Amanda Ontherun Part 1

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Part 1 of me playing Pinstar's Spetember Sim of the Month challenge



Presents A PinStar Challenge

Sim of the Month

Amanda Ontherun


$0 <- This is the money counter, keeping track of how much funds Amanda has acquired for building her dream home. The rules stipulate that Amanda is not

allowed to sleep without a roof over her head. I moved her in at night, so she was quite exhausted from fleeing her imprisonment. At least napping at the gym is a good temporary fix until she can make friends and borrow beds.

$0Without money, Amanda harvests a few apples for hunger emergencies.


Amanda’s first victim is Parker Langerak .




Madison VanWatson isn’t as sympathetic to Amanda’s cause, probably due to her snobby nature. There are many fish in the sea. Fish willing to part with simoleons.



Amanda becomes acquainted with her neighbor next door to her empty lot. Mostly to use his bed.



However, things don’t exactly go according to plan. Instead of making friends and asking to spend the night for appropriate bed borrowing, Amanda is shown the door after several hours of sleep.


One of the fastest ways of earning money will be through opportunities listed in the paper. The paper lists events occurring throughout the week, Sunday to Saturday. This week is offering an Amateur Olympics at the local Stadium on Saturday. Today is Thursday.


Not being entirely familiar with digging through the trash, I give it a try out to see if anything like Sims 2 occurs, finding a nice item that auto translates into a few dollars. Sadly, all Amanda gets is lots of garbage in her inventory.


Another experiment, this time at the graveyard. Amanda is not allowed to take a job, but nothing is said about exploring the crypts. No money, but Amanda does come across a Mysterious Gnome and an Uncut Luminescent gemstone.


Amanda also has a run-in with a zombie bear that gives her quite the merry chase out of the crypts.


$5Iliana Langerak is Parker’s mother. It’s only after meeting the matriarch of the family that it dons to stay at her house for a while.


$12 The Langerak Household is a distance away from the community lots in the center of town. Still, better to establish a sort of base of operations than go house to house on a nightly basis.

$12 This is Zelda Mae. I pick up that she must be Parker’s girlfriend. She also works in the music career field, a bit I remembered when I first started playing Sims 3



Amanda quickly becomes good friends with both Parker and Iliana. Between these two, Amanda simply has to ask and she’s got a bed for the night. The two are also Amanda’s main source of mooched money for some time.



There is one reason why Amanda ends up staying at the Langerak residence for so long: the guitar. With Amanda’s kleptomaniac nature, I am hoping to swipe the guitar and use it for tip money.

$12However, swiping something isn’t so easy. Considering one can only swipe between certain hours of the day and when no one else is in the room, it doesn’t help that you can only swipe from the room and not direct what you want to swipe.

You can only swipe three objects a day. Considering that the room the guitar is in contains the living room, dining room, and kitchen, Amanda tends to swipe other things.


However, I am not allowed to sell off anything, including swiped objects. Keeping this in mind, I tend to return stolen items within a day or two. Sometimes Amanda rolls the want to return objects, which is just an added bonus.

$12 Simoleons, please?


Saturday finally arrives and Amanda is off to the local stadium.

$12 Yikes! It’s a cop!If I can just sneak past him…

$12Easy as pie.


Amanda doesn’t win the Amateur Olympics, but she does feel… in the mood to exercise. If only that were part of the goal.

Camen snalla, Parker.Not much, just trying to mooch a bit off this Landgrabb lady.


You might recognize a few faces here if you’ve glimpsed through my Captionless Adventures


$17 I hope she doesn’t expect me to hook up with Parker. Though, if he’s a computer whiz…


The one constant thing Amanda and people she comes across converse about is always about home/houses. It only seems fitting considering the biggest goal of the challenge is just that.


More money, please.


With all the mooching Amanda will be doing, it seems to make sense that she also helps out around the house.

$24 This room is too bright. They’ll thank me for taking it.


Knowing there are other people living in the Langerak residence, Amanda has a chat with Dustin, the father/husband. Turns out he’s a politician. Guess what that means?



Bread and jam?Where are the simoleons?


Remember how I said Dustin is a politician?





