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  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    2 | FEB | 2013

    PresidentMr. C.S.Vjayaraghavan

    Vice PresidentDr. S. Svanesan

    SecretarMr.T. Swamnathan

    TreasrerMr. C.A. Raj Mathvanan

    CateringMr. S.P. Chandrasekhar

    Hose-KeepingMr. J. Ganesh Babu


    Mr. D. Grsh

    Librar & NewsletterDr.S. Natarajan

    SportsMr. M.P. Premkumar

    Dr.P. Manhar

    Dr.P. Jayashree





    N.1 Bat Cub Rad,R.A.Puram,Chenna 600 028

    Phne N: 044-24322195,044-24321233

    Guest Rm: 044-24351449

    E-Ma: acau@ymail.comWebste:

    Respected Members,

    At the otset please accept my best wishes or theYar 2013. I hopethat the New Year brings yo all happiness, health and prosperity.

    With great sense o satisaction and pride, as a New Year committeechairman I once again speak to yo throgh this news letter. First

    o all my sincere and heart elt thanks to all those members, theirspose, wards and their gests who were present in large nmbersto make this New Year Eve Celebration a grand sccess.

    The management committees spport throghot these vemonths drove s to give the best o programmes, ood and allother arrangements. My sincere thanks to all my sb-committeemembers, withot whose team eort, an eventl evening o thisNew Year Eve Celebrations wold have not been possible. I will beailing in my dty i I do not thank the clb sta or all the spportthey had given till the morning o 1st Janary 2013.

    I always believe in doing things in a Distinctly Dierent manner.This was the essence by which this New Year Eve was designed andhence sccess ollowed.

    D.RanganathanChairman New Year Committee

    M.O.Ram ManojEntertainment

    K. AravmdhanRegistration, Diary & Catering

    A.MrgesanHose Keeping

    A.V.JayachandranPermit Room

    Continuous eort not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential. Winston churchll

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    FEB | 2013 | 3

    The same old tickets or the new year eve was given a New Look, the same reglarprogramme o light msic was made more Distinct by inviting the best soght ater play backsinger like Karthik, instead o the reglar volnteers inviting the gests at the entrance lookalike actors invited the gests, normally plain white tables cloth were replaced with a fexmaterial table top, tables were provided with dinner & snacks men cards, the screen back

    drop which is sally o fex banner was this year replaced by a LED wall back drop, the salsel service snacks was made as a table service this year, the reglar bet dinner was classiedas ood rom North / Soth / East and West and or separate bet conters with variety oood was served. Reglar lighting and sond systems were this year replaced by cine goal posttype lighting and adio system o the highest qality and nally the cont down to the NewYear was done by the clicking digitally the seconds in the LED wall.

    Last bt not the least, we wanted to make this New Year a sel sstaining event and clbs ndsshold not be asked or. We were sccessl in that too as apart rom roping in good nmbero sponsors or events etc, advertisements in or clb diary was also a sccessl thoght whichmade s sstain. We also thank all or sponsors and advertisers or all their spport.

    So we lived p to or ideology o being Distinctly Dierent and at the same time we did notwant or traditions to vanish, bt as years go by we wanted to evolve new ideas and ormats tostand ot to be sccessl. This made s Express the same things o a New Year Eve in aDierent way and we all made it a sccess.

    Thank yo,With warm regardsD.RANGANTHANChairan N Yar Citt.

    I the acts dons t the theory, change the acts. Albert einstein

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    4 | FEB | 2013


    For thE month oF

    february & March2013

    2nd Feb (Saturday)Tambola

    23rd Feb (Saturday)

    alumni Super SingerFiNAlS

    2nd Mar (Saturday)Tambola

    9th Mar (Saturday)Kanna ladduThinna aaSaiya

    TAMil MoViE

    09th Feb (Saturday)alex pandiyan

    TAMil MoViE

    15th Feb (Frday)alumni Super Singer

    16th Feb (Saturday)Quiz programme

    Lie is the fower or which love is the honey. - Victor Hugo

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    FEB | 2013 | 5


    When one door o happiness closes, another opens; but oten we look so long at the closeddoor that we do not see the one which has opened or us. Helen Keller

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    6 | FEB | 2013


    ALuMPICS uPDATEYellow Hose beat the ancied Ble Hose inBilliards &Snooker in a nail biting seventh matchto win it 4-3. Ble Hose retrned the avor inBridge by beating Yellow Hose.Grey Hose came to the Almpics party winning

    Tennis beating Yellow Hose. Later Grey Hosebeat Ble Hose in Shttle.

    ALuMPICS SHuTTLEFINALS: Mrgesan & V Srinivasan o GreyHosebtGanesh Bab & Raj Kmar o BleHose 21-12 & 21-13

    SEMI-FINALS: Mrgesan & V Srinivasan oGrey Hosebt.R Ramesh & G Srinivas oYellowHose. Ganesh Bab & Raj Kmar o Ble

    Hosebt.Sdhakar Mahadevan & Vasdevan oRed Hose

    Grey Hose then beat Yellow Hose in Almpics Cricket comprehensively. With three titles(Shttle, Tennis & Cricket), last years winner o Almpics is well positioned to repeat the eat.Bt Yellow Hose and Ble Hose are locked in the battle or Carrom in the nals eyeing the

    rst place in the table. Coming p on Feb 3 is Chess and Table Tennis.

    GAme ReD Yellow GReY blue

    Snooker 0 8 0 5

    Bridge 0 5 0 8

    Shttle 0 0 8 5

    Tennis 0 5 8 0

    Cricket 0 5 8 0

    Tta 0 23 24 18

    The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. Lucille Ball

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    FEB | 2013 | 7

    So, who will win this years Almpics? Stay tnedto all the match reslts and points tally rom theAlmpics.

