All 6th Edition Codex FAQs

Post on 26-Oct-2014

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All codex FAQ


Two Toughness Values Where a model has two Toughness values presented on its profile, one of which is presented in brackets, always use the bracketed value. Ignore the other value entirely.

Page 39 Techmarines, Bolster Defences. Replace this entry with the following: Bolster Defences: After deployment, but before Scout redeployments and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one piece of terrain in your deployment zone (this may not be one you have purchased as part of your army). The terrain pieces cover save is increased by one for the duration of the game (to a maximum of 3+). For example, a ruin (4+ cover save) would instead offer a 3+ cover save. A piece of terrain can only be bolstered once. Page 42 Chaplains, Crozius Arcanum. Replace this entry with A crozius arcanum is treated as a power maul. Page 42 Chaplain, Honour of the Chapter. In the second sentence, replace He, and all members of a squad he has joined with He, and all members of any unit chosen from Codex: Blood Angels that he has joined Page 42 Chaplain, Liturgies of Blood. Change a Chaplain and all members of any squad he has joined to read a Chaplain and all members of any unit chosen from Codex: Blood Angels that he has joined Page 43 Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, the Blood Crozius. Change last sentence to: The Blood Crozius is a master-crafted power maul. Page 46 Librarians, Psychic Hood. Ignore this paragraph refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 47 Mephiston, Lord of Death, Psychic Hood. Ignore this paragraph refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 47 Mephiston, Lord of Death, Transfixing Gaze. Change first sentence to: At the start of the Fight sub-phase, Mephiston can attempt to enthral a single enemy independent character in base contact. Page 48 Sanguinary Priests, Blood Chalice. Change first sentence to: All friendly units chosen from Codex: Blood Angels within 6" are subject to the Furious Charge and Feel No Pain special rules. Page 49 Brother Corbulo, The Red Grail. Change first sentence to: All friendly units chosen from Codex: Blood Angels within 6" of Corbulo are subject to the Furious Charge and Feel No Pain special rules. Page 50 Sanguinary Guard, Death Mask. Change this entry to read: At the beginning of the Fight sub-

PSYCHIC POWERS A Blood Angels Librarian (including Mephiston) may use the psychic disciplines found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, instead of those in Codex: Blood Angels. If he does so, generate two new powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy or Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are deployed. Var Power Swords In the bestiary and army list, replace all references to power sword with power weapon. Page 22 And they Shall Know no Fear.... Ignore this entry refer instead to the And they Shall Know no Fear... special rule in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 23 The Red Thirst. Add Independent Characters that have succumbed to the Red Thirst can only join the Death Company, and units that have also succumbed to the Red Thirst. Page 37 Land Raiders, Power of the Machine Spirit. Ignore this entry refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 38 Stormraven Gunships, Skies of Blood. Change the first sentence to read: If the Stormraven has moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark, but they must do so as follows. Change the penultimate sentence to read: If any of the models cannot be deployed the unit is destroyed. Page 39 Techmarines, Blessing of the Omnissiah. Replace this entry with the following: Blessing of the Omnissiah: In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a Techmarine may choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add the following modifiers where applicable: Each servitor with a servo-arm in his unit The Techmarine has a servo-harness +1 +1

If the result is 5 or more, you may restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.

Psychic Powers A Grey Knights Librarian may use the psychic disciplines found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, instead of those in Codex: Grey Knights. If he does so, generate a number of psychic powers equal to his Mastery Level from the Divination, Pyromancy or Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are deployed. If he does so he may not purchase additional powers. Hammerhand cannot be exchanged in this manner. An Inquisitor with Mastery Level 1 can exchange his psychic power for a single roll on either the Divination, Pyromancy or Telekinesis disciplines. Coteaz can generate two powers from either the Divination, Pyromancy or Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) in place of those listed on his profile. Page 21 And they Shall Know no Fear.... Ignore this entry refer instead to the And they Shall Know no Fear... special rule in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 22 Grey Knight Grand Masters, Unyielding Anvil. Change the second sentence to read The nominated units can control objectives as if they were scoring units. Page 24 Librarians, Psychic Hood. Ignore this paragraph refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 25 Librarian Psychic Powers, Hammerhand.: Change the second sentence to read This power is used at the start of the Fight sub-phase. Page 25 Librarian Psychic Powers, Dark Excommunication. Change the second sentence to read: This power is used at the start of the Fight sub-phase. Page 25 Librarian Psychic Powers, Sanctuary. Change the second sentence to read: This power is used at the start of the enemy Charge sub-phase. Page 26 Brotherhood Champion, Titans Herald. Change the first sentence to read: On a player turn in which he successfully charges, a Brotherhood Champion and all members of the squad he has joined chosen from Codex: Grey Knights can re-roll failed rolls to hit. Page 26 Brotherhood Champion, The Perfect Warrior. Change the first sentence to read: At the start of the Fight subphase, you choose one of the following battle stances for the Brotherhood Champion to adopt:.

