American Atheist Magazine Nov 1982

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  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine Nov 1982


    THE 2.50


    A Journal of Atheist News and Thought

    (VoI.24, No. 11) November, 1982

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine Nov 1982



    is a non-profit, non-political, educational organization, dedicated to the complete and absolute separation of

    state and church. We accept the explanation of Thomas Jefferson that the First Amendment to the

    ,Constitution of the United States was meant to create a wall of separation between state and church.

    American Atheists are organized to stimulate and promote freedom of thought and inquiry concerning

    religious beliefs, creeds, dogmas, tenets, rituals and practices;

    to collect and disseminate information, data and literature on allreligions and promote a more thorough

    understanding of them, their origins and histories;

    to encourage the development and public acceptance of a human ethical system, stressing the mutual

    sympathy, understanding and interdependence of all people and the corresponding responsibility of each

    individual in relation to society;

    to develop and propagate a culture in which man is the central figure who alone must be the source of

    strength, progress and ideals for the well-being and happiness of humanity;

    to promote the study of the arts and sciences and of all problems affecting the maintenance,

    perpetuation and enrichment of human (and other) life;

    to engage in such social, educational, legal and cultural activity as will be useful and beneficial to

    members of American Atheists and to society as a whole.

    Atheism may be defined as the mental attitude which unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason and

    aims at establishing a lifestyle and ethical outlook verifiable by experience and the scientific method,

    independent of all arbitrary assumptions of authority and creeds.

    Materialism declares that the cosmos isdevoid of immanent conscious purpose; that itis governed by its own

    inherent, immutable and impersonal laws; that there is no supernatural interference inhuman life;that man -

    finding his resources within himself - can and must create his own destiny. Materialism restores to man his.

    dignity and his intellectual integrity. It teaches that we must prize our lifeon earth and strive always to improve

    it. It holds that man is capable of creating a social system based on reason and justice. Materialism's faith is in

    man and man's ability to transform the world culture by his own efforts. This is a commitment which is in very

    essence lifeasserting. Itconsiders the struggle for progress as a moral obligation and impossible without noble

    ideas that inspire man to bold creative works. Materialism holds that humankind's potential for good and for an

    outreach to more fulfillingcultural development is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.


    S en d 40 f or o n e y ea r's m e m ber sh ip . Y ou w il l r ec eiv e o u r In s id er 's N ew s le tt er m o n th ly .

    y o ur m e m ber sh ip c er ti f ic at e an d c ar d. an d a o n e y ear s u bs c rip tio n t o t his m a gazin e.

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    Banco Ambrosiano - Nectar of the Gods 3

    State/Church Separation and Abortion

    (Congressional Record)

    - Sen. Lowell P.Weicker 13

    Why Humanism Is A Religion - Archie J. Baum 14

    God in the Declaration of Independence

    - Sherman Wakefield


    Statement of Fred G. Lurie - Fred Lurie



    The Christian Credibility Gap (excerpted by Frank Zindler)

    - Hiram Elfenbein 22


    Editorial: The Few, The Proud, The Elite

    - Jon Garth Murray 2

    Sheep In Sheep's Clothing - Richard Smith ,


    American Atheist Radio Series:

    Legalizing the Symbolism of Religion 9

    Anecdotes from An Early History of Jehovah

    - Merrill Holste 11

    The Means to the Beginning - G. Stanley Brown 18


    Madalyn Murray O'Hair

    The American


    magazine is pub-

    lishedmonthly at theGustavBroukal Ameri-

    can Atheist Press,2210Hancock Dr., Aus-

    tin, TX 78756, and 1982 by Society of

    Separationists, Inc., anon-profit, non-politi-

    cal, educational organization dedicated to

    the complete and absolute separation of

    stateandchurch. Mailing address:P.O. Box

    2117/Austin, TX 78768-2117.A free sub-

    scription isprovided asan incident of mem-

    bership in the American Atheists organiza-

    tion. Subscriptions are available at 25. for

    oneyear termsonly. Manuscripts submitted

    must be typed, double-spaced and accom-

    panied by a stamped, self-addressedenvel-

    ope. The editors assume no responsibility

    for unsolicited manuscripts.

    The American



    is indexed in

    Monthly Periodical Index

    ISSN' 03124310

    Managing Editor

    Jon G. Murray


    Robin Murray O'Hair

    Angeline Bennett

    Gerald Tholen

    Production Staff

    Art Brenner

    Bill Kight

    Richard Smith

    Gerald Tholen

    Gloria Tholen

    Non-Resident Staff

    G. Stanley Brown

    Jeff Frankel

    Merrill Holste

    Ignatz Sahula-Dycke

    Fred Woodworth

    On t he bac k

    cover: Richard Viguerie's

    first allegiance is to fundamentalist


    Austin, Texas

    November, 1982


    The original inspiration for GOD

    WILL PROVIDE came nearly 17years

    ago, when I spent a summer as a

    Headstart volunteer. I was aware that

    the hot lunch we gave these 4 and 5

    year old children was often the only

    true meal they had all day. At that

    time, the Uptown area of Chicago that

    our program served was predominant-

    ly catholic. It was not unusual for me

    to see a 30 year old woman (looking

    90) who had more than 7 children to

    take care of. I heard the same story

    from many of them - they did


    want more children, but when they

    went to the priest witti their stories of

    agony, the response was always god

    will provide. Many, in despair, had

    given up having sexual relations with

    their husbands. The priests were un-

    bending in their attitudes. Birth con-

    trol meant a ticket straight to hell. And

    yet, it was difficult to ignore that these

    holy men never showed any signs of

    deprivation. Hunger was not some-

    thing they even related to. So the

    image was in my head many years

    ago. I think the catalyst for drawing it

    was pope john pauill's visit to Ameri-

    ca. He was shown blessing a family

    with 7 or 8 children, and then went on

    to say that it was better to have more

    brothers and sisters than to have ma-

    terial things. Like food. The image was

    there once more. The picture I drew is

    directed at all religious figures who

    condemn birth control and/or abor-

    tion, yet have never themselves

    missed a meal in their lives. Besides

    their arrogance, the suffering of the

    children is the real sin.


    About the Artist: Nomi is a former college

    teacher, but her art is self-taught. Anyone

    interested in her other works should con-

    tact the Tucson Chapter of American Athe-

    ists/ P.O. Box 361921 Tucson, AZ . 85740.


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    As Director of the American Atheist Center one of my

    many duties is to oversee the admission of new members

    into the organization, American Atheists. The organization

    has a standard type membership application which inter-

    ested persons are asked to complete and submit with the

    appropriate fee. On that application are a number of terms

    that one may apply to one's lifephilosophy. A wide choice is

    given ranging from Atheist to Objectivist to I evade any

    reply to a query to my own appelation as given: .

    Over the past period of about six months it has come to

    my attention that persons applying for membership in

    American Atheists (this journal being an incident thereof)

    are in increasing numbers choosing any other lifestyle

    designation of the choices given than Atheist. I believe

    there to be a reason for this that isjustifiable in the minds of

    those who choose to label themselves as other than Atheist.

    That reason is very simple in that it, and the labels

    themselves, can be denoted in one word. That word is fear.

    Fear is one of, ifnot the, mainstay of established religion

    in America. You may think when I say fear that I am

    speaking of the traditional fear of burning in hell prornul-

    gated by the fire-and-brimstone, tent-hopping variety of

    minister. That isonly partly true. A greater fear is the fear of

    being out of place, of not being accepted as a part of the

    whole - the whole family, the whole school, the whole job,

    the whole town, the whole community. Everyone must

    belong to something or somebody, or so we have been

    enculturated to believe.

    In the lasting words of John Donne the lesson has been

    taught and learned well by generation after generation:

    No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; Every man is a peece of the

    Continent, a part of the maine; ifa Clod bee washed away by the

    Sea, Europe isthe lesse, as wellas ifa Promontorie were, as wellas

    ifa Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any man's death

    diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde;

    And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls

    for thee.

    Donne was no Atheist. In fact, he was one of the

    outstanding religious fanatics ofhis day. But he does make a

    valid point about our culture. The problem with Atheists or

    near- or pseudo-Atheists is that they yearn to become a part

    of the wrong whole. They are fearful of establishing their

    own order, free from dogma, to have whatever comforting

    loyalties and solidarities they wish just as wellas those they

    hold hypocritically within the prevailing establishment.

    At this point in our nation's history we are at a new high of

    christian resurgence. Resurgence for what? To reestablish

    the fear ofnonconformity to minimize the losses suffered by

    attrition in more lenient times. The pope is probably the

    best example of this in his return to medievalism. In that

    push for return to basic or fundamental doctrines ofthe

    church he is not asking of the catholics any more than

    Falwell is asking of the protestants. Returning to basics

    means returning to conformity. Fundamentalism cannot be

    Page 2

    November, 1982

    only piecemeal with any given congregation. The nature of

    religion demands fullparticipation in it by all concerned.