    We are thankl to Bharat Matrimony orsponsoring this years Almpics.

    ALuMNI BRIDGEOr team consisting o R. Jayakmar, T.K. Mani,R.Prabhkmar, D.Mohan andG. Jothimani

    participated in the Madras Gymkhana AnnalTornament in the team event.Ot o 37 teamsconsisting o national and internationalBridgeplayers, or team did well bt missed the qarternals by jst 1 point.

    Bidding and Conting Bridge Class by BaskarThe Bridge class on Bidding and contingwas condcted by Baskar on 27th Janary.The class started with Bidding seqence andconting o points with the opponents while

    making/ deending a contract. Baskar was moreemphatic on action, while opening a bid,which was highly acclaimed by all. Discssionsand explanation on Mels rle applicable in twooccasions was also handled.

    The class had a practical lesson with pre dealtboards given to 4 tables and the Bidding andmaking/deending the contract was analysed ineach and every table. The class went on or threehors and great thanks to Baskar ably assisted by

    Jayakmar or the practical session.

    ALuMNI CRICKETMAM Ganesh represented Tamil Nad inunder-19 category making key contribtionswith the bat. Yong Ryan Jebaraj played or theTamil Nad nder-14 team opening the battingand scoring some important rns at the top orthe state.

    Watch this space for monthly updates on Sports at the Alumni Club!

    For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds o happiness. Ralph waldo Emerson

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    8 | FEB | 2013 Education is when you read the ne print. Experience is whatyou get i you dont. Pete Seeger.

    1. Think o ood as norishment or yor bodyand a way to improve yor overall health.

    2. Eat slowly. Yo will enjoy yor ood more andeel satised sooner than when yo eat aster.

    3. Do some orm o exercise daily. Even a littleactivity sends yor body the correct weight lossmessages.

    4. Make a healthy eating part o yor healthy

    lie-style. Diets and crash weight loss programs willpt yo on the yo-yo-syndrome - an eective anddangeros corse to take.

    5. Stay away rom diet pills. They leech yor bodyo important ntrients, water and carbohydrates.

    6. Try to eat several smaller meals thoghot theday. Consider it grazing

    7. Avoid late night eating.

    8. Drink plenty o water throghot the day.Water keeps yor kidneys and bowels workingeciently.

    9. Keep coee and caeine drinks at a minimm.These throw yor body into a hi-low sgarsyndrome.

    10. Do not skip meals. Getting too hngry tellsyor body to slow its metabolism down.

    11. Dont go to the spermarket or restarantstarved. This will make yo by or order thewrong things. Drink some water or mnch someveggies beore yo go.

    12. Rather than eating a whole piece o chocolatecakejst take a bite or two and yo will satisedyor craving.

    13. Order yor salad dressing on the side.

    14. Carry yor own personal avorite lo-cal saladdressings and toppings with yo.

    15. Eat smaller qantities sch as hal orders, orshare with a riend.

    16. Dont be araid to ask or special orders whendining in a restarant. Most places are qick toplease in todays world.

    17. Be patient dont try to lose too mch weighttoo soon. A ew kilos per month is the medicallyadvised qota.

    18. The way yor clothes eel and hang on yorbody is an excellent gide to yor weight lossprogress.

    19. Schedle yor workots in yor appointmentbook or whatever place yo keep yor dailyschedle. Treat it like any other appointment.

    Schedle it and DO IT.

    20. Record yor progress in a daily log. Thismakes yo accontable and helps yo stay ontrack.

    21. Make goals that are attainable. Think interms o the nmber o workots yod like to doeach week or think in terms o simply eatinghealthier this month or even reading a bookon tness or ntrition. Yo are more likely to

    scceed by setting goals o this type. By settingloty and specic weight loss goals, yo are morelikely to ail.

    22. Exercise with a partner or a riend.

    23. Do a variety o activities. Variety will helpprevent boredom and brnot. Be creative andhave n!

    24. Eat as many vegetables as yo wish. Eat them

    throghot the day and eat them oten.

    25. Enjoy lie. Dont pt too mch pressre onyorsel to be perect. Enjoy what yo are doingand enjoy the progress that yo are making.


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    FEB | 2013 | 9

    Proposals that were once tied up with wedding contracts, negotiations and

    mergers, have taken a modern twist. We are sure that this metamorphosis is

    to suit the testing phase.Rather than giving a thought to the key matters, many

    men and women challenge to fatter their partners with creativity and passion.

    The main revelation of a wedding proposal is that of thepartners character.

    Here is a short guide to some of the new ageunusual yet popular proposals,

    and how the women withcommon sense, should approach them.

    Candle light dinner in a yatch

    How so romantic!So was the seasickness.

    The planned pretence-kidnap followed

    by heroistic rescueIs this a bollywood movie?

    The answer better be yes.We love bollywood, but

    being rescued from akidnapping

    is going to be more macho

    than a declarationof love.

    A garden of owers spellingout a proposal Alas, this is

    at least less environmentaldamage than sky writing. But,

    thank you for stirring upa pollen allergy in us.

    The unimaginablesky writing It was wonderful.

    Thank you for makingsomething that should be

    personal a measure of

    public conceit.

    Climbing up to 18thoor balcony

    You do not have

    vertigo? Wait, may beyou do?

    Facebook or twitter statusTwitter update. Thats like a

    true charmer. For once at least

    this way we will have unwantedencouragement from all our mutual

    friends and followers.

    The adventure sports proposalAsking for our hand and yellingWILL YOU MARRY ME while

    we bungee jump. Do you want us

    to be married in hospital?