Page 29 Purgation Squads, Astral Aim. Change the fourth sentence to read: If the Psychic test is passed, the unit (and any accompanying character chosen from Codex: Grey Knights) can shoot at any enemy unit within range, even if they do not have line of sight to it. If the Night Fighting rules are in effect at the time their targets do not benefit from the Stealth or Shrouded special rules. Page 31 Purifiers, Cleansing Flame. Change the second sentence to read: This power is used at the start of the Fight sub-phase. Page 32 Techmarines, Blessing of the Omnissiah. Replace this entry with the following: Blessing of the Omnissiah: In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a Techmarine may choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add the following modifiers where applicable: The Techmarine has a servo-harness +1

If the result is 5 or more, you may restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately. Page 32 Techmarines, Bolster Defences. Replace this entry with the following: Bolster Defences: After deployment, but before Scout redeployments and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one piece of terrain in your deployment zone (this may not be one you have purchased as part of your army). The terrain pieces cover save is increased by one for the duration of the game (to a maximum of 3+). For example, a ruin (4+ cover save) would instead offer a 3+ cover save. A piece of terrain can only be bolstered once. Page 37 Land Raiders, Power of the Machine Spirit. Ignore this paragraph refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 54 Nemesis Force Weapons, Force Weapons. Change the first sentence to read Unless otherwise stated, all Nemesis weapons are Unusual Force Weapons, as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 61 Dozer Blades; Hunter-killer Missile; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers. Use the entries in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Page 29 Lone Wolves, A Glorious Death. Replace the last two sentences with: Furthermore, in missions that award Victory Points for each enemy unit that has been completely destroyed, a Lone Wolf does not concede a Victory Point if he dies in battle. Instead, to represent his failure to meet a spectacular end, a Lone Wolf awards a Victory Point in such a mission if he survives until the end of the game! Page 35 Wolf Priest, Oath of War Change the last sentence to: He and any squad from Codex: Space Wolves that he joins have the Preferred Enemy rule against that unit type. Page 38 Iron Priests, Battlesmith. Replace the entry with the following: Battlesmith: In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, an Iron Priest may choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add the following modifier where applicable: Each Thrall-servitor with a servo-arm in his unit +1

Page 50 Ulrik the Slayer, Slayers Oath. Change the last sentence to read: When Ulrik and any model in his squad chosen from Codex: Space Wolves allocate their attacks against a model with a Toughness of 5 or more, they may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit and To Wound. Page 50 Ulrik the Slayer, Mentor. Change the penultimate sentence to read: To represent this, you may pick one other friendly model chosen from Codex: Space Wolves as having been personally trained by Ulrik (this may not be a Unique model). Page 50 Ulrik the Slayer, Wolf Helm of Russ. Change the second sentence to read: Any friendly unit chosen from Codex: Space Wolves that can trace line of sight to Ulrik may re-roll any failed Morale tests they are called upon to make. Page 53 Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests (6) Vengeful Tornado. Replace this entry with: At the end of Njals Shooting phase, a single enemy model of your choice within 18 is ravaged by a tornado, taking D3 S9 hits. Vehicles are hit on their side armour. Page 53 Njal Stormcaller, Master Psyker. Change the sentence to read: Psyker (Mastery Level 2). Njal knows all of the psychic powers listed on page 37. Page 55 Ragnar Blackmane, Insane Bravado. Replace the special rule with the following: Ragnar is as glory-hungry as the most ferocious Blood Claw and is famous for his acts of insane heroism against the odds. He and any unit that he joins chosen from Codex: Space Wolves must declare a charge if it is possible to do so. However, Ragnars reckless assaults are the stuff of legend he and any unit he joins from Codex: Space Wolves receive an improved Charge Bonus of +D3 Attacks when they launch an assault. Page 55 Ragnar Blackmane, War Howl. Replace the entry with the following: Ragnar and any models in the squad he joins chosen from Codex: Space Wolves have the Furious Charge rule. Furthermore, once per game at the beginning of the Charge sub-phase Ragnar can give voice to a terrifying war howl that galvanises all nearby into a killing frenzy. For the duration of the Assault phase all friendly units of Space Wolves that were within 12" of Ragnar at the beginning of the phase have the Furious Charge rule.

If the result is 5 or more, you may restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately. Page 44 Land Raider, Power of the Machine Spirit. Ignore this entry refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Page 49 Bjorn the Fell-handed, Living Relic. Replace the second paragraph with the following: If Bjorn is wrecked or explodes, leave the model in place. From that point on, all friendly Space Wolves become Fearless for the rest of the game. Bjorns remains are now treated as a special objective that awards 1 Victory Point in missions that use objectives (note, however, that Bjorns remains do not count as a Mysterious Objective). Furthermore, in missions that offer Victory Points for each enemy unit that has been completely destroyed, the owning Space Wolves players opponent instead gains D3 Victory Points for destroying Bjorn. Such is the price of failure! Page 51 Arjac Rockfist, Grimnars Champion. Change the second sentence of the first paragraph to read Arjac must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If there is more than one of your models in a combat with this special rule, you may select which model issues or accepts the challenge.