    Fear has even spread into our economic system. All

    commercial advertising is based in whole or in part on fear:

    fear ofhaving your natural body cooling processes stain the

    clothing under your arms. (Oh, what if someone saw me

    sweat? The indignity of it alll); fear of not having the latest

    model car; fear of body odor or Am I using the right

    soap? ; fear of grey underwear or a dull kitchen floor.

    So you see Ido understand why many newcomers to an

    Atheist organization prefer another appelation than Athe-

    ist. They prefer those other laels for entirely the wrong

    reason. They don't prefer humanist over Atheist because it

    better describes them, but because itisinnoxious. If,on the

    other hand, all whom the label Atheist fit came forward

    and used it with pride there would be a new whole , a new

    body ofwhich to be part, withwhich to belong, that would

    not disturb their encultured security.

    Atheism is a label under which you can and should

    maintain your individual autonomy but at the same time be

    reinforced by the ideas and achievements of others freely

    instead of in a rhythmic dogmatic way as inthe church. You

    can stillbe a part of a group - just a different kind ofgroup.

    Eclecticism does not necessarily rule our collectivism of

    thought. Many individuals can all come to the same

    conclusion about the same thing with input from widely

    various sources and being from quite distinct backgrounds.

    Atheism is a very fine example of that. Persons from many

    different social, political, educational, monetary and reli-

    gious backgrounds have all, for the most part independently

    and eclectically, come to the same conclusions about

    religion - leading them to the rejection of its principles. If

    that isn't a strong basis for unity, Idon't know what is. What

    better or stronger feeling of belonging could you have

    than to belong to a group of people who achieved the same

    result from the widest possible number of standpoints.

    It's a very special group and Ihave a very special sense of

    solidarity to it that I don't have to most. of the mainline

    culture around me anymore. There is nothing the matter

    with that. The black community isslowly coming around to

    being proud to be black. They have formed a solidarity

    around being black. As Dick Gregory said, Let them call



    Nigger Let them call me



    You may feel that you are downgrading yourself by giving

    up a larger identity or a smaller one when you come out as

    an open Atheist, but that identity will not always be the

    smaller. Christianity was the smaller at one time, too.

    Whenever I see those Marine advertisements urging

    young men to join The few, the proud, the Marines, Ithink

    to myself The few, the proud, the Atheists. That is one of

    the main purposes of this journal. The information in each

    and every issue Iview as a shot ofcortisone for the spines of

    Atheists to help you on the road from weak arthritic

    Atheism and residual fear to bold and forthright pride.

    The American Atheist

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    Banco Ambrosiano


    Back in the mid 1800's, Italy seized land which the pope

    claimed to be his own property from the religious land wars

    that the papacy had conducted in Italy for hundreds of

    years. From 1848to 1870, especially under Garibaldi, Italy

    had fought for unification of the boot. In 1867 land held in

    mortmain (literally dead hand ) by the church was national-

    ized; that is, it became by state fiat a part of the land of the

    nation of Italy. The impotent papacy's only choice was to

    sulk and to refuse to recognize a unified Italy or the loss of

    its lands. Out of the turmoil of those years had come the

    famous 'syllabus of errors, issued in 1864by pope pius IX

    condemning every major principle of advancing civilization

    and liberalism, then spreading throughout the nations of the

    world. That syllabus has never been repudiated by the

    roman catholic church and stands as a monument of

    ignorance, intolerance, stupidity and reaction. The papacy

    fought the advance of civilization in every country but

    especially in Italy wherein it was based until 1929. In that

    year, Benito Mussolini, an avowed Atheist but also a fascist,

    bribed the vatican into recognition ofthe Italian government

    and a blessing for his troops which were poised to invade


    The ostrich reaction to all modernizing ideas of govern-

    ment has been the classic of burying one's head in a hole in

    the ground to pretend that nothing is amiss in the inter-

    national community. This has been made into a high art by

    the United States as well as the vatican, for our nation

    refused to recognize that the USSR existed after the

    revolution inthat country unseated the czar. The US never

    extended diplomatic recognition and the USSR was said to

    , exist de


    (i.e. in reality) but not de


    (i.e. by legal

    recognition.) The US later exercised this same right(?) of

    pretense with China, North Korea, South Vietnam and then

    Cuba. However, it was quick to give de jure recognition to

    both Taiwan, which posed as China for many years, and to

    Israel, in the face of objections from the Palestinians. The

    US learns wellits lessons ofintolerance from its mentor, the

    vatican, in this as wellas other areas, such as those covered

    in the Syllabus of Errors.

    Nonetheless in 1929, Benito Mussolini gave a gift of $2

    billion (1982 currency rate) to the vatican as compensation

    for its loss of papal estates under the Italian 1867 confisca-

    tion, which had occurred 62 years prior to his reign. Benito

    sweetened the deal with $2millionof is own; recognized the

    vatican as a soverign state, granted itcustom immunity, tax

    immunity and innumerable special privileges. The vatican

    took the $2 billion, $2 million and used the money to

    purchase interests in Italian firms of credit and banking,

    electric power, gas, steel, cement, textiles, pasta, agricul-

    tural implements and communications. And, in return for

    his favors the vatican assisted Benito and the fascist

    countries to move money between the diverse warring

    nations from 1939to 1945. Itthus soon became obvious that

    the vatican needed its own bank. Of course, priests move

    Austin, Texas

    throughout the world on vatican passports. They need not,

    and quite frequently do not, take out citizenship in any

    country. They are agents of the vatican and need report to

    none other. The ability to be monetary couriers is imrnedi-

    atelyapparent. Nonetheless in 1942, in the the middle ofthe

    Second World War, the vatican set up an instrumentality

    which it was constrained to designate the Institute for

    Religious Works. This has come to be called the I.


    .R. In

    actuality was then an international bank. Your editor has

    visited often in Rome and, while there, the vatican. One

    goes into the lOR to exchange currency, to cash travelers'

    checques. It has teller's windows, vaults, all the parapher-

    nalia of an ordinary working bank.

    But, during this entire period from 1929 to the end of the

    Second World War, the vatican moved into the Italian

    economy and gained either controlling or strong interest in

    thousands of that nation's business companies.

    Again, your editor's personal interest was aroused when

    Nino LoBello, a newsman living and working in Italy

    contacted her, even making a trip to The American Atheist

    Center in Austin. He was aghast to find out, in the mid

    1960's that every bit of livingin which he was involved was

    touched by the vatican. It owned the water company, the

    gas company, the telephone company and the building in

    which he lived - as well as the entire block of houses on

    both sides of the street. He asked ifanyone was aware that

    the home fuelof citizens ofMilan,Rome, Turin, Venice, had

    to be purchased from the vatican at exorbitant rates. As he

    checked further he found that the vatican owned govern-

    ment bonds in protestant Britain. It bought gold from the

    US Treasury Departments and ingots still on deposit with

    the US Federal Reserve Bank are set aside and held for the

    vatican. Ithad purchased the largest textile company inItaly

    (SNIA-Viscosa), the largest construction company (Societa

    Generale Immobiliare). As an interesting aside this is the

    company which built the Watergate complex in Washing-

    ton, D.C., the Montreal Stock Exchange in Canada and the

    Pan-American Building in Paris, France. He explained to

    your editor the magnitude of the building then in Italy,

    pointing out that in 1966alone, this construction firmhad in

    Rome built 3 apartment houses, 7 garden villages, 12luxury

    homes, 2 office buildings each with 174 office units and 12

    villagarden developments; in Milan3 housing projects with

    62family dwellings, 18offices, 17stores, an 80 car garage, 7

    other housing projects of 196 apartments and a shopping

    center; in Genoa a 150 apartment development, 92 plush

    apartments and a motel near the vatican owned Hotel Eden.

