An Ecofriendly Hotel – A Perfect Corporate Event Planning Destination

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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An Eco-Friendly Hotel – A Perfect Corporate Event Planning Destination

The green revolution is taking the world by storm in which

the service industry making its effort to ride the tide to

become the first choice for users.

Now as an Eco-conscious individual, most of us checking whether the hotel is Eco-friendly or not.

And if yes, then how good it is.

So, how effective an Eco-friendly hotel is for arranging corporate event?

Eco-friendly hotels are certified as the strict followers of green trend in every living activity whether they are

arranging an event or taking care of guests in vacation stay etc.

There are some criteria that an Eco-hotel should fulfill :- :- Must be attached with natural environment

:- Must focus on ecological sustainability.

:- Must possess a proven contribution towards the conservation of energy

:- It must include different provisions like training of staffs regarding environment sustainability and

conservation of energy etc.

:- The green hotel must fulfill different provision of economical return towards the local community.

Here are some characteristics an Eco-friendly hotel follows:-

:- To reduce carbon footprint, a green hotel must use low energy or energy conserving lights as the first and foremost


The furniture used by green hotels must be recyclable and should be made from Eco-friendly materials.

The green hotel must use a limited fossil fuel with addition to renewable energy sources.

The hotels must have rainwater harvesting system as it limits the earthly water use.

The green hotel must use products or things from organic or recycled materials like the toilet paper, sheets, mattresses etc.

The green hotel must use low VOC product which are neither toxic to environment or humans.

The hotel must use recycling bins for the purpose of throwing the trash.

The green hotel structure should be built in such a way that, it should allow the rooms to get ventilated from natural air rather

than using AC continuously.

The green hotels must be insulated as this feature seals the heat inside the rooms at time of need rather than using

energy to warm up the rooms.

If the hotel is using transportation for on-sight visit, then they should use renewable energy sources as fuel for the vehicles.

The hotel should use organic or locally grown vegetables as their menu in the recipe.

The green hotel should use non-disposable dishes which can be used more than once.

These green hotels always prefer to be in central position from the different visiting places or communication centers where

the users can reduce transportation cost and carbon footprint.

When a corporate plans a green event and consider a green hotel, they always have the mindset to minimize waste and

promote sustainability.

The green event always aims to use limited resource and recycle it for more time to get the optimum benefit from it.

Let's know some benefits of green event :-

:- First and foremost arrangement of green event is beneficial to environment and its preservation in-terms of less use of

conventional energy source.

:- The green event also reduces the financial needs when you plan it strategically.

:- The corporate also generate a good rapport from around when it plans a green event which adds some intangible benefit to it's
