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(A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung)










Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Lia Nuramaliah

NIM : 108014000060

Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Majalengka, 5 Juli 1990

Jurusan/ Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Alamat : Jalan Raya Kalapadua, Blok Rabu Desa Kalapadua,

Kec. Lemahsugih, Kab. Majalengka 45465



Case Study at Seventh Grade Students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 37 Parung).

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil, M.Ag.

2. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar- benar hasil karya

sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Jakarta, 25 Mei 2015

Lia Nuramaliah




MASTERY IN DESCRIPTIVE WRITING (A Case Study at the Seventh Grade

Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung). Skripsi Of English Education at

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

The objectives of the research were to know the kinds of grammatical error

and the causes of error in writing descriptive text that most commonly made by the

seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung. The method used in this

study was descriptive analysis or quantitative method by using formula: P = F/N. The

data were collected through descriptive writing text test by the theme based on the

thing which they are interested in. In this research, the writer took the purposive

clustering sample technique with the total population 92 students but she used only

VII.5 class as the participants with 20 students.

The research finding showed that the commonest error which most students

made is word choice; its frequency is 63 errors or 24%. Then the second commonest

error is addition with 61 errors or 23%. The third error is 47 errors or 18% from

omission, 30 errors or 11% from punctuation, 12 errors or 5% from word order, 8

errors or 3% from meaning not clear, 7errors or 3% from singular-plural and word

form, 5error or 2% from spelling, the last from capitalization about 1 error or 1%.It

can be concluded that the most three common error made by the students came from

word choice, addition, and omission. The reason is because they did not pay attention

of these aspects, there were so many different concept of grammatical rule in written

language between the first language and the second language.





Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung). Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta, 2015.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan penyebab kesalahan

gramatika dalam penulisan deskriptif teks yang dilakukan oleh siswa kelas VII SMP

Muhammadiyah 37 Parung. Metode penelitian ini adalah desktiptif analisis/metode

kuantitatif dengan menggunkan rumus: P=F/N. Data diaambil dari tes siswa dengan

mengikuti prosedur pada metode tersebut yaitu menghimpun data siswa,

menganalisa, mendeskripsikan kesalahan yang terdapat pada tulisan siswa, kemudian

mengambil langkah interpretasi data, dan langkah terakhir menyimpulkan hasil

penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teknik purposive clustering

sample dengan total populasi 92 siswa, dengan responden sebanyak 20 siswa yaitu

kelas VII.5.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas kesalahan siswa terdapat

pada pilihan kata, yaitu 63 kesalahan atau 24%. Yang kedua adalah penambahan kata,

yaitu 61 atau 23%. Yang ketiga adalah kesalahan pada pengurangan kata, yaitu 47

kesalahan atau 18%, 30 kesalahan atau 11% dari tanda baca, 12 kesalahan atau 5%

dari susunan kata, 8 kesalahan atau 3% dari arti yang tidak jelas, 7 kesalahan atau 3%

dari tunggal- jamak dan bentuk kata, 5 kesalahan atau 2% dari pengejaan, dan

terakhir kapitalisasi di temukan 1 kesalahan atai 1%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa

mayoritas siswa membuat kesalahan pada pilihan kata, penambahan kata, dan

pengurangan kata. Ini disebabkan karena mereka tidak memperhatikan aspek tersebut,

ada banyak perbedaan peraturan konsep gramatika pada bahasa tulisan antara bahasa

pertama dan bahasa kedua.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Most Merciful

All praise beonly for Allah, the Lord of the world, the Creator of

everything in this universe, who has giving the blessing upon the researcher in

finishing this research paper. Peace and blessing be uponour beloved prophet, his

families, companions, and all his followers.

The researcher sends her best regard to her beloved

parentsMamanAbdurahman and Ayimah. They always give many things in

learning, a lot of aspects in life in order to be better with their abundant loves and

care including their helps during “skripsi” writing until she could finish her study

at Department of English Education UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta.

In this occasion, the gratitude is addressed to her advisors, Drs.

NasifuddinJalil, M.Ag., and ZaharilAnasy, M.Hum., for their patiently guidance

in development during the “skripsi” writing. There are many suggestions, valuable

advices, constructive corrections and comments the researcher had got from them.

Moreover, the researcher’s effort in doing this “skripsi” may not be separated

from the involvement and contribution of others, so that the researcher would like

to express her deep appreciation and gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training,

2. The chairman of English Education Departmnet, Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and his

secretary, ZaharilAnasy, M.Hum., for their outstanding deducacy,

3. All the honorable lectures who have taught her new knowledge and have

given her gorgeous experiences in study,

4. Her beloved husband Alan RamlanNuari, S.Kom.,who always give her lots of

love and motivation in all her life,

5. Her beloved brother and sister, and all best friend who have always been in

the researcher side in facing all the laughter and tears during the study,




COVER ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ vii

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICE .................................................................................... xi


A. Background of Study ........................................................ 1

B. Identification of Study ....................................................... 4

C. Limitation of Study ........................................................... 4

D. Formulation of Study ......................................................... 4

E. Objective of Study ............................................................. 5

F. Significance of Study ......................................................... 5


A. Library Study ..................................................................... 6

1. Writing ........................................................................ 6

a. Definition of Writing ............................................. 6

b. Process of Writing ................................................. 6

c. Goals of Writing ..................................................... 8

2. Descriptive Writing ...................................................... 9

3. Tenses ........................................................................... 10

a. Definition of Tenses ............................................... 10

b. Kinds Of Tenses ..................................................... 10


1). Simple Present Tense ........................................ 10

2). Simple Past Tense ............................................. 11

3). Simple Future Tense ......................................... 12

4. Error ............................................................................. 13

a. Definition of Error ....................................................... 13

b. Classification of Error .................................................. 13

c. Source of Error ............................................................ 16

d. Differences Between Mistake and Error ..................... 17

e. Definition of Error Anaysis .......................................... 18

f. Procedure of Error Analysis ......................................... 19

g. Goal of Error Analysis ................................................. 20

B. Previous Study ................................................................... 20


A. Location and Time ............................................................ 22

B. Method of the Research .................................................... 22

C. Technique of Sample Taking ............................................ 22

D. Technique of Data Collecting ........................................... 22

E. Instrument of Research ..................................................... 24

F. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................... 24


A. Data Description................................................................. 25

B. Data Analysis .................................................................... 37

C. Data Interpretation ............................................................ 39


A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 42

B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 42

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 43


APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 45



Table 2.1 Guide for Correcting Error ............................................................ 15




A. Background of Study

Every country in the world has a language. In the global word, the importance

of English language can not be denied since English is the most common

language spoken everywhere. English is a global language. English becomes a

main rule for individual success even of Indonesian people in facing the

globalization era.

At present, because English becomes the most common language used

throughout the world, so students must learn English and it will make them more

employable in every country in the world.

In Indonesia English is the foreign language that has to be taught in all levels

of education. It starts from elementary school, junior high school, senior high

school, and university. It is taught as one of the compulsory subjects in formal

education from junior high school up to senior high school. It is also one of the

local-content subjects in elementary school. While in the university level, it is

taught as a complementary one.

The students need to have the ability of the four language skills in learning

English; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. In supporting those

skills, the students also need to have the ability n the language components such

as structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling. By having the ability of

these four skills and the language components, hopefully one can use the language


From the two of productive skills, speaking and writing, writing is often

considered as a difficult skill to learn and also to teach. It supported by Harmer

who states in his book that “When teaching writing; therefore, there are special

considerations to be taken into account which include the organizing of sentences


into paragraphs, how paragraph are join together, and the general organization of

idea into a coherent piece of writing.”1

There are some factors which make the students think that writing is the most

difficult skill to perform. As Harmer states in his book: they have to pay attention

for some aspects which are formal and non-formal. They need to understand them

before they write something in English. The formal aspect include the right

language form, spelling, vocabulary, language usage, punctuation, etc. for non-

formal aspect is hand writing. “English spelling notoriously difficult for speakers

of languages such as Arabic, Farsi, Chinese and Bengali which do not have

romance script.”2

In this case, some student think that writing is most complicated than the

other skill. Writing needs more processes and it requires to think briefly and

accurately. They should produce word.They have to think and produce words,

sentences, and paragraphs at the same time. Because English is different from

Indonesian in its structure, spelling and meaning, so it is possible to students that

they will make errors in their writing.

The strategy that can prevent the students from making error is error is error

analysis. By using error analysis the teacher tries to identify, describe and explain

the errors made by the students in the test. It can help the teachers to minimize the

students’ error in their learning.

According to Gas and Selinker, there are two main error types: interlingual

and intralingual. Interlingual errors are those which can be attributed errors to the

NL. Intralingual errors are those that are due to the language being learned,

independent of the NL.3

Indonesian students learn English as the first foreign language. Therefore,

English is a new language so that they get some difficulties and they also need

much time to learn.

1Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, ( New York: Longman

Publishing, 1991),p. 53-54 2Ibid

3Susan M. Gas and L. Selinker, Second Language Acquisition: In Introductory Course,( New

York: Taylor & Francis, 2008), Third Ed.p.103.


Competent language users also know the grammar of the language in the

sense that this (largely) subconscious knowledge of the rules allows them to

produce an infinitive number of sentences. And of course they have lexical

knowledge too, they know words in the language and how they operate and


Based on the writer’s experience in PPKT (Praktek Profesi Keguruan

Terpadu) at SMP Al Amanah Tangerang Selatan, some of students still confuse

how to make a good writing, they were still doing many errors on their daily

writing activities in the classroom, they did not know the use of verb in each

tenses, such as simple present, past tense, future tense, etc. Especially, students

are lack of the use of tenses in paragraph descriptive writing. In this case, the

teacher should be aware of this problem and prevent students from making some

error by analyzing the students’ grammatical tenses error in writing.

In fact, the composing a good writing, students should notice some aspects.

Grammar of tenses is important aspect that should be mastered in order to make a

well structured writing. But, writing in different language is not always as easy as

writing in their own language since there are some different rules in the writing

systems and these differences sometimes make them do error. That is why; the

tenses error in writing is chosen to analyze, and descriptive writing is chosen

because the descriptive writing is describing an object and referential, description

is writing about the way persons, animals, or things appear. It normally takes one

of three forms. An informative description simply enables the reader to identify an

object. 5

Based on the reasons above, the writer conducted the research about the

students’ tenses error of descriptive writing at the seventh grade students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 37 Parung.So, the title of this skripsi is AN ERROR

4 Jeremy Harmer, op.cit.,p. 18

5James A.W.Heffernan & John E. Lincoln, Writing a College Handbook,(New York,

London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1982), p. 83



DESCRIPTIVE WRITING (A Descriptive Study at Seventh Grade Students of

SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung).

