ALERT at fOSSa Conference 2012

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ALERT Team at fOSSa Conference 2012 Participants: Fotis Paraskevopoulos & Gregor Leban


Lille December 4th, 2012

Fotis Paraskevopoulos (ICCS)

Gregor Leban (Researcher at the Jozef Stefan Institute)

fOSSa Conference 2012

What is ALERT?

ALERT is an Open Source project that aims to improve coordination & collaboration and bug resolution processes and take advantage

of building a project knowledge base in collaborative or distributed environments by providing methods and tools for Software Development Companies, Open Source Communities and Developers

Active support and reaL-time coordination based on Event pRocessing

in FLOSS developmenT - @alertfp7

What is ALERT?

Expertise ProfileImprove task assignment & triage processes on OSS Communities: assign developers based on skills , expertise and participation

Bug Duplicate Detectionto find possible duplicates or related issues and notify relevant facts to developers when they occur

Faster Team Interactionwith Automation & Notification tools to keep developers updated

Reduce Time solving Bugsimprove performance solving bugs andsearching for possible solutions

Live Project & Team Statusmore realistic picture of projects and participation with info from multiple sources

Multiple Data Sourcesgathers relevant info from multiple data sources (ITS, BTS, code repositories, blogs, forums, portals, eMail, etc.)

Development Toolsintegrate sensors & help coders concentrate on development instead of manual repetitive tasks

Social CodingAutomatically Create & Show developers profile - @alertfp7

Target Users

Social Coding companies such as GitHub/Atlassian or other Forges & Collab. Tools (that want to extend their functionalities by providing automated interaction with devs)

Developer Team Managers in Open Source Communities and Development Companies

Developersnewbies and experts in Open Source Communities & Dev Companies

Talent Recruiting Firms companies such as LinkedIn , or even software companies (a place for companies that need to hire developers to find real and specialized talent)

Bug/Solutions Information feeds companies such as Stack Overflow that provide a knowledge base of possible bug resolutions

Sponsors companies that sponsor Open Source Tools such as Oracle, Ubuntu, etc…) to provide OSS tools that help to become more efficient - @alertfp7

Significantly reduce the amount of time spent by developers on solving issues, investigating and searching different sources for possible solutions with the automation & notification engine and data-collector sensors

… and create a new environment that help companies reduce corporate legacy collaboration tools and embrace Web 2.0 tools.

ALERT UVPs - @alertfp7

ALERT ALERT provides provides Analysis tools to stay Analysis tools to stay on top of the Project on top of the Project Status Status and Team’s Team’s ContributionContribution

… managers, team managers and even developers can have an overview of the project’s status

ALERT UVPs - @alertfp7

ALERT provides automated profile automated profile

creation creation of expertise, skills and project contribution

… for developers for developers which aids triagers which aids triagers

and also management for

recruiting purposesrecruiting purposes

ALERT UVPs - @alertfp7

How can ALERT be Used ?

Standalone via its own UI

Integrated into 3rd party systems via the REST interface or by communicating directly to the message bus used by ALERT

In combination with forges:•links / pop-ups to ALERT•embedded information from ALERT•notifications from ALERt

Complementing the IDE with:•Plugins for searching ALERT information•Plugins for providing real-time complementary information - @alertfp7

How can ALERT be Used ?

Standalone - @alertfp7

How can ALERT be Used ?

In combination with forges

•Annotate every issue with relevant information with:• Potential duplicates• Suggested developers to fix the issue• Community history related to this issue (comments,

commits, etc)•Create commit hooks to take advantage of

• Real-time events of based on the developers interests• Being notified with suggested bugs you are able to tackle

based on your ALERT profile• Areas of code being changed and their effect in the ALERT

ecosystem - @alertfp7

How can ALERT be Used ?

Complementing the IDE (via plugins)•Extend information provided in the IDE about specific pieces of code with information from the ALERT Knowledge Base•Provide an ALERT side bar which exposes the search functionality in ALERT•Provide an ALERT notification bar to get Real-Time notifications on particular events which are of interested to the user - @alertfp7


• More information can be found on the project’s website

• We are providing ready made downloadable Virtual Machines with everything pre-installed and configured - @alertfp7

Because you don’t have to worryBecause you don’t have to worry

Thank you!