AMORC the Rosicrucian Messenger (date unknown) 1931? 1932?

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The Rosicrucian Messenger

This Messenger is issued solely to acquaint the public with the activities,principles, and purposes of tne Rosicrucian Brotherhood, A M O R C , andis published by tne above organization, bi-monthly, at San Jose, California.



vBy W a l t e r W r i g h t

( Con t inued   from last issue)

M e n a n d w o m e n w h o g o

through l i fe wi thout us ing the un -

developed psychic and mental

powers wi th in them are s imply

leng then ing the t ime of the

struggles with life’s obstacles. Fur

thermore, such persons have no

pro tect ion against the many i l l -

nesses, diseases, failures, pitfalls,

and o ther t reacherous th ings that

surround all of civil isation. They

become victims of persons who

have s t ronger minds and s t ronger

will power. They become tools in

the hands o f those who wish to

dominate them. Th ey never r i se

above mediocre places in l ife and

never at ta in sel f mastersh ip o rprosper i ty , t rue heal th , o r happi


The Rosicrucians have fo r cen -

tu r ies po in ted ou t the s imple

met h o d s wh ereb y men an d wo men

( Con t inued on   page 1)



 B y   R. M. L e w i s

Life, to many, consists of the five

object ive senses o f man . W e are

permi t ted to know the ob ject ive,the material side of l ife through the

medium of the senses, of seeing,

hearing, feeling, tasting, and smell -


To many , a l l that l i fe can af ford

is that which is confined within

the realism of these sense impres-

sions. Th e wor ld of color is those

l igh t waves which the ret ina o f  

th eir eyes are sensit ive to. Th e

magni tude of sound , to them, i s

l imited merely to those vibrations

of the ether which cause the d ia

phram of thei r ears to v ib rate in

resonance wi th the sound waves

and thus permi t them to becomeconscious of i t . T o them , feeling

is that which merely exci tes thei r

phy sical, ner vous system. Th ey per -

mit these five senses to build a wall

around th em and l imi t them to the

( Con t inued on  page 2)

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( C o n t i n u e d   from page 1)

can develop the inner, secret fac

ul t ies and powers tha t were given

to eve ry man and woman a t b i r th

but which l ie undeveloped and un

awakened unt i l we use the propermethods to le t them funct ion in

a l l of the ir grea t power. The Ros i

crucians do not hold this knowl

edge in secrecy although it is the

greatest of all secret knowledge.

They are wil l ing to share i t and

to give it freely to those who seek 

for it or ask for it .

The Ros icrucian methods con-

stitute the royal road to the reali

za t ion of our dreams in l i fe . The

methods do not in terfere with our

regular dut ies in l i fe nor with our

religious, social, or business posi-

t ion except by advancing us and

making us more successful and

more masterful in these things.

There are no fanat ica l or extreme

irra t ional prac t ices but jus t sane

and eas i ly unders tood methods

which every man and woman can

apply in their daily life with success

and pleasure.

You do not know how fasc in -

ating life can become and how

rapidly you can change the course

of your l i fe and the problems tha t

confront you by fol lowing the

Rosicrucian methods. The Rosicru

c ians extend to you a sympathet ic

and unde rs t and ing hand o f fe l low-

ship and invi te you to share with

them the grea t knowledge tha t has

come down through a l l the ages

and which has made the Ros icru

c ians wel l known in every land of  

the world for many centuries .

Do not c lose your eyes and a l -

low bias or pre judice to in terfere

with your natura l r ight to inves -

t iga te what the Ros icrucians have

to offer . Free ly may you inquire

and become acquainted with the

Ros icrucian socie ty and free ly may

you enjoy it or pass it by.T he door i s open to you and i t

is your privi lege now to s tar t a

new l i fe and begin to journey on

this royal road to happiness and

success. Somewh ere in this little

publication you will find sugges-

t ions as to how you may contac t

those who will gladly help you

and advise you.


(C on t inued f rom page 1)

knowledge of so much of l i fe andno more.

Man, however, is adventurousby n atur e as well as aggressive. A s-

socia t ion with the other forms of  

animal life soon convinced man

that he was to an extent l imited in

l i fe , tha t he was mos t certa inly not

deriving the utmos t from i t . Those

quadrupeds tha t he had domes t i -

ca ted by kindness and which had

become not only his companions

but his beas ts of burden, afforded

h im much oppor tun i ty fo r s tudy .