    He could hardly believe that the vatican also owned the

    Manifattura Ceramic a Pozzi which made the sinks, wash

    basins, toilet bowls, bidet and bathroom fixtures put in not

    alone in these units but used in almost every home in Italy. It

    also then owned, controlled, or influenced by its substantial

    holdings all of the following companies: Societa Mineraria

    del Trasimeno (mining), L'Instituto Farmacologico Serona

    November, 1982 Page 3

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    (pharmaceuticals), La Societa Dinamite (dynamite and

    ammunition, La Torcitura di Vittorio Veneto (yarn), Fisac-

    Fabbriche Italiane Seterie Affini Como (silk), Concerie

    Italiane Riunite de Torino (furs), Cartiere Burgo (paper

    products), Industria Libraria Tipografica Editrice de Torino

    (publishing) and Sansoni de Firenze (also publishing),

    Societa Santa Barbara (mining), Caffaro Societa per l'In-

    dustria ed Elettronica (chemistry and electronics), La

    Salifera Siciliana (salt), La Societa Prodotti Chimici Superfos-

    fati (chemicals), Bottonificio Fossanese (buttons), Saici

    Societa Agricola Industriale per la Cellulosa Italiana (cellu-

    lose), Cotonificio Veneziano (cotton), Lanificio de Garvar-

    do (wool), Fabbriche Formenti (textiles), Sacit (ready-to-

    wear clothing), Molini Antonio Biondi di Firenze (spaghetti),

    CIT (travel and tourism), and CIM (department


    In addition, Italy has a unique institution called the IRI, the

    Instituto di Ricostruzione Industriale. This is a public law

    corporation to which the Italian government assigns speci-

    fic entrepreneurial functions. It controls hundreds of firms,

    including television and radio, railroads, airlines and ship-

    ping, steel, automobile manufacturing and banking. The

    single biggest investor in this conglomerate is the vatican,

    which now owns controlling interest Nino LoBello was

    concerned that the vatican, in actuality, owned the Italian


    He was later to write to-expose-type books

    concerned with his findings: in 1968, The Vatican Empire,


    Authoritative Report That Reveals The Vatican as


    Nerve Center of High Finance - and Penetrates The

    Secrecy of papal Wealthand in 1972, Vatican, US

    Of course, after the Second World War the vatican

    prospered under the CIA-financed reign of the Christian

    Democrats. The IRI now handles 40% of Italian investments,

    the father company having 300,000 employees. And, the

    vatican moved out to take holdings in Alfa Romeo (automo-

    biles), Firmeccanica (engineering combine), Finmare (ship-

    ping, and the lucrative banana market The IRI constructed,

    for example, the Fiumicino Airport and the vatican profited

    from it all. In Rome it now owns 102 million square feet of the

    city proper. (There are approximately 2714 million square

    feet in a square mile.)

    And then, of course, the vatican got serious about banks.

    We do know the situation in 1966 and it can only be

    presumed that it has flourished since then. At that time the

    three leading banks of the country, Banca Commerciale

    Italiana, Credito Italiano and the Banco di Roma were

    closely tied to the vatican. The Banco di Santo Spirito, it

    owned outright, having been founded by pope paul V in

    1605, one of the oldest banks in the world. The foremost

    bank in the thigh part of the boot was, of course, Banco


    in Milan, founded in 1896. In the mind 1960's'

    Banco Ambrosiano

    bought interests in three foreign fiscal

    organizations: the Banca del Gottardo di Lugano (Switzer-

    land), the Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise and the

    Interitalia (both in Luxembourg.) All of these banks provid-

    ed a service whereby Italians could acquire shares of foreign

    mutual funds, through over-the-borders holding companies

    free of investment regulations of any of the states involved.

    But in Italy, the vatican was moving out. In the north it

    owned outright seven of the largest banks: the



    of Milan, the Banca Provinciale Lombarda,

    Piccolo Credito Bergamasco, Credito Romagnolo, Banca

    Page 4 November, 1982

    Cattolica del Veneto, Banco di San Geminiano e San

    Prospero and Banca San Paolo. It owned heavy interests in

    13 others (names on request) and in 62 banks it owned

    medium interest but had one or more agents of the vatican

    on the board of directors or at the policy-making level

    (names on request). On the tailing out of the situation there

    were thousands and thousands of small rural banks spread

    all over Italy owned 100% either by the vatican or by the

    local parish church, which submits to vatican controls. This

    does not speak to its outreach to the Swiss banking

    institutions or those in the United States. The vatican's

    intrusion into insurance and credit institutions in all coun-

    tries is almost impossible to unravel.

    -Sut, it is important to get to

    Banco Ambrosiano.

    Ambrosia, of course, means nectar of the gods - and

    that it is. One of the principal characters in the drama is Paul

    C. Marcinkus, an Archbishop of Lithuanian ancestry, born

    in Cicero, Illinois. Marcinkus was moved to Rome in 1947 to

    become an Archbishop there


    Rome he became

    involved in the early 1960's with a Sicilian named Michele

    Sindona. The ties of the vatican to the Mafia has a long

    history of speculation, but it should be pointed out that

    Cicero, Illinois and Sicily are Mafia strongholds. It was in

    Cicero, Illinois, that your editor was approached by a Mafia

    envoy. She was told that throughout the kingdom the

    traditionalist split of the gains of the Mafia was one-third to

    the family, one-third to the poiiticians and one-third to the

    roman catholic church. The envoy wanted to know how

    your editor could help to put together a plan to cut out the

    money to the church. Her immediate reaction was to get the

    hell out of town as fast as she could.

    Sindona was in Milan in 1947 where he met Giovanni

    Montini, a monsignor who was later to become pope paul.

    He eagerly entered the banking business for the church.

    When the new pope took over in 1963 he called on

    Marcinkus and Sin dona. Marcinkus was known then to the

    Italians as II Gorilla. Michele Sindona had purchased the

    Banca Privata Finanziaria which was pretty good for a man

    who once drove US Army trucks in Sicily. There was rising

    unrest in Italy, with the popular fronts moving toward

    socialism and the Italian state, in financial difficulty, sudden-

    ly decided that it wanted to tax the earnings on the vatican's

    stocks and bonds. It was a several year fight before the

    vatican finally agreed to pay, but even at this writing, it

    appears that all that the State of Italy received was an

    agreement for apparently no money has been paid. Instead

    the vatican decided to transfer its holdings to the United

    States. In 1969, the pope decided to sell the vatican's

    controlling interest in Societa Generale Immobiliare and he

    assigned the secret sale to Sindona, under the eye of

    Marcinkus. The stock was sold to banks in Luxembourg

    and Paris. A large chunk was sold to Charles Bluhdorn, who

    had established the Gulf & Western conglomerate in the

    US. Sindona soon moved into the US where, as an agent of

    the vatican, he bought into Chase Manhattan Bank,

    General Foods, General Electric, Shell and Standard OiL

    This is not to say the roman catholic church in America was

    not already heavily into the stock market with holdings in

    Hilton Hotels, Grace (steamship) Lines, oil companies,

    telephone companies, energy companies and - of course

    - blue chip stock such as AT&T, IBM as well as all of the

    The American Atheist

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    war industries. The roman catholic church in the US is

    notorious for holdings in assumed names: Angela Co.,

    Annunciata Co., August Co., Trubell Co., Bishop Co.,

    Lamore Co. and ownership in the names of its orders

    (priests and nuns), its fraternal organizations such as the

    knights of columbus and its colleges and universities.

    In 1972, Sindona bought controlling interest for himself in

    the Franklin National Bank in New York and offered

    Maurice Stans, Nixon's money raiser, a cool million in a

    secret campaign contributions. (Stans did not accept the


    The vatican wanted diversified investments outside of

    Italy and itbegan to selloffits major shareholdings inItalian

    companies whileit became a conduit also to smuggle money

    out ofItalywhich was becoming a communist country faster

    than the pope would admit. The Italian government,

    breaking loose from its CIA mentor - the Christian

    Democratic party, began to demand that the vatican be

    subject to exchange controls and banking regulations. The

    vatican became more determined to transfer its holdings to

    a reliable capitalist country base. But suddenly in 1974,

    there was anywhere from


    million to


    billion of the

    vatican money which simply disappeared, and when it did, 2

    foreign (i.e. not Italian) banks collapsed. The first was the

    Franklin National Bank of Long Island, New York, which

    went into bankruptcy and the Herstatt Bank in Germany.

    At this time, Sindona was found to have a network of

    fiduciary trust, phantom holding corporations and phoney

    deposits scattered everywhere. Although he was indicted,

    found guilty and jailed, no one to date has really found out

    anything about the maneuvers and no one knows exactly

    how much money is missing.

    It was felt that those primarily responsible were Marcin-

    kus - IIGorilla, LuiggiMennini the second in command

    at the lOR in the vatican and Sindona.

    But the bankers of the world got together and in 1974

    issued something called The Major Bankers Concordat

    which was a statement ofan agreement that they would join

    together to help bailout any bank which got into trouble.

    Since Germany was financially shaky that first help went to

    the Herstatt Bank in that nation, but in the good old US of

    A, our government had to bailout the depositor in the

    Franklin National Bank fiasco. The vatican made no


    But something else which was rotten was going on.

    Finally uncovered now by The Wall Street Journal, in 1982.

