Altus Alliance 2016 - Top 10 Things to Know in CRM

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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ALTUS ALLIANCE 2016New to CRM?Top 10 Things

You Need to Know

Your Presenter

Joseph McWhirterManager, CRM DeliveryJoined Altus in 2014

Number One - Navigation• Forms• Views• Owner• Activities Tab• Related Records• Configurable Dashboards

Number Two – Calendaring• Schedule and complete calendar action items• Capture activities, notes and email threads• Attach relevant documents to activities• Roll up individual history to organization• Share relationship status and details with workgroup or


Number Three – Advanced Find• ‘Advanced Find’ is a query that returns matching

records• Matching records are displayed in a ‘view’• System views are set by the administrator• Personal views are created by each user• Personal views can be shared

Number Four – Security• Hierarchical Parent Child Business Unit Structure• Users can only see records owned within BU or BU and


• Security Roles• Control what actions users can take on the data they see

• Field Security• Determine which fields can be read and edited by user group

Number Five – MS Excel • Export Advanced Find views to Excel• Static Worksheet (columns and rows)• Dynamic Worksheet (edit and re-import)• Dynamic Pivot Table (periodic refresh)

• Excel Templates• Preformatted, filtered sheets with charts and graphs as reports

Number Six – MS Word• Configurable, formatted MS Word templates that can

merge CRM data fields and views from related entities• Can be merged against ‘Advanced Find’ views• Quotations, orders and invoices• Custom incident reports

Number Seven – Configuration• Extensible data model• Custom fields on existing entities• Custom entities or tables

• Secure custom data view forms• Data types• Text – single or multiple lines• Option Sets or drop-down lists• Images• Date / Time• Integers, floating point, currency

Number Eight – CRM Processes • Business Process Flow• Business process flow visualization (status bar) guiding users

through various stages of a complex process, identifying steps to be completed

• Workflow• Model and automate individual processes that can run

automatically• Dialog• Guided, interactive step-by-step data entry to be run to

completion• Action• Workflows that can call plugin steps

Number Nine – Cases • Client or stakeholder service questions or issues to be

resolved• Can be categorized and assigned by type• Can be tracked by source and status• Can be time-tracked to resolution• Can be extended and configured

Number Ten – Use an Expert• Identify clear objectives• Validate all related business rules• Map processes - main and alternate flows

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