They excelled him in the sensitivity

of their senses.

Man realized the insignificance

of his sight, hearing, in fact of all

his senses. Th e sup eriorit y of the

keenn ess of sense w as evinced in all

of the various species of animal

life. Th e intellect, wh ich is one of 

the character is t ics tha t exal ts man

above other animal l i fe , permit ted

him to overcome this deficiency. It

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was th is in tel lect that man used to

for t i fy h imsel f as an in fer io r an i -

mal against the more perfect ly de-

veloped animals of other species.

Man augmented h is senses as

science developed. He invented and

perfected the te lescope and micro -

scope. By the developmen t of thesedevices, consisting of a con vex glass

or p r i sm, the l igh t w aves were ben t

and focused in to a concen t rated

area which great ly ampl i f ied thei r

in tensi ty , and the hor izon of man 's

physical wor ld became great ly ex -

tend ed. N ow h is physical vision,

due to these marvelous devices, far

exceeds the natural s igh t o f the

most favored of the an imal k ing -dom.

T h ro u g h t h e cen t u r i es man h as

fur ther inven ted and perfected

o t h e r ap p ara t u s t h a t p e rm i t s h i m t o

extend h is physical senses. H e is

ab le to hear fo r th ousands o f mi les;he is able to feel the most sensit ive

of ph ysical impressions. W ith

this enlarged field or scope of the

material side of l ife has man been

able to find any greater happiness,

has he come to know more con -

ten tment? Has man been ab le to

make the most o f th is en larged ,

m aterial world, which he has come

t o k n o w?

Today , there are th ousands, even

millions, who seem to be unsatis-

fied and restless and far from

making the most of l ife, even with

the advan tages o f a ll o f the m oderncont r ibu t ions o f science. Th ey

seem to be as far f rom harmonv

and peace of mind as the most

pr imi t ive man who possessed no th -

ing bu t h is natural senses , and ,

therefore, knew a l imi ted world .

W e h av e men t i on ed t h a t man i s

undaunted, aggressive; he even

seeks to fu r ther en large the ter r i -

tory of his senses; he constantly

improves , th rough research and ex -

perimentation, his instruments; st i l l

further he amplifies his concept of 

the physical wor ld around h im, bu t

the more that is revealed to his

senses materially, the more mysti -

fied and aweinspired with i ts gran-

deur he becomes.

W h at i s t h e m ean i n g o f i t al l

and what relat ionsh ip has man to

i t? Th ese seem to be the p ara-

mount quest ions which remain , o r

seem to remain , unanswer ed . Th e

vastness of i t t inges his soul with

sublimity. Doe s i t not seem that

making the m ost o f l i fe is no t mer e-

ly to determine i t s s tupendous,

mater ial p ropor t ions?

An analogy to ascer tain the

topography d imensions o f an enor -

mous mountain m ay appeal to the

spiri t of inquisit iveness and gratify

one’s imagination, but as far as di -

rect benefit is concerned such infor-

mation alone is of l i t t le value. The

geologists and mineralogists, who

d e t e rmi n e t h e n a t u re o f t h e e l e -

men t s o f t h a t mo u n t a i n mak e an

analysis of i ts soil and minerals

wi th a v iew of u t i l iz ing them.

They relate man and man’s neces -

si t ies to their research, because man

is able to profit by such infor m a-


Is not such reasoning applicableto our dai ly l i fe a lso? Th rou gh our

physical senses we are able to know

the mater ial wor ld o f which we are

a par t . W e can s tudy it , analyze

i t , char t and measure i t , bu t that

alone is not sufficient. Th e more

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we do th is the more appreciat ive

do we become that there is some

intelligence, some mind or power,

behind these physical propor t ions

and behind th is great mater ial

world which we realize objectively.

The d iv ine in tel lect that broughtth is mater ial wor ld in to exis tence,

o f wh ich we a r e b u t a co u n te rp ar t ,

still exists. It was not, as pro

claimed by some religions, to have

conccived and created th is u niverse

and all that is in it in a short period

o f  t ime and then d iscontinued i ts

creative pr ocesses. I t is evident to

us that the wor ld is constantly be

ing created and as the ancient phil -

osophers have said, it is in “a state

of becoming.”