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    Wedding bells around the corner? Thats the

    secret behind that special glow. But, wait a

    minute! What about that fabulous skin tone?

    De-tanned, acne-free, blemish free skin? Is that

    missing? Read on to nd out as RegisteredDietitian Preethi Rahul explains the mantra for

    a awless skin. The skin is an outer indicator

    of inner health. Expensive skin treatments and

    creams cant alleviate problems that arise from

    nutritional deciencies. Here is your nutrition

    guide to a healthy skin.

    12 | FEB | 2013

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    Stay hydratedWater moisturizes your skin rom the inside outand, in the process, helps maintain elasticityand suppleness. It also helps prevent dryness,removes toxins and keep nutrients in. Whenthe body is properly hydrated, it sweats more

    eciently, which helps keep the skin clean andclear. Water is one o the key elements howeveryou can have other healthy drinks like citricjuices, tender coconut water and buttermilk.

    Nutri Mantra: Drinking at least 6-8 glasses a dayhelps keep your skin young and healthy.

    take in the good fat

    Essential atty acids are atty acids which thebody cannot synthesize but have to be included

    through diet. These essential atty acids have antioxidant and anti-infammatory properties whichin turn reduce that ageing look. Cold water oilyshes top the list o EFA. Other sources would bewalnuts, soy, vegetable oilslike safower, sunfower, nuts like almonds,walnuts etc.

    Nutri-Manra:Replace your evening oily snackwith just 5-6 walnut-almond mix and notice thesparkling dierence on your skin.

    Swap your tea

    Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reducethe damage o sunburns and polyphenolswhich reduce overexposure to ultraviolet light.Catechins in green tea help prevent acne. Greentea helps in the de-tan process. So, replace theblack or milk tea with green tea!

    Nutri-Mantra:2 glasses a day can go a long way.Always have home-prepared resh green tea. Incase you plan to use a bottled version, read thelabel careully and keep a check on the calorieand sugar content.

    grab that Salad or fruitFruit and vegetables are a powerhouse ovitamins, such as vitamin A, C, E, and supernutrients, such as phenols, antioxidants. Thesenutrients help in circulation, protect our skinrom loss o elasticity and dehydration caused byultraviolet radiation.

    Nutri-Mantra:5 servings o vegetables and2 servings o ruit is ideal! Have a variety ovegetables include leay vegetables and deepcoloured vegetables as they are rich in anti-oxidants. Vitamin C in citrus ruits is essentialor collagen production. Citrus ruits are wellknown anti-ageing agents and can help createthat sparkling skin. So make sure to citri-cizeyour diet.

    hoard on the whole grainS

    Whole grains are rich in bre which eliminatestoxins rom the body and acts as a de-toxiyingagent. The bran contains vitamin E and otheressential anti oxidants which have a crucial roleto play as ar as skin care is concerned. They arealso rich in B complex vitamins which releaseenergy rom ood or skin metabolism.

    Nutri-Mantra:Be careul when you choose yourwhole cereals. Look out or high bre-low sugarwhole grain products. Wheat is not the only

    whole grain... you can include rice bran,oatmeal, millets etc.

    Mineral checkZinc and Selenium are two keyminerals or a abulously clear skin.Zinc speeds up healing in our bodies.It helps to reduce stretch marks, a dullcomplexion, and white spots on ngernails,dandru and stubborn blemishes. Seleniumcounters dry skin and oers protection against

    ree radicals.

    Nutri-Mantra:Include health investing oods likemushrooms, brewers yeast to stock up on yourzinc and selenium stores.

    FEB | 2013 | 13

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    the big no-noS

    oily food or deep fried SnackSThey are very harmul as they can trap oil andbacteria, leading to acne or other skin problems.

    refined foodS and bakery productS

    Rened oods like white four, sugar and renedproducts deplete energy; bring in the wrinkles,making you look old and your skin unattractive!

    nicotine and alcoholBy smoking, the nicotine rom the cigaretteis draining vitamin C and other anti oxidants,making your skin look dull and lieless. Alcoholcould fare up an already existing skin conditionlike psoriasis or eczema. However, you couldtake in an ounce o red wine once in 15 days

    because o its anti oxidant content.


    High-glycemic index oods like sugar, whitebread, and soda boost blood sugar too quicklyand the pancreas make extra insulin to bringthose sugar levels down. As a consequence, the

    insulin also signals the sebaceousglands to secrete sebum, whichfushes out dead cells andkeeps your skin lubricated.

    But excess sebum secretioncauses the bacterium P.

    acnes to clog the hair ollicleresulting in whiteheads and

    blackheads on your orehead,chin, and cheeks.

    SiMple foody Skin reMedieS

    toMato cleanSerApply tomato pulp on your ace and neck andleave or an hour. Splash some warm water andcold water alternately or 2-3 minutes. Repeatthis daily. You will start noticing that bright glowand acne ree skin within a ortnight.

    cucuMber lotionTo a tablespoon o cucumber juice add a ewdrops o lime juice and a dash o turmericpowder. Apply on ace and neck and wash withinhal an hour. Your skin whitener lotion is ready.

    yogurt MaSk

    Make a paste o green gram four and yogurt.Apply the mask and let it dry. When dried, peelwith ngertips and wash o with cold water.

    You are now condently ready or The D-daywith that sparkling, radiant skin o yours!

    14 | FEB | 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013



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  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    Ultra luxury residential apartments - T. Nagar

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    Perspective view of entrance lobby

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  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    18 | FEB | 2013

    The lyrical duo o Shreyas & Abhas has created a musical splash with itsnew album Thagni which is a reworking o songs by Sant Kabir arrangedin a contemporary manner. Presented by Saregama as a Su rock album,this musical work is a gust o resh air with its olkloric and rustic charm.In an age o mushrooming alternative rock in which many bands havecropped up with Carnatic and olk rock, the emergence o Su rock isperhaps not so surprising.

