Alpha-Females - 9 Traits to Look Out For

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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By Dawnna St Louis Business Growth Expert and Keynote Speaker

Read the full article at

Was it the way I comfortably strutted around in 6” heels…

Or my no-holds barred laughter …

Or that “ya better come at me right” demeanor inherited from the women in my family?

I’m not sure.

But people - especially men at first -  started to recognize it in me…

…the way I recognized it in my mother, grandmother, and aunts - my personal super-sheroes.

They had a certain feminine power that exerted itself from the moment they walked in a room.


And at 26 I became one too.



1 Action = Intimidation

Most people find Alpha-Females intimidating because of the way they take action. 

They tend to make big, daring, risky moves…

1 Action = Intimidation

…with a level of testicular fortitude that makes people wonder about that personal set of brass balls.

1 Action = Intimidation

2 Competitively Empowering

Alpha-Females are competitive against the only adversary they deem worthy - themselves.

2 Competitively Empowering

Alpha-Females improve on what others consider perfection.

2 Competitively Empowering

They strive to keep every member of their pack powerful.

2 Competitively Empowering

The Alpha-Female doesn't want the biggest yacht…

2 Competitively Empowering

…she wants each pack member to have a yacht (how else are we going to have a yacht race).

3 No Saviors RequiredAlpha-Females like - no - love chivalry.

Opening doors because you think an Alpha-Female is weak...can cause $h*t to get real... really real.

3 No Saviors Required

3 No Saviors RequiredBut, jackets on cold shoulders, killing that giant man-eating spider with that tiny can of Raid …

3 No Saviors Required…and opening the door so you can see our legs as we get out the car... well that’s just damned sexy.

4 -Numbers Don't Define ThemSuperficial attributes such as height, weight, or grey hair never define Alpha-Females.

4 -Numbers Don't Define ThemThey own it... all of it... regardless of the numbers and social norms.

4 -Numbers Don't Define ThemThe reason Alpha-Females grow old gracefully is…

4 -Numbers Don't Define Them… because they see the beauty in every single stage of their lives.

4 -Numbers Don't Define ThemThey leverage confidence, self-worth, and strength as their personal definitions of hotness.

5 - Bold. Audacious. Unapologetic. And NEVER the Victim

Alpha-Females believe in luck...

5 - Bold. Audacious. Unapologetic. And NEVER the Victim

…as long as you define it as take action, learn lessons, and do it better tomorrow.

Alpha-Females recognize the value of the win and the loss.

5 - Bold. Audacious. Unapologetic. And NEVER the Victim

They make smart and strategic choices. Learn from them and move on.

5 - Bold. Audacious. Unapologetic. And NEVER the Victim

They are NEVER the victim. There is no wallowing-in defeat or self pity.

5 - Bold. Audacious. Unapologetic. And NEVER the Victim

And there is no need for gratuitous bragging from a big win (as they expect to win anyway).

5 - Bold. Audacious. Unapologetic. And NEVER the Victim

6 - They Speak Their MindAlpha-Females speak their minds and rarely hold back. Unfortunately, people's feelings get hurt.

6 - They Speak Their MindI have learned to ask for the levels of feedback required.

6 - They Speak Their MindBefore I give feedback I tend to ask, "Do you want to feel good about yourself? or Do you want to get better... way better?"

7 - Clear Boundaries

Alpha-Females are very comfortable speaking up for themselves and setting boundaries.

7 - Clear Boundaries

They will not accept what they deem as disrespect.

7 - Clear BoundariesWhile they will support others in moving up, they will rarely hold on to people whom they have supported and still remain anchors in their life.

7 - Clear Boundaries

People who are anchors or disrespectful will quickly find themselves purged.

8 - What rules?Alpha-Females question the rules and if there is no acceptable answer, then the rules don't apply to them.

8 - What rules?

Impossible just means the Alpha-Female hasn't tried it yet.

8 - What rules?Her mantra: For every perspective lies an alternate; and for every rule there is a loop hole.

8 - What rules?It's not uncommon to find Alpha-Females breaking societal barriers associated with gender roles and norms.

9 - Alphas Attract Alphas

Alpha-Females love hanging out with other Alpha-Females and men that respect who they are.

9 - Alphas Attract Alphas

Why? Mainly because of the 8 traits already mentioned.

9 - Alphas Attract Alphas

They also know that Alpha-Females aren't catty, they take nothing personally, …

9 - Alphas Attract Alphas

…and quickly correct actions they don't like and embrace the ones that they do.

9 - Alphas Attract Alphas

There is no room for jealousy or in-fighting; just powerful women supporting other powerful people.



By Dawnna St Louis Business Growth Expert and Keynote Speaker

Read the full article at