    A former head of the Organized Crime Strike Force in

    Southern New York had finallycome forward to talk about



    operation when he managed to get legal wiretaps

    placed in New York and in West Germany to investigate a

    possible securities counterfeiting scheme cooked up by

    some of the same personnae. Itwas at that time uncovered



    millionworth of Pan Am, AT&T and other stock

    was being counterfeited. The wiretaps resulted in 8 federal

    indictments, 18 New Yorkstate indictments and guiltypleas

    from a number of U. S. citizens. An Australian con man

    (Leopold Ledl) claimed that his vatican connection had



    million of the bogus certificates for phony

    collateral for loans and that he delivered these to a

    monastery outside of Turin, Italy. Subsequently a book by

    another author entitled just that, The Vatican Connection

    Austin, Texas

    is to be in book stores later this year.

    It appears that the United States Department of Justice

    went so far, in 1971, as to fly a representative to Rome to

    talk to Marcinkus about his connection with it all. The

    forthcoming book now alleges that he was to receive a $150

    million kickback from the counterfeiting scheme.



    everything had gone askew. Money was missing,

    Sindona had taken a


    year rap, the Governor of Italy's

    Central Bank was arrested and eased out of office, an

    investigating judge in Italy, Emilio Alessandrini, was assas-

    sinated and only a part of the turmoil was showing.

    Well, what is the lOR? It's official name, as above

    indicated, is the Institute for Religious Works. It has



    customers which include the vatican,

    religious organizations, members of the clergy and select

    people who have assisted the church. Your editor's guess is

    that it is also probably a laundry for Mafia cash. It has



    billion in deposits and makes a profit of at least

    $20 million a year. However, the Vatican is running a deficit





    milliona year and it relies on the lOR profits to

    fillthe gap. Since the exchange is internal in the vatican, no

    one really knows what goes on. Peter's Pence, a voluntary

    donation given each year to the pope by roman catholics

    around the world has dropped off recently in magnitude so

    that even the pope now wails that he is hard up.

    Marcinkus is the chief administrator of the


    acres of the

    vatican, and he has virtual autonomy in running lOR, with

    Luiggi Mennini second in command. When Sindona came

    up with the major hole in the vatican finances it was thought

    that Marcinkus would be eased out after pope paul's death

    but he was instead reconfirmed. He probably knows too

    much. The same situation appertained in the United States

    with J. Edgar Hoover, a roman catholic who ran the FBI

    with an iron hand for years. No one dared to remove him

    from office.

    Now, the story dramatically changes with a new charac-

    . ter on the scene. A mere bank clerk, Robert Calvi, was

    working at the Banco Ambrosiano during all of this time.

    He came to work on time, kept his cage accounts in order,

    was a faithful employee, all of that, and finally - lo the

    miracle - he became the head of the Banco Ambrosiano.

    This is now regarded as Italy's catholic bank, the l l th

    largest in the nation. Once owned outright by the vatican,

    since the selling off of interests the vatican is now alleged

    to have only a


    interest, but no one knows for certain. In

    the US we have long had. Olivetti typewriters for sale, and

    that Italian firm manufactures other office machinery also.

    The owner of the firm bought a stake in the Banco

    Ambrosiano and within several months got out because he

    was appalled at what he found. Whatever that means.



    the Banco Ambrosiano had reported a capital of

    $6Y-tmillion with a net profit of $1.4 million, a fabulous 22%

    profit. In


    Banco Ambrosiano was


    million in the

    hole on its accounts. In 1981, Roberto Calvi, its director



    million out of the country to Switzerland, was

    caught, convicted, fined $19.8 million and sentenced to Y

    years in jail. He immediately gave a bond and was out, still

    head of the bank, pending an appeal. That's one story. On

    the other hand, it is also said that Roberto Calvi was such a

    fabulous manager that in 1981 the bank had tripled its

    profits and had




    billion in assets. Take your pick of

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    the tales; the real one is never going to come out.

    In spring, 1982, it was suddenly revealed that Roberto

    Calvi was loaning money to

    Banco Ambrosiano


    aries elsewhere and then on June IOth he disappeared.

    Prior to this however he became involved in a scandal

    having to do with a secret faction of the Masons in Italy,

    heavily roman catholic ( ) and dedicated to the destabliza-

    tion of the Italian parliament, which was slowly moving to

    the left. The faction was identified by its use of black robes.

    One week after Calvi 'disappeared a short notice appeared

    in Italian papers that his secretary had defenestrated

    herself. In plain English, she committed suicide by leaping

    out of a window. The next day Calvi was found hanging

    under the Blackfriar bridge in London, quite dead. The

    obvious connection of the black robed secret Masonic

    faction and the name of the bridge, Blackfriar, sent chills

    throughout the Italian banking world. A shaky inquist

    verdict of suicide is simply not accepted.

    . the reason for the two deaths was obvious when it soon

    became apparent that the

    Banco Ambrosiano

    was not a

    mere $790millionshort, but that the real figure was about 15

    times that amount. There were $1.4 billion in loans corning

    due and no one was around to pay them. Who had those

    loans? Some Panamanian companies with mail addressed

    only - paper companies - and not even that, mere

    phantoms. They were Bellatrix Inc. (beatuiful trick ), Manic

    Inc., Astrofine, Inc. Other names are unknown. The money

    was loaned by Roberto Calvi from the assets of the Banco


    because Paul Marcinkus of the lOR, the

    vatican bank, had given what is called a letter of

    patronage (or a letter ofcomfort ) to Roberto saying that

    the lOR had controlling interest in about a dozen of these

    Panamanian companies. This letter would not make the

    lOR liable for the debts but such a letter of credit (as it is

    called inthe United States) would clearly induce the



    to approve the loan. Here, it gets sticky

    because some of that money went to Peruvian, Nicaraguan

    and Nassau subsidiaries of Banco Ambrosiano and it is

    known that a Peruvian connection purchased the Exocet

    missiles used by Argentina to sink several British ships in

    the recent Falkland/Malvinas Islands war. The British

    Secret Service, infact, isinvestigating ifthe $1.4 billion


    to Argentina to finance its confrontation with Britain.

    Meanwhile, the Argentine Society of The Defense of

    Tradition, Family and Property began to take out half page

    ads (even inthe

    New York

    Times, April 30, '82) on behalf of

    catholic Argentina.

    When the news got out, in late summer, the stock in the

    Banco Ambrosiano fell so dramatically (30% to 40%) on

    the Milan stock exchange, with depositors rushing to'

    withdraw funds also, that for the first time in 64 years, the

    Italian government closed the stock market. Do you read

    any of this in your newspaper? So hushed is it all .

    The Italian government moved inon August 6th, ordered

    liquidation, replaced Banco Ambrosiano's Board ofDirec-

    tors with a three-man commission; then decided to sell off

    the investment portfolio of the bank, preserve some assets

    of its core (particularly La Centrale, a major holding

    company and Toro Assicurazioni, an insurance company)

    and start a new bank called, Nuovo Banco Ambrosiano

    under control of seven other Italian banks which have

    Page 6

    November, 1982

    guranteed loans to rescue the operation of

    Banco Ambrosi-


    The Interminister Committee for Credit and Savings of

    the Treasury Minister of Italy then went to the vatican and

    asked it to assume its share of responsibility for the debt.

    With alacrity, Marcinkus produced a purported year old

    letter from Calvi dissolving the vatican lOR of any financial

    responsibility for the loans. The Treasury Minister was

    furious and attempted to serve legal process on Marcinkus.

    Concerning the two letters the Treasury Minister stated,

    The vatican must have known that the two letters could

    not be genuine at the same time; the deal was intended to

    defraud and to lead people astray. The powerful vatican

    was then characterized as, at least, being guilty of acting

    improperly in the transaction Itpointed out that the letter

    alleged written by Calvi which absolved the vatican of all

    responsibility for the loans had not been approved by the

    Board of Directors of the Banco Ambrosi-

    ana and, as a private letter, was worthless for the vatican's


    The vatican, naturally, refused to accept any legal service

    saying that it was a sovereign state and need not answer to

    an Italian action. However, LuigiMennini is an Italian citizen

    and that state promptly notified him that he would need to

    stand trial in the Sindona affair of 8 years ago. Mennini, as

    indicated, is the managing director of the lOR.

    But meantime, the

    Banco Ambrosiano

    Holding Bank of

    Luxembourg was found to be in default $400 million and

    that state froze its assets. Luxembourg immediately notified

    international bankers that in accord with their Major

    Central Bankers Concordat of 1974 that it had a bank in

    trouble. The bankers replied that this was not really a bank

    introuble, itwas a bank (and holding company) which


    involvent and they would not help. Then the Banco


    Overseas Ltd. inNassau, Bahama, petitioned

    the Bahaman court to liquidate it and the court responded

    by suspending its license for 30 days (in late July.) Markin-

    cus resigned from the Board of Directors of this bank after

    Calvi disappeared. It is not known how much money is

    missing there but that bank isapparently also insolvent. The

    Banco Ambrosiano

    had other subsidiaries, particularly in

    Latin America, and news isnot inas yet on what willhappen

    with them. The vatican is now stating that it does not own

    the Panamanian companies which Markincus said itowned

    and on whose behalf he wrote an lOR letter of patronage.