    The singularity o Thagni on the other hand is that it is more lyrical and

    alls into the realm o usion with elements o Arabic and even Arican musical nuances. The traces orock only creep in tracks like Ud Jaayega Hans Akela and Maya Thagni. Some tracks like Man LagoMero Yaar have music that is distinctly reminiscent o Jodha Akbars Jashn-e-Bahaara. On the otherhand devotional tracks like Moko Kahan Dhunde and others like Tohe Piya Milenge and MoraSaiyan are a treat or the poetically-inclined.

    w ?Artist: David BowieAter a long nine-year hiatus, David Bowie breaks his silence with the singleWhere are we now which is a glimpse o his expected album The Next Day.Produced by Tony Visconti, this track shares its Berlin ambience with hisprevious trilogy inspired in the 70s Low, Heroes and Lodger. With reerencesto monuments like Potsdamer Pltaz, Nurnberger Strasse and the KaDeWestore, this slow tempo track assimilates time lost and spent, probably throughthe eyes o an aging man. Known as the Thin White Duke, Bowie inuses thissong with a dukes poise and grace, lamenting Where are we now?

    b uMovie: Matru ki bijli ka mandolaBeautiul usion o western arrangement and pure Haryanvi lyrics! Penned

    by Gulzar and sung by Rekha Bhardwaj, this song describes the coming orain and has a melody with the sound o heaven. The olkloric pukar in thevoice accompanied by liquid notes o the sitar lend the piece a rivers delicatecadence. An opiate, nostalgic misty eel permeates the song and musicallyrecreates the stu o clouds. The muted percussion and haunting keys add tothe mellow eect. A song to lose yoursel on a rainy day!

    bArtist: Josh GrobanJosh Grobans voice has the power to move mountains. It brims with the sheerboom and depth o human vocals and makes itsel elt powerully in therhythmic track Brave, the lead singles rom his sixth and upcoming album

    All that Echos. This song, co-written with long time song writing partner TawgsSalter is another oray into experiments with rock arrangements and thesong has an intensity and urgency that beautiully complements itstraditional vocals.


    Album- t

    Artists - Ss & as

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    If you want to escape the sweltering summer heat, head to Shillong, a perfect

    getaway from Guwahati. With its old world charm and lingering echoes of the

    British Raj, Shillong is a charming hill station in Meghalaya.

    20 | FEB | 2013

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    FEB | 2013 | 21

    With its spectacular sunrises, pine-covered hills,green lakes, polo ground, championship gol course,Victorian bungalows, churches, singing brooks andcrashing cascades, Shillong, the capital o Meghalayahas earned the sobriquet, the Scotland o the East.Picnics, boating and day long hikes are punctuated by

    leisurely shopping. The British avoured this charminghill station and their infuence is discernible in thenames o the wateralls which abound here.It derives its name rom the deity Shyllong or LeiShyllong which is worshipped at the Shillong Peak,10km rom the main town and 1965 metres above sealevel.

    whereCradled in the rain shadow o Shillong Peak at1491 metres above sea level, fanked by Mawpat

    Hill in the north and overlooking Lum Diengieiurther west, Shillong lies in the midst o idyllicsurroundings.

    how to get thereNearest airport is Umroi (35km)Nearest railhead is Guwahati (103km)

    Road:From Guwahati drive to Jorabat on NH 37,then take the Guwahati-Shillong Road (NH 40),a scenic drive.


    In summer, the temperature ranges rom 15degrees C to 25 degrees C, and in winter, rom 4degrees C and 16 degrees C.

    beSt tiMe to viSit

    September to April. Although people avoid therainy season, it is generally the time when thewateralls are in ull spate.

    MuSt See MuSt do

    Umiam LakeA beautiul lake north o Shillong, resemblingthe Lochs, or lakes o Scotland is a must-seeor all tourists. This lake was created as part oa hydroelectric project and is better known asBarapani (big water) or its sheer size. Thereis a water sports complex and a garden (LumNehru park) close by. One can hire boatsto splash around the placid lake.

    Don Bosco Museum of Indigenous North East CultureRun by the Salesian order o the CatholicChurch, the Don Bosco Museum is the largestcultural museum in the whole Asia. It is a truly

    amazing repository o inormation on theentire North Eastern states. Located within theprecincts o the Sacred Heart Church, Mawlai,the edice itsel is distinctively shaped like aspiral. It has an amazing collection o attire,accoutrements, weapons, ornamentation and

    rare photographs.

    Lady Hydari ParkThe Park has manicured lawns, variety o localfowering plants and orchids. It also has a smallzoo within it. This is a popular picnic spot orlocal population.

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    Shillong PeakFor those who need more enervating exercise,there is the Shillong Peak to climb with itssummit o 1965 metres, aording a splendidview o the city and its outlying environs on a

    clear day. In the evening, the city lights belowglitter and twinkle like a giant Christmas tree.It is host to a radar station or Indian Air Forceand tourists are cautioned not to take pictures oradar acilities.

    WaterfallsShillong and its environs resonate with thesound o thundering wateralls that hurtledownhill slopes, spraying its surroundings with adelicate mist o water. Mawsmai Falls, Nohkalikai,

    Elephant Falls, Bishop Falls, Spread Eagle Falls,Sweet Falls, Crinoline Falls and Beadon Falls arethe well known ones.

    NartiangStop by Nartiang, the summer capital o theJaintia kings. Take a look at the incrediblecollection o monoliths and standing stonesraised by Jaintia kings. The tallest one is said tohave been the walking stick o U Mar Phalyngki,the giant o the Jaintia legends.

    Shop for

    Souvenirs like handmade knives, cotton bags,woolen handmade shawls, bamboo cutlery,other bamboo crats and the traditional Khasiskirt are most popular buys. Also, pick upbamboo shoot pickles, orest honey or try localruits such as saying and safang, sold wrappedin banana leaves.

    eat hereFor local Khasi specialities, stop by the dhabas inBara Bazaar. Dont miss the piping hot momos.There are a variety o restaurants in Shillong.Most o the better ones are located in PoliceBazar area. Chinese, Indian and Tibetan oodsare popular.

    we recoMMendVisit Mawsmai Cave, an atmospheric system ocaves and tunnels lled with stalagmites andstalactites.

    22 | FEB | 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    Lip smacking assorted platter.

    Something for all to revel in, in

    various courses of the meal

    Champagne poached Strawberry Pavlov

    Ingredients:Description Quantity unit o

    measureEgg white 6 NosCastor sugar 300 GmsCorn four 15 Gms

    Vinegar 10 MlPoached strawberryFresh Strawberry 100 GmsCaster Sugar 50 GmsChampagne 300 Ml

    Pastry cream:Milk 500 MlGrain sugar 110 GmsEgg 3 NosCorn four 65 Gms

    Butter 65 GmsVanilla pod 1 Nos

    Method:Beat egg white and add sugar slowly. Beattill fuy. Add corn four and vinegar.Using piping bag pipe into heart shapein a baking sheet and Bake at 110 C or60 to 75 minutes or until the outside isdry and is a very pale cream colour. Thenremove and allow it to cool.

    Pastry cream:Boil milk add sugar. Add this to mix cornfour ( mixed with little milk ) and eggs.Cook over double boiling till done addvanilla pod. Add butter to this mix andcream well in a planetary till cool.

    Poached strawberry:Take a pan and put all three ingredientsin it. Cover the pan with silver oil. Placethe pan in the range.Take the baked Pavlov pipe pastry creamin the centre and place some poachedstrawberry over the cream.

    24 | FEB | 2013

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    FEB | 2013 | 25

    My Fith Marathonat Mmbai

    It was a rn which I had done with little bit obetter preparation than the Hyderabad marathonin Agst 2012. I completed the Mmbaimarathon in 5hr and 50 mintes. Actally therst thirty km was clocked at 3hr and 50 mintes.I was hopel or a 5:30 nish. The last 12 km wastogh as I had developed an naseating sensation.It is oten said that the marathon is rn in thelast 12 km. All yor training boils down to theextent one is able to deliver in the last12 km. Thestart was sharp at 5:40 am. The air was nippy and

    chill and the atmosphere was electric. It seemedthe whole o Mmbai had gathered to rn or toparticipate in cheering along the sidelines. It wasa catios rst 10 km and then the second 10 kmwent smoothly and the3rd 10 km . . .

    I ran withot mch strggle, bt then arondthe 31st km strangely, I started developing avomiting sensation. It is said that every marathonis an experience by itsel. This one was a prooo that. The entire rote, except the sea link was

    lined p with scores o volnteers and onlookersand eager residents oering water, and eatsto the rnners. This estivity will not be ondanywhere else in the contry. This is a specialtyo the vibrant and scintillating Mmbai. The startand the nish is bang opposite the VT station.The nish line itsel is a hb o great estivityand camaraderie among the onlookers and thernners. A host o photographers greet yo at thenish line captring the moment o exhilarationo completion o a 42 km rn on each and every

    rnners ace. Finally when the medal is presentedat a special conter and his hng arond the necka eeling o accomplishment spreads across theentire body and yo start relishing the moment.

    There cant be better place to rn a marathon. . .Vibrant and memorable Mmbai.

    I plan to dedicate this year to better disciplineI am working towards better perormance in thiscalendar year. I plan to rn a total o5 marathons

    this year. Auroville Marathon : Feb 10th Hyderabad Marathon : August Kaveri Trail Marathon : September The Chennai Marathon: December

    Bahwan CyberTek-Alumni Club Tournament

    kicked-offThe 16th edition o the BahwanCyberTek-

    Almni Clb Twenty20 tornament or premierclbs in Chennai rolled to action on the 27thJanary with BCTs Mr. Mike Mralidharan,COO-Global, Mr. Chandran, CIO and or ClbsSecretary Mr. T. Swaminathan present at thetossing ceremony. The inagral match wasbetween the hosts Almni Clb and PresidencyClb which Almni Clb won handsomely.

    BCTs COO-Global Mr. Mike Mralidharaninagrated the tornament & & in his

    inagral address he spoke abot ellowship& the spirit o the game. Almni Clb had asperb day with PC Prakash (60 rns & one wkt)and Man o the Match Srenevasan (42 rns & 3wkts) nstoppable. The winning moments weremany and the spirit was well demonstrated withotstanding elding day in a long time. Therewere no miselds, and two direct hits (Harirajan& Saravan) rnning ot Presidency Clbs 2 topscorers in the 17th & 18th overs and or classycatches inclding a stpendos one handed

    retrn catch by Vivek.

    We have made a very good beginning to thetornament and i we can keep p or eldingstandard to spport or bowlers we can srprise

    Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannotchange anything. George Bernard Shaw.

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    26 | FEB | 2013

    many teams in the competition. Earlier, on the23rd Janary, the members o the varios clbsparticipated in the captains meet held in theAlmni Clb. Mr. Raj Mathivanan, Treasrerpresided over the nction and Mr. MikeMralidharan, BCTs COO-Global was the Chie

    Gest. The senior management team o BahwanCyberTek inclding CIO Mr. Chandran, EVP Mr.V. K. Mrthi and SVP Mr. P. Rajasekaran werethere to encorage s.