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background, the identifications of study are:

1. Many students are not able to write well-structured sentences yet.

2. The tenses error is made by students in descriptive writing because they do

not master it well.

3. The structure of foreign language is different from his or her native


4. The students’ foreign language still influenced by their mother tongue.

C. Limitation of Problem

Based on identification of the problem above, some of students still confuse

how to make a good writing because they don’t master the type of simple tenses,

such as simple present, past tense, future tense, etc. Especially, students are lack

of the use of tenses in paragraph descriptive writing. Therefore, the writer only

focuses on area simple tense which used by student in writing descriptive text.

D. Formulation of Problem

Based on the background and the limitation of the study, the problem of

research is formulated in the following research question:

1. What are the types of errors made by the students in descriptive writing?

2. What is the most error type made by the students in descriptive writing?


E. Objective of Study

The objectives of the study were to:

1. Obtain and identify the type of error made by the students in writing

descriptive text.

2. Identify the most error type in writing descriptive text.

F. Significance of Study

For the teachers, by reading the result of this study they can find new ways to

anticipate the making of errors and to improve their teaching ability. For the

students, by reading the result of this study they can improve their ability in

writing especially in writing descriptive text. And also for other persons who are

interested in the result of this research they can find more information.




A. Library Study

1. Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

As mentioned in chapter one, writing is one of the four language skills.

According to Jack C. Richard, writing is among the most important skill that

second language students need to develop.1 Through writing, people can express

their ideas and convey their messages in alphabets; word linked by sentences and

become paragraph. As Erika Lindemann stated, writing is a process of

communication which uses a conventional graphic system to convey a message to

a reader.2 So, the intended messages will be receive accurately by the readers.

Langan stated that in writing, any idea that you advance must be supported

with specific reasons or details.3

Writing is central to our personal experience, professional careers, and social

identity, yet while we are often evaluated by our control of it, its multificated

nature constantly evades adequate description. 4

Writing requires preparation, but what that preparation should be is a matter of

some dispute.5

1Jack C. Richard, Second Language Writing, (New York, Cambridge University Press,

1996), p. xv 2Erika Lindemann, A rhetoric for writing teachers, ( New York: Oxford University Press,

1982), p. 11 3 John Langan, English Skills, (New York , Oxford University Press,1997), p.3

4 Rosa M Machon, Language Learning & Language Teaching, (Amsterdam, John

Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011) p. 17 5 Eugene R Hammond, Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing, (New York, McGraw-Hill

Book Company, 1989), p. 260


According to Vincent, the ability to write well comes naturally to few.6 This

statement means that writing is a thinking process, how the author uses

knowledge in written language. It means that writing need more rules to make the

reader understand such as punctuation, attention to word, even the use of blank


Charles stated that good writing depends upon clear thinking; “we cannot write

well unless we have something sensible to say”. 7 To make a good writing, the

students need hard thinking; they have to produce some words, sentences and

paragraphs. Not only that but also they have to spell the words in the right

spelling, diction, tenses, etc. Therefore if the students want to be a good writer

they have to master all aspect about writing and more practices.

Based on Tricia, Effective writing requires number of things: a high degree of

organization in the development of ideas and information; a high degree of

accuracy so that there is no ambiguity of meaning; the use of complex

grammatical devices for focus and emphasis; and a careful choice of vocabulary,

grammatical patterns, and sentence structures to create a style which is

appropriate to the subject matter and the eventual readers.8

From the definition above, it can be seen that writing is a significant skill for

students to transfer their ideas in written form since it is also mean of

communication in language transfer. On the other opinion, writing is more than

just a written communication; it is a way of thinking and developing ideas which

can be improved by practice, when learners doing their writing, they have the

ideas of what they are going to write without separating grammar from their

minds and that reinforcing their language pattern through habit formation to

produce well-formed sentences.

6Vincent F. Hopper, Essential of writing fifth edition,(Barron‟s Educational Series,

2000),p vii 7Charles H. Vivian, English composition, ( New York, Barnes and Noble books, 1961), p.

11 8 Tricia hedge, Writing, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1988), p.5


b. Process of Writing

Based on Richard, there are four stage process of writing; those are

familiarization, controlled writing, guided writing and free writing, as

explained by the experts below:9

1) Familiarization;

Learners are taught certain grammar and vocabulary, usually

through a text.10

It is meant that learners introduced with aspect of


2) Controlled writing;

Learners manipulate fix patterns, often form substitution tables.11


technique of controlled writing is the students are given a passage to work

such as an outline to complete, a paragraph to manipulate, a model to

follow, or a passage to continue and let them do it.

Based on Raimes, “controlled writing is all the writing your

students do for which a great deal of the content and or form supplied.”12

She also explained that in controlled writing, the student are

focused on getting word down on paper in concentrating on one or two

problems at a time; and the technique which is considered by her is the

students are given a task to work such as an outline to complete, a

paragraph to manipulate, a model to follow, or a passage to continue.

3) Guided Writing;

Raimes also stated that “guided writing is an extension of controlled


She explained that guided writing is is less control than

controlled writing. In this kind of writing the students are given a first

9 Richard, op. cit., p. 4

10ibid, p. 3

11Ibid,.p. 8

12An Raimes, Technique in Teaching Writing, (New York: Oxford University Press,

1983), p. 95 13



sentence, a last sentence, an outline to fill out, a series of question to

respond to, or information to include in their writing.

Learners imitate model texts.14

In using this kind of writing, the

students are given a first sentence, a last sentence, an outline to fill out, a

series of questions to respond to, or information to include in their pieces

of writing.

4) Free Writing;

According to Langan free writing means jotting down in rough

sentences or phrases everything that comes to mind about a possible topic.

See if you can write nonstop for ten minutes or more. Do not worry about

spelling or punctuation correctly, about erasing mistakes, about organizing

material, or about finding exact words.15

Free writing is a technique which has the main purpose of

generating ideas. It has sometimes been called speed writing speed-writing

or quick-writing because its main feature is writing as quickly as possible

without stopping.16

To free write students just writing in ten full minutes

without stopping. If they do not develop their ideas or get stuck, they just

repeat what they just written.

Free writing is the procedures for coming up with ideas in the

absence of inspiration. The term pre writing is used because these

procedures come before writing the first draft.17

In addition, Tricia defined free writing is a technique which has the

main purpose of generating ideas. It has sometimes been called speed-writing

or quick-writing because its main feature is writing as quickly as possible


Richard. Loc.cit.


Tricia Hedge, Writing, ( New York : Oxford University Press, 1988) p. 44 17

Barbara Fine Clouse, A Troubleshooting Guide For Writers, ( New York, McGraw-

Hill, 1993 ), p. 5


without stopping.18

To freeing write students are just writing in ten full

minutes without stopping. If they do not develop their ideas or get stuck, they

just repeat what they have just written.

c. Goals of Writing

The purpose of writing is not only to teach some one to convey idea to the

readers but also to reinforce all aspect of languages that have been learned by

students. There is some additional and very important reason why writing is

needed in teaching English.

According to Barbara,the goals of writing: the first reason for writing is to

relate experience, perhaps to express your feelings about the experience of reflect

upon it.Another reasons for writing is to inform, perhaps to increase the reader‟s

knowledge, establish the record, or provide help. A third reason for writing is to

persuade a reader to think or act a particular way. The last reason for writing is to

entertain. Short stories, romance novels, and humorous newspaper columns, for

example, are written to entertain.19

2. Descriptive Writing

Description is writing about the way persons, animals, or thing appear.20


means that the writer can describe something through the words. It gives sense

impressions, feel, sound, taste, smell, and look of things.

“It will be necessary to describe an animate subject, such as a person, animal,

or an insect. In describing the person, the writer could be describing the person

physical appearance, behavior, or both. Writer can describe a person‟s appearance

in many ways. Writer can tell about person‟s style of clothing, manner of walking,

color and style of hair, facial appearance, body shape, and expression.”21


Tricia Hedge, op. cit. 19

Barbara, op.cit., p.7. 20

James A. W. Hefferman, Writing A College Handbook, (London: W. W. Norton &

Company, 1986), p. 83. 21



Writer should also tell the attitude toward the person. In this sense, the writer

gives controlling idea to get a vivid image. The writer is not obligated to describe

every single detail about the person appearance. Focusing on one or two

outstanding features that convey something about person‟s character is better.

According to George, “Description gives sense impression-the feel, sound,

taste, smell, and look of things. Emotion maybe described too – feeling such as

happiness, fear, loneliness, gloom, and joy. “22

From the understanding above, it can be concluded that description helps the

reader, through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to

understand a sensation or an emoticon.

Linda Simon states that description can serve several purposes as follow:

a. It can illustrate the basis on which you are making interferences, that will

allow readers to imagine the physical object involved in the writer


b. It can provide visual images to make the essay lively and concrete

c. It can reflect criteria for comparing two subjects.23

Fink stated in her book that the purpose of description is to present the

reader with a picture of a person, subject, or setting.24

There are some generic structures of descriptive writing as follow:

1. Identification. Identify what the subject or object that will be dscribed

2. Description. Describe parts, qualities, characteristics.

3. Focus on specific participant.

4. Use the attributive and identifying process, frequent use of epithets and

classify in nominal groups.


George E. Wishon and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, ( New York: Litton

Educational Publishing inc., 1980), p. 128. 23

Linda Simon, A Guide and Source Book for Writing Across the Curriculum, ( New

York: St. Martin‟s Press, 1998), p. 21-23 24

Lila Fink, et. al., A Text for Writing and Reading, (Boston:Little, Brown Company,

1983), p. 3


5. Language features: Using simple present tense, using adjectives, using

action verb, using special technical terms to describe the feature of the


3. Tenses

a. Definition of Tenses

According to Huddleston and Pullum “A tense system is systems associated

with the verb where the basic contrast in meaning have to do in the location in

time of the situation26

. It can be concluded that tenses discuss the differences verb

forms according to time.

Leech and Svartvik have similar idea with Huddleston and Pullum, they say

that “tense relate the happening described by the verb to time in the past, present,

or future27

”. So the writer concludes that tense relates with the time which

described by the verb form. So do Aik and Hui, according to them “tense refers to

the identification of time by the form of the verb or verb phrase whether an action

is a present, past or future one28

”. Even the authors state in different statement but

it have same meaning, based on opinions above the writer concludes that the tense

discusses the differences verbs form according to time that action happened.


