Amidah Blessing 1 - The God Of History Blessed are you, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, the...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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AmidahBlessing 1 - The God Of HistoryBlessed are you, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the great, mighty and revered God, the Most High God who bestows loving kindnesses, the creator of all things, who remembers the good deeds of the patriarchs and in love will bring a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake. O king, helper, savior and shield. Blessed are you, O Lord, the shield of Abraham.


Avenues of Information

The History

The Politics

The Geography

The Religion

Avenues of Information


Ancient Texts

Archeology (Biblical)

The Gospels

Bits and Pieces- Snippets

History Book

The Good News of Jesus Christ

Works of Josephus

1.The Jewish War (7 Books)

2.Antiquities of the Jews (20 Books)

3.Against Apian-(2 Books)


First written account of Oral Laws and Traditions

Compiled in 2nd century –Rabbi Judah

In total 63 Volumes

Biblical Archeology

Edward Robisin – 1852

Gnostic Gospels, Epistles, and Letters-1945

Dead Sea Scrolls-1947

Dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls

Greatest manuscript find ever

Fragments of every book of the Old Testament (Hebrew Cannon)-Esther

Divided between Biblical and Non-Biblical writings

Enhance our knowledge of Judaism and Christianity

Scroll Jar

Great Isaiah Scroll

Great Isaiah Scroll

One of the original 7 found

Largest and best preserved of all Scrolls

Contains all 66 chapters of Hebrew Version

The History

The History

Jews = Subjects Egyptian Syrian Babylonian Persian Greek Roman

Life under Roman Law

Syncretism One country two systems Jews under authority of Jewish Court system(Sanhedrin) with Rome having the final say!!

The Herods

Herod The Great

Herod Archelaus Herod Antipas Herod Agrippa

Quiz Time !!

Which Herod had John theBaptist killed?

Harod Antipas

In Summary

World was divided into two groups Jews and Gentiles

Hebrew identity was maintained through a deep

spiritual Conviction Covenant Theology Universal expectation of a Messiah

The Geography

Lower Galilee

Most Fertile region in IsraelSize is relatively small 15 miles by 15 miles

Made up of some 200 villages

Lower Galilee

Map of NazarethMap of Palestine


Samaritans were descendants of foreigners who settled in Israel after Assyrian invasion

Intermarried with Jews Believers in God of Israel Messiah would be a teacher

Sites in the life of Jesus

The Climate

Two Distinct Seasons October To April: The Rainy Season April to October : The Dry Season

Climate Map

The Population


Clergy- 18,000 1-30 Jerusalem-40,000 Normal 200,000 Feast


Aramaic-The LocalHebrew- The ReligionGreek- The UniversalLatin- The Roman

Quiz Time !!

The capital and largest town in Lower Galilee!

A. Cana B. Capernaum C. Sepphoris D. Jerusalem

B. Sepphoris

The Towns



Hometown of JesusSmall PopulationSynagogueMajor occupation was Agriculture


Rebuilt by Herod AntipasBustling city of 30,000Paved streets, markets, and theaters

Jesus may have went there to work


Exact Location is DisputedVillage in the hills of GalileeJesus first miracle- Changing the water into wine


Most important city on the Sea of Galilee

At least 3 apostles thought to come from there

Many miracles performed there


Not in Galilee but JudeaHoly City-Temple locationJews went there for HolidaysPopulation 40,000-200,000Destroyed by Romans

The Roads

Main Roads linked Major Towns

Main Highways -Paved Cobblestones

Width of 2 Charriots

The Religion

What did it mean to be a Jew?

Judaism was a mixture of divergent religious, political, and social ideologies!

There were prominent groups or sects at the time of Jesus!

95% of people followed no group affiliation!

Quiz Time !!

Name the 3 of the 4 prominent Groups within the Jewish Religion at the time of Jesus

The PhariseesThe SadduceesThe EssenesThe Zealots

The Scribes

Who Were the Pharisees? Name means SeparatistsKeepers of the LawDespite bad name sought purityDid not Lived in Compromise with

RomeModern Day Jews are Descendants

Who Were the Sadducees? Small group of AristocracyRejected Oral LawDenied Immortality and ResurrectionLived in Compromise with RomeBecame extinct after the Temple was


Who Were the Essenes? Lived in a monastic SettingDead Sea ScrollsWaited for Gods Apcalyptic interventionThey probably also practiced celibacy.

The Hippies of the Ancient World

Who Were the Zealots? The RevolutionariesZealous for God’s LawThey were the freedom fighters

advocating violent revoltSimon the Zealot

Who Were the Scribes? Represented a profession not a groupCopied Sacred ScriptureRecorded Historical eventsBecame experts in teachers of the


Quiz Time !!

Name 2 of 3 key places of Worship for Jews during the time of Jesus?

The Temple

The Synagogue

The Table

Temple in Jerusalem

The Temple Expanded by Herod in first centuryOnly One ( Jerusalem)Jews pilgrimaged there for HolidaysMeeting place of the SanhedrinDestroyed by Romans 70 A.D. The West Wall(WailingWall)

The Synagogue

The Synagogue

Greek meaning place of MeetingFound in most towns throughout Palestine

Focus was the TorahNo sacrifices were offered there

Passover Seder

Quiz Time !!

Name at least 2 of the 3 things all different sects all held in common


The End of Part 1


Part II The Culture