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C u r r e n t R e v i e w s

epigenetics—Beyond the genome in Alcoholism

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epigenetics–Beyond the genome in Alcoholism 293

Bela g. Starkman; Amul J. Sakharkar, Ph.D.; and Subhash c. Pandey, Ph.D.

Bela g. Starkman is a graduatestudent in the Departments ofAnatomy and Cell Biology andPsychiatry; Amul J. Sakharkar,Ph.D., is a research assistantprofessor in the Department of Psychiatry; and Subhash c.Pandey, Ph.D., is a professor and director of NeuroscienceAlcoholism Research in theDepartment of Psychiatry andDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University ofIllinois, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Pandeyalso is a VA career scientist atthe Jesse Brown Veterans AffairsMedical Center, Chicago, Illinois.

Genetic and environmental factors play a role in the development of alcoholism.Whole-genome expression profiling has highlighted the importance of several genesthat may contribute to alcohol abuse disorders. In addition, more recent findings haveadded yet another layer of complexity to the overall molecular mechanisms involved ina predisposition to alcoholism and addiction by demonstrating that processes relatedto genetic factors that do not manifest as DNA sequence changes (i.e., epigeneticprocesses) play a role. Both acute and chronic ethanol exposure can alter geneexpression levels in specific neuronal circuits that govern the behavioral consequencesrelated to tolerance and dependence. The unremitting cycle of alcohol consumptionoften includes satiation and self-medication with alcohol, followed by excruciatingwithdrawal symptoms and the resultant relapse, which reflects both the positive andnegative affective states of alcohol addiction. Recent studies have indicated thatbehavioral changes induced by acute and chronic ethanol exposure may involvechromatin remodeling resulting from covalent histone modifications and DNAmethylation in the neuronal circuits involving a brain region called the amygdala.These findings have helped identify enzymes involved in epigenetic mechanisms, suchas the histone deacetylase, histone acetyltransferase, and DNA methyltransferaseenzymes, as novel therapeutic targets for the development of futurepharmacotherapies for the treatment of alcoholism. KeY WorDS: Alcoholism; alcoholuse disorders; genome; epigenome; genetic factors; epigenetics; DNA; brain;amygdala; neuronal circuits; chromatin; histone; DNA methylation; histonedeacetylase; histone acetyltranferase; DNA methyltransferase; treatment

A lcohol is one of the most widelyused addictive drugs, and contin-ued use and abuse can lead to

the development of tolerance anddependence (Koob 2003a; Tabakoff et al. 1986). Numerous studies haveshown that both genetic and environ-mental risk factors play a role in thedevelopment of alcoholism (Ducci andGoldman 2008; Edenberg and Foroud2006; Farris et al. 2010). Genetic studiesin both humans and animal models of alcoholism (Contet et al. 2011;Crabbe et al. 2006; Pignataro et al.2009; Spanagel et al. 2010; Tabakoff et al. 2009) have identified severalgenes that may be critical in the patho-physiology of alcoholism (see figure 1).Recently, researchers have identifiedmechanisms that result in heritablechanges in gene expression but arecaused by other processes than changes

in the underlying DNA sequence (i.e.,epigenetic mechanisms) as a promisingarea of research to better understandthe molecular mechanisms of humandiseases, including psychiatric and alcoholuse disorders (AUDs) (Moonat et al.2010; Tsankova et al. 2007). This articlereviews some of the epigenetic mecha-nisms that seem to play a role in thedevelopment of AUDs.

What Is epigenetics?

The genome encompasses the completeset of genetic material (i.e., DNA) that determines the development of anorganism and all its traits and charac-teristics (i.e., the phenotype). Changes(i.e., mutations) in the DNA can leadto the development of various diseases,including AUDs. In comparison, the

epigenome, as first defined by Waddington(1942), refers to chemical modificationsthat occur within a genome withoutchanging the DNA sequence (Holliday2006; Murrell et al. 2005; Waddington1942). Epigenetic alterations includethe direct addition of methyl groups to (i.e., methylation of) DNA and thechemical modification of the proteinsaround which the DNA is wrapped(i.e., histone proteins) to form thechromosomes. Both of these mecha-nisms work in concert to remodel thestructure of the protein–DNA complex(i.e., the chromatin) and regulate gene

1 Gene expression is the process of converting the genetic informationencoded in the DNA into actual gene products (i.e., proteins).This process involves two steps. In the first step, called transcription,the genetic information comprising one gene is copied into anintermediary molecule called messenger RNA (mRNA). After themRNA is processed further using a variety of posttranscriptionalmodifications, it is used as a template to generate proteins in aprocess called translation.

expression1 (Kornberg 1974; Olins andOlins 1974; Hsieh and Gage 2005).

