4mApril2019 · all my – and your - working and striving and doing might come out of that ......

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4m Members and friends of St Mary’s Monthly Missive

May 2019 Visit us online at www.stmaryscomberton.org

Dear friends, Working

The month of May often seems to mark a shift in my work. In the darker months I spend more time behind my desk, or in people’s homes. But come May there is a turn ‘outward’ if you like with a whole host of events.

In Comberton we have our Away Day on 18th. We also have our first wedding of the season on 11th. I’m starting the Lordsbridge School of Theology which will run through the summer months (starting May 19th). Kate Green is giving her art exhibition in Great Eversden over the Early May Bank Holiday. Looking slightly further ahead, in mid-June we have a Church Open Day (15th June). And the list goes on. Lots more info is in the pages of this edition of 4M.

It is easy then to get caught up in this inexorable movement, from one thing to another. Yet, one of the key messages of Easter has to with the ‘End of Work’. Jesus’ great cry of the cross ‘It is finished’ somehow needs to lodge its way deep in our hearts, so that we might begin to understand that everything that needs to be done has already been done.

The new creation has been set in motion and will be brought to completion. We’re graciously included in the work of God. But ultimately, the fulfilment of all things really doesn’t rely on us. Phew. What glorious liberating good news.

My hope is that such good news might seep deep into my heart, and so that all my – and your - working and striving and doing might come out of that truth, and so out of a more fundamental state of rest.

I pray that over this summer time we might all work in celebration of, in gratitude of, the fact that all the work that needed to be done has already been done in Jesus.

Much Love


Worship Singing Group - Thursday 23rd May There will be a singing practice at 56 Barrons Way on Thursday 23rd May at 7.30pm, to start singing at 7.45pm and to finish at about 9.20pm. We will be singing some of the hymns and songs that will be used on Sundays over the next month or two, particularly the new and less familiar ones. Light refreshments are available. We usually have a short reflection at the beginning and an opportunity for prayer. New people are always welcome.


Great Eversden.

Saturday 4th May - 10am-9pm Sunday 5th May - 12.30-5pm Monday 6th May - 10am-5pm

Showcasing 18 months of new work plus smaller works on paper, Kate Green is exhibiting in her Parish Church, explorations of faith. Some densely stitched pieces on antique blanket and some combined with paint, she invites you to come and have a look at her visual journeys and to take in the stunningly peaceful and newly restored St. Mary’s - Great Eversden. Kate’s thought provoking works echo the landscape of her heart and invite the viewer to ponder their own journey. (www.katecgreen.wordpress.com )


Seeing What Is Sacred

Becoming More Spiritually Sensitive to the Everyday Moments of Life ~ by Ken Gire Around us, there are hints that there is a way of life vastly richer and deeper than all this hurried existence, a life unhurried serenity and peace and power. A life where we see all that is sacred.

It seems the more we pack into our lives, the less we experience of our lives. We've become modern-day Marthas, busy, distracted, and empty, instead of like her sister Mary, calm, focused, and fulfilled. How do we create ‘pauses’ in our days and weeks to hear what the Saviour has to say to us? In Seeing What Is Sacred, Ken Gire unlocks the door of change by introducing us not to a trendy new method, but to a centuries-old tradition of seeing the sacred in the everyday through reflective living.

It is quite difficult to get hold of a copy of this book – but believe me it’s well worth the search.... Chris Westgarth

The Lordsbridge Pilgrimage Walk The “official” Lordsbridge Pilgrimage Walk (see link below) will take place this year on Friday 7 June, starting promptly at 7.30 (am) at Coton church and finishing around 17.30 at Dry Drayton church. The 19 mile (30 km) walk will be led as before by the originator, John Harding and we will stop at all 11 Parish churches in the Lordsbridge team along the way. While our aim is to arrive at our destination and not to walk particularly fast, a reasonable amount of fitness is needed. John and Clare Crang are looking to walk the route again this year and will be doing some preparatory training. Do let us know if you would like to join us for some of this. If you would like to walk on the 7th June, there will be leaflets in all the churches nearer the time that show the route. An approximate timetable will also be available if you would like to join us for part of the pilgrimage. It is always greatly encouraging to meet up with others or to be cheered along the way. More details will be a available nearer the time, but do put the date in your diaries if you would like to join us. If you want to know more, to let us know you will be joining us, or for any updates, please contact: Clare Crang clare@crang.org.uk John Harding johnharding44@gmail.com https://osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/route/974075/Lordsbridge-Pilgrimage


