Allopathy; homeopathy;systems of medicine;s amuel hanemann;history;uses

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Allos, “opposite” and pathos, “suffering”.

Allopathy is a system of medical practice making use of all measures that proved of value in treatment of disease.

The term “allopathy” was coined in 1810 by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy.

Allopathic medicine refer to modern system of medicine.


The “allopathic medicine” is still used to refer to

“the broad category of medical practice that is

sometimes called Western medicine,

biomedicine, or modrn medicine”.


The practice of medicine in both Europe and North America during the early 19th century is sometimes referred to as heroic medicine. because of the extreme measures (such as bloodletting) sometimes employed in an effort to treat diseases.

The term allopath was used by Hahnemann and other early homeopaths to highlight the difference they perceived between homeopathy and the medicine of that time.


Hahnemann used "allopathy" to refer to what he saw as a system of medicine that combats disease by using remedies that produce effects in a healthy subject that are different from the effects produced by the disease to be treated.

The distinction comes from the use in homeopathy of substances that are meant to cause similar effects as the symptoms of a disease to treat patients.

For example, part of an allopathic treatment

for fever may include the use of a drug which

reduces the fever, while also including a drug

(such as an antibiotic) that attacks the cause

of the fever (such as a bacterial infection).

A homeopathic treatment for fever, by contrast,

is one that uses a diluted and succussed

dosage of a substance.


The allopathy understands that advances in understanding disease could only come from a detailed correlation of symptoms and signs of the sick patient on the ward, and the findings at autopsy.

Allopathic medicines are considered as medicines that really work.

Allopathic medicines are also referred to as orthodox medicine or conventional medicine.

Allopaths consider the philosaphy of homeopaths to be totally baseless and claim that none, except few, cases are there whereby complete coincidence an effective treatment for disease happens to cause symptoms similar to disease when administrated to a healthy person.

Allopathy vs Homeopathy

Homeopaths in their defense point to the fact that the allopaths never understand the problems of patients but rather pick a few of symptoms call it whatever thing come close to a textbook definition and prescribe a number of medicines meant to fight the symptoms not the problem itself.

In allopathy, the studies and outcome of

studies are purely empirical while homeopathy

always involves long consultation/discussion

regarding all aspects of patient's illness and life.

The debate between the effectiveness of homeopathy and allopathy, although never ending, raises many questions in favor of former and in the disfavor of latter.

Most important being that if homeopathy is a non-effective pseudoscience then why is that even in this modern era of science and technology a great many number of people are favoring homeopathy .

Quite astonishing fact is that the number of people consulting homeopaths is increasing rapidly the most probable reason is the side effects of allopathic medicines. The number of homeopathic hospitals and clinics are opening rapidly.

People today are asking why the allopathy, although based on empirical basis, has not been able to completely cure diabetes, hepatitis, arthritis and many diseases even after advancement of science to an unfathomable level.

Today the allopaths (aka conventional practitioners) have to understand that symptoms in any part of body affect the body as a whole either in direct or indirect manner.

The prime importance a physician must pay is to patient not symptoms.

It appears that although the war between the practitioners of homeopathy and allopathy will continue but one thing for sure that homeopathy will not be the runner up.