Chromatin is made up of unitscalled nucleosomes, which consist ofapproximately 147 base pairs of DNAwrapped around a complex of eighthistone proteins that comprise the his-tone core (figure 2) (Jenuwine and Allis2001; Smith 1991). This core structure,which also is referred to as the histonefold domain, consists of a central het-erotetramer of histones H3 and H4and two heterodimers2 of histones H2Aand H2B (Luger et al. 1997; Smith1991). The histone proteins assemble atone end called the carboxy (C) terminalto form the histone core, with the otherend, in the amino (N)-terminal “tail”region, projecting out from the histonecore (figure 2). This N-terminal regionis made up mainly of the amino acidslysine and arginine (Hsieh and Gage2005; Mersfelder and Parthun 2006).The majority of epigenetic histonemodifications occur at the N-terminaltail of the histones and include methy-lation as well as addition of acetylgroups (i.e., acetylation), phosphategroups (i.e., phosphorylation), bindingof a small molecule called ubiquitin(i.e., ubiquitylation), or addition of a molecule called ADP ribose (i.e.,ADP-ribosylation) (Jenuwine and Allis2001; Smith 1991). The most recog-nized and well established of these epi-genetic modifications include histoneacetylation and histone and DNAmethylation, which control the accessi-bility of chromatin to essential tran-scriptional proteins mediating the firststep in the conversion of the geneticinformation encoded in the DNA intomRNA (i.e., transcription), which thenserves as template for the synthesis ofprotein products in a process calledtranslation. By controlling DNA acces-sibility, these epigenetic modificationsplay a crucial role in the regulation ofgene transcription (Abel and Zukin2008; Feng and Fan 2009).

Another epigenetic regulatory mech-anism involves microRNAs (miRNAs),

a class of noncoding RNAs approxi-mately 21 to 23 building blocks (i.e.,nucleotides) in length, which are involvedin the posttranscriptional modulation ofgene expression and function (Bartel2009). Altered regulation of these specificepigenetic mechanisms plays a pivotalrole during the onset of disease (Bonasioet al. 2010). This review discusses theimplications of abnormal chromatinremodeling and miRNAs as major factorsin several brain disease processes, includingAUDs. It also considers the impact ofcurrent epigenetic research on the alcoholfield and the therapeutically significantfunction of compounds called histonedeacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in theprevention and treatment of alcoholism.

role of histone modifications inthe Brain During Alcoholism

Histone AcetylationHistone modification involving acety-lation is regulated by two types of

enzymes—histone acetyltransferases(HATs), which add acetyl groups tohistones, and HDACs, which removeacetyl groups from histones. Bothtypes of enzymes dynamically interactto regulate the remodeling of the chro-matin architecture and gene expression(Abel and Zukin 2008; Hsieh andGage 2005).

Histone Acetyltransferases. Severalstudies have indicated that regulationof histone acetylation is importantduring formation of memories in abrain region called the hippocampus(Guan et al. 2009; Levenson et al.2004). Furthermore, alterations inhistone acetylation are associated withage-dependent memory impairmentin mice (Peleg et al. 2010). Onemechanism through which histoneacetylation and thus chromatinremodeling may be regulated involvesa protein called cyclic-AMP responsive–element binding (CREB) protein.This protein helps modulate thetranscription of certain genes by binding

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2 Heterotetramers consist of four subunits that are not all identical,and heterodimers consist of two subunits that are not identical.




Gene ExpressionScreening Alcohol

Identification ofGenes Related to


Predisposition Development

Identification ofEpigenetic FactorsImpacting Gene


Figure 1 A hypothetical model for the interactions of genetic and environmental factors in thepredisposition to and development of alcoholism. Whole genome expression profilingin human and animal models has identified several potential candidate genes thatmay be associated with increased risk for alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Emergingevidence suggests that genomic function can be modulated by alcohol-induced epi-genetic modification of histones (acetylation and methylation) and DNA methylation,which can lead to the development of alcoholism. Both genetic and epigenetic fac-tors may interact in the underlying mechanisms of alcoholism.

Epigenetics–Beyond the Genome in Alcoholism 295

to a specific sequence on the DNA afterit has been activated by phosphorylation.Phosphorylated CREB (pCREB)then recruits another transcriptionalco-factor called CREB-binding protein(CBP), which contains intrinsic HATactivity. CBP, along with anothermolecule called p300, enzymaticallyremodels the nucleosome by transferringacetyl groups to histones, therebyallowing the chromatin to exist in arelaxed conformation that is accessiblefor transcription (figure 3) (Chrivia etal. 1993; Hsieh and Gage 2005; Liuet al. 2008; Martinez-Balbas et al.1998). CBP is essential for both short-term

and long-term memory formation andconsolidation (Chen et al. 2010; Korzuset al. 2004). A recent study in a mousemodel of Alzheimer’s disease expressingabnormal CREB functioning demon-strated that delivery of the CBP geneinto the brain increased the levels of a molecule known as brain-derivedneuro trophic factor (BDNF), whichcorrelated with improved learning andmemory (Caccamo et al. 2010). Ofinterest, alterations in both memorycapacity and responses to stress also have

been observed in mice that lack a moleculecalled p300/CBP-associated factor(PCAF), which has a similar functionto CBP and also has HAT activity(Kalkhoven 2004; Maurice et al. 2008).Correction of deficits in CBP function

increasingly has become an importanttarget in the treatment of neurologicaldisorders, including Rubinstein-Taybisyndrome (RSTS), Huntington’s disease,Alzheimer’s disease, and amyotrophiclateral sclerosis (Klevytska et al. 2010;Rouaux et al. 2004; Selvi et al. 2010).Mutations in the CBP gene are preva-lent in RSTS (Alarcon et al. 2004;Bartsch et al. 2005; Roelfsema et al.2005). For example, exon deletions inthe genes that encode p300 and CBPhave been detected in children withRSTS (Tsai et al. 2011). The changesin CBP function described in theseneurological disorders are similar toneuroadaptations observed in alcoholism;therefore, CBP–HAT may be animportant factor in the development of alcoholism (see figures 4 and 5). It is well established that CREB pro-

tein functioning is important duringlong-term memory formation, synapticplasticity, and addiction (Abel and