    In his address, Mr. Mike Mralidharan reiteratedBCTs spport or Almni Clb Cricket & hopedthat this years edition o the Bahwan CyberTekAlmni Clb T20 will be highly sccessl.

    Almni Clb will be joined in this tornamentby premier city clbs like Madras GymkhanaClb, Madras Cricket Clb, Indira NagarClb, Presidency Clb, The Mylapore Clb, TNagar Social Clb and Gandhi Nagar Clb. Welook orward to or weeks o display o greatenthsiasm, competitive spirit, and as always,with riendship and camaraderie.

    Look away now i yo are araid oneedles. A motorised, harpoon-like needle sonds painl, bt inact hrts ar less than a reglarinjection becase it resemblesa mosqitos moth parts.SeijiAoyagi and colleages at Kansaiuniversity in Osaka, Japan, havedeveloped a needle that mimicsa mosqitos proboscis, which is

    serrated and barely toches theskin so yo dont eel the initialbite. A smooth hypodermic, onthe other hand, leaves a lot ometal in contact with the skin,stimlating the nerves andcasing pain.

    Aoyagi hopes his design coldhelp diabetic people who have totake blood samples. Etched rom

    silicon, the needle imitates threeo the creatres seven mobilemothparts: the two serratedmaxillae and the tblarlabrm(see diagram).

    unlike Aoyagis previosattempts to mimic a mosqitosbite, each o these parts is drivenby tiny motors based on leadzirconim titanate (PZT) - apiezoelectric crystal that expandsvery slightly when yo apply analternating voltage (Sensors andActators. The vibrations o thecrystal can be sed as a simple

    motor to control how the needleenters the skin.

    The sections o the needle breakthe skin in the same seqenceas they do with a mosqito,vibrating at abot 15 hertz toease it into the skin - as observedin mosqitoes nder high-speedvideo microscopes. Aoyagi hastested his needle on himsel

    and three volnteers, who agreethat the pain is mch redcedbt lasts longer than with aconventional syringe. He thinksthat by mimicking more o the

    creatres mothparts, inclding

    an addition to steady the needlesentry, hell be able to redce thatdll pain.

    Micro fidics engineer SmanChakraborty o the IndianInstitte o Technology inKharagpr, who has also workedon similar designs in the past, isimpressed by Aoyagis progress.Its a sbstantial move towards

    improving the technology, hesays.

    Dr.S.Natarajan (m.N.876)

    Mosquito needle helps take

    sting out of injections

    Education is when you read the ne print. Experience is what you get i you dont. Pete Seeger

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    FEB | 2013 | 27

    The university o Sothampton sOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC)is pioneering research into developing thestrongest silica nanobers in the world.

    Globally the qest has been on to ndltrahigh strength composites, leading ORCscientists to investigate light, ltrahigh strengthnanowires that are not compromised bydeects. Historically, carbon nanotbes were the

    strongest material available, bt high strengthscold only be measred in very short samplesjst a ew microns long, providing little practicalvale.

    Now research by ORC Principal Research FellowGilberto Brambilla and ORC Director ProessorSir David Payne has reslted in the creation othe strongest, lightest weight silica nanobersnanowires that are 15 times stronger than steeland can be manactred in lengths potentially

    o 1,000s o kilometers.

    Their ndings are already generating extensiveinterest rom many companies arond the worldand cold be set to transorm the aviation,marine, and saety indstries. Tests are crrentlybeing carried ot globally into the potentialtre applications or the nanowires.

    With synthetic bers it is important to have highstrength, achieved by prodction o ber with

    extremely low deect rates, and low weight, saysBrambilla.

    usally i yo increase the strength o a beryo have to increase its diameter and thsits weight, bt or research has shown thatas yo decrease the size o silica nanoberstheir strength increases, yet they still remainvery lightweight. We are the only people whocrrently have optimized the strength o thesebers.

    Or discovery cold change the treo composites and high-strength materialsacross the world and have a hge impact onthe marine, aviation, and secrity indstries.

    ScientiStS developStrongeSt, lighteStglaSS nanofiberS

    We want to investigate their potential se incomposites and we envisage that this materialcold be sed extensively in the manactreo prodcts sch as aircrat, speedboats, andhelicopters, he adds.Payne explains, Weight or weight, silicananowires are 15 times stronger than high-strength steel and 10 times stronger thanconventional GRP (glass reinorced plastic).We can decrease the amont o material sed

    thereby redcing the weight o the object.

    Silica and oxygen, reqired to prodcenanowires, are the two most common elementson the Earths crst, making it sstainable andcheap to exploit. Frthermore, we can prodcesilica nanobers by the ton, jst as we crrentlydo or the optical bers that power the internet.

    Brambilla shared his ndings with ellowresearchers at a special seminar he organized

    recently at the Kavli Royal Society InternationalCentre, at Chicheley Hall, in Bckinghamshire.It was particlarly challenging dealing withbers that were so small. They are nearly1,000 times smaller than a hman hair and Iwas handling them with my bare hands, saysBrambilla.

    It took me some time to get sed to it, bt singthe state-o-the-art acilities at the ORC I wasable to discover that silica nano bers become

    stronger the smaller they get. In act whenthey become very, very small they behave in acompletely dierent way. They stop being ragileand dont break like glass bt instead becomedctile and break like plastic. This means theycan be strained a lot.

    up ntil now most o or research has beeninto the science o nanowires bt in the trewe are particlarly interested in investigatingthe technology and applications o these bers,

    adds Brambilla.

