AMAZON AVATAR INITIATION Activate Your Heart Intelligence · 2019-03-13 · AMAZON AVATAR...

Post on 13-Jun-2020

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Activate Your Heart Intelligence This is a personal invitation for YOU dear one to be part of a magnificent

event that is going to change your life forever.

15 5 5 1



5 September 2019 till 20 September

The Manifestation Deep in the heart of the amazon, in the heart of the jungle, untouched by the society of the world of today lies a treasure. A sacred and once secret hidden gift that mother nature has created for us to be able to travel into the realms of infinite consciousness.

Now is it time for every one of us to take responsibility. To make the step of consistent change in our lifes, in our behaviour, in our way of perception. Birthing grace and humility to understand that there is only ONE intelligence that is thriving through all of us in order to unify the sacred human heart with the greater destiny of existance. The time has come to take the leap of faith into the unknown worlds of vastness of the realisation and innerstanding of the sacred wisdom of the ancient ones.

A sacred union between yogic truths and shamanic pathways has been birthed for you dear one to be able to make this leap of faith. and here do I ask you? Are you ready to become who you truly are?

The Experience Through the intensive 15 day program, we will be peeling the layers of the unconscious (selflimiting beliefs, childhood trauma, stories of the ego) that are in the way of one living at the zenith of their unique divine potential. This organic unfolding will include ranscendence meditation, purification of the physical vessel, contemplative reflection (releasing emotional attachment and stories of the ego) and deep communion with the spirit of the Amazon including the profound intelligence of each of the plant devas’ we will be working with.

Generally, transformation unfolds twofold during this initiation – first at the level of profound experiences in consciousness – then it invites integration in the physical – the eternal now moment forevermore…

We will be actively involved in the process of making the various plant medicines, from the collection to extraction to drinking as tea. All medicine is picked fresh, live and wild meaning you are getting the purest most natural organic ingredients in the world…gifted by Mother Nature to us…for healing and transformation.

During the 15 days, we will have opportunities to go on excursions in the local area to collect fresh medicine + see where they grow, as well as visiting the temples ofmajestic plant spirits. Most notably Shingo, guardian of all 150,000 plants of the Jungle – his temple is the largest tree known to the locals

During the 15 days, we invite a strict Shamanic diet to fully allow the intelligence of Plant Medicine’s to flow through our vessels. We remove sugar, salt, meat, and eat locally sourced fish, fruits, eggs and vegetables (vegan options – lentils – quinoa etc.). The food is plentiful – abundant – satisfying even the most impressive appetites…

The direct experience in the boundless nature of Consciousness through Ayahuasca teaching you the potential of your beingness – is balanced with many activities (satsang – meditation – Yoga – creative expression-sharing circles) to integrate the transformation for consciousness.





The Master Plants SARACURA

We are incredibly fortunate to have access to this incredible plant Saracura, which

means “Sara cures”. Juni our plant master was guided by the intelligence of Ayahuasca

the function and location of this supreme deva medicine. Saracura is a complete nervous system recalibration, it acts to

repair the damaged synapses in the brain due to the overstimulation of electrical

circuitry due to today’s modern technology. It creates a deep sense of peace and tranquillity and quickly acts to bring

participants down into a state of presence to allow us to go deeper into the work. It is

recieved as tea each day and helps to allow participants to deal with the stresses of the

modern world by assisting in the removal of the adrenal glands production of cortisol.

RENAQUILLA UNA DE GATORenaquilla is sap or blood of

the Renaquilla tree when you extract it, it is a

wonderful blood purifier and reprogrammer of your cells. It detoxifies the blood

and organs such as the spleen and reproductive

system, it is highly activating, coding your system with new

intelligence to improve cellular health and blood


Una De Gato otherwise known as cats claw is a massive immune

system booster and is very effective at treating a wide variety of health

issues, including a number of autoimmune conditions. It has been also used by native people to treat infections, arthritis, wounds, skin

disorders, it is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral with

blood cleansing properties as well as a powerful cleanser of the

directive tract, and from a shamanic perspective can restore the inner union of spirit and body. Una De

Gato is used as an immune system builder and drank every day as tea.

Ayahuasca & Chacruna Ayahuasca is the one of a few supreme spiritual intelligence incarnated as a plant deva, it has been embraced for millennia to for healing, transcendence transformation and deep understanding of the cosmos – and thus the self. It is the divine union of the Ayahuasca (feminine) with Chacruna (masculine), (and only these twoplants from all found in the Amazon) that unlocks the bodies ability to uptake and utilize DMT (Dimethyltryptamine – spirit molecule). This is due to the MAOI inhibitor found in the Chacruna allowing the DMT from the Ayahuasca to be orally active.

This compound which usually only gets organically released the moment you’re born and the moment you die (or in advanced states of meditation such as “Samadhi”) provides a gateway infinite expression within the self (whether it be experiences in other dimensions/ cosmos – or karmic transcendence – perpetual timelines – all is perfect as orchestrated by Mother Aya for thesoul’s greatest evolution in the eternal moment of now.

