Alternative Funding Sales

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Alternative Funding Residual Income

Real Residual Funding Companies Future Today.

6-7 Figure Residual Income Realistic

We are a 26+ year old Christian owned company founded in 1989 looking for honest professionals to help us find companies in need of working capital (not loans).

6-7 Figure Residual Income Realistic

Your job, after being fully trained (free training) is to present our program with integrity.

6-7 Figure Residual Income Realistic

Once you establish an account you will get paid over and over again every time they use our services. Many of our accounts use millions of our dollars monthly.

6-7 Figure Residual Income Realistic

This is why you can earn so much and why the longer you are with us the more your residual income grows.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? A business owner goes into their bank for help in funding for their business. The bank for a variety of reasons can not accommodate their customer's needs.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? When the bank can't give their customer the money that they requested that is where our service comes in.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? Your job would be to establish a working relationship for us with a loan officer at the bank, so that they will refer those customers that they can not service to you.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? We can fund MANY clients that banks won't touch.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? The banks love us and their customers love us.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? It is a win-win since the bank earns money off of their referral to us and the customer gets the funds they need without taking out a loan or giving up equity.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? As another example, there are many companies that work on 30, 60 or 90 day financing. They then collect from their customers at the end of that period for the goods that they had rendered.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? We can give that company their money upfront at a small percentage and then collect from their customers at the arranged 30, 60, or 90 day period.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? This saves them the hassle of collections as well as gives them the capital they need to keep running their business.

In this economy there are tons of companies looking for working capital but how do you find them? Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs:

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Business start-ups which can't yet qualify for traditional financing

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Business start-ups which can't yet qualify for traditional financing

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Rapid growth companies

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Companies needing capital that don't want to create debt

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Companies needing capital that don't want to create debt

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Companies needing capital that don't want to give up equity

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Emerging companies with limited capital

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Companies with questionable earnings trends, companies with payroll tax problems

Your job would entail finding companies with any of the types of needs Companies with cyclical or seasonal growth spikes that are in need of alternative funding

Since we fully train you

Finding eager clients is as simple as following the many methods we will teach you in training and then just going to work.

Since we fully train you

There is no investment on your part other than working diligently.

Just so we understand each other up-front...

Just so we understand each other up-front...We are not a multi-level marketing or networking company.

Just so we understand each other up-front...We pay commissions only and we are not looking for anyone who would be satisfied with a salary or a salary plus commission.

Just so we understand each other up-front...Simply put...The highest earners always want a straight commission since it affords them the highest earning potential. That is the ONLY type of person we seek.

These types of applicants have done very well with us:● Financial sales● mortgage broker● business banker● Business broker● commercial loan officer● factoring sales broker● B2B sales

For more information please apply online.