All documents regarding my complaint to Banking Ombudsman

Post on 11-Mar-2015

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All my correspondence regarding wrong debit of my bank account, as submitted to BO


Your On lie complaint on the same subject has been registered at this office and taken up for scrutiny.

GN Sarma

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P BO________________________________From: []

From: roamester@gmail.comDate: 06-May-11 2:27:11 PMTo: Fw: Re: Auto-Acknowledgment for disposed, Complaint NO. is 201011008000454

Today, I received a weird communication from your office as attached below: Since, the fact cited are not correct, my replyalong with, my attachments and submissions areforwarded herewith, for your kind perusal.

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06-May-11 06-May-11 11:33:09 AMTo: roamester@gmail.comSubject: Auto-Acknowledgment for disposed, Complaint NO. is 201011008000454

Complaint No. 201011008000454 got disposed, under Complainant advised that complaint is not maintainable: BOSrequirement not met: No representation made to bank 9 (3) (a)Regards,Banking Ombudsman

This is an auto-generated reply, kindly do not reply on this mail.For online complaint register to Online Complaint Form

The e mail communication I received from your office:

-------Original Message-------

From: roamester@gmail.comDate: 06-May-11 2:00:17 PMTo: Re: Auto-Acknowledgment for disposed, Complaint NO. is 201011008000454

Date:06-05-2011Respected Sir,Your ground for rejecting my complaint is not valid. Since, in compliance with the clause 9(3), as per given screenshot

I have already made representations to the bank, as per copies of letters attached here again, for your perusal, which,however, went without adequate response .If you go through attached record of correspondences between me and the bank,you can very well see that, I have been praying for recourse with the defendant bank since, November 2010 and hasapproached every step in their grievance redressing machinery.But the bank is not showing required seriousness to providesuitable recourse.So, sir, you are now requested to take up the matter, so that, justice is rendered to an bank account holder.


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Respected Sir,In response to my 'on-line' complaint dated 29-04-2011 and 2-05-2011, regarding the captioned subject, I got informed bya gentleman who introduced himself as 'calling from banking ombudsman office' Guwahati,that, since, I am a staff

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member of PNB I.e. the defendant bank, my complaint couldn't be entertained.It appears weird to me, since, according tothe relevant laws, every grieved person suffering due to some deficiency in banking service meted to him, can lodge acomplaint to the 'banking ombudsman'. So, you are hereby requested to communicate this in writing, through e mail, whathas been conveyed over telephone, along with relevant guidelines.

An early action will be highly appreciated.Regards.

Fr om: r oamest er @gmail.comDat e: 02-May-11 1:28:12 PMT o: helppr d@r bi.or g.inCc: ushat hor at @r bi.or g.inSubj ect : Rej ect ion of my complaint t o t he Ombudsman, Guwahat i, of my complaint aboutwrong debit of my account by PNB, over t elephone.

Dat e:02-05-2011Respect ed Sir ,I am an of f icer of ' PNB' . One of t he br anches of t he same branch, I .e.PNB Le do,Ass am. Wr onglydebit ed my cur r ent account wit h t he bank, by Rs 10000. Af t er approaching all t he channels of t hebank f or get t ing my money back, I lodged a complaint t o t he banking ombudsman, Guwahat i, on line.But , t oday, a gent leman t elephoned me and int r oduced himself as,' calling f r om t he bankingombudsman of f ice, Guwahat i' and t old me t hat , my complaint cannot be ent er t ained by t hem since,I am an employee of t he def endant bank. But sir , nowher e it is ment ioned in t he r elevant guidelinesand it has been st ipulat ed t hat , any per son gr ieved by any def icient service met ed t o him canaproach t he banking ombudsman f or r ecour se af t er exhaust ing t he exist ing machiner y of t he bankf or r edr ess al of gr ievance. Mor eover , t hat man claiming t o be someone f r om t he bankingombudsman' s of f ice, didn' t give me any oppor t unit y t o elabor at e my point f ur t her and hang up int he midst of t he conver sat ion. Copies of r elevant paper s submit t ed t o t he BO is at t ached her ewit h,f or your perusal.Please assist me.Wit h best r egar ds.

55/ 5 Churamoni Choudhury Lane(1st . f loor)P.O.Behrampore.PIN:742101.Dist .Murshidabad.West Bengal.


