, which includesSheila Mattox, Don Taugher, Dana Bell, Ed Spotskey, the SAC committee, Commodores Jennifer Kuritz and Chuck

Clay, and all of the ABYC members who have sponsored new applicants for membership. We have ended this year on ahigh note with our membership numbers the highest they have been in 2 years. Thank you Jorge Suarez for filling in forme at the last general membership meeting where we handed out 7 burgees!

The following applicants have been approved for posting at the September board meeting:John Gibson, Regular member, sponsor John ChapmanIan McMurtrey, Yachting member, sponsor Don TaugherNicholas Sanchez, Junior member, sponsor Yon Carpenter

Congratulations to Summer Drake, ABYC’S newest Junior member that was approved at the September boardIf you have a candidate for membership that would like a tour of the club, or who is ready to get started in the

membership application process, contact Membership Chairman Don Taugher at or Cindy Heavrin

Cindy Heavrin


Tim & Tenny Poole John & Julie Allen

Dan Lasker

new memberswelcome

Tim and Dawn Elfenbein

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John and Gloria Risvold

new membersm o r e

Great time had by all…..Thank you for everyone who attended the Commodores Appreciation Party on September25th. This is a fun event for the Commodore to thank every volunteer who has helped throughout the year.Everyone in attendance was greeted at the top of the stairs by yours truly and my daughter Chelsea as we handed

out custom leather coasters with a great picture of the club on the front. If you were not there, you missed out on this limitededition gift! We had steel drum music performed by Gregg Paxton from Caribe Steel Band, which provided great backgroundmusic for everyone to enjoy. Food service was provided by our new catering company, The Gargantuan Appetite, whichconsisted of teriyaki chicken, rice and bread pudding…yummy! Thank you Sue and Dave Crockett, Steve Kuritz, GordyPalmer, Merle Asper, Jon Robinson and Tim Carter for serving. Kellyi and Ariana were in the bar serving up our favoritedrinks.

I had a slide show of 300 pictures from the past 4 years running all night, and hopefully every one had a chance tosee them- lots of fun! After a short “thank you speech”, the party continued until closing of the bar; but that did not end theparty. Yep, you guessed it! We ended up down at the fire pit for just one more to close out the evening.

I want to thank everyone who attended, as it was a fun night. For those who could not make attendance for onereason or another, I would like to say THANK YOU for all of your support in 2015!


appreciation partycommodore’s

Labor Day Summer Fanta-Sea PartyThere was something “fishy” about the Labor Day Summer Fanta-Sea Party. Giant colorful jellyfish swaying in thebreeze, bright orange starfish on the tables, and a life-sized sea ray were just a few of the sea creatures that were

lurking around Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. A special thank you to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific for providing“Ray” to pose for pictures, and for providing free child admission tickets for all the kids. “Ray” seemed to bring out the kid inall of us and was a big hit with young and old alike.

ABYC was transformed into an underwater fantasy with the help of Sue McDannel, Kathy Robinson, Carol Clanton,Elaine Wood, Lori VanSkyhock and Patty Mackey. Chef Rick prepared an awesome rum glazed salmon dinner whichwas served up by new members John and Julie Allen and Tracey Wilson, along with Cindy Heavrin. After we were filledto our “gills,” the King Salmon band kept the party going under the full Moon, which was also a “Supermoon” in the lunarphase, and on August 29, the 14 days old Moon was in Pisces, the sign of the two fish! And that’s no fish tale folks, that’sa fact: (

Thanks to everyone who attended and made ABYC The Place To Be!Lori VanSkyhock

partylabor day

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the fleetshails from

Several Long Beach 505 sailors traveled toAnnapolis to sail in the 505 NAs. 33 teamscompeted in the event, where Howard Hamlin

and Andy Zinn scored three straight bullets in the lastthree races to take the North American Championship.Riley Gibbs and Reeve Dunn placed fifth, with Rileywinning the first under 25 helm trophy.

