Alan Showecker's TED evaluation Presentation

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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my presentation for my speech class


TED Talk Evaluation Presentation

By: Alan Showecker

Steve Jobs


“I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. no big deal, just three stories.”

- Steve Jobs

He begun his speech with admitting to never being as close to a college

graduation ceremony such as this.

“Truth be told.. uh, I never graduated from college. And uh.. this is the closest i’ve ever

gotten to a college graduation.” - Steve Jobs

• He continued to share his three stories from his life.

The TED Commandments

• Steve utilized the fourth commandment which was, “Thou shalt tell a story.”

• He shared his experiences throughout his life up to this point.


• I would rate Steve’s dynamism at 5.

• i felt that his delivery and execution in the speech was outstanding.

- A tip that Steve was able to deliver his presentation is keeping eye contact on

everyone and not on one section.

My Evaluation

• One thing I’ve learned from observing Steve’s speech is to keep eye contact, don’t be afraid to use humor in your speech for comic relief and to keep the audience entertained.

Ken Robinson vs. Steve Jobs

Ken vs. Steve

• Both Ken and Steve used humor to engage with the audience, as well as keep them entertained.

Ken vs. Steve

• In Ken Robinson’s TED speech, “School Kills Creativity”, he is only verbal with the audience. No slides were aided with his speech, only his charm and poise kept the audience entertained.

• Steve was able to do the same for his speech. Because of their communication skills, both Ken and Steve maintained the audiences attention.


Ken vs. Steve

• In Ken’s second video he captured the audience with visuals such as his drawing typography.

• Steve was not able to use that kind of delivery for this speech.



• Always give proper eye contact.

• Humor is always welcome.

• Be yourself.

• And of course, have fun!

Thank you for watching my presentation!