A s tudy of th is process of crea-

t ion in any of i ts phases through

the use of science reveals that the

man y man i f es ta t io n s o f th e ma -

ter ial wor ld do not occur by acci -

dent or chance. Th e per iodici ty of  

the laws of nature have been de-

te rmin ed ; th e f ac t th a t th ey a r c

immutable has been es tablished;

therefore, we realize, and we are

compelled to accept by preponder -

ance of s imilar occurrences , th at an

infinite intelligence exists and per-

vades all. A fte r being convinced

of th is— that th ere is such an in -

finite intelligence which is at work 

in the universe, we should not in -

teres t ourselves pr imar ily in the

phenomena of th is in tel l igence butrather the u ti l izing of i t so as to

get the most out of l i fe .

Engineers who would devote

t ime and research to p lan and

finally construct an elaborate piece

of mechanism, such as a gigantic

generator , only for the purpose of  

p ro d u c in g p o wer , w i th o u t a t th e

same time giving serious considera-

t ion to the u ti l i ty of that power ,

these engineers you would term as

impractical wasters. M an y men and

women, however , go through l ife

possessing in their being this in-

finite intelligence, which is a vastin n er p o wer th a t co u ld p ro d u ce

more for them in l ife— bring them

happiness , health , unders tanding—

but they prefer to seek outs ide of  

themselves for that which they

need. Th ey try to get the most

from life alone through their ph ysi-

cal senses.

I t may be entrancing to use your

five outer senses to probe the di-

mensions of th is outs ide wor ld in

which you l ive and to learn of the

physical th ings , of which you are a

par t , bu t i t is more grat ify ing and,

individually, you gain more fromlife if you s tudy how to avail your -

self of the power that is with in


Ho wev er , y o u can n o t d i r ec t th i s

immaterial essence in a material

man n er . Yo u can n o t a t temp t to

analyze it, weigh it, or appreciate

i ts value by subjecting i t to the

scrutiny of your objective sense,

as those are physical senses in-

tended for the comprehension of  

th in g s o f an o th er p lan e o f th e mu n -

dane w or ld . You cann ot objectively

see, hear, taste, and feel, this

psychic force, you can only,

through your objective senses ,

k n o w th e result of this force.

N o m an has ever seen the force

we call electricity. You can know

electr ici ty only through i ts mani-

festat ions such as energy , heat and

light , yet no one would deny the

existence of electr ici ty . Then , why(Con t inued on  page 5)

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An Invitation to the Perplexed


Th e Ros icrucian organizat ion in

a l l lands seeks an opportuni ty toserve its fellow beings in meeting

the problems of life in a practical

and efficient manner.

Internat ional ly es tabl ished for

many centuries , the movement is

un iversa l ly a t tun ed sympath et ical ly

with the personal t r ia ls and t r ibu

la t ions which bese t the path of  

each who seeks happiness, peace,

and the fullness of a useful life.

N ot by tem porari ly re l ieving you

of your problem, not by offer ing

an em barrass ing a llevia t ion of your

difficulty, nor by assum ing you r re

spons ibi l i ty ; but by coopera t ingwith you to mas ter the s i tua t ion

and attain the result, is the method

used by the Ros icrucians in the ir

system of spreading the ideals of 

human b ro the rhood .

W ith out re l ig ious bias or con-

sideration, without political or

commercial incentive, the Rosicru

cians seek to instruct and guide th e

s ea rche r fo r T ru th and the Power

to Do. O lder than an y s imilar

movement in America today, the

work is carr ied on in every large

community in a dignified, efficient

manner, supported by the good-wil l and coopera t ion of every pro-

gress ive man and woman.

W ha teve r may be your bus iness

or social position, you are assured

of a welcome in the local branch

mentioned on page 8 of th is

bul le t in , and a ca l l upon them for

further fac ts , ins t ruct ive l i te ra -

ture, or personal suggestions, will

be p rompt ly ans wered wi thou t ob -


If you are not l iv ing within the

vicinity of the local branch lis ted

on page 8 , you may wri te forinformation to the Nat ional Ros i -

crucian Headquarters , L ibrarian

E. R. Z. , Rosicrucian Park, San

Jose, California, and a fascinating

book ent i t led the “Light of Egyp t”

will be sent free.