    Much pressure was put on the vatican until it finally

    agreed to an independent commission of inquiry appointed

    by the pope to report their findings to the Secretary of State

    - of the vatican. For the whitewash he chose a commission

    of three loyal roman catholic bankers, one from the United

    States, one from Italy and one from Switzerland. The

    current status of the bank formerly headed by the American

    is enough to raise the hair on your head. Joseph Brennan,

    age 71, is the retired former chairman of the Emigrant

    Savings Bank in New York. A graduate of roman catholic

    Georgetown university he retired in 1978 to devote his full

    time to US domestic roman catholic affairs. The Emigrant

    Savings Bank is now in trouble, having lost $20.4 million in

    the first quarter of this year. Estimating that its net worth

    will be wiped by the end of the year, it has asked for

    government assistance to keep it from being closed. Even

    The American Atheist

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    - .


    y\tJf\lL { ~ u r

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    ~l\.. TH E \EC~

    T U

    C R o S ~

    l \l

    ~E~tJ CDll~CT\NC

    P \M l) _ voilA.

    the patient New York Times opines that the pope has

    appointed an ineffective group.

    Mostly in Italy, $1.4 billion dollars belonging to Italian

    citizens have been lost in this bank fraud. In Luxembourg,

    the loss stands at about $400 millionand perhaps the same

    magnitude of loss has occurred in the Bahamas. Chase

    Manhattan Bank now has announced that it may arrange a

    $500 million credit for theIOR, but, of course, as indicted

    the vatican has bought heavily into the stock of Chase

    Manhattan. Now our countrymen will get their feet in the


    Someone had to finance the arms purchases during the



    Austin, Texas

    war over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands and it looks like

    Italian citizens were forced to do that, without their prior

    approval or consent.

    International banking isin trouble and the roman catholic

    church is in the thick of it. But, in every nation and

    particularly in the United States, bank frauds involving

    other churches also are frequent. The same thing could

    strike home in our nation any time. Money is the ambrosia

    of the gods - and everywhere their henchmen reach to

    control or to manipulate it, and they are protected by

    government and the media because here in America the

    churches are sacrosanct. ~

    November, 1982

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    Toward More Intelligence

    Richard Smith


    Humanism is one of those nice sweet words likemother-

    hood. Who could possibly be against it? On its face it

    connotes everything nice and noble to which anyone would

    want to aspire.

    However, motherhood has its drawbacks. Women can

    bear too many children and cause desperate poverty as

    they are presently (usually against their willat the behest of

    the church or their male husbands) in Mexico and most of

    the rest the world. Also, the image of traditional mother-

    hood can be and is used by unenlightened men to subjugate

    women. And women who have found themselves unwilling

    to fit the socially-pressured role ofmotherhood have lived a

    nightmare of guilt feelings or continued rebellion against a

    callous society around them.

    Similarly, humanism has its drawbacks. It can be used to

    smother those who want to make some genuine improve-

    ments for humanity. How? By diverting people's attention

    from the anti-human actions ofsome people by overempha-

    sizing that the antihumanists are human, too Thus, a

    humanist reaction to someone like Hitler could be - Well,

    he's human, too, so let's not talk about racism or militar-

    ism. Even ifsuch were not the position of many self-styled

    humanists, the effectiveness of their ranks would be

    diluted by those who did hold such a position. Thus, they

    could not work as much genuine positive good for humanity

    as those who simply opposed racism and militarism. Those

    who simply opposed such antihuman beliefs and practices

    would not have to wear a badge of being humanist

    because by simply opposing racism and militarism they

    would be proving their humanism.

    The same situation exists with respect to humanism

    and religion. At present, we are suffocating under the

    weight of antihuman religion. All religion is antihuman. The

    origin of the word is to tie back and that is exactly what it

    does - it ties humans up into a regimented structure of

    beliefs and behavior. It is not a quest for ultimate value as

    Mr. Bahm has confusedly asserted (quoting from an

    authoritative grocery-store-quality paperback) in another

    article, titled Humanism and Religion, in this magazine.

    Religious believers do not quest for anything. They just

    believe what they are told.

    The essential component ofallEuropean and Mideastern .

    religions (Note when we use the word religion, we are

    using a European word.) is submission to a god's authority,

    always ultimately through an intermediary. (Our under-

    standing of the nature of religion is not advanced by calling

    Asian religions like buddhism atheistic, since they make

    Iitle or no effort to scientifically analyze god myths. They

    also disdain the known world in favor of a mysterious

    nirvana, which is equivalent to heaven. ((I'm referring to

    the Encyclopedia Britannica, which I think is as good as a

    Dellpaperback)) These buddhists do not regard hindugods

    as myths but as merely inferior to their system. All

    Page 8 November, 1982

    buddhists have simply made buddha into a god - a

    legendary, infallible authority - and they are

    tied back


    rituals and beliefs that have little or no basis in fact.) This is

    the same as being a slave, and it is not a role fit for humans.

    To condone slavery by focussing on the love that a slave

    might have for his master is callous and truly inhumane.

    Yet, that is the position of religious humanists as we have

    seen stated by Archie Bahm. Nauseating, isn't it?

    There are self-styled humanists who do call themselves

    Atheists. However, they overemphasize their humanism at

    the expense of the indispensable tool for humanity's full

    mental emancipation - Atheism. No humanist group will

    advertise its Atheists or Atheism. You have to work a little

    to find that out. Can such behavior ever make the

    necessary impact on our culture to free it from the most

    powerful and most antihuman institution (other than the

    military - which religion feeds) around - religion? I doubt

    it for the same reason that Hitler could not be opposed with

    a limpwrist. Such humanists do little service for humanity

    by hiding from, or making friends with, humanity's true

    oppressor - religion. What is needed is for Atheists to

    stand squarely and openly against it. Religionists - not

    Atheists - should be on the run. These humanists are

    sheep in sheep's clothing, and they are on the run.

    By not plainly calling a spade a spade, by not making it

    exclusively clear that the only genuine humanism is Atheist

    humanism, the door is left open for the religious human-

    ists to infiltrate and cancel what positive good the Atheists

    do - as Mr. Bahm has demonstrated. The same thing

    happened to the women's movement early in this century.

    Ida Harper's biography of Susan B. Anthony, The Life and

    Works of

    Susan B.


    provides a clear example of

    that. For 40 years Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B.

    Anthony liferally built by themselves the first organized

    women's movement. They were Atheists and they es-

    chewed religion, but they did not exclude religion from their

    movement. Eventually religious women came into the

    movement and overwhelmed it, refusing to give up their

    religiosity. Soon thereafter, the women's movement ex-

    pired (for 50 years), having achieved only suffrage. Similar-

    ly, with religious humanists you can be sure that as far as

    they are concerned keeping organized prayer out of

    schools (something they never worked for) is enough, and

    little more should be. done to antagonize other human

    beings, even if they are mental slaves.

    That is why American Atheists is the only group on the

    horizon that I expect will ever the necessary resistance to

    entrenched and established superstition, resistance that

    humans in this country, hemisphere, and world need - not

    only for their mental well-being but, as a corollary, for their

    survival. That's -genuine humanism, and we don't need the

    extra weigbt of a badge for it.

    The American Atheist

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    I don't know as yet what motivated your nation to

    become almost hysterically christian during the period from

    the end of the Second World War to date. It did.

    Itstarted immediately after the World War, in 1946.First

    a .series of acts were passed by the United States Congress

    which authorized the Health, Education and Welfare De-

    partment of the United States to give sectarian religious

    groups whatever federal lands and buildings are declared to

    be surplus by government agencies having their use.

    As you willrecall in these programs I have given rather

    extensive reference to Madison's answer when he was

    approached to give federal lands to the church. The House

    ofRepresentatives passed a billto give federal lands to the

    baptist church in the Mississippi Territory and Madison

    vetoed the billon February 28, 181l. His Veto message said,

    Because the billin reserving a certain parcel of land of

    the United States for the use of said baptist church

    comprises a principle and precedent for the appropria-

    tion of funds of the United States for the use and

    support ofreligious societies, contrary to the article of

    the Constitution which declares that 'Congress shall

    make no law respecting an establishment ofreligion.'

    The politicians who passed this series of acts giving federal

    lands and buildings to sectarian religious groups deliberate-

    lyviolated the First Amendment inorder to bolster religion.

