All Wed. Evening Courses begin Aug....

Post on 24-Sep-2020

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All Wed. Evening Courses begin Aug. 28, unless otherwise noted.

Practical Parenting - What, When, Why & How ● Jerry and Ginger Anderson ● Room 239

A Walk Through the Book of Ephesians● David & Michelle Countrymen ● Room 240

Special Needs Parenting (studying Brave)● Cindy Shoemaker ● Room 135

This Bible Study allows parents to meet in a safe environment where they can be transparent as to the joys and challenges of parenting a child with special needs. This is a place where parents can laugh, cry and pray together. The class will be doing the Bible Study “Brave”. (13 weeks)

Conversations for Couples ● William A. Baughman, Ph.D. & Diana Baughman, M.S.N ● Room 200

Each week will cover a new topic. The topics to be discussed are the following: money, sex, conflict, communication, baggage, & gender differences. (6 weeks)

r12 True Spirituality ● Marty Godfrey ● Room 204/205

r12 True Spirituality is a powerful study of Romans 12 with Chip Ingram who provides breakthrough teaching about what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ. The goal of these 10 sessions is to strip away all the clutter and help you rediscover the essence of the Christian life. (10 weeks)

Learn how to overcome lifelong habits that have held you from experiencing God's best; God's threefold principle for transformation; and the five stages of spiritual training that will equip you for success in the transformation process. (13 weeks)

Christian Identity and Grace ● Harvae Hendricks ● Room 203

One of Asia Minor's most influential cities, Ephesus was awash with paganism, occultism, and materialism. Sound familiar? Revisit dramatic public events and supernatural power struggles endured by our Christian ancestors. You will emerge with a better grasp of foundational truths about spiritual darkness, redemption, right relationships, and godly living in today's world. (8 weeks)

Practical Parenting - what, when, why & how of discipline, character development, anger management, “birds and bees” talks, dealing with pre-teens and teens, teaching basic skills, speaking your child’s love language and giving The Blessing. (10 weeks) Starts Sept. 18th

Study guides are available for purchase in the church library.

More than one million families have attended Financial Peace University with

amazing results. On average, these families paid off $5,300 in debt and saved

$2,700 in just the first 90 days! Stop worrying about money, and start your

journey to Financial Peace today. Week 1 is a free introduction to the class.

(9 weeks)

Financial Peace University ● Jeff Klein ●Room 206/207 ● 6:00pm

Crossroads ● Wayne Morris/John Clark ● The Oaks

A Life Well Wasted (men)● Andy Clay ● Room 202

Job search support group and resume evaluations - “Our purpose is to help mis-employed and unemployed people hear and follow God’s calling in their work. One on one resumes begin by appt only at 6pm. Meeting at 6:30pm to follow.

Bridges Christians Connecting with Muslims ● Jay Hart ● Room 238

This is a study by Fouad Masri that equips believers in Jesus Christ to share their Christian beliefs with their Muslim neighbors with compassion and understanding. Sessions lead participants to learn to bridge the gospel, understand the New Testament's credibility, understand Jesus' sacrifice, and more. (6 weeks)

30 Days to Understanding the Bible ● Craig Knox ● Room 244

The innovative guide that has helped believers get more out of Scripture is now revised and updated, making it even better! Through appealing anecdotes and memory-enhancing exercises, it will help you learn core biblical teachings, Holy Land geography, and the key characters, places, and events of the Bible in just fifteen minutes a day for thirty days. (12 weeks)

The Teacher I Want To Be ● Jim Kilpatrick ● Room 134

This study is for those who want to know how to study the Bible but don't plan to teach, for training current and future teachers, for ongoing training and refresher nuggets for teachers. (6 weeks)

Samson: A Life Well Wasted - explores the life of Samson in Judges 13-16 and offers six ways we can waste our lives if we're not focused on our God-given purpose. Hot-button cultural issues from dishonesty and anger to daddy-issues and sex are discussed. Samson offers encouragement and practical ideas for making God-honoring decisions and avoiding regret for what could have been. (6 weeks)

Study guides are available for purchase in the church library.

PLACE is an intentional process to connect church members into purpose-driven ministry including self discovery, individualized ministry coaching and tracking from workshop training to ministry placement. Through the PLACE process, people discover that God has created and gifted them with a unique capacity to serve others.

PLACE ● CJ Crenshaw ● Office Lobby ● Sept 11

This group will help you learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported on the way. It is a place where hurting people find healing and hope. Contact leader for more information at 770.529.9781.