Mukhid, Cakra : Bahasa Inggris kelas vii untuk SMP/Mts Semester 1, (Klaten: Sinar

Mandiri 2011), p. 25. 26

Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, op, cit., p. 44 27

Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, A communicative Grammar of English, (London:

Pearson Education, 2002), 3th

ed, p. 66. 28

Kam Chuan Aik and Kam Kai Hui, Dictionary of Grammar and Usage, (Singapore:

Wesley Longman Singapore, 1999), 2th

ed p. 294.


b. Kinds of Tenses

English has twelve tenses. According to Celce et al., twelve tenses are

actually twelve combinations of tense and aspect. According to them, “tense

relates to time which consist of present, past and future while aspect has to do

with the internal structure of the action occurring at any time which consist of

simple, perfect, progressive and perfect progressive 29

”. It can be concluded that

twelve tenses are combination between tense and aspect. Tense relates with time,

while aspect associate with the action happening at time.

According to Cowan “aspect is not discussed with much clarity. Instead, the

aspect terms progressive and perfect are combined with three times- present, and

future- to produce along with each time on items own30

”. So, the writer concludes

that the separation between tenses and aspect blur. It is more familiar that English

has twelve tenses. Werner and Nelson have similar idea with Cowan. They say

that “English has twelve verb tenses31

”. Twelve tense are simple present, simple

past, simple future, present progressive, past progressive, future progressive,

present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, present perfect progressive, past

perfect progressive, and future perfect progressive.

1. Simple Present Tense

a. The Use of Simple Present Tense

According to Betty simple present tense expresses general truth. It says

something was true in the past, it is true in the present, and will be true in the

future, for example: water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, and it expresses

habitual or everyday activities, for example: I study for two hours every day 32

. It

can be concluded that simple present tense is used for general truth and habitual



Mariane Celce et, al,. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course, (New York:

Heinle Publisher, 1999), 2th

ed, p. 110. 30

Ron Cowan, The Teacher’s Grammar of English: a Course and Reference Guide (New

York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p.356

31Patricia K Werner and John P. Neson, Mosaic 2 Grammar, (New York:McGraw-

Hill/Contemporary, 2002), 4th

ed, p. 6.


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding an Using English Grammar, (New York:

Perason Education, 1999), 3th

ed, p. 13.


Swan explained more about the use of simple present tense. Simple

present tense is used for:

1). General time

The commonest use of the simple present tense is to refer to general time.

It means talking about actions and situations which happen repeatedly, for

example: I go running three times a week, or all the time, or at any time, for

example Water freezes at 32o


2). Future time

The present simple is sometime used to talk about the future, particularly after

if, after conjunctions of time, for example: I will be glade if it rains soon, and in

discussion about programmers and timetables, for example: The train arrives at 7.


3). Telling stories

The present simple is common in stories told in the present, and in

commentaries, for example: “Good morning”, he says.

4). Instead of the simple or present perfect

The simple present simple is also often used as instead of the simple past

tense or simple perfect tense in expressions like I hear, I gather, I use, for

example: I hear you are getting married, I gather Peter’s looking for a job, and I

see there’s been trouble in Rome again.

5). Temporary action

Some verbs cannot usually be used in progressive tenses. It means that

the simple present tense is not used to talk about temporary situation, for example:

* I am not working very hard at the moment. Instead of I do not usually work very



It can be concluded that the use of simple present tense: for general time,

future time, telling stories, instead of the simple or present perfect. In addition

simple present is not used for some verbs which is talk about temporary situation


Michael Swan, Practical English Usage (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982),

pp. 497-498.


Aik and Hui have similar idea with Swan. She says that the use of simple

present tense is not only used for general truth and habitual action but it also can

be used for:

1). To refer to something that is true at the present time. For example: Jane likes


2). To represent an action or state that is true all the time. For example: Metal

expands when it is heated.

3). To refer to a habitual action. For example: John always sings in the morning.

4). To refer to the instantaneous present. For example: Ali gets the ball...He kicks,

and there it goes straight into the goal.

5). Specific future actions which have been fixed and are certain to happen. For

example: We leave for Kuala Lumpur at 6 pm on Sunday.

6). Future actions that are referred to in subordinate clauses. For example: If you

go to KL, please let me alone.

The uses of simple present tense are something that is true at the present

time, general truth, repeated regularly, the action begins and ends approximately

at the time of speaking, specific future action and future action in subordinate



b. Form of Simple Present Tense

According to Aik and Hui, in the simple present, the finite verb takes the

base form. When the subject is singular e.g., he, she, it must add –s, es in the

ending of verb. Meanwhile, when the subject is plural eg I, you, they, we, it must

not add –s, -es in the ending of verb. When the subject is singular, it must use „is‟.

While, when the subject is plural. It must use “are”35



Kam Chuan Aik and Kam Kai Hui, op. cit., pp. 295-296. 35

Kam Chuan Aik and Kam Kai Hui, op. cit., p. 295.


2. Simple Past Tense

a. The Use of Simple Past Tense

According to Azar, simple past tense is used for an activity or situation began

and ended at a particular time in the past, for example: I walked to school

yesterday. If a sentence contains when and had simple past in both clauses, the

action in the when clause happens first, for example: Rita stood under a tree when

it began to rain36

. I t can be concluded that simple past tenses is used for complete

action in the past time.

Celce et al., add some ideas from Betty, according to them, simple past

tense is used for:

1). A definite single completed event/ action in the past, for example: I attended a

meeting completed event/action in the past.

2). Habitual or repeated action/event in the past, for example: It snowed almost

every weekend last winter. An event with duration that applied in the past with the

implication that it no longer applies in the present, for example: Professor Nelson

taught at Yale for 3 years.

3). With state in the past, for example: he appeared to be creative genius.

Imaginative conditional in the subordinate clause (referring to present time), for

example: if he took better care of himself, he would not absent so often. Social

distancing, for example: did you want to sit down and stay a while37


Simple past tense is used for completed action in the past, habitual action

in the past and in imaginative conditional sentence.

Thomson and Martinet add some ideas from Celce et al., according to

them the simple past tense is used for:

1). Completed action in the past at a definite time

It is used for actions completed in the past at a definite time, it is therefore

used for a pat action when the time is give, for example: I met him yesterday, or

when the time is asked about, for example: when did you meet him?, or when the


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding an Using English Grammar, (New York: Perason

Education, 1999), 3th

ed , p. 27.

37 Mariane Celce et, al,. op, cit., p. 117.


action clearly took place at the definite time even though this time is not

mentioned, for example: I bought this car in Jakarta.

2). Action that occupied or occurred at a moment period of past time now


It is used for an action whose time is not given but which occupied a period of

time now terminated, for example: She lived in Roma for a long time, or occurred

at a m at a moment period of past time now terminated, for example: My

grandmother once saw Queen Victoria.

3). Past habit action

The simple past tense is also used for a past habit, for example: he always

drank wine.

4). Telling stories.

The use of simple past tense is used in conditional tense that is used

unreal past after if and tough so forth38


It can be concluded that simple past tense is used for completed action in the past

at a definite time, action that occupied or occurred at a moment period of past

time now terminated, past habit action telling unreal past (imaginative)

b. Form of Simple Past Tense

According to Thomson and Martinet, the simple past tense in regular verbs is

formed by adding -ed. Meanwhile, in irregular verbs, the form of verbs is

unpredictable. On the other hand the negative of regular and irregular verbs is

formed with auxiliary verb „did not‟ and the infinitive. Then the interrogative of

regular and irregular verbs is formed with auxiliary verb „did‟, and subject and




A. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, (NewYork: Oxford

University Press, 1995), 4th

ed, p.162 39

Ibid., p.161.


3. Simple Future Tense

a. Use of Simple Future Tense

According to Celce et al., simple future tense is used for:

1. An action to take place at some definite future time, for example: Joel

will take the bar exam next month.

2. A future habitual action or state, for example: after October, Judy will

take the 7:30 train to Chicago every day. Even for present habits,

about which strong predictions can be made, for example: Errik is so

funny. He will wake up, and before coming on downstairs, he will start

playing with his trains.

3. A situation that may obtain in the present and will obtain in the future

but with some future termination in sight.

In the main result of future conditionals, for example: if you go, you will

be sorry40


According to Betty, Simple future tense is used for express a prediction, a

prior plan, and willingness.

a. Express a prediction

Use either will or be going to. When the speaking is making a prediction

(a statement about something/he thinks will be true or will occur in the future).

There is no difference in meaning use will or be going to, for examples: Be

careful! You will hurt yourself and watch out! You are going to hurt yourself.

b. Express a prior plan

It is only use “be going to”. When the speaker is expressing a prior plan

(something the speaker intends to do in the future because in the past s/he has

made a plan or decision to do it). Only be going to is used. For example

A: Why did you buy this paint?

B: I am going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.

c. Express willingness

It is only use „will‟, for example:


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding an Using English Grammar, (New York: Perason

Education, 1999), 3th

ed, p.


A: The phone is ringing

B: I will get it.

The speaker B is saying “I am willing; I am happy to get the phon. He is

no making a prediction. He is, intended, volunteering to answer the phone and

uses „will „ to show his willingness41


Werner and Nelson like Azar, they distinguish between the usages of

„will‟ and „be going to‟. According to them, „will‟ is frequently used to express

predictions, for example: the weather will be better tomorrow, or offers, for

example: You look cold. I will get you a sweater, or promises, for example: I will

buy you a new jacket soon, or request, for example: It is raining. Will you give me

a ride?. On the other hand, be going to is used to imply more certainly than will

and often involves actions that have been planned before the moment of speaking,

for example: I am going to take the TOEFL on next June42


So, the writer concludes that Celce et al., are not distinguishing between

the use of „will‟ and „be going to‟. Meanwhile, Azar, Werner and Nelson

differentiate between the use of „will‟ and „be going to‟.

b. Form of Simple Future Tense

According to Aik and Hui, the simple future tense is formed as shall/will

+ base form of the main verb43

. On the other hand, based on Thomson and

Martinet, the form of simple future tense is will + infinitive or be going to +




Mariane Celce et, al,. op.cit., p. 115. 42

Patricia K. Werner and John P. Nelson, Mosaic 2 Grammar (New York: McGraw-

Hill/Contemporary, 2002), , 4th ed, p. 10.


Kam Chuan Aik and Kam Kai Hui, Dictionary of Grammar and Usage, (Sinagapore:

Wesley Longman Singapore Pte Ltd, 1999), 2th

ed, p. 298. 44

A. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, op, cit, p.180.


