Amazon rain forest

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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fmp book 2 mawcaw


Global Warming For Children:

Illustrated and Written by Debbie Croft

Amazon Rain Forest

My Final Project is about Global warming. The books are based around this message because it is an important issue that need to be explored. I aimed this book at children so I had to think of how to explain complicated ideas to children, so I made simple text and image to go with it.I wanted to make my penguins and Mawcaw look simple for children so that they could realate to this book. My philosophy is to remember to draw what you want to, no matter what people say about your work.

Illustrated and Written by Debbie Croft

“Hello there! I am a Hyacinth Macaw. You may not have heard of me before, but that is because I live in a big forest called the Amazon Rain Forest.”

“It is a very beautiful place.”

“People come here and cut down trees, which is a big problem for all animals, not just me.

“ By cutting down trews here, it causes more greenhouse gasses, but there is more to than that.”

“Trees provide the air that humans breathe, and also take in Carbon Monoxide that is harmful to the planet.”

“Yet some bad humans have cut down these trees, which is against the law.”

“I couldn’t live anywhere else, but here. I can’t live in warms areas and I hear the Earth is warming up as well”

“Because the trees are being cut down, it disrupts the habitats for all the creatures who live here harder to find food, to hide and makes when in danger, and to travel around the forest, especially for the monkey who swings from tree to tree.”

“It is a big problem that people are trying to resolve by planting more trees, whenever they cut any down.”

“This helps a little and will stop the greenhouse gasses from building up, but there is more to it than that.”

“You can help by recycling paper at local places, so less trees have to be cut down.”

“Make sure you buy products that do not come from the rainforest. “

“And plant trees. This way you can help do your part to stop greenhouse gasses and keep the air clean.”

“That way all my friends in the forest will be able

to live here peacefully for many years.”

“There are many things that can change, and by working together we can all change things for the better.”

“This is our world to share after all.”

Thank you for reading

Day after day trees are getting cut down in the Amazon Rain Rorest. Why are trees so important though? Meet our Hyacinth Macaw who lives in the Amazon Rain Forest. Find out why deforestation (cutting down trees) is bad and how it effects us and animals, and how it causes global warming.