Zukin 2008; Alberini 2009; Carlezonet al. 2005; Pandey et al. 2004). CREBmediates the activity of several signal-ing cascades, including cyclic-AMP–dependent protein kinase A, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases(CaMKs), and mitogen-activated protein kinase (Lonze and Ginty 2002;Pandey 2004). Studies from severallaboratories have suggested a critical rolefor CREB in the regulation of alcohol’seffects and alcohol-related behaviors:

• Alcohol-induced damage to nervecells (i.e., neurodegeneration) in thehippocampus was associated withdecreased CREB functioning(Crews and Nixon 2009).

• Sensitivity to alcohol’s effects isassociated with CREB transcrip-tional activity in another part of thebrain called the cerebellum (Acquaah-Mensah et al. 2006). In addition,chronic ethanol exposure decreasesCREB phosphorylation in the ratcerebellum (Yang et al. 1998).

• Abnormal CREB functioning inthe amygdala—an important brainregion implicated in regulatingemotions—has been linked with a predisposition to anxiety3 andalcoholism (Pandey et al. 2004,2005; Wand 2005). AmygdaloidpCREB and CBP levels both aresignificantly increased by acuteethanol exposure and decreased inrats undergoing withdrawal afterchronic ethanol exposure (Pandey et al. 2008a,b). These results sug-gest that changes in CBP levels maybe involved in the dynamic chro-matin remodeling in the amygdalacaused by acute and chronic ethanolexposure (see figures 4 and 5).

CREB signaling also helps regulatethe expression of genes implicated inalcohol addiction, such as BDNF andneuropeptide Y (NPY) (Janak et al.

3 Anxiety is an early withdrawal symptom that plays a major role in relapse, helping to maintain a dependent state in certain alco-holics (Cooper et al. 1995; Koob 2003a; Kushner et al. 1990;Menzaghi et al. 1994).

Figure 2 Schematic representation of units of chromatin known as nucleosomes. Each nucleo-some is comprised of 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around the histone octamermade up of a heterotetramer of histones H3 and H4 and two heterodimers of H2Aand H2B. Two nucleosomes are connected by the linker DNA.

2006; Moonat et al. 2010; Pandey2003; Valdez and Koob 2004). LowerNPY mRNA and protein levels havebeen found in the central (CeA) andmedial nucleus of amygdala (MeA) ofalcohol-preferring (P) rats comparedwith alcohol nonpreferring (NP) rats,suggesting a role for NPY in anxiety-like and alcohol-drinking behaviors(Pandey et al. 2005; Suzuki et al.2004). NPY infusion into the CeAproduced anxiety-reducing (i.e., anxi-olytic) effects and decreased alcoholintake in P rats, most likely by leadingto increased CaMK IV–dependentCREB phosphorylation in the CeA(Pandey et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2010).Furthermore, P rats that had never beenexposed to alcohol (i.e., were alcoholnaïve) exhibited lower expression of otherCREB target genes, such as BDNFand activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) in the CeAand MeA compared with NP rats(Moonat et al. 2011; Prakash et al.2008). Finally, acute ethanol exposureincreased CREB phosphorylation levelsas well as the expression of BDNF and Arc in these amygdaloid structuresof P, but not NP, rats (Moonat et al.2011; Pandey et al. 2005). Gamma-aminobutryric acid (GABA)

is the main inhibitory brain signalingmolecule (i.e., neurotransmitter), andalcohol is thought to produce many ofits effects by facilitating GABA recep-tor functioning (Koob 2003a; Koob etal. 1998; Kumar et al. 2009). GABAactivity in the amygdala is enhanced byexposure to alcohol and then decreasedduring alcohol withdrawal (Clapp etal. 2008; Koob 2003a). CREB seemsto play a role in this process. A recentstudy showed that expression of onetype of GABA receptors (i.e., theGABAA receptor) was dependent onthe formation of CREB heterodimers(Hu et al. 2008). Despite the tremendousamount of work that has been done onCREB, the epigenetic mechanisms forthe regulation of gene expression viaCREB and CBP interactions and itsoverall implications in alcoholism havenot been well established and need tobe investigated further.

Histone Deacetylases. HDACs areenzymes involved in covalent histonemodifications that oppose the activityof HATs by inducing the removal ofacetyl groups, thereby resulting in acondensed chromatin conformationand decreased gene expression levelsin the cell (Grunstein 1997; Hsiehand Gage 2005; Turner 2002). Fourdistinct families of HDACs have beendescribed, including class I (HDACs1, 2, 3, and 8), class II (HDACs 4, 5,6, 7, 9, and 10), class III (sirtuins),and class IV (HDAC 11). Class IHDACs mostly are found in the cellnucleus, whereas class II HDACs canbe localized in the cytosol and/ornucleus. The class IV HDAC is locatedin the nucleus. Class I, II, and IVHDACs require zinc for properfunctioning (i.e., are Zn2+ dependent).In contrast, class III HDACs requirea molecule called nicotinamideadenosine dinucleotide (i.e., are NAD+dependent) (Grayson et al. 2010; Kellyand Marks 2005; Lee et al. 2008). Because of their epigenetic effects