3. Error

a. Definition of Error

In order to analyze the students‟ error in proper perspective, it is important

to make distinction between mistake and error because many people do not

understand the differences between both of them.

According to Ellis, “Error takes place when the deviation arises as a result

of lack of knowledge (i.e. a lack of competence). On the other hand, mistake is

performance phenomena and regular features of native speaker speech,

reflecting processing failures that arise as result of competing plans, memory

limitations, and lack of automaticity45

”. The writer concludes that mistake

relates with the performance. It means that students do mistake because of

carelessness, slip of the tongue, and hesitation during speaking. Meanwhile

error relates with the competence. It means that students make error because of

lack of structure of the language or faulty in partial learning.

When students learn a target language, they usually make errors and

mistakes. It happens because sometimes the students interfered by their native

language. The different system of the second language and the first language

leads them to make the errors. However, it can be used to know the

understanding of the students about the rules or system of the language being


S. Pit Corder defined “error is a systematic deviation made by learners

who have not yet mastered the rules of the L2.”46

According to Brown “an error is a noticeable deviation from the adult

grammar of native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the


It means that the error is something that can be seen; it shows the

learner‟s ability. 48


Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language Acquisation, (New York: Oxford Universisty

Press, 2009), 2th

ed, p. 48 46

S. Pit Corder in Diane Larsen-Freeman and Michael H. Long, An Introduction to Second

Language Research, (New York: Longman, 1991), p. 59 47

H.D. Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, 5th

edition, (New York:

Pearson Education, Inc., 2007), p. 258. 48



Hubbard, also have the same opinion with Corder, according to them,

“error are caused by lack of knowledge about the target language being


Carl James, makes the development of understanding of error. He states,

“if the learner is unable or in any way disinclined to make the correction, we

we assume that the form of the learner cannot give used was the one intended,

and that is an error.”50

It means that the learner cannot give the right form

because they think what they use is the correct one.

It can be summarize that error is wrong forms of language performance in

students‟ work which happen regularly when they face the same thing. The

students have the lack of knowledge of it because they do not realize what they

did is an error unless other people explain about it. It makes them can not

correct that error by themselves.

b. Classification of error

Corder distinguishes three types of errors according to their systematicity:

1. Presystematic Error occurs when the learner is unaware of particular

system in target language; the learners neither correct his error nor says

what his problem is.

2. Systematic error occurs when the learner has discovered a particular

system in target language but it is wrong one, he can not correct his

error but he can give some explanation of what he was aiming at or

trying to do.

3. Postsystematic error occurs when the learners know the correct system

in target language but it is inconsistently; he can both correct his error

and explain what was wrong.51


Petter Hubbard, et al.,A Training Course for TEFL, (New York: Oxford University Press,

1983). P. 134. 50

Carl James, Error in Language Learning and Use, ( New York: Addision Wesley

Longman, Inc.,1998) p. 79. 51

Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language Acquisition, (New York: Oxford University

Press, 2008), p. 51


Classification of error means how errors are categorized in collection.

According to Dulay, there are two kinds of descriptive taxonomy. They are

linguistic category classification and surface strategy taxonomy

1) Linguistic category classification

Linguistic categories classification is classification of error based on the

linguistic item of overall system of the TL which is affected by an error. In

conducting linguistic category classification, there are some steps. The first is to

identify what level or in which component of language the error is located:

phonology, graphology, grammar, lexis, text, or discourse. The second is to

make specification of the‟ category‟ of linguistic unit where the error occurs. If

it is grammar level, what the particular grammatical construction does it

involves? For instance auxiliary system, passives, sentence complement etc.

Then what its class, for example in grammar error; it involves the class of a

noun, verb, adjective, adverb so forth. The next is to rank the error. It means

where error lies on the hierarchy of units that constitute its level. The last is to

specify the grammatical system that the error affects: tense, number, voice etc.

2) Surface Strategy Taxonomy

In surface strategy taxonomy, there are four categories of error. They are

omission, addition, misformation and misordering.

1). Omission

Omission error is absence of the elements which are followed by the

grammar, so omissions of the elements are ungrammatical, for example: He will

pass his exam but I will not too instead of He will pass his exam but I will not pass

my exam. The other omission is when a productive process such as affixation is

not applied, for example dove from preterit divided.

2). Addition

Addition error is presence an item that must not exist in well sentence

form. In this case, students do regularization or double marking. Regularization is

overlooking exceptions and spreading rules to domains where they do not apply.

For the example: producing the regular buyed for bought. On the other hand,

double marking is a failure to delete certain item, for instance. He does not knows


me. In the sentence, it must redundant third person –s on the main verb (know)

because the auxiliary do already carries the marker. Regulation and double

marking seem to be two ways of referring to the same phenomenon. They may be

distinguished by saying that while regularization is the process or the cause, the

double marking is the product or effect

3). Misinformation

Misinformation is the use of the wrong form of a structure or morpheme, for

the examples: I seen her yesterday, He hurt himself and I read that books. On the

other hand, it calls misselection. Miselection means wrong to select one member

of a class of forms to represent others in the class.

4). Misordering

Misordering is result of learners relying on carrying on word by word

translation of native language surface structure. It selects the wrong form to use in

the right context in order. In English certain word classes seem to be especially

sensitive to misordering, for instance adverbials, interrogatives and adjective,

yielding errors as in :He every time comes late, Tell me where did you go, The

words little52


Based on some description above, it can be summarize that the linguistic

category classification, it classifies errors based on the level or language

component (e.g. phonology, grammar, lexical etc), specification grammatical

system (e.g. tense), classes or part if speech (e.g. noun, adjective, adverb, verb

etc). Meanwhile, based on surface strategy taxonomy, it is divided into four types

of error. They are omission, addition, misformation and misordering.

According to Azzar in his book, types of errors fall in to fourteen categories;

singular-plural, word form, word choice, verb tense, addition, omission, word

order, incomplete sentence, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, article, meaning

not clear, and run-on sentence.53


Carl James, Errors in LanguageLearning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis (New

York: Addision Wesley Longman, 1998), pp. 104-110.


Betty S. Azzar, understanding and using English Grammar, 2nd

Edition, (New Jersey:

Prentice Hall Regents, 1989), pp. A29-A30


Table 2.1

Guide for Correcting Error

No. Types of Error Example of Error Error Correction

1 Singular-plural He have been here for six


He has been here

for six months.

2 Word Form I saw a beauty picture. I saw a beautiful


3 Word Choice She got on the taxi. She got into the


4 Verb Tense He is here since June. He has been here

since June.

5 Additions I want go to the zoo I want to go to the


6 Omission She entered to the


She entered the


7 Word Order I saw five times that movie. I saw that movie

five times.

8 Incomplete


I want to bed. Because I was


I want to bed

because I was tired.

9 Spelling An accident occured. An accident


10 Punctuation What did he say What did he say?

11 Capitalization I am studying English. I am studying


12 Article I had a accident. I had an accident.

13 Meaning not


He borrowed some smoke. ???

14 Run-on


My roommate was sleeping,

we didn‟t want to wake her


My roommate was

sleeping. We didn‟t

want to wake her



c. Source of Error

Errors occur from several possible sources. By knowing the causes or

sources of errors, it can help us to understand the process which involves in

students‟ mind relate to the way how do they learn the target language. 54

According to Brown there are four sources of errors, they are:

1. Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual transfer occurs because the interference of a mother tongue

into a target language. Interlingual transfer is significant source of error for all

learners. The beginning stage of learning a second language is especially

vulnerable to interlingual transfer from the native language.

For example: I miss he for I miss him

2. Intralingual Transfer

Intralingual transfer is a major factor in second language learning. The

early stage of language learning is characterized by a predominance of

interference (interlingual transfer), but once learners have begun to acquire part of

the new system, more intralingual transfer-generalization within the target

language is manifested. Negative intralingual transfer, or overgeneralization has

already been illustrated in such utterances as “he good”.

3. Context of Learning

Context refers to the classroom with its teacher and its material in the case of

school learning. In a classroom context, the teacher or the textbook can lead the

learner to make faulty hypotheses about the language. Students often make errors

because of a misleading from the teacher, faulty presentation of a structure or

word in textbook.


H.D. Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, 5th

edition (New York:

Pearson Education, Inc., 2007), p. 223-226


4. Communication Strategies

Communication strategies were defined and related to learning style. Learner

obviously use production strategies in order to enhance getting their message

across but at times, these techniques can themselves become a sources of error.

It can be summarizes what some experts have explained above. As a

whole, there are three main sources of errors. First, error happens because the

influence of the students‟ mother language is called interlingual. Second, error

happens because the target language itself is called intralingual. Third, error

happens because the influence of the process in teaching and learning when the

teachers explain the language.

According to Harmer, there are two distinct sources for error which most.

They are L1 „interference‟ and development errors.

a. L1 „interference‟

Students who learn English as a second language already have a deep

knowledge of at least one other language where that L1 and the variety of English

they are learning come into contact with each other. This can be at level of

sounds: Arabic, for example does not have a phonemic distinction between/f/

and/v/. It can be at the level grammar, where a student‟s first language has subtly

different system; Japanese students have problems with article usage because

Japanese does not use the same system of reference. Then, it can be level of word

usage; where similar sounding words have slightly different meanings: Liberia in

Spanish means bookshop not library.

b. Developmental errors

In language development, students start to over-generalize a new rule that

has been (subconsciously) learnt, and as a result, even makes mistake with things

that they seemed to have known, for example Daddy goed and they comed55


It can be conclude that interference occurs because students have already had

knowledge of first language. Hence students use own language to foreign

language whereas there is differences system such as sound, grammar, word order


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Pearson

Education Limited, 2007), 4th ed, p.0. 137-138.


so forth. Thus, development errors occur because there are similarities of rules

between native language and foreign language. On the result, students do

overgeneralization in using foreign language rules.

d. Differences between Mistakes and Error

Learning a language is fundamentally process that involves making of mistakes

or errors. Based on Corder in Susan and Larry, “mistakes are akin to slips of the

tongue. That is, they are to recognize it as mistake and correct it if necessary. An

error, on the other hand, is systematic. That is, it is likely to occur repeatedly and

is not recognized by the learner as an error”.56

it means that an error is something

that learner do not realize it and always occur, and mistake is something that

learner can correct it if needed because they know where the wrong in their work


Based on the statement above, error can appear due to the insufficient

knowledge or the inappropriate rule about the language being learned; while

mistake happens because of the learner forget about the rule or their carelessness

when do the work.