    But, it did not end there. For a series of other acts were

    passed also. Let me inform you about some of them. On

    June 25, 1948, 62 Stat. 907 was passed and in that act it

    became mandatory for each federal judge or justice to be

    sworn or affirmed into office So help me god, an official

    recognition of a need for belief in deity in order to assume

    office. This act violated Article 6, paragraph (3) of the U.S.

    Constitution which says, ... but no religious Test shall ever

    be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust

    under the United States.

    Eisenhower and Nixon went into office in January, 1953

    and it was downhill then all the way. On June 14, 1954 the

    words under god were added to the pledge ofallegiance to

    make it read one nation under god. In the same year

    special mailing rates were enacted by Congressional decree

    to give all religious magazines a mail rate so low as to be an

    actual federal subsidization of the religious mailings. Actual-

    lythe legal fiction was developed that the religious need not

    even subscribe to the magazines in order to have the low

    rate and to have them mailed to everyone (wanted or

    unwanted), since a part of the church budget could be

    allocated toward such subscription requirement No other

    organization is given this break.

    Public Law 140 signed by Eisenhower on July 11, 1955,

    that is about a year later, made it mandatory that all

    Austin, Texas

    currency and coins bear the motto In God We Trust.

    Prior to this, dating from a campaign by one rev. M.R.

    Watkinson, the coinage act ofApril22, 1864had designated

    that In God We Trust be put on coins when and where

    sufficient space in the balance of the design would permit

    it. Now, under Eisenhower it came to be mandatory not

    alone on all coins but even upon paper currency.

    Again, a year later, on July 30,1956, Public Law 851 was

    signed by Eisenhower. This officially ditched our old

    national motto, E Pluribus Unum which means from

    many comes one (from many people, one nation) which

    had served our nation from revolutionary times forward.

    The new

    national motto

    was designated and it was In God

    We Trust.

    By 1959, of course, I had begun the case to remove bible

    reading and prayer recitation from the public schools, and

    the federal government from 1963 forward introduced the.

    Becker amendment, the Dirksen amendment, and the

    Wylie amendment to return bible reading and prayer

    recitation to schools.

    The US Congress was so angry that in 1964 when the

    CivilRights Law was in front of it, incredibly an amendment

    was attached that anyone in America who was discovered

    to be an Atheist could be fired from his employment without

    recourse: that is, with no right to fight for his job, no

    unemployment compensation, no nothing. This bill, known

    as the Ashbrooke amendment, actually passed the House

    of Representatives and was only stopped narrowly in the

    US Senate.

    Then, in defiance of the case of Torcaso u Watkins (367

    US 488) and indefiance of the US Constitution, Public Law

    89-554 was passed on September 6, 1966 (80 Stat. 424; 28

    USCA 331) that any individual elected or appointed to office

    of honor or profit, in the civil service, or the uniformed

    service (except the president) had to take the oath, or

    affirmation So help me god upon entering office.

    Of course, by then, in 1965 the massive money break-

    through had come for religious schools under the Primary

    and Secondary Education Acts. By that time the segment of

    the United States claiming roman catholicism as a religion

    had increased to a politically significant number and this

    was simply a bid for that vote.

    In early 1969 president Nixon introduced religious cere-

    monies into the White House. Inlate 1969the Apollo VIII,in

    circling the moon, was given the task of showing the world

    what a christian nation could do. In a carefully pre planned

    gambit, code named Experiment P-l, actually pro-

    grammed into the flight plan, the astronauts were given the

    military order to have a spontaneous manifestation of

    religious awe at 7:31 PM plus 10seconds,and to, under the

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    influence of the christian euphoric mood, recite the first ten

    verses of genesis, all carefully pre programmed and pre-

    printed into the flight plan for them.

    And Billy Graham prayed that it would all come off all


    I think it also important to remember the bitter battles

    going on yet around the so-called Blue Law cases, for the

    important ones came up in this period since the Second

    World War also_ Two Guys uMcGinley (366 US 582) 1961

    and McGowan u Maryland (366 US 420) the same year

    were both examples of the United States Supreme Court -

    since it could not legislate Sunday as a day of god's rest -

    keeping the blue laws intact by the gross pretense that

    Sunday as a day of rest belonged to all of western culture.

    The unprincipled yielding to religious pressure was poorly


    But parallel with this has gone many other straws in the

    wind - which is what our vaunted principle of state/ church

    separation has become - a simple straw blown where the

    religious community desires to blow it and with the United

    States government giving every accomodation to the

    religious community to do so.

    Ihave investigated the history of the process of naturaliza-

    tion. I began this when a trembling Egyptian came to our

    offices in Austin, Texas after an eight month frightening

    go-round with the Department of Immigration and Naturali-

    zation of the United States. Actually the transcript of

    testimony he gave me coincided with the findings in In Re

    Weitzman, 426 F. 2d 439. In that case a woman was denied

    her citizenship because of her involvement with Atheism

    and in the appeal to a federal court won only because a fluke

    occurred. Since she was a jew in her rearing and ethnic

    identity one federal judge said he would count her as still a

    jew - and she got in. The entire case was on an objection to

    bearing arms but the plight of the Atheist was ardently

    discussed. Justice Blackmun, now on the US Supreme

    Court, sat on that case and he quoted an earlier judge with

    relish: One cannot speak of religious liberty without

    assuming the existence of a belief in a supreme allegiance to

    the will of god. The case was a portent of things to come.

    Selective Service cases were just about as bad and in the

    cases of US u Seeger (380 US 163) decided in 1965 and

    Welsh u US (398 US 333) decided in 1970 it came through

    loud and clear that A registrant who was an Atheist ...

    would not be permitted entitled to classification as a

    conscientious objector. In both cases men who little

    relished religion were interpreted to have some of the same,

    that is in the objector's own scheme of things, religious

    and focusing on some external force greater than human


    Some of the law is absurd. In Anderson uLaird, cadets at

    West Point tried to escape from attendance at church. The

    case is still in the appeal process (Editors Note: That case

    was later won infauor of the cadets in 1972. 499 US 1076).

    In that the government contention is that such compulsory

    attendance is a purely secular exercise carried out for

    purely secular reasons. I can almost hear you cry out,

    What could it be? Why the officers must be trained to

    understand the religious sentiments of their men But, in so

    doing, the roman catholics go to mass and the protestants

    to services and the jews to their synagogue. They never

    Page 10

    November, 1982

    cross sectarian lines

    In January 1972 the US voted to circumvent all copyright

    laws in order to give the mormons a perpetual copyright to

    their religious books. In February 1972 the Equal Employ-

    ment Opportunity law was amended so that all religious

    organizations are exempt from it. Now, the Black man who

    cleans up at the local roman catholic church may need to be

    roman catholic to get the job. And, in March, 1972 the Dept.

    of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance issued an

    order that all federal contractors, subcontractors and

    federally assisted firms are required to keep records of

    religious affiliations of their employees and determine the

    number of jews and roman catholics occupying executive

    and middle management positions.

    Who is paranoid now?

    There is a concerted legal drive to make us into a

    christian nation symbolically - and it contravenes all the

    concepts of state/church separation with which we began

    the nation.

    I call this the fight for religious symbols. The religious

    people in our community are not that dumb. They recog-

    nize that they can't get what they really want - tax money

    - unless and until they can convince everyone everywhere

    that this is a christian nation. The state has its own axe to

    grind. For the special privileged position of religion, for its

    being sacrosanct and protected in that image by the state a

    favor needs to be returned.

    The Constitution of the state of New Hampshire let it all

    hang out some years ago. That Constitution states:

    As morality and piety, rightly grounded onevangeli-

    cal principles, will give the best and greatest security

    to government, and will lay in the hearts of men, the

    strongest obligations to due subjection ..

    Beginning in 1946 and coming to date the ground has very

    carefully been laid to make us appear to be one nation

    under god where prayer and where the oath (or affirma-

    tion) of So help me god is important, where everyone in

    public office allegedly has entered into that office under a

    religious test.

    In our continuing confrontation with the Federal Com-

    munications Commission we are told over and over again

    that there is no controversy in respect to religion in

    America, that Atheists do not have a right to speak. Every

    radio or TV station which refuses to sell us time stands on

    the FCC regulations and rulings against us. Every station

    which sells us time does so on its own sense of fair play.

    Until earlier this year the total impact of my investigations

    had not hit me:

    No church in any age of man, no religion, has ever won

    either the mind or the heart of man. Left alone,

    without the power of force to support it, every

    religion, every organized church has failed. The state

    has given that force on most occasions. Churches and

    states have acted in concert since there has been

    either one or the other. Standing alone, trying to get

    its own adherents by the force of its doctrines alone,

    every single church and religion has failed and has

    been succeeded by another in the struggle that

    religion has undertaken for survival.

    Now is a good time to see that the failure is final. Despite

    these laws, I'll see what can be done. Won't you join me?