on chromatin structure and the role ofepigenetic factors in the developmentof many tumors, HDAC inhibitorshave been considered promising anti-cancer drugs for several years. Severalof these agents currently are in clinicaltrials, and one of them, vorinostat(suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid), has

been approved by the U.S. Food andDrug Administration for the treatmentof a type of blood cancer (i.e, cutaneousT-cell lymphoma) (Dickinson et al.2010; Dokmanovic and Marks 2005;Kelly and Marks 2005; Lee at al. 2008).Recent neuroscience research alsoadvocates HDAC inhibitors as noveltreatments for psychiatric and neu-rodegenerative disorders (Abel andZukin 2008; Kanzantsev and Thompson2008; Tsankova et al. 2007). Forexample, inhibitors of class I HDACswere able to reverse contextual memorydeficits in a mouse model of AD; morespecifically, HDAC 2 was involved inthe negative regulation of learning andmemory and related gene expressioninvolved in synaptic plasticity (Guan etal. 2009; Kilgore et al. 2010). In addition,HDAC inhibitor treatment targetingHDAC 2 and HDAC 5 may haveantidepressant effects (Covington et al.2009; Tsankova et al. 2006). Finally,several studies assessing the modula-tory effects of HDAC inhibition oncocaine abuse have indicated that theseagents also may be beneficial in treat-ing addictive processes related to drugsof abuse (Febo et al. 2009; Malvaez etal. 2010; Romieu et al. 2008; Wang etal. 2010). Despite the abundance of research

on the effects of HDAC inhibition on psychiatric disorders and drugs of

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Figure 3 A schematic representation of the signaling pathway showing the possible role forcyclic-AMP responsive element binding (CREB) protein and CREB-binding protein(CBP) in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. CREB is activated after itsphosphorylation (pCREB) by different protein kinases, which further recruits CBP tobind to the DNA. CBP also has intrinsic histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity bywhich it increases histone aceylation and relaxes the chromatin, which in turn makesthe DNA more accessible to the transcriptional machinery and thereby facilitatesgene transcription.

Epigenetics–Beyond the Genome in Alcoholism 297

abuse, the evaluation of HDAC inhibi-tion in alcoholism research still is in itsinfancy. Emerging evidence from ani-mal and human studies indicates thatnegative emotionality (e.g., anxiety ordepression) is important in alcoholdependence, and sensitivity to anxietymay serve as a risk factor for AUDs(Cooper et al.1995; Koob 2003a;Kushner et al. 1990; Pandey 2003).Alcohol has anxiolytic effects in humans,and rapid tolerance to these effectsmay stimulate alcohol drinking inalcoholics (Lipscomb et al. 1980;Moberg and Curtin 2009). Accordingly,rapid tolerance to alcohol’s anxiolyticeffects may be crucial in the promotionof alcohol drinking and thereby con-tributes to the pathogenesis of alcoholdependence. In this context, recent dis-coveries involving the role of HDACsin alcohol tolerance and dependenceare very promising. For example, studieshave suggested that HDAC-inducedchromatin remodeling in the amygdala

may regulate the development of anxiety-like behaviors during ethanol with-drawal after chronic exposure and alsomay be paramount in rapid toleranceto the anxiolytic effects of ethanol in rats. The studies also found thatHDAC activity was inhibited by acuteethanol in the amygdala of rats, andthe expression of rapid tolerance to the anxiolytic effects of ethanol wasreversed by treatment with a potentHDAC inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA)(Pandey et al. 2008a; Sakharkar et al.2012). Conversely, HDAC activity wasincreased in the amygdala of alcohol-withdrawn rats, which correlated withdecreased histone acetylation andreduced NPY gene expression in theCeA and MeA of rats (Pandey et al.2008a). Treatment with TSA duringethanol withdrawal prevented thedevelopment of anxiety-like behaviorsand corrected the deficits in histoneacetylation and NPY expression. Thesedata suggest that epigenetic modifica-

tions involving HDACs result in arefinement of amygdaloid chromatinstructure, which may be a contributing factor that alters the expression ofgenes implicated in alcohol toleranceand dependence (figures 4 and 5).

Histone Methylation Methylation of the chromatin (i.e., of both histones and DNA) is anotherimportant mechanism by which thecell regulates transcriptional activity(Holliday 2006). Histone methylationis mediated by histone methyltransferases(HMTs), whereas histone demethyla-tion occurs via histone demethylases(HDMs) (Agger et al. 2008; Cheungand Lau 2005; Margueron et al. 2005;Shukla et al. 2008; Wysocka et al. 2006).Histone methylation is important inthe regulation of memory formation(Gupta et al. 2010). Aberrant histonemethylation at lysine residues has beenimplicated in several different psychi-

Figure 4 A schematic diagram depicting possible epigenetic mechanisms acting in neuronal circuits of the amygdala that may contribute to rapidtolerance to the anxiolytic effects of ethanol. Acute ethanol exposure can inhibit both histone deacetylase (HDAC) and DNA methyltrans-ferase (DNMT) activities (Pandey et al. 2008a). This inhibition correlates with increased amygdaloid levels of CREB-binding protein (CBP),which has histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity. The observed changes in HDAC activity and CBP levels also correlate with increasedhistone acetylation (H3-K9 and H4-K8) in the central and medial nucleus of amygdala, resulting in a relaxed chromatin structure. As aresult, the transcriptional machinery can more easily access the DNA, leading to increased gene expression. Increased amygdaloidexpression of certain genes, such as neuropeptide Y or brain-derived neurotrophic factor, may mediate the anxiolytic effects of acuteethanol exposure (Pandey et al. 2008a, b). Cellular tolerance at the level of HDAC-induced chromatin remodeling in the amygdala maybe operative in rapid tolerance to the anxiolytic effects of ethanol (Sakharkar et al. 2012).