Steve Washburn

Riley and Reeve have their game faces on

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Fleet Six Ignores Life Guards Demands to Clear the Bay. Goes Racing Anyway.With Life Guard helicopters hovering overhead ordering beaches and bay to be cleared, and PROBrooke Jollly posting the N over A flags, Fleet Six continues racing with no fear of lightning strikes.

While a good portion of the fleet retreated to the safety of the dock, the anti-I’m-not-putting-my-Lido-away-without-a-good-race sub group stayed on the potentially lightning filled waters. Rumors have it that Kathy Reed, the emergingleader of this break-away group,has found a way to use ESPNto force other sailors to sail, evenin hazardous conditions. MikeShea, the eventual horizon jobwinner of the last racecommented, “I wasn’t worried, ifSchock designed the mast todisconnect at the step in adismasting, then I’m sure thatthey got anti-lighting stuff up inthere, too.” A meteorologist will now be aboard all race barges.

John Gresham


On September 5th, after a democratic vote of its 33 member clubs, the Gulf Yachting Association(GYA) has selected the Viper 640 as the new boat to be sailed in its prestigious interclub CapdevielleChampionship series. The voting process was the culmination of a multi-year selection process to find asuccessor for the Flying Scot, the boat in use for nearly 50 years.

The Gulf Yachting Association was founded in 1901 to support sailing and promote interclub completion. The GYA’sclubs follow the Gulf of Mexico coast from Sarasota Sailing Squadron in Florida, where the Viper holds its winter series,west to Houston Yacht Club, Texas, host to the 2013 Viper North Americans.

The GYA was looking for an exciting, contemporary platform which would get sailors reenergized about this nearly100 year-old racing series, while not being intimidating to less experienced sailors. The new boat needed to be fast andhigh performance enough for youth and post-college sailors, while still being able to accommodate older or less athleticsailors. The Viper 640 fit the bill.

To say that the Viper Class Association and Viper owners around the world are thrilled at this news would be anunderstatement. The Viper was selected because it is an excellent sport boat platform, it has a thriving class associationwhere the owners/class members “own” the design and determine the class rules, a world class builder, and, because thecontrolled evolution of the Viper over its lifetime, the Viper has proven to be a stable, but exciting and fun boat to race andsail.

The GYA, in selecting a new boat for the Capdevielle, initially considered approximately 50 boats, then narrowed-down the competition to a dozen which were invited for a sail-off in November 2014 and subsequently winnowed down totwo finalists, the Viper 640 and the VX One—both designed by Brian Bennett. In a close vote, the Viper was ultimatelyselected.

The selection was a thorough process, both classes made presentations to the GYA Commodores in March 2015,and teams from each have been working hard through the season, introducing the boats, their sailing characteristics, classinfrastructure, and all the purchase options, should that boat be selected.

The Viper team, including the Executive Committee, Class Administrator, Rondar Raceboats, and the local GYAViper sailors who have done so much to make this happen, extends to the Gulf Yachting Association clubs, members, andfriends a warm welcome to the ever-growing Viper community.

If your club or region is looking for a class of raceboats to revitalize participation for all ages, sexes and skill levels,the Viper 640 may be the choice for you too.About the Viper

The Viper 640 is a high-performance one-design sport boat. At 21 ft (6.40 m) and only 749 lb (340 kg) it combinesthe stiffness of a keelboat with the acceleration and planing abilities of a dinghy. The Viper has a precise and exhilaratingfeel on the helm, a spacious cockpit for three or more people, strict one-design class rules and ease of launching by rampor hoist. With fleets and regattas around the United States and the world, there is certainly Viper racing near you!

For more information contact VCA Administrator Ed “Buttons” Padin ( or Rondar Raceboats’Dan Tucker (

the fleetshails from

sou’wester • october 2015 • page 14

Steve Jost photoAugust 2015 the fleetshails from

2015 ABYC Labor Day Holiday Regatta & Laser District 25 Championship RegattaAs has become tradition, the 2015 Laser and Laser Radial District 25 (San Luis Obispo to theMexican Border and Las Vegas) Championship was contested in conjunction with the ABYC LaborDay Holiday Regatta. Racers from the Bay Area, Santa Cruz to San Diego and points in between

came to ABYC to contest for International Laser Class Association Grand Prix Points.In addition to the District 25 Championship, the first of the 2015-2016 Southern California Youth Yacht Racing AssociationUllman/Frost Series was also contested over the weekend. The Ullman/Frost Series is open to junior sailors under the ageof 19 and who have not yet entered college. The Ullman Series is contested in Lasers while the Frost Series is contestedin Radials.