Promotes healing & restoring balance to your life as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. (12 weeks) Starts at 6:15pm

A course of healing designed for women suffering from Post Abortion Syndrome. Please contact the teacher for more information at 770.500.4036

Pastor’s Bible Study (Ongoing) ● Room 237

Singles Bible Study (Ongoing) ● Room 201

This study has been lovingly and prayerfully crafted by women who have experienced some level of loss in this life whether infertility, miscarriage, loss of an infant, or a combination of these. Each of the six women who have contributed have felt your pain on some level at some point in their lives. Prayerfully and over time, God brought each of us together to knit our stories into the pages you are about to unravel. We pray you take comfort in our stories and our journey with Christ through this process of healing. (12 weeks)

From Mourning To Morning (Ladies) ● Ashley Edwards ● Office Breakroom

From Mourning



James - Beth Moore (Ladies) ● Julie Mell ● Room 242

Bible scholars compare James to the prophet Amos. In other ways James more closely resembles the Book of Proverbs than any New Testament book. Come along with Beth Moore on a journey to get to know both the man and the Book of James. You will never be the same again. (8 weeks)

Revelations - Beth Moore (Ladies) ● Geri Klein ● Room 241

Here and Now...There and Then by Beth Moore is a lecture series on the book of Revelation. Beth presents many points of view, allowing women to decide for themselves when the interpretation varies among scholars. She teaches that God is as specific about what He does reveal as He is about what He does not reveal. (11 weeks) Starts at 6:15pm

GriefShare (Ongoing) ● Wanda Crane ● Room 243

DivorceCare ● Gross/Hurst ● Office Conf. Room

Post Abortion Support ● Allison Fernandez

Study guides are available for purchase in the church library.

Ladies Weekday

starting the week of Aug. 12th unless otherwise noted childcare available upon registration– email

Anointed Transformed Redeemed ● Susan Parker ● Room 237

Precept: Colossians ● Glenda Pippin ● Room 240 ● $ Preorder only


Wednesday 9:30

Wonderstruck● Mary Sue Simmons ● Room 237

Do you ever feel like you're going through the motions of faith? Sometimes we do and say the right things, but our hearts are far from God. We lose our sense of holy awe. In Wonderstruck, Margaret Feinberg invites you to toss back the covers, climb out of bed, and drink in the fullness of life God intended. (7 weeks)

What The Bible Is All About ● Krongold/Smith/Pippin ● Room 240

Christians who want to understand God’s great plan of the ages revealed from Genesis to Revelation. Readers will find essential facts and historical background, but more importantly see how every book of the Bible points to Jesus and God’s plan to transform everyone's life through faith in Him.

Each segment focuses on the life of David at a different stage of his life: as a young man (sessions one and two by Priscilla Shirer), as a middle-aged man (sessions three and four by Beth Moore), and as a man facing the final third of his life (sessions five and six by Kay Arthur). You'll laugh with them, cry with them, and learn to love God with them. (6 weeks)

What does it mean to be "complete in Christ"? Is Christ your "all in all" - does He meet all your needs? Don't let anyone delude you with man-made philosophies or traditions that contradict the Word of God. (12 weeks)

Study guides are available for purchase in the church library.

Thursday 9:30

Me, Myself, & Lies ● Kim Crawford ● The Oaks ● Aug 29

Words are powerful. Especially the words women speak to themselves. All too often, what they say to themselves when they lie in bed at night or look in the mirror in the morning is not even close to the words God wants them to speak to their souls. According to Rothschild, what we think about often has a ripple effect on nearly every area of our lives. (7 weeks)

Ladies Cont’d

Gripped ● Freida Petty ● Room 239 ● Sept. 12

A Walk Through the Book of Ephesians● Michelle Countryman ● Room 240 ● August 29

One of Asia Minor's most influential cities, Ephesus was awash with paganism, occultism, and materialism. Sound familiar? Revisit dramatic public events and supernatural power struggles endured by our Christian ancestors. You will emerge with a better grasp of foundational truths about spiritual darkness, redemption, right relationships, and godly living in today's world. (8 weeks)

Gripped by the Greatness of God is a Bible study that uses selected passages from Isaiah and seeks to reveal the sovereignty, holiness, grace, and glory of God. Awed by His greatness, as participants come to recognize each of the matchless attributes that characterize God, they will also be led, naturally, to a renewed heart of worship. (8 weeks)

Study guides are available for purchase in the church library.