NOTE: (↓) = decrease; (↑) = increase; (–) = normal; (?) = unknown; Me = methylation site; Ac = acetylation site.

atric disorders (Akbarian and Huang2009). For instance, mutations withingenes encoding specific HMTs andHDMs have been associated withautism and mental retardation, respec-tively (Balemans et al. 2010; Tahilianiet al. 2007). In addition, chromatinremodeling at GABAergic gene pro-moters by a certain HMT may beinvolved in prefrontal cortex dysfunctionduring schizophrenia (Huang et al.2007). Histone methylation, specifi-cally involving histone H3, also hasbeen linked with the expression levelsfor the receptor for the neurotransmitterglutamate, which has been implicatedin schizophrenia because a hallmark ofthis disease is altered glutamate receptorfunctioning (Chavez-Noriega et al.2002; Conn et al. 2009; Stadler et al.2005). Tian and colleagues (2009)recently demonstrated that stimulationof a specific glutamate receptor (i.e.,the N-methyl-D-aspartate [NMDA]receptor4) was associated with a decreasein histone H3 methylation and a con-comitant increase in H3 acetylation atlysine 9 in rat hippocampal neurons.These findings also were linked withincreased transcriptional activity ofCREB and CBP at the BDNF genepromoter region 1. Taken together,these studies suggest that histonemethylation may play an importantrole in the preservation of neuronalfunction by regulating expression ofsynaptic plasticity-associated genes.

epigenetic modifications in Peripheral Tissues During Alcoholism

Histone Acetylation andMethylation Alcohol exposure not only affects the brain, leading to tolerance anddependence, but also can have seriousharmful effects in other organs. Forexample, alcohol has deleterious effectson the liver that are associated withepigenetic changes (Shukla et al. 2008).Alcoholic liver disease is a debilitating

condition associated with chronic alco-hol abuse (Beier and McClain 2010).Studies in intact organisms (i.e., in vivostudies) have shown an increase in histone acetylation in the liver, lungs,spleen, and testes of rats acutely treatedwith ethanol (Kim and Shukla 2006).A study in isolated rat liver cells (i.e.,primary rat hepatocytes) indicated thatethanol induced the acetylation of his-tone H3 at lysine 9 (Park et al. 2003).Also, by activating HAT, ethanol exposure caused increased histoneacetylation (H3–lysine 9) in a pro-moter region of the gene encoding thealcohol-metabolizing enzyme alcoholdehydrogenase 1 (ADH 1) in rat hepa-tocytes (Park et al. 2005). In addition,exposure of hepatocytes to ethanol wasassociated with distinct histone H3methylation patterns at lysine 9 andlysine 4, which correlated with increasesand decreases, respectively, in geneexpression (Pal-Bhadra et al. 2007).

Researchers recently demonstratedthat another protein-modifying path-way (i.e., the ubiquitin–proteasomepathway5) is involved in epigeneticmechanisms regulating liver injury in alcoholic liver disease (Oliva et al.2009). The investigators found thatchronic ethanol feeding significantlyinhibited the ubiquitin–proteasomepathway in rats, which was associatedwith an increase in histone acetylationand a decrease in histone methylation.Taken together, these data clearly suggesta promising epigenetic target for thetreatment of ethanol-induced liver injury.

DNA methylation in the Brainand Periphery DuringAlcoholism

In addition to histone methylation,DNA methylation is an important epigenetic regulatory mechanism ofgene expression that often can result ingene silencing (Comb and Goodman1990; Feng and Fan 2009). DNAmethylation is more specific than his-tone methylation and occurs in specificDNA sequences6 (Antequera 2003;Bestor 2000; Okano et al. 1999).

DNA methylation within regulatoryregions (i.e., promoters) of a gene haslong been known to attenuate geneexpression. More recently, however,DNA methylation within the gene alsohas been shown to regulate tissue- andcell-specific gene expression (Feng andFan 2009; Maunakea et al. 2010).

DNA methylation patterns areestablished and maintained by enzymescalled DNA methyltransferases(DNMTs); these patterns then are rec-ognized by specific proteins (Robertson2005; Sharma et al. 2010). Three maintypes of DNMTs regulate DNAmethylation. For example, DNMT 1maintains DNA methylation patterns,whereas DNMT 3a and DNMT 3bare involved in the de novo methyla-tion of DNA (Okano et al. 1999).Similar to histones, DNA also under-goes removal of methyl groups (i.e.,demethylation), and some enzymesinvolved in this process putatively havebeen identified (Bhattacharya et al.1999; Metivier et al. 2008; Ooi andBestor 2008).