As I said before, I think Zelda Mae is actually supposed to be Parker’s girlfriend. I guess Amanda is too nice to spread the rumor.


$31Methinks Zelda has her ways of making sure people don’t mention the affair


As a new week begins, it’s time to find out what opportunities await Amanda: a chess tournament on Tuesday


A quick check on the empty lot reveals nothing but newspapers and an empty mailbox. Which is good, because no bills means no repo men. It’s my assumption that living on a blank lot produces no bills.


Amanda visits another neighbors: Claire Ursine. Turns out she’s a fellow kleptomaniac, so the two start off on the right foot. However, she doesn’t much care for moochers.



Amanda acquaints herself with Ian Bowler just as the chess tournament begins. Amanda must win 5 games before 10 pm.

$31Gotta be a better way of making money.



$31 Things don’t turn out so well. Amanda manages to increase her logic skill by a point, but only manages to beat Ian at two games. After playing for hours, Amanda eats a quick snack.



With only a couple hours til midnight, Amanda manages to reach the Langerak house in time. Parker almost seems to be waiting for her.



It’s so nice to finally meet you, Kaylynn. I’m

Amanda, the woman who’s been sleeping here

for a week now


Mind if I borrow a few Simoleons?


A side effect of catching Dustin and Zelda getting close to each other, Dustin isn’t quite so nice to Amanda anymore.

$42So much for a nice bed for the evening.




I remember you! You’re the guy that wouldn’t let me beat him at chess.


$51 Won’t let me spend the night? This’ll teach you…


Under the thought process of having a better relationship with Sims will likely result in a better chance of mooching money, Amanda gets to work on her Charisma skill


$79You just want me to introduce myself in a charming manner to a total stranger and you’ll give me a prize? I’m game!

$79 I think I prefer the bread and jam


As part of a Charisma opportunity, Amanda introduces herself to a random stranger using the Charming Introduction. Easy enough.


Then it’s a simple matter of tracking down the opportunity giver…

You didn’t mention you were a cop!





This chair is practically screaming for me to swipe it.


Another week, another set of opportunities: an all you can eat contest and another chess tournament.


Maybe I shouldn’t have swiped all the chairs and sofas.




Amanda received a phone call the previous day asking for her to communicate to ants at the local science lab. The results are a success and Amanda receives a whopping $1000 for her efforts. A quick trip to Buy mode and now we have $600, but a guitar.


To celebrate, Amanda decides to give Nancy Landgrabb a visit.


Hello, Malcolm. I was hoping to see you mother, but perhaps you can help. Have a few simoleons you can spare?


No romance going on here. Just the oddity of good friends being able to share the same bed.


With a guitar in hand, Amanda starts working her way on the skill. The sooner she gets to level 5, the sooner she can start playing for tips.

$523Are you sure there’s no

one else in town that can help you? … I guess I can

come down and help then. There’s a cash

reward right?


In a twist of fate, Amanda’s ever growing charisma catches the eye of local authorities. However, instead of locking her back up, they ask her for tips in order to interrogate other criminals.A few hours later, Amanda pockets a cool $1000

$1523After teaching the cops of few tricks, Amanda dashes off to the chess tournament, barely making it in time. Looks like her opponent this week is Cornelia Goth.




$1523This week’s tournament more difficult than the last. Every match results in a loss. Amanda’s temper gets the best of her as she smacks a few pieces off the board.


$1523 Cornelia tags or son in to play for the rest of the tournament. He isn’t as skilled as his mother, so Amanda manages to beat him a couple times.


$1523Caught between hunger and exhaustion, Amanda is defeated once more. While she may have gained more logic, she didn’t win a single simoleon.



Again, Amanda shares a bed with a good friend, not romantic interest. However, in her haste for some sleep, she forgets to ask to actually stay for the night. Dustin swiftly gives her the boot.



Can’t get no decent sleep,

While napping at the gym.

Someday I’ll have a home,

Married to a computer whiz of a Sim.


In an odd stroke of luck, the Langerak family happens to visit the gym. A quick chat with Kaylynn and Amanda completes the Observant charisma challenge, allowing her to pick up other Sim’s traits faster. I’ve already picked up the Observant reward, so this means Amanda will hopefully be able to sniff out a Computer Whiz of a man even faster.