    The American Atheist

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    Merrill Holste




    The gods grow and develop with the passage ofthe years

    just as do the tribes of people who create them. The

    development of jehovah, as recorded in the old testament,

    is an interesting illustration of this fact. The concept of

    jehovah as an infinite, omnipotent and omniscient god is a

    late development in religious thinking. Students ofcompara-

    tive religion know that all the ancient Semitic peoples,

    including the Hebrews, as is conclusively shown in many

    bible texts, believed in numerous baals - lords, or gods of

    different localities such' as rivers, trees, ravines, stones,

    mountains and temples. Each locality, of course, was

    believed to be the private preserve of its own particular

    tutelary spirit - ghost, spook, nymph, dryad, pyxie, satyr,

    faun or god. The Hebrews believed as all the other Semites

    did, that their god was one of many; that each nation had its

    own god, allof which were every bit as real as their own. The

    first commandment, as was supposedly given by jehovah

    himself, Thou shalt have no other gods before me, insists

    upon the existence of other gods. Unless the Hebrews did

    believe in many gods, such a commandment would have

    been completely unintelligible and pointless.

    The exodus story relates some of the original Hebrew

    ideas about their jehovah. At that time they believed he

    appeared to them in a pillarof cloud byday and a pillarof fire

    by night. Such a belief conforms to the primitive Semitic

    idea that gods were immanent within some object of nature

    - river, tree, ravine, stone, temple, altar, relic, etc., etc.

    The Hebrews, according to tradition, wandered in the

    desert of Arabia for many years. Travel must have posed

    quite a problem to the superstitious, stone age people who

    believed in a multitude of locality gods. Their leader and

    chief magician, moses, who learned the arts and wiles and

    priestly subterfuges in the land of Egypt, devised a plan

    whereby they could keep one god for themselves and

    remain the peculiar people and sole possession of this one

    god, jehovah. Moses, inhis role ofmagician, had his artisans

    make a magic-box out of sacred shittim wood. In his role

    of priest, he induced their jehovah to adopt this box as his

    temporary home so that the porters could carry him about

    with them. Keeping one's god locked up in this way seemed

    sensible to a primitive savage who wanted to go travelling,

    for in those days gods were notoriously jealous, evil-

    tempered, blood-thirsty and quarrelsome. The Hebrews

    adopted the god-in-a-box plan as the best way to keep their

    god from getting mixed up in a lot of useless god-fights with

    all the other jealous, bloodthirsty, small-time locality deities

    through whose numerous territories they planned to pass,

    loot and possibly take over for themselves. Moses's igno-

    rant dupes of stone-age culture were eternally grateful to

    him for devising such an ingenious scheme - and they are

    Austin, Texas

    still grateful today - billions of dollars' worth.

    The god-in-a-box fable was a universal piece of intellectu-

    al baggage among all the tribes in the eastern Mediterrane-

    an area. Greek mythology contains a story about pandora

    who, through curiosity, opened a box containing all the evil.

    spirits, thereby, permitting their escape to plague mankind.

    Egyptian mythology, long before moses, contained a story

    in which their evilgod, typhon, made a box, likewise called

    an ark, into which he induced his brother, the good god

    osiris, to enter. Typhon clamped the lid down, soldered it

    tight and cast it into the Nile. Thus it became osiris's coffin.

    A story in the

    arabian nights

    tells of the fisherman and the

    djinn. In this fable a fisherman found a bottle while casting

    his nets. When he opened it, a diffuse pillar of smoke came

    out, rose to the clouds and then collected itself together by

    . degrees until it became a fierce supernatural being or god

    called a djinn. Inorder to dispel the fisherman's unbelief, the

    djinn obliginglyreversed the process and entered the bottle

    once more, much as jehovah, the cloudy pillar-god of the

    Hebrews, must have done when he crawled into moses's

    ark. The

    arabian nights

    stories arose from the same

    storehouse of Semitic myths as did the fables in the old


    It isn't hard to demonstrate that the Hebrews once

    believed they actually had their god confined in a wooden

    box. This edifying story is recorded for us in I samuel,

    chapters 4 through 7. In many bible passages we can read

    how jehovah promised to fightfor the Hebrew tribesmen in

    their battles. Since they thought they had their jehovah in

    their box, they decided to test his fighting powers. They

    tried to use the sacred box as a secret weapon by carrying

    it with them into a battle against the Philistines. As a result,

    the Philistines captured the Hebrews' magic-box, defeated

    them, and proved the Hebrew god to be what he always was

    - an impotent fetish whose alleged promise to fight inbattle

    for the Hebrews was only a baseless priestly imposition.

    That the Hebrews were convinced they had lost their god

    when they lost the sacred box isshown by their extravagant

    though brief affectation of grief and by the fact that they

    immediately returned to their original worship of local

    fertility deities - baal and ashtoreth. Nor did they worship

    the traditional jehovah again till his return more than'

    twenty years later, still cooped up within the magic fetish-

    box. This story, written by Hebrews and for Hebrew

    readers, makes out that the Philistines were convinced that

    they had in actuality captured the Hebrew god. On its

    return, the sacred box passed through the land of the

    Beth-shemites and of Kirjath-jearim. The people in these

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    places, according to the Hebrew-told story, also credited

    this magic-box with containing the Hebrew jehovah. In I

    samuel 6:19 we read that the men of Beth-shemesh were

    killed because they looked into the sacred ark of the

    Hebrews. Why? Checking with exodus 33:20 we see the

    reason, as given by the Hebrew scribes. We are told that no

    (unconsecrated?) man might look upon jehovah's face and

    live. Any Hebrew of that day would have understood that

    the Beth-shemites had looked upon the face oftheir jehovah

    crouched in a corner of his box, glaring back at them with

    beady, baleful, malevolent eyes, putting such a hex on them

    that 50,070 of them died before its venom had been



    I k ings

    chapter 8, we read about the installation of the

    sacred box inSolomon's temple many years later. We note

    inverse 9 that the magic box was reported to be empty save

    for the two tables of stone. The reason for emphasizing the

    emptiness of the box appears in the next two verses where

    we are told that the cloud of god filled the temple.

    Therefore, their god could no longer be in that box as visual .

    examination had supposedly shown. Obviously, the cere-

    mony of dedication had either cajoled or permitted the

    Hebrew fetish to resume his cloudy shape and leave his box

    to take up residence in the roomier quarters afforded byhis

    new temple. The installation of their cloudy god in a fixed

    place of habitation had been the ambition of the Hebrews

    for many generations before Solomon finallyaccomplished

    it. That surely was a long time for a supposedly omni-

    present, omnipotent, omniscient god to be cooped up in a

    box So far, we secularists have never heard any adequate

    explanation from either christians or jews of this glaring

    theological incongruity.

    invented by moses and carried about in a wooden box,

    unable to act for himself or to know what to do unless

    previously instructed by some practitioner of religious

    magic. We have many evidences that the


    christian faith

    is in the little fetish:

    1. The billions of dollars collected for propaganda


    2. Their efforts to insinuate their myths into the public


    3. Their efforts to influence government in their god's


    4. Their efforts to begin a church-controlled censor-

    ship of literature.

    5. The final evidence that the christians have no faith

    in the proclaimed attributes is the constant effort

    made by christians to squelch by law any possible

    criticism of the little fetish they borrowed from

    barbaric stone-age Hebrews.

    The christians show no sign of realizing that their fetish-

    deity ison exactly the same cultural and intellectual level as

    theju-ju fetish of the African witch-doctor. There isonly one

    saving difference - in favor of the African, for, when he

    discovers that his fetish is a fake and powerless, he has

    sense enough to smash it and make a new and (he hopes)

    better one to take its place. The christian witch-doctor

    (preacher or priest) on the other hand, upon being told that

    his fetish is a fake, a fraud and powerless, tries to keep up his

    money-grabbing sham, tries to safeguard his racket by

    smashing and suppressing by law all criticism of his fetish.

    Ifthe christians could have their way, they would enforce

    upon us all the old errors embodied in their myths. They

    would soon proclaim the earth to be flat; the sun to revolve

    ... A story in the

    r i n nights

    tells of the fisherman and the djinn. In this fable a

    fisherman found a bottle while casting his nets. When he opened it, a diffuse pillarof

    smoke came out, rose to the clouds and then collected itself together bydegrees until

    it became a fierce supernatural being or god called a djinn. In order to dispel the

    fisherman's unbelief, the


    obligingly reversed the process and entered the bottle

    once more, much as jehovah, the cloudy pillar-god of the Hebrews, must have done

    when he crawled into moses's 'ark.'The r i n nights stories arose from the same

    storehouse of Semitic myths as did the fables in the old testament.