Twenty Lasers were on the starting line Saturday to race in light Force 2 conditions. Thirty-eight Laser Radialsstarted four minutes later. A second race was contested in the same conditions for both fleets; however, the third race sawForce 3 winds which built to solid Force 4 for the last race and sail back to ABYC. So whether you like light or moderatebreeze, you had your conditions for at least one race Saturday.

Getting 58 Lasers and Radials in and out of the water was no easy task; however, the Cal 20 Fleet volunteers dida great job managing the ramp for Lasers, as well as I-14’s, Finns, Opti’s and Sabots. Once out of the water Saturday,sailors and guests enjoyed the Summer Fanta-Sea Beach Party on the patio.

Races on Sunday began in solid Force 3winds which built to Force 4 during the earlyafternoon. The Race Committee was able to runall three races twice around on the windwardleeward course. We enjoyed great conditionsand the Race Committee did a good job keepingthe eager Laser and Radial Fleets to a minimumof General and Individual recalls.

The Didham brothers, Richard and Paulfrom San Diego Y.C. each ended the regatta with14 points with the overall win going to Richardon the tiebreaker. In third was frequent guest atABYC, Steven Leuck from Mission Bay Y.C.Representing ABYC, Rodion Mazin was fourthand Kevin Taugher was fifth.

Other ABYC members finishing in orderwere; Sawyer Gibbs, Ryan Schack and DirkHacker.

In the Radial fleet, ABYC’s Joseph Houwas dominant, winning the regatta with 11 points.Joseph will have his name engraved on the newly

dedicated James A. Kirk Laser Radial District 25 Championship trophy. Joseph was also winner of the perpetual Fiestade la Playa trophy for winner of the largest fleet competing in the ABYC Labor Day Holiday Regatta. The Radial fleet hada good turnout of ABYC racers who did verywell in this competitive 38 boat fleet. Finishingninth through twelfth were; Jack Hogan, RobertTurigliatto, Alan Peoples and BradleyClinton. Other ABYC racers were, in order;Jorge Suarez, your author, Ryan Schulten,Sumeet Patel, new ABYC member JonathanChance and Susan Lanoue.

A big thank you is owed to our LaborDay Regatta Chairman Steve George, BoardLiaison Cindy Heavrin, our Ocean course PRO,Martyn Bookwalter and his crew on Patienceas well as all the volunteers on whalers and onshore from the Cal 20 Fleet for another fineABYC event.

Laser Winners: L-R: Commodore Chuck Clay, Richard Didham (with trophy), PaulDidham, Steven Leuck, Rodion Mazin, Kevin Taugher.

Laser Radial Winners: L-R: Commodore Chuck Clay, Joseph Hou (with Trophy) LucasPierce, Cameron Feves, Caden Scheiblauer, Jessica McJones

sou’wester • october 2015 • page 15

the fleetshails fromYacht Clubs of Long Beach Charity Regatta

The amazin’ Mazin, is all that can be said, as Rodion Mazin used his downwind technique to dominate the sevenLasers competing with him in the Charity Regatta. Some of us where able to sail close to Rodion upwind and at times wereactually ahead of him, but when we rounded the windward mark, there was no catching him. Regardless, we Laser racersenjoyed a few very warm hours racing on the Bay. PRO Martyn Bookwalter sent us on windward-leeward courses knockingoff three races in short order. So much so, Martyn offered to give us a fourth race (one more than the NOR called for).Personally, I was much in favor of a fourth race, but had exhausted my drinking water supply and needed a refill before Icould race again. Thankfully, one of our volunteers on the RC boats refilled my water bottle, refreshing me for another race.After getting a buy-in from everyone, we sailed a fourth race in plenty of time to put the boats away, clean up and get a drinkat the patio bar.Following Rodion in second place was your author, followed in order by Andy Horning from Seal Beach YC, Glenn Styron,Bert Heidenreich from SBYC, Rob Stropky from ABYC and Tyler Peyatt from Mission Viejo YC.Thank you to Martyn, Norma Clapp and all the volunteers’ on-shore and on the water for hosting the Charity Regatta!

