AMND12 Apollonian and Dionysian

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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The Apollonian and Dionysian Nietzsche

by Iván Blanco

Index1.The Gods 5.Applied to AMSND2.The Symbols 6.Conclusion3.The Characters 7.Personal assessment4.Nietzsche and the Apollonian and Dionysian

The ApollonianApollo: The God of sudden death,

healing, beauty and reason.Dionysius: The God of wine,

madness and trance

The Dionysian

The ApollonianIt represents the law, the order,

the city of Athens

The DionysianIt represents the anarchy,

chaos, the wood.

The ApollonianApollonian characters: Theseus

and Egeus.

The DionysianDionysian characters: The

fairies and Hypolitta.

Nietzsche: The Apollonian and the Dionysian

Nietzsche in his work the birth of tragedy said that the magnificence of the Ancient Greeks took place before Plato and Socrates, when they had their rational representation but also a representation of chaos and instinct, the Apollonian and the Dionysian; he said that the Greek started to think more of the Apollonian “mind” and left the Dionysian aside.

He said that we need our Apollonian and Dionysian version working together, chaos and rational mind.

Applied to A Midsummer Night’s DreamIn AMSND we can see that the problems start in the “Apollonian symbols” of the book: Athens and the day, as well as in the representation of the Apollonian. These problems can be solved in the “Dionysian symbols” of the book: the wood and the night.

So we can say that the problems start because of our rational mind and they get solved by our instinct.


We can say that Shakespeare starts to talk about the Apollonian and Dionysian 300 years before the theory of Nietzsche, so Shakespeare was a really philosophical writer.

Personal AssessmentI think the people usually think that our apollonian side is more important than our dionysian one, because the apollonian represents the reason and the dionysian the chaos but we sometimes need our instinct to solve some of our problems like dreams sometimes help use to choose one option when we don't know what we are going to choose.

So we need our two sides to have a balanced life.