American Revolution Names You Should Know. Elijah Clarke Who was he? The hero of the Battle Of...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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American RevolutionNames You Should Know

Elijah Clarke

Who was he? The hero of the Battle

Of Kettle Creek

What did he do? Led a Georgia militia

group against the British

Why did he do it? He hated the

British and wanted independence.

Other important details: Clarke County

is named after him.

Austin Dabney

• Who was he? He was a slave who was freed and given land by the state of Georgia for his heroism.

• What did he do? He fought in the American Revolution.• Why did he do it? He fought in the place of his master

Richard Aycock.• Other important details: The land he was given was

near Madison, Georgia.

Nancy Hart

• Who was she? A Georgia frontierswoman and patriot• What did she do? Single-handedly captured 5-6 Tories

who came to her house demanding dinner.• Why did she do it? They had killed her neighbor Col.

John Dooley• Other important details:

She is the only woman in

Georgia to have a county

named after her.

Button Gwinett

Who was he? A Georgia patriot who was originally from England.

What did he do? He signed the

Declaration of Independence.

Why did he do it? He wanted Indepen-

dence from England

Other important details:• He died from gangrene after a duel• Gwinett County is named for him• His autograph is one of the most prized

and is valued at over $250,000.

Lyman Hall

• Who was he? A physician, a clergyman, and a statesman• What did he do? He signed the Declaration of

Independence• Why did he do it? He wanted independence

from England

Other important details: Hall County is

named for him.

George Walton

Who was he? A carpenter and a lawyer

What did he do? He signed the Declaration of Independence

Why did he do it? He wanted independence

Other important details: • He was the youngest signer of the Declaration of

Independence (26 years old)• Walton County is named for him

Battle of Kettle Creek

• What was it? A revolutionary war battle

near Washington, GA

Why was it important? It was the first patriot victory in GA and patriots gained weapons, horses, and supplies

Who fought there? The rebel militia led by Col. Clarke against 800 British soldiers.

Other important details: It raised the morale of the GA patriots

Siege of Savannah

• What was it? An attempt by the French and Americans to take control of Savannah from the British

• Why was it important? The city and port of Savannah continued under British control for the next 3 ½ years

• Who fought there? 22 French ships and 4,000 French soldiers joined 15,000 Americans against the British. They lost the battle in 45 minutes.

• Other important details: Polish Count Casmir Pulaski died in this battle.