Get in touch with the local

branch, however, if you possibly




(Cont inued f r om page 4)

deny tha t your inner se lf is a grea t

force, a creative force, an infinitepower fo r p rodu c ing wha teve r you

may aspire to in life?

As to an indica t ion of the ex-

istence of this inner force, is it

hardly necessary to se t for th any

means of demons tra t ing this force

within your being? On e of the most

profound and yet s imple means of  

demons tra t ing the fac t tha t you

possess more than an objective or

brain consciousness is to illustrate

the consciousness of self.

For example , i f I were speaking

direc t ly to you, you would be out -

wardly conscious of me through

the medium of your ears and eyes .

You would hear my voice and you

could see me. Yet with the fact

tha t you rea l ized I was there and

with that consciousness of me, you

would still be conscious that  you  

were you. You wou ld know tha t

you were no t me and tha t you

8/2/2019 AMORC the Rosicrucian Messenger (date unknown) 1931? 1932? 6/8


were separate and apart from any-

one else regardless of how much

they might look or talk like you.

Thus, in addition to the con

sciousness of your sense impres-

sions which permit you to knowof the world outside yourself, you'

have that inner response or divine

intelligence that always permits youto know that you arc a separate

being. It is a self consciousness,

th e consciousness of self. This in-ner intelligence ever strives to aidyou even though you may be in-differen t to it. Your hunches, socalled, your ideas, your intuition,

or the popularly termed “sixthsense" which seems to look out foryour welfare, what is the origin of 

them? Th ey germinated from anintelligence within, certainly notfrom the impressions received byyour brain or from your memory,

or reasoning processes.

Realize now that to get the ut-most out of life is to get the ut-

most OU T OF YO URSELF andwhen speaking of self remember

there is more to you than the phy-sical self even with its attributesor senses. Th ere is th at real inner  

(Continued on page 7)


YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARYYour main public library re-

ceives each month, for display, acopy of the “Rosicrucian Digest,”

the monthly periodical of thisworldwide organization. You willenjoy reading this magazine for it

contains many inspiring and in-structive articles prepared byteachers of higher thought, meta-physicians, and masters of the


s Worthwhile Books

(Monthly Review of Books)

ocfoaooc*For a book of its size and price,

the fascinating volume entitled, “A

Thou sand Years of Yesterdays,” by

H. Spen cer Lewis, is un usual. Itis distinctive in the fact that it is

dual in natu re. First, it is a story,intriguing, has good continuity, car-

ries the reader along with out effort;

second, you are conscious that you

arc being taught important laws

and principles, that vital points

which you have been puzzled about

in the past are being explained toyou in a simple and interesting


Have you ever felt that youwould like to tear aside the veil of 

the past and rediscover, so to speak,

the personalities of your past lives?

Have you wondered wh at you were 

in some oth er incarnation? Have

you been puzzled with what causes

your u nusual feeling of pleasure or

of attraction toward strange things

that your heredity does not ex-plain?

This book treats with the doctrineof reincarnation, not in a technicalway, but in a new, pleasing, under-

standable manner. Those who havenever studied the principle of rein-

carnation will be surprised at therational presentation of the doc-trine as the characters of the story

live their lives again. It seems asthough it is the only answ er  to the

8/2/2019 AMORC the Rosicrucian Messenger (date unknown) 1931? 1932? 7/8


problems that have perplexed us,

as to the why and wherefore of 

life, and especially as to whether

we are limited here to the few

years’ span between the eternity

behind us and the eternity beforeus.

The book is well printed and

well bound, and sells for the eco-nomical price of 85c per copy,

postage paid. It can be secured

from the R o s i c r u c i a n S u p p l y  

B u r e a u , San Jose, California,U. S. A. Th is book, or any of the

following listed here, may also be

secured from the local chapter of the Rosicrucian Brotherh ood in thiscity, whose address you will find

on page 8.

"Rosicrucian Principles for theHom e and Busi n ess"................ $2.2 ?

"Th e Mystical Life of Jesus”.... $2.90“A Thousand Years of 

Yesterdays" .............................. $ .85“Unto Thee I Grant” .................. $1.50

“Rosicrucian M an ua l"..................