DNMTs are abundantly expressedin postmitotic nerve cells (i.e., neurons)and are important for normal learningand memory (Feng et al. 2010). Forexample, an experimental approach inwhich animals learned to exhibit fearin a specific situation (i.e., contextualfear conditioning) was shown to increasethe expression of DNMT 3a and 3b,but not DNMT 1 in the adult hip-pocampus, whereas infusion of aDNMT inhibitor blocked memoryformation (Miller and Sweatt 2007).Furthermore, La Plant and colleagues(2010) found that DNMT3a expres-

4 NMDA receptors mediate excitatory neurotransmission in thebrain. These ubiquitous receptors play a role in the developmentof neurons and synaptic plasticity (Wheal et al. 1998). Modulationof NMDA receptor function may mediate the development of toler-ance to alcohol as well as alcohol withdrawal symptoms (Kumariand Ticku 2000).

5 The ubiquitin–proteasome pathway is a series of reactions bywhich unwanted or defective proteins are marked for degradationby the addition of ubiquitin molecules and subsequently destroyedby large protein complexes known as proteasomes. Accuratefunctioning of this pathway is essential for many cellular process-es, the cell cycle, and regulation of gene expression.

6 Specifically, DNA methlylation occur at the 5’-position ofcytosines found in cytosine–guanosine (CpG) dinucleotides with-in CpG-rich DNA regions (i.e., CpG islands).

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Epigenetics–Beyond the Genome in Alcoholism 299

sion was enhanced in a brain regioncalled the nucleus accumbens bychronic cocaine use and chronic socialstress, suggesting an important role forthis enzyme in regulating emotionalbehavior and cocaine addiction.

DNA methylation also may play arole in psychiatric disorders, includingalcohol and other drug dependence.For example, schizophrenia often ischaracterized by dysfunction of theGABA-using (i.e., GABAergic) signal-ing systems (Costa et al. 2003; Wassefet al. 2003). GABAergic neuronsexpress high levels of DNMT 1, and

excessive methylation (i.e., hypermeth -ylation) of the promoter regions ofgenes involved in the GABA systemmay be a possible target for treatingschizophrenia (Costa et al. 2007, 2009).

To date, no studies have assessedhow DNMT enzymes are regulatedduring adaptive changes to ethanolexposure in the brain. Preliminaryinvestigations from the author’s labora-tory have suggested that acute ethanolexposure can significantly inhibit DNMTactivity in the amygdala of rats. Otherstudies have shown that alcoholics havelower DNMT 3a and 3b expression in

whole blood cells, with greater reduc-tions found with higher blood ethanolconcentrations (Bonsch et al. 2006). Inaddition, several other genes seem tobe regulated through epigenetic mech-anisms involving DNA methylation:

• The protein a-synuclein has beenimplicated in alcohol craving, andboth the protein and mRNA levelsof a-synuclein are elevated withchronic alcohol administration(Bonsch et al. 2005a; Walker andGrant 2006). Studies of humanalcoholics found DNA hyperme-

Figure 5 A representative model of possible epigenetic mechanisms acting in neuronal circuits of the amygdala that may contribute to the devel-opment of anxiety-like behaviors during ethanol withdrawal after chronic exposure in rats. Chronic ethanol exposure and the concomitantneuroadaptations in the amygdala of rats do not significantly affect levels of histone acetylation, CREB-binding protein (CBP), or histonedeacetylase (HDAC) activity, because these were altered by acute ethanol exposure (see figure 4). However, withdrawal after chronicethanol exposure is associated with increased HDAC activity and decreased levels of CBP and associated histone acetylation (Pandey et al. 2008a). As a result, the chromatin configuration may become more condensed, which limits accessibility of the transcriptionalmachinery to the DNA. This may result in decreased gene expression levels of neuropeptide Y and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, bothof which have been linked to increased anxiety-like behaviors (i.e., have anxiogenic effects) following withdrawal from chronic ethanolexposure (Pandey et al. 2008a,b). HDACs and histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are promising targets in the possible reversal of theseanxiogenic consequences of withdrawal. Thus, pharmacological treatment using potent HDAC inhibitors or HAT activators may lead to the normalization of reduced histone acetylation and subsequent stabilization of gene expression and anxiety levels.

NOTE: (↓) = decrease; (↑) = increase; (–) = normal; (?) = unknown; Me = methylation site; ac = acetylation site

300 Alcohol research: C u r r e n t R e v i e w s

thylation of the promoter region forthe α-synuclein gene in a type ofwhite blood cells (i.e., peripheralmononuclear cells), which may beresponsible for reduced cravingunder active alcohol-drinking con-ditions (Bonsch et al. 2005b; Bleichand Hillemacher 2009).

• Methylation also affects transcriptionof a gene encoding the endogenousopioid prodynorphin, a small protein(i.e., polypeptide) hormone involvedin brain signaling that exists in severalvariants (i.e., alleles) that influence aperson’s risk of alcoholism. A DNAvariation (i.e., single nucleotide poly-morphism) of this gene exists thatoverlaps with a CpG dinucleotide,which is subject to methylation.Methylation of this dinucleotideaffects prodynorphin transcriptionin the prefrontal cortex of alcoholics(Taqi et al. 2011). Moreover, peoplewho carried a nonrisk allele of theprodynorphin gene but in whomthe CpG dinucleotide was methy-lated had a higher probability ofdeveloping alcohol dependence.