    The christians advertise at every opportunity their belief

    in those mythical attributes for their god. Always the

    christians are loud in professing belief in the grandiose

    attributes, yet their actions always betray the fact that their

    real beliefis inthe same littletribal deity who once crouched

    in a Hebrew fetish-box. They prove this by their constant

    prayers telling their fetish-god what to do about this, that

    and the other thing. They constantly make the welkin ring

    with millionsof payers suggesting, instructing, commanding

    their little fetish what to do about every minor detail oftheir

    lives exactly as any African witch-doctor instructs his fetish.

    Such profession of belief on the part of christians is only

    empty talk, coming only from the mouth. By their actions

    the christians prove clearly that secretly and deep down in

    their hearts their real belief is in the same powerless fetish

    Page 12 November, 1982

    around it again; the rain to leak out of holes in the floor of a

    brassy, material heaven as it did in the days of noah; the

    stars to be once more mere lanterns hung on the under side

    of the brassy heaven in.the evening and put away in the

    morning by the host of heavenly angels; men would once

    again have one less rib than women; and all diseases,

    epilepsy, insanity, etc., would once again be caused by evil

    christian devils and demons, only to be cured by exorcism

    duly practiced by christian preachers and priests. And it

    would once more be heresy punishable by the inquisition

    and by burning at the stake for scientists who dare to deny

    that such misconceptions are true. The true nature of the

    christian religion and its aims should never be forgotten. It

    has not changed one iota in the past 1900 years ~

    The American Atheist

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    t o n g r t s s i o n a l t c o r d




    United States


    Vol 127

    No. 78



    Excerpted from. the Congressional

    Record, May 21, 1981

    Mr. WEICKER - The law of the

    land that we are now operating under

    by virtue of the last continuing resolu-

    tion states as the exceptions except

    where the life of the mother would be

    endangered if the fetus were carried

    to term or except where such medical

    proced ure is necessary for the victims

    of rape or incest and such rape has

    been reported within 72 hours to a

    law enforcement agency or public

    health service; nor are payments pro-

    hibited for drugs or devices to pre-

    vent fertilization of the implanted

    ovum; nor for ectopic pregnancy.

    Of course, the language we are

    dealing with today has as the only

    exception the life of the mother. So

    we have not debated what is before us

    today. This is a ban in the extreme.

    Mr. President, I think it is incon-

    ceivable that Senators on this floor

    are going to insist that a woman who

    has been raped carry that baby to full

    term. Yet that is exactly what will

    happen if the Hyde language is adopt-

    ed as a part of this appropriations

    bill. Even in that regard, it is only

    those who are indigent or poor who

    will have to carry the baby to full

    term. I really do not care to hear

    anything about the judeo-christian

    ethic or morality when that kind of

    reasoning dominates this floor.

    Mr. President, I have heard a great

    deal- I am going to use exact quotes

    from two of the speakers this after-

    noon. One referred to the fact that we

    are running the country by divine

    commandments. Somebody else re-

    ferred to instructions from Sinai.

    That is the whole issue and it is one of

    the great issues before this body.

    I care not a whit what any particu-

    lar religion states, Mr. President, and

    neither should any of my colleagues.

    Our only duty is to make certain that

    every individual can believe anything

    that he or she wants and is free to

    practice the articles of their faith in

    this nation without any interference

    from their government. That is the

    only matter that is the proper con-

    cern of this body; not judeo-christian

    ethics or divine commandments or

    instructions from Sinai ...

    Despite Sen. Weickers argument, the Senate voted 52-43 to deny

    Medicaid abortions to women pregnant by incest or rape. Today,

    Medicaid will provide an abortion only to save the life of the mother.

    I am not pleased even with the

    restrictions that presently exist in the

    law; but rape and incest are excep-

    tions, the life of the mother is an

    exception, an ectopic pregnancy is an

    exception, birth control devices are

    an exception. The law has been set

    forth very clearly on the matter of

    abortion, and the public policy has

    been set forth with great clarity.

    This little procedural end-run of

    legislating on this particular appro-

    priations bill is meant to obviate all

    that public policy and all that law.

    The reason given is some sort of

    vague reference to orders from above

    as to what is right and what is wrong.

    ... We do not legislate in god's name

    but in the name of the people of this

    country and its Constitution. That is

    the precept that is going to be vio-

    lated by this type of legislation, and

    there will be no end to it. .. Make no

    mistake: Should this be adopted -

    and the life of the mother is the last

    exception on the books - it will not

    be long before that is gone. Then

    someone's religious belief will have

    been fulfilled.

    There is great error in what is being

    presented before this body today.

    If you care to write to Senator Weicker to congratulate him on his courage in

    making this statement on the Senate floor, he is:

    Senator Lowell P. Weicker,

    313 Russell Senate Office Building

    Washington, D.C. 20510

    Or, if you care to call his office his telephone number is (202) 224-4041.

    Austin, Texas

    November, 1982 Page 13

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    Scattered throughout the members of American Atheists are to be found, from time to time, humanists or unitarians

    who exhort us to the example of the national organizations of the same and state what they conceive to be the superior

    position of these two groups. The argument is that the humanists and the unitarians are, allegedly, based on a much

    more sophisticated position with, clearly, a hightone soft sell which Atheism is said to lack. We are constantly told that

    the use of the word Atheism is abrasive; that we must reach out a hand to our religious brethren.

    Again and again we have pointed out that the unitarians believe in one god. That is the meaning of the word unitarian.

    And, the humanists cling both to religion and the pseudo- respectability that they feel the cover of religion gives to them.

    The response has been that both humanists and unitarians are really superbly suave Atheists and that we do not know

    what we are talkin~ about to snv that they still suffer from the cuitural Iao of relioious residuals in their thotl~ht

    We are,

    therefore, delighted to bring to humanists and unitarians


    in our

    ranks, the position of

    The American

    Humanist Association stated in its newsletter Free Mind under date of December, 1981. Read and learn. For Atheists,

    we do not recommend that you read it. Our typesetter and proofreader had a difficult time keeping a settled stomach

    when working with it. We dont really want to pass the nausea on to you.


    At stake are two questions: What is religion? What is


    What is Religion?

    The misunderstanding of the nature of religion is unfortu-

    nately widespread and persisting. The most popular concep-

    tion, based on generalization from too few examples,

    identifies religion with belief in god, specifically with the

    judco-christian-islamic conception of god. Acquaintance

    with some additional examples extends the meaning to

    include belief in gods and in supernatural or superhuman

    powers. But too few people know that some religions,

    jainism and theravada buddhism, for example, are explicitly


    Jains, believing both that souls are eternal and that the

    world is everlasting, have no use for a creator. Believing that

    persons must earn their way to salvation - that is, freedom

    from rounds of reincarnation - entirely by their own

    efforts, Jains practice generosities and austerities to in-

    crease their stores of good karmas, which, when suffi-

    cient, result in release from Earth. Belief in a savior not only

    is unnecessary but is considered an evil, for willingness to

    accept help from another is cheating and this results in bad

    karmas and greater distance from the goal.

    Theravada buddhists believe that all is impermanent;

    there are no permanent souls or selves, no permanent

    deity, and no permanent things of value. They too have no

    need for a creator, since nothing permanent can be created,

    and no need for a savior, since appealing for help increases

    bad karmas and prolongs the evils of illusory life. Not only

    are jains and theravada buddhists explicitly atheistic in their :

    doctrines but they regard religions upholding belief in god,

    or creator or grace, as inferior religions.

    Other examples are available, but these two should

    suffice to demonstrate that defining religion as belief in god

    is false. Widespread ignorance of this falsity persists and

    provides a basis for misunderstanding about humanism as a


    If religion is not essentially belief in god, then what is it?

    My conclusion after a lifelong study of and teaching about

    religions is: Religion consists in concern for ultimate value

    and how to attain it, preserve it, and enjoy it (The Worlds

    Page 14 November, 1982

    by Archie J. Baum

    Living Religions, Dell Publishing Co., 1964. p. 16).

    Orthodox christians locate enjoyment of that ultimate

    value as a beatific vision of a perfect god in heaven after

    death. Orthodox hindus (advaitins) locate it as nirvana, a

    state of bliss from which all self-awareness has disappeared

    at moksha. Orthodox jains locate it in an isolated celestial

    state freed from desires, motives, and satisfactions. Ortho-

    dox theravadins locate it in a cessation of self-awareness as

    well as of all desires and satisfactions. All of these religions

    locate the ultimate values beyond life. They also recognize

    minor and subordinate values within life, but, generally

    speaking, the purposes of present life are to serve achieve-

    ments beyond this life. Their aim is humanistic in the sense

    that they seek what they believe to be best for human

    beings. But their explanations of what is best make them

    anti- humanistic.

    What is Humanism?

    Humanism, on the other hand, claims that persons

    should locate and seek t