ABYC Laser Fleet 2015 Fleet ChampionshipWe are coming down to the wire to determine our 2015 ABYC Laser and Radial Fleet Champions. Our Fleet

Champions are determined by scores in Laser/Radial Regattas hosted by ABYC, beginning with the 2014 Turkey DayRegatta through the 2015 Halloween Regatta. Members are also awarded points as members in good standing of theLaser Class as well as for volunteer participation when the Laser Fleet hosts a General Membership meeting and one ofour Holiday Regattas.

With only the Halloween Regatta remaining on the schedule for earning championship points, Rodion Mazin holdsa commanding lead in the Laser Fleet followed by Kevin Taugher and Jorge Suarez. In the Radial Fleet, Joseph Houleads, followed by; Alan Peoples and Jack Hogan not far behind. The winners earn the right to represent their fleet in theABYC Club Championship on Opening Day next spring.

Upcoming Laser/Radial Regattas at ABYCThe next regatta on the ABYC schedule is the Halloween Regatta. This is the last scored event on the ABYC Laser

Fleet Championship schedule and is traditionally a fairly laid back affair, even more so this year with it being on HalloweenDay, October 31st. There is even a Halloween Party in the club house after racing, so it promises to be a fun day andevening!

Our 2016 Fleet Championship year begins with the 2015 Turkey Day Regatta November 21 & 22. The Turkey DayRegatta is traditionally the largest, in terms of entries, event on the ABYC race calendar. Adding to the turn-out of Lasersand Radials, the Southern California Youth Yacht Racing Association contests the second of four events of their popularUllman/Frost Series in conjunction with the Turkey Day Regatta.

Looking forward to the New Year, ABYC is hosting the Laser Midwinters West Regatta March 18, 19 & 20, 2016.So dust off your Laser or Radial strap on your hiking pants and get ready for some competitive racing in the coming monthsat ABYC!

Steven Smith, ABYC Laser Fleet Co-Captain


Several dates for your attention:Judy Mathis’ celebration of life for her late husband, Clif. The celebration will be held at ABYCFriday, October 9 from 6 to 8 P.M. on the upper deck.

Our next Keel Boat meeting will be November 20 on the upper deck. As usual the regular Friday night dinnerwill be available for purchase. We will be discussing the upcoming Christmas party to be held with the Senior

Sabot fleet on Friday, December 11 and we will be looking for volunteers to help decorate.See you there, George

sou’wester • october 2015 • page 16

Clif MathiasRememberanceand Happy Hour

Friday October 9th6 to 8 pm

Have a drink and an Oreo on Clif!

Bruce Golison and Steve Washburn in NJ running the E ScowChamps. Friends for 50 years and still active in a sport they love !

Margo Golison photo

October Club ABYC:The Peninsula Beach, Past Present and FutureThe Friday evening October 23rd ABYC Happy Hour will have an added feature with a talk by long time

peninsula resident and ABYC member, Preston Smith.Preston’s talk will be about the peninsula beaches, history, and sand nourishment. The presentation starts

with the area before development and traces the changes on the sand beach leading to today’s problems, with stopsalong the way to explain the real reason for the breakwater and third section, the need for berms and difficulties infinding a solution.

Cocktails will be available at 5:30 p.m., the presentation will start at 6:30 p.m. Along with Happy Hourrefreshments, a menu of hors d’oeuvres will be available for a nominal charge.

I just received the latestshipment of Sea Bags ofMaine bags to benefit the

ABYC juniors. All bags madefrom recycled sails. Please letme know if you want me toreserve one for you!