Jack Fisiak distinguished between error and mistake as follows: “mistakes are

deviation due to performance factors such as memory limitation (e.g mistakes in

the sequence of tenses and agreement in long sentences), spelling, pronunciations,

fatigue, emotional strain, etc. error on the other hand are system a given stage of


According to Ellis, “Error takes place when the deviation arises as a result of

lack of knowledge (i.e. a lack of competence). On the other hand, mistake is

performance phenomena and regular features of native speaker speech, reflecting

processing failures that arise as result of competing plans, memory limitations,

and lack of automaticity58

”. It can be conclude that mistake relates with the


Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker, Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory

Course, (New York: Routledge, 2008), p.102. 57

Jack Fisiak, Contrastive Linguistics and the Language Teacher.( New Jersey; Prentice

Hall. Inc, 1987), p. 224 58

Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language Acquisation, (New York: Oxford Universisty

Press, 2009), 2th

ed, p. 48


performance. It means that students do mistake because of carelessness, slip of the

tongue, and hesitation during speaking. Meanwhile error relates with the

competence. It means that students make error because of lack of structure of the

language or faulty in partial learning.

Mistake relates with the performance. It means that students do mistake

because of carelessness, slip of the tongue, and hesitation during speaking.

Meanwhile error relates with the competence. It means that students make error

because of lack of structure of the language or faulty in partial learning.

According to the understanding of mistakes and errors above it can be

distinguished the difference between mistakes and errors. Mistakes are

unsystematic of production which the students could correct their own mistakes if

their attention in focus and they realize what mistakes that they had done. In the

opposite, students do not understand that they had done and consistently do the

same error. They find it so hard to correct the errors they made. Furthermore, a

mistake can be self-corrected by the students but an error cannot be self corrected

by the students.

e. Definition of Error Analysis

According to Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker, “Error Analysis is a type of

linguistic analysis that focuses on the errors learners make.”59

In other words,

error analysis is the procedure to decide the occurrence, nature, reasons and

results of failed-learning of a language. Error analysis is a type of analysis which

includes the process of observing, analyzing, and classifying the errors on the

second language rules and disclosing systems controlled by the learners. It is also

can be said as way to investigate the error made by students to get some important

data about students‟ difficulty in learning a language, especially in writing in this

case. It is believed by knowing more detail about problems faced by the students

and solve it, the teacher will improve their teaching to avoid their students in

making the same error again.


Gass and Selinker.,op.cit.,2008, p. 102.


Formerly, error is avoided but in later errors‟ presence gives many significant.

According to Brooks in Johnson “Error is to be avoided and its influence later errors might be seen as hypothesis how the language works

and regarded as useful for learning process60

”. It means that nowadays mistake or

error is not avoided. It signs students‟ knowledge development.

From the theories above, the writer concludes that the students‟ error is not

avoided. It is regarded as integral part in language learning process. In turn, it

indicates students‟ knowledge development of foreign language and provides

significance for language learning process.

However, if students repeat their error, it must be impeded by study of learners‟

error. Based on Susan and Selinker “error analysis is a type of linguistic analysis

that focuses on the leaner‟s error made61


It means that nowadays mistake or error is not avoided. It signs students‟

knowledge development.

From the theories above, it can be summarized that the students‟ error is not

avoided. It is regarded as integral part in language learning process. In turn, it

indicates students‟ knowledge development of foreign language and provides

significance for language learning process.

However, if students repeat their error, it must be impeded by study of learners‟


60Keith Johnson, An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching,

(Edinburg: Pearson Education Limited, 2008), 2th

ed, p. 335. 61

Susan M. Gas and Larry Selinker, Second Language Acquisition: In Introductory Course,

(New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2008), 3th

ed, p. 102


f. Procedure of Error Analysis

According to Susan and Selinker, there are six steps that are taken in

conducting an error analysis.62

1) Collecting data: this is typically done with written data but oral data can

also serve as base.

2) Identifying errors: what is the error (e.g., incorrect sequence of tenses,

wrong verb form, and singular verb form with the plural subject)?

3) Classifying errors: e.g., Is it an error of agreement? Is it an error in

irregular verbs?

4) Quantifying errors: How many errors occur

5) Analyzing source of error.

6) Remediating: doing remedial based on the kind and frequency of an error

type, pedagogical intervention is carried out.

According to Ellis the procedure of error analysis is followed in this

research, they are:

a. Collection of sample of learner language : English essay written by

non native undergraduate students

b. Identification of error: actual error

c. Description of error: categorization of errors based on their specific


d. Evaluation error: affecting intelligibility social acceptability.

In this research, the writer used Ellis‟ theory to analyze the students‟ errors.

Because the writer took only three steps, such as collecting sample, identifying the

errors, and describing the errors.


Susan M. Gas and L. Selinker, op. cit , p. 103.


g. Goal of Error Analysis

According to Selinker and Gass “the goal of error analysis is clearly one of

pedagogical remediation”.63

It implies that the aim of analyzing error is

evidently educational remediation.

In addition, Corder in Fisiak‟s book makes two different purpose of error

analysis: applied and theoretical purpose. The applied purpose of error analysis

is yields valuable insights into the nature of intermediate functional

communicative system or language constructed by them. Meanwhile, the

theoretical purpose of error analysis is to present insight into process of

acquiring learner‟s language.64

h. The Significance of Error Analysis

According to Dekeyser “ as it seems to imply that feedback provided in

response to leaner error ultimately leads to the elimination of such errors65

”. It

can be concluded that by responding of students‟ error can reduce leaner‟s

error. Meanwhile, according Lightbown and Spada “the goal of error analysis

was to discover what learners really know about language66

”. So, the writer

concludes that error informs what the students have acquired and what remains

to for them to learn.


64Jack Fisiak, Contrastive Linguistics and the Language Teacher, (Oxford: Pergamon

Press, 1981). P. 225 65

Robert M. Dekeyser, Practice in a Second Language: Perspectives from Applied

Linguistic and Cognitive Psychology (NewYork, Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 112. 66

Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada, How languages are learned, (New York: Oxford

University, 2006), 3th

ed, p.79.


B. Previous Study

After writer read some research paper, she found some relevant studies

with her research. First, research paper from Ahmad Bustomi with the title of

his research paper was “An Error Analysis on Students’ Descriptive Writing”.

The focus was errors that the students' made by students of Harapasn Jaya

Senoir High School at Cipondoh, Tangerang. That research intends to identify,

to define, to classify and explain the cause of error. The writer used

quantitative method in that research. The writer found that there are three

points of all type of errors made by students. First, the error in using the articles

is with 15,47%. Followed by the using of verb tense with 15,07% and the last is

the using of word choice with 15,07% of 100% from all errors made by

students. The relationship between Ahmad Bustomi‟s research and the writer‟s

research is the variable used but the writer only focus on simple tenses which

used in descriptive writing.

Then, the research paper from Erna Satiah with the title was “An Analysis

on Grammatical Error in the Students’ Descriptive Writing”. The focus of her

research was grammatical usage in descriptive writing. The subject of her

research was the second grade students of Mts. Soebono Mantofani Jombang

Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. The method was descriptive analysis. She found

the commonest error is word choice there are 20,11%, there are 2,79% from

punctuation, and also there are 2,24% from verb tense. And the last is 0,56%

from word form. The difference between Erna Satiah‟s research and the

writer‟s research is the writer focus on simple tenses.

Then, the research paper from Farhati with the title was “An Analysis of

Simple Present Tense Usage in a Descriptive Writing”. The focus of her

research was simple present tense usage in descriptive writing. The subject of

her research was second grade of SMK Islamiyah Ciputat. The method was

descriptive analysis. The result of her study is using –s with third personal


subject (he, she, it) the error frequency is 36,47 % and using all other subject I,

you, we, they with frequency of their errors are 32,11%.

Next, research paper from Indriyani, her title was Error Analysis on English

Tenses Found in the Students’ Writing. The object of her research was at the

second grade of SMP Dharma Karya Universitas Terbuka. The focus of her

research is error that students made in simple present tense, simple past tense

and simple future tense. The method was method descriptive qualitative

technique. The result of her research is simple present tense is 39,25 %, simple

past tense 42,77 and present perfect tense 60,55%.




A. Location and Time

The research took place at SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung at the

seventh grade. The time of the research was conducted on April 2014.

B. Method of Research

In this skripsi, the writer used descriptive analysis research and used the

procedures of error analysis itself. The research strategy used here is a case

study. The process of this research is four steps. First, the writer observed the

process of teaching and learning in the classroom. Second, she collected the

students’ writing test that they have done in the classroom. Third, she

analyzed their test result through classification of errors. The last, she

interpreted the data about kind of errors that students made mostly and

predicted the reason why they made those errors.

C. Technique of Sample Taking

The technique of sample taking in this research is purposive sampling. The

writer chooses the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung

which consist of five classes as population. She took only VII.5 class as the

respondents which consist of 20 students as sample.

D. Technique of Data Collecting

In data collecting, the writer gavewriting test to the seventh grade students

of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung. The students had to write a descriptive

writing about the topic has been given.


E. The Instrument of Research

The writer used a writing test as the instrument for collecting the data.

For the test, the writer asked the students to write a descriptive text which the

topic about describing person, animals and thing. The students had to make a

short text relate to the topic given. The question as follow “Write a descriptive

text with the topic that has a relation with place or person around you!.”

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

The writer used descriptive analysis technique to get the percentage of the

students’ descriptive writing, the writer calculates the total number of the

students’ answer (f) divided by the total number of the items test (N) and

multiplied by 100%. 1


P= Percentage

F= total number of the students’ answer

N= total number of the items test.

1Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan,(Jakarta: PT. Raja GrafindoPersada,

2006), p. 43.





A. Data Description

Here the writer discuses about the description of students’ error in writing descriptive

paragraph. The description of data that is made by the writer is based on Azzar theory. The

examples of error are:

1. Addition

Student 2 wrote: “I fourteen years old” the correct one is “I am fourteen years old”

Student 5 wrote: “She like avocado juice” it should be “she likes avocado juice”

Student 7 wrote: “I have best friend, her is Erina” the correct one is “I have best

friend, her name is Erina”

2. Omission

Student 12 wrote:“I very love my father” the correct one is “I love my father very


Student 14 wrote: “He has got short black straight hair” it should be “he has short

black straight hair”

3. Verb tense

Student 15 wrote: “She always taught me to do good thing” the correct one is “she

teaches me to do good thing”

4. Word choice and verb tense

Student 13 wrote: “She hobby is reading book and reading magazine” the correct on

is “her hobby is reading book and magazine.