$1529What do you need to know about Smooth Recoveries? Just want me to pull one off? I’m game if there’s a cash reward waiting at the end of this.

$2529Today’s opportunity is an eating contest at the bistro. To increase her chances of winning, Amanda made sure not to eat a single thing all day until the contest. As a result, she finishes first and manages to snag another $1000.


Zelda is once again guarding the entrance to the Langerak residence, but due to her and Dustin’s flirtations, she isn’t on good terms with Amanda. It takes some smooth talking in order to get in. Thankfully, pulling off this Smooth Recovery is part of a Charisma opportunity.


It looks like the furniture Amanda swiped and returned weeks ago is finally respawning in the house. I’m curious as to how much longer til the other items return.

$3532 A quick trip to City Hall to report the results of her Smooth Recovery and Amanda earns another easy $1000.


While Amanda should probably be working on her guitar skill, instead she continues working on Charisma skill and challenges. Here, she starts making friends with Bella Go- er Bachelor. Being one step closer to completing Everyone’s Best Friend and Celebrity.



A friend made, but never bested, Amanda tracks down Ian Bowler. From first looks, he appears to be married or at least in a relationship. However, all becomes clearer in time.


Turns out, Ian is one of three people that happen to be sharing the same house. The first roommate Amanda best friends is Abraham Finkel. A bit of a genius and quite Neurotic. Two hidden traits remain. Maybe a Computer Whiz?


The other roommate is Sunny Bakshi, who I thought was Ian’s wife/fiancé/girlfriend. However, just from observation, it looks like this athletic artist isn’t that close to Ian.


A strange event: the hungry Ian attempts to prepare a group breakfast of waffles. However, instead of finishing them, he stops mid preparation to complain about his hunger. Amanda tries to help him out, but he ends up standing in just the perfect spot to prevent her from picking up the mixing bowl. It takes a good 30 minutes more of complaining before the guy finally moves over.


At least Amanda manages to pick up her first cooking skill. Mooching food off of others has left it high and dry til now.

This is a first: I’m the one making the real meal instead of just eating it.

$3609Back to working on the guitar skill, Amanda starts worker her way to point number three.

$3618 Hello, Parker.No I don’t know

when I’ll visit again.

$3618The start of a new week means it’s time to check for new opportunities. There’s a grill-fest occurring at the park today. Later in the week is another eating contest.


The text of the grill-a-thon only mentioned that it was occurring so that the locals can get together for friendly fun and socializing. Upon accepting it though, the demand that 5 platters of hot dogs needing to be cooked sparked the idea of a potential cash reward. That meant purchasing said hot dogs for the cooking at $12 per platter.

$3606 With only a cooking skill of one, it comes to no surprise that Amanda turns the first round of dogs into charcoal. Hopefully, the rest won’t be in such a horrifying state.

$3594 The second platter proves to be much more resilient. Not only to scorching flames but gravity as well.

$4558Once Amanda finishes serving up the fifth and final platter of dogs, $1000 deposits itself into her cash account. She also manages to earn the title of Grill Queen. With the opportunity finished, Amanda receives a phone call from a friend, asking her to visit.




The friend in question is Jack Bunch, head of the Bunch household. Amanda made friends with him a week back and is catching up with him. She fills him in on the grilling contest and the two end up swapping recipes. What’s more, Amanda makes sure she has a place to sleep for the night.



Why is there always a cop where ever I go?

$4558Can I please put my dirty plate in the sink?



Due to the rather large household of the Bunch family, Amanda manages to snag the Celebrity challenge, resulting in larger boosts when she meets someone new. Hopefully that also means a way of mooching for money even sooner. What’s more, Amanda grabs the last charisma point giving her access to irresistible greetings. Thank you Arlo Bunch!


How many Sims does it take to tell you that you’re doing something inappropriate?

I was only trying to take a bath. Honest!





Camen snalla, Parker. I’m am well. No, I don’t know

when I’ll be coming by. And no I don’t have time to talk

right now.


After so many of the Bunch family popping in on Amanda’s bath, It’s only fitting to swipe of few mementos.

They’ll never know it’s missing.