America’s Beginnings. Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese sailor...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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America’s Beginnings

Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue

• Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese sailor sailing for Spain.

• He was not actually looking for any new land, he was searching for a western route to the spice trade in India.

• When he reaches land what he thinks is India, he calls the people he finds there Indians (They were actually a native people who had been living on an unknown continent for hundreds of years.

• Europeans like Columbus bring with them diseases that end up killing 90% of all Native Americans.

I claim this land for Spain!!!

Actually…I’ve been living here for

quite sometime.

What continent was Columbus actually trying to get to?

• The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of goods, ideas and diseases between the eastern and western hemispheres.

England Colonizes• England decided they weren’t going

to let Spain have all the fun, so they sent colonists of their own. The first successful English settlement is Jamestown (1607) which was located in Virginia.

• Jamestown had a hard go of it at first. John Smith said if your don’t work you can’t eat. With help from the Native Americans and John Rolfe who grew Tobacco as a cash crop, Jamestown eventually flourished.

• Jamestown was also home to the first Representative assembly in the colonies. It was called the House of Burgesses

What year was Jamestown established?

What was the representative government in Jamestown called?A. House of Burgesses

B. Mayflower Compact

C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

D. Plymouth Compact

The New England Colonies

• Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire were established for religious reasons.

• Their economy was centered around fishing and lumber.

• They also held town meetings which lead to the growth of democratic ideas.

• Masschusetts was first settled by the Pilgrims who signed the Mayflower Compact.

• Thomas Hooker started the colony of Connecticut which passed the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

What is the name of the representative government created by Thomas Hooker in Connecticut?

A. House of Burgesses

B. Mayflower Compact

C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

D. There was no such representative government.

The Middle Colonies

• New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

• New York was New Netherland before the British took it over. It was too large to govern so it was divided up and New Jersey was created.

• Pennsylvania was established by the Quakers under the leadership of William Penn.

• They grew wheat, barley, and rye as cash crops.

What religious group settled Pennsylvania?A. Puritans

B. Quakers

C. Pilgrims

D. Shakers

The Southern Colonies

• Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

• Maryland was established for Catholics trying to escape religious persecution.

• Georgia was established for people in debt.

• Colonists in the eastern areas owned plantations where they grew tobacco, rice, and indigo as cash crops using slave labor.

Which of the following colonies were established for religious purposes? (Please choose all that apply)

A. Maryland

B. Virginia

C. Massachusetts

D. Pennsylvania

Mercantilism• Mercantilism is the

economic theory that says the colonies should make money for the King and the mother country. To do that, the home country keeps strict control over all trade.

• In simpler terms….The colonies are to make money for the king by exporting more goods.

Triangular Trade

• Once lasting contact was established with the Americas, trade routes were formed linking Europe to the Americas. The most famous of these is known as Triangular Trade.

• The leg of the journey that left Africa and delivered slaves to the Americas is known as The Middle Passage.

The economic theory that allows the king to keep strict control over trade starts with what letter? (make the letter lower case)

The leg of the triangular trade route from Africa to the New World was called the __________.

A. Last Passage

B. Middle Passage

C. Beginning Passage

D. Second Passage

The Great Awakening• The Great Awakening

was a religious movement that swept through the colonies. The most famous preacher and sermon was Jonathan Edwards and “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

• The Great Awakening forced colonists to have religious tolerance since there were so many different churches formed.

The Enlightenment

• The Enlightenment was a time during the 1600s and 1700s when people began to use science and reasoning to explain the world around them rather than superstition.

• Benjamin Franklin is an example of an enlightened thinker.

What was the religious movement during the colonial period meant to bring people back into churches?

A. Great Migration

B. Great Awakening

C. Great Compromise

D. The Enlightenment

What was the last name of the preacher that wrote the very famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” during the Great Awakening? (Just the last name, and make sure to capitalize the name, or it won’t count it right!)

The French and Indian War

• The British, Indians, and Colonists fought against The French and Indians (with a little help from Spain.)

• The Albany Plan of Union was Benjamin Franklin’s plan to create one colony in order to protect themselves from France.

The French and Indian war was a war mainly between what 2 groups of people?

A. French and the Indians

B. French and the Spanish

C. French and the English

D. French and the Dutch

The Proclamation of 1763

• The Proclamation of 1763 said that colonists were NOT allowed to cross the Appalachian Mountains. The Ohio River Valley was reserved for Native Americans.

The proclamation of 1763 told colonists that they could not move _____ of the Appalachian Mountains.

A. North

B. East

C. South

D. West