5. Meaning not clear

Student 15 wrote: “She is curly hair but not curly”


Table 4.1

The Recapitulation of Students’ Error Based on Azzar















b t

















g n












1 - - 4 - 6 - - - -

2 - - 2 - 6 - - 3 -

3 - - 2 1 2 8 2 1 -

4 - 4 1 3 1 - -

5 1 - 4 1 4 2 1 - 1 -

6 - - 4 1 4 1 1 1 - - -

7 - - 4 - 2 1 1 - - - -

8 - - - - 2 2 1 1 3 - -

9 - - 5 1 1 4 - - 3 - -

10 - 1 - 3 2 2 - - - - -

11 - 6 5 - - - - - - - -

12 2 - 8 4 5 - - 1 - - 1

13 - - 1 - 2 3 - 3 - - -

14 - - 4 2 6 7 2 1 - - -

15 - - 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 - -

16 1 - 4 1 - 2 - 3 - - -

17 1 - 5 1 1 4 - 3 - - 2

18 - - - - 8 - 1 2 1 - -

19 1 - 3 - 4 2 1 5 - - -

20 1 - 2 1 3 5 - 2 - - 2

Total 7 7 63 18 61 47 12 30 8 1 5

% 3% 3% 24% 7% 23% 18% 5% 11% 3% 1% 2%

Total of




After presenting the errors into types of error which are written by Azar in her book

and after explaining the frequency and the percentage of errors for each item, the writer

would like to elaborate more about those errors which receive the top-three error in the

students’ descriptive writing text and also their causes.

Almost all students make error in word choice which is found 63 errors or 24%. This

error happened because they have a lack of vocabulary and its use. The students were

confused in choosing the appropriate the class of words. For example, “she likes jeruk”,

the correct one is “she likes orange”.

Another top three-error come fromaddition which is found 61 errors or 23%. Addition

means that student did not write sentences well. They forgot to put the subject or predicate

in a sentence. The example of this error is “I fourteen years old. This sentence is

absolutely wrong. It should be “I am fourteen years old”

Another top-three error come omission which was found 47 errors or 18%. This error

happened because they did not know the differences verb of time in English, meanwhile in

Bahasa there is no differences in verb, so they still influenced their mother tongue.

To make it clearer, the causes of errors may become the factor of student’s error. Here

is explanation regarding causes of errors described in the table below:

B. Data Analysis

The writer would like to talk more about all the error from the highest until the lowest

frequency that occurred in students’ writing as follows;

1. Word choice

Word choice found 63 errors or 24 %. This error happened because they have

a lack of vocabulary and its use. The students were confused in choosing the

appropriate the class of words. For example, “she likes jeruk”, the correct one is

“she likes orange”.

2. Addition

Addition found 61 errors or 23%. The writer analyzed that most students made

errors in addition. Addition means that student did not write sentences well. They

forgot to put the subject or predicate in a sentence. The example of this error is “I

fourteen years old. This sentence is absolutely wrong. It should be “I am fourteen

years old”

3. Omission


Omission found errors or %. The example “I very love my father” the correct

one is “I love my father”. In this case the students think that in writing English

structure was same as Indonesian writing. They translate one by one of their

words. Another example, “He has got short black straight hair” it should be “he

has short black straight hair.” The students did not understand that there are

double verb in their sentence, they did not know the differences of verb of time in

English, and so the verb “got” is omitted.

4. Punctuation

The frequency of this errorfound 30 errors or 11%. They did not put the

comma for relating two sentences or more. For example “I have best friend her

name is Nabila.” The correct one is “I have best friend, her name is Nabila.” Also

they did not put the point in the end of their sentence.

5. Verb tense

Verb tense found 14 errors or 18,9%. The example of this case is “She like

avocado juice”. A verb must agree with its subject in number (singular plural) and

in person (first, second or third). When subject and verb are correctly matched, it

can be said that they are grammatically sentences. So, this sentence should be

“She likes avocado juice”. It can be inferred that the students who made these

error were still interfered by their mother tongue interference. Since, in Indonesian

language, there is no change of using verbs whether it is for the pronoun she, he,

it, and etc. besides, they translated the Indonesian language into English directly

without considering the rules of its tense.This error happened also due to

interlingual transfer which is caused by the learner’s first language.

6. Word order

Word order found 2 errors or 2,7%. The error is sometime as the result from

interlingual transfer. The students got the influence of the structure or order of

their native language which is Indonesian language. For example, “I like place

this” the correct one is “I like this place.”

7. Singular-plural

There are 7 errors or 3% from this type of error. Most of students did not put

the suffix –s or -esand the use of have and has too. I indicate that they wanted to

use the plural noun in their sentence. For example of error is, “I have two sister.”

The correct one is, “I have two sisters.” This error sis influenced by their


Indonesian language because in Indonesian language, we do not put the suffix –s

in the end of plural noun.

8. Word form

There are 7 errors or 3% from this type of error. The L1 interference can be

the cause of error on word form. The student only understood some classes of the

word and used it in the entire sentence. For example a student wanted to say that

“she has beautiful face,” but she wrote in the sentence like this, “She has

beautifully face.” The tack of knowledge from their target language can cause this


9. Meaning not clear

The sentence “she has curly hair but not curly,” that is meaning not clear. The

writer can not give the correct one because she did not know what the students

wanted to write. This error is because of the L1 interference. It occurred because

the student had a lack of knowledge in vocabulary.

10. Capitalization

The frequency of error from capitalization is1 error or 1%. The student wrote

the first letter of name of place or people without capitalize it. For example, “her

name is erina.” The correct one is “her name is Erina.”

11. Spelling

Spelling found 5 error or 2%. The students wrote some word with wrong

spelling. For example “she likes stroberi.” The correct one is “she likes


C. Data Interpretation

The writer took the data interpretation from the data analysis. Result from the

data analysis show that the commonest errors made by most students of the seventh

grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung in writing descriptive paragraph

are word choice and addition. The students are often doing such an error because they

did not pay attention of these aspects when they made the writing. They also made

such error because there were so many different concept of grammatical rule in

written language between the first language and the second language. Furthermore,

the lowest frequencies of error are followed by meaning not clear and word form. It


can be interpret that the students did not feel difficult to deal with it. They knew how

to make the sentence meaningfully. They also knew how to make a complete sentence

and how to use conjunction appropriately.




A. Conclusion

The writer found in her research that the commonest error which most students

made is word choice; its frequency is 63 errors or 24%. Then the second commonest error

is addition with 61 errors or 23%. The third error is 47 errors or 18 % from omission, 30

errors or 11% from punctuation, 12 errors or 5% from word order, 8 errors or 3%from

meaning not clear,7errors or 3% from singular-plural and word form, 5error or 2% from

spelling, the last from capitalization found 1 error or 1%.

Based on the description of the data above, it can be concluded that the most three

common errors made by the students came from word choice, addition, and omission.

From this data, the writer takes a conclusion that the teaching of this three aspects was

not done successfully by the teacher. The reason why they did not pay attention of these

aspects, there were so many different concept of grammatical rule in written language

between the first language and the second language.


B. Sugestion

After the writer carried out the research, she would like to give some suggestion

related to this result of the research. Therefore, it can improve the teaching and learning

process. Here are some suggestions that hopefully can be applied in teaching learning

process. The suggestion will be delivered:

1. The teacher have to give feedback to students after correcting an analyzing their error

in writing, and also to motivate their students keep learning and writing though they

found difficulties during the process of learning writing

2. The students have to pay attention to some aspect that are difficult for them when

they write descriptive text.

3. The other researcher have to be able face the difference between analysis and

identification the students’ error.


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan,(Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006

Barbara Fine Clouse, A Troubleshooting Guide For Writers, ( New York, McGraw-Hill, 1993

Betty S. Azzar, Understanding an Using English Grammar, (New York: Perason Education,


Carl James, Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis (New York:

Addision Wesley Longman, 1998

Charles H. Vivian, English composition, ( New York, Barnes and Noble books, 1961

Erika Lindemann, A rhetoric for writing teachers, ( New York : Oxford University Press,1982

Eugene R Hammond, Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing, (New York, Mc Graw-Hill Book

Company, 1989)

H.D. Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, 5th

edition (New York: Pearson

Education, Inc., 2007

Jack C. Richard, Second Language Writing, ( new York, Cambridge University Press, 1996

Jack Fisiak, Contrastive Linguistics and the Language Teacher. ( New Jersey; Prentice Hall.

Inc, 1987

James A.W.Heffernan & John E. Lincoln, Writing a College Handbook,(New York,London:

W.W. Norton & Company, 1982

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, ( New York: Longman

John Langan, English Skills, (New York , Oxford University Press,1997

Publishing, 1991

Rosa M Machon, Language Learning & Language Teaching, (Amsterdam, John Benjamins

Publishing Company, 2011

Susan M. Gas and L. Selinker, Second Language Acquisition: In Introductory Course,(New

York: Taylor & Francis, 2008

Tricia hedge, Writing, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1988

Vincent F. Hopper, Essential of writing fifth edition,(Barron’s Educational Series, 2000


Table of Students’ Errors Analysis

Students Identification of Errors Error Classification Correction Causes of Error


My name is

AnisAzkyaRahmah. I

(1)(2)call me Anis. I was

born in Tasikmalaya, 20 (3)

March 2001. I is(4) the first

child. I live in Parung,

Bogor. I_(5) 13 years old. I

school(6) in SMP

Muhammadiyah 37 Parung,

I(7) class _ (8) VII-5. My

hobby is reading book or

magazine. I have medium

height, long hir, oval face,

small eyes, (9) medium

nose. I like avocado

juice,_(10)I dislike dog.

1. Word choice

2. Addition

3. Addition

4. Word choice

5. Addition

6. Word choice

7. Word choice

8. Addition

9. Addition

10. Addition

My name is

AnisAzkyaRahmah. You

can call me Anis. I was

born in Tasikmalaya,


ofMarch 2001. I am

the first child. I live in

Parung, Bogor. I am13

years old. I study in

SMP Muhammadiyah 37

Parung, My class is VII-

5. My hobby is reading

book or magazine. I have

medium height, long

hair, oval face, small

eyes, and medium nose.

I like avocado juice,

andI dislike dog.

1. Interlingual

2. Interlingual

3. Interlingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Context of


7. Interlingual

8. Interlingual

9. Intralingual

10. Intralingual


Hello, my name is Amelia,

I _(1)fourteen years old, I

school(2) at SMP

MuhammadiyahParung, I

was born in Bogor, 12(3)

Desember 2000. My hobby

is reading magazine(4)

etc,I like fruit and

vegetables but I dislike

pineapple because I _

(5)allergy,(6) I have best

friend_(7) her_(8) is


they(10) _(11)good friend

for me.