Apart of Mother Aya’s mastery, is that she will ensure you return to your body after the innerjourney of boundless potential. Mother Aya is a living intelligence and works with your vessel reflecting and guiding the transformation of consciousness thus insights, moments of epiphany, breakthroughs, and profound healing.

It is these two plants in divine union that are embraced during the five healing ceremonies that take place on the retreat that allows for the deep realizations, cellular and spiritual transcendence to unfold.The ceremonies are led by the Shipibo Ayahuasqueros and their healing Icaros (songs).

We will be living with a Shipibo tribe deep in the Peruvian Amazon forest, called Casa Shipiba. It is 8

hours by boat from Iquitos in Peru and is very isolated nestled deep in the bosom of the Amazon. Being

immersed within the serenity and majesty of the Amazon Jungle is a blessing beyond words.

The Location



“ “

A S H E R A H S A N A N D AAsherah works with the language of the Universe - Sound, Color, Vibration and Movement. Through her Offerings she teaches full surrender into the movement and the allowance to open up to the infinite possibilities of expression . She integrates sacred geometric codes and the sounds of Mother Earth into her work. The Sacred Codes are created by a highly evolved Being which brings them into the physical through deep states of meditation. These work on many layers of the human energetic field and DNA - from purification, clearing into activation of the higher octaves of consciousness . Through various types of ceremonial work and meditation she experienced the vastness of the superconscious and unconscious mind which led her to the realization of what she came her to doletting go of the ego self to be a conduced of source consciousness and through that assisting humanity in reconnecting with our beloved planet Earth. It is a Journey of full trust and surrender to life and the knowing that we have full responsibility for every step of our life.

G A B R I E L M E L C H I Z E D E K S A N A N D AA yogi and lover of this beautiful blessing that is life. Through my many journeys, experiences and inner realisations, by the will of Divine Grace, I wish to share from my heart to yours in faith that those in resonance may receive reflections that will assist them on their soul’s journey… Thus to assist a beloved reflection in liberating and transcending beliefs, programming and the unconscious aspects that hinder one from connection with the Divine within. In the words of Jesus, “the Kingdom of heaven lies within”. It is my deepest knowing that the greater we open our hearts to the divine, the more we are touched by its grace. Love is the greatest power in the universe, and this reflection wills to see it realised within.

The Wisdom Keepers

The Integration I know what it is – to have such leaps in transcendence and then return home. It’s similar to the wisdom of the zen koan “Before enlightenment – chop wood carry water” “After enlightenment chop wood carry water” – what is the true teaching, no matter what you do if you do it with boundless joy – love and reverence for life – then life is magic.In order to be able to integrate and embody all the wisdom and teachings from the amazon jungle within your daily life and on a practical manner are we going to offer 3 Sessions after the experience within an integration timeframe of 3 Months. In those Sessions will we explore how you can stay connected with the wisdom and depth within and bring this connectedness into your work and family life balance. We will furthermore assist you in aligning your life to your purpose and in life changes that you might feel called to make within the conventional world. This program is not only here to awaken you - it is here to bring you all the way home. It is not only a one time experience of openness but a gathering that will help you to bring this very experience into everything that you do in your life.


The Extension S A C R E D V A L L E Y M A C H U P I C H UA jewel within the lotus – the journey continues beautifully after the Amazon Experience with the optional trip extension and final ceremony on top of Machu Picchu. After all the deep diving, selfrealisation and breakthroughs in the Amazon, receiving blessings from these ancient lands is the perfect integration and perpetual strengthening of the group harmonic from the Amazon. The trip extension explores one of the 7 Wonders of the world – Machu Picchu, as well as wandering the motherly love of Cusco and other energetically powerful mountains/ruins on the way to Macchu Picchu. This complex includes: CUSCO – SACSAYHUAMAN – PISCAC – MACCHU PICCHU – MORAY We will be visiting each one in turn and performing a major land activation sending all your upgrade’s codes and realisations into the Earth’s Crystal Cathedral Complex in a Planetary Service Mission. Through out this journey we will have time to explore, sight see, shop, dine wonderful restaurants and take in and assimilate the beautiful Peruvian and Incan culture. Machu Picchu is one trip on most people’s bucket list and there is no better way of experiencing this with your brothers and sisters you have had such a deep profound experience with in the jungle.

Contribution for the Amazon Avatar


The Contribution & Application

Contribution for Sacred Valley Trip


Contribution for the Amazon Avatar

Initation + Sacred Valley Trip Extension

Can you hear the call? If so follow your heart and apply now under

3333 USD

1111 USD

4444 USD

The Contribution & Application AMAZON AVATAR INITIATION INCLUDES:•  15 days in the amazon jungle Casa Shipiba•  5 ceremonies with mother aya•  All meals in the amazon jungle Casa

Shipiba•  Daily medicinal plants•  Boat transfer to the amazon jungle Casa

Shipiba and back from Iquitos

•  Flights to Iquitos•  Accommodation before or after the

stay in Casa Shipiba


SACRED VALLEY TRIP EXTENSION INCLUDES:•  7 Nights of accommodation on all locations within

the sacred valley transport between locations•  Entry to all sacred sites including machu pichu

•  Flights to cusco from Iqouitos•  Meals


If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact us under: