Americas Appropriate Fit

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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  • 1. Appropriate FitFor Countries with Housing Deficits andHow to Overcome Them

2. Current Conditions Labor intensive systems High cost skill trades, shortage of trained workers, poor workmanship,inadequate supervision, inconsistent quality, energy inefficient, unmetcurrent needs, growing housing deficits - worldwide Building methods unchanged Escalating environmental damage, severe raw material cost cycles,intermittent shortages, recurring disaster damage resistance to change Constant pressure to build fast and cheap Overlooks innovation, relies on cheapest materials Little industry effort to improve construction methods No concern for long term costs of building ownershipTraditional Complacency Maintains status quoI only do what I know 3. Implication - No-changes in Sight Labor Intensive Old Methods Low Cost Materials Means No immediate universal fix of deficits Implications No evolving large scale solution We have always done it this way Consequences A continuing series of band aid solutions rising deficits & no solutions Until the CBS Egis Home Automated Assembly with Construction Optimized 4. High Speed - High Quality - BuildingsEgis-Systems fight disasters and overcome deficits 5. A Simple Solution from CBS Replace traditional building materials with Disaster resistant composites Replace old building methods with Factory panelized buildings Use automotive assembly line production methods For rapid production Erect protective building shells for builders to finish Existing workers finish & deliver buildings No change in their tools, materials, or methods No retraining 6. Purpose Establish Manufacturing Base Generate jobs, income, & taxes Set up Construction Technology Centers Local population rebuilds country With rapid assembly & erection Trained on production line Overall strategy Adapt the products and methods to exactly fit needs Use local architects and engineers to adapt the systemfor local preferences 7. Sustainability in Disasters CBS Composites solve these problems 8. CBS Stewardship SolutionProtect against losing natural resources1 CBS assembly plant saves 15,000 acres (6,071 ha) of trees each year3 CBS plants save 70 square miles (181 sq km) of trees each yearWhere do we get our oxygen now?Where are we going to get it later? 9. One Solution to Major Problems Hurricanes & TornadosTons Earthquakes 45 41 Insurance 40 Termites Water 35 Mold30 Fire25 One Solution to Global Waste20171 ton of composite replaces* 15 17 tons of wood* (including waste) 10 41 tons of concrete block* (mortar, steel, tie beams)51 Environmentally friendly to the world 0* In a 2,000 sq ft (186 sq m) disaster resistant 10. Any Building can be Panelized Each Panel is Quick to Assemble, Simple to Automate, Low cost to Transport, Easy to Erect, and Traditional to 11. Years in Research & Development The Process Construction Optimized Pultruded Composite The Products 38 Patents Issued 3 Registered Trademarks Domestic & International Patents Pending The Methods Unique assembly line Modular jigs 12. Semi-complete Delivered and ErectedFoundation made by others,Interiors and Exteriors finished by othersAny design, size, or style by local architects & 13. Superior Longevity Structure Now 300 + YearsThe Structural Frame is the most important part of every building 14. Time toRe-thinkAutomate &PanelizeAssemble HousesThe same way thatCars are assembled 15. Automotive Progress 200Years1910 To2010 Spectacular Progress ! 16. Building Progress 400Years 160016101941to 2010 1913No Significant Progress ! 2005 17. Composites are here and growing LaddersBridges Seawalls Industrial Parts 18. Multiple Applications Rebar SeawallsCar Bodies Now Composite Framing RailingBridgesLadders 19. Compositeshave beenOptimized for ConstructionLight & StrongEnvironmentally ResistantAssembles like Lego 20. CBS Egis - StudsStronger than Steel :: Lighter than wood :: Low cost to 21. CBS Egis-wallsStick First of Built 2 floorseach45m x 9m 5 Man Crew 1 Day 22. CBS Egis - Active Panel RoofLow CostHouse Cooling& Alternative Energy Production 23. Optimum Resistance Egis-Wall Maximum Engineered Resistance to Earthquakes and 24. Use in Single & Multi Family Homes Replace Exterior block walls Infill walls Replace Aluminum, steel,wood, & plastic With composite railing Decks, & Lanais 25. CBS Trains &Oversees untilSelf-sufficiency isAchieved 26. CommunitysBuilder AcademyTrains & AssemblesSuccessful Housing ProjectsCBS Construction Technology Centersare opportunities to instill pride and 27. Panel Plants are ProfitableCBS Profit Comparison $10,000$8,000Price$6,000Cost$4,000Profit$2,000 $0 100 SticksKits PanelsModules Sales MethodProfitability leads to business growth, expansion,& growing corporate and private taxable incomes 28. Govern a Prosperous Economy Use Composite Building Structures to Overcome