1. Addition

2. Word choice

3. Addition

4. Addition

5. Addition

6. Punctuation

7. Punctuation

8. Addition

9. Punctuation

10. Word choice

11. Addition

Hello, my name is

Amelia, I am fourteen

years old, I study at



I was born in Bogor,


of Desember 2000.

My hobby is reading

magazine and etc.I like

fruit and vegetables but I

dislike pineapple

because Ihave allergy. I

have best friend, her

name is NabilaSyafinaz,

she isgood friend for me.

1. Intralingual

2. Context of


3. Interlingual

4. Intralingual

5. Interlingual

6. Intralingual

7. Intralingual

8. Intralingual

9. Interlingual

10. Interlingual

11. Interlingual


AnisAzkiya, she is my best

friend, she live at jln.(1)

H. Mawi. She was born in

Tasikmalaya, 20(2)March

2001, she_ (3)thirteen years

old. She is my classmate.

Anis has a(4)long hair, she

has (5) medium nose, she

has (6)medium height, she

has (7)large eyes, she

has(8) face ovale(9),she

has (10)face(11) a

(12)pretty, she like (13)

avocado juice(14) she

afraid_(15) dog,she (16)

hobby is reading book and

reading magazine.

1. Word choice

2. Addition

3. Addition

4. Omission

5. Omission

6. Omission

7. Omission

8. Omission

9. Word order

10. Omission

11. Word order

12. Omission

13. Verb tense

14. Punctuation

15. Omission

16. Word choice

AnisAzkiya, she is my

best friend, she live at

H. Mawistreet. She was

born in Tasik, 20th


March 2001, she is

thirteen years old. She is

my classmate. Anis has

long hair, medium nose,

medium height, large

eyes, oval and pretty

face. She likes avocado

juice. She afraidwith

dog. Herhobby is

reading book andreading


1. Interlingual

2. Interlingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Context of


7. Context of


8. Context of


9. Intralingual

10. Intralingual

11. Interlingual

12. Interlingual

13. Intralingual

14. Intralingual

15. Intralingual

16. Intralingual


Hello, my name is

PutriSafira. I _(1) thirteen

years old, I school (2) of

(3) SMP Muhammadiyah

37 Parung. I was born in

Bogor20(4) November

2000, I live at jln.(5) H.

MawiBj. Indah. My hobby

is swimming,read (6)

magazine (7) etc. I like

vegetable but I dislike

garlic. I have best friend,

her _ (7) is Erina,

they(8)_(9) good friend for


1. Addition

2. Word choice

3. Word choice

4. Omission

5. Word choice

6. Verb tense

7. Addition

8. Word choice

9. Addition

Hello, my name is

PutriSafira. I am thirteen

years old, Istudy in SMP

Muhammadiyah 37

Parung. I was born in

Bogor 20th

of November

2000, I live at H. Mawi

street Bj. Indah. My

hobby is swimming,

reading magazineand

etc. I like vegetable but I

dislike garlic. I have best

friend, her name is

Erina, she is good friend

for me.

1. Intralingual

2. Context of


3. Interlingual

4. Interlingual

5. Interlingual

6. Intralingual

7. Intralingual

8. Context of


9. Interlingual


My father’s name is

Mujafarudin. He was born

41 years ago. Job my

father (1) is taylor. He is

long (2), but no too long

(3). He is little(4)fat. (5)

And (6)he is hold. He has

got (7)short black straight

hair(8). He hasgot(9)

brown skin, but not too

brown(10). He is


He never stop (11)to

support me. He alwaysgive

some fine solutions when I

have some problems. He

always follow all me(12)

willing. I very (13)love my


1. Word choice

2. Word choice

3. Omission

4. Word choice

5. Punctuation

6. Capitalization

7. Omission

8. Word order

9. Omission

10. Omission

11. Verb tense

12. Word choice

13. Word order

My father’s name is

Mujafarudin. He was

born 41 years ago. My

father’s job is taylor. He

is tall. He is fat enough

and he is hold. He has

short straight black

hair, brown skin, He is


He never stops to

support me. He gives

some fine solutions

when I have some

problems. He always

follows all my willing. I

love my fathervery


1. Interlingual

2. Intralingual

3. Interlingual

4. Interlingual

5. Intralingual

6. Interlingual

7. Intralingual

8. Intralingual

9. Intralingual

10. Interlingual

11. Intralingual

12. Context of


13. Interlingual


My father is hard work (1)

person. His _(2) 41 years

old. He has got(3)brown

skin, hehair (4)(5)

short,he_(6) tall,

he(7)colour eyes (8) are

black, he(9) little (10)

fat,but he_(11) very patient

to my familyand he is


1. Verb tense

2. Word choice

3. Omission

4. Word choice

5. Addition

6. Addition

7. Word choice

8. Word order

9. Addition

10. Word choice

11. Addition

12. Punctuation

My father is hard

working person. He is

41 years old. He has

brown skin, his hairis

short, he is tall, his eyes

colours are black, he

isfatenough, buthe is

very patient to my family

and he is old.

1. Intralingual

2. intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Context of


5. Interlingual

6. Interlingual

7. Interlingual

8. Interlingual

9. Interlingual

10. Interlingual

11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual


My mother’s name is

Salamah. She was born 39

years ago. She is

short,she(1) still young.

1. Addition

2. Omission

3. Word order

4. Addition

My mother’s name is

Salamah. She was born

39 years ago. She is

short, she is still young.

1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

She has got(2) short black

straight hair.(3) And she

(4)_ very beautiful.

My father’s name is Edi

Kusnadi. She(5) was born

40 years ago. He is high,

but not too fat. He is a

little(6) old. He is (7)

hairbegin (8) white, and he

is very strong.

5. Word choice

6. Word choice

7. Word choice

8. Word choice

She has short straight

black hair and she is

very beautiful.

My father’s name is Edi

Kusnadi. He was born 40

years ago. He is high,

but not too fat. He is old

enough. His hair is

white, and he is very


5. Interlingual

6. Context of


7. Intralingual

8. Interlingual


The zoo is place(1)

recreation etc (2) there is _

Indonesia. Stay in

Jakarta, and the zoo this

very wide(3).

The zoo this very

crowded pay a visit

people. (4)

Various animal kind

there is here as monkey,

elephant, lion, and giraffe

(5). The zoo (6)

openedenough times


I am very happy when

recreation to place this.(9)

1. Addition

2. Punctuation

3. Meaning not clear

4. Meaning not clear

5. Meaning not clear

6. Addition

7. Omission

8. Addition

9. Word order

The zoo is place of

recreation, etc. There is

in Indonesia. ???


The zoo is opened at

08.00-16.00 p.m.

I am very happy when

recreation to this place.

1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Communication


4. Comunication


5. Communication


6. Intralingual

7. Interlingual

8. Intralingual

9. Interlingual


My friend always there is

(1)to me. We alwaysto

other (2) proper one

family. My friend _(3)

beautiful, little(4) high,

andhair long

(5)own(6).They always to

dress who pollite.(7) My

friend never stops to

1. Omission

2. Word choice

3. Addition

4. Omission

5. Word choice

6. Omission

7. Meaning not clear

8. Word choice

9. Omission

My friend always there

to me. We always

together proper one

family. My friend is

beautiful, rather high,

and long hair.????

My friend never stops to

support me. She always

consoles me with joke

1. Intralingual

2. Interlingual

3. Intralingual

4. Context of


5. Context of


6. Interlingual

7. Communication

support me. They (8)

always to(9)console (10)

me with to (11) joke

moment (12) me (13) sad.

Sad me uneasy they to

give much solution (14)

10. Verb tense

11. Meaning not clear

12. Word choice

13. Word choice

14. Meaning not clear

when I am sad. ??? strategy

8. Interlingual

9. Interlingual

10. Intralingual

11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual

13. Context of


14. Communication



My mother is Nurhasanah,

she was born on December,

_ (1)short hair, white skin,

tall, but no too tall(2). She

is an incredible woman I

have ever met, she was (3)

the one who taught (4) me

always to do good (5) and

she was the one who

always taught me (6)how

to be polite to other.


mother,(7)’’never lazy to

study, because the science

that make(8) you

succesfull’’. I love u mom.

1. Addition

2. omission

3. Word form

4. Verb tense

5. Addition

6. Omission

7. Verb tense

8. Verb tense

My mother is

Nurhasanah, she was

born on

December,shehas short

hair, white skin, and tall.

She is an incredible

woman who I have ever

met, she is the one who

teach me to do good

thing and how to be

polite to other. Mother

reminds’’ never lazy to

study, because the

science that makes you

successful’’. I love u


1. Interlingual

2. Interlingual

3. intralingual

4. intralingual

5. Interlingual

6. Interlingual

7. Interlingual

8. Intralingual


My name is Rismafauziah.

I (1) (2)callher (3)Risma. I

was born in Bogor 13 (4)

march 2001. I is (5) the

two(6)child, I live in

Parung, Bogor. I _ (7)13

years old. I school(8) in

SMP Muhammadiyah 37

Parung. My hobby (9)

badminton. I have medium

1. Word choice

2. Addition

3. Word choice

4. Addition

5. Word choice

6. Word choice

7. Addition

8. Word choice

9. Addition

10. Addition

My name is

Rismafauziah. You can

call me Risma. I was

born in Bogor 13thof

march 2001. I am the

second child, I live in

Parung, Bogor. I am

thirteen years old. I

study in SMP

Muhammadiyah 37

1. Interlingual

2. Interlingual

3. Interlingual

4. Interlingual

5. Intralingual

6. Intralingual

7. Intralingual

8. Interlingual

9. Intralingual

10. Interlingual

height, curly _ ,(10) circle

brown eyes, medium nose.

I like avocado juice, _ (11)

I dislike cat.

11. Addition

Parung. My hobby is

badminton. I have

medium height,

curlyhair, circle brown

eyes, medium nose. I

like avocado juice,and I

dislike cat.

11. Intralingual


IntanSuprihatini and

Ekahardianti, I call her

(1)Intan and Eka. She(2)

is(3)my best friend(4).

They live of (5)Parung,

Bogor. Intan _ (6) 13 years

old, Eka _ (7)13 years old,

Intan has long hair, brown

eyes, medium height,

teenager age. Eka has black

hair, round face, brown

eyes, medium height,

hobby Intan (8) _(9)

swimming, Eka _(10)(11)

badminton, Intan like


like(14)jeruk (15), Intan

dislike (16)dog, Eka dislike

(17) avocado, (18)I hope

she’ll (19)always stay of

(20) my best friend(21).

