Alchemy Vs Chemistry: The Emperor's New Serious Game (Pecha Kucha)

Post on 06-May-2015

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From my 6 minute IGDA Scotland talk. Basic idea is too much (serious) game design is reinventing the wheel, based on rumour, speculation and it isn't good enough. We need to be evidence based. We need to share practice and we need design technique support to leave the alchemic approaches behind and become more dependable as designers.


Alchemy Vs Chemistry

David FarrellGlasgow Caledonian University

The Emperor’s New Game

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Educational Games

Games Based Learning

Gameful Learning


Serious GamesGames For HealthPersuiasive Games

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the evidence is lacking

Aroutis N. Foster Punya Mishra

Foster, A. N., & Mishra, P. (2009). Games, Claims, Genres, and Learning. Handbook of Research on effective electronic gaming in education, 33–50.


Educational Game Design

What does the player know?What are they understanding from my game?How do people learn?Does the player know this applies in real world?How are my cognitive biases influencing design?What is a Bloom hierarchy?Is it too ‘learny’?Is it too ‘gamey’?How can I adapt to different learner abilities?

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