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Fr om: r oamest er @gmail.comDat e: 02-May-11 12:53:07 PMT o: code@iba.or g.inSubj ect : Wr ong debit t o my account .

Dat e:02-05-2011Respect ed Sir ,Recent ly, my over dr af t account wit h PNB, Ledo, Assam,has been debit ed wit h Rs 10000, wr ongly.So, I complained t o t he banking ombudsman, Guwahat i, f orRecour se. T oday, weir dly, a gent leman f r o t he said of f ice, t elephoned me and t old me t hat , t heycannot t ake up my complaint since, I am an employee of t heSame bank i.e. PNB. Please advise, t he cour se of act ion avaailable t o me since, it is a violat ion of' code of commit ment t o cust omer s' .Thanks.

55/ 5 Churamoni Choudhury Lane(1st . f loor)P.O.Behrampore.PIN:742101.Dist .Murshidabad.West Bengal.


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Date: 02-May-11 10:42:20 AM


Subject: Reg: My complaint about wrong debit to my account, by PNB Ledo branch.

Respected Sir,

In response to my 'on-line' complaint dated 29-04-2011 and 2-05-2011, regarding the captioned

subject, I got informed by a gentleman who introduced himself as 'calling from banking ombudsman

office' Guwahati,that, since, I am a staff member of PNB I.e. the defendant bank, my complaint

couldn't be entertained.It appears weird to me, since, according to the relevant laws, every grieved

person suffering due to some deficiency in banking service meted to him, can lodge a complaint to

the 'banking ombudsman'. So, you are hereby requested to communicate this in writing, through e

mail, what has been conveyed over telephone, along with relevant guidelines.

An early action will be highly appreciated.


55/5 Churamoni Choudhury Lane(1st. floor)      P.O.Behrampore.PIN:742101.Dist.Murshidabad.


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Subject: Your complaint regarding wrong debit to my accountFrom: "complaint" <>Dat e: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 12:28:48 +0530To: <>


Dear Sir,

Please refer to your email dated 09.04.2011 on the above subject. The said mail was also seen by CMD/ED.

In this regard, we may inform you that the matter is taken up with the concerned Circle / Branch and action taken in thematterwill be informed to you by the Branch/Circle Office/our off ice shortly.

We express our regret for inconvenience caused to you.

We assure our best services always.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

ManagerCustomer Care CentreHead OfficeNEW DELHI

PNB's O  ering


For Details :

Contact :Toll Free No. 1800-180-2222 & Tolled No. 0120-2490000Visit:

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Your complaint regarding wrong debit to my account

1 of 2 17-Apr-11 6:05 PM

NaNonal Bank. The bank considers unencrypted email as an insecure mode of communicaNon.

Your complaint regarding wrong debit to my account

2 of 2 17-Apr-11 6:05 PM

Subject: Wrong debit my accountFrom: Himadri Shekhar Bha3acharjee <> Date:Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:11:35 +0530To:

Dat e: 11- 04- 2011

Respec t ed Si r ,

As t he l ast st age i n my endeavour t o seek r ecour se f or ' wr ong debi t t omy account ' , as per t he ' gr i evance r edr essal mechani sm' gi ven i n t he PNB websi t e, befor e appr oachi ng t he ' banki ng ombudsman' . I at t ach mycompl ai nt wi t h r el evant det ai l s, f or your ki nd per usal .Hope t o be f avour ed wi t h your due consi der at i on.

Regar ds.

Hi madr i Shekhar Bhat t achar j ee.E Mai l : r oamest er @gmai l . comMobi l e: 9564280970

wrong debit copy to CMD PNB1.pdfContent-Type: applicaGon/pdfContent-Encoding: base64

Wrong debit my account

1 of 1 17-Apr-11 6:07 PM

My Letter to Smt. Sudeshna Sharma, GM

GM’s Acknowledgement and reply to my email and my letter to the same.

My disagreement with the GM’s observations and her reply to my e mail.

My letter to the Circle Head with a copy to the B/O Ledo.

E MAIL Sent to BO Ledo, with a copy to Circle Office

Read receipt of letters to circle office and B/O Ledo.

My complaint to BO Ledo, in official format.

My Reply to the circle office’s letter full of abusive languages and threats.

Circle office’s letter attempting at bullying without attempting to provide adequate recourse to me.