• Expression of the gene encoding aprotein called homocysteine-induced endoplasmic reticulumprotein (Herp) is lower in bloodcells of alcoholics compared withhealthy controls. This difference isrelated to promotor hypermethylationwithin the Herp gene in alcoholics(Bleich and Hillemacher 2009).

• The expression of the genes encod-ing the NMDA receptors, which asmentioned earlier are activated bythe neurotransmitter glutamate,also seems to be regulated by DNAmethylation. Thus, a clinical studydemonstrated that in alcoholicpatients the degree of methylationat the promoter region of the geneencoding the NMDA 2B receptorsubtype (NR2B) during withdrawalnegatively correlated with the severityof alcohol consumption (Biermannet al. 2009). Moreover, in primarycultured neurons, chronic intermit-

tent ethanol exposure resulted indemethylation of a regulatoryregion of the NR2B gene, whichcorrelated with increased NR2Bgene expression (Qiang et al. 2010).

All of these findings suggest thatethanol-induced changes in DNAmethylation may be an important factorin the regulation of gene expressionthat occurs during the complex pro-cesses of alcoholism pathogenesis.

DNA methylation represses geneexpression via the actions of a proteincalled methyl CpG-binding protein-2(MeCP2), which selectively binds tomethylated DNA, thereby blockingtranscription. Mutations in MeCP2have been linked with a neurodevelop-mental disorder, Rett syndrome (Bienvenuand Chelly 2006). Moreover, MeCP2has been implicated in regulatingbehavioral responses to drugs of abuse(Feng and Nestler 2010). For example,changes in MeCP2 in the nucleusaccumbens have been shown to con-tribute to the neural and behavioralresponses to psychostimulants (Denget al. 2010). MeCP2 also can controlBDNF expression and cocaine intake(Im et al. 2010 ). Through its effectson BDNF expression, MeCP2 alsomay be important in regulating alcohol’saddictive properties (He et al. 2010),and BDNF expression is altered in various brain regions by acute andchronic ethanol exposure (Jeanblanc etal. 2009; Moonat et al. 2011; Pandeyet al.2008b).

Role of DNA Methylation in FetalAlcohol Spectrum DisordersFetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)are developmental abnormalities relatedto the effects of in utero alcohol expo-sure on the developing fetus (Jones andSmith 1973; Jones et al. 1973). Severalrecent studies have emphasized howalcohol exposure can result in aberrantepigenetic regulatory mechanisms dur-ing development, leading to FASD.For example, alcohol consumption bythe mother altered DNA methylationprofiles in mouse embryos, resulting in

neurofacial deficits and growth retarda-tion, both of which are hallmarks ofFASD (Liu et al. 2009). A recent studylinked chronic alcohol use in men withlower-than-normal methylation (i.e.,hypomethylation) of paternal spermDNA, suggesting that genes from alcoholic males transferred through fertilization may result in offspring withFASD features (Ouko et al. 2009).Likewise, Weaver and colleagues (2004)demonstrated that maternal behaviorwas able to produce stable alterationsin DNA methylation and chromatinstructure in the hippocampus of theiroffspring that persisted into adulthood.However, this epigenetic maternal programming was reversible in adultoffspring through methyl supplemen-tation, suggesting that DNA methyla-tion patterns that are formed early inlife may not be permanent (Weaver etal. 2005). Finally, alcohol exposureseems to interfere with normal DNAmethylation patterns of neural stemcell genes and to attenuate neural stemcell differentiation (Zhou et al. 2011).Taken together, these findings implythat epigenetic processes may play animportant role in the mechanismsunderlying FASD (Miranda 2011).

mirNAs and gene expressionin Alcoholism

In addition to mRNA, which is gener-ated during gene expression and repre-sents the coding sequences of the genes,several classes of noncoding RNAmolecules exist that have regulatoryfunctions. One of these classes is miRNA,which has been implicated in the regu-lation of gene expression and synapticplasticity (Siegel et al. 2011). miRNAscontrol gene expression by interferingwith the intricate processes of mRNAtranslation into a protein productand/or mRNA decay (Bartel 2009;Ghildiyal and Zamore 2009). Recentfindings suggest that complex interac-tions occur between miRNAs and theepigenetic machinery (Bonasio et al.2010). Likewise, other moleculesknown as large intergenic noncoding

epigenetics–Beyond the genome in Alcoholism 301

(linc) RNAs interact with chromatin-modifying complexes and regulategene expression (Khalil et al. 2009).

Several studies have implicatedmiRNAs in the cellular effects ofethanol use and abuse (Miranda 2010;Pietrzykowski 2010). For example,miRNA-9 (miR-9) posttranscription-ally regulates big potassium (BK) chan-nel mRNA variants that encode differ-ent types of BK channels with differentsensitivities to alcohol (Pietrzykowskiet al. 2008). Acute ethanol exposureincreased the expression of miR-9 inneurons isolated from certain regionsof the adult rodent brain (i.e., thesupraoptic nucleus and striatum),which correlated with reduced BKchannel expression (Pietrzykowski etal. 2008). Alcohol-related BK channeldysfunction may play an importantrole in the development of alcohol tolerance (Cowmeadow et al. 2005;Pietrzykowski 2008). On the otherhand, physiologically relevant ethanolconcentrations, similar to thoseattained by alcoholics, can significantlysuppress the expression of four othermiRNAs (i.e., miR-21, miR-335,miR-153, and miR-9) (Sathyan et al.2007). Together, these studies high-light the emerging role of miRNAs asmediators of epigenetic modificationsthat may be involved in ethanol’s actions.