Jenn Golison


Rates:$100/3 months

$250/yearBilled directly to your club account

Submit your business card, 3.5” x 2”.jpg, .tif, .png or .jpg file to the club

secretary at abyc.secretary@gmail.comor the Sou’wester editor at

Commodore Chuck Clay& Trish

Along withCommodore-Elect Latham Bell

Cordially invite you to attend the

Alamitos Bay Yacht Club89th Annual

Installation of OfficersSaturday October 17, 2015

6:00 pm Cocktails & Appetizers7:00 pm Dinner & Ceremony

Cocktail Attire – Guests Welcome

$50.00 per person

*RSVP by October 11, 2015To the ABYC Office 562-434-9955

Dinner will be Preparedby Chef Rick Hardesty

*Please give us your meal choice and seating preferences with your RSVP

*Rum Glazed Salmon orCarved prime Rib.

Commodore Chuck Clay& Trish

Along withCommodore-Elect Latham Bell

Cordially invite you to attend the

Alamitos Bay Yacht Club89th Annual

Installation of OfficersSaturday October 17, 2015

6:00 pm Cocktails & Appetizers7:00 pm Dinner & Ceremony

Cocktail Attire – Guests Welcome

$50.00 per person

*RSVP by October 11, 2015To the ABYC Office 562-434-9955

Dinner will be Preparedby Chef Rick Hardesty

*Please give us your meal choice and seating preferences with your RSVP

*Rum Glazed Salmon orCarved prime Rib.

Race Social Non-Classified ABYC Events Calendar - October 2015

Mon Tu Wed Th Fri Sat Sun


2 Bridge

Happy Hour...

HS Practice

3 Ladies Day Regatta...

Laser/CFJ Practice

4 Special Breakfast...

5 Club Closed

6 Club Closed

Ukulele Lessons QtrDk 7PM-9PM

7 RMC/SAC Meeting

HS Practice

8 9 Cliff MathiasRemembrance 2ndDeck6:00PM-8:00PM

Happy Hour...

HS Practice

10 Opti Practice

11 Opti Practice

12 Club Closed

13 Club Closed

14 BOD Meeting

HS Practice

15 PBPG Meeting 2ndDeck 6:30PM

16 Happy Hour

Dinner Set-Up

HS Practice

17 Etchell's Fleet

Commodore's Balland InstallationDinner...

Opti and SabotPractice

18 Reggie & Shavona'sBabyShower/WeddingReception 3PM-9PM1/4 Deck/Patio

Opti Practice

19 Club Closed

20 Club Closed

Ukulele Lessons QtrDk 7PM-9PM

21 HS Practice

22 23 Happy Hour

HS Practice

24 Lido de Luna

Cal Poly KaraokeFundraiser 2nd Deck7-10pm

25 Elrem Event QtrDeck & Patio

26 Club Closed

27 Club Closed

28 HS Practice

29 Garden Club Meeting2nd Deck10:00AM-2:30PM

30 Club ABYCHalloween Party...

HS Practice

31 Halloween Regatta

Race Social Non-Classified ABYC Events Calendar - November 2015

Mon Tu Wed Th Fri Sat Sun


2 Club Closed

3 Club Closed

4 HS Practice


6 Bridge Qtr Deck

Happy Hour

HS Practice

7 White Wedding QtrDeck/Patio 1:00PM-6:00PM

Opti Practice

8 Sr. Sabot Race &Dinner

Opti CFJ and LaserPractice

9 Club Closed

10 Club Closed


HS Practice

12 Order of StaffCommodoresMeeting

13 Champions-GeneralMembership Meeting

HS Practice

14 Etchell's Fleet Race

Sabot Practice


16 Club Closed

17 Club Closed

18 BOD Meeting

HS Practice

19 20 Keelboat Social


HS Practice

21 Turkey Day Regatta

22 Turkey Day Regatta

23 Club Closed

24 Club Closed

25 Club Closed

HS Practice

26 Thanksgiving ClubClosed

27 Happy Hour

HS Practice

28 29

30 Club Closed