$2.30“Rosic ruc ian Quest ions and

An sw er s" ................................... $2 .50“Sel f Maste ry and Fa te wi th

Cycles of Life"......................... $2.50“ Man sions of the Sou l"................ $2 .50"Mystics at Prayer"....................... $1.00


MAKING THE MOST OF LIFE(Continued   from page 6)

self  with its psychic force. Thestudy of the inner forces of manhas naught to do with religiouscreeds, or dogmas, and it does notmean that you must be eccentric orfanatical, or must change yourmode of living.

It does mean, however, that youshould not blind yourself to theseinn er self impressions. You shouldnot try to submerge this self that

(Continued on page 8)



Although the Rosicrucian or-ganization is primarily not a heal-

ing organization, that is, its entire

curriculum and its many forms of activity are not devoted entirelyto the purpose of healing, still,

through the use of the higher lawsand fundamental natural principlesand in addition to any assistancerendered by your physician, the

Rosicrucians have arranged periodseach month for those who wishto, while in meditation, attunethemselves through the Cosmic

with the higher officers and mem-

bers of the Brotherhood for special

help in healing and for inspiration.The thoughts of these tcachers

and adepts are projected into the

Cosmic and there focalized, cre-

ating a Cathedral of the Soul—not an actual physical structure,

but an ethereal, spiritual cathedral

of constructive, helpful, creativethought—and you are invited to

avail yourself of the great bene-fit that can come to you through

these special periods of attunement.

Further interesting and helpfulliterature on just what the Cathed-ral of the Soul is, and the prac-

tical benefit that you can derivefrom it, may be secured by gettingin touch with the local chapter of 

Rosicrucians at the address givenon page 8.

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Local Activities of  The Rosicrucian Group And Advantages in Contacting Them

VIn this city is a group of earnest

s tudents of the h igher laws and

pr incip les of l i fe who devote a

small amount of their t ime to

s tudying the fundamental pr in

cip les that wil l a id in better ing

their individual lives, as well as

mankind in general . They, l i \e  

 you, are in teres ted in the per -

manency in their l ives of   happi -

ness, success, an d th e   ful f i l lm ent  

of their desires.

As an author ised and sponsored

b ran ch o f th e Ro sic ru cian O r -

ganisat ion , they welcome you toattend their public sessions, at

which t ime f ree lectures of a help -

fu l and inspir ing nature are g iven .

They welcome you to v is i t them,

and secure enlightening , ins truc-

t ive, an d practical l i terature, which

is g ladly extended to you without

obligation . Th ey welcome you to

meet them personally , so that they

may share their knowledge with

you, so that they may extend their

hand in welcome.

Th ere a r e man y f ea tu r es o f in -

teres t to the s tudent of mysticism,

higher thought, occult ism, and ,

above al l , Tru th , being conducted

by th is local Rosicrucian Chapter ,

and we suggest that you call

upon, or visit, the address given

b e lo w. Th e M as te r o r Secre ta ry ,

whose name and address are g iven

below, will consider it a privilege

to answer your quer ies , and to

meet you personally .


(Continued from page 7)consti tu tes your character , your

real inner being , which is the per -

sonali ty , the th ing , that d is t in -

guishes you f rom every o ther in -

d iv idual , the real p a r t o f   you. A t

least g ive some ser ious thought to

these subtle forces.

The Rosicrucians are those men

an d wo men wh o a r e , in a s imp le

yet fascinating way, learn ing the

possib il i t ies of the laten t power re -

s id in g w i th in man an d h o w th ey

may u ti l ize these powers to get the 

utm ost f rom l ife . Th ey h av e co me

to realize that life is not onesided,

i t is not al l physical , that there is

also a psychic force, the soul force

of man.

I f you spend 168 hours a week 

in l iv ing , why not devote one hour

a week to learn ing the pr incip les

o f l i f e an d lea rn to mas te r th em?

On ce k n o win g th ese fu n d amen ta l

pr incip les of l i fe and not jus t the

ex p an se o r p ro p o r t io n s o f th e p h y -

sical world of your senses, you

tru ly become a captain of your soul

an d th e p i lot o f y o u r for tu n e .

R O SI C R U C I A N B R O T H E RH O O D ( A M O R C)

1 6 8 5 F O L K S T R E ET S A N F R A N C I S C O . C A L I F .

M A S T E R : M R . E . W A R D


I N A DD I T I O N T O E V E N I N G S , O P E N T O T H E P U H L I C M O N . ,

W E D . F R I . A F T E R N O O N S 2 T O  A P . M .

P R t N f I D I N U . • . A .