Monday 13th May 7.00 pm

Professor John Shepherd CBE, FRSMember, Science Policy Advisory Group, Royal SocietyClimate Change – What’s happening, Why and What WE can do about it

Tuesday 21st May 7.00 pm

Kitty FergusonAuthorStephen Hawking – Local Hero, International Icon

£10 per talk to be paid on the night. Wine/coffee/tea, savouries and cakes included.

To book a place at a talk, please contact: Ruth Bond - ruth.bond52@gmail.com / 01223 262985 or

Margaret Winterbourne - mwinterbourne@btinternet.com / 01223 262353.

Thursday 27th June 7.00 pm

Dr Anna JonesScience Leader of the British Antarctic Survey’s Atmosphere, Ice, and Climate TeamClimate Change

Monday 3rd June 7.00 pm

The Rt Revd Stephen ConwayBishop of ElyNot so far away - Human Trafficking and the Clewer Initiative

Monday 10th June 7.00 pm

Andy West BBC Investigative JournalistJust say it, Homelessness

Monday 17th June 7.00 pm

Dr Rowan Williams PC, FBA, FRSLMaster of Magdalene CollegeIssues of Mental Health


Celebrating Ascension Day at St Mary’s 30th May, 7.30pm

Look out for the Open Church Day Poster – June 15th… An opportunity to ring the bells, zip wire your teddy off the tower, enjoy tea and cake and much more…

! Bring peace and comfort to the families following the terror attacks in Sri

Lanka ! We continue to pray for the countries of Zimbabwe, Malawi and

Mozambique following the intense tropical cyclone Idai ! Pray for the Philippines following the devastating earthquake ! For those facing uncertain times at work or at home, that they may know

the Lord as their unshakable rock in the midst of the storm ! Give thanks for the death and resurrection of Jesus...the author and

finisher of our faith ! Continue to pray for our armed forces as they serve in dangerous

locations – may they know Your provision, strength and sustaining peace ! Remember those who strive to bring peace, justice and aid – remember

Syria ! We remember our friends in Rwanda and pray for them as they serve you ! Remember our twinned church in Northern India, and the forthcoming

elections ! We pray for our country and the government… where there is division,

will you bring healing ! God of all creation, we pray for a world where extreme poverty, inequality

and environmental exploitation are no more. ! We pray you would send us out as your global church to love our

neighbours and protect the most vulnerable people from climate change. Help us be bold and courageous in speaking up for justice.

! We pray for sustainable solutions, for a clear path to be forged, for unity between the countries and for all nations to keep their commitments to deep and transformative change on the issue of climate change.

! Let us glimpse your hand at work, that our faith may be enlarged

St Mary’s is now open during the week for prayer or a moment of quiet. The north door is on an automatic opening system

and the church should be open between 7.30am -4pm

Churchyard tidy up 1st June – 9.30am ~ many hands make light work… come for as long as you are able…Look out for the sign up form in church

The chancel is available after the service for quiet prayer and contemplation

Advance notice ~ Saturday 8th June

Morning Prayer is said every Tuesday at 9.30am Homegroups meet Wednesday 1st May, Thursday 2nd May, Wednesday 15th May and Thursday 16th May

Saturday 4th May Sunday 5th May 9.30am ~ Holy Communion

Sunday 12th May 8.00am ~Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am ~ Morning Worship

Saturday 18th May Church away day at St Mark’s Audley End

Sunday 19th May 9.30am ~ Holy Communion

Thursday 23rd May 2.30pm ~ Oasis Tea in the Village Hall 7.30pm ~ Worship Singing Group

Saturday 25th May 9.00am ~ Selah in the Village Hall

Sunday 26th May 8.00am ~ Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am ~ Holy Communion

Thursday 30th May 7.30pm ~ Team Ascension Day Service


Please send through contributions for the May edition of 4m to Chris Westgarth, by 18th May thank you.

Email: chris.westgarth1@btinternet.com