    Source: University o Southampton.UKDr.S.Natarajan (M.No.876)

    It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happinessin both the short term and the long term or both yoursel and others will come. - Dalai Lama

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    28 | FEB | 2013

    The word Veda comes rom the root Vidmeaning to know. Ths Veda meansknowledge. The Vedas say Ananta vai Vedah,

    that is, endless are the Vedas bt the Rishis, whocognized some mantras ot o the vast limitlessVedas, are known as Mantra Dastras, that is, theseers or receivers o the mantras. Vedic scienceis a system o knowledge that encompasses alldomains o lie. It provides the wisdom throghwhich we can harmonize the oter aspects o orlives with or spirital prpose. This incldeshow to take care o or physical body and orsociety. As sch, Vedas oer the ondation or atre and a spirital hman cltre.

    Vedic literatre consists o orteen main Vidyas,namely:1. The or Vedas: Rig, Yajr, Sama and Atharva;2. The six Vedangas (organs o the Vedas);(i) Siksha, which lays down the rles o phoneticsand o pronnciation,(ii) Vyakarana, grammar,(iii) Chandas, metric composition,(iv) Nirkta, Vedic dictionary or etymology,(v) Jyotisha, astronomy,

    (vi) Kalpa, what indces one to Vedic action,3. The or upangas (appendices to Vedangas);Mimamsa, which deals with the prport andsignicance o Vedic mantras,(i) Nyaya, which is the science o logic andexpediency,(ii) Pranas, which are magniying glasses oVedas,(iii) Dharma Sastras, which tell s what and howwe shold do in or daily lie.

    The two upangas, Mimamsa and Nyaya aresbdivided as six Sastras and are known asDarsanas. They are as ollows:(a) Poorva Mimamsa o Jaimini,(b) uttara Mimamsa o Badarayana

    (Veda Vyasa),(c) Nyaya Sastra o Gatama,(d) Vaiseshika o Kanada (also known as Ganata

    and Olkya),(e) Sankhya Sastra o Kapila and() Yoga Sastra o Patanjali

    In addition to these, there are the two greatepics Ramayana and Mahabharata. In act,Mahabharata is known as the Panchama Veda, orth Veda. The stores described in these epicsare in the bloodstream o the people o India.The Rig Veda itsel contains reerences to Yajrand Sama Vedas in many places. For example,

    Prsha Skta, which appears in the tenthmandala, ninetieth hymn o Rig Veda, reers toother Vedas, proving that there is no qestiono some Vedas being earlier or later. Knowledgeand wisdom are enshrined in these orteenVedic Vidyas.

    To these orteen are added or more upangas.They are:1. Ayrveda, the science o lie;2. Artha Sastra, the science o wealth and

    economics;3. Dhanr Veda, the science relating toweaponry, missiles and warare;4. Gandharva Veda, which treats ne arts sch asmsic, dance and drama.

    Vedas are o non-hman origin (Aporsheya)and withot a beginning in terms o time,(Anadi). The rishis (seers o Vedas) are said tohave rst envisioned them throgh the power oTapasya. They did not compose or create them.

    Paramatma (the universal God) cold not havecreated the Vedas, or then the Vedas wold havea beginning. In Vedic literatre, Paramatma iscalled simply THAT ONE. It is neither malenor emale bt an impersonal eternal principle.


    Always orgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. Oscar Wilde

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    FEB | 2013 | 29

    To represent That ONE, several names aresed sch as Paramatma, Narayana, Isvara andSpreme Sel. Brihadaranyaka upanishadsays that the or Vedas orm Isvaras breath.Nishwasitam is the word employed to denotethe exhaling o cosmic breath. Ths Vedas, as

    the lie breath o That ONE, coexist and haveno beginning. Anything previos to it or olderthan it does not exist.

    The or Vedas Rig, Yajr, Sama and Atharvathat exist now were, however, codied abot5000 years ago, at the beginning o the KaliYga, the cosmic cycle that started in 3102 B.C.,by Veda Vyasa, whose given name was KrishnaDvaipayana. His compilation consisted o 1131Sakhas (mandalas or recensions), twenty-one

    in Rig, 101 in Yajr, 1000 in Sama and nine inAtharva. They were preserved in the line orishis, namely, Paila, Vaisampayana, Jaimini andSmant.

    At the present time only ten Sakhas are available.In each Sakha are three portions called Samhita,Brahmana and Aranyaka. Samhita means thatwhich has been collected and arranged. Itbrings ot the prport o a Veda in the orm omantras. Ths Samhitas are the ontain o lie

    breath o a Sakha.

    The Samhitas o all the or Vedas contain20500 mantras amonting approximately 2000printed pages. There is a vast literatre knownas upanishads, which consist o more than 200separate works, thogh a traditional greo 108 is reqently mentioned. In addition,there are nmeros works belonging to thecategory o traditional knowledge known asSmriti. Moreover, there are two great epics, theMahabharata and the Ramayana, and dozens oPranas. The Mahabharata itsel rns arond100000 slokas and is the longest book in theworld.

    All o the Rig Veda Samhita is in the orm overses called slokas (stanzas). Earlier it wasknows as rik (a hymn or praise). Each rik isa mantara. The Samhita portion o the RigVeda contains 10170 mantras. The Samhitas oall or Vedas consist o 20500 mantras. TheRig Veda contains 1028 Sktas. It begins with aSkta on Agni and also ends with it. Since in thebeginning (upakarma) and end (upasamhara),Rig Veda talks o Agni, it was thoght that the

    prport o the Veda is re-worship. The correctinterpretation o Agni is to be taken as AtmaChaitanyam, the glow o the Atmas awakeningor the light o Atmas consciosness. The RigVeda ends with the ollowing: Let all hmanbeings meet and think as with one mind. Let the

    goal be common. May all live in happiness witha common prpose.