Epigenetics is an emerging area ofresearch in the neuroscience field. Thework done so far indicates that chro-matin remodeling resulting from his-tone modifications in the amygdalamay be important in the effects ofboth acute and chronic ethanol expo-sure (see figures 4 and 5). Other evi-dence has identified DNA methylationas a critical regulator of gene expressionlevels, which also may play a criticalrole in alcoholism. However, the specific effects of different types ofHDAC in alcohol’s action or the regu-lation of various DNMTs in the brainby alcohol exposure still remain unclear.It also would be interesting to determine

the role of other important enzymesinvolved in remodeling the chromatinstructure, such as DNA and histonedemethylases and HMTs, in alcohol’seffects. Currently, the alcohol-relatedregulation of histone and DNAmethylation in the brain and otherorgan systems are not well understood.Future studies will provide a morecomprehensive picture of epigeneticmechanisms regulated by alcohol inorder to increase our understanding of overall genomic function in alco-holism (figure 1). Nonetheless, theseearly research findings clearly provideevidence that compounds that inhibitHDACs may be promising futuretherapeutic agents in the treatment of alcoholism (figures 4 and 5). ■


The work described here from the laboratory of Dr. Pandey was supportedby National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism grants AA–016690,AA–019971, AA–010005, andAA–013341 and by the Department ofVeterans Affairs (Merit Review Grant;Research Career Scientist Award).

Financial Disclosure

The authors declare that they have nocompeting financial interests.

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Now Available –New Fact Sheets from NIAAA

The fact sheets are available for download at

Fetal Alcohol Exposure

Fetal alcohol exposure occurs w

hen a woman drinks while

pregnant. Alcohol can disrupt fe

tal development at any stage

during a pregnancy—including at the

earliest stages before

a woman even knows she is pregnant







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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)








Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)






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Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well being

NIH . . . Turning Discovery Into Health

U.S. Department of Health and H

uman Services • National Institut

es of Health • National Institute

on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism • 301.443.38


Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well being

NIH . . . Turning Discovery Into Health

U.S. Department of Health and H

uman Services • National Institut

es of Health • National Institute

on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism • 301.443.38


Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well being

Underage Drinking

Underage drinking is a serious

public health problem in the

United States. Alcohol is the mo

st widely used substance of

abuse among America’s youth a

nd drinking by young people

poses enormous health and saf

ety risks.

The consequences of underage drinking can affect everyone

regardless of age or drinking status. We all feel the effects of

the aggressive behavior, property damage, inju

ries, violence,

and deaths that can result from

underage drinking. This is not

simply a problem for some families—it is a nationwide concern.

Underage Drinking Statistics

Many, many young people drink alcohol

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Youth ages 12 to 20 often binge drink

How much is a drink?

A standard drink is

roughly 14 grams of

pure alcohol, which

is found in:

� 12 ounces of beer

� 5 ounces of wine

� 1.5 ounces of

distilled spirits

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Alcohol Cigarettes Marijuana





th �



, Cig


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NIH . . . Turning Discovery Into Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • National Institut

es of Health • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism • 301.443.3860

Using Alcohol to Relieve Your P

ain: What Are the Risks?

People have used alcohol to re

lieve pain since ancient times.

Laboratory studies con3rm

that alcohol does indeed reduc

e pain in humans and in animals

. Moreover, recent research

suggests that as many as 28 per

cent of people experiencing chro

nic pain turn to alcohol to

alleviate their suffering. Despite

this, using alcohol to alleviate

pain places people at risk for

a number of harmful health con


What are the risks?

Mixing alcohol and pain medic

ines can be harmful.





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Analgesic doses of alcohol exc

eed moderate drinking guidelin


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Chronic alcohol drinking makes

pain worse.








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Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well being

NIH . . . Turning Discovery Into Health

U.S. Department of Health and H

uman Services • National Institut

es of Health • National Institute

on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism • 301.443.38


Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well being

NIH . . . Turning Discovery Into Health

U.S. Department of Health and H

uman Services • National Institut

es of Health • National Institute

on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism • 301.443.38



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Fetal Alcohol exposure examineshow drinking during pregnancymay affect the developing fetus.Information also includes factorsthat put mothers and their babiesat particular risk, as well asinterventions that are helping to alleviate some of the problemsassociated with early exposure to alcohol. The fact sheet isavailable for download at

Underage Drinking provides anupdate on underage drinkingfacts and reviews the dangers ofyouthful drinking. The fact sheetalso offers tips for recognizingthe signs of underage drinkingand strategies for stopping drinkingin people under the age of 21.The fact sheet is available fordownload at

Using Alcohol to relieve YourPain: What Are the risks?outlines the problems causedwhen alcohol is used as apainkiller. The problems includeharmful interactions with variousmedications and the developmentof serious neurologic complications.The fact sheet is available fordownload at