All of the Locksmith Service You Need at One Place

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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If you require locksmith services, whether big or small, commercial or residential, Terry’s Locksmith Service in Gold Coast cannot be beaten.


All of the Locksmith Service You Need at

One Place

At Ted’s Locksmith Service, we operate a professional locksmith service that serves commercial and residential applications along the Gold Coast. We have provided high-quality locksmith serves to individual clients and large companies since 1975 and will continue to provide such services long into the future.

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That is why we diversify our employees and strive to specialize in all commercial and residential locksmith services. Below are a few of our most important services and features that we offer to clients in the Gold Coast.

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SafesA safe is what keeps all of your valuable personal items protected, no matter what happens to the rest of your home. If for some reason your security system should fail, your safe will be your last line of defense for some items.

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Our residential outlet offers a variety of high-quality safes that are perfect for any environment, whether it’s your home, office, or behind a wall. Feel free to look through our online listings for a safe that meets your security and budget needs.

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Key CuttingKey cutting is the very delicate art of crafting a new key from metal using a key cutter, or key cutting machine. The process works by first taking a blank piece of metal and cutting away the required shape for the key.

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If you've ever locked yourself out of your car or out of your home, then you understand how important a spare key can be at certain times. Our key cutting machines are state-of-the-art and do most of the hard work themselves through sophisticated automation software.

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High Security LocksSecurity locks are locks that take home security to the next level. If an intruder wants to enter your home, the traditional lock on the doorknob simply isn’t going to be enough to stop them. Security locks help provide more force, stability, and security at every door.

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In this modern day and age, security locks have evolved to incorporate new sophisticated technologies, such as password panels, key card readers, and even fingerprint scanners used to prevent unauthorized entry.

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Residential Locksmith Services

Our residential locksmith services include everything you need to get your home secure, including installation and maintenance of door locks, as well as window locks. This can also include high security locks, such as those mentioned above.

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Commercial Locksmiths

Of course, we don’t stop at just residential locksmith services. Our commercial locksmiths are also the best in the Gold Coast area. We are then to install and maintain locks, as well as design restricted key systems with tiered access.

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Locksmith Prices

It might be possible to find another locksmith company that performs some of these same services, but when it comes to quality of work and comparable locksmith prices, our services can’t be beaten.

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If you require locksmith services, whether big or small, commercial or residential, Terry’s Locksmith Service in Gold Coast cannot be beaten.

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