    When Thomas Alwa Edison invented theGramaphone record among other things(electriclight and the motion pictre camera), he calledpon Max Mller to record his Voice. And thelatter chose to record the rst Sloka o RiG Vedato record the pblic version on the gramophoneplate.

    Why did Max Mller choose to? Addressingthe adience he said, Vedas are the oldesttext o the hman race. And Agni MeeleProhitam is the rst verse o Rig Veda. In themost primordial time, when the people did notknow how even to cover their bodies and livedby hnting and hosed in caves ,Indians hadattained high civilization and they gave the worldniversal philosophies in the orm o the Vedas

    When Agni Meele Prohitam was replayed

    the entire adience stood p in silence as amark o respect or the ancient Hind sages.-this verse means Oh Agni, Yo who gleam inthe darkness, to Yo we come day by day, withdevotion and bearing homage. So be o easyaccess to s, Agni, as a ather to his son, abidewith s or or well being.

    Sch is the illstrios legacy o or India.......!!

    N.S.Kumar (M.No.455)

    The old believe ererything; the middle-aged suspect ererything: the youngknow everything. Oscar Wilde

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    30 | FEB | 2013

    Staff Tour on Queensland(25th January 2013)

    Flag hoisting on Republicday (26th January 2013)

    Winners o CRYPTOGRAM Jan.2013 decided bylots are:Rani Rajkmar ( Spose o J.P. Rajkmar, M.No.2125)Vidya Mrali (Spose o Member No : 1716)

    Congrats to the winners and all the best to theothers next time.

    Send in yor answers captioned: B & B Febrarypzzle to Three all correctwinners chosen by lots will get a credit o Rs.250/-Each in their monthly bill.

    Dont handicap your children by making their lives easy. - Robert A.Heinlein

  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    FEB | 2013 | 31Continuous eort not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking ourpotential. WINSTON CHURCHLL

    going placeS

    How often have you receivedmails announcing therecent changes on facebook?

    Although Facebook is onesassy place, certain apps arebest to use when it comes tochoosing the experts. Chuck

    the facebook check-ins and use Foursquare.

    Vey fe we ek- sg febk wewe g . ag Gge e s fee se efe g w beegps b febk Gge e ssge e g fsqe ek-s pve s f!


    Febk s e bs bes we es ek-s. Y ek- pe e e pepe y e w e e. if

    y ee e e ek- e, y w ve g e py webse. Ggele e e s e sefey. msy pefee by fs,Gge e es y ek- b gpepe . Y s see y fes e se Gge ps. Fsqees y ek-, se e p f yfes .

    Surf in STyle

    Fsqe es y bwse e y ke evebefe. te se f s pesexesve ess s key e

    y e kg f. te se s s fse e e peg syses. te spe fee kes s pp s ge s fe ek-, y e p. as we

    y e ps y e s we bges.

    W fsqe y ee js ek- e y e ; y s ek- e bg. F expe f y e ee e , fsqe es y ek e e e . i be ses ge seves s s y ge .

    Y f pes vs ex. Y s ek y sy w pepe y ve

    bee w pes y ve ge . Wfsqe y pbs y w pge pe y bsess . W fsqe e ek es e y.

    The verdicT

    ag s pes e b be we es bse seves, fsqees w e py s w. hweve s spy e f e fves we es ek-s!


  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013


    32 | FEB | 2013

    (Crossword with a dierence. Each answer is an

    anagram o the cle). For example, cle or 1 downis RuNT. Answer is TuRN, an anagram o RuNT

    Anagram: A word or phrase made by transposing

    the letters o another word or phrase. Anagramso TEAM are TAME, MEAT, MATE






    Dr Pal is a wealthyand renownedmathematician. Helives in a beach villa.Being an animal

    lover, he maintainsdogs, cats, dcks etc.He is the Chairmanor the Internationalconerence coming pin the next two weeks.Prior to the conerence,

    he wishes to host a party to 20 select delegates. Hehas already organized 8 bottles o ne importedwhisky. A week beore the party date, he receivesa reliable inormation that one o the 8 bottles is

    poisoned. Even a sip o the poisoned whisky willreslt in sre death. Bt the poison acts slowly thatthe person will die between 36 to 48 hors rom thetime o consming the poisonos whisky.

    Dr Pal has to identiy that poison bottle. Hiscook sggests Sir, we will mix milk with littlewhisky rom each bottle and eed to or pets,say, 5 cats and 3 dogs and observe them or48 hors. We can identiy the bottle rom theanimal that dies. Dr Pal does not want to loseany o his pets. He thoght or a while, and camep with a soltion. He told the cook, Hey, yo

    know there are 3 monkeys which intrde orgarden now and then andspoil the vegetables. Arrangeto catch these 3 monkeys andpt them in a cage. Feed themwith a mixtre o milk andwhisky rom each bottle in themethod that I tell yo. Atera cople o days we will knowwhich monkey(s) have died.From this inormation, I will

    isolate the poisonos bottle. Iyo were Dr Pal, what plan/method o eeding will yo tellyor cook ?

    Monkey Maths

    For advertising contact: optns Meda Pvt. ltd., Ph: 2435 2581 / 4211 2582Pubshed and wned by Mara Bna at E-6, CDS Avenue, 4 Cart Track Rad, Veachery, Chenna-600 042

    Prnted by B. Ashk Kumar, at Rathna offset Prnters, 40, Peters Rad, Ryapettah, Chenna-600 014. Edtr: Mara Bna.RNI No. TNENG/2007/20172

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  • 7/29/2019 AluminiClub_Feb2013