1. Word choice

2. Word choice

3. Word choice

4. Singular-plural

5. Word choice

6. Addition

7. Addition

8. Word choice

9. Addition

10. Addition

11. Addition

12. Verb tense

13. Spelling

14. Verb tense

15. Word choice

16. Verb tense

17. Verb tense

18. Punctuation

19. Word choice

20. Word choice

21. Singular-plural

IntanSuprihatini and

Ekahardianti, I call them

Intan and Eka. They are

my best friends. They

live in Parung, Bogor.

Intan is thirteen years old

and Eka also. Intan has

long hair, brown eyes,

medium height, teenager

age. Eka has black hair,

round face, brown eyes,

medium height, Intan’s

hobby is swimming,

Eka’s hobby is

badminton, Intan likes

strawberry, Eka likes

orange, Intan dislikes

dog,and Eka dislikes

avocado, I hope they will

always be my


1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Intralingual

7. Intralingual

8. Interlingual

9. Interlingual

10. Interlingual

11. Interlingual

12. Intralingual

13. Interlingual

14. Intralingual

15. Interlingual

16. Intralingual

17. Intralingual

18. Intralingual

19. Intralingual

20. Interlingual

21. Intralingual


My grand mother is a

beautiful person (1) she (2)

61 years old. She is very

old, but she always

beautiful, she has got(3)

brown skin, she eyes colour

are (4) black (5) she

(6)short (7)she has

1. Punctuation

2. Addition

3. Omission

4. Word choice

5. Punctuation

6. Omission

7. Punctuation

8. Omission

My grand mother is a

beautiful person, she is

61 years old. She is very

old, but she always

beautiful, she has brown

skin, black eyes, and

short straight hair.

1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Interlingual

5. Intralingual

6. Interlingual

7. Interlingual

8. Interlingual

got(8)(9)short straight hair. 9. Addition

9. Intralingual


Wasilahalfadillah, she is

my best friend, she live at

jln.(1)H. MawiBojong

Indah. She was born in

Bogor15(2) March 2001.

She _(3) thirteen years old,

she is my classmate and _

(4) leader (5) class, (6)Dilla

has a(7)long hair, she has

(8) medium nose, she has

(9) tall, she has (10)small

eyes, teenager, she has

(11)face triangle,(12)she

has (13)face pretty,(14)

(15) smart. She like (16)

avocado juice but I don’t

know _ (17) she dislike

(18). She hobby (19) is

reading book and cooking.

I hope they (20) always

stay (21) of (22) my best


1. Word choice

2. Addition

3. Addition

4. Addition

5. Addition

6. Punctuation

7. Omission

8. Omission

9. Omission

10. Omission

11. Omission

12. Word order

13. Omission

14. Word order

15. Addition

16. verb tense

17. Addition

18. Verb tense

19. Word choice

20. Word choice

21. Word choice

22. Omission

Wasilahalfadillah, she is

my best friend, she live

a. H. Mawi streetBojong

Indah. She was born in

Bogor15thofMarch 2001.

She is thirteen years old,

my classmate and the

leader of class. Dillahas

long hair, medium nose,

tall, small eyes, teenager,

triangle face, pretty face,

and smart. She likes

avocado juice but I don’t

know what she dislikes.

Her hobbies are reading

book and cooking. I

hope she always be my

best friend.

1. Interlingual

2. Interlingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Intralingual

7. Intralingual

8. Intralingual

9. Intralingual

10. Intralingual

11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual

13. Intralingual

14. Interlingual

15. Intralingual

16. Intralingual

17. Interlingual

18. Intralingual

19. Intralingual

20. Interlingual

21. Interlingual

22. Interlingual


My mother is a beautiful

person. You( 1)(2) humble

(3) kind (4) pleasant (5)

honest. He (6) eyes color

are white and her color skin

(7) yellow brow and she

has a beautiful smile. A

good example _(8)she likes

her house to been (9) clean

and sweep.(10) She always

has a smile on her face(11).

She_ (12) so sweet and

1. Word choice

2. Addition

3. Punctuation

4. Punctuation

5. Addition

6. Word choice

7. Addition

8. Punctuation

9. Verb tense

10. Word order

11. Omission

12. Addition

My mother is a beautiful

person. She is humble,

kind, pleasant, and

honest. Her eyes color

are white and her colour

skin is yellow brow and

she has a beautiful smile.

A good example, she

likes to clean and sweep

her house. She always

has a smile. She is so

sweet, ???

1. Context of


2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Context of


7. Intralingual

8. Intralingual

9. Interlingual

10. Interlingual

lovely simple all her


13. Meaning not clear 11. Interlingual

12. Intralingual

13. Communication



Elin is one of SMK

students at (1) the (2)

Bogor _ (3) she is from

Bogor (4)she grew up (5)

in Indonesia and she is 17

years old. There are five

people inhis(6) family, a

father, a mother, one sister

and two brother(7). She is

the youngest in she (8)

his(9)family _ (10)she is

also the only girl in his (11)


1. Word choice

2. Omission

3. Punctuation

4. Punctuation

5. Verb tense

6. Word choice

7. Singular plural

8. Omission

9. Word choice

10. Punctuation

11. Word choice

Elin is one of SMK

students in Bogor, she is

from Bogor. She grow

up in Indonesia and

seventeen years old.

There are five people in

her family, a father, a

mother, one sister and

two brothers. She is the

youngest and the only

daughter in her family.

1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Interlingual

7. Intralingual

8. Intralingual

9. Interlingual

10. Intralingual

11. Interlingual


Dilla is my best friend _

(1)her smart _ (2) beautiful

_ (3)and good,(4) she is(5)

curly hair but not curly.(6)

She is good(7), she is 13

years old on

13(8)maret(9)2014. Her

eye (10) color (11) _ (12)

light brown, (12)she

always smile although his

heart was(13) sad. I really

like the spirit of him(14)to

learn (15)it mush(16) me a

sample of it (17)

1. Punctuation

2. Word choice

3. Punctuation

4. Word choice

5. Word choice

6. Omission

7. Omission

8. Addition

9. Word choice

10. Singular - plural

11. Spelling

12. Punctuation

13. Omission

14. Word choice

15. Verb tense

16. Spelling

17. Omission

Dilla is my best friend,

she is smart, beautiful

and kind. She has curly

hair. She is thirteen years

old on 13th of March

2014. Her eyescolour

are light brown.

She always smiles

although his heart sad. I

really like the spirit of

her in learning; it must

be a good example.

1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Context of


5. Intralingual

6. Interlingual

7. Interlingual

8. Interlingual

9. Interlingual

10. Intralingual

11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual

13. Intralingual

14. Interlingual

15. Intralingual

16. interlingual

17. interlingual


My mother is beautiful

person. _(1) Short hair,

(2)skin white, her weight

(3)47 (4), she always take

care of her family, her

work (5) sales marketing in

furniture (6).Her remember

always smile (7). Her eye

(8) (9)brown, tall,

(10)kind,(11)I love you

mom _ (12) because she is

a good example.

1. Addition

2. Word order

3. Addition

4. Addition

5. Addition

6. Addition

7. Meaning not clear

8. Addition

9. Addition

10. Addition

11. Punctuation

12. Punctuation

My mother is beautiful.

She has short hair, white

skin, her weight is 47

kilograms, and she

always take care of her

family, her work is sales

marketing in furniture

company. She always

smiles. Her eyes are

brown, tall, and kind. I

love you mom, because

she is a good example.

1. Interlingual

2. Interlingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Interlingual

7. Interlingual

8. Intralingual

9. Intralingual

10. Intralingual

11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual


My family has four

members: those (1)are I,

my sisters and my mom of

course (2), (3) my mother

is 43 years old (4) her name

_(5)Annisa, she’s(6) thin-

faced and she’s (7) got (8)

long (9).(10) Blond hair

(11)(12)beautiful green

eyes. I have 2 older

sister(13), Ulfa and Dian.

I like spageti(14), pizza,

salad, pop corn, chicken

pillet (15), I dislike durian,

beef,_ (16)cow _(17)

I really like cat because _

(18)cute, beautiful, and

always make me smile.

1. Word choice

2. Word order

3. Punctuation

4. Punctuation

5. Addition

6. Word choice

7. Omission

8. Omission

9. Word choice

10. Punctuation

11. Punctuation

12. Addition

13. Singular-plural

14. Spelling

15. Spelling

16. Addition

17. Punctuation

18. Addition

My family has four

members: they aremy

sisters, my mom of

course and I. My

mother is 43 years old,

her nameisAnnisa, she

has thin face, tall,

blond hair, and

beautiful green eyes. I

have 2 older sisters, Ulfa

and Dian.

I like spaghetti, pizza,

salad, pop corn, and

chicken fillet. I dislike

durian, beef, and cow.

I really like cat


beautiful, and always

make me smile.

1. Interlingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Intralingual

5. Intralingual

6. Intralingual

7. Interlingual

8. Intralingual

9. Interlingual

10. Intralingual

11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual

13. Intralingual

14. Interlingual

15. Interlingual

16. Intralingual

17. Intralingual

18. Interlingual


My mother say(1) for me :

my daughter _

(2)AvriBervan is beautiful

person. She’s (3)short hair,

her eyes colour are like

1. Verb tense

2. punctuation

3. Word choice

4. Omission

5. Omission

My mother says for me:

my daughter,AvriBervan

is beautiful person. She

has short hair, her eyes

colour are like honey and

1. Intralingual

2. Intralingual

3. Intralingual

4. Interlingual

5. Interlingual

honey and her color (4)skin

color (5) (6)light brown,

she’s daughter stand (7)

alone, her weight (8) 38

(9), she is very lovely,

friendly, patient, and she

lover (10) to help people.

She have (11)longing for

want to be a (12) success.

She is(13) always smile on

her face (14). She always

give me a kiss before goes

to school.

6. Addition

7. Omission

8. Addition

9. Addition

10. Word choice

11. Singular plural

12. Omission

13. Omission

14. Omission

her skin is light brown,

she’s daughter alone, her

weight is38 kilograms,

she is very lovely,

friendly, patient, and she

likes to help people. She

has longing for want to

be success. She always

smile. She always give

me a kiss before goes to


6. Intralingual

7. Context of


8. Intralingual

9. Intralingual

10. Context of


11. Intralingual

12. Intralingual